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Ricerca di Escherichia coli produttori di verocitotossine e definizione di obiettivi di performance nella produzione primaria di alimenti di origine animale / Detection of Escherichia Coli Verotoxigenic and definition of performance objectives during primary production of food of animal originMancusi, Rocco <1984> 19 April 2013 (has links)
La presenza di Escherichia coli produttori di verocitotossine (VTEC o STEC) rappresenta una tra le più importanti cause di malattia alimentare attualmente presenti in Europa. La sua presenza negli allevamenti di animali destinati alla produzione di alimenti rappresenta un importante rischio per la salute del consumatore. In conseguenza di comuni contaminazioni che si realizzano nel corso della macellazione, della mungitura i VTEC possono essere presenti nelle carni e nel latte e rappresentano un grave rischio se la preparazione per il consumo o i processi di lavorazione non comportano trattamenti in grado d’inattivarli (es. carni crude o poco cotte, latte non pastorizzato, formaggi freschi a latte crudo). La contaminazione dei campi coltivati conseguente alla dispersione di letame o attraverso acque contaminate può veicolare questi stipiti che sono normalmente albergati nell’intestino di ruminanti (domestici e selvatici) e anche prodotti vegetali consumati crudi, succhi e perfino sementi sono stati implicati in gravi episodi di malattia con gravi manifestazioni enteriche e complicazioni in grado di causare quadri patologici gravi e anche la morte. Stipiti di VTEC patogeni ingeriti con gli alimenti possono causare sintomi gastroenterici, con diarrea acquosa o emorragica (nel 50% dei casi), crampi addominali, febbre lieve e in una percentuale più bassa nausea e vomito. In alcuni casi (circa 5-10%) l’infezione gastroenterica si complica con manifestazioni tossiemiche caratterizzate da Sindrome Emolitico Uremica (SEU o HUS) con anemia emolitica, insufficienza renale grave e coinvolgimento neurologico o con una porpora trombotica trombocitopenica. Il tasso di mortalità dei pazienti che presentano l’infezione da E. coli è inferiore all’1%. I dati forniti dall’ECDC sulle infezioni alimentari nel periodo 2006-2010 hanno evidenziato un trend in leggero aumento del numero di infezioni a partire dal 2007. L’obiettivo degli studi condotti è quello di valutare la prevalenza ed il comportamento dei VTEC per una analisi del rischio più approfondita. / The presence of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC or STEC) is one of the most important causes of disease food currently present in Europe. Its presence in the breeding of animals for food production is a major risk to the health of the consumer. As a result of common influences that occur during slaughter and milking VTEC can be found in meat and milk and pose a serious risk if the preparation for consumption or processing do not involve treatments in the degree of inactivation (eg. raw meat or undercooked, unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses made from raw milk). The contamination of fields resulting from the dispersion of manure or through contaminated water can carry these strains that are normally present in intestine of ruminants (domestic and wild) and also vegetables eaten raw, juices and even seeds have been implicated in serious cases of enteric disease with severe manifestations and complications can cause serious pathological and even death. VTEC strains ingested with food can cause gastrointestinal symptoms as watery or hemorrhagic diarrhea, abdominal cramps, mild fever and a lower percentage nausea and vomiting. In some cases (about 5-10%) infection is complicated by gastrointestinal manifestations characterized by Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS or HUS) with hemolytic anemia, severe renal and neurological involvement or with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. The mortality rate of patients with infection with E. coli is less than 1%. The data provided by the ECDC on food-borne infections in the period 2006-2010 showed a trend of slight increase in the number of infections from 2007.
The aim of these studies was to evaluate the prevalence and behavior of VTEC for a more in-depth risk analysis.
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Social partnership in the school based vocational education and training system / Socialinė partnerystė mokyklinėje profesinio rengimo sistemojeKaminskienė, Lina 02 December 2008 (has links)
Social partnership, as interaction between the state, employees and employers, functions in all the democratic states. Social partnership became one of the important quality assurance factors in VET, which make influence on the change, innovation and renewal processes in the VET system. On the one hand, social partners have been involved into the identification of the curriculum aims, implementation and evaluation processes; on the other hand, they have been also involved into the VET policy-making.
