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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Riskläkemedel för vitamin D-brist : Handläggning av patienter i Kalmar län.

Lönnbom, Ulrika January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns läkemedel som ger ökad risk för vitamin D-brist. En kartläggningsstudie av hur patientgrupper med olika riskläkemedel hanteras i Landstinget i Kalmar län har inte gjorts tidigare. En sådan studie är önskvärd, för att få en nulägesanalys och öka medvetenheten bland hälso-och sjukvårdspersonal om hur läkemedel påverkar D-vitaminstatus. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka omfattningen av ordinerade riskläkemedel hos samtliga patienter, samt hos patientgruppen ≥75år och hur dessa handläggs avseende ordination av supplementering (samtidig behandling med läkemedel innehållande vitamin D3 / kalcium och vitamin D3,), provtagning och analysresultat avseende kalcidiol i serum. Metod: Riskläkemedel för vitamin D-brist identifierades. Inklusionskriterier för studien var patienter med de fördefinierade riskläkemedlen med ordinationer under 2012 och/eller 2013. Populationen som ingick i studien var patienter i Landstinget i Kalmar län. Data hämtades från patientdatasystemet Cambio Cosmic. Utifrån dessa data analyserades förekomst av supplementering, provtagning för S-25(OH)D kalcidiol och analyssvar. Materialet strukturerades efter respektive läkemedel avseende kön och ålder (≥75 år.) Resultat: 9118 individer ordinerades något av riskläkemedelen orlistat, sevelamer, kolestyramin, kolestipol, efavirenz, prednison, prednisolon, fenytoin, fenobarbital eller karbamazepin. 31% av patienterna som ordinerats riskläkemedel var ≥75 år. Totalt behandlades 22% med supplementationspreparat av de som ordinerats riskläkemedel. I åldersgruppen ≥75 år behandlades 43% med supplement. 61% av de supplementerade patienterna var ≥75 år. Totalt provtogs enbart 4,1% avseende kalcidiol av de som ordinerats riskläkemedel. Av dessa hade 37% av de provtagna en bristnivå av S-25(OH)D (≤50 nmol/L) vid första provtillfället. 57% av de som visade brist supplementerades. Endast 8,3% av de som hade en brist följdes upp med ytterligare en eller flera provtagningar. Av patienterna ≥75 år provtogs 4,1% av patienterna i åldersgruppen. Detta innebär att 31% av de som provtogs var ≥75år. 39% led brist. Av de patienter ≥75 år som hade led brist supplementerades 65% av individerna. Konklusion: Det finns förbättringsutrymme för implementering av kunskap kring riskläkemedel i Landstinget i Kalmar län. / Introduction: Some drugs increase the risk for vitamin D deficiency. To date, no survey has been performed in Kalmar County about how patients medicated with risk pharmaceuticals are handled. Such a survey would be desirable in order to increase knowledge among healthcare workers about how substances interfere with vitamin D status. Aim: The aim was to examine the extent to which risk pharmaceuticals are prescribed among all patients and among patients aged ≥75, and to investigate how these patients are treated with respect to supplementation (drugs containing vitamin D3 / Calcuim and vitamin D3), blood sampling and analysis of serum calcidiol levels. Method: Drugs interfering with vitamin D were identified. Inclusion criteria for the survey were patients that had been prescribed the pre-defined risk pharmaceuticals during 2012 and/ or 2013. The surveyed population was residents in Kalmar County. Data were collected from the patient database Cambio Cosmic. From these data analyzes were made about the occurrence of: supplementation, sampling of S-25(OH)D calcidiol and test results. The collected data were arranged by substance, gender and age (elderly aged ≥75). Results: 9118 patients were prescribed at least one of the risk pharmaceuticals; orlistat, sevelamer, cholestyramine, colestipol, efavirenz, prednisol, prednison, phenytoin, phenobarbital or carbamazepine. 31% of these were aged ≥75. Overall, 22% of the patients were prescribed supplements. Out of these, 61% were elderly. Among the patients that had been prescribed risk pharmaceuticals a minority, 4,1% of the patients were sampled for calcidiol. 37% of these had deficiency in S-25(OH)D (≤50 nmol/L). 8.3% of patients with a vitamin D deficiency were sampled more than once. Out of the patients with deficiency 57% were treated with supplements. Out of the elderly patients prescribed risk pharmaceuticals, 4.1% of the patients were tested for calcidiol. This means that 31% of the tested patients were aged ≥75 and 39% of these had a deficiency. Out of the elderly patients with deficiency, 65% were treated with supplements. Conclusion: In Kalmar County, much can be done in order to better implement the existing knowledge about drugs that increase the risk for vitamin D deficiency. / Betydelsen av bra D-vitaminstatus för äldres hälsa – Hur stor är förekomsten av D-vitaminbrist hos äldre i Kalmar län och hur påverkar läkemedel D-vitaminstatus

Vitamin D, neuromuscular control and falling episodes in Australian postmenopausal women

Austin, Nicole January 2009 (has links)
Falls in the older population have devastating consequences on the psychological and physiological health of the individual. Due to the complexity of interacting factors associated with ageing, pathology and falling episodes, determination of a primary cause or set of causes has been difficult to establish. Deficits in components of neuromuscular control have been widely studied with the coordinated interaction of sensory and motor system components being presented as a fundamental factor in the reduction of falling episodes. A causal relationship between deficits in vitamin D status and falling episodes has also been suggested. Furthermore, a relationship between poor vitamin D status, falling episodes and poor neuromuscular performance has been reported. The aims of the current study were designed to advance understanding in three aspects of the problem of falls prevention. Firstly an examination of the reliability of testing procedures commonly used in assessment of falls risk was undertaken. The Physiological Profile Assessment (PPA) testing procedure was selected as a commonly used tool and the reliability of its various components (sensory, motor and balance) was undertaken as an independent assessment of this approach to assessing falls propensity. Secondly, a case control study of fallers and non fallers was undertaken in which the neuromuscular tests evaluated in the reliability study were used to assess differences in neuromuscular control. The influence of vitamin D status on these measures was also considered. Thirdly, a 12-month randomised controlled trial of vitamin D/calcium supplementation or placebo/calcium was undertaken to identify the effect on falls outcome and individual measures of neuromuscular control.

