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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Percepção pública como subsídio aos problemas de saneamento básico / Public view: a base of support to basic sanitation problems

Nelson Peralta Cunha Junior 08 November 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho insere-se no âmbito do saneamento básico e da tendência relativamente nova de valoração da proteção e dos recursos ambientais. Destaca a atual problemática ambiental e os problemas específicos do saneamento básico, seu entendimento e providências sugeridas para sua minimização. Através de questionário, levantou-se e, com análise multivariada, investigou-se a percepção pública sobre as condições, os sentimentos e as participações públicas relativas aos serviços de água, esgotos, lixo, drenagem e arborização de Fernandópolis, SP. Como resultado, constatou-se que, a partir do serviço de água, suas situações e sentimentos decrescem, sucessivamente, para os serviços de esgotos, limpeza pública, drenagem e arborização. Em todos eles, a participação popular, assim como a ocorrência de campanhas que poderiam potencializá-la além de potencializar os demais aspectos questionados, não eram as desejáveis. Do cotejo dos resultados obtidos com princípios de sustentabilidade concluiu-se que, em diferentes níveis, todos os serviços avaliados não se mostraram sustentáveis. Finalizando, sugere-se que a valoração dos serviços de saneamento básico e recursos ambientais urbanos podem contribuir, mutuamente, para realizar seus respectivos potenciais de participação popular, melhorar suas situações e sentimentos públicos que despertam além de contribuir para a inserção socioeconômica nos problemas de saneamento urbano, de forma a torná-los, e ao ambiente urbano, sustentados. / This work encompasses basic sanitation and the relatively recent trend of valuating the environmental protection and the environmental resources. It points out current environmental issues and the specific problems of basic sanitation considering how they have been dealt with and the suggestions for minimizing them. Through a questionnaire, it was possible not only to analyze the public view on the sanitation conditions and people reactions to them, but also their participation in the as well as in the essential services such as water, sewers, garbage and drainage in the city of Fernandópolis, SP. It was founded that the respondents answered more positively to the water service and less favorably to sewer, garbage collection, drainage, and arborization, successively. It was also suggested that public participation was not a prevailing public view, nor were public service campaigns; although those could improve the essential services assessed. Concerning sustainability, it can be included that generally all the evaluated services proved not to be sustainable. Accordingly, it indicates that valuating the basic sanitation services and the environmental resources can contribute to their mutual progress with greater public participation to improve the services and consequently their opinions about them contributing for their socio-economic insertion by taking part in the plans to handle the urban sanitation matters to make them and the urban environment sustainable development.

A relação entre as capacidades de tecnologia da informação e a gestão do conhecimento: uma visão sob a perspectiva da resource-based view. / The relationship between information technology capabilities and knowledge management: a view from the resource-based view perspective.

