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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity and Stress as Predictors of Vigilance

Reinerman, Lauren E. 04 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Impact of Binaural Beat Technology on Vigilance Task Performance, Psychological Stress and Mental Workload

Shoda, Elizabeth Ann 08 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Comparison of Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Tests in Adults

Taylor, Cindy J. 12 1900 (has links)
Two continuous performance tests were administered to normal adult subjects. The mode of presentation (visual or auditory) and the type of task (vigilance or distractibility) were varied, and their effects on performance measured. Data were collected on eighty-two subjects, and results indicated that auditory presentation of stimuli increased the difficulty of both tasks. Results also suggest that the distractibility task administered in either mode was more difficult than the vigilance task. Intercorrelations among the four continuous performance tasks are provided. Normative data are presented on all four tasks administered. A measure of symptoms of attention-deficit disorder in adults, the Adult Behavior Checklist, was found to correlate significantly with another measure of pathology, the SCL-90-R.

Le paysage de la peur en milieu agricole: le cas de la Grande Oie des neiges

Dumas, Pierre-Alexandre January 2016 (has links)
Depuis environ 40 ans, l’intensification des pratiques agricoles a grandement transformé le paysage agricole et ce tant, dans les Amériques qu’en Europe. Quoique, plusieurs espèces animales soient affectées négativement par ces changements, certaines espèces en bénéficient. C’est le cas de la Grande Oie des neiges (Chen caerulescens atlantica) qui a vu sa population croître de façon importante et ce, au point de devenir problématique. De fait, la Grande Oie des neiges cause des dommages importants aux cultures du Québec (1 646 229 ± 800 000 par an entre 2009 et 2015) et aux écosystèmes qu’elle utilise lorsqu’elle fait halte dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada. Bien que plusieurs actions aient été tentées pour contrôler sa population le problème persiste. La quête alimentaire des animaux est entre autres modulée par les comportements anti-prédateurs, tels que le temps passé en vigilance et une utilisation différentielle des habitats. Ces comportements sont à leur tour affectés par le risque de prédation et la vie en groupe. En effet, le risque de prédation perçu par un individu dépend entre autres (1) de la taille du groupe auquel il appartient ; (2) de la densité et de l’activité des proies et des prédateurs dans l’environnement ; (3) de son niveau de connaissance de l’environnement ; et (4) des caractéristiques du paysage qu’il occupe. Il s’ensuit que le risque de prédation varie dans l’espace et dans le temps. La représentation cartographique de ce risque à un moment donné consiste en un paysage de la peur, où chaque location ou chaque élément d’un paysage se voit associé un risque de prédation. On s’attend donc à ce que la quête alimentaire des individus, tant dans leur utilisation des habitats que dans leur budget d’activité, soit affectée par la structure du paysage de la peur. Par conséquent, on peut se demander si le paysage de la peur peut être utilisé comme outil de gestion d’une espèce, notamment pour la Grande Oie des neiges. Mon objectif est de quantifier comment la perception du risque de prédation par