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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det ser så lätt ut när du gör det! : Ett examensarbete om hur tyst kunskap förmedlas.

Klarin, Ulrica, Allsten, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Vår rapports syfte är att försöka göra oss medvetna och lyfta fram hur vi förmedlar kunskap som vi inte riktigt kan sätta ord på, alltså den tysta kunskapen. Vi vill även belysa eventuella likheter och skillnader som finns i våra respektive arbete vad gäller förmedlandet av tyst kunskap.

Ricerca, mediante tecniche di proteomica, di biomarcatori proteici utili nella valutazione della qualità degli alimenti di origine animale

Foschi, Jurgen <1979> 07 April 2009 (has links)
In the last decades, the increase of industrial activities and of the request for the world food requirement, the intensification of natural resources exploitation, directly connected to pollution, have aroused an increasing interest of the public opinion towards initiatives linked to the regulation of food production, as well to the institution of a modern legislation for the consumer guardianship. This work was planned taking into account some important thematics related to marine environment, collecting and showing the data obtained from the studies made on different marine species of commercial interest (Chamelea gallina, Mytilus edulis, Ostrea edulis, Crassostrea gigas, Salmo salar, Gadus morhua). These studies have evaluated the effects of important physic and chemical parameters variations (temperature, xenobiotics like drugs, hydrocarbons and pesticides) on cells involved in the immune defence (haemocytes) and on some important enzymatic systems involved in xenobiotic biotransformation processes (cytochrome P450 complex) and in the related antioxidant defence processes (Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, Heat Shock Protein), from a biochemical and bimolecular point of view. Oxygen is essential in the biological answer of a living organism. Its consume in the normal cellular breathing physiological processes and foreign substances biotransformation, leads to reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, potentially toxic and responsible of biological macromolecules damages with consequent pathologies worsening. Such processes can bring to a qualitative alteration of the derived products, but also to a general state of suffering that in the most serious cases can provoke the death of the organism, with important repercussions in economic field, in the output of the breedings, of fishing and of aquaculture. In this study it seemed interesting to apply also alternative methodologies currently in use in the medical field (cytofluorimetry) and in proteomic studies (bidimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometry) with the aim of identify new biomarkers to place beside the traditional methods for the control of the animal origin food quality. From the results it’s possible to point out some relevant aspects from each experiment: 1. The cytofluorimetric techniques applied to O. edulis and C. gigas could bring to important developments in the search of alternative methods that quickly allows to identify with precision the origin of a specific sample, contributing to oppose possible alimentary frauds, in this case for example related to presence of a different species, also under a qualitative profile, but morpholgically similar. A concrete perspective for the application in the inspective field of this method has to be confirmed by further laboratory tests that take also in account in vivo experiments to evaluate the effect in the whole organism of the factors evaluated only on haemocytes in vitro. These elements suggest therefore the possibility to suit the cytofluorimetric methods for the study of animal organisms of food interest, still before these enter the phase of industrial working processes, giving useful information about the possible presence of contaminants sources that can induce an increase of the immune defence and an alteration of normal cellular parameter values. 