Henrique Takashi Adati Tomomitsu 30 November 2017 (has links)
No contexto da resource-based view, que é uma das principais abordagens estratégicas associada com os fatores internos de uma organização, a tecnologia da informação aparece como um recurso que pode ter impactos positivos sobre a performance de uma organização. Diante de algumas tipologias identificadas na literatura, alguns autores dividem os recursos de tecnologia da informação em três grupos: recursos tangíveis de TI, recursos humanos de TI e recursos intangíveis habilitados pela TI. Nesse último grupo é destacado que o conhecimento pode ser viabilizado por meio da TI, e deve ser considerado um ativo que a empresa poderia usufruir por meio da TI para se diferenciar de seus concorrentes. Dessa forma pode-se afirmar que existe uma influência das capacidades de TI (infraestrutura de TI, operação de TI e recursos humanos de TI) sobre a de gestão do conhecimento, uma vez que elas podem viabilizar uma melhor eficiência sobre os processos de gestão do conhecimento. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a relação das capacidades de tecnologia da informação sobre a gestão do conhecimento, levando em consideração os seguintes fatores: o impacto estratégico da TI no presente e no futuro, e o estilo de gestão de conhecimento voltado pra o conhecimento explícito, com o intuito de verificar se esses fatores afetam a intensidade da relação principal foco do estudo. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos foi realizada uma pesquisa seguindo uma abordagem quantitativa, por meio de um levantamento survey. Foram identificadas evidências empíricas de que a capacidade de TI tem um impacto positivo sobre a gestão do conhecimento conforme já destacado na literatura, além desse resultado foi constatado que os fatores moderadores influenciam positivamente essa relação. As grandes contribuições para a teoria foram o incremento de mais três novos processos compondo as dimensões da gestão do conhecimento, e a inclusão dos efeitos moderadores (o estilo de gestão do conhecimento voltado para o conhecimento explícito, o impacto estratégico da TI no presente e no futuro) no modelo de pesquisa proposto. / In the context of resource-based view, which is one of the key strategic approaches associated with an organization\'s internal factors, information technology appears as a resource that can have positive impacts on an organization\'s performance. Faced with some typologies identified in the literature, some authors divide information technology resources into three groups: tangible IT resources, IT human resources, and IT-enabled intangible resources. In the latter group it is highlighted that knowledge can be made via IT and should be considered an asset that the company could use through IT to differentiate itself from its competitors. In this way, it can be said that there is an influence of IT capacities (IT infrastructure, IT operation and IT human resources) over knowledge management, since they can enable a better efficiency in the management processes of the knowledge. The objective of this work is to analyze the relationship of information technology capacities on knowledge management, taking into account the following factors: the strategic impact of IT in the present and in the future, and the style of knowledge management aimed at explicit knowledge , in order to verify if these factors affect the intensity of the relationship main focus of the study. In order to reach the proposed objectives, a research was carried out following a quantitative approach, through a survey survey. Empirical evidence has been found that IT capacity has a positive impact on knowledge management as already highlighted in the literature, besides this result it was found that the moderating factors positively influence this relationship. The major contributions to the theory were the increase of three new processes composing the dimensions of knowledge management, and the inclusion of the moderating effects (the style of knowledge management focused on explicit knowledge, the strategic impact of IT in the present and in the future) in the proposed research model.

Olhar em primeira pessoa: uso contemporâneo da câmera subjetiva no cinema de ficção / -

Rodrigo Campos de Oliveira 04 October 2016 (has links)
A câmera subjetiva abrange o ponto de vista, em suas múltiplas implicações narrativas, enunciativas, audiovisuais. À sua crescente presença no audiovisual contemporâneo correspondem expansões de seus sentidos comumente relacionados à linguagem clássica narrativa cinematográfica e a uma normatividade que restringe seu uso sistemático. Novos usos da câmera subjetiva associam novos fatores e novas funções dentro do cinema, relacionando técnicas e tecnologias com resultados estéticos. Esta pesquisa investiga a câmera subjetiva como recurso de linguagem e de estilo audiovisual que movimenta variáveis entre a espectatorialidade e o filme. / Subjective camera embraces point of view, in several narrative, enunciative and audiovisual implications. The sense commonly related to classical cinema narrative language becomes expanded with new approaches of subjective camera in contemporary works, breaking the rules that restrain its systematic utilization. New usage of subjective camera links new functions and new elements inside cinema, connecting technologies and technics with aesthetics results. This research examines subjective camera as an audiovisual stylistic feature that crosses film language and spectatorship.

Imagens do Desvario: narrativa visual de estados alterados de percepção / Images of delirium: visual storytelling of altered states of perception

Taís de Andrade e Silva Nardi 18 September 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa investiga como os elementos visuais ao dispor dos cineastas podem contribuir para a representação de estados alterados de percepção no cinema, de modo a ampliar a discussão sobre a expressividade do trabalho de direção de fotografia. Por meio da análise e interpretação de três filmes brasileiros que apresentam personagens fora de si e construções visuais contundentes - Estorvo (2000), de Ruy Guerra, Filme de Amor (2003), de Júlio Bressane e A Concepção (2005), de José Eduardo Belmonte -, a pesquisa discute de que maneira as características da imagem podem contribuir para a criação de pontos de vista, atmosferas e sentidos, que permitem a apreensão do filme para além de sua compreensão intelectual. Partindo do reconhecimento da ligação entre narrador e personagens, a análise se volta à força expressiva das imagens usadas ao longo dos filmes, tomando como referência reflexões sobre o expressionismo na pintura e no cinema. Essa discussão serve de base para a identificação de um imaginário sobre os estados alterados de percepção e suas relações com a sociedade presente na cinematografia brasileira dos anos 2000. / The present research investigates how the visual elements available to the filmmakers can contribute to the representation of altered states of perception in the cinema, in order to broaden the discussion about the expressiveness of the cinematography work. Through the analysis and interpretation of three Brazilian films that present characters out of their minds and rich visual constructions - Estorvo (2000), by Ruy Guerra, Filme de Amor (2003), by Júlio Bressane and A Concepção (2005), by José Eduardo Belmonte -, the research discusses how the characteristics of image can contribute to the creation of points of view, moods and senses, which in turn make possible the apprehension of the film beyond its intellectual understanding. Acknowledging the connection between narrator and characters, the analysis focus on the expressive force of the images used throughout the films, taking as reference reflections on Expressionism in painting and in cinema. This discussion serves as basis for the identification of a position regarding altered states of perception and their relations with society in Brazilian cinematography of the 2000s.

