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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How are Central Causes of Vertigo Distinguished from Peripheral Causes of Vertigo?

Wallace, Rick L. 01 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Vertigo, a teoria artística de Alfred Hitchcock e seus desdobramentos no cinema moderno / Vertigo, Alfred Hitchcock\'s artistic theory and its extensions in modern cinema

Oliveira Júnior, Luiz Carlos Gonçalves de 24 April 2015 (has links)
A tese investiga a recorrência do filme Um corpo que cai (Vertigo, 1958), de Alfred Hitchcock, como esquema matricial de uma reflexão meta-artística que, tomando como objeto a própria imagem (cinematográfica, pictórica, fotográfica, digital), atravessa toda a história moderna do cinema. Depois de definir e analisar a teoria artística proposta por Vertigo, a tese verifica os desdobramentos dessa teoria em uma série de filmes realizados desde o começo da década de 1960 até os anos 2000. Dentre os filmes analisados se acham La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962), Blow up (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966), Trágica obsessão (Obsession, Brian De Palma, 1975), Special Effects (Larry Cohen, 1984), Síndrome mortal (La Sindrome di Stendhal, Dario Argento, 1996), Estrada perdida (Lost Highway, David Lynch, 1997), A prisioneira (La captive, Chantal Akerman, 2000) e Na cidade de Sylvia (En la ciudad de Sylvia, José Luis Guerín, 2007). / The thesis investigates the recurrence of Alfred Hitchcock\'s Vertigo (1958) as the matrix scheme of a meta-artistic reflection that crosses all the modern history of cinema. It includes a series of films whose subject is the image itself (cinematographic, pictorial, photographic, as well as digital image). After defining and analyzing the artistic theory proposed by Vertigo, the thesis verifies the developments of this theory in many modern and contemporary films made since the beginning of the 1960\'s. Among the films analyzed one will find La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962), Blow up (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966), Obsession (Brian De Palma, 1975), Special Effects (Larry Cohen, 1984), The Stendhal Syndrome (Dario Argento, 1996), Lost Highway (David Lynch, 1997), La captive (Chantal Akerman, 2000), and In the city of Sylvia (En la ciudad de Sylvia, José Luis Guerín, 2007).

Vertigo, a teoria artística de Alfred Hitchcock e seus desdobramentos no cinema moderno / Vertigo, Alfred Hitchcock\'s artistic theory and its extensions in modern cinema

Luiz Carlos Gonçalves de Oliveira Júnior 24 April 2015 (has links)
A tese investiga a recorrência do filme Um corpo que cai (Vertigo, 1958), de Alfred Hitchcock, como esquema matricial de uma reflexão meta-artística que, tomando como objeto a própria imagem (cinematográfica, pictórica, fotográfica, digital), atravessa toda a história moderna do cinema. Depois de definir e analisar a teoria artística proposta por Vertigo, a tese verifica os desdobramentos dessa teoria em uma série de filmes realizados desde o começo da década de 1960 até os anos 2000. Dentre os filmes analisados se acham La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962), Blow up (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966), Trágica obsessão (Obsession, Brian De Palma, 1975), Special Effects (Larry Cohen, 1984), Síndrome mortal (La Sindrome di Stendhal, Dario Argento, 1996), Estrada perdida (Lost Highway, David Lynch, 1997), A prisioneira (La captive, Chantal Akerman, 2000) e Na cidade de Sylvia (En la ciudad de Sylvia, José Luis Guerín, 2007). / The thesis investigates the recurrence of Alfred Hitchcock\'s Vertigo (1958) as the matrix scheme of a meta-artistic reflection that crosses all the modern history of cinema. It includes a series of films whose subject is the image itself (cinematographic, pictorial, photographic, as well as digital image). After defining and analyzing the artistic theory proposed by Vertigo, the thesis verifies the developments of this theory in many modern and contemporary films made since the beginning of the 1960\'s. Among the films analyzed one will find La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962), Blow up (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966), Obsession (Brian De Palma, 1975), Special Effects (Larry Cohen, 1984), The Stendhal Syndrome (Dario Argento, 1996), Lost Highway (David Lynch, 1997), La captive (Chantal Akerman, 2000), and In the city of Sylvia (En la ciudad de Sylvia, José Luis Guerín, 2007).