2. C. gallina immune system has shown an interesting answer to benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) exposure, dose and time dependent, with a significant decrease of the expression and of the activity of one of the most important enzymes involved in the antioxidant defence in haemocytes and haemolymph. The data obtained are confirmed by several measurements of physiological parameters, that together with the decrease of the activity of 7-etossi-resourifine-O-deetilase (EROD linked to xenobiotic biotransformation processes) during exposure, underline the major effects of B[a]P action. The identification of basal levels of EROD supports the possible presence of CYP1A subfamily in the invertebrates, still today controversial, never identified previously in C. gallina and never isolated in the immune cells, as confirmed instead in this study with the identification of CYP1A-immunopositive protein (CYP1A-IPP). This protein could reveal a good biomarker at the base of a simple and quick method that could give clear information about specific pollutants presence, even at low concentrations in the environment where usually these organisms are fished before being commercialized. 3. In this experiment it has been evaluated the effect of the antibiotic chloramphenicol (CA) in an important species of commercial interest, Chamelea gallina. Chloramphenicol is a drug still used in some developing countries, also in veterinary field. Controls to evaluate its presence in the alimentary products of animal origin, can reveal ineffective whereas the concentration results to be below the limit of sensitivity of the instruments usually used in this type of analysis. Negative effects of CA towards the CYP1A- IPP proteins, underlined in this work, seem to be due to the attack of free radicals resultant from the action of the antibiotic. This brings to a meaningful alteration of the biotransformation mechanisms through the free radicals. It seems particularly interesting to pay attention to the narrow relationships in C. gallina, between SOD/CAT and CYP450 system, actively involved in detoxification mechanism, especially if compared with the few similar works today present about mollusc, a group that is composed by numerous species that enter in the food field and on which constant controls are necessary to evaluate in a rapid and effective way the presence of possible contaminations. 4. The investigations on fishes (Gadus morhua, and Salmo salar) and on a bivalve mollusc (Mytilus edulis) have allowed to evaluate different aspects related to the possibility to identify a biomarker for the evaluation of the health of organisms of food interest and consequently for the quality of the final product through 2DE methodologies. In the seafood field these techniques are currently used with a discreet success only for vertebrates (fishes), while in the study of the invertebrates (molluscs) there are a lot of difficulties. The results obtained in this work have underline several problems in the correct identification of the isolated proteins in animal organisms of which doesn’t currently exist a complete genomic sequence. This brings to attribute some identities on the base of the comparison with similar proteins in other animal groups, incurring in the possibility to obtain inaccurate data and above all discordant with those obtained on the same animals by other authors. Nevertheless the data obtained in this work after MALDI-ToF analysis, result however objective and the spectra collected could be again analyzed in the future after the update of genomic database related to the species studied. 4-A. The investigation about the presence of HSP70 isoforms directly induced by different phenomena of stress like B[a]P presence, has used bidimensional electrophoresis methods in C. gallina, that have allowed to isolate numerous protein on 2DE gels, allowing the collection of several spots currently in phase of analysis with MALDI-ToF-MS. The present preliminary work has allowed therefore to acquire and to improve important methodologies in the study of cellular parameters and in the proteomic field, that is not only revealed of great potentiality in the application in medical and veterinary field, but also in the field of the inspection of the foods with connections to the toxicology and the environmental pollution. Such study contributes therefore to the search of rapid and new methodologies, that can increase the inspective strategies, integrating themselves with those existing, but improving at the same time the general background of information related to the state of health of the considered animal organism, with the possibility, still hypothetical, to replace in particular cases the employment of the traditional techniques in the alimentary field.

