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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização histomorfométrica e índice proliferativo (Ki-67) das displasias acentuadas/carcinomas in situ nas pregas vocais

SOARES, Elisângela Barros 31 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T23:01:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo4255_1.pdf: 4065278 bytes, checksum: c0dabbd5dc05e703429eae598cc70d8d (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As displasias da laringe são lesões precursoras do carcinoma escamocelular invasivo e constituem lesões pouco comuns, pois, a maior parte dos casos é diagnosticada como carcinoma invasor. Freqüentemente, utilizam-se os critérios de cérvix uterina para graduação das displasias na prega vocal. Todavia, existem diferenças histopatológicas, patogênicas e epidemiológicas entre as lesões intraepiteliais cervicais e laríngeas. O epitélio de transição na prega vocal pode ocasionar problemas diagnósticos. Os autores procuram caracterizar as displasias acentuadas/carcinoma in situ da prega vocal quanto aos aspectos histopatológicos, morfométricos (área do epitélio e diâmetro dos núcleos) e índice proliferativo (Ki-67), comparando estes dados com os obtidos no epitélio escamoso normal e de transição. Dentre 1400 casos de carcinoma de laringe (1994 a 2006), 5 casos (0,35%) de displasia acentuada/carcinoma in situ foram estudados. O grupo controle constituiu-se de dois indivíduos masculinos, não tabagistas e não etilistas de 52 e 78 anos. Observaram-se nos pacientes com displasia predomínio do sexo masculino, na 6º década e associação com tabagismo e etilismo. Comparando-se o epitélio displásico com o epitélio normal e de transição verificou-se que foi maior a área ocupada pelo primeiro, bem como o diâmetro do núcleo das células displásicas. O diâmetro dos núcleos por camada mostrou diferenças significativas no epitélio escamoso normal, mas não no epitélio displásico e de transição. O índice proliferativo foi maior no epitélio displásico que no escamoso normal e de transição com núcleos corados na camada basal/parabasal no epitélio escamoso normal e de transição e em todos os níveis no epitélio displásico

Efeitos precoces e tardios da desnutrição protéica neonatal sobre a morfologia da laringe de ratos

Hermes Pires de Mélo, Iracema 31 January 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T23:02:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo4379_1.pdf: 3547847 bytes, checksum: b0e6edcc3df9548b70ac1f498ac7b288 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da desnutrição durante a lactação sobre a morfologia da laringe de ratos aos 22 e 60 dias de idade. Métodos: Ratos albinos machos da linhagem Wistar (n=48) foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a dieta das mães durante a lactação: controle (caseína 17%) e desnutrido (caseína 8%). Após o desmame, todos os animais receberam dieta padrão do biotério. Metade dos animais de cada grupo foi sacrificada aos 22 dias de vida, e a outra metade aos 60 dias de vida. A desnutrição neonatal foi diagnosticada através do peso corporal avaliado diariamente ao longo do experimento, sendo calculado o ganho de peso corporal e a taxa de crescimento. Após o sacrifício, a laringe foi retirada e suas dimensões registradas com paquímetro digital de acurácia 0,01 mm. Foram avaliados os comprimentos da laringe: epiglote a cricóide (EC), tireóide a cricóide (TC), antero-posterior (AP) e latero-lateral (LL). Para a análise histológica foi utilizada a coloração hematoxilina-eosina. A laringe foi analisada qualitativamente, subdividida em supraglote, glote e infraglote. As pregas vocais também foram analisadas quanto às dimensões do epitélio, o núcleo e suas camadas, através do programa Scion Image, Beta 4.0.2. Resultados: Os animais cujas mães foram desnutridas durante a lactação apresentaram redução do peso corporal, diminuição do ganho de peso corporal durante a lactação que aumentou durante a recuperação nutricional (p<0.05). A taxa de crescimento reduziu (p<0.05) no período neonatal se normalizando na recuperação nutricional comparativamente ao controle. Quanto a macroscopia da laringe, os animais aos 22 dias apresentaram uma diminuição nas dimensões ântero-posterior e látero-lateral comparativamente ao controle (p<0.05). Aos 60 dias de idade, não houve diferença entre os grupos nas variáveis analisadas. Na análise microscópica houve um aumento da queratinização do epitélio da supraglote, aos 22 e 60 dias de vida nos animais desnutridos. Na prega vocal houve redução do comprimento do epitélio, do diâmetro do seu núcleo e da camada intermediária nos animais desnutridos no período neonatal aos 60 dias de vida. Conclusão: A desnutrição neonatal induziu alterações nas micro-estruturas da laringe dos animais desnutridos, mesmo após a recuperação nutricional. A macro estrutura sofre os efeitos imediatos da restrição nutricional diminuindo as dimensões horizontais da laringe com recuperação a longo-prazo. Nossos resultados indicam que a escassez de nutrientes durante o período crítico de desenvolvimento induz alterações na morfologia da laringe a curto e em longo prazo. Estudos que avaliem a função desse órgão são necessários