Modifications des stratégies sensori-motrices de l'équilibration en fonction du type d'exercice et de perturbations de l'homéostasie / Changes in sensory-motor strategies of balance in function of the type of exercise and homeostasic perturbations

Lion, Alexis 13 December 2010 (has links)
L'exercice permet l'acquisition et l'intégration de nouvelles habiletés motrices propres à la nature de l'activité considérée. L'exercice est également un facteur de risque de lésions et semble altérer temporairement la fonction d'équilibration. Cependant, les mécanismes physiologiques et physiopathologiques et leurs conséquences sur la fonction d'équilibration sont encore mal connus. Ce travail, pour lequel le cyclisme a été utilisé comme modèle neurosensoriel, visait à évaluer les éventuelles modifications des stratégies sensori-motrices physiologiques et compensatoires de la fonction d'équilibration en fonction du type d'exercice et de perturbations de l'homéostasie.Les stratégies sensori-motrices de routiers et de vététistes et celles des effets d'une déshydratation induite par un exercice ont été évaluées par posturographie. De plus, la prévalence de vertiges après compétitions ou entraînements a été évaluée par questionnaire chez des routiers et des descendeurs (spécialistes du vélo tout terrain descente). Pour assurer la fonction d'équilibration, les vététistes, qui pratiquaient le plus de VTT, utilisaient principalement les informations proprioceptives. Les routiers et les vététistes, qui pratiquaient le plus le cyclisme sur route, utilisaient davantage les informations visuelles. La déshydratation induite par l'exercice altérait temporairement le contrôle postural. Plus la déshydratation était importante, moins les informations vestibulaires étaient requises. Les vertiges survenaient couramment après la pratique du cyclisme et, en particulier, en VTT descente. L'épuisement a été rapporté comme un déterminant important des vertiges en cyclisme sur route alors que les accélérations-décélérations brusques et les chutes ont été rapportées comme déterminants des vertiges en VTT descente.La différence d'organisation sensorielle entre les vététistes et les routiers peut être expliquée par des processus adaptatifs élaborés à partir des stimulations environnementales et des spécificités techniques de ces disciplines. Bien que la fatigue musculaire puisse expliquer les altérations posturales à la suite d'un exercice, les modifications de l'homéostasie des liquides vestibulaires peuvent également diminuer le poids de l'information vestibulaire dans la régulation de l'équilibration. Les mécanismes physiopathologiques générant des vertiges peuvent être liés à des modifications homéostatiques induites par l'effort en cyclisme sur route. En VTT descente, les accélérations-décélérations (incluant les chutes), auxquelles la tête est soumise, peuvent générer des dysfonctionnements des structures vestibulaires, en particulier des organes otolithiques / Exercise leads to the acquisition and the integration of new motor skills specific for the type of practiced activity. Exercise is also a risk factor for injuries and seems to transiently alter the balance function. Nevertheless, physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms and their consequences on balance function still remain unclear. This work, which used cycling as a neurosensory model, aimed to evaluate the possible changes of physiological and compensatory balance-related sensory-motor strategies in function of the type of exercise and homeostatic perturbations. Road cyclists? (RCs) and mountain bikers? (MTBs) sensory-motor strategies were evaluated by posturography as well as the effects of exercise-related dehydration. Moreover, the prevalence of vertigo after competitions or training sessions was investigated by a questionnaire in RCs and downhill mountain bikers (MTBsDh).Balance-related visual information was better used by RCs and MTBs, who mainly practised road cycling. Somesthetic information was better used in MTB, who mainly practiced mountain biking. Exercise-related dehydration transiently altered postural control. The more severe the dehydration, the lower was the use of vestibular information. Vertigo commonly occurred after the practice of cycling, particularly in downhill mountain biking. Exhaustion was reported as a crucial factor for vertigo by RCs, whereas for MTBs it was sudden accelerations-decelerations and falls.The difference in sensory organisation between MTB and RC could be explained by adaptive processes elaborated from environmental stimulations and technical specificities of these disciplines. Even though muscular fatigue could explain the exercise-induced alterations of postural performances, vestibular fluid modifications may also be involved by their influence on intralabyrinthine homeostasis, lowering thus the contribution of vestibular information on balance control. The pathophysiological mechanisms generating vertigo might be an effort-related disturbance of homeostasis in RCs. In MTBsDh, the accelerations-decelerations (including falls), to which the head is subjected, might generate dysfunction of peripheral vestibular structures, particularly the otolith organs