Studio Doppler delle vene polmonari in cani affetti da malattia degenerativa valvolare cronica

Sanacore, Antonina <1982> 12 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

L'ecografia ad elevata frequenza di emissione nell'esame della parete gasrica ed intestinale dei piccoli animali

Cepparulo, Alessandra <1977> 12 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Lietuvos profesinio rengimo įstaigų valdymo vystymas / Development of management in Lithuanian VET sector

Zygmantaitė, Rasa 02 December 2008 (has links)
Profesinio ugdymo įstaigų reforma buvo skirta įstaigų struktūros optimizavimui, valdymo vystymui ir tobulinimui, mokymo turinio atnaujinimui. Įvertinus reformos rezultatus ir poveikį profesinio ugdymo įstaigoms galima teigti, jog profesinio ugdymo įstaigų valdymo sistemos reforma reikalauja daugiau pastangų; pasiekusi pirminius laukiamus rezultatus, ji užstrigo ir nebevyksta taip, kaip tikėtasi. Profesinio ugdymo įstaiga yra rinkos dalyvis, todėl jai turi būti taikomi tokie patys vadybos principai, kaip ir bet kuriai organizacijai. Lietuvoje profesinio ugdymo įstaigų ir jų vadovų požiūrio į organizacijų valdymo vystymą problema nėra moksliškai nagrinėta. Teorinėje dalyje pristatoma vadybos teorijos raida, analizuojamas ryšys tarp organizacijos valdymo ir vystymosi. Pagrindiniu organizacijos valdymo ir vystymosi elementu traktuojamas vadybininkas, valdančios grandies atstovas, turintis ar reikalingas lyderio savybių. Analizuojama sąveika tarp institucijos ir racionalaus proto, kurių integravimosi rezultatas gali buti sinerginis efektas. Situacijos analizėje pateikiami Lietuvos profesinio rengimo sektoriaus vadovų požiūrio į organizacijos ir jos valdymo vystymą tyrimo rezultatai, kurie atspindi nepakankamą valdančiosios grandies atstovų suvokimą apie mastymo veiklos reikšmę valdant organizacijas. Remiantis mokslines literatūros prielaidomis, interpretuojama lyderio minties veiklos sąvoka bei pateikiamas platesnis požiūris į valdymo procesą, valdant ir vystant organizacijas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The reform of VET sector in Lithuania was aimed at developing management, updating content of training programmes and methods as well as optimizing structure of the institutions. The results of the reform show that it had greatest and most positive outcome on structure and training content, while management reform is lagging behind and needs further efforts. VET institutions are active actors not only in educational market but in market on the whole and in most ways, if we speak about management, they need to be treated as ordinary organizations. The problem of senior management attitude towards developing management in VET sector hasn’t been investigated in Lithuania so far, and this paper is striving towards this goal. The theoretical part of the paper is giving the review of development of scientific theories on organizational management with the stress on relations between management and development as well as leader’s, as the key actor’s position. The author of the paper tries to stress the impact of the leader’s cogitation and intellection process on his managerial decisions and development of the organization. In analytical part of the paper the situation in Lithuanian VET sector is presented as well as senior managers’ (directors’) view on development of their organizations and managerial qualifications of their staff. The project part and conclusions offer several innovative ways on how to improve management and how to develop managerial qualities of middle... [to full text]

Hur allt smälter samman i handlingens centrum : En yrkesämnesdidaktisk studie av transformation, variation och interaktion i svetsundervisning

