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Persisting effects of aspiration and penetration on voice quality and vocal pitchMalandraki, Georgia A. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Ohio University, August, 2004. / Title from PDF t.p. Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-84)
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Opinião dos pais sobre a voz de seus filhos de 5 a 12 anosTeixeira, Mariane Zulian de Marqui [UNESP] January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
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teixeira_mzm_me_botfm.pdf: 558932 bytes, checksum: 84ce8209aff714672374b37735b91e24 (MD5) / Alterações na voz das crianças são geralmente confundidas pelos pais com sintomas de infecções de vias aéreas superiores ou tachadas como qualidade normal da voz. Foram objetivos deste trabalho verificar a opinião dos pais sobre a voz de seus filhos no que diz respeito a: percepção e preocupação relacionadas às alterações de voz de seus filhos, fatores que influem na qualidade vocal, atitudes tomadas frente às alterações de voz, percepção de problemas vocais e referência de queixas vocais pelos filhos, importância da voz na vida familiar, escolar e para o futuro do filho. Participaram do estudo 526 pais de crianças, com idade entre 5 e 12 anos, sendo 50,2% do sexo feminino, que freqüentam escolas da rede municipal e estadual da cidade de Garça, São Paulo. Os pais responderam a um questionário padronizado. Os resultados mostraram que 74% dos pais caracterizaram a voz de seus filhos como normal e/ou bonita, sendo que 26% percebem algum tipo de desvio, entre eles muito alta, alterada, nasal e rouca ; os pais referiram que 37,5 a 68% das crianças apresentam eventualmente alguma alteração na voz e 45% dos pais se preocupam com tais alterações. A maioria dos pais que percebem alterações na voz do filho (68%) tomam alguma atitude, 36% dos pais acreditam que as crianças não percebem quando têm alterações na voz, 77,5 a 92% dos pais referiram que o filho nunca relatou queixas vocais. Grande parte dos pais (80 a 95,8%) apontou que o filho nunca apresentou mudanças na voz no decorrer do dia, perda total da voz ou rouquidão, 44% dos pais responderam que a criança se sente incomodada quando tem alguma alteração na voz e relacionam a alteração com o abuso vocal, 79,5 a 49,5% afirmaram que a voz é muito importante para a vida pessoal, familiar, escolar e para o futuro do filho. Os hábitos considerados bons para a voz foram: dormir bem... / Child voice disorders are generally confused by the parents as both: upper respiratory diseases or with normal quality of voice. The aim of this work was to assess the parent's opinion about their child voice regarding factors that influence in vocal quality, perception and worries about the children voice modification. Moreover, perception and attitude taken for the parents facing their child voice alteration and finally, the parent's perception of the importance of their child voice for familiar and scholar life and for the child future. Participated in this study, five hundred and twenty-six parents of children with age between 5 and 12 years. 50,2% of them were female,that frequent private and public schools in the city of Garça, state of São Paulo. The parents answered a standard questionnaire. As a result of this study we had 74% of the parents caracterized the children's voice as normal and/or beautiful, 26% perceived any kind of deviation like very high, altered, nasal and hoarse. The parents also refered that 37,5% to 68% eventually has any voice disorder and 45% of the parents are worried about that disorders. The majority of the parents that perceive the child voice disorder (68%) take any attitude; 36% of the parents believe that children do not believe that children do not perceive when they have voice disturbances; 77,5% to 92% of the parents refered that the child has no voice complaint. Several parents (80 to 95,85%) reported that the child has never had voice changes in the course of the day, total lost of the voice or hoarseness; 44% answered that the child gets unquiet when has some voice disturbance and associate the disturbance with the vocal abuse; 79,5% to 49,5% affirmed that the voice is very important to the personal life, familiar, scholar and to the child future... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Reflux symptoms and vocal characteristics in adults with non-organic voice disordersGroenewald, Nyasa Elise January 2020 (has links)
Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a prevalent disorder which can lead to voice disorders, but its diagnosis is difficult. Consequently, various tools and methods have been explored for the diagnosis of LPR. A link may exist between vocal characteristics and reflux symptoms which may improve the diagnosis of LPR. This study’s objective was to investigate the associations between reflux symptoms, acoustic-, perceptual-, and physical vocal characteristics, the glottal function index (GFI) and the voice handicap index (VHI), in adults with non-organic voice disorders. A retrospective cohort explorative research design was employed by investigating, analysing and describing the existing database of an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) in the form of administrative data sets, case histories, questionnaires, and patient and stroboscopy reports. Data collection took place at an ENT practice at a private hospital in Gauteng, South Africa. The data of 51 individuals with non-organic voice disorder, aged 18 and older, were included in this study. Comparisons were made between the reflux symptom index (RSI), acoustic characteristics (jitter, shimmer and fundamental frequency (fo), maximum phonation time (MPT), perceptual characteristics (grade of hoarseness, roughness, breathiness, asthenia, strain and instability), physical vocal characteristics, GFI and VHI. Fair correlations were found between RSI and phase closure (rs=0.424; p=0.035), RSI and GFI (rs=0.366; p=0.008), RSI and VHIP (rs=0.302; p=0.035) and between RSI and caffeine intake (rs=0.322); p=0.043). Results indicated that underlying associations exist between reflux symptoms, vocal characteristics, the GFI and the VHI. Used in conjunction, these measurement tools could improve the clinical diagnosis of LPR. The implications of these findings are promising but further research is recommended. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / 2022/12/31 / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / MA (Speech-Language Pathology) / Unrestricted
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Effectiveness of a multimedia-based voice therapy program for teacherswith voice disordersChan, Shuk-kwan, May., 陳淑君. January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Master / Master of Philosophy
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Acoustic technique in the diagnosis of voice disorders /Kulinski, Christina. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2004. / Leaves 86-90 lacking. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 91-93).
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O grupo terapeutico fonoaudiologico como possibilidade de intervenção junto a crianças disfonicas : analise de um processo / The audio-phonologic therapeutic group as possibility of intervention along with dysphonic children : a process analysisLeite, Ana Paula Dassie 13 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Ivone Panhoca / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T17:07:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: O trabalho fonoaudiológico em grupo com crianças disfônicas ainda é pouco difundido, havendo pouca literatura abordando o tema. Considera-se, no presente trabalho, a voz como parte da comunicação e meio de fundamentação lingüística da criança nas relações sociais. O objetivo do estudo é analisar o grupo como modalidade de intervenção fonoaudiológica junto a crianças disfônicas, bem como as possibilidades de atuação que ele propicia. O banco de dados da pesquisa corresponde a registros em vídeo e transcrições de um processo terapêutico com um grupo de seis crianças disfônicas, durante seis meses. Os resultados mostram as construções conjuntas de conhecimentos, a repercussão dos conceitos trabalhados em grupo na vida das crianças, o importante papel do terapeuta, as trocas de experiências, a dificuldade na realização de exercícios e técnicas individuais no contexto grupal e as modificações na qualidade vocal de crianças com disfonias de grau leve com o decorrer do processo. Conclui-se que o grupo é um espaço rico e promissor, importante para o desenvolvimento de noções que as crianças têm da voz e de conscientizações para hábitos saudáveis, além de proporcionar modificações na qualidade vocal das crianças / Abstract: The in-group audio-phonologic work with dysphonic children is still not much diffused, there is very little literature approaching the subject. The voice is considered, here, as part of communication and means of linguistic basing of the child in the social relations. The goal of the research is to analyze the group as a kind of audio-phonologic intervention along with dysphonic children, as well as the possibilities of acting that it provides. The database of the research is the therapeutic process of a group of six dysphonic children during six months. The results show the joined constructions of knowledge, the concepts' repercussion developed in-group in the children's life, the important role of the therapist, the exchanging of experiences, the difficulty in the achievement of the exercises and individual techniques in the group context and the positive changes in the vocal quality with dysphonic of slight level during the process. It comes to the conclusion that the group is a rich and promising 'space', important for the development of notions the children have towards the voice and conscientiousness for eliminating bad habits and collection of healthy habits, besides providing positive changes regarding the children's vocal quality / Mestrado / Saude da Criança e do Adolescente / Mestre em Saude da Criança e do Adolescente