la Grande Oie des neiges varie en fonction de différents éléments des paysages agricoles visités par les oies, mais aussi de quantifier cette variation selon différentes contraintes énergétiques et temporelles durant leurs haltes migratoires. Ceci afin de voir si le paysage de la peur pourrait être utiliser comme outil de gestion. À ce titre, je vise à mesurer l’effet du type de cultures, de la nature de l’élément paysager, de la distance de celui-ci et du niveau de compétition intraspécifique au sein des sites d’alimentation et ce, durant les deux migrations, sur l’utilisation des habitats et le budget d’activité des oies. Je pose que les oies prendront plus de risques si les contraintes temporelles sont fortes, de même que si elles se nourrissent dans une parcelle alimentaire de haute qualité et si elles subissent une plus forte de compétition. Pour ce faire, j’ai parcouru les Basses-Terres-du-Saint-Laurent de Salaberry-de-Valleyfield jusqu’à l’Islet lors des printemps 2014 et 2015 et de l’automne 2014. J’ai ainsi repéré et observé 141 groupes d’oies exploitant des terres agricoles pour lesquels j’ai noté la position des individus dans les champs et mesuré leur taux de vigilance, de même que noté divers facteurs qui pourraient affecter ces deux comportements, dont le type de cultures exploitées et le fait d’être ou non au sein d’une zone où la chasse est permise. Au printemps, le taux de vigilance des oies était, plus élevé dans les cultures de maïs, plus bas si la densité locale d’oies augmentait et plus bas dans les sanctuaires (i.e., en absence de chasse). Alors qu’à l’automne, le taux de vigilance était, plus élevé à proximité d’une route ou d’un fossé et plus élevé en bordure du groupe. Au printemps, la distance aux éléments du paysage potentiellement dangereux était, plus grande face à une bordure de forêt et plus faible face à la route. La distance était plus petite dans les cultures de maïs, plus élevée dans le foin et plus faible dans les sanctuaires. À l’automne, les effets des différents éléments étaient semblables à ceux du printemps. La distance était plus grande si la taille du groupe augmentait et plus petite dans les sanctuaires. De plus, les oies semblaient montrer un évitement des bordures forestières alors que les autres éléments du paysage étudiés ne semblent pas être sélectionnés ou évités. Les oies subissent des contraintes différentes au printemps et à l’automne. Ces contraintes semblent moduler la prise en compte du risque de prédation entre les saisons. En effet, les oies semblent privilégier l’alimentation au détriment de la prise de risques au printemps, une décision probablement liée à la reproduction dont le succès dépend d’une arrivée relativement hâtive sur les aires de nidification arctiques et donc, des réserves énergétiques accumulées sur les haltes migratoires. En opposition, les oies semblent prendre davantage conscience du risque de prédation dans leur quête alimentaire à l’automne, ce qui pourrait être lié au fait qu’elles sont accompagnées de leurs jeunes et à une contrainte énergétique et temporelle plus faible qu’au printemps. En bref, les oies semblent subir les effets de la peur reliée à la chasse. Mes résultats semblent indiquer que le paysage de la peur pourrait être utilisé dans les stratégies de gestion. Par exemple, en instaurant des haies brise-vent dans les secteurs où le risque de dommages agricoles est élevé, le risque de prédation perçu par les oies y serait plus élevé et pourrait ainsi diminuer l’utilisation de ces secteurs.

