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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparative Study of Rhoda Kellogg's Children's Artistic Development Research

Heather G Vickers (11812166) 20 December 2021 (has links)
<p>This investigation is a comparative study of the artistic development research of Rhoda Kellogg and the research of Helga Eng, Henry Schaefer-Simmern, and Viktor Lowenfeld. The intent of this investigation is to compare Kellogg’s children’s artistic development research to other theorists of the period to discover similarities and differences in her work, validating its significance. The criteria of the selection of the theorists limit the investigation to the research of children’s artistic development stage theories in the mid-twentieth century. The results of this investigation found that Kellogg’s children’s artistic development research consisted of far more categorizations of marks in the scribble and pre-schema stages than Eng, Schaefer-Simmern, and Lowenfeld’s research. The study also expands on the significance of Kellogg’s children’s artistic development research in the field of art education and the context in which Kellogg undertook her research. This investigation also brought attention to and documented Kellogg’s research more extensively than previous studies.</p>

Budapešť versus Brusel: politika paměti Viktora Orbána versus Evropská unie. / Budapest versus Brussels: Viktor Orbán's Politics of Memory against the European Union.

Marcks, Jakob Matthias January 2017 (has links)
Jakob Marcks Master's Thesis Budapest versus Brussels: Viktor Orbán's Politics of Memory Against the European Union Abstract Since Viktor Orbán came to power in 2010, disputes between Hungary and the European Union have increased. Among the contested issues are legislative changes, Hungary's new constitution as well as the so-called refugee crisis. While the European Commission criticizes violations of EU law and EU principles, Orbán accuses "Brussels" of illegitimate interferences with domestic affairs. In this context Orbán frequently uses historicizing arguments, which means that he invokes Hungarian history in order to explain present-day politics. Orbán paints a picture of brave Hungarians who repeatedly fought for freedom in the past, and who repeatedly became the victims of foreign Empires. Today, he claims, Hungarians are in a similar situation again, yet this time they have to defend their freedom against the European Union. While doing so, Orbán often blurs the line between past and present and creates a strict antagonism of "us against them". Historically, "us against them" refers to freedom fighters against communists. Today, "us" refers to a Christian Hungary that values work, family and national sovereignty, and "them" refers to a global liberal elite, represented by the European Union and...

A comparison of the contributions of two art education leaders in a specific publication of each with special reference to creative painting in the lower elementary school

Unknown Date (has links)
"The two books, Creative and Mental Growth by Viktor Lowenfeld and The New Art Education by Ralph Pearson, were chosen in order to compare the contributions of two art education leaders in a specific publication of each with special reference to creative painting in the lower elementary grades. These books were selected because both deal with education through art with emphasis upon painting; for the influence, reputation, and recognition which they have had in the teaching field, for their divergent objectives, and for their value in the teaching profession. My purpose in examining these two books was twofold; to compare the contributions of each book, and to clarify my own philosophy in teaching art. In terms of this purpose I have restricted the data included in this paper to the direct contents found in the named publications"--Introduction. / Typescript. / "April 19, 1952." / "Submitted to the Graduate Council of Florida State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts under Plan II." / Advisor: Julia Schwartz, Major Professor.

Dataanalys för affärsutveckling : Hur kan multimediaföretag analysera användardata för att främja affärsutvecklingen?