For Lithuania, with the dominating school-based VET model, it is characteristic that for a long time the interaction between the activity and education systems was influenced by the supply principle: training of specialists was organised according to the decisions and possibilities of the educational system not taking into consideration demands from the labour market. Social dialogue in Lithuania had to be born in extremely difficult situation. Initiatives of social partners were blocked by the centralised system; there was no culture and tradition of social dialogue, labour relations were affected by the soviet regime.
The research problem is defined by still fragmented relations and interaction between the activity and education systems, vocational education and training sub-system, and vocational education and training quality assurance processes, influencing social partnership. The research focuses on the questions of social partnership forms in the school based VET system... [to full text] / Socialinė partnerystė darbdavių, darbuotojų ir valstybės institucijų sąveika – veikia visose demokratinėse valstybėse. Socialinė partnerystė tapo vienu iš svarbių profesinio rengimo kokybės užtikrinimo veiksnių, sąlygojančių kaitos ir atsinaujinimo procesus profesinio rengimo sistemoje. Socialiniai partneriai ne tik įtraukiami į profesinio rengimo turinio tikslų nustatymą, jų įgyvendinimą, pasiekimų ir rezultatų vertinimą, bet ir dalyvauja formuojant profesinio rengimo politiką, administruojant ir organizuojant profesinio rengimo veiklą.
Lietuvoje, kur dominuoja mokyklinis profesinio rengimo modelis, švietimo sistemos ir veiklos pasaulio ryšiai ilgą laiką buvo veikiami pasiūlos principo: specialistai buvo rengiami neatsižvelgiant arba minimaliai atsižvelgiant į veiklos pasaulio poreikius. Socialinis dialogas Lietuvoje turėjo gimti ypatingai sudėtingomis sąlygomis. Viena vertus, socialinių partnerių iniciatyvą stabdė ne tik centralizuotai valdoma profesinio rengimo sistema, žemas profesinio mokymo prestižas, bet ir darbo santykiai, kurių formavimuisi įtakos turėjo sovietinė sistema. Antra vertus, socialinė partnerystė, kaip reiškinys, atsirado tik prasidėjus demokratizacijos procesams, todėl neturėjo nei tradicijos, nei partnerystei palaikyti reikiamos infrastruktūros, resursų ir kompetencijų, todėl dar ir šiandien socialinė partnerystė, kaip organizacinė forma, priimama be didelio pasitikėjimo, neaiškūs jos principai ir siekiai, neapsispręsta, kaip ir kokiu būdu ji turėtų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Socialinė partnerystė mokyklinėje profesinio rengimo sistemoje / Social partnership in the school based VET systemKaminskienė, Lina 02 December 2008 (has links)
Socialinė partnerystė darbdavių, darbuotojų ir valstybės institucijų sąveika – veikia visose demokratinėse valstybėse. Socialinė partnerystė tapo vienu iš svarbių profesinio rengimo kokybės užtikrinimo veiksnių, sąlygojančių kaitos ir atsinaujinimo procesus profesinio rengimo sistemoje. Socialiniai partneriai ne tik įtraukiami į profesinio rengimo turinio tikslų nustatymą, jų įgyvendinimą, pasiekimų ir rezultatų vertinimą, bet ir dalyvauja formuojant profesinio rengimo politiką, administruojant ir organizuojant profesinio rengimo veiklą.