Fatigue Monitoring System

Ratecki, Tomasz 14 May 2010 (has links)
This work provides an innovative solution for monitoring fatigue for users behind workstations. A web camera was adjusted to work in near infrared range and a system of 880 nm IR diodes was implemented to create an IR vision system to localize and track the eye pupils. The software developed monitors and tracks eyes for signs of fatigue by measuring PERCLOS. The software developed runs on the workstation and is designed to draw limited computational power, so as to not interfere with the user task. To overcome low-frame rate imposed by the hardware limitations and to improve real time monitoring, two-phases detection and tacking algorithm is implemented. The proposed system successfully monitors fatigue at a rate of 8 fps. The system is well suited to monitor users in command centers, flight control centers, airport traffic dispatches, military operation and command centers, etc., but the work can be extended to wearable devices and other environments.

Vigilância de eventos adversos pós-vacina DPT e preditores de gravidade: Estado de São Paulo, 1984-2001 / DPT post vaccine adverse events surveillance and seriousness predictors: State of São Paulo , 1984-2001

Freitas, Fabiana Ramos Martin de 14 October 2005 (has links)
Objetivo: Descrever os eventos adversos pós-vacina DPT (EAPV-DPT) notificados no Estado de São Paulo entre 1984 a 2001; identificar preditores de gravidade desses eventos; avaliar o Sistema de Vigilância de Eventos Adversos Pós-Vacina DPT (SVEAPV-DPT).Métodos: Estudo descritivo e exploratório de preditores de gravidade. A definição de caso adotada é do SVEAPV, sendo este também a fonte dos dados. A avaliação do SVEAPV-DPT foi efetuada segundo metodologia proposta pelo Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Para identificação dos preditores usou-se a regressão logística não-condicional.Resultados: Foram identificados 6266 casos, dos quais 53% eram graves, 29,5% foram hospitalizados; os eventos mais freqüentes foram: febre<39,5ºC, episódio hipotônico-hiporresponsivo, reação local e convulsão. Em cerca de 75% dos casos o evento ocorreu nas primeiras seis horas após a vacinação. Mostraram-se independentemente associadas à gravidade: o intervalo de tempo inferior a uma hora entre a aplicação da vacina e o evento (OR=2,1), primeira dose aplicada (OR=5,8), antecedentes neurológicos pessoais (OR=2,2) e familiares (OR=5,3). O sistema passivo de EAPV é simples, flexível, de baixa sensibilidade, porém útil, descrevendo diferentes tipos de EAPV, identificando lotes mais reatogênicos e oferecendo subsídios para a elaboração de normas técnicas.Conclusões: Apesar das limitações, os sistemas passivos de VEAPV constituem o principal instrumento para estudar a segurança de vacinas no período pós-licença, sendo porém recomendável a incorporação de novas metodologias, entre elas a de municípios e unidades sentinelas. Além disso, é recomendável a inclusão na pauta de discussão das revisões periódicas do calendário de imunizações, a introdução da vacina DPT acelular. / Objective: Describe the DPT post vaccine adverse events (DPT- PVAE) notified in the state of São Paulo between 1984 and 2001; identify seriousness predictors of these events; evaluate the DPT Post Vaccine Adverse Events Vigilance System (DPT- PVAEVS).Methods: Descriptive and exploratory study of seriousness predictors. The case definition adopted was that of the PVAEVS, being it the data source as well. The evaluation of the DPT- PVAEVS was conducted according to the methodology proposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To identify the predictors, non-conditional logistical regression was used.Results: 6266 cases were identified, of which 53% were serious, 29,5% were hospitalized; the most frequent events were: fever <39,5ºC, hypotonic-hyporresponsive episode, local reaction and convulsion. In around 75% of the cases, the event occurred during the first six hours after vaccination. They were show to be independently associated to the gravity: the time interval inferior to one hour between the application of the vaccine and the event (OR=2,1), first dose administered (OR=5,8), personal (OR=2,2) and family (OR=5,3) neurological history. The PVAE passive system is simple, flexible, of low sensitivity, yet useful describing different types of PVAE, identifying reatogenic lots and offering subsidies to the elaboration of technical norms.Conclusions: Despite the limitations, the PVAE passive systems constitute the main instrument to study the safety of vaccines during the post license period. Nevertheless, the incorporation of new technologies is advisable, among which are municipalities and sentinel units. Besides this, it is advisable to include the introduction of the acellular DPT vaccine as a discussion point of the periodic reviews of the immunization calendar.

A epidemia da AIDS infantil & os sistemas de informação: limites e possibilidades da intervenção em saúde coletiva na cidade de São Paulo. / The epidemic of infantile aids and information systems: limits and possibilities of intervention in collective health in the city of São Paulo.

