Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vor"" "subject:"voir""
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Laboratory-scale evaluation of different aspects related to Ceratium hirundinella removal during simulation of a conventional water treatment plant which includes sedimentation / Hendrik EwertsEwerts, Hendrik January 2015 (has links)
The freshwater dinoflagellate species, Ceratium hirundinella (C. hirundinella) possesses unique characteristics, such as a thecal-plate cell covering of cellulose, spines and flagella. Unlike most other algae and cyanobacteria, C. hirundinella cells are relatively large in size (up to 450 μm in length and 50 μm in width). These unique characteristics (e.g. cell covering and flagella) and adaptations (e.g. spines) give the dinoflagellate cells the ability to reduce their sinking rate from the euphotic zone and to migrate easily through the water column. When source water contains high concentrations of C. hirundinella cells, water treatment problems and poor aesthetic water quality can be expected. These water treatment problems may include 1) the disruption of coagulation and flocculation, 2) clogging of sand filters and 3) taste and odour problems when cells penetrate into the final water. In Chapter 9 of this study, a list of operational guidelines (including alert levels) and recommendations to assist managers and operators of plants when C. hirundinella cells are causing water treatment problems.
During events of high C. hirundinella concentrations in source water, managers and operators of conventional water treatment plants need strategies to optimize coagulants and unit processes. Thus when source water contains motile nuisance algae, such as C. hirundinella, in moderate or abundant quantities, it is advisable to conduct jar stirring test experiments using both turbidity and total photosynthetic pigment (or chlorophyll-a) analyses as indicators of appropriate coagulant choice and dosages. The aims of this study are summarized as follows:
To optimize coagulants and conventional water treatment processes by implementing relevant algal removal strategies and indicators during jar stirring test experiments,
To investigate the changes in surface charge (known as zeta potential) on C. hirundinella cells before and after adding coagulants as part of the treatment processes,
To investigate the physical and chemical impacts on the morphology of C. hirundinella cells after coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation,
To identify organic compounds that may be responsible for taste and odour problems associated with C. hirundinella,
To investigate the efficiency of pre-chlorination on the removal C. hirundinella cells when dosing various coagulants, and
Give recommendations and operational guidelines relevant for a conventional water treatment plant to improve C. hirundinella removal
A combined water treatment system (Phipps and Bird Model), consisting of a six paddle jar test apparatus and six sand filter columns, was used to simulate conventional processes (coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and rapid sand filtration). Source water samples containing relatively high C. hirundinella concentrations (> 500 cell/mℓ) were collected from Benoni Lake (26º10’50.40’’S; 28º17’50.11’’ E) in plastic containers and stored as a homogenous sample in a 200 litre container under laboratory conditions (± 22 °C). Samples were collected from the source water as well as after sedimentation (from the supernatant or sludge) to determine turbidity, total photosynthetic pigment analyses (chlorophyll) and for phytoplankton analyses. Flocs (containing C. hirundinella cells) were collected from the sludge or sediment for scanning electron microscopy investigations and to perform zeta potential analyses. Concentrated C. hirundinella samples were frozen at -80 °C according to the proposed sampling protocol for organic compound analyses.
Results obtained from this study proved that using the relevant indicators to determine the appropriate coagulant dosages during jar stirring tests may generally improve the removal of problem-causing algae, such as C. hirundinella cells. Improved algal removal efficiencies will subsequently ensure final water with good aesthetic quality. The surface charge (zeta potential) on C. hirundinella cells can be used to evaluate the best coagulation conditions within an operating window of -10 mV to +3 mV when dosing various coagulants. Scanning electron microscopy investigations revealed major damaging effects to C. hirundinella cells when dosing high Ca(OH)2 concentrations. However, when dosing lower Ca(OH)2 concentrations, in combination with organic polymer, better C. hirundinella cell removal efficiencies with less damaging effects to cells was observed.