Lietuvoje, kur dominuoja mokyklinis profesinio rengimo modelis, švietimo sistemos ir veiklos pasaulio ryšiai ilgą laiką buvo veikiami pasiūlos principo: specialistai buvo rengiami neatsižvelgiant arba minimaliai atsižvelgiant į veiklos pasaulio poreikius. Socialinis dialogas Lietuvoje turėjo gimti ypatingai sudėtingomis sąlygomis. Viena vertus, socialinių partnerių iniciatyvą stabdė ne tik centralizuotai valdoma profesinio rengimo sistema, žemas profesinio mokymo prestižas, bet ir darbo santykiai, kurių formavimuisi įtakos turėjo sovietinė sistema. Antra vertus, socialinė partnerystė, kaip reiškinys, atsirado tik prasidėjus demokratizacijos procesams, todėl neturėjo nei tradicijos, nei partnerystei palaikyti reikiamos infrastruktūros, resursų ir kompetencijų, todėl dar ir šiandien socialinė partnerystė, kaip organizacinė forma, priimama be didelio pasitikėjimo, neaiškūs jos principai ir siekiai, neapsispręsta, kaip ir kokiu būdu ji turėtų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Social partnership, as interaction between the state, employees and employers, functions in all the democratic states. Social partnership became one of the important quality assurance factors in VET, which make influence on the change, innovation and renewal processes in the VET system. On the one hand, social partners have been involved into the identification of the curriculum aims, implementation and evaluation processes; on the other hand, they have been also involved into the VET policy-making.
For Lithuania, with the dominating school-based VET model, it is characteristic that for a long time the interaction between the activity and education systems was influenced by the supply principle: training of specialists was organised according to the decisions and possibilities of the educational system not taking into consideration demands from the labour market. Social dialogue in Lithuania had to be born in extremely difficult situation. Initiatives of social partners were blocked by the centralised system; there was no culture and tradition of social dialogue, labour relations were affected by the soviet regime.
The research problem is defined by still fragmented relations and interaction between the activity and education systems, vocational education and training sub-system, and vocational education and training quality assurance processes, influencing social partnership. The research focuses on the questions of social partnership forms in the school based VET system... [to full text]
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Perfluoroalkylated substances in food matrices: development of mass spectrometry based analytical methods and preliminary monitoringBarbarossa, Andrea <1981> 25 May 2012 (has links)
Perfluoroalkylated substances are a group of chemicals that have been largely employed during the last 60 years in several applications, widely spreading and accumulating in the environment due to their extreme resistance to degradation. As a consequence, they have been found also in various types of food as well as in drinking water, proving that they can easily reach humans through the diet. The available information concerning their adverse effects on health has recently increased the interest towards these contaminants and highlighted the importance of investigating all the potential sources of human exposure, among which diet was proved to be the most relevant. This need has been underlined by the European Union through Recommendation 2010/161/EU: in this document, Member States were called to monitor their presence of in food, producing accurate estimations of human exposure. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis, which is the result of a partnership between an Italian and a French laboratory, was to develop reliable tools for the analysis of these pollutants in food, to be used for generating data on potentially contaminated matrices. An efficient method based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of 16 different perfluorinated compounds in milk has been validated in accordance with current European regulation guidelines (2002/657/EC) and is currently under evaluation for ISO 17025 accreditation. The proposed technique was applied to cow, powder and human breast milk samples from Italy and France to produce a preliminary monitoring on the presence of these contaminants. In accordance with the above mentioned European Recommendation, this project led also to the development of a promising technique for the quantification of some precursors of these substances in fish. This method showed extremely satisfying performances in terms of linearity and limits of detection, and will be useful for future surveys.
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Valutazione della presenza di contaminanti perfluoroalchilici in alimenti destinati al consumo umano / Evaluation of perfluoroalkyl substances in food for human consumptionDevicienti, Chiara <1984> 06 May 2014 (has links)
Le sostanze perfluoralchiliche (PFAS), composti fluorurati ampiamente utilizzati negli ultimi anni in diverse applicazioni industriali e commerciali, sono ritrovati diffusamente nell’ambiente e in diverse specie animali. Recentemente i PFAS hanno destato preoccupazione anche per la salute umana. Il rischio di esposizione è principalmente legato alla dieta (i prodotti ittici sembrano essere gli alimenti più contaminati).
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di valutare la presenza del perfluorottanosulfonato (PFOS) e dell’acido perfluorottanoico (PFOA), in diverse matrici alimentari: latte vaccino commercialmente disponibile in Italia, latte materno italiano, diverse specie di pesce commercialmente disponibili in Italia e 140 branzini di diverse aree (principalmente Mediterraneo).