Nichiata, Lucia Yasuko Izumi 06 December 2001 (has links)
O impacto que a epidemia da aids vem produzindo sobre a população infantil é particularmente importante, pois, do total de casos notificados no mundo todo, entre adultos e crianças, aproximadamente 10% têm menos de 15 anos de idade, sendo a maioria proveniente dos países em desenvolvimento. A aids confirma a associação, historicamente determinada, entre as condições concretas de vida e a produção da doença. Tomando a expressão da epidemia como objeto do estudo, teve por finalidade oferecer subsídios para a intervenção em saúde coletiva no fenômeno da aids infantil, de transmissão vertical, especialmente, para o aprimoramento do Sistema de Informação em Vigilância Epidemiológica da aids. Adotou-se a como refererencial teórico-filosófico a determinação social do processo saúde-doença e as categorias analíticas exclusão/inclusão social e processo de adoecimento e morte por aids. A fonte empírica de dados foi obtida do Sistema de Informação de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Estado de São Paulo e do Programa de Aprimoramento das Informações de Mortalidade da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo. A análise dos dados demonstra a gravidade da situação: as crianças já nascem duplamente em desvantagem, têm suas mães e/ou pais acometidos pela doença e encontram pela frente um penoso processo de aprendizagem com a própria soropositividade. Evidenciaram-se situações que denotam exclusão social, na constatação do número de crianças órfãs de mães, na ocorrência de crianças institucionalizadas, na vulnerabilidade programática e no uso de drogas injetáveis pelas mães. No entanto, não ficou explícita a exclusão social como produto das formas diferenciadas de reprodução social dos grupos sociais. Apontou-se a necessidade de transformar a forma de captação da realidade pela vigilância epidemiológica, para superar os modelos multicausais que tornam invisíveis as dimensões sociais da doença. A ausência de visibilidade pública da exclusão social, especialmente no caso das crianças vulneráveis ao HIV/aids, está diretamente vinculada à sua ausência de autonomia, ou seja, à incapacidade do Sistema de Informação em Vigilância Epidemiológica em considerar a criança como sujeito com pleno direito de cidadania. Reconhece-se a necessária e urgente revisão da ficha de notificação, importante instrumento que informa sobre a epidemia, de modo a ser possível a caracterização da exclusão social das pessoas afetadas pelo HIV/aids no caso de crianças. Ao final apontam-se recomendações para a intervenção em saúde coletiva na Cidade de São Paulo frente à epidemia de aids infantil. / The impact that aids epidemic has been producing on the infantile population is particularly important, out of the total number of notified cases in the whole world, among adults and children, approximately 10% is composed of individuals who are younger than 15 years old and the majority comes from countries in development. Aids cases confirm the association, historically determined, between the concrete conditions of living and the disease production. Taking the expression of epidemic as the object of study, our study had as its objective to offer subsidy for the intervention of collective health at infantile aids phenomena, of vertical transmission, especially, to the improvement of Information System in Aids Epidemiological Surveillance. The social determination and the analytical categories social inclusion/exclusion and the process of becoming sick and dying due to aids were adopted as a theoretical-philosophic reference. Data is from the Sistema de Informação of the Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Estado de São Paulo (Health State Department of Epidemiological Surveillance Information System from the State of São Paulo) and from the Programa de Aprimoramento das Informações de Mortalidade da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo (Mortality Information Improvement Program from the Municipality of the City of São Paulo). The data analysis shows the seriousness of the situation: many children are born with double disadvantage, their fathers or mothers already have the disease and they will face a painful learning process with their own HIV positive status. We found some evident situations in which we could notice social exclusion, verifying the number of children without mothers, in institucionalized children, at programmatic vulnerability and the usage of injectable drugs by mothers. However, social exclusion was not explicit as a product of the different ways of social reproduction from the social groups. A need to transform the methodology of data recording by the epidemiological vigilance, to surpass the multicause models that make the social dimensions of the disease invisible. The lack of public ability to be aware and record data about social exclusion, especially in the case of children vulnerable to HIV/aids, is directly linked to the lack of autonomy, or due to the incompetence of the Epidemiological Surveillance Information System in considering the child as a person with rights to citizenship. We consider it urgent to review the notification record, important instrument that informs about the epidemic, in a way that enables health professionals to distinguish social exclusion of the affected people, mainly in case of HIV/aids positive children. At the end, proposals are made for intervention in collective health in the City of São Paulo, in order to better enable health professionals to have other resources to face infantile aids epidemic.

Behavioural ecology of Przewalski horses (Equus przewalskii) reintroduced to Hustai National Park, Mongolia

King, Sarah Rachel Buckley January 2012 (has links)
Studies on the behavioural ecology of Przewalski horses (Equus przewalskiiy) recently reintroduced into Hustai National Park, Mongolia were carried out between 1998 and 2000. Home range size and habitat use, social, marking, and vigilance behaviour, and their reaction to flies were quantified. Home ranges of harems ranged from 129 ha to 2399 ha, with core areas of between 61 ha and 1196 ha. There was no relationship between range size and harem size, or length of time since release. The more nutritious vegetation at lower elevations was preferentially selected. The horses rested near ridges during the hotter parts of the day where there were fewer flies, and grazed in the valleys in the mornings and evenings. Woodland areas were used to shelter from the sun, despite their high fly abundance. Muscid flies were most frequently caught; Tabanids were rare. Dominance was related to age, aggression and length of time in the harem. The frequency of associative behaviours did not correlate with any social factor, but had a hygienic function. Stallions marked stud piles wid mare eliminations in different ways suggesting different functions. In addition to being vigilant for predators, the horses appeared to scan for social cues and food patches. Home range size and habitat use, and general pattern of marking and vigilance behaviour, of the wild Przewalski horses were similar to those seen among feral domestic horses, although they tended to be less aggressive than captive and feral horses. So far, the re-establishment of przewalski horses into HNP appears to have been successful, although constant monitoring of the population is necessary. As the population grows, there will be potential problems to do with exceeding the carrying capacity of the park and hybridisation with domestic horses. The future management of the horses is discussed.

