21 |
An evaluation of some cognitive, affective, and school variables as predictors of the academic achievement of standard 10 pupils in Kwazulu schools / Daniel Mfana GumedeGumede, Daniel Mfana January 1989 (has links)
1. DIE DOEL VAN DIE NAVORSING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie (dit is persentasie slaag) onder die kognitiewe, affektiewe en skoolveranderlikes vas te stel. Die teikengroep het uit standerd 10 leerlinge in Kwazulu skole
bestaan. 2. DIE BEVINDINGE UIT DIE LITERATUUR: Om die voorgemelde doel te bereik 1s die oorsig van literatuur met verwysing na die vermelde onafhanklike veranderlikes gedoen, en die volgende gevolgtrekkings is bereik.
2.1 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDES VAN DIE KOGNITIEWE VERANDERLIKES: Betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van die kognitiewe veranderlikes, het die literatuur daarop gewys dat die kognitiewe veranderlikes ongeveer 25 persent van die variansie in die akademiese prestasie verklaar. Belangrik in hierdie verband is die bevindinge deur Lavin (1967), Bloom (1979) en talle ander wat die voorspellingswaarde van intelligensie en aanleg ondersoek het. Die ander belangrike bevinding, in verband met intelligensie as voorspeller van akademiese prestasie, is dat die voorspellingswaarde van intelligensie daal as die leerlinge die hoer klasse bereik. Met ander woorde, intelligensie is volgens die literatuur 'n goeie voorspeller van akademiese prestasie in die primêre klasse. Sowel Lavin (1967) as Jensen (1980) het hierdie bewering gemaak. Die voorspellingswaarde van vorige deur die literatuur te bestudeer.
literatuur daarop gewys dat voorspeller van akademiese prestasie is. Wat aanleg as voorspeller van akademiese prestasie betref, wys die literatuur daarop dat variansie wat grater as 25 persent in akademiese prestasie is, verklaar kan word op grond van aanleg. In hierdie verband kan die werke van Von Mollendorf (1978) en Vander Westhuizen (1987) genoem word.
2.2 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDE VAN DIE AFFEKTIEWE VERANDERLIKES: Die affektiewe veranderlikes wat hier betrokke is, is persoonlikheid
en beroepsbelangstelling.
Betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van persoonlikheid is teenstrydige
bevindinge in die literatuur verkry. Enersyds het
ondersoeke wat in Amerika gedoen is, getoon dat die byvoeging
van die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes by die kognitiewe veranderlikes
in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie 'n toename
in die verklaring van variansie meebring. Andersyds het die
navorsing wat in Suid-Afrika gedoen is, nie 'n duidelike beeld
gegee nie. In die algemeen het die Suid-Afrikaanse ondersoeke
daarop gewys dat die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes van min waarde
is in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie.
Uit die studie van die literatuur, betreffende die voorspellingswaarde
van beroepsbelangstelling, het dit geblyk dat beroepsbelangstelling
van minder waarde is in die voorspelling van
akademiese prestasie is as beroepsbelangstelling.
2.3 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDE VAN DIE SKOOLVERANDERLIKES: Die skoolveranderlikes is in twee groepe verdeel: die fisiese wat skoolgrootte, klasgrootte,
skoolligging en skool fasiliteite behels, en die sosiale wat die prinsipaal en die onderwysers behels.
Die oorsig van die literatuur het daarop gewys dat die
fisiese fasiliteite belangrik is vir opvoeding, maar hulle
uitwerking op die kwaliteit van onderrig afhanklik is van hulle
benutting deur die onderwysers. Byvoorbeeld, kleiner klasse het
nie beduidend bygedra tot beter prestasie as die grater klasse
nie. Die gevolgtrekking wat deur Bloom (1976) onder andere,
bereik is, is dat die hele skoolomgewing belangrik is vir
onderrig en n1e net die fisiese fasiliteite nie. Ongeveer 5
persent van die variansie in akademiese prestasie is volgens
Bloom (1979) deur die skool verklaar. Dit was om hierdie rede
dat die hele skool in hierdie ondersoek bestudeer is.
Literatuur het ook deurgaans daarop gewys dat die verskille
tussen die skole in akademiese prestasie verdwyn as
intelligensie en die sosio-ekonomiese status gekontroleer is.
2.4 DIE INVLOED VAN GESLAG OP AKADEMIESE VOORSPELLING: Die literatuur het daarop gewys dat die twee geslagte se
akademiese prestasie verskil. Die dogters, byvoorbeeld,
presteer beter as seuns in toetse wat verbale aanleg verg,
terwyl die seuns beter as dogters in wiskunde presteer: Die
twee geslagte het geen verskille in intelligensie getoon nie.
3.1 DIE FORMULERING VAN HIPOTESES: 3. 1. 1 Hoof hipotese
HOOF HIPOTESE 1 - Die aanleg veranderlikes is die beste voorspellers van standerd
10 akademiese prestasie in vergelyking met die affektiewe en die
HOOF HIPOTESE 2 - Die affektiewe veranderlikes bring 'n toename mee in die
variansie wat verklaarbaar is in akademiese prestasie as dit by
die kognitiewe veranderlikes bygevoeg word.
HOOF HIPOTESE 3 - Die skoolveranderlikes bring 'n toename mee in die variansie wat
verklaarbaar is in akademiese prestasie as dit by die kognitiewe
veranderlikes bygevoeg word.
3.1.2 Onderhipotese
ONDERHIPOTESE 1 - Die gehalte van die skool het beduidende invloed op die
voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10.
ONDERHIPOTESE 3 - Die ligging van die skool het 'n beduidende invloed op die
voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10.
ONDERHIPOTESE 4 - Skoolsoort het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van
akademiese prestasie in standerd 10.