Uticaj statusa vitamina D na metaboličku aktivnost kosti i koštanu masu kod bolesnika sa alkoholnom cirozom jetre / Effects of vitamin D status on bone metabolism and bone mass in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis

Savić Željka 27 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Hepatička osteodistrofija je termin koji obuhvata metaboličke bolesti kosti udružene sa hroničnim bolestima jetre. U alkoholnoj cirozi (AC) jetre postoji visoka zastupljenost deficijencije vitamina D proporcionalna stepenu disfunkcije jetre, ali njena uloga u patogenezi hepatičke osteodistrofije nije dovoljno obja&scaron;njena. Nivo 25(OH)D odražava status vitamina D. Kod AC jetre izmenjena je metabolička aktivnost kosti i suprimirano je formiranje kosti &scaron;to dovodi do smanjenja ko&scaron;tane mase. U centru interesovanja je postizanje optimalnog statusa vitamina D. Stavovi o suplementaciji vitaminom D kod AC jetre nisu jasno definisani. Cilj rada: Utvrditi nivo vitamina D, ispitati metaboličku aktivnost kosti i mineralnu gustinu kosti kod bolesnika sa AC jetre. Utvrditi efekte suplementacije sa 1000 IU vitamina D3 na dan tokom godinu dana u odnosu na metaboličku aktivnost kosti i mineralnu gustinu kosti kod ispitivanih bolesnika. Bolesnici i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za gastroenterologiju i hepatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu kao prospektivna intervencijska studija sa primenom suplementacije sa 1000 IU vitamina D3 na dan kod bolesnika sa AC jetre. Grupu bolesnika koja je uključena u istraživanje (1) činilo je 70 bolesnika mu&scaron;kog pola sa dijagnozom AC jetre. Bolesnici su imali četiri pregleda (P), odnosno tačke studije: P1-uključivanje bolesnika i započinjanje suplementacije vitaminom D; P2, P3 i P4 posle tri, &scaron;est i dvanaest meseci suplementacije vitaminom D, redom. Prilikom svakog pregleda rađene su analize funkcije jetre, metabolizma kosti i statusa vitamina D. Na početku (P1) i na kraju istraživanja (P4) vr&scaron;eno je merenje mineralne gustine kosti (BMD) DXA metodom. Gubitak bolesnika od P1 do P4 bio je dvadeset, na različitim tačkama studije. Prvi deo istraživanja odnosi se na Grupu bolesnika koja je uključena u istraživanje (1) i zavr&scaron;ila prvi pregled (P1). Pedeset bolesnika je zavr&scaron;ilo kompletno istraživanje po predviđenom protokolu i oni se zbog realizacije svih pregleda i ponovljenih merenja posmatraju kao: Grupa bolesnika koja je zavr&scaron;ila istraživanje (2). Rezultati: (1): Kod bolesnika sa AC jetre utvrđena je deficijencija vitamina D, snižen nivo osteokalcina, normalni nivoi CrossLapsa, PTH, ukupnog i jonizovanog kalcijuma, fosfora i magnezijuma. Osteopeniju je imalo 42,65% a osteoporozu 14,71% ispitanika. Kod svih ispitanika najniži BMD izmeren je na vratu femura. (2): Suplementacija vitaminom D dovela je do značajnog porasta 25(OH)D. U odnosu na osteokalcin konstatovana je pozitivna razlika vrednosti P1/P4, iako je nivo ostao ispod donje granice normale. Kod nivoa CrossLapsa i PTH razlika P1/P4 je negativna, ali su nivoi u sva četiri merenja u okviru referentnih vrednosti. Na lumbalnoj kičmi do&scaron;lo je do pobolj&scaron;anja BMD za 0.87%, a pogor&scaron;anja su na vratu femura -1.87 % i kuku -1.65%. Konstatovano je i pobolj&scaron;anje funkcije jetre. Zaključci: Kod bolesnika sa AC jetre pobolj&scaron;anje statusa vitamina D dovodi do povećanja formiranja kosti i pobolj&scaron;anja ko&scaron;tane mase na lumbalnoj kičmi. Neophodno je određivanje statusa vitamina D kod svih bolesnika sa AC jetre i uvođenje suplementacije vitaminom D kod bolesnika koji imaju nivo 25(OH)D &lt; 80 nmol/l, uz tromesečne kontrole efekta. Kod postavljanja dijagnoze AC jetre potrebno je inicijalno određivanje BMD. Kod suplementacije vitaminom D nakon inicijalnog DXA pregleda sledeći se preporučuje nakon jedne do dve godine.</p> / <p>Introduction: The term Hepatic osteodystrophy defines a group of metabolic bone diseases associated with underlying chronic liver disease. Alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC) is characterized by high incidence of vitamin D deficiency that is proportional to the level of liver failure; however, its role in the pathogenesis of hepatic osteodystrophy has not yet been fully elucidated. The level of 25(OH)D best reflects the vitamin D status. ALC is characterized by changed bone metabolic activity and suppressed bone formation, resulting in the decrease in bone mass. The key topic of interest is the achievement of optimal vitamin D status. The attitude of health professionals towards vitamin D supplementation in alcoholic liver cirrhosis has not yet been clearly defined. The aim of the research: Determining of vitamin D levels, investigating the metabolic activity of the bone and bone mass in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC); Determining the effects of vitamin D3 supplementation at the dose 1000 IU/day during a one-year period in relation to metabolic activity of the bone and bone mineral density (BMD) in the investigated patient population. Patients and methods: The research was conducted at the Clinic for Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Clinical Centre of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. The research was designed as a prospective interventional study implicating vitamin D3 supplementation at the dose 1000 IU/day to patients with ALC. The investigated patient population (1) encompassed 70 male patients diagnosed with ALC. The patients underwent four examinations (P), that is, research phases: P1 &ndash; inclusion of the patient into the study and introduction of vitamin D supplementation; P2, P3 and P4 after 3, 6 and 12 months of vitamin D supplementation treatment, respectively. Each examination included the analysis of liver function, bone metabolism and vitamin D status. At the beginning (P1) and at the end (P4) of the investigation period, bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by means of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method. Twenty patients dropped out from the research at different stages throughout the investigation period (P1 to P4). The first part of the investigation pertains to the Group of patients who were included into the study (1) and completed the first examination (P1). Fifty patients have completed the entire research according to the foreseen protocol encompassing all examinations and repeated measurements. These patients are considered a Group of patients who completed the research (2) Results: (1): In ALC patients, vitamin D deficiency and decreased osteocalcin levels were established, as well as normal levels of CrossLaps, PTH, total and ionized calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Osteopenia and osteoporosis were established in 42.65% and 14.71% of patients, respectively. The lowest BMD was measured in the femoral neck in all patients. (2): Vitamin D supplementation resulted in significant increase in 25(OH)D. Analysis of osteocalcin level revealed positive P1/P4 difference, even though the level remained below the lower normal limit. The levels of CrossLaps and PTH revealed negative P1/P4 difference; however, the levels determined at all four measurements were within the reference values. An improvement of BMD for 0.87% was established in lumbar spine, whereas a decrease was noticed in femoral neck (1.87%) and hip (1.65%). Furthermore, an improvement of liver function was established. Conclusions: Improvement of vitamin D status in ALC patients results in an increase of bone formation and improvement of body mass in lumbar spine. Determining the vitamin D status in all patients with ALC is of outmost importance, as well as the vitamin D supplementation of patients with levels of 25(OH)D &lt; 80 nmol/l along with the monitoring of treatment outcome at three-month intervals. Establishment of the diagnosis of alcoholic liver cirrhosis should encompass initial measurement of BMD. In case of vitamin D supplementation treatment, the initial DXA examination should be repeated after the period of one to two years.</p>