Análise das pequenas empresas de costura frente ao desenvolvimento local no município de Bandeira do Sul/MG: um estudo de caso / Analysis of the small sewing front of the local development of the municipality of Bandeira do Sul / MG: a case study

Alessandra Valim Ribeiro 10 January 2012 (has links)
O advento da globalização, a adoção de novos mecanismos de mercado, a formação de blocos regionais de comércio tem provocado inúmeras reestruturações socioeconômicas e consequentemente, obrigado pensadores, políticos ou não, a buscarem alternativas de intervenções públicas e privadas em espaços regionais visando o desenvolvimento local. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo buscou identificar quais as contribuições das pequenas indústrias de costura instaladas no município de Bandeira do Sul, frente à proposta de desenvolvimento local. Por ser uma cidade de pequeno porte, tipicamente agrícola, a existência de dez facções industriais de costura em atividade, chamou a atenção e despertou o interesse em identificar os impactos dessa atividade na localidade. Optou-se por realizar um estudo de caso, com características qualitativas, referente à sua natureza. Quanto ao seu fim, foi um estudo exploratório, composto de pesquisas documentais, entrevistas e aplicação de questionários. As análises foram feitas com base no discurso dos entrevistados, por meio da Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), garantindo a profundidade e a visão sistêmica necessária aos estudos qualitativos. Segundo os empreendedores, o poder público e a sociedade local, as facções industriais de costura têm papel significativo no município, gerando renda e trabalho a uma importante parcela da população. No entanto, a pesquisa revelou ser necessário, num primeiro momento, o esclarecimento de conceitos sobre desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade, para que, em uma segunda etapa, se viabilize práticas em prol do desenvolvimento local integrado e sustentável. / With the arrival of globalization, the implementation of new marketing mechanisms, the formation of regional commercial blocks has generated much socioeconomic restructuring and consequently led thinkers, whether political or otherwise, to pursue alternative public and private interventions in regional areas in order to achieve local development. In this context, the objective of this study was to identify how the small industrial sewing factions in Bandeira do Sul could contribute to the local development. Since Bandeira do Sul is a small rural town, with an agricultural based economy, the existence of ten active industrial factories that provide sewing services drew attention and aroused interest in identifying the impacts of this activity on the township. The chosen method was a case study with qualitative characteristics regarding its nature. The purpose was exploratory, composed of documented research, in-depth interviews and application of questionnaires. The analyses were done based on the data gathered from the interviews, by way of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), assuring the required systemic depth and vision necessary for the qualitative studies. According to the entrepreneurs, the local legislative officers and the general society, the sewing factories play a significant role in the township, generating income and jobs to an important portion of the population. However the research revealed the necessity first of all, to clarify the concepts regarding development and sustainability, in order to secondly implement viable practices to drive an integrated and sustainable local development.

A equivocidade do foco narrativo em O som ao redor: um exercício de crítica cultural / The equivoque of the point of view in Neighbouring Sounds: an exercise of cultural criticism