I campioni di latte sono stati trattati con estrazione liquido-liquido seguita da due fasi di purificazione mediante cartucce SPE prima dell’iniezione nell’UPLC-MS/MS.
L’analisi del latte vaccino ha evidenziato una contaminazione diffusa di PFOS, ma a basse concentrazioni (fino a 97 ng/L), mentre il PFOA è stato ritrovato raramente.
In questo studio, in grado di individuare anche i livelli delle ultra-tracce, sono state osservate nel latte materno concentrazioni di 15-288 ng/L per il PFOS e di 24-241 ng/LPFOA.
Le concentrazioni e le frequenze più alte, per entrambi i PFAS, sono stati ritrovate in campioni di latte forniti da donne primipare, suggerendo un rischio di esposizione per i primogeniti.
Il metodo utilizzato per i campioni di pesce era basato su un’estrazione con solvente organico seguita da due fasi di purificazione: una con i sali e una con fase solida dispersiva. L’estratto, analizzato in UPLC-MS/MS, ha confermato la contaminazione di questa matrice a livelli significativi, ma anche l’alta variabilità delle concentrazioni misurate. Il monitoraggio monospecie ha mostrato una contaminazione rilevante (PFOS 11,1- > 10000 ng/L; PFOA < 9-487 ng/L), soprattutto nei branzini pescati, rispetto a quelli allevati. / Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are fully-fluorinated compounds widely employed for the production of different industrial and consumer applications. They have been frequently found in the environment and several animal species. These emerging contaminants have recently become of relevant concern for human health. The risk of exposure to PFASs is mainly related to diet; fish and other seafood seem to be the most contaminated foods.
The aim of this work was to monitor the presence of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), the two most important and investigated PFASs, in various food matrices: cow milk commercially available in Italy, Italian breast milk, different species of fish commercially available in Italy and 140 sea basses collected from different areas (mainly Mediterranean Sea).
Milk samples were treated with liquid-liquid extraction followed by two purification steps through SPE cartridges before UPLC-MS/MS analysis.
The analysis of cow milk demonstrated that a contamination by PFOS was often present, but at low concentrations (up to 97 ng/L), and PFOA was rarely found.
This study, capable to detect these contaminants at ultra-trace levels, has found concentrations for human milk in the range 15-288 ng/L for PFOS and 24-241 ng/L for PFOA. The highest concentrations and frequencies of both PFAS were found in milk samples provided by primiparous women, suggesting the higher risk of exposure for first-borns.
The method used for fish samples was based on extraction with organic solvent followed by two purification steps: one with salts and one with dispersive solid phase. The extract analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS confirmed the contamination of this matrix at significant levels, but also the high variability of measured concentrations. The single species monitoring showed a relevant contamination (PFOS 11,1- > 10000 ng/L and PFOA < 9- 487 ng/L) in particular in fished basses compared to the reared ones.
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Messa a punto e validazione di metodiche analitiche per la determinazione di micotossine in matrici biologiche mediante UPLC-MS/MS / Development of analytical methods for the determination of mycotoxins in biological matrices by UPLC-MS/MSScardilli, Martina <1983> 06 May 2014 (has links)
La presenza di micotossine nelle materie prime desta grande preoccupazione a causa delle importanti implicazioni nella sicurezza di alimenti e mangimi.
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di mettere a punto e validare una metodica analitica rapida e semplice, in cromatografia liquida ad ultra prestazione accoppiata a spettrometria di massa-tandem (UPLC-MS/MS), per la determinazione simultanea di differenti micotossine: aflatossine (B1, B2, G1, G2), ocratossina A, fumonisine (B1, B2), deossinivalenolo e zearalenone in matrici biologiche.
Il metodo sviluppato per l’analisi di campioni di mangime secco per cani ha mostrato prestazioni adeguate ed è stato applicato a 49 campioni reperibili in commercio, al fine di valutare la sua efficacia e di ottenere alcuni dati preliminari sulla contaminazione da micotossine in alimenti per cani disponibili sul mercato italiano.
Lo studio ha evidenziato una percentuale alta di campioni positivi, contenenti principalmente fumonisine, deossinivalenolo e ocratossina A; tutti i tenori si sono dimostrati inferiori al limite di legge previsto (Racc. CE 576/2006).