Uticaj holekalciferola na proteinuriju kod bolesnika sa tipom 2 dijabetesa mellitus / Influence of cholecalciferol on proteinuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Stojšić Vuksanović Tatjana 23 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Zastupljenost deficita vitamina D3 je mnogo veći kod bolesnika sa dijabetesnom bolesti tipa 2 nego u populaciji zdravih osoba. Bolesnici sa DM tipa 2 i deficitom vitamina D3 imaju veći rizik za razvoj dijabetesne nefropatije. Eksperimenti na životinjama i neka klinička istraživanja ukazuju da bi primena nižih doza vitamina D3 mogla imati renoproktektivno delovanje. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi zastupljenost deficita vitamina D3 u populaciji bolesnika sa dijabetesnom nefropatijom koja je definisana proteinurijom ˃0,150 g/du. Drugi cilj je bio da se utvrdi da li primena holekaciferola u dozi koja predstavlja razliku između utvrđenog i optimalnog nivoa vitamina D3 dovodi do statistički značajnog smanjenja proteinurije. Bolesnici sa dijabetesom tipa 2 i proteinurijom ˃0,150 g/du su uključivani u skrining na nivo vitamina D3 (25(OH)D) nakon čega su svrstavani u grupe sa deficitom i normalnim nivoom vitamina D3. Granična vrednost za utvrđivanje deficita vitamina D3 je odreĎivana na osnovu tabele koja defini&scaron;e ove vrednosti za svaki mesec tokom godine, posebno za mu&scaron;karce i žene. Bolesnici sa deficitom vitamina D3 su podeljeni u 2 grupe od po 45 ispitanika. Studijska grupa je primala holekaciferol u dozi koja je izračunata na osnovu razlike između izmerene vrednosti i određenog optimalnog nivoa vitamina D3 od 90-100 nmol/L. Kontrolna grupa bolesnika je uzimala svoju uobičajenu terapiju. Istraživanje je trajalo 24 nedelje tokom koje su na drugi mesec praćeni parametri bubrežne funkcije, parametri inflamacije i ko&scaron;tanog metabolizma. Na početku i kraju istraživanja su odreĎeni nivo vitamina D3 u studijskoj grupi, dok su u obe grupe određivani vrednost HbA1c i lipidni profil. Analizom dobijenih podataka je utvrđeno da je zastupljenost deficita vitamina D3 kod bolesnika sa dijabetesnom nefropatijom, uzimajući u obzir sezonske varijacije u nivou ovog vitamina, bila veća od vrednosti od 30-50% koje su postavljene u radnoj hipotezi. Učestalost bolesnika sa nedostakom vitamina D3 je u ispitivanom uzorku je bila 82,56% , dok je normalne vrednosti vitamina D3 imalo 17,43% ispitanika, od toga je bilo 10 (52,63%) mu&scaron;karaca i 9 (47,36%) žena. Sniženje vrednosti vitamina D3 u odnosu na donje granične vrednosti je bilo izraženije u letnjem periodu i bilo je statistički značajno kod svih ispitanika zajedno, potom u studijskoj grupi, dok je utvrđeno i u kontrolnoj grupi ali je u njoj bilo bez statisičke značajnosti. Utvrđen je porast HbA1c koji je bio veći u kontrolnoj grupi ispitanika. Suplementacija vitaminom D3 je imala povoljan efekat na lipidni profil. Registrovan je porast vrednosti ukupnog holesterola koji je bio izraženiji u kontrolnoj grupi, pad vrednosti triglicerida u grupi bolesnika koji su uzimali vitamin D3 i njihov porast u kontrolnoj grupi ispitanika. U studijskoj grupi je registrovan porast vrednosti HDL-holesterola koji je bio na granici statističke značajnosti dok je istovremeno nađeno njegovo smanjenje u kontrolnoj grupi. Vrednost LDL-holesterola je ostala bez promene pod delovanjem vitamina D3, dok je u kontrolnoj grupi do&scaron;lo do njegovog porasta. Utvrđeno je snižavanje vrednosti sedimentije, CRP-a i fibrinogena koje je bilo bez statističke značajnosti. Bezbednosni profil vrednosti kalcijuma u serumu i urinu tokom dugotrajnije primene je dobar. Primenom vitamina D3 je do&scaron;lo do signifikatnog smanjenja proteinurije u grupi bolesnika koji su primali holekaciferol čime je ujedno i potvrđena radna hipoteza.</p> / <p>The prevalence of vitamin D3 deficiency is much higher in patients with type 2 diabetes than in the healthy population. Patients with type 2 DM and vitamin D3 deficiency are at increased risk for developing diabetic nephropathy. Animal experiments and some clinical studies suggest that administration of lower doses of vitamin D3 could have renoprotective effect. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of vitamin D3 deficiency in the population of patients with diabetic nephropathy defined by proteinuria ˃0.150 g / du. The second goal was to determine whether the use of cholecaciferol in a dose that represents the difference between the established and optimal levels of vitamin D3 leads to a statistically significant reduction in proteinuria. Patients with type 2 diabetes and proteinuria ˃0.150 g / du were screened for vitamin D3 (25 (OH) D) levels and then classified as deficient and normal vitamin D3. The limit value for determining vitamin D3 deficiency was set on the basis of a table defining these values for each month during the year, separately for men and women. Patients with vitamin D3 deficiency were divided into 2 groups of 45 subjects each. The study group received cholecaciferol at a dose calculated on the basis of the difference between the measured value and the set optimal vitamin D 3 level of 90-100 nmol/L. The control group of patients was taking their usual therapy. The study lasted 24 weeks during which the parameters of renal function, parameters of inflammation and bone metabolism were monitored every second month. At the beginning and end of the study, the levels of vitamin D3 in the study group were determined, while in both groups HbA1c and lipid profile were determined. The analysis of the obtained data showed that the prevalence of vitamin D3 deficiency in patients with diabetic nephropathy, taking into account seasonal variations in the level of this vitamin, was higher than the values of 30-50%, which were set in the working hypothesis. The frequency of patients with vitamin D3 deficiency in the study sample was 82.56%, while the normal values of vitamin D3 were in 17.43% of the subjects, of which 10 (52.63%) were men and 9 (47.36%) woman. The decrease in vitamin D3 compared to the lower limit values was more pronounced in the summer and was statistically significant in all subjects together, as well in the study group, while it was also found in the control group but was not statistically significant. An increase in HbA1c was found to be higher in the control group. Vitamin D3 supplementation had a beneficial effect on the lipid profile. An increase in the total cholesterol level that was more pronounced in the control group, a decrease in triglyceride values in the group of patients taking vitamin D3 and its increase in the control group of subjects were registered. An increase in HDL-cholesterol was reported in the study group, which was at the limit of statistical significance, while at the same time a decrease was found in the control group. LDL-cholesterol levels remained unchanged under the influence of vitamin D3, while in the control group it increased. The decrease in sedimentation, CRP and fibrinogen values was found to be of no statistical significance. The safety profile of serum and urine calcium during long-term administration is good. The use of vitamin D3 resulted in a significant decrease in proteinuria in the group of patients receiving cholecaciferol, which also confirmed the working hypothesis.</p>