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Vocal health, hygiene, and use of university professors within and outside of the department of Communication Sciences and DisordersLewis, Grace Elizabeth 21 November 2014 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the vocal health, hygiene, and use of university professors teaching at-risk populations. The self-reported habits of professors of education, business, social work, and psychology were compared to the self-reported habits of professors of communication sciences and disorders (CSD) to determine if there was any difference between these two groups for whom risk factors are comparable but knowledge of those factors significantly differs. Method: A survey comprising 40 questions regarding vocal health, hygiene, and use, was sent to a total of 3018 professors at 61 different universities. A total of 80 professors from CSD and 162 professors from other departments responded to the survey. Results: Responses were analyzed for statistically significant differences using multiple independent-sample T-tests. Analyses included comparing: 1) all respondents from both groups, 2) those respondents who reported the most hours lectured from both groups, 3) those respondents who reported having the largest class sizes from both groups, and 4) those respondents who reported the least hours lectured from both groups. While statistical analyses demonstrated some significant differences between each subgroup, few differences were observed between professors of CSD and professors of other departments. Conclusion: The paucity of statistically significant differences between any of the subgroups suggests that professors of CSD are neither more aware of their vocal health nor more likely to engage in more beneficial vocal practices. Education about vocal health and pathology alone is not enough to increase the use of beneficial vocal habits for this at-risk population. / text
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Specificity of the diagnostic materials for laryngopharyngeal reflux.Logan, Jeanneane 16 May 2011 (has links)
Rationale: Laryngopharygeal reflux (LPR) is a controversial area of diagnosis and
consequently management. Many patients suffering from voice and swallowing
disorders may be suffering from LPR but decreased specificity of diagnosis makes
management ineffective and impacts on quality of life as well as leading to overdiagnosis
of LPR.
Aims: (1) To establish the relationship between the Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) and
the Reflux Finding Score (RFS) in participants who have attended the Wits University
Donald Gordon Voice and Swallowing clinic. (2) To establish if there is a correlation
between the total RFS and RSI scores. (3) To ascertain which test items of the RSI
and the RFS are elevated in the participants. (4) To describe trends in RFS and RSI
sub scores and (5) to determine if extraneous factors such as age, gender, professional
voice use and smoking impact on the subscores of the RFS and RSI and to describe
the trends based on these variables
Method: A quantitative retrospective chart review of 105 patients who attended the
Voice and Swallowing clinic was conducted. Each participant completed a self-rating
scale for reflux severity (the RSI) as well as undergoing stroboscopic examination.
Stroboscopic results were rated by a multidisciplinary team (2 otolaryngologists, a
speech therapist and a voice coach) to ascertain the patient’s Reflux Finding Score
(RFS). Inferential and descriptive statistics were employed to achieve the aims.
Results: A weak negative significant correlation on totals of the RFS and RSI
(r=0,20; p= 0,0395) was established. There were a number of intra-item correlations
on the RSI and the RFS. Descriptive statistics revealed that hoarseness, excess mucus
and throat clearing were the most frequently rated symptoms on the RSI and
erythemia, posterior commisure hyperatrophy and diffuse laryngeal oedema most
frequently rated signs on the RFS. Gender was the only variable found to have a
significant effect on the total RFS and RSI ratings.
Conclusion: There is specificity in the RSI and RFS as diagnostic materials for LPR.
However, there may be an incidence of over diagnosis. Factors such as age, smoking,
professional voice use and gender must be considered in diagnosis.