O silêncio e a voz do texto teatral em francês, língua estrangeira / Le silence et la voix du texte théâtral en français, langue étrangère

Paulo Roberto Massaro 11 June 2007 (has links)
À partir de l\'analyse des traitements pédagogiques de fragments de textes théâtraux décelés dans des méthodes de Français, Langue Étrangère parus depuis 1980, on remet en question les conceptions méthodologiques sous-jacentes et ses probables conséquences sur le processus d\'acquisition de la compétence de lecture en langue étrangère. Texte écrit paradoxalement voué à la langue parlée, le texte théâtral engendre - par le biais de son essence même - des sphères interdépendantes dans la construction du sens : lire et dire. La recherche focalise cette ambivalence du texte théâtral en tant qu\'indice révélateur de quelques problemátiques nébuleuses de la Didactique des Langues Étrangères (la compréhension écrite de textes artistiques et l\'interdépendance des sphères de l\'Écrit et de l\'Oral) et en tant que matrice féconde de l\'appropriation, accomplie par le sujet-apprenant, d\'une autre discoursivité. / A partir da análise dos tratamentos pedagógicos de fragmentos de textos teatrais detectados em conjuntos didáticos de Francês, Língua Estrangeira publicados desde 1980, questionamos as concepções metodológicas subjacentes e suas prováveis conseqüências no processo de aquisição da competência de leitura em língua estrangeira. Texto escrito que paradoxalmente se destina à língua falada, o texto teatral gera - pela sua própria essência - esferas interdependentes na construção do sentido: ler e dizer. A pesquisa focaliza essa ambivalência do texto teatral enquanto índice revelador de problemáticas nebulosas da Didática das Línguas Estrangeiras (a compreensão escrita de textos artísticos e a interdependência das esferas da Escrita e da Oralidade) e enquanto promissora matriz da apropriação, realizada pelo sujeito-aprendiz, de uma outra discursividade.

The art songs of Thomas Pasatieri: a discussion of the pedagogical uses within the private voice studio

Allnatt Mallory, Leslie Jane 01 May 2016 (has links)
Thomas Pasatieri is a prolific American composer of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Although Pasatieri is best known as an opera composer, he has composed in many different genres, and his numerous art songs have often been overlooked. This study evaluates Pasatieri's currently published song catalog and divides it into three groups of songs that correspond to the varying pedagogical needs of students. The first group presented in this document addresses the needs of the beginning vocal student. The songs are harmonically tonal, textually accessible, rhythmically uncomplicated, and metrically stable. The second group is more appropriate for the intermediate singer. The songs are highly chromatic and their harmonic progressions do not necessarily follow the rules of functional tonality; the texts are longer and more complex, the rhythmic and metric content are likewise more difficult, and the melodies are more disjunct, often exploring the extremes of the vocal range. The third and final group is most suitable for the advanced singer. The harmonies are challenging and explore an array of organizations, the texts are esoteric, the melodies are often unified through recurring motivic gestures, and the songs rarely contain any formal repetition. These groupings are intended to help teachers and students choose repertoire from Pasatieri's oeuvre that suit each individual student. This study includes a discussion of representative songs from each group within the chapters and a catalogue of all of Pasatieri's published songs arranged by group in the appendices.

Register Unification in Light of Twentieth-Century Vocal Pedagogy

Tan, Haidee Lynn C. 08 1900 (has links)
The registers of the singing voice, as commonly understood by singers, refer to the different vocal qualities induced by adjustments at the level of the larynx and of the vocal tract. This explains why register unification can be approached either one or a combination of the following procedures: (1) resonance alignment through vowel modification, (2) register alignment through intensity exercises. The wide-spread acceptance of vowel modification has made singers reluctant in exploring other avenues of register development. If registers are laryngeally derived, there should be another way of register unification, which directly addresses the coordination of the laryngeal muscles. In support of this argument, this thesis investigates the teaching practices of a group of twentieth-century American voice teachers, who rely on intensity manipulation as the primary means for enhancing the register adjustments. Intensity exercises such as the messa di voce has long been practiced in historical pedagogy, but it is not until now that voice science confirmed its significance in register coordination.

Collaborative Crossover: Identifying Classical Vocal Collaborative Piano Practices in Jazz Vocal Accompanying

Morgenroth, David Jonathan 08 1900 (has links)
Classical vocal collaborative piano and jazz vocal accompaniment are well-established fields with long-standing performance traditions. Classical collaborative performance practices have been researched and codified, but jazz accompanying practices largely remain in the domain of aural tradition. Both classical and jazz accompaniment share associated practices, such as rubato, transposition, and attention to lyric diction and inflection, but there is little previous investigation into the idea that classical collaborative practices might apply to jazz accompanying. This research examines jazz piano accompanying practices in sung verses of standard tunes to demonstrate how accomplished jazz pianists intuitively use many of the same techniques as classical collaborative pianists to create balance with singers. Through application of expressive microtiming analysis to graphical displays of transcribed recorded performances, a strong correlation is established between the classical and jazz vocal accompanying traditions. Linking classical practices to jazz potentially creates a foundation for jazz accompanying pedagogy.