Der Einfluss von 1 alpha,25-Dihydroxy-Vitamin-D 3 auf die Aktivierung humaner B-Lymphozyten

Heine, Arndt Guido 07 December 2001 (has links)
Die Erkrankungen des atopischen Formenkreises sind durch eine hypererge Immunreaktion auf harmlose Umwelt-Antigene gekennzeichnet und umfassen u.a. die klinischen Bilder der allergischen Rhinokonjunktivitis, des allergischen Asthmas und der atopischen Dermatitis. Die Pathogenese atopischer Krankheiten ist zwar noch nicht hinreichend aufgeklärt, aber man schreibt der Regulation des IgE bei der Entstehung und Erhaltung dieser Krankheiten eine zentrale Rolle zu. Auf der Suche nach potentiellen anti-allergischen Therapeutika wurde in dieser Arbeit erstmalig der Einfluß von 1alpha,25-Dihydroxyvitamin-D3 (VD) und dem niedrigkalzämischen Derivat EB1089 in vitro auf die IgE-Produktion humaner B-Zellen gesunder Spender untersucht, die zuvor mit anti-CD40+IL-4 stimuliert wurden, wodurch der Isotypenklassenwechsel nativer B-Zellen nach IgE resultierte. Das Steroidhormon VD ist für die Kalziumhämostase essentiell, jedoch sind die immunregulatorischen Funktionen des VD noch relativ unerforscht. Die Experimente dieser Arbeit zeigen eine starke, dosisabhängige Hemmung der IgE-Produktion in diesem Modell, die spezifisch von VD und dem Derivat EB1089 vermittelt wird. Auch bei PBMC atopischer Spender konnte die basale IgE-Produktion mit VD dosisabhängig signifikant gehemmt werden. Eine mögliche Proliferationshemmung, die diese Wirkung erklären könnte, konnte ausgeschlossen werden. Die Messung der Produktion der anderen Immunglobulinklassen (Ig) IgA, IgG und IgM bestätigte, daß die Zellviabilität und die Ig-Produktion außer der von IgE durch VD und EB1089 in diesem Modell nur wenig beeinflußt wird. Diese Beobachtungen weisen auf eine selektive, spezifische Inhibition der IgE-Synthese durch das Molekül aus der Familie der Steroidhormone hin. Auf der Suche nach möglichen indirekten Mechanismen der IgE-Regulation, die die VD-vermittelte Inhibition der IgE-Synthese erklären könnten, wurde der Einfluß von VD auf die Expression der kostimulatorischen Faktoren der IgE-Produktion CD23 (Fc(-RII), CD54 (ICAM-1) und CD86 (B7.2) sowie auf die Sekretion der Zytokine, IL-6, sCD23 und IFN-gamma untersucht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuteten jedoch nicht auf eine Beteiligung der genannten Faktoren an der Regulation der VD-vermittelten Hemmung der IgE-Produktion hin. Diese in vitro Arbeit stellt einen wichtigen Hinweis auf eine potentielle Nutzung von VD in der anti-allergischen Therapie dar, jedoch deutet die beobachtete Hemmung der IgE-Synthese von PBMC atopischer Spender darauf hin, daß auch in vivo die IgE-Synthese gehemmt werden kann. Es sind daher weitere Studien des Signalweges des VD auf molekularer Ebene, sowie in vivo Versuche notwendig, um zu klären, ob VD selbst oder ein möglichst nicht-kalzitropes VD-Derivat mit ausgeprägten immunologischen Eigenschaften für die anti-allergische Therapie geeignet ist. / Atopic diseases are characterized by a hyperergic immunoreaction towards harmless environmental antigens, expressed by the clinical phenotype of allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma and atopic dermatitis. Even though the pathogenesis of atopic diseases are not completely clear, the regulation of IgE plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of these disorders. In search of new potentially anti-allergic drugs, the effect of 1alpha,25-Dihydroxyvitamin-D3 (VD) and the low-calcemic synthetic analogue EB1089 was determined in anti-CD40+Il-4-mediated IgE-production by B-cells of healthy donors in vitro. The essential role of VD in calcium hemostasis is well understood, but the immunoregulatory functions of the hormone are still quite unclear. The present data show for the first time, that VD and the analogue EB1089 mediate a strong, dose-dependent inhibition of IgE-synthesis. In PBMC of atopic donors, the baseline IgE-production was also significantly inhibited by VD. Anti-CD40+IL-4-mediated proliferation of B-cells in the presence of VD was only modestly modulated, as well as the production of the other immunoglobulin-isotypes IgA, IgG and IgM. Taken together these data suggest a specific and selective inhibition of IgE-synthesis by VD and EB1089. In order to explore possible mechanisms of VD induced IgE-inibition, the expression of CD23 (Fc(-RII), CD54 (ICAM-1) and CD86 (B7.2) on anti-CD+IL-4 stimulated B-cells was determined as well as IL-6, sCD23 und IFN-gamma. However, none of these molecules were significantly modulated in the presence of VD. Taken together, these in vitro experiments suggest a potential role of VD as a new anti-allergic drug, which is underlined by the observed inhibition of IgE-production by PBMC in allergic donors.