La vigilance entrepreneuriale : les antécédents liés au sommeil du dirigeant de PME / Entrepreneurial Alertness : Antecedents Related To SME Owners/Directors Sleep

Guiliani, Florence 12 July 2016 (has links)
Le concept de vigilance entrepreneuriale introduit par Kirzner (1973) joue un rôle clé dans le processus de détection d’opportunités d’affaires. Depuis les travaux conduits par l’école autrichienne, ce concept a été largement développé et a soulevé un certain nombre de questionnements par les chercheurs. L’approche cognitive a permis d’apporter quelques éléments de réponses en affinant le concept. En s’inspirant des travaux initiaux de Kirzner (1973, 1989) et de ceux de l’approche cognitiviste, Tang et al. (2012) ont proposé une nouvelle définition plus intégratrice. Ces auteurs ont modélisé et opérationnalisé la vigilance entrepreneuriale autour de trois dimensions : la veille et la recherche d’informations, la capacité à faire des associations et des connexions entre les informations, et celle de les évaluer et de les juger. La question des antécédents potentiels de la vigilance entrepreneuriale restait en suspens (Valliere, 2013). En réponse à la remarque de Valliere (2013) et aux besoins de connaissances et de statistiques du champ de la santé entrepreneuriale, nous avons étudié les effets du sommeil sur ce processus. À cet effet, la théorie de l’attention a permis de faire des liens entre les champs de l’entrepreneuriat et du sommeil. Afin de répondre à la problématique, une posture positiviste, associée à un mode de raisonnement hypothético-déductif, a été adoptée. Treize hypothèses de recherche ont été proposées à partir desquelles le modèle conceptuel a été construit. Afin de le valider, une étude quantitative en coupe instantanée de deux mois a été conduite auprès de dirigeants de PME. À l’issue de cette enquête, 238 questionnaires ont été récoltés. Ces derniers ont été analysés par la méthode des équations structurelles basée sur les moindres carrés partiels (PLS). Les résultats soulignent l’importance du sommeil dans le maintien des capacités cognitives, attentionnelles et entrepreneuriales pour un dirigeant de PME. / The concept of entrepreneurial alertness introduced by Kirzner (1973) plays a critical role in the process of business opportunities detection. Since the work conducted by the Austrian school, this concept has been widely developed and has raised numerous questions by researchers. The cognitive approach has pointed to some answers by refining the concept. Inspired by the initial work of Kirzner (1973, 1989) and those conducted by the cognitive approach, Tang et al. (2012) proposed a more inclusive definition. These authors modeled and operationalized entrepreneurial alertness by three dimensions: alert scanning and search, alert association and connection and evaluation and judgment. The issue of potential antecedents of entrepreneurial alertness remained unresolved (Valliere, 2013). In response to the comments of Valliere (2013) and the entrepreneurial health field’s needs for knowledge and statistics, we proposed to study the effects of sleep on this process. To this end, the theory of attention allowed to make the links between the fields of entrepreneurship and sleep. To meet the problematic, a positivist posture associated with a hypothetical-deductive approach was adopted. Thirteen research hypotheses were proposed from the conceptual model was built. To validate this model, a cross sectional quantitative study of two months was conducted among SME owners/directors. At the end of this survey, we collected 238 questionnaires. These were analyzed by the structural equation method based on Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results highlight the importance of sleep in maintaining cognitive, attentional and entrepreneurial abilities for SME owners/directors.

Tourism and African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana) Behavior in Zambezi National Park, Zimbabwe

Rooney, Brigit 01 July 2019 (has links)
As charismatic megafauna and a flagship species, African elephants (Loxodonta africana) are vital to the African tourist economy. Conversely, high levels of wildlife tourism can induce behavioral shifts that push desired animals into less frequented areas and disrupt natural behaviors. In order to examine this trade-off, tourism levels and African elephant behaviors were studied in Zambezi National Park (ZNP) near Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Over the course of 14 weeks, in-person observations and camera traps in ZNP were used to collect geographic, demographic, and behavioral data from elephant sightings. As a proxy for human presence, geo-locational data were collected for each vehicle sighted in ZNP. These data of vehicles and elephants were mapped in ArcGIS to show a visual representation of their spatial relationship and identify high density and hotspot locations. Analyses from physical observations found that elephants were more frequently sighted in the park region with less vehicle traffic, as expected, but surprisingly also expressed more vigilance behaviors in that region. These results imply that elephants in high traffic regions become accustomed to vehicles but still avoid them when possible. Analyses from camera trap data revealed that only two of the six waterholes monitored had inversely related elephant and human presence, as predicted. There was no clear relationship between elephant and human presence. Future studies should account for habitat type differences in behavioral observations and compare elephant waterhole use in more heavily visited parks.

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