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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Ondersoek na die behoefte aan ouerbegeleiding by moeders van kleuters in die Frankfort-landdrosdistrik (Afrikaans)

Venter, Barbara Helena 12 March 2004 (has links)
This research is directed at mothers of toddlers in the Frankfort magisterial district. The objective of the study is to determine whether mothers with toddlers display a need for parental guidance. Data have been collected and a theoretical framework has been constructed by means of a literature study and communication with experts. An empirical study has been conducted by involving forty-five mothers (respondents) of toddlers in the Frankfort magisterial district. Scientific and technological knowledge have been acquired by means of applied research. A questionnaire, designed by the researcher, was used to collect data. The following research question was posed: Does a need for parental guidance exist amongst mothers with toddlers in the Frankfort magisterial district? The conclusions and recommendations of the study focus on achieving the objectives and aims. Once the data had been analysed and processed, it became very clear that a need for formal parental guidance does exist amongst mothers in the Frankfort magisterial district. Mothers have indicated a need for additional knowledge and information regarding the cognitive, emotional, social and physical development of their toddlers in order to selfpromote aspects of the development of toddlers. Parental guidance modi are under-utilized, and mothers have expressed that factors such as their geographical location, long distances and the inaccessibility of formal parental guidance, prevent them from utilizing parental guidance. / Dissertation (MSD (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

Kwantitatiewe beskrywende studie na die houding van verpleeglundiges teenoor terminasies van swangerskap binne king se sisteem teorie

Truter, Anso 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe the nurses‘ perception of termination of pregnancy and her perception of her conduct towards clients that request termination of pregnancy guided by Kings‘ Systems Approach and Goal Attainment Theory. A non-experimental quantitative descriptive correlational design was used. A non-probability purposive sampling method was used consisting of institutions in the Western Cape, available to participate in this study, which deliver termination of pregnancy services, gov ernment health care institutions (21) and Marie Stopes clinics (3). Non-probability convenience sampling was used consisting of registered nurses who are working in termination of pregnancy units in these facilities (N=82). Data were collected through the administration of a self-designed questionnaire. The main findings of the study indicate that respondents (personal system) appear to feel positive about the work they are doing. Formal improvement and development are however not utilised optimally. Regarding the interpersonal system, respondents also show a positive orientation to both the woman opting for termination of pregnancy and the foetus. The potential towards transaction and ultimately goal attainment reside within this system. The respondents are also positive about legislation, employers and policies (social system) relating to termination of pregnancy. This orientation creates a milieu that is conducive to transactions, interactions and goal attainment.The main recommendation is that three systems as proposed by King be continuously integrated within the termination of pregnancy setup through, amongst other measures: values clarification, management support, in service education, the inclusion of termination of pregnancy in undergraduate programmes, focus groups and the like. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verpleegkundige se persepsie van terminasie van swangerskap en haar persepsie van haar houding en gedrag teenoor kliёnte wat terminasie van swangerskap versoek, aan die hand van King se Sisteembenadering en Doelwitbereikingsteorie te ondersoek en te beskryf. `n Nie-eksperimentele kwantitatiewe beskrywende korrelasie navorsingsontwerp was gebruik. `n Nie-waarskynlike doelbewuste-steekproefneming van die staatsgesondheidsorg-instansies wat terminasie van swangerskapdienste aanbied, is geneem en wat beskikbaar vir hierdie studie was (21) asook die Marie Stopesdienste (3), in die Wes-Kaap. `n Nie-waarskynlike gerieflikheidsteekproefneming is van verpleegkundiges geneem wat swangerskappe in hierdie afdelings termineer of moet termineer (N=82). Data is met behulp van `n selfontwerpte vraelys ingesamel. Die hoofbevindings van die studie dui daarop dat respondente (persoonlike sisteem) positief voel oor hul werk. Formele ontwikkelingshulpbronne word egter nie optimaal deur die sisteem benut nie. Wat die interpersoonlike sisteem betref, toon respondente ook ‗n positiewe oriëntasie tot beide die vrou wat terminasie van swangerskap aanvra en die fetus. Die potensiaal tot transaksie-sluiting en uiteindelike doelwitbereiking is binne hierdie sisteem geleë. Die respondente is ook positief oor wetgewing en die werkgewer en beleid (sosiale siteem) ten opsigte van terminasie van swangerskap. Hierdie oriëntering laat ‗n milieu wat bevorderlik is vir transaksie-sluiting, interaksie en doelwitbereiking. Die hoofaanbeveling is dat voortdurend gepoog moet word na die integrasie van King se drie sisteme binne die terminasie van swangerskapafdelings deur onder meer: waarde-uitklaringswerkswinkels, ondersteuning van bestuur, indiensopleiding, die insluiting van terminasie van swangerskap in voorgraadse kurrikula, fokusgroepe en so meer. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Gesondheidstudies)