Immunmodulation der IgE-Produktion durch autokrine Calcitriol-Synthese

Lindner, Juliane 04 May 2017 (has links)
Aktuelle Studien legen nahe, dass ein niedriger Vitamin D-Status assoziiert mit steigenden Breitengraden, mit dem Auftreten von Autoantikörpern und damit einhergehenden Autoimmunerkrankungen positiv korreliert. Trifft UV-B-Strahlung auf die Haut, entsteht aus 7-Dehydrocholesterol nach enzymatischen Prozessen in Leber und Niere, die bioaktive Form von Vitamin D, 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (Calcitriol). Den finalen Stoffwechselschritt katalysiert die 1α-Hydroxylase CYP27B1. Die biologische Wirkung von Calcitriol wird über dessen Bindung an den nukleären Vitamin D-Rezeptor vermittelt, was letztlich zur Transkription der Zielgene führt. Die T-Zell-abhängige Sensibilisierung von Vitamin D-defizienten Cyp27b1-KO- und Wildtyp-Tieren mit Ovalbumin zeigte verstärkte humorale Immunantworten mit erhöhten Konzentrationen von Gesamt- sowie spezifischem IgG1, IgE und IgA bei den Cyp27b1-KO-Mäusen. Die Untersuchung der Leukopoese der Cyp27b1-KO-Tiere zeigte, dass die untersuchten lymphatischen Organe verminderte Gesamtzellzahlen gegenüber Wildtyp-Tieren aufwiesen. Die Präsenz und Verteilung in den jeweiligen Zellkompartimenten offenbarte keine wesentlichen Abweichungen zwischen Cyp27b1-KO- und Wildtyp-Mäusen. In einem Krankheitsmodell mit dem Helminthen Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri fielen die Cyp27b1-KO-Tiere durch dem Wildtyp gegenüber erhöhten Gesamt- sowie spezifischen IgE-Werten auf. Zwischen beiden Genotypen zeigten sich keine Unterschiede bei parasitologischen Parametern wie der Wurmlast, der Eianzahl pro Gramm Faeces sowie der Fekundität. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit bestätigen, dass endogen-produziertes Vitamin D einen Einfluss auf die Funktionsweise von Lymphozyten hat. Dies äußert sich in verstärkten IgE-abhängigen Immunantworten bei Cyp27b1-KO-Tieren. In einem Parasiteninfektionsmodell wurden erneut verstärkte IgE-Antworten beobachtet, jedoch waren keine pathophysiologischen Konsequenzen in Bezug auf die Wurmabwehr nachweisbar. / Current studies demonstrate that low vitamin D levels associated with higher latitudes correlate with the occurrence of autoantibodies and linked diseases. Following UV-B radiation of the skin, numerous enzymatic reactions in liver and kidneys causes 7-dehydrocholesterol to turn into the bioactive 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol). The final and crucial step is thereby performed by the enzyme CYP27B1, an 1α-hydroxylase. The effect of calcitriol is mediated through binding to the vitamin D receptor, resulting in the transcription of target genes. T cell-dependent sensitization of Cyp27b1-wildtype and Cyp27b1-KO mice with ovalbumin revealed an increased humoral immune response in Cyp27b1-KO mice reflected by elevated concentrations of total and specific IgG1, IgE and IgA. Analysis of the leukopoiesis showed a diminished total cell count in bone marrow, thymus, spleen and peritoneal cavity in Cyp27b1-KO compared to Cyp27b1-wildtype mice. However, appearance and distribution of the analyzed cell compartments were comparable. A disease model using the intestinal nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri demonstrated enhanced secretion of total and specific IgE in Cyp27b1-KO mice, which confirmed our previous findings. However, this showed no effect on parasite rejection, as seen in comparable results for worm burden, eggs per gram faeces and fecundity of female worms in Cyp27b1-wildtype and Cyp27b1-KO mice. Our work verified the role of endogenous vitamin D for lymphocyte development revealed by increased IgE-dependent immune responses in Cyp27b1-KO mice. Infection with H.p. bakeri confirmed enhanced IgE-responses, however, these results revealed no benefit in parasite clearance.