This study also indicated that the pre-chlorination, without causing cell lyses, can be applied to render the highly motile cells immobile which will subsequently assist the coagulation unit process. The aesthetic quality (e.g. tastes and odours) of drinking water may be influenced when C. hirundinella cells release organic material into the water as a result of cell lyses. Organic compounds, such as fatty acids and dicarboxylic acids can lead to taste and odour problems which associate with the presence of C. hirundinella. Organic compounds also serve as precursors for the formation of harmful chlorine by-products formed during chlorination. / PhD (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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STEIM-GeschichtenOtto, Andi 02 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Der Beitrag rekapituliert einige Meilensteine der Instrumentenentwicklungen am Studio voor Elektro-Instrumentale Muziek in Amsterdam (STEIM) und zeichnet ihre Bedeutung für aktuelle Dispositive der elektronischen Musikproduktion nach. Die Bedeutung der Pionierarbeiten, die dort in den 1970er und 80er Jahren geschaffen wurden, steht im Widerspruch zu deren wissenschaftlicher Dokumentation. In den Musik-, Medien- und Theaterwissenschaften ist kaum bekannt, dass die wohl ersten Arbeiten mit Sensortechnologie und dem damals frischgetauften MIDI-Protokoll in Amsterdam stattgefunden haben, wo Michel Waisvisz bereits 1984 mit dem Musiktheater-Projekt "Touch Monkeys" sein Sensor-Interface "The Hands" vorstellte. Neben Michel Waisvisz setzen u. a. Jon Rose, Nicolas Collins, Laetitia Sonami oder Stelarc das Gerät für ihre Arbeit ein. Der Artikel stellt einige Konfigurationen exemplarisch vor.
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Antoine Payen peintre des Indes orientales : vie et écrits d'un artiste du XIXe siècle (1792-1853) /Scalliet, Marie-Odette, Payen, Antoine, January 1995 (has links)
Proefschrift--Leyden. / Contains transcriptions from Payen's diaries with commentary. "Stellingen": leaf inserted. Includes bibliographical references (p. [763]-789) and indexes.
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STEIM-GeschichtenOtto, Andi 02 June 2014 (has links)
Der Beitrag rekapituliert einige Meilensteine der Instrumentenentwicklungen am Studio voor Elektro-Instrumentale Muziek in Amsterdam (STEIM) und zeichnet ihre Bedeutung für aktuelle Dispositive der elektronischen Musikproduktion nach. Die Bedeutung der Pionierarbeiten, die dort in den 1970er und 80er Jahren geschaffen wurden, steht im Widerspruch zu deren wissenschaftlicher Dokumentation. In den Musik-, Medien- und Theaterwissenschaften ist kaum bekannt, dass die wohl ersten Arbeiten mit Sensortechnologie und dem damals frischgetauften MIDI-Protokoll in Amsterdam stattgefunden haben, wo Michel Waisvisz bereits 1984 mit dem Musiktheater-Projekt 'Touch Monkeys' sein Sensor-Interface 'The Hands' vorstellte. Neben Michel Waisvisz setzen u. a. Jon Rose, Nicolas Collins, Laetitia Sonami oder Stelarc das Gerät für ihre Arbeit ein. Der Artikel stellt einige Konfigurationen exemplarisch vor.
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Spreukenwijsheid voor begeleiding = the wisdom of Proverbs for guidanceHeino, Gerrit 11 1900 (has links)
Deze dissertatie levert een bijdrage aan een christelijk geïnspireerde visie op begeleiding vanuit de oudtestamentische wijsheidsliteratuur; in het bijzonder het boek Spreuken. Hoofdstuk 1 bevat een algemene inleiding waarin het begrip begeleiding wordt gedefinieerd. In hoofdstuk 2 staat de vraag naar de context van de wijsheid centraal. Er wordt een (conceptueel) kader ontwikkeld over begeleiding in oud-Israël om zo inzicht te krijgen in de wijsheidsleraren en hun leerlingen. Het derde hoofdstuk richt zich op de theologie van de wijsheid en beantwoordt de vraag welke invloed de wijsheid en de theologie op elkaar hebben gehad en hoe de theologie van de wijsheid zich verhoudt tot de theologie van het Oude Testament. Dit hoofdstuk besteedt daarnaast aandacht aan het Godsbeeld en het mensbeeld van de wijsheidsleraren en behandelt (theologische) thema’s die relevant zijn voor begeleiding. Hoofdstuk 4 houdt zich bezig met Salomo, de mannen van Chizkia, Agoer en Lemoeël. Salomo neemt in de wijsheidsliteratuur een prominente plaats in en wordt genoemd als auteur van verzamelingen van spreuken in het boek Spreuken. ‘Zijn’ wijsheid heeft een sociale verandering in oud-Israël op gang gebracht. Hoofdstuk 5 buigt zich over de vraag tegen welke achtergrond het boek Spreuken moet worden gelezen. Vragen die gesteld worden, zijn wie de mogelijke auteur van het boek is, in welk tijdvak het boek is ontstaan, uit welke verzamelingen het boek bestaat, en voor wie en met welk doel het boek is geschreven. De antwoorden werpen licht op de teksten die in hoofdstuk 6 onder de loep worden genomen en worden, in hoofdstuk 7, toegepast op begeleiding. Het zesde hoofdstuk neemt als uitgangspunt teksten uit het boek Spreuken die licht werpen op begeleiding. Deze teksten worden uitgelegd aan de hand van toonaangevende wetenschappelijke commentaren. Tot deze teksten behoren de inleiding op Spreuken (1:1-7), de ‘vrees voor JHWH’-teksten, ‘leven’-teksten, werkwoorden die het proces kenmerken dat leidt tot een ‘levend leven’ en opdrachten aan de vader/leraar (en daarmee aan de begeleider). Hoofdstuk 7 geeft antwoord op de onderzoeksvraag welke aanwijzingen kunnen worden afgeleid uit het boek Spreuken voor begeleiders en christelijke opleidingen tot begeleidingskundige? en wendt de kennis opgedaan in de voorgaande hoofdstukken aan om te komen tot een Bijbels geïnspireerde visie op begeleiding in een hedendaagse context. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D.Th. (Old Testament)