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Efetividade do programa terapia vocal para idosos nas formas convencional e intensiva / Effectiveness of the method vocal therapy for elderly in the conventional and intensive approachGodoy, Juliana Fernandes 01 March 2016 (has links)
A terapia vocal é a opção inicial de tratamento em casos de alterações vocais decorrentes do envelhecimento. Existem poucas propostas de intervenção específicas para esta situação e as análises dos seus efeitos são limitadas. O tratamento ocorre tradicionalmente na frequência de uma ou duas vezes semanais, no entanto algumas propostas sugerem uma abordagem intensiva, não havendo clareza quanto à melhor forma de aplicação. Sendo assim, este estudo tem o objetivo de verificar os efeitos de um programa de Terapia Vocal para idosos (TVI) e se há diferenças entre a administração do tratamento no formato intensivo e convencional. Foram encaminhados para terapia vocal 27 idosos randomizados em dois grupos, sendo que o Grupo Intensivo (GI) realizou 16 sessões quatro vezes por semana e o Grupo Convencional (GC), 16 sessões duas vezes semanais. Para a comparação dos efeitos da terapia foram avaliados os aspectos de qualidade de vida por meio do protocolo Qualidade de Vida em Voz (QVV), qualidade vocal por meio da avaliação perceptivoauditiva e laríngeos por meio da análise perceptivo-visual dos exames. O profissional que aplicou o tratamento foi cego quanto aos procedimentos de avaliação, realizados na semana anterior ao início dos atendimentos, na semana seguinte ao término do mesmo e um mês após. O programa TVI envolveu exercícios de diversas técnicas com potencial para melhorar os aspectos vocais impactados pelo envelhecimento Finalizaram o tratamento 25 idosos, 13 do GI e 12 do GC. Os resultados evidenciaram melhora quanto a qualidade de vida relacionada a voz e em relação à qualidade vocal, mas não nos aspectos laríngeos. Após um mês foi mantida a melhora no QVV e na qualidade de voz, soprosidade e instabilidade durante emissões sustentadas e qualidade vocal e rugosidade na fala. Não foram observadas diferenças entre a terapia intensiva e convencional à exceção do arqueamento de pregas vocais que diminuiu em 38,46% dos participantes do GI e em nenhum do GC. A conclusão do estudo é de que o programa TVI traz benefício na qualidade de vida relacionada a voz e na qualidade vocal de idosos, de maneira que a melhora é observada imediatamente e um mês após o tratamento. Além disso, a terapia no formato intensivo traz benefícios semelhantes à terapia convencional, porém o modelo intensivo pode trazer mais benefícios em relação ao arqueamento de pregas vocais. Os aspectos individuais de cada paciente devem ser considerados no momento da escolha da frequência do tratamento. / The voice therapy is the initial treatment option in cases of vocal changes due to aging. There are few specifics intervention proposals for these cases and the assessments of its effects are limited. The treatment traditionally occurs at the frequency of once or twice a week, however some methods suggests an intensive approach, there is no clarity as to the best way for applying. Therefore, this study aims to verify the effects of the method Vocal Therapy for Elderlies (VTE) and whether there are differences between the treatment administration in the intensive and conventional format. Underwent the vocal therapy 27 elderly randomized into two groups, whereas the Intensive Group (IG) accomplished 16 sessions four times a week and the Conventional Group (CG) 16 sessions twice a week. For the comparison of the effects of therapy were evaluated aspects of quality of life through the voice-related quality of life (V-RQOL) protocol, vocal quality through the auditory perceptual and laryngeal through the visual perceptive analysis of the exams. The professional who administered the treatment was blind as to the assessment procedures, accomplished in the week before the beginning of the sessions in the week following the end of it and one month after. The VTE method involved exercises of various techniques with potential to improve the vocal aspects impacted by aging. Finished the treatment 25 elderly, 13 in IG and 12 of CG. The results showed improvement as the voice related quality of life and in relation to perceptual vocal quality, but not in the laryngeal aspects. After a month was maintained improvement in V-RQOL and general vocal quality, breathiness and instability during sustained vocal emissions and general vocal quality and roughness in speech. No differences were found between the intensive therapy and conventional except the vocal fold bowing that decreased in 38.46% of participants of the IG and in none of the CG. The conclusion of the study is that the VTE method brings the benefit of voice related quality of life and vocal quality, so that the improvement is observed immediately and a month after the treatment. In addition, the therapy in intensive format provides similar benefits to conventional therapy, but the intensive approach can bring more benefits in relation to the vocal fold bowing. The individual aspects of each patient must be considered at the choice moment of the frequency of the treatment.