Li, Edwin, Johansson, Rickard, Viktor, Bram January 2016 (has links)
Moderna företag inom nyhetsindustrin samlar stora mängder data för att evaluera effektiviteten av sin dagliga verksamhet, förbättra kundvärdet och fatta långsiktiga, strategiska beslut. Multimedia och datormolnets framfart under de senaste åren har lett till stora omvandlingar av hela nyhetsindustrin, men de ledande affärsmodellerna har varit långsamma på att anpassa sig till de nya förhållandena. En fallstudie har utförts hos ett digitalt nyhetsmedieföretag med säte i Stockholm. Vi har utvecklat ett verksamhetsutvecklingsverktyg i Java som samlar stora mängder mätdata och sammanställer detta i en databas. Det ska gå att visualisera och plotta data som en användare väljer genom att kommunicera med databasen. Vi använder vårt verktyg för att skapa och utveckla affärsmodeller som håller givet de förhållanden som råder inom industrin. Vi ger förslag på hur de strategiska målen kan nås genom att skapa ett balanserat styrkort med nyckeltal vi sammanställer från vårt verktyg. Våra resultat indikerar på att mått på användarbehållande, värde till användare och nyhetsleverantörer, och bidrag till välgörenhetsorganisationer som agerar via företaget är några av de viktigare nyckeltalen för att tillfredsställa de nuvarande strategiska målen. Vi ger råd om hur de strategiska målen för företaget ska nås genom att skapa ett balanserat styrkort med nyckeltal som vi bygger med hjälp av vår applikation. Våra resultat tyder på att företaget ska fokusera på att behålla befintliga användare och tydliggöra värdeskapandet till användare, nyhetsleverantörer och annonsörer. För att uppnå detta föreslår vi nya typer av tjänster som företaget ska tillhandahålla. / Modern companies in the news industry gather large quantities of data in order to evaluate the efficiency of their daily operations, to enhance customer value and make long-term, strategic decisions. With the rise of multimedia and cloud computing, the industry itself has transformed over the years, but the leading business models are slow to adapt to this change. At the same time, with technology becoming more of a commodity, companies are putting less emphasis on leveraging technology to a competetive edge, instead opting for stronger, more complex business models to create superior value. This thesis aims to link together valuable data measured by companies, with the creation of strong business models and strategic goals. A case study was performed at a Swedish digital news media startup based in Stockholm. We develop a business intelligence tool in Java that gathers large amounts of raw data, compiles the data into a database, and enables visualisation and plotting of selected data by performing query runs on the database. We use this application to develop and enhance business models that is viable in the current state of the industry. We give advise on how to reach the strategic goals of the company by creating a balanced scorecard with key performance indicators that we develop using our application. Our results indicate that the company should focus on user retention and increase its value proposition to users, news providers and advertisers. We will propose new types of services that the company should provide in order to accomplish this.

Translating “Lunokhod”: Textual Order, Chaos and Relevance Theory

Bullock, Mercedes 11 September 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the concepts of textual order and chaos, and how Relevance Theory can be used to translate texts that do not adhere to conventional textual practices. Relevance Theory operates on the basis of presumed order in communication. Applying it to disordered communicative acts provides an opportunity and vocabulary to describe how communication can break down, and the consequences this can have for translation. This breakdown of order, which I am terming a ‘chaos principle’, will be examined through the lens of a Russian-language short story called “Lunokhod”, a story in which textual order, as described by Relevance Theory, breaks down. In this thesis, I first lay out several translation challenges presented by my corpus, discuss each with reference to Relevance Theory, and examine the implications for translation through sample translation segments. This deconstruction section argues that conventional translation methods fail to properly address the challenges of my corpus. Next comes a reconstruction section, in which I develop a theoretical framework for my translation that has roots in Relevance Theory but that frees the translation from the constraints imposed by an ordered view of communication. Finally, I present the translation itself.

A study of Viktor E. Frankl's and Karl A. Menninger's concepts of love

Hatcher, Gordon Merrell 01 January 1968 (has links) (PDF)
The subject of love was chosen because of the current confusion over the nature, importance, and development of love. Although these topics are often discussed, the study of them seems never to be exhausted. The scope of the subject was too broad and the time for the study too short to investigate a number of theories of love. Therefore, the writer chose to study the concepts of love of the present-day psychiatrist. This decision led to the search for two contemporary psychiatrists who had published materials of importance on the topic. The subject was narrowed further when the search was begun for two men who represented two schools of psychology, existential and psychoanalytic. Viktor E, Frankl is an existentialist and Karl A. Menninger is a disciple of Freud. Both men are contemporary theorists and have written several books and articles on the subject. The basic assumptions in this thesis are: Love is an important value and not merely an illusion. Love may be understood, although there are neither reliable computers nor valid formulas for measuring "love quotient." An investigation of love from a psychological viewpoint can be valid. The comparison of the concepts of love as revealed in the writings of Frankl and of Menninger may aid in the understanding of the development of human love.

Vad Gör en Polis Mellan Raderna? : En litteraturkritisk analys av Schackspelet och Götgatsbacken.

Grande, Saga January 2024 (has links)
In this analysis I compare two Swedish crime novels through a Marxist literary perspective. I compare how the policeman Viktor Adolphson and the social researcher Rickard Ulmestig chooses to describe the same line of work, namely police work, in their books Götgatsbacken and Schackspelet. With the theoretical framework of Marxism, I will explore the ideologies behind the texts by gathering information on the authors, the history of policing and the crime genre in a Swedish context. This will culminate in a comparative analysis of relevant scenes. The goal is to understand what ideological framework the authors have knowingly or unknowingly infused in their text.