Reconsidering the Lament: Form, Content, and Genre in Italian Chamber Recitative Laments: 1600-1640

Chung, Kyung-Young 12 1900 (has links)
Scholars have considered Italian chamber recitative laments only a transitional phenomenon between madrigal laments and laments organized on the descending tetrachord bass. However, the recitative lament is distinguished from them by its characteristic attitude toward the relationship between music and text. Composer of Italian chamber recitative laments attempted to express more subtle, refined and sometimes complicated emotion in their music. For that purpose, they intentionally created discrepancies between text and music. Sometimes they even destroy the original structure of text in order to clearly deliver the composer's own voice. The basic syntactic structure is deconstructed and reconstructed along with their reading and according to their intention. The discrepancy between text and music is, however, expectable and natural phenomena since text cannot be completely translated or transformed to music and vice versa. The composers of Italian chamber recitative laments utilized their innate heterogeneity between two materials (music and text) as a metaphor that represents the semantic essence of the genre, the conflict. In this context, Italian chamber recitative laments were a real embodiment of the so-called seconda prattica and through the study of them, finally, we more fully able to understand how the spirit of late Renaissance flourished in Italy in the first four decade of the seventeenth century.

Programming by voice : Efficiency in the Reactive and Imperative Paradigm

Lagergren, Miriam, Soneryd, Max January 2021 (has links)
Due to the recent increase of computer programmers, and asa result, sufferers from Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI),programming by voice is becoming an important alternativeto keyboard-based input. Using speech recognition softwareis more difficult for programming tasks than naturallanguage. This is because writing code requires punctuation,symbols, and abbreviations that need to be spelled out. It isalso not limited to writing code, but also includes navigation,editing, and error correction. Therefore, an easy and flexibleway of working with code by voice is therefore. This studyexamines the efficiency of vocal programming in differentparadigms (namely, the imperative and reactive paradigm).We survey which advantages and challenges the reactiveand imperative paradigm have within this field. Bydiscussing if and how the reactive paradigm could beincorporated into future tools and covering the mostcommon challenges, we hope to provide a base for furtherstudies on programming reactively by voice. A brief surveyof tools for vocal programming is carried out. Using TalonVoice, examples written in Java and RxJava, we measure theperformance of the respective paradigms, by recording thenumber of words, syllables, and necessary pauses used whenproducing code vocally. The results vary in vocal load, butboth paradigms have advantages in vocal programming. Theresults also show that reactive programming, thoughgenerally requiring more code for the same tasks asimperative code, does not require the vocal programmer toutter as many words per character as within the imperativeparadigm. The authors discuss the effects of cognitive load inrelation to the presented findings.

Výpočtové modelování napětí a deformace lidských hlasivek při nastavování do fonačního postavení / Computational modelling of stress and strain of the human vocal folds during setting up to phonation position

Sádovská, Terézia January 2021 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with computational modelling of human vocal folds in phonation position using finite element method. There are described larynx anatomy, voice generation theories and overview of so far published computational models of vocal folds. Next part of the paper deals with a redesign of vocal folds and soft tissues‘ geometry, creation of finite element mesh and implementation of active stress in thyroarytenoid muscle. The problem was solved using Ansys 19.2 software. Computation of stress and deformation of soft tissues in phonation position has been made for 7 variations with different combination of active cartilages and muscles. Lastly, there was evaluated an effect of different cartilages and active muscle stress to final stress and deformation of soft tissues of vocal folds.

Music therapy groups for adolescents in oncology inpatient wards : the affordances of vocal improvisation for the expression of social resilience

Burger, Leigh-Ann January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is a qualitative study of how vocal improvisation within music therapy groups may afford the construction of social resilience for in-patient adolescents in oncology wards. The study was conducted at the Pediatric Oncology Unit at the Steve Biko Academic Hospital in Pretoria. The case study involved six daily group music therapy sessions, with four to eight participants. The primary music therapy technique was vocal improvisation to assess how the participants perform themselves as resilient (or not). Excerpts of video recordings were analyzed through Gee’s (2005) suggestion for discourse analysis. Session notes were written as an additional data source to contextualize the excerpts. Through discourse analysis, four primary discourses were identified: participant as patient, participant as adolescent, cultural adolescent, and participant as Hip-hop musician. These enabled the participants to explore their performance of selves in various ways. It was concluded that vocal improvisation in group music therapy enabled the expression of lack of resilience, as it received those feeling less resilient and provided them with safety and containment. It also offered the participants a means of instant coping within the various discourses that were identified. Vocal improvisation in this context also afforded the participants a space to adapt to their challenges as they explored various types of participation by learning from past experiences/ways of being, and adjust accordingly. Finally, the participants could transform through the changing relationships within the group itself, and how these social changes offered a social environment that afforded the resilience of the whole group. / Mini Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Music / MMus (Music Therapy) / Unrestricted

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