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Avaliações psicométricas de qualidade de vida e voz em professores da rede municipal de Bauru / Psychometric evaluations of Voice Disordered Quality of Life (VQOL) in teachers with the municipal system in Bauru, SP, BrazilMartinello, Janaína Gheissa 08 July 2009 (has links)
Os professores são profissionais da voz que vêm sendo amplamente estudados por pesquisadores nacionais e internacionais. Pesquisas apontam alta prevalência de alterações vocais dentre os docentes. Um dos critérios para o estabelecimento da prevalência de alteração vocal baseia-se na auto-percepção do professor, denominado de disfonia auto-referida. Conhecer o quanto a alteração vocal pode trazer conseqüências para a vida do professor e para o exercício de sua profissão está de acordo com o proposto pela Organização Mundial da Saúde que sugere avaliar o impacto de uma doença sob o ponto de vista do paciente e não do avaliador. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar medidas de qualidade de vida e voz entre grupo de professores que referiu alteração vocal e grupo de professores que não referiu alteração vocal. Participaram deste estudo 97 professores de 11 escolas da rede municipal de Bauru. Todos os professores responderam a três protocolos psicométricos de qualidade de vida e voz (IDV, QVV, PPAV) além de um questionário para caracterização da amostra. Os resultados demonstraram que 39,8% dos professores reportaram alterações vocais no momento da realização da pesquisa. Quando se compararam medidas de qualidade de vida e voz, entre o grupo com alteração de voz e o grupo sem alteração vocal, diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram observadas: entre a pontuação total do IDV e nas três sub-áreas (orgânica, emocional e funcional); entre a pontuação total do QVV e na pontuação dos dois domínios (funcionalidade física e sócio-emocional) e entre a pontuação total do PPAV e nas cinco sessões (severidade do problema vocal, efeito no trabalho, efeito na comunicação diária, efeito na comunicação social e emoção). Também foi verificado que a dimensão orgânica do protocolo IDV tem mais impacto entre as dimensões deste protocolo, tanto para o grupo com alteração quanto para o grupo sem alteração vocal, indicando desconforto laríngeo e dificuldade ao falar. Com relação ao protocolo QVV, o domínio que apresentou mais alto escore foi o da funcionalidade física, também indicando desconforto laríngeo e impacto vocal na comunicação em professores com e sem alteração. Com relação ao PPAV nenhuma sessão prevaleceu sobre a outra no grupo sem alteração vocal. Para o grupo com alteração vocal, três sessões, comunicação diária, efeito no. trabalho e emoções têm maior impacto que a comunicação social. Os escores de limitação e de restrição foram calculados. Foi observado que a limitação da atividade é maior que a restrição das atividades tanto no grupo com queixa vocal quanto no grupo sem queixa vocal. Concluiu-se que os professores que referiram alteração vocal perceberam o impacto da alteração vocal em diferentes dimensões da qualidade de vida e voz e na realização de suas atividades diárias em maior proporção do que os professores que não referiram alteração vocal. / Teachers are voice professionals who have been widely studied by national and international researchers. Studies show a high prevalence of vocal alterations among teachers. One of the criteria for the establishment of vocal alteration prevalence, is based on teachers´ self-perception, termed as self-reported dysphonia (when the teacher him/herself reports the vocal alteration). To know the degree in which vocal alteration may affect a teacher´s life and his/her career, is consistent with that proposed by the World Health Organization, which suggests assessing the impact of a disease, taking into account the patient´s point of view and not the evaluator´s. This study aimed at comparing voice disordered quality of life (VQOL) measures between a group of teachers who reported vocal alteration and a group of teachers who did not, by verifying the teacher´s perception as for the impact of vocal alteration in the different dimensions of voice quality of life. Ninety-eight teachers, from 11 municipal schools of Bauru and in different grades (infantile and fundamental teaching and education of adolescents and adults), participated in this study. All teachers answered three psychometric protocols of voice quality of life: Voice Handicap Index (VHI), Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL), and the Voice Activity Participation Profile (VAPP), besides a questionnaire for the characterization of the sample. The result shows that 39.8% of teachers reported vocal alteration. When comparing voice measures between the groups with and without vocal alteration, statistically significant differences were observed: the total score of VHI and its dimensions (physical, emotional and functional); total score of V-RQOL and its dimensions (physical and socio-emotional functioning), and total score of VAAP and its dimensions (severity of vocal problem, effect on work, effect on daily communication, effect on social communication and emotion). It was verified, too, that the physical dimension of VHI has a greater impact among the dimensions of this protocol, both for the group with complaint and the one without complaint, indicating a laryngeal discomfort and difficulty at speaking. As for VRQOL, the most striking dimension was the physical functioning domain, also indicating the laryngeal discomfort and the impact of voice on communication, in teachers with and with no complaint. As for VAAP, no domain prevailed over the others, in the group with no complaint. For teachers with complaint, three domains, i.e., daily communication, work and emotions have a greater impact than social communication. The limitation and restriction scores were calculated as well, and it was observed the limitation of activities is greater than the restriction of activities, both in the group with and the group without complaint. One may conclude that the teachers who reported vocal alterations, better realize the impact of voice in different dimensions of voice quality of life.
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