Vertiges de la prémonition : effractions de l'avenir dans les dispositifs de temporalité de Maeterlinck au surréalisme / The vertigo of premonition : intrusions of future in the temporality apparatuses from Maeterlinck to surrealism

Caralp, Jean-Michel 19 November 2012 (has links)
La prémonition occupe une place majeure dans l'œuvre de Maeterlinck, de Proust et des surréalistes (Breton, Crevel) alors même que la rationalité positiviste dominante en fin de XIXème siècle conteste son existence. Partant de ce paradoxe, la thèse établit la généalogie esthétique des phénomènes prémonitoires et constate leur négation au plan synchronique par la pensée rationnelle (Freud, Bergson). L'étude écarte les modèles critiques issus du structuralisme inaptes à décrire pleinement le phénomène dans les textes et se dote par contrecoup d'un modèle critique de dispositif de temporalité en étendant la théorie des dispositifs à l'étude du temps. Ainsi elle peut envisager l'articulation dans les œuvres des dispositifs de temporalité entre l'ouvert du réel (ou du Réel) et la réalité représentée. Elle examine alors les phénomènes dynamiques de la prémonition comme des modes de translation entre ces deux plans temporels au cœur de la représentation dramatique ou littéraire. Il s'agit in fine de situer le texte au centre d'un jeu de relations dans lequel les auteurs renégocient le régime de temporalité en pleine mutation vers 1900 et produisent une matrice esthétique du temps destinée au spectateur ou au lecteur; la prémonition, au cœur de ces dispositifs, leur offre de rejouer l'expérience vertigineuse du contact avec l'"autre scène. Replaçant enfin les jeux de relations des dispositifs de temporalité à hauteur des sciences de l'homme (anthropologie et neurobiologie), l'étude revendique dans un troisième plan décrit par la psychanalyse l'espace vital de liberté offert aux créateurs pour conduire leur expérience fondamentale, fondatrice et esthétique d'un temps propre. / Although at the end of the nineteenth century, Positivist rationalism con tests the existence of premonition, it occupies a major place in the productions of Maeterlinck, Proust and the Surrealists (Breton, Crevel). Starting from this paradox, the thesis establishes the genealogy of premonitory phenomena and attests their denial by synchronic rational thinking (Freud, Bergson). The study dismisses the critical patterns belonging to structuralism for being unable to fully describe the phenomenon in the texts and relies instead on the critical concept of temporality apparatus ('di spositif de temporalité') while extending apparatus theory ('théorie des dispositifs') to temporal studies. Thus it becomes possible to explore the connections between the real (or Real) and representations of reality in works. The essay also investigates the dynamic phenomena of premonition as fundamental means of translation between these two temporal planes at the heart of dramatic or literary representation. In conclusion, the text is shown to be a focal point where authors rethink the changes in temporal systems around 1900 and produce these temporal apparatus in order to allow the spectators or reader to experience the vertiginous contact with what Lacan calls the other scene ('l 'autre scène'). Replacing he play of relations within the temporal apparatus in the Human Sciences field (anthropology and neurobiology), this study claims, at a third level described by psychoanalysis, the vital free space offered to creators to conduct their fundamental, original aesthetic experiments in singular time.