O caminho noético o canto e as danças circulares como veículos da saúde existencial no cuidar / The Noetic Path: The singing and the circular dances as vehicles of the existential health in care

Leonardi, Juliana 20 July 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender os sentidos e valores para a existência atribuídos por portadores de transtornos mentais em um CAPS a partir de um processo musicoterapêutico centrado nas vivências do canto e das danças circulares à luz da análise existencial-humanista de Viktor Frankl. Foi montado um grupo de estudo com 10 usuários do CAPS semi-internação de Ribeirão Preto ao longo de 4 meses de atuação e intervenção. O trabalho de campo contou com a participação de dois musicoterapeutas, sendo um observador e outro assistente. Enquanto procedimento realizamos entrevistas individuais iniciais com os sujeitos da pesquisa, levantamento do histórico sonoro-musical dos participantes e registro dos depoimentos dos mesmos ao longo dos 4 meses de intervenção e atuação. As produções de sentidos dos portadores a partir deste processo revelaram a importância da experiência de ser e conviver em grupo como parte dos valores de saúde mais significativos e urgentes na vida dos usuários. Os valores e sentidos de vida compartilhados e mencionados pelos portadores como necessários para o resgate da saúde mental foram: a) existir e ser reconhecido, em seu valor e vida, por outro ser humano; b) relações humanas solidárias como possibilidade concreta de acesso à uma dimensão real de saúde; c) o sentido de saúde mencionado é entendido como vivência e partilha de amizade, amor e encontro genuíno entre dois seres humanos; d) a busca das relações e do outro como o desejo mais profundo dos portadores no resgate da sua saúde mental e, finalmente e) a vivência do canto e das danças circulares como importantes veículos da saúde existencial e de valores noéticos na vida dos portadores. / This research aimed to understand the meanings and values attributed to the existence by patients with mental disorders in a CAPS (Psychosocial Support Center) from a music therapeutic process focused on the experiences of singing and circular dancing based on the existential-humanist analysis of Viktor Frankl. A group of study with ten users in semi hospitalization in a CAPS in Ribeirão Preto was composed along the four months of acting and intervention. Two music therapists, one observer and an assistant participated in the field work. Initial individual interviews were performed; the participants sonorous-musical history was evaluated and the discourses reported during the four months of intervention and acting were recorded. The production of the patients meanings from this process revealed the importance of the experience of being and living in a group as part of the most significant and vital health values in the users lives. The values and life meanings shared and reported by the patients as necessary for the recovery of mental health were: a) existing and being recognized, in one\'s value and life, by other human being; b) reciprocal human relations as concrete possibility of accessing a real dimension of health; c) the meaning of health mentioned is understood as experiencing and sharing friendship, love and genuine encounter between two human beings; d) the search for relationships and for the other as the patients profound desire in the recovery of mental health and finally, e) the experience of the singing and the circular dances as important vehicles of the existential health and of noetic values in the patient\'s lives.

O caminho noético o canto e as danças circulares como veículos da saúde existencial no cuidar / The Noetic Path: The singing and the circular dances as vehicles of the existential health in care

Juliana Leonardi 20 July 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender os sentidos e valores para a existência atribuídos por portadores de transtornos mentais em um CAPS a partir de um processo musicoterapêutico centrado nas vivências do canto e das danças circulares à luz da análise existencial-humanista de Viktor Frankl. Foi montado um grupo de estudo com 10 usuários do CAPS semi-internação de Ribeirão Preto ao longo de 4 meses de atuação e intervenção. O trabalho de campo contou com a participação de dois musicoterapeutas, sendo um observador e outro assistente. Enquanto procedimento realizamos entrevistas individuais iniciais com os sujeitos da pesquisa, levantamento do histórico sonoro-musical dos participantes e registro dos depoimentos dos mesmos ao longo dos 4 meses de intervenção e atuação. As produções de sentidos dos portadores a partir deste processo revelaram a importância da experiência de ser e conviver em grupo como parte dos valores de saúde mais significativos e urgentes na vida dos usuários. Os valores e sentidos de vida compartilhados e mencionados pelos portadores como necessários para o resgate da saúde mental foram: a) existir e ser reconhecido, em seu valor e vida, por outro ser humano; b) relações humanas solidárias como possibilidade concreta de acesso à uma dimensão real de saúde; c) o sentido de saúde mencionado é entendido como vivência e partilha de amizade, amor e encontro genuíno entre dois seres humanos; d) a busca das relações e do outro como o desejo mais profundo dos portadores no resgate da sua saúde mental e, finalmente e) a vivência do canto e das danças circulares como importantes veículos da saúde existencial e de valores noéticos na vida dos portadores. / This research aimed to understand the meanings and values attributed to the existence by patients with mental disorders in a CAPS (Psychosocial Support Center) from a music therapeutic process focused on the experiences of singing and circular dancing based on the existential-humanist analysis of Viktor Frankl. A group of study with ten users in semi hospitalization in a CAPS in Ribeirão Preto was composed along the four months of acting and intervention. Two music therapists, one observer and an assistant participated in the field work. Initial individual interviews were performed; the participants sonorous-musical history was evaluated and the discourses reported during the four months of intervention and acting were recorded. The production of the patients meanings from this process revealed the importance of the experience of being and living in a group as part of the most significant and vital health values in the users lives. The values and life meanings shared and reported by the patients as necessary for the recovery of mental health were: a) existing and being recognized, in one\'s value and life, by other human being; b) reciprocal human relations as concrete possibility of accessing a real dimension of health; c) the meaning of health mentioned is understood as experiencing and sharing friendship, love and genuine encounter between two human beings; d) the search for relationships and for the other as the patients profound desire in the recovery of mental health and finally, e) the experience of the singing and the circular dances as important vehicles of the existential health and of noetic values in the patient\'s lives.