Vitor Soster 29 September 2017 (has links)
O exercício de crítica cultural aqui empreendido busca refletir sobre a contemporaneidade a partir da análise e interpretação do longa-metragem O som ao redor (2012) de Kleber Mendonça Filho. A fim de chegar a uma compreensão do que sua forma diz sobre o momento presente, realizamos uma investigação sobre o filme a partir das contribuições de diferentes disciplinas e também de abordagens analíticas da imprensa e da academia. A começar pelo estudo da forma narrativa, propomos definições para noções como autor, autor implícito, narrador, ponto de vista e foco narrativo. Essas noções se mostram úteis no desenvolvimento da análise com relação ao que entendemos como sendo o foco narrativo, uma relação de significação entre as instâncias da emissão e da recepção de uma narrativa. A focalização, assim compreendida, permitiu a identificação da produção de quatro espacialidades na trama da narrativa fílmica: (a) o espaço doméstico contemporâneo e as práticas de consumo, marcados pelo desejo e pelo medo; (b) o espaço de poder do homem cordial contemporâneo; (c) o espaço da propriedade e da auto-atribuição ambígua de um espaço de representação; e, por fim, (d) o espaço da subalternidade. Esses espaços, por sua vez, são articulados por meio de uma prática temporal contraditória, estabelecida entre passado e futuro, que mantém o presente em estado de suspensão crônica. Observa-se, nos termos de Jameson (2002 [1981]), o inconsciente político dessa narrativa: o reconhecimento do papel da classe média na manutenção de relações de mando arcaicas, lugar que o próprio narrador simula assumir e ao qual, por vezes, corre o risco de assimilar-se. Desse modo, a miragem da classe média quanto ao autocontrole econômico e simbólico e seu horror à expropriação e aos despossuídos continuam a contribuir para manter as desigualdades e injustiças sociais do país. Como forma de conclusão, indica-se, na leitura do filme, a possibilidade de entendimento do passado como uma simples permanência caso se veja o tempo (e a história) apenas como continuidade. Inversamente, se a dimensão temporal for compreendida como sujeita a simultaneidades, aberta, portanto, à equivocidade, possibilidades de futuro podem emergir, configurando-se uma outra leitura. Nesse sentido, práticas do passado no presente, sujeitas à continuidade e à transformação, dão a dimensão da importância das práticas presentes, já que, estas, antecipam, desde já, práticas futuras. / The exercise of cultural criticism undertaken here aims to reflect on contemporary temporality through an analysis and interpretation of the feature film Neighbouring Sounds (2012), directed by Kleber Mendonça Filho. To understand what its form says about the current moment, I investigate the structure of the film considering contributions from different disciplines and also analytical approaches, offered by the press and scholars. Starting with the study of the narrative form, I propose definitions for notions like author, implicit author, narrator and point of view. These notions have proved themselves useful in the development of an analysis of what is understood as the narrative focus. However, the Anglophone criticism does not use that term as often as point of view. Thus understanding point of view as a relationship of signification between the addresser and the addressee of a narrative, I observe the production of four spatialities in the plot of the film: (a) the contemporary domestic space and consumerist practices, marked by desire and fear; (b) the space of the power of the contemporary cordial man; (c) the space of property and of the ambiguous selfattribution of a representational space; and, finally, (d) the space of subalternity. These spaces, then, are articulated by a contradictory time practice, established between the past and the future, which keeps the present in a chronic suspension state. I observe, following Jamesons (2002 [1981]) expression, the political unconscious of that narrative: the recognition of the role of the middle class in the maintenance of the archaic power relations. The narrator, in simulating these power relations, runs the risk of reproducing them. Thus the middle-class mirage of economic and symbolic self-control, compounded by a middle-class horror of expropriation and of the destitute, perpetuate the inequalities and social injustices in Brazil. To conclude, I indicate, in this reading of the film, the possibility of understanding the past as simply permanence if time and history are only regarded as continuity. Conversely, if the temporal dimension is grasped as subject to simultaneities, therefore, open to the equivoque, a different possible future may emerge, creating another reading. In this new sense, practices of the past in the present, subject to continuity and to transformation, give importance to the present practices, since these ones anticipate future practices.

La formation de la croyance en la valeur littéraire en situation coloniale et postcoloniale : étude des trajectoires de consécration des écrivains algériens francophones Assia Djebar et Kateb Yacine, en France, entre 1950 et 2009 / The formation of belief in literary value in colonial and postcolonial situation : study of consecration’s career of Algerian authors of French language Assia Djebar and Kateb Yacine, between 1950 and 2009, in France