Una seconda metodica è stata messa a punto e validata per l’identificazione e la quantificazione micotossine in campioni di formaggio; per questa matrice è stata inserita anche l’aflatossina M1, specifica dei prodotti lattiero - caseari.
Le differenti proprietà chimico-fisiche degli analiti e la complessità della matrice hanno implicato alcune difficoltà nello sviluppo della metodica. Tuttavia, il metodo validato si è mostrato rapido, semplice ed affidabile ed è stato applicato a diversi tipi di formaggi per verificarne la versatilità. I risultati preliminari hanno mostrato l’assenza di contaminazione da parte delle micotossine in oggetto.
Entrambi i metodi si sono dimostrati utili per il monitoraggio di contaminanti in matrici complesse ad oggi ancora poco studiate. / The occurrence of mycotoxins contamination in various crops is of major concern as it has major implications for food and feed safety.
The aim of the study was the set up and the validation of fast and simple methods by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS/MS) for the simultaneous determination of different mycotoxins: aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2), ochratoxin A, fumonisins (FB1, FB2), deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in biological matrices.
A method was developed for the analysis of samples of dried pet-food; the method showed appropriate performances and was applied to 49 commercial samples in order to test its efficacy and gain some preliminary data about mycotoxins contamination in dog food available in the Italian market.
The results have shown a quite high percentage of positive samples, mainly contaminated by fumonisin, deoxynivalenol and ochratoxin A. All the observed values were below the limits specified by regulations (Rec. CE 2006/576).
A second method was set up and validated for the identification and quantification of mycotoxins in cheese samples; for this matrix it was included also the aflatoxin M1, which is specific of dairy products.
Different chemical-physical properties of the analytes and the complex composition of the matrix led to some difficulties to the development of the method. Finally, the method validated has proved to be rapid, simple and reliable and was applied to different types of cheeses to prove its versatility. Preliminary results have shown the absence of all mycotoxins detected.
Both methods are useful tools for the monitoring of mycotoxins contamination in unconventional matrices, not subjected to wide studies until now.
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Advances in methods to detect, isolate and quantify foodborne pathogensBaranzoni, Gian Marco <1985> 06 May 2014 (has links)
Foodborne diseases impact human health and economies worldwide in terms of health care and productivity loss. Prevention is necessary and methods to detect, isolate and quantify foodborne pathogens play a fundamental role, changing continuously to face microorganisms and food production evolution.
Official methods are mainly based on microorganisms growth in different media and their isolation on selective agars followed by confirmation of presumptive colonies through biochemical and serological test. A complete identification requires form 7 to 10 days.
Over the last decades, new molecular techniques based on antibodies and nucleic acids allow a more accurate typing and a faster detection and quantification. The present thesis aims to apply molecular techniques to improve official methods performances regarding two pathogens: Shiga-like Toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and Listeria monocytogenes.
In 2011, a new strain of STEC belonging to the serogroup O104 provoked a large outbreak. Therefore, the development of a method to detect and isolate STEC O104 is demanded.
The first objective of this work is the detection, isolation and identification of STEC O104 in sprouts artificially contaminated. Multiplex PCR assays and antibodies anti-O104 incorporated in reagents for immunomagnetic separation and latex agglutination were employed. Contamination levels of less than 1 CFU/g were detected. Multiplex PCR assays permitted a rapid screening of enriched food samples and identification of isolated colonies. Immunomagnetic separation and latex agglutination allowed a high sensitivity and rapid identification of O104 antigen, respectively.
The development of a rapid method to detect and quantify Listeria monocytogenes, a high-risk pathogen, is the second objective. Detection of 1 CFU/ml and quantification of 10–1,000 CFU/ml in raw milk were achieved by a sample pretreatment step and quantitative PCR in about 3h. L. monocytogenes growth in raw milk was also evaluated.