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Royalties on non-renewable resources in South Africa : an international comparisonHenrico, Jan Hendrik 14 December 2012 (has links)
Governments across the globe are experiencing enormous budget deficits. The governments of South Africa and Australia felt that taxes on mining have not been reflecting a ‘willing buyer-willing seller’ relationship. This in essence means that mining companies in these two countries were not paying an arm’s length value to governments for extracting the resources. In Australia the authorities introduced the Resources Super Profits Tax to be charged at 40% of assessable profits. Mining companies still have to assess how to deal with this new tax when it is enacted on 1 July 2012. However, a change advantageous for the companies is the reduction in the corporate tax rate from 30% to 28% by the 2014/15 tax year. This Resources Super Profits Tax will also be deductible from the calculation of taxable income. South Africa enacted the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Acton 1 March 2010. Mining companies would now pay royalties based on a charging formula specifically for refined and unrefined minerals. The minimum royalty charging formula is 0.5% of gross sales regardless of whether the mining company incurs losses. This royalty charging formula is capped at 5% for refined minerals and 7% for unrefined minerals. However, any existing arrangement between mining companies and land owners for special royalties payable is not replaced by the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act. A mining company such as Kumba Resources Limited never paid royalties in 2009, but were paying royalties in 2010 at 5.61% of accounting earnings before interest and taxes and 5.51% in 2011. Despite the additional royalties mining companies still invest in South Africa. The main drive for investment is managing risks and investing in projects that yield positive net present values. Typical risks to be managed are taxation laws, political uncertainty and social issues. These risks should be kept under control as the likelihood of mining companies walking away from investments is high when these risks spiral out of control. AFRIKAANS : Regerings dwarsoor die wêreld ondervind wesenlike begrotingstekorte. Die regerings van Suid Afrika en Australië glo dat die belasting op mynbou-maatskappye nie die ‘gewillige koper-gewillige verkoper’ verhouding weerspieël nie. In beginsel beteken dit dat die mynbou-maatskappye in die twee lande nie armlengte-waarde betaal aan regerings vir die ontginning van minerale nie. In Australië het owerhede die Minerale Super Winste Belasting gepromulgeer wat 40% heffings van berekende winste vereis. Mynbou-maatskappye is steeds in die donker oor hoe om hierdie nuwe belasting te hanteer wanneer dit op 1 Julie 2012 in werking tree.Die verlaging van die korporatiewe belastingkoers van 30% na 28% oor ’n tydperk tot en met die 2014/15 belastingjaaris egter ’n verandering wat voordelig is vir die maatskappye. Hierdie Minerale Super Winste Belasting sal ook van belasbare inkomste van mynbou-maatskappye aftrekbaar wees. Suid Afrika het die Minerale en Petroleum Reserwes Tantieme Wet op 1 Maart 2010 gepromulgeer. Mynbou-maatskappye sal in die vervolg tantieme betaal wat gebaseer word op ’n heffingsformule spesifiek ontwerp vir verwerkte en onverwerkte minerale. Die minimum tantieme heffingsformule is 0.5% van bruto verkope ongeag of die mynbou-maatskappy verliese ly. Hierdie tantieme heffingsformule word wel beperk tot 5% vir verwerkte minerale en 7% vir onverwerkte minerale. Enige huidige ooreenkoms met grondeienaars vir die betaling van spesiale tantieme word ongelukkig nie oorskryf deur die Minerale en Petroleum Reserwes Tantieme Wet nie. ’n Mynbou-maatskappy soos Kumba Resources Beperk het geen tantieme in 2009 betaal nie. In 2010 was Kumba Resources Beperk se tantieme 5.61% van rekeningkundige wins voor rente en belasting en in 2011 was dit 5.51%. Ondanks hierdie addisionele tantieme belê mynbou-maatskappye steeds in Suid Afrika. Die hoof-dryfveer vir beleggings is die bestuur van risiko en belegging in projekte wat positiewe netto huidige waardes lewer. Tipiese risiko’s wat bestuur moet word, is belastingwette, politieke onsekerheid en sosiale kwessies. Hierdie risiko’s moet te alle tye onder beheer gehou word omrede mynbou- maatskappye heel waarskynlik van beleggings kan onttrek indien die risiko’s buite beheer raak. Copyright / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Taxation / unrestricted
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Die lewe, werk en invloed van F.V. Engelenburg in Suid-Afrika (1889 – 1938) / Linda EugéneBrink, Linda Eugen January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is a historical biography of F.V. Engelenburg (1863-1938) and covers the