Harchi, Kaoutar 12 September 2014 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat s’intéresse à la formation de la croyance en la valeur littéraire en la situation coloniale et postcoloniale, entre 1950 et 2009, en France. Pour cela, nous avons fait le choix de porter notre attention sur les trajectoires de consécration de deux auteurs algériens de langue française ayant fait l’objet d’une consécration littéraire sociologiquement objectivable, à savoir Assia Djebar (1936-) et Kateb Yacine (1929-1989). La problématique littéraire algérienne de langue française ne pouvant pertinemment être abordée au prisme de la théorie des champs de Pierre Bourdieu, nous avons fait le choix de recourir, à travers notre étude, à la notion d’institution littéraire telle que l’a notamment définie Jacques Dubois. Selon ce que nous avons alors pu observer à travers un corpus constitué d’entretiens, d’articles de presse, de discours officiels, de correspondances privées, le phénomène de consécration littéraire des deux auteurs algériens de langue française serait modélisable sous la forme de cinq étapes : la découverte, la publication, la réception critique, l’entrée dans l’univers académique, l’entrée dans l’univers de l’enseignement scolaire et universitaire. L’intérêt de cette modélisation repose principalement sur sa capacité à révéler, au-delà de la doxa littéraire, les modalités sociales ayant concouru à la formation d’une croyance en la qualité des productions textuelles données. Et, à chaque étape de la trajectoire de consécration d’Assia Djebar et de Kateb Yacine, se donnent à voir des relations fortes entre, d’une part, le littéraire et, d’autre part, l’extra-littéraire. En ce sens, l’idée couramment répandue selon laquelle la consécration d’un auteur n’aurait pour seule cause que son talent se trouve fortement remise en cause. La littérature francophone ou, plus précisément, la francophonie littéraire – dénomination sous laquelle Assia Djebar et Kateb Yacine sont régulièrement catégorisés – apparaît donc être un système réglé selon des intérêts qui, loin d’être prétendûment « purs », relèvent de logiques politique et idéologique. Engagés dans des rapports de domination symbolique et matériel dont la consécration littéraire est l’une des formes paradoxales, Assia Djebar et Kateb Yacine ont tous deux, au cours de leur trajectoire respective, mis en place des stratégies spécifiques afin de limiter la valeur instrumentale dont leurs productions textuelles ont été investies et imposer leur définition de ce que serait la littérature algérienne de langue française. / The present doctoral thesis is intersestd in the formation of the belief in literary value in colonial and postcolonial situation, between 1950 and 2009, in France. For that, we made the choice to pay our attention to the paths of recognition of two Algerian authors of French language who have been the object of an objectivable literary achievment, namely Assia Djebar (1936-) and Kateb Yacine (1929-1989). Since the Algerian literary of French language core statement can’t pertinently be approached via the prism of the fields theory by Pierre Bourdieu, we made the choice to resort, through our study, to the concept of literary insitution defined by the likes of Jacques Dubois. According to what we then could have observed through a corpus made up of talks, press articles, official discourses, private correspondences, the literary phenomenon of recognition of the two Algerian authors would be modeled in the form of five stages: the discovery, the publication, the critical reception, the entry in the academic field and the entry in the universe of secondary education. The interest of this modeling is mainly based on its capacity to reveal, beyond the literary doxa, the social methods that have contributed to the formation of a belief in the quality of the given textual productions. And, at each stage of the paths of recognition of Assia Djebar and Kateb Yacine, we can observe strong relations between, on the one hand, the literary and, on the other hand, the extra-literary. In this direction, the commonly widespread idea according to which the recognition of an author would only be based on talent is strongly questionned. The French-speaking literature or, more precisely, the literary francophonie – denomination under which Assia Djebar and Kateb Yacine are regularly categorized – thus appears to be a regulated system depending on interests far from being allegedly “pure”, but driven by ideological and political logics. Engaged in relations of symbolic domination, Assia Djebar and Kateb Yacine have both, during their respective paths, set up of specific strategies in order to limit the instrumental value of their textual productions and impose their own definition of what Algerian literature of French language truly should be.