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Evaluation of efficacy and biocompatibility of indirect intraocular pressure monitoring using a telemetric scleral sensorRobinson, Christa Lee 30 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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An Assessment Of Information Technology Curriculum Implementation In Vocational High SchoolsBicer, Kader 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to provide a general picture of newly adopted IT program in vocational high schools. Through this aim, the issues of to what extent are the objectives and content of Vocational high schools&rsquo / new IT curriculum satisfied the
needs, how it is implemented in schools, how it is practiced under different circumstances and which factors influence its implementation process are examined. This study was designed as a formative evaluation based on CIPP Model-Process valuation. In order to grasp perceptions of vocational high school IT teachers and 11th grade IT area students&rsquo / two self-reported questionnaires were developed by the researcher. The sample constituted of 683 Grade 11 students and 83 IT teachers from 28 vocational high schools in the 7 urban district of Ankara. Heavily, descriptive and statistics and quantitative data analysis techniques were utilized to analyze the data however in some parts, inferential statistics were also
Results of the study indicated that the objectives of the new IT program are responsive to the local, national and global IT sector and catching the demanded skills in the world of work. Moreover it is determined that the new program supports flexibility in principle however in action there are some obstacles those barriers the adequately functioning of the new program. Therefore, this study also attempts to reveal the problems related to students, teachers, schools quality indicators and program modules in order to supply the deficiencies in the early stages of program implementation.
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Mobiliser une analyse de l'activité comme aide à la conception et à l'évaluation d'un Environnement Virtuel pour l'Apprentissage Humain : un exemple en implantologie dentaire / Activity analysis to help the design and the assessmenr of Virtual Environment for Training : the case of dental implantologyCormier, Jérémy 02 March 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est double : 1) contribuer à la production de connaissances dans le champ théorique de la didactique professionnelle sur les activités liées aux systèmes vivants ; 2) aider à la conception, à l’ingénierie pédagogique et à l’évaluation de l’EVAH VirTeaSy. L’examen de la littérature dans le domaine des EVAH dentaires montre que les EVAH « haptiques » semblent être les plus pertinents pour répondre aux problématiques de formation en implantologie. Cependant, bien que des études montrent leur efficacité du point de vue de l’apprentissage, il reste des problèmes à résoudre en termes de méthodologie de conception. En effet, la démarche de conception s’appuie couramment sur des collaborations entre experts métiers et informaticiens qui aboutissent au développement d’EVAH technocentrés. Afin de contourner les écueils constatés dans ce type de démarche, nous choisissons d’inclure les sciences humaines sur l’ensemble du processus de conception de l’EVAH. Pour identifier les compétences à viser dans l’EVAH, nous mobilisons, dans le cadre de la didactique professionnelle, une analyse de l’activité. Celle-ci se finalise par l’identification de la structure conceptuelle de la situation reposant sur des concepts organisateurs de l’activité en liens avec des variables et des indicateurs. Notre première étude s’attache ainsi à identifier la structure conceptuelle de la situation en implantologie dentaire. Au cours de situations réelles de pose d’implant dentaire, des données d’enregistrement ont été recueillies et complétées par des verbalisations obtenues lors d’entretiens d’auto-confrontation. L’analyse des données à l’aide de la méthodologie des catégories conceptualisantes nous a permis de faire émerger les concepts organisant l’activité des dix chirurgiens-dentistes observés. L’activité d’implantologie consiste à réaliser un compromis entre le concept organisateur « d’émergence » qui permet de réaliser le projet prothétique et le concept « d’ancrage » qui permet au projet prothétique de durer dans le temps. Ces deux concepts n’étant pas toujours convergents. La conception de VirTeaSy s’appuie sur les résultats de l’étude 1 et se réalise grâce à une méthodologie en cinq étapes. Notre expérience de cette mise en œuvre méthodologique montre qu’il faut constamment faire des choix. Ces choix reposent dans un premier temps sur la littérature et conduisent à définir des éléments de conception généraux. Ces éléments sont ensuite spécifiés à l’aide des résultats de l’analyse de l’activité, celle-ci prend alors toute sa pertinence afin que l’EVAH traduise les compétences-clefs que les apprenants doivent construire pour être efficaces. L’étude 2 porte sur le transfert d’apprentissage du virtuel