Determinação dos níveis séricos de vitamina D em uma amostra de indivíduos saudáveis da população brasileira / Determination of the vitamin D levels in healthful individuals of the Brazilian population

Unger, Marianna Durante 01 April 2010 (has links)
A insuficiência de vitamina D (25(OH)D < 30 ng/ml) é frequentemente subdiagnosticada, especialmente em paises onde a radiação solar é considerada suficiente. A diminuição desse hormônio está relacionada ao desenvolvimento de alterações ósteo-metabólicas, hiperparatireoidismo secundário (HPTS) e maior risco de doenças crônicas. OBJETIVO: Determinar os níveis de 25(OH)D e sua relação com o metabolismo mineral em uma amostra de voluntários clinicamente estáveis imediatamente após o inverno e verão. MÉTODO: Corte transversal em São Paulo, 603 voluntários (118M e 485F) entre 18-90 anos (47,8 + 13,4) selecionados no Hospital Universitário- USP em setembro e outubro de 2006. Posteriormente, no período de março e abril de 2007, foram reconvocados para coleta de sangue 209 voluntários (31M e 178F) entre 18-81 anos (47,4 + 11,5). Hipovitaminose D foi considerada quando <30 ng/ml e HPTS quando <87 pg/ml. RESULTADOS: Após o inverno o valor médio de 25(OH)D foi de 21,4 (16,2 - 28,7) ng/ml e 77,4% dos indivíduos apresentaram hipovitaminose D. Os negros apresentaram níveis de 25(OH)D reduzidos quando comparados aos brancos (p = 0.019). A vitamina D se associou a idade (b = -0,07, p = 0,03) e a cor da pele (b = 2,16, p = 0,02). A insuficiência de vitamina D foi associada ao paratormônio (b = 0,014, p = 0,011). Foi verificado aumento significativo nos níveis de 25(OH)D após o verão [22,0 (16,6 28,8) vs. 34,0 (26,1 43,5), p < 0.001], com conseqüente redução no PTH. As prevalências de hipovitaminose D e HPTS foram menores após o verão. A normalização dos níveis séricos de vitamina D na segunda análise foi dependente da idade (b = -0,049, p = 0,03). O HPTS foi associado ao clearance de creatinina (b = 0,20, p < 0,001). Uma menor prevalência da HPTS foi demonstrada quando 25(OH)D > 40 ng/mL (p = 0,027). CONCLUSÃO: Foi verificada maior prevalência de hipovitaminose D e HPTS após o inverno. Esta prevalência foi reduzida, mas não sanada após o verão. Níveis > 40 ng/mL estão associados à menor prevalência de HPTS. Nossos dados sugerem a necessidade de implantação de políticas públicas de monitorização da deficiência da vitamina D nas populações sob maior risco e suplementação nos casos em que isto seja necessário / Vitamin D insufficiency (25(OH)D <30 ng/mL) is frequently under-diagnosed, mainly in countries where solar radiation is abundant. The reduction of this hormone is related to the development of bone metabolic alterations, secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) and greater risk of chronic illnesses. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the status of vitamin D and the relationship of circulating 25(OH)D with serum parameters of mineral metabolism in the cohort of healthy volunteers after the winter and summer. METHODS: Cohort study in São Paulo (SP), 603 volunteers (118M and 485W), between 18-90 years (47.8 + 13.4) selected in the University Hospital in September and October of 2006. Later, in the period of March and April of 2007, they had been contacted for new blood collection, 209 volunteers (31M and 178F) between 18-81 years (47.4 + 11.5). Hypovitaminosis D was when 25(OH)D < 30ng/mL and SHPT was considered when PTH > 87pg/mL. RESULTS: After the winter, the average value of 25(OH)D was 21.4 ng/mL (16.2 28.7) and 77.4% of the individuals had presented vitamin D deficiency. The afro-Americans presented levels of 25(OH)D reduced when compared with the Caucasians (p = 0.019). Vitamin D was dependent on age (b = -0.07, p = 0.03) and the color of the skin (b = 2.16, p = 0.02). Vitamin deficiency D was associated with PTH (b = 0.014, p = 0.011). Significant increase in the levels of 25(OH)D was observed after summer [22.0 (16.6 28.8) vs. 34.0 (26.1 43.5), p<0.001] with consequent reduction in the PTH. The prevalence of hypovitaminosis D and SHPT decreased after summer. The normalization of the vitamin D levels in the second analysis was dependent on age (b = -0.049, p = 0.03). The SHPT was associated to creatinine clearance (b = 0.20, p < 0.001). Lower prevalence of the SHPT was demonstrated when 25(OH)D > 40ng/mL (p = 0.027). CONCLUSION: In SP, after winter, a significant prevalence of hypovitaminosis D and SHPT was observed. This prevalence was reduced, but not solved after summer. Levels > 40 ng/mL were associated with a lower prevalence of HPTS. Our data suggest that our country needs to establish a permanent monitoring of serum vitamin D in selected populations and treat those who are at a higher risk of hypovitaminosis D