period from 1889 to 1938, when Engelenburg lived and worked in South Africa. The study
situates Engelenburg in the historical landscape of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek during
the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The focus is mainly on Engelenburg’s
journalistic career at De Volksstem, but attention is also given to his many other interests,
including the development and promotion of Afrikaans and the Afrikaans academic culture,
especially in the northern parts of South Africa. His work pertaining to the development of
architecture, literature, aviation, the visual and performing arts, history, libraries, museums
and educational institutions comes under the spotlight. His private life is considered as well
in order to portray his versatility as a person. The chapters have been subdivided to highlight
the variety of matters he was involved in, and a chronological approach has been followed as
is customary in a biography.
The study is based on archival research. In particular, Engelenburg’s private collections were
used, as well as the private collections of some of his contemporaries. Engelenburg assumes a
central place in the biography, with special focus on how he perceived and experienced
conditions and everyday life in South Africa from the point of view of his transnational
European background. His role as influential opinion-maker and political commentator on
local and international politics is highlighted. His ties with political leaders and his
involvement in government affairs are emphasised. The study also refers to his continued
contact with his motherland, the Netherlands, and with the Dutch language. After the Anglo-
Boer War, he realised that the languages of the future in South Africa would be Afrikaans
(not Dutch), alongside English. His continuing support for Afrikaans as a language of
instruction in schools and universities and the development of the Afrikaans literature, as well
as his support for the standardization of Afrikaans helped to establish Afrikaans as an official
language alongside English and Dutch in South Africa. Engelenburg’s active contribution to
the work of the Zuid-Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Lettere en Kuns (now the Suid-
Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns), helped to put the organization on a sound
footing for future development. The Akademie can be seen as a living monument to his work
in South Africa. / PhD (History)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015.
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Die lewe, werk en invloed van F.V. Engelenburg in Suid-Afrika (1889 – 1938) / Linda EugéneBrink, Linda Eugen January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is a historical biography of F.V. Engelenburg (1863-1938) and covers the
period from 1889 to 1938, when Engelenburg lived and worked in South Africa. The study
situates Engelenburg in the historical landscape of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek during
the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The focus is mainly on Engelenburg’s
journalistic career at De Volksstem, but attention is also given to his many other interests,
including the development and promotion of Afrikaans and the Afrikaans academic culture,
especially in the northern parts of South Africa. His work pertaining to the development of
architecture, literature, aviation, the visual and performing arts, history, libraries, museums
and educational institutions comes under the spotlight. His private life is considered as well
in order to portray his versatility as a person. The chapters have been subdivided to highlight
the variety of matters he was involved in, and a chronological approach has been followed as
is customary in a biography.
The study is based on archival research. In particular, Engelenburg’s private collections were
used, as well as the private collections of some of his contemporaries. Engelenburg assumes a
central place in the biography, with special focus on how he perceived and experienced
conditions and everyday life in South Africa from the point of view of his transnational
European background. His role as influential opinion-maker and political commentator on
local and international politics is highlighted. His ties with political leaders and his
involvement in government affairs are emphasised. The study also refers to his continued
contact with his motherland, the Netherlands, and with the Dutch language. After the Anglo-
Boer War, he realised that the languages of the future in South Africa would be Afrikaans
(not Dutch), alongside English. His continuing support for Afrikaans as a language of
instruction in schools and universities and the development of the Afrikaans literature, as well
as his support for the standardization of Afrikaans helped to establish Afrikaans as an official
language alongside English and Dutch in South Africa. Engelenburg’s active contribution to
the work of the Zuid-Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Lettere en Kuns (now the Suid-
Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns), helped to put the organization on a sound
footing for future development. The Akademie can be seen as a living monument to his work
in South Africa. / PhD (History)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015.