au réel. Pour ce faire, trente-deux dentistes sont répartis de façon aléatoire dans trois groupes : un groupe (n=10) nommé GRV formé dans VirTeaSy, un groupe (n=11) nommé GT formé de manière traditionnelle et un groupe (n=11) nommé contrôle (GC) ne recevant aucune formation. Tous les sujets sont novices en implantologie dentaire. Une semaine après que chaque groupe ait suivit sa formation, tous les sujets réalisent la tâche de réinvestissement consistant à poser un implant sur un cadavre humain. Pour chaque sujet, nous mesurons, à l’aide d’un scanner, la différence entre la performance demandée et la performance réalisée. Les mesures portent sur l’angulation, l’émergence et la centration. Nos résultats ne montrent pas de différence significative entre les trois groupes. Des prolongements à cette thèse sont en cours de mise en œuvre. Il s’agit : 1) d’étendre l’analyse de l’activité à une population internationale ; 2) d’évaluer VirTeaSy grâce à différents protocoles incluant les fonctionnalités issues de l’analyse de l’activité ; 3) d’élargir le périmètre de formation de VirTeaSy à l’odontologie. / The objective of this thesis is twofold: 1) to build knowledge in the theoretical field “didactique professionnelle” for living systems activities; 2) to help design and assess VirTeaSy. An analysis of the literature in dental V.E.T showed that “haptic V.E.T.” seem to be the most relevant for the challenge of training in dental implantology. However, some studies show, there are still problems to be solved in terms of design methodology. Indeed, the usual design approach relies on collaboration between dental experts and IT engineers. In this approach, IT engineers carry on the V.E.T. development. This means that the result is often a V.E.T. developed from an IT point of view rather than from a learning point of view. To overcome issues associated with this type of approach, we have chosen to include experts in pedagogy in design process of Virteasy.We have undertaken an analysis of activity within the framework of “didactique professionnelle” in order to identify the skills which the students were going to learn with our V.E.T. The final aim of this analysis is identification of the “conceptual structure of the situation” (structure conceptuelle de la situation) based on “organizing concepts” (concept organisateur) of the activity links with variables and indicators. Our first study deals with identifying the “conceptual structure of the situation” in dental implantology. Recorded data (movies) were gathered from ten dentist experts during a live implant surgery. This was followed by in depth interviews within the dentists watching the recording of the surgery and verbalizing their mental process during the procedure. A content analysis of the interview showed that the mental process of the dentist performing an implantology procedure is based on two concepts. The first is concept is “emergence”, the dentist’s actions are guided by the prosthetic teeth which is going to be fitted on the implant. The second is “anchorage”, the dentist’s action are guided by the longevity of the implant. These two concepts are not always compatible which shows the real challenge faced by implant experts. VirTeaSy design is based on the results of Study 1 and make with a five-step methodology Our experience shows that a lot decision have to be made at each stage of the methodology. These decisions were based initially on literature and led to the definition of general design elements. These components were then specified using the results of the activity analysis. This showed how important and relevant an activity analysis was in making specific and accurate decisions in the design of V.E.T. Because of this process, the V.E.T. is enable to teach skills and competences that students must acquire to perform procedures in real life situations. The study 2 focused on learning transfer from virtual to reality. To do this, thirty-two dentists are randomized into three groups: one group (n = 10) named Group with Virtual Training (GVT); one group (n = 11) named Group with Traditional Training (GTT) and one group (n = 11 ) named Control Group (CG) receiving no training. All subjects were novice to dental implantology. One week after training, all subjects had to perform a task during which they had to demonstrate and apply the skills acquired during the training (“the reinvestment” task consisting of placing an implant on a human corpse). For each subject, we measured the difference between the required performance and the performance achieved using a scanner. We recorded three kind of measure: angle; depth and center. The results showed no significant difference between the three groups. Extensions of this thesis are being implemented. Some are based on international partnerships with well-known Universities. These extensions are: 1) to extend the activity analysis to an international population, 2) To evaluate VirTeaSy through various protocols including features from the activity analysis, 3) To broaden the scope of using VirTeasy in dental training.
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