Voorkoms van stres by huismoeders in diens van 'n kinderhuis

Erasmus, Magdalena 11 1900 (has links)
The research posed two questions, namely (a) how much stress, if any, is experienced by house mothers in a childrens' home, and (b) which factors cause such stress. The methodology employed is descriptive research. It covered the total population of ten house mothers in a childres' home. Measuring instruments employed were; the Heimler scale for Social Functioning, the Glazer Stress Control Life Style Questionnaire, the Stress Questionnaire, and a self-formulated questionnaire. The results are as follows: 70% reported average to high stress, but are inclined to deny stress. 30% reported normal stress levels, Possible causes of stress are the work context of the childrens' home, age, period of service, and personality. / Die studie soek antwoorde op twee vrae, naamlik (a) hoeveel sires, indien enige, beleef huismoeders in 'n kinderhuis, en (b) wat veroorsaak sulke sires? Die metode wat gebruik was, is beskrywende navorsing. Die totale populasie van tien huismoeders in die spesifieke kinderhuis is betrek. Die klein omvang maak hierdie studie nie veralgemeenbaar nie. Die volgende meetinstrumente is benut ; die Heimlerskaal vir Maatskaplike Funksionering, die "Glazer Stress Control Life Style Questionnaire'', die "Stress Questionnaire", en 'n selfgeformuleerde vraelys. Die resultate is soos volg: 70% van die huismoeders in die studie vermeld gemiddelde tot hoe mates van stres, maar is geneig om stres te ontken. Dertig persent van die respondente vermeld normale hoeveelhede stres. Moontlike oorsake van sires is aangetoon as: die werkskonteks binne die kinderhuis, ouderdom, tydperk van diens, en persoonlikheid / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work: Mental Health)

Kwantitatiewe beskrywende studie na die houding van verpleeglundiges teenoor terminasies van swangerskap binne king se sisteem teorie