The Development of the Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Symptom Impact Questionnaire (BSIQ)

Akin, Faith, Smith, Sherri, Riska, Kristal M., Hall, Courtney D., Sears, Jennifer R., and Speech Lang Pathology, Larkin, A. 01 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Reabilitação vestibular da vertigem postural paroxística benigna de canal posterior em idosos / Vestibular rehabilitation of benign posterior canal postural vertigo in the aged

André, Ana Paula do Rego 15 December 2003 (has links)
A Reabilitação Vestibular (RV) é um programa de tratamento realizado por exercícios, associado a um conjunto de medidas relacionadas à mudança de hábitos e esclarecimentos sobre os sintomas associados à alteração do equilíbrio. É um método de terapia fisiológico, inócuo e coerente, que pretende trabalhar o paciente vertiginoso aliviando os sintomas e aumentando seu limiar de sensibilidade para a vertigem. A Vertigem Postural Paroxística Benigna (VPPB) é a mais comum das vestibulopatias periféricas em adultos, principalmente em idosos do sexo feminino, apresentando como etiologia mais comum a degeneração da mácula utricular. Nos idosos, caracteriza-se por tontura rotatória e nistagmo posicional à mudança de posição da cabeça ou por determinada posição do corpo e, como conseqüência, pode ocorrer quedas e limitações na qualidade de vida dos mesmos, tornando-os limitados físico e emocionalmente. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar prospetivamente a Reabilitação Vestibular como tratamento da VPPB com acometimento de canal semicircular posterior e seu efeito na qualidade de vida em indivíduos idosos. Participaram do estudo 23 voluntários com hipótese diagnóstica otorrinolaringológica de VPPB de canal semicircular posterior por ductolitíase, com faixa etária entre 60 e 91 anos, com média de 70,69 anos e desvio padrão de 9,24. Quanto ao gênero 17 (73,9%) eram do sexo feminino e 6 (26,1%) do masculino. No tratamento da VPPB por meio da reabilitação vestibular em 17 (73,9%) dos voluntários, utilizou-se a manobra de Epley; 6 (26,08%) com manobra de Epley associada ao exercício de Brandt e Daroff . O tempo de tratamento variou de 2 a 6 semanas. Aplicou-se um questionário (Dizziness Handicap Inventory - DHI brasileiro) pré e pós RV para quantificar a tontura quanto aos aspectos: físico, emocional, funcional e geral. Quanto ao aspecto físico, emocional, funcional e geral observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa (p<0,0001) entre os escores pré e pós RV. Concluímos que os escores dos aspectos avaliados no DHI brasileiro melhoraram após intervenção fonoaudiológica pela RV nos pacientes com VPPB de canal semicircular posterior, havendo um incremento na qualidade de vida dos voluntários estudados. / Vestibular rehabilitation is a treatment?s program based on exercises, associated with a factor?s collection related to changing habits and guidance about symptoms associates to unbalance. It is harmless, coherent and physiologic therapy method that intends to work the dizzy patient, relieving the symptoms and increasing his vertigo?s threshold. The Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is the one most frequent adult?s pathologies of the peripheral vestibular?s system. It is caused by the utricle?s degeneration. In aged people, is characterize by vertigo and positional nystagmus provoked by certain cephalic movements or body movements and, as sequelae, can take to falls and life quality restriction, physical and emotional. This study?s purpose was evaluate the Vestibular Rehabilitation in posterior canal?s BPPV?s treatment and its effect in the elderly life?s quality. Twenty three volunteers with BPPV ?s posterior canal?s canalith diagnoses pointed out by otorhinolaryngologist, aged between sixty to ninety one years old, average of 70,69 years and deviation of 9,24. Seventeen volunteers (73,9%) were female and six (26,1%) were male. In BPPV?s treatment by vestibular rehabilitation, thirteen (56,52%) were submitted to Epley maneuver, six (26,08%) used the Epley maneuver associated to Brandt- Daroff exercises and four patients (17,39%) were submitted only to the Brandt- Daroff exercises. The treatment?s time lasted from 2 to 6 weeks. A questionnaire (Dizziness Handicap Inventory Portuguese- DHI Portuguese) was used in order to dizziness quantity in the physical, emotional, functional and general aspects, which was observed a significant statistical difference (p<0,001) between the scores previous and after Vestibular Rehabilitation. Concluding that the aspects? scores evaluated improved after Vestibular Rehabilitation therapy in the posterior canal?s BPPV?s patients, occurring an improvement in volunteers? life quality.