Axelsson, Jan January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande licentiatuppsats är en yrkesämnesdidaktisk studie som behandlar praktiska lärandemoment på det industritekniska programmet, med inriktning svetsteknik. Det övergripande syftet med licentiatuppsatsen är att bidra med kunskap om undervisnings- och lärandeprocesser när lärare systematiskt transformerar ämnesinnehåll och yrkeskunnande till svetsundervisning. Faktorer som påverkar undervisning av praktiska moment i svetsteknik behandlas med stöd av begreppet transformation och i studien utforskas hur svetslärare kan synliggöra lärandeobjekt och stimulera elevers uppvisande av förståelse och färdigheter i undervisningssituationer av praktiska moment. Studien har samlat empiri från ett praktiknära forskningsprojekt som har vilat på det teoretiska ramverket CAVTA, en kombination av samtalsanalys och variationsteori. Projektet har designats med inspiration av learning study. Olika perspektiv av det övergripande syftet behandlas i de två delstudier som innefattas i licentiatuppsatsen. Delstudie 1 utforskar undervisnings- och lärandeprocessen när svetslärare dels transformerar ämnesinnehåll och yrkeskunnande genom  synliggörande av  ljud och hörselintryck i förhållande till lärandeobjektet, inställningar av utrustningen i svetsmetoden MIG/MAG, dels stimulerar elever att uppvisa förståelse och färdigheter av undervisningsinnehållet i undervisningspassens interaktion. Delstudie 2 behandlar synliggörande av ett lärandeobjekt och elevers uppvisande av förståelse och färdigheter  i svetsmetoden TIG. Denna delstudie fokuserar användandet av CAVTA och modellen learning study i teknisk yrkesutbildning.  I resultaten framträder hur ett ämnesinnehåll, som är vagt definierat i kursplaner, bland annat genom svetslärares yrkeskunnande transformeras till undervisning av praktiska moment i svetsteknik. Studien visar hur undervisningen systematiskt utvecklas med stöd i det teoretiska ramverket CAVTA och ansatsen learning study. Ett snävt urval av lärandeobjekt och ett tydligt avgränsat fokus ger den undervisande läraren möjlighet att i variation synliggöra aspekter i undervisningssituationer och samtidigt stimulera den enskilde eleven att på olika sätt uppvisa sin förståelse och sina färdigheter i undervisningspassens interaktion. Förslag över hur modellen learning study kan utvecklas för användning i studier rörande praktiska moment i svetsundervisning förs fram. Implikationer från studien rör framför allt undervisning av praktiska moment i svetsning där resultaten av systematisk integrering av variation i interaktion verkar lovande, även om vissa utmaningar lyfts fram. I ett större perspektiv kan resultaten vara intressanta för utveckling av lärandeobjekt av praktiska moment inom annan teknisk yrkesutbildning. / This licentiate thesis focuses on the pedagogy of practical objects of learning in technical vocational education. The overarching aim of the thesis is to contribute with knowledge of teaching and learning processes when welding teachers systematically transform subject specific contents and vocational knowing to teaching sessions in welding. With the use of the concept transformation, aspects which impact the welding education are highlighted. The thesis explores how welding teachers can visualize practical objects of learning and encourage students to display their comprehension and abilities in the teaching situations of practical objects of learning. The data has been collected from a practice-based research project, where the approach CAVTA, a combination of conversation analysis and variation theory, has served as the theoretical framework. A modified version of the learning study model has been used to develop the teaching and learning processes of practical welding education at an upper-secondary school in Sweden.  Different perspectives of the overarching aim surface in the two studies included in the thesis.  The first study explores the teaching and learning processes when welding teachers transform subject specific contents and vocational knowing to welding teaching sessions of MIG/MAG welding. The variation of sound in relation to the object of learning, the settings of the equipment, is manifested in this study, as is the way the teacher in the interaction encourages the students to display their comprehension and abilities to set the equipment adequately.  The second study deals with a practical object of learning in the welding method TIG. Variation and interaction in the teaching and learning processes are explored in this study as well with a focus on the use of CAVTA and the learning study model. In the findings, it is manifested how the vaguely defined subject specific contents of the curriculum, via the vocational knowing of the welding teachers, are transformed to welding teaching sessions in the workshop. The thesis shows how the teaching systematically is developed and how the teachers are supported by the theoretical framework CAVTA in combination with the cyclic design of the learning study model. A narrow focus on a defined object of learning enables the teacher to vary specific aspects of the object of learning, thus supporting the students discerning these aspects. A simultaneous focus on the interaction with the students and what the students display in the interaction supports the teacher in revising the teaching accordingly. Suggestions regarding  how to develop the learning study model in relation to practical objects of learning in technical vocational education are proposed. Implications of the study concern mainly welding education, where a systematic integration of variation theoretic principles in combination with a focus on interaction seems promising, although challenges are highlighted. The findings may also be of interest for those who want to explore teaching and learning processes in other areas of technical vocational education. / Hur allt smälter samman i handlingens centrum är en yrkesämnesdidaktisk studie som behandlar praktiska lärandemoment i svetsundervisning. Undervisnings- och lärandeprocesser när lärare systematiskt transformerar ämnesinnehåll och yrkeskunnande till svetsundervisning utforskas i denna licentiatuppsats. I studien framträder hur svetslärare i transformationsprocessen kan synliggöra undervisningsinnehåll och stimulera elevers uppvisande av förståelse och färdigheter i undervisningssituationer av praktiska moment. Resultaten visar hur undervisningen systematiskt utvecklas med stöd i det teoretiska ramverket CAVTA och ansatsen learning study. Ett snävt urval av undervisningsinnehåll och ett tydligt avgränsat fokus ger läraren möjlighet att i variation synliggöra olika aspekter av vad som ska läras. Den enskilde eleven ges på olika sätt möjlighet att uppvisa förståelse och färdigheter i undervisningssituationens interaktion. Studien riktar sig framför allt till yrkesverksamma och blivande svetslärare, men  teori- och metodutvecklande bidrag kan också vara av intresse för lärare i andra yrkesutbildningar. I ett än vidare perspektiv av undervisning, lärande och pedagogiskt arbete kan utforskandet av handlingens centrum –  undervisningssituationen – bidra med stimulerande tankegods åt lärarutbildare och ämnesdidaktiska forskare. / Konsten att lära sig svetsa