"Porque não estamos sós" : da veracização da experiência de tratamento no espiritismo à luz da Fenomenologia

Marques, Allyde Amorim Penalva 26 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 allyde_amorim_penalva_marques.pdf: 729656 bytes, checksum: 85d871719bc41773825ae4c9aca33f72 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-26 / This work has as main objective to understand the experience of treatment in spiritism and specific objectives, describing the types of treatment offered in spiritualism understand the meaning that leads people to seek this mode of treatment, understanding the experience of treatment and its possible contributions to mental health. The research is qualitative phenomenological perspective. Obviously, there are different treatment modalities in spiritism, however the choice of the participants followed the pattern of volunteering without restricting the type of treatment undergone, gender, reason as to demand treatment or age. Participants were followed up at Spiritual Hospital Patrícia Bacelar (HEPB - Camaragibe / PE). As research instruments, the narrative from Walter Benjamin and the field diary were used to get access to treatment experience in spiritualism. The theoretical framework has been constructed based on the theory Frankl, who understands spirituality as the human dimension, in line with results of this research. To analyze the results, we used the philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer, who reached a final narrative constructed from the dialogue between the participants, the researcher and the theoretical framework that justified the search. Our results reveal an eminent search for other care that not only the doctor, as well as the use of religious resources as complementary to medical practice. Most of the reports demonstrated the continuity of medical treatments simultaneously spiritual treatment. In this context, the stimulus accountability of the individual for self-care while transcendence proved crucial for adherence to medical treatment as well as to overcome situations of intense suffering. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral compreender a experiência de tratamento no espiritismo e, como objetivos específicos, descrever as modalidades de tratamento oferecidas pelo espiritismo, compreender o sentido que leva pessoas a buscarem esse modo de tratamento, compreender a experiência de tratamento e suas possíveis contribuições à saúde mental. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa na perspectiva fenomenológica. É sabido que existem diferentes modalidades de tratamento no espiritismo, no entanto a escolha dos participantes seguiu o padrão de voluntariado, não restringindo o tipo de tratamento submetido, gênero, motivo quanto à procura do tratamento ou idade. Os participantes estavam em acompanhamento no Hospital Espiritual Patrícia Bacelar (HEPB Camaragibe/PE). Como instrumentos da pesquisa, a narrativa a partir de Walter Benjamim e o diário de campo foram utilizados para se ter acesso à experiência de tratamento no espiritismo. A fundamentação teórica foi construída com base na teoria de Frankl, que compreende a espiritualidade como dimensão do humano, em consonância com resultados desta pesquisa. Para a análise dos resultados, utilizamos a hermenêutica filosófica de Gadamer, que alcançou uma narrativa final construída a partir do diálogo entre os participantes, a pesquisadora e o referencial teórico que fundamentou a pesquisa. Nossos resultados revelam uma eminente busca por outro cuidado que não apenas o médico, bem como o uso de recursos religiosos como complementares à prática médica. Em sua maioria, os relatos apontam para a continuidade dos tratamentos médicos simultaneamente ao tratamento espiritual. Nesse contexto, o estímulo à responsabilização do indivíduo por seu autocuidado enquanto autotranscendência se mostrou fundamental para adesão ao tratamento médico, bem como para a superação de situações de intenso sofrimento.

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