Combination of vitamins K₂ & D₃ supplementation enhances bone anabolism in type 2 diabetes-associated osteoporosis / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2014 (has links)
Despite numerous studies have demonstrated an association of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and osteoporosis, the underlying mechanism connecting these two conditions remains elusive. Clinically, combined calcium and vitamin D supplement is the commonest osteoporosis therapy; however, recent studies have suggested an increase in cardiovascular risks associated with calcium plus vitamin D supplementation. Therefore, an alternative strategy in treating osteoporosis patients with T2DM is urgently needed. In this study, we hypothesized that combined administration of menaquinone-4 (vitamin K₂, biologically active form of vitamin K) and 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D₃ (vitamin D₃, biologically active form of vitamin D) as a novel therapy in treating osteoporosis of T2DM patients. Anabolic effect of vitamin K₂ and vitamin D₃, alone or in combination, was assessed on primary osteoblasts harvested from the iliac crests of C57BL/KsJ lean (db⁺/m⁺) and obese/diabetic (db⁺/db⁺, leptin receptor-deficient) mice. Furthermore, the underlying cellular mechanism was also investigated. Serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin (an indication of vitamin K₂ level) level was higher whereas vitamin D₃ level was lower in db⁺/db⁺ mice, and sections of the iliac crests of db⁺/db⁺ mice illustrated extensive porous structures filled with enlarged adipocytes compared with db⁺/m⁺ mice. Lower levels of bone anabolic markers and bone formation transcription factors (osteocalcin, Runx2, Dlx5, ATF4, type I collagen, OSX, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, p-Smad1/5/8 and p-ERK1/2) were observed in the osteoblasts of db⁺/db⁺ mice. Acute vitamin D₃ (10 nM) application elicited a more sustained and greater magnitude of increase of [Ca²⁺]ᵢ in osteoblasts of db⁺/m⁺ mice when compared with db⁺/db⁺ mice. A significantly higher level of calcium deposits in osteoblasts was observed in db⁺/m⁺ mice when compared to db⁺/db⁺ mice. Co-administration of vitamin K₂ (10 nM) and vitamin D₃ (10 nM) caused an enhancement of calcium deposits in osteoblasts in both strains of mice. Vitamins K₂ and D₃ co-administration time-dependently (7, 14 and 21 days) increased the levels of bone anabolic markers and transcription factors for bone formation, with a greater magnitude of increase observed in osteoblasts of db⁺/db⁺ mice. Suppressed expression of calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), F-actin, V-ATPase, vitamin D receptor (VDR) and pregnane X receptor (PXR) observed in osteoblasts of db⁺/db⁺ mice were partially reversed by combined vitamins treatment. Moreover, combined vitamins K₂ plus D₃ treatment significantly enhanced migration and the appearance of surface microvilli and ruffles of osteoblasts of db⁺/db⁺ mice. Effects of combined vitamins K₂ plus D₃ treatment observed in osteoblasts of db⁺/db⁺ and db⁺/m⁺ mice were eradicated by warfarin (20 µM, a vitamin K epoxide reductase inhibitor). Thus, our results illustrate that vitamins K₂ plus D₃ supplementation is a novel therapeutic strategy in treating osteoporosis of T2DM patients. / 儘管大量研究已證明第二類型糖尿病和骨質疏鬆症的關聯,連接這兩個病症的基本機制仍然是難以捉摸的。在臨床上,鈣和維生素D的綜合補充劑是最常見的骨質疏鬆症治療,然而最近的研究卻表明服用鈣和維生素D的綜合補充劑會增加患者的心血管風險,因此急切需要尋找可以給予同時患有骨質疏鬆症和第二類型糖尿病患者的替代治療。在本研究中,我們假設甲萘醌-4(維生素K₂,維生素K生物活性形式)和1α,25 - 二羥基維生素D₃(維生素D₃,維生素D的生物活性形式)可以嘗試在同時患有骨質疏鬆症和第二類型糖尿病患者身上作為一種革新的療法。本研究從C57BL/KsJ瘦削/非糖尿病 (db⁺/m⁺) 的小鼠和肥胖/帶有第二類型糖尿病基因 (db⁺/db⁺) 兼有瘦素受體缺陷的小鼠的髂嵴原始成骨細胞上對維生素K₂和維生素D₃單獨或組合使用的合成代謝作用進行了評估。此外,我們也對該成骨細胞的底層機制進行了一系列的研究。 / 在肥胖/帶有第二類型糖尿病基因的小鼠血清內低羧骨鈣素水平(維生素K₂水平的指標)較高而維生素D水平較低,另外,它們的髂嵴的部分與瘦削/非糖尿病的小鼠相比,呈現出比較廣泛的多孔結構並填滿了擴大的脂肪細胞。從肥胖/帶有第二類型糖尿病基因的小鼠的成骨細胞中,可以觀察到它們的骨合成代謝的標誌物和骨骼形成的轉錄因子 (骨鈣蛋白,Runx2,Dlx5,ATF4,第一類型骨膠原,OSX,鹼性磷酸酶 (ALP) 活性,p-Smad1/5/8和p-ERK1/2) 的水平比較低。急性維生素D₃ (10 nM) 的應用在瘦削/非糖尿病小鼠的成骨細胞比起在肥胖/帶有第二類型糖尿病基因的小鼠的成骨細胞引起更持續和更大幅度的細胞內鈣變化增加。在瘦削/非糖尿病小鼠的成骨細胞中比起在肥胖/帶有第二類型糖尿病基因的小鼠的成骨細胞有顯著較高的鈣沉積形成。維生素K₂ (10 nM) 和維生素D₃ (10 nM) 的綜合藥在兩種小鼠的成骨細胞中可以有效地增強鈣沉積的形成。維生素K₂和維生素D₃的綜合藥對增加骨合成代謝的標誌物和骨形成轉錄因子的水平有時間依賴性 (7,14和21日),療程越長至21日,在肥胖/帶有第二類型糖尿病基因小鼠的成骨細胞中有更大的幅度的增加。合併維生素治療能部分有效地逆轉在肥胖/帶有第二類型糖尿病基因小鼠的成骨細胞中被抑制表達的鈣敏感受體 (CASR),F-肌動蛋白,V-ATP酶,維生素D受體 (VDR) 和孕烷X受體 (PXR)。此外,結合維生素K₂加維生素D₃治療顯著增強了肥胖/帶有第二類型糖尿病基因小鼠的成骨細胞的細胞遷移和增加了成骨細胞表面外觀的微絨毛和褶皺。在瘦削/非糖尿病小鼠的成骨細胞及肥胖/帶有第二類型糖尿病基因的小鼠的成骨細胞上結合維生素K₂加維生素D₃的治療效果被華法林 (20 μM,維生素K環氧化物還原酶抑製劑) 根除。因此,我們的結果証明了維生素K₂加維生素D₃補充劑的結合使用可有效地作為治療第二類型糖尿病患者並患有骨質疏鬆症的一種新的治療策略。 / Poon, Chui Wa Christina. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014.n5203 / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 135-151). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on 26, October, 2016). / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only.