Simulation modelling : problem understanding in healthcare management

Eldabi, Tillal January 2000 (has links)
One of the main problems that face decision makers in healthcare systems is complexity and the lack of a well-defined problem. This causes a lack of understanding about the system. Another problem associated with healthcare systems is that usually there are several stakeholders involved in decision making. In such cases different stakeholders may have different views about the problem. In addition to the lack of understanding and intercommunication, there is the tendency in healthcare management to use quantitative methods for analysing the system. These methods are highly data dependant and usually based on historical data, which may not reflect the system's performance under the present circumstances, given the changing pace of healthcare services and structure. Also data may not be available in the first place. This research looks at how modelling techniques may help healthcare stakeholders to understand their system and increase their level of intercommunication (in the case of multiple stakeholders) with minimum dependency on data. Two main aspects are considered in this research: first appraising the existing modelling techniques with regard to problem understanding and intercommunication, and second, looking for an effective modelling approach for achieving such objectives. Discrete Event Simulation (DES) offers good facilities for modelling for understanding. However, DES could be used more effectively to enable viable understanding and means of communication. It is assumed that in order to enhance stakeholders' understanding and intercommunication, that it is better to involve them in the process of modelling from the beginning, using an iterative modelling process, and without being restricted to logical steps. To achieve this a case study strategy is followed in order to devise a modelling framework that helps in enhancing stakeholders' understanding and intercommunication. In this particular research Single Case approach is employed using two case studies. The first case study is used as an attempt to evaluate the hypotheses and tackle research questions which are raised based on an analysis of findings from the literature. The experimentation and analysis part are used to refine the initial hypotheses. These hypotheses are then examined using the second case study to establish a picture about how to achieve the research objectives. In both case studies simulation modelling is examined with regard to the research questions. The thesis concludes by identifying a modelling approach that has high versatility and flexibility to enhance stakeholders understanding and intercommunication. The approach is called MAPIU2, which stands for a Modelling Approach that is Iterative Participative for Understanding. From its name it can be deducted that the main factors of this approach are based on involving the stakeholders in the modelling process from the beginning in an iterative behaviour. One of the main lessons learned is that to achieve better results from the simulation modelling it is important that stakeholders should be involved with modelling process rather than just getting the final results, which helps implanting any decisions or recommendations arising from the model.

Visualization using 3D Monitor / Visualisering vid använding av 3D Monitor

Hagdahl, Stefan January 2008 (has links)
Many companies over the years have been working with enhancing the visual effect of monitors and television with 3D glasses and such. There is a new form of 3D viewing right now; Spatial View is the one I know most about. Their technology includes a barrier panel technology which aligns the right and left eye simultaneously giving the person looking at the monitor a 3D viewing. Spatial View has developed an API that can be easily included in games and rendering applications to enable this 3D visualization and this thesis is about the computer performance cost. The API works in such a way that it takes 5 images of the current scene the camera is looking at in the game or rendering application and interlace them together to produce 1 image to be displayed on screen. Combining this with the monitor technique gives the visual effect. The 5 different camera angles that are produced can be a strain on the performance, meaning that the rendering API in this case Direct3D 9.0c has to render everything 5 times each frame. This can slow down the frame rate of the game, which is very important for the game to run smoothly. This thesis main focus is to understand the correlation between the number of camera angles and rendering time for Direct3D 9.0c, is it linear or exponential. By having access to Spatial View’s Direct3D 9.0c API, I was able to construct a test application which could answer the hypothesis. Six tests were used to investigate this with different numbers of camera angle to see the impact on rendering time. Using one, two and five camera angles for the test with large cubes (big enough to almost cover the screen) and small cubes (almost small enough to not see). After seeing the rendering time and understanding the API from Spatial View’s, a theory about reducing the rendering time arose. This theory will be explained throughout the thesis and discussed; it includes using Direct3D 10.0 with geometry instancing.

Towards Pattern Based Architectural Conformance Checking

Olsson, Tobias January 2016 (has links)
Patterns are a source of knowledge when architecting software systems. They provide abstract and time-tested solutions that show how a system should be structured to achieve needed qualities. However, when developing software there is a chance that small mistakes are introduced in the source code. Over time, these mistakes can accumulate and break the structure of the pattern and its qualities are lost. There are methods that can help find such errors, but none of these provide a pattern abstraction. In this work, we describe a method that raises the level of abstraction from checking individual dependencies to checking key dependencies in the pattern. We implement our method, apply it to check the Model-View-Controller pattern. We show that the method can find architectural problems in real source code and examine how removal of detected erosions affects the source code. We conducted an experiment in a software project setting to determine if using the method affects the number of architectural problems. Some project teams were randomly assigned to use a software service that automated our method. It checked how well their implementation conformed to Model-View-Controller every time they updated the source code. The experiment showed that developers that used the tool had significantly fewer detected architectural problems during the course of the project. Our method makes conformance checking easier to use. This might help increase the adoption of conformance checking in industry.

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