ONDERHIPOTESE 5 - Geslag het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van
akademiese prestasie in standerd 10.
ONDERHIPOTESE 6 - Daar bestaan steeds 'n verskil tussen koshuis en dagskole in
akademiese prestasie selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is.
ONDERHIPOTESE 7 - Daar bestaan steeds 'n verskil tussen stedelike en plattelandse
skole in akademiese prestasie selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is.
3.2 DIE EMPIRIESE ONDERSOEK: Die empiriese ondersoek is ingestel om die geformuleerde
hipoteses te toets.
3.2.1 Die teikengroep en die steekproef
Die KwaZulu 1983 standerd 10 leerlinge is die teikengroep. Om
die invloed van die ~kool op voorspelling vas te stel is 'n 10
persent ewekansige steekproef uit 170 sekondêre skole geneem
(dit is 17 skole). As gevolg van die ewekansige steekproef is
'n monster van 1912 leerlinge gevorm. Die vermindering van die
steekproef tot 1615 leerlinge in sommige analises, is 'n gevolg
van onvolledige data van sekere leerlinge.
3.2.2 Die veranderlikes wat gebruik is Die onafhanklike veranderlikes wat in hierdie ondersoek
gebruik is, is die volgende:
a. Aanlegtoetsresultate (AAT)
b. Persoonlikheidsresultate (HSPQ)
c. Belangstellingsresultate (VIQ)
d. Skoolveranderlikheidstotaal (SVTOT) Die afhanklike wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, is
die volgende:
e. Standerd 10 geslaag persentasie. Die modererende veranderlikes wat in hierdie studie bestudeer is, is
die volgende:
f. Die skoolgehalte;
g. Die vakgroepe wat die leerlinge leer;
h. Die ligging van die skool (stedelik of plattelands);
i. Skooltipe (koshuis of dag); en
j. Geslag.
In hierdie ondersoek is gebruik gemaak van gestandardiseerde
meetinstrumente om kognitiewe, en affektiewe veranderlikes te
meet. Om die "skool" te meet is verskeie skoolveranderlikes
eers geoperasionaliseer en daarna punte volgens rangorde deur
die inspekteurs toegeken.
Geslag is in hierdie ondersoek as modererende veranderlike
gebruik om die invloed daarvan op voorspelling te bestudeer. Om
die invloed van die skool as 'n modererende veranderlike te
bestudeer is die steekproef verder verdeel volgens skoolgehalte,
skoolligging en skooltipe. Die leerlinge was ook gegroepeer
volgens die vakgroepe wat hulle geneem het (dit is algemeen,
natuurwetenskap en handel).
toegepas is die meervoudige regressie-analise (BMDPIR program)
om die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie te
identifiseer. Die resultate van die analise het daarop gedui
i. die kognitiewe veranderlikes die beste voorspellers van
akademiese prestasie is, in vergelyking met die affektiewe
en die skoolveranderlikes;
ii. die affektiewe veranderlikes van min voorspellingswaarde
is; en
iii. die skoolveranderlike 'n beduidende effek op voorspellings
As gevolg van meervoudige regressie-analise is die kognitiewe en
skoolveranderlikes gebruik as kontrole veranderlikes in die
moderatorveranderlike studie. Die affektiewe veranderlikes is
weggelaat weens hulle geringe bydrae tot R2 .
4.2 VARIANSIE ANALISE: Die meervoudige regressie-analise (BMDPIR) is ook gebruik by die
moderatorondersoek. Die resultate van die ondersoek het daarop
gedui dat:
i. die skoolgehalte 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling
van akademiese prestasie het;
ii. die vakgroepe wat leerlinge leer 'n beduidende invloed op
akademiese voorspelling het;
iii. die skoolligging 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voor
spelling het;
iv. die skooltipe 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voorspelling
v. geslag geen beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van algehele
akademiese prestasie het nie;
vi. die verskil in akademiese prestasie tussen die koshuisskole
en dagskole bly steeds dieselfde selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is; en
vii. die verskil in die akademiese prestasie van stedelike en
plattelandse leerlinge steeds dieselfde bly selfs as aanleg
gekontroleer is.
5. IMPLIKASIES VIR VERDERE ONDHRSOEK: In hierdie studie is gevind dat aanleg 'n goeie voorspeller van
akademiese prestasie in goeie skole is, maar nie in swak skole
nie. 'n Geldigheidsstudie is nodig om swak voorspelbaarheid in
swak skole vas te stel. Sulke geldigheidstudies moet die
sistematiese veranderlikes ook bestudeer sodat hulle invloed op
R2 verklaar kan word.
In hierdie studie is ook gevind dat die plattelandse skole
akademies beter as stedelike skole presteer.
Die bevinding is teenstrydig met die bevindinge van die vorige
navorsers. 'n Verdere studie is dus ook nodig om die bevindinge
van hierdie studie te bevestig of te verwerp. Die moontlikheid
bestaan dat hierdie bevinding die invloed van die onrus wat
gedurende daardie jare plaasgevind het, weerspieël.
Verdere navorsing is ook nodig om die invloed van die groepvakke
op akademiese prestasie te bevestig en o.a. die geldigheid van die
resultate van hierdie navorsing te toets.
Verdere navorsing is nodig om die waarde van die insluiting van
'n toets in moedertaal in die AAT battery vir voorspellings van
akademiese prestasie vas te stel. Die resultate van hierdie
studie (kyk tabel 6 • 2 ) het getoon dat die AAT die swakste met
Zulutaal korreleer. 'n Toets in moedertaal blyk dus nodig te
6. OPVOEDKUNDIGE IMPLIKASIE: Die kruisvalidasie van die beste stelveranderlikes het daarop
gewys dat dit goed by goeie