Indivíduos vertiginosos: um estudo comparativo entre a queixa e os achados na vestibulometria / Individuals suffering from vertigo: a comparative study of the complaint and findings in vestibulometry

Figueiredo, Luciane Leite de 31 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:12:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LucianeFigueiredo.pdf: 1388145 bytes, checksum: a12378e7490ffe48ea1021025b84918a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-07-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Scope: To describe the vestibular complaints and/or symptoms found in otoneurological clinical practice and investigate the relationship between these and vestibulometry. Method: A study was performed by retrospective analysis of the medical records of 116 individuals examined in the otoneurological sector of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Audition during the period from January 2004 through November 2005. Results: The findings showed that the sample was comprised of 86 (74.1%) females and 30 (25.9%) males. The age bracket ranged from 18 to 82 years (50 years average). The vestibular evaluation revealed normal results in 66 individuals and altered results in 50. The otoneurological complaints and/or symptoms reported by the individuals were: dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, perspiration, headaches, heaviness in the head and walking disturbances. Among the neurovegetative symptoms, nausea proved to be significant (p=0.004). The analysis of the isolated dizziness/vertigo complaint, in comparison with the variable vestibular exam (normal/altered) did not produce any statistically significant association. On the other hand, when the complaint of vertigo appeared in association with tinnitus, a considerable number of altered exam results were observed. Conclusion: Based on the data gathered, it can be seen that the fact that a patient records a complaint of isolated dizziness/vertigo does not signify that the vestibular exam will necessarily be altered. However, the association of vertigo + tinnitus reveals itself to be indicative of altered exam results. Therefore, a comparison of the clinical history of patients with vestibulometric symptoms is fundamental for establishing the diagnostic hypothesis / Objetivo: Descrever a queixa e/ou os sintomas vestibulares encontrados na clínica otoneurológica e investigar a relação destes com a vestibulometria. Método: Efetuou-se um estudo por meio da análise retrospectiva dos prontuários de 116 sujeitos examinados no setor de otoneurologia do Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Audição no período de janeiro de 2004 a novembro de 2005. Resultados: Os achados mostraram que a amostra foi constituída por 86 (74,1%) sujeitos do sexo feminino e 30 (25,9%) do sexo masculino. A faixa etária variou de 18 e 82 anos (média 50 anos). A avaliação vestibular mostrou resultados normais em 66 sujeitos e resultados alterados em 50. As queixas e/ou sintomas otoneurológicos referidos pelos sujeitos foram: tontura, vertigem, zumbido, náusea, sudorese, cefaléia, peso na cabeça e distúrbios à marcha. Dentre os sintomas neurovegetativos, a náusea apresentou-se bastante significativa (p=0,004). A análise da queixa de tontura/vertigem isolada, em comparação com a variável exame vestibular (normal/alterado), não apresentou associação estatisticamente significante. Por outro lado, quando a queixa de vertigem apareceu associada a zumbido, observou-se um número considerável de exames alterados. Conclusão: Com base nos dados encontrados, verifica-se que o fato de o paciente apresentar queixa de tontura/vertigem isolada não significa que o resultado do exame vestibular estará necessariamente alterado. Todavia, a associação vertigem + zumbido mostra-se sugestiva de exame alterado. Sendo assim, comparar a história clínica dos pacientes com os achados vestibulométricos é fundamental para o estabelecimento da hipótese diagnóstica

Avaliação do funcionamento labiríntico em orelhas com otite média crônica supurativa colesteatomatosa