The role of calcitriol in regulation of hepatic lipid and glucose metabolism with insulin resistance. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2013 (has links)
Cheng, Suosuo. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 159-173). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts aslo in English.

Influência da radiação ultravioleta nas diferentes estações do ano sobre os níveis séricos de 25-hidroxivitamina D em uma população de policiais militares da cidade de Porto Alegre - Brasil

Fontanive, Tiago Oselame January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica A deficiência da Vitamina D é um problema mundial, e têm sido associada com inúmeras doenças. Este hormônio pode ser obtido através da alimentação e através da produção na pele pela exposição à radiação ultravioleta B (R-UVB), sendo que a principal fonte é a exposição aos R-UVB. Objetivo Nossos objetivos foram avaliar a prevalência de deficiência da vitamina D de acordo com a estação do ano e seus fatores associados em adultos jovens e saudáveis, na cidade de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Métodos Policiais militares de Porto Alegre, foram convidados a participar do estudo, amostras de sangue foram coletadas no primeiro dia de cada estação, refletindo desta forma a estação que antecedeu a coleta, para dosagem de 25(OH)D3, e PTH plasmáticos, cálcio total, creatinina e albumina no soro foram determinadas no outono. A UV-R foi mensurada a partir da radiação solar por meio de um radiômetro, calculando-se as doses diárias para eritema (D-Ery) e para resposta fotobiológica para síntese da vitamina D na pele humana (D-VitD). Resultados Nossos resultados mostraram uma variação sazonal de 25(OH)D3 (P = 0.000) nos indivíduos estudados, sendo fortemente influenciada pela média da R-UV nos 30 e 45 dias que antecederam as coletas, demonstrando o importante papel da R-UV na produção da vitamina D. A prevalência de 25(OH)D3 abaixo de 20ng/mL variou com as estações (p=0.000), tendo sido nula ou baixa no final do verão e primavera, no entanto, essa prevalência aumentou no final do outono (22%) e inverno (8.7%). Já 6 a prevalência de 25(OH)D3 < 30ng/mL foi alta em todas as estações do ano: inverno (70%), primavera (68%), verão (44%) e especialmente no outono(88%). O único fator associado de modo independente aos níveis de 25(OH)D3 foi a quantidade de UV-R no período que antecedeu a coleta. Conclusão A prevalência de deficiência de vitamina variou de acordo com a estação, em adultos jovens do sexo masculino, na região sul do Brasil, e o único fator associado de modo independente aos níveis de 25(OH)D3 foi a quantidade de R-UV no período que antecedeu a coleta. Palavras chave: Vitamina D, Deficiência de Vitamina D, Radiação ultravioleta, Radiação ultravioleta B. / Background Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide problem, and has been associated with various diseases. This steroid can be obtained by food intake or by skin production, when exposed to UVB-R. Objective Our aims were to evaluate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency according to the season and its associated factors in young adults, in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Methods Young men were invited to participate, blood samples were collected on the first day of each season for 25(OH)D3 measurement, and PTH (parathyroid hormone) in plasma, total calcium, creatinine, and albumin in serum were determined in the autumn. UV-R was measured from solar radiation by means of a radiometer, calculating daily doses for erythema (D-Ery) and for photobiological response to vitamin D synthesis in human skin (D-VitD). Results Our results have shown a seasonal variation of 25(OH) D3(P=0.000) in young and healthy men, living in a semitropical region, who were strongly influenced by the mean UV-R in the 30 and 45 days previous, demonstrating the important role of UVR- induced skin production of vitamin D. The prevalence of 25(OH)D3 below 20ng/mL varied with the seasons (p=0.000), having been nil or low in late summer and spring. However, this prevalence increased in late autumn (22%) and winter (8.7%). The prevalence of 25(OH)D3<30ng/mL was high in all seasons of the year: winter (70%), spring (68%), summer (44%) and especially in autumn (88%). Conclusions 8 The prevalence of vitamin deficiency varied according to the season, in young and healthy male adults, in Southern Brazil, and the only factor independently associated with 25(OH)D3 levels was the amount of UV-R in the period prior to collection.

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