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L'au-delà dans les catéchismes pour adultesHamel, Jean-François 04 February 2022 (has links)
L'au-delà a toujours été une réalité fascinante pour les croyants et un thème délicat pour les théologiens et les prédicateurs. Qu'en est-il? Ce mémoire se propose d'étudier l'enseignement ecclésial sur l'au-delà, tel que le présentent quelques catéchismes pour adultes publiés après Vatican II: Le nouveau catéchisme pour adultes (épiscopat hollandais), La Foi de l'Église (épiscopat allemand), Livre de la Foi (épiscopat belge), Catéchisme pour adultes (épiscopat français) et Catéchisme de l'Église catholique. Il comporte à la fois une analyse détaillée du contenu pertinent de chacun de ces catéchismes et un bilan présentant une vue d'ensemble de leur enseignement sur l'au-delà.
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Biografie van die taalstryder F.V. Engelenburg tot met die stigting van die S.A. Akademie in 1909 /deur Linda Eugene BrinkBrink, Linda Eugene January 2010 (has links)
Frans Vredenrijk Engelenburg (1863-1938) played a major role in the development and expansion of Afrikaans and the Afrikaans academic culture - especially in the northern part of South Africa. As a Dutch intellectual, lawyer and journalist in the nineteenth century South African Republic (Transvaal), he in particular played an important role as advisor and opinion maker from the 1890s onward. One of his biggest achievements was the key role that he played in the establishment of De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst in 1909. This study is the first part of a more comprehensive biographical project on the life of Engelenburg and the role he fulfilled in the history of the Akademie and South Africa until the thirties of the twentieth century. Since the 1600s the Engelenburg family has played a prominent role in the community where they lived. Aside from the high positions they had held for centuries before, they had in the fourth and again in the sixth generation married into noble families. This contributed to their important position in the community. Due to circumstances Engelenburg was not raised in the Engelenburg milieu. A family break in 1836 was the cause that Engelenburg's father, as a baby, was spirited away from this family milieu. Engelenburg received an extraordinarily good schooling. The solid intellectual foundation already laid then, to a large extent determined the course of his life. He was at the Stedelijk Gymnasium Arnhem when he met Marie Koopmans-De Wet (1834-1906), an aunt by marriage who lived in Cape Town, when on a visit to Europe. She was his soul mate and acted as a mentor and advisor to Engelenburg. The friendship strengthened with the years. He already at school had the desire to visit South Africa one day. His parents' divorce when he was still a student at the University of Leyden, steered his life in a very different direction than what he had foreseen for himself. The divorce was to a large extent the reason that, although he had studied law, he discarded the notion of a career in law after only a year. His decision to follow a career in journalism affected the rest of his life. The Transvaal War (1880-1881) meant that the Dutch developed an admiration for the Transvaalers for the determination and courage they displayed in their attempts to defeat the British army. President Paul Kruger's call shortly after the war that the Transvaal needed young Dutchmen further encouraged Engelenburg to come to South Africa. Previously Engelenburg had for a year worked for Fred Hogendorp at the Dagblad van Suidholland en s’Gravenhage in The Hague. Circumstances abruptly changed when Hogendorp suddenly became insane. During the same time, the owner of De Volksstem newspaper in Pretoria had committed suicide and Engelenburg seized the work opportunity. Within a matter of three months, he arrived in the Transvaal. Within a month after his arrival he was appointed chief editor of De Volksstem. He had studied the Transvaal situation thoroughly and by means of the newspaper and through tireless efforts, he contributed to improving the farming community’s cultural literacy. The education situation in the Transvaal enjoyed his constant attention. After the Anglo-Boer War (ABW) (1899-1902), he continued to work towards improving the education system in the Transvaal. He early on became involved in the Transvaal University College (later University of Pretoria). Before the ABW he did everything possible to promote the Dutch language to the Boer people. However, after the war he realised that Afrikaans had a rightful place, and he, in addition to Dutch, became a champion for the Afrikaans language. The battle between the proponents of Dutch and Afrikaans respectively, increased after the ABW. To achieve unity of action between the two groups, De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren and Kunst was founded in 1909. Behind the scenes Engelenburg was one of the major driving forces to assist with the founding of the organisation. As a board member and later as chairman, he gave impetus to the Akademie. In 2009 the organisation celebrated its centenary. This is an important milestone, especially seen in the light of the current political climate in South Africa. The Akademie can now be regarded as a monument to Engelenburg as the fruit of his labour and perseverance during the first three decades of the Akademie’s existence. / Thesis (M.A. (History))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.
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