Seimetz, Bruna Macangnin January 2016 (has links)
A otite média crônica supurativa caracteriza-se como uma condição inflamatória associada a perfurações amplas e persistentes da membrana timpânica. Na otite média crônica supurativa colesteatomatosa, ocorre a presença do colesteatoma na fenda auditiva, sendo este definido como o acúmulo de queratina esfoliada originada de epitélio escamoso queratinizado na orelha média. Dentre as manifestações mais comuns da otite média crônica supurativa colesteatomatosa (OMCSC), encontram-se perda auditiva, otorreia crônica, sangramentos, otalgia, cefaleia e vertigem. A OMCSC pode afetar o equilíbrio corporal, por estar associada a danos funcionais de orelha interna, podendo resultar em alterações de labirinto posterior, que é o responsável pela percepção da posição e do movimento da cabeça no espaço. Objetivos: avaliar o funcionamento labiríntico de orelhas com OMCSC e observar associações com diferentes faixas etárias. Método: estudo transversal, descritivo e comparativo. A amostra estudada foi constituída por um grupo pesquisa, composto por 72 orelhas com OMCSC, e um grupo controle, constituído de 62 orelhas médias normais. Os indivíduos foram submetidos a avaliação otorrinolaringológica, exame videotoscópico digital, anamnese otoneurológica, avaliação audiológica e exame video Head Impulse Test, capaz de detectar déficits vestibulares periféricos, a partir de uma medida objetiva do ganho do reflexo vestíbulo-ocular. Resultados e conclusões: foram encontradas diferenças no funcionamento labiríntico do canal semicircular lateral dos grupos pesquisa e controle, sendo a média do ganho do reflexo vestíbulo-ocular no grupo com OMCSC significativamente menor que nas orelhas normais. Quando analisadas as faixas etárias, o canal semicircular anterior apresentou média de ganho do reflexo significativamente inferior nas orelhas de indivíduos com OMCSC até 18 anos, quando comparado com as orelhas de indivíduos com OMCSC com mais de 18 anos. Em relação à comparação entre os grupos pesquisa e controle por faixa etária, não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos, acima de 18 anos, com OMCSC e normal. Contudo, no grupo com menos de 18 anos, as orelhas com OMCSC apresentaram o canal semicircular posterior significativamente mais alterado que as orelhas normais. / Chronic suppurative otitis media is characterized as an inflammatory condition associated with broad and persistent tympanic membrane perforations. In chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma occurs the presence of cholesteatoma in the middle ear, which is defined as the accumulation of exfoliated keratin originated from squamous keratinized epithelium in the middle ear. The most common manifestations of chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma (CSOMC) is hearing loss, chronic otorrhea, bleeding, ear pain, headache and dizziness. Thus, the CSOMC can affect the body balance, since it is associated with inner ear functional damage and may result in posterior labyrinth changes, which is responsible for the perception of the position and movement of the head in space. Objective: To assess the labyrinthine functioning of CSOMC ears and observe associations with different age groups. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and comparative study. The sample was made up of a research group, composed of 72 ears with CSOMC, and a control group consisting of 62 normal middle ears. The subjects were submitted to ENT examination, digital videotoscópico examination, otoneurological clinical history, audiological evaluation and examination with Video Head Impulse Test, capable of detecting peripheral vestibular deficits from an objective measure of the gain of the vestibular-ocular reflex. Results and conclusions: Differences were found in the labyrinthine functioning of the lateral semicircular canal of the research and control groups, being that the average gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in the group with CSOMC was significantly less than the average gain in normal ears. When analyzed age groups, the anterior semicircular canal presented reflex gain average significantly lower in the ears of individuals with CSOMC under 18 years, when compared to the ears of individuals with CSOMC over 18 years. Regarding the comparison of research and control group by age, there were no differences between the groups with CSOMC and normal group above 18 years. However, in the group under 18 years, the CSOMC ears presented the posterior semicircular canal significantly more altered than the normal ears.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: Assessment and Treatment

Akin, Faith W. 01 October 1998 (has links)
No description available.

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