The Pre-Veterinary Experience: What You Need to Know

Wetli, Ellen Christine 07 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Der Einfluß von chemischer Konstitution, Symmetrie und molekularer Umgebung auf die intramolekulare Schwingungsrelaxation aromatischer Moleküle / The influence of chemical constitution, symmetry, and molecular environment on the intramolecular vibrational relaxation of aromatic molecules

von Benten, Rebekka 18 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Female Veterans' Combat Experience and PTSD on Male Partners' Psychological Distress and Relationship Quality

Abraham, Theresa Denise 01 January 2019 (has links)
Female veterans' combat exposure to trauma places them at risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which has consequences for healthful reintegration to family and civilian life. Previous research found that wives who provide continuous care to male veterans with PTSD experience symptoms of psychological distress; however, little research has been conducted on the influence of female veterans' PTSD on their intimate male partners' (IMPs) psychological well-being. A multivariate correlational design was used to examine the influence of female veteran PTSD on psychological distress and relationship quality in IMPs. The couples' adaption to traumatic stress model was used as the theoretical framework. The research questions examined (a) the difference between female veterans with and without PTSD on the length of time in the relationship, combat experience, the total number of deployments, and IMP psychological distress and (b) the influence of female veterans' combat experience, PTSD, and IMP psychological distress on relationship quality. A sample of 71 IMPs between the ages of 18 and 65 provided survey research data on the variables of interest. Psychological distress, number of partner deployments, and length of time in relationship discriminated significantly between IMPS whose partners were diagnosed with PTSD, not diagnosed, or did not know about the PTSD diagnosis. The regression results revealed that the psychological distress of IMPs and the number of partner deployments positively predicted relationship quality. Attention to female veterans and their families can contribute to increased retention of female service members in the Army and successful integration into family and civilian life.

Arbetsplatsens lärmiljöer : En organisationspedagogisk studie av konstruerande av lärmiljö i vuxenutbildningsverksamhet / Learning Environments in the Workplace : The Construction of Learning Environments in a VET-program from an Organizational Pedagogical Point of Departure

Johansson, Peter January 2011 (has links)
Today’s research on workplace learning stresses the importance of the environment in which learning takes place. On the basis of an empirical study of a Vocational Education and Training (VET) program this thesis aims to create knowledge about how a learning environment is constructed. Theoretically, the study is based within action theory and takes an organizational pedagogical point of departure. It is rooted both in constructivist theory, as well as draws on the theory of learning as culturally and socially situated. The study is designed as a single case study. Data was primarily collected during periods of field studies through the observation of teachers’ work inside and outside classroom settings; recurring in-depth interviews with six teachers and eight participants, and reflection group interviews with the teachers. The study reveals a difference between participants’ and teachers’ educational goals and ambitions. This is important to acknowledge due to the necessity for the teachers to handle the difference. It gives information on daily work in the VET-program and the important work tasks that emerge. The program is influenced by the ideological foundations developed by its principal organizer, which comes to play as a special way of reasoning, the Yes-thought. Much of the daily work consists of an adjustable way of working and an approach that supports it. However, two tension fields can be identified in which discretion in work tasks is created. The first concerns the approach to work tasks, and is a tension between dynamic and instrumental approaches. The second concerns the organizing of work tasks and is a tension between adjustable and regulating ways of working. Micro context is introduced as a concept, referring to the context of meaning which is created around work tasks. Depending on the micro context’s position in the two tension fields, different conditions of learning can be identified. The micro contexts can then be understood as the learning environments in the work place.

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