Truter, Anso 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe the nurses‘ perception of termination of pregnancy and her perception of her conduct towards clients that request termination of pregnancy guided by Kings‘ Systems Approach and Goal Attainment Theory. A non-experimental quantitative descriptive correlational design was used. A non-probability purposive sampling method was used consisting of institutions in the Western Cape, available to participate in this study, which deliver termination of pregnancy services, gov ernment health care institutions (21) and Marie Stopes clinics (3). Non-probability convenience sampling was used consisting of registered nurses who are working in termination of pregnancy units in these facilities (N=82). Data were collected through the administration of a self-designed questionnaire. The main findings of the study indicate that respondents (personal system) appear to feel positive about the work they are doing. Formal improvement and development are however not utilised optimally. Regarding the interpersonal system, respondents also show a positive orientation to both the woman opting for termination of pregnancy and the foetus. The potential towards transaction and ultimately goal attainment reside within this system. The respondents are also positive about legislation, employers and policies (social system) relating to termination of pregnancy. This orientation creates a milieu that is conducive to transactions, interactions and goal attainment.The main recommendation is that three systems as proposed by King be continuously integrated within the termination of pregnancy setup through, amongst other measures: values clarification, management support, in service education, the inclusion of termination of pregnancy in undergraduate programmes, focus groups and the like. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verpleegkundige se persepsie van terminasie van swangerskap en haar persepsie van haar houding en gedrag teenoor kliёnte wat terminasie van swangerskap versoek, aan die hand van King se Sisteembenadering en Doelwitbereikingsteorie te ondersoek en te beskryf. `n Nie-eksperimentele kwantitatiewe beskrywende korrelasie navorsingsontwerp was gebruik. `n Nie-waarskynlike doelbewuste-steekproefneming van die staatsgesondheidsorg-instansies wat terminasie van swangerskapdienste aanbied, is geneem en wat beskikbaar vir hierdie studie was (21) asook die Marie Stopesdienste (3), in die Wes-Kaap. `n Nie-waarskynlike gerieflikheidsteekproefneming is van verpleegkundiges geneem wat swangerskappe in hierdie afdelings termineer of moet termineer (N=82). Data is met behulp van `n selfontwerpte vraelys ingesamel. Die hoofbevindings van die studie dui daarop dat respondente (persoonlike sisteem) positief voel oor hul werk. Formele ontwikkelingshulpbronne word egter nie optimaal deur die sisteem benut nie. Wat die interpersoonlike sisteem betref, toon respondente ook ‗n positiewe oriëntasie tot beide die vrou wat terminasie van swangerskap aanvra en die fetus. Die potensiaal tot transaksie-sluiting en uiteindelike doelwitbereiking is binne hierdie sisteem geleë. Die respondente is ook positief oor wetgewing en die werkgewer en beleid (sosiale siteem) ten opsigte van terminasie van swangerskap. Hierdie oriëntering laat ‗n milieu wat bevorderlik is vir transaksie-sluiting, interaksie en doelwitbereiking. Die hoofaanbeveling is dat voortdurend gepoog moet word na die integrasie van King se drie sisteme binne die terminasie van swangerskapafdelings deur onder meer: waarde-uitklaringswerkswinkels, ondersteuning van bestuur, indiensopleiding, die insluiting van terminasie van swangerskap in voorgraadse kurrikula, fokusgroepe en so meer. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Gesondheidstudies)

Voorkoms van stres by huismoeders in diens van 'n kinderhuis

Erasmus, Magdalena 11 1900 (has links)
The research posed two questions, namely (a) how much stress, if any, is experienced by house mothers in a childrens' home, and (b) which factors cause such stress. The methodology employed is descriptive research. It covered the total population of ten house mothers in a childres' home. Measuring instruments employed were; the Heimler scale for Social Functioning, the Glazer Stress Control Life Style Questionnaire, the Stress Questionnaire, and a self-formulated questionnaire. The results are as follows: 70% reported average to high stress, but are inclined to deny stress. 30% reported normal stress levels, Possible causes of stress are the work context of the childrens' home, age, period of service, and personality. / Die studie soek antwoorde op twee vrae, naamlik (a) hoeveel sires, indien enige, beleef huismoeders in 'n kinderhuis, en (b) wat veroorsaak sulke sires? Die metode wat gebruik was, is beskrywende navorsing. Die totale populasie van tien huismoeders in die spesifieke kinderhuis is betrek. Die klein omvang maak hierdie studie nie veralgemeenbaar nie. Die volgende meetinstrumente is benut ; die Heimlerskaal vir Maatskaplike Funksionering, die "Glazer Stress Control Life Style Questionnaire'', die "Stress Questionnaire", en 'n selfgeformuleerde vraelys. Die resultate is soos volg: 70% van die huismoeders in die studie vermeld gemiddelde tot hoe mates van stres, maar is geneig om stres te ontken. Dertig persent van die respondente vermeld normale hoeveelhede stres. Moontlike oorsake van sires is aangetoon as: die werkskonteks binne die kinderhuis, ouderdom, tydperk van diens, en persoonlikheid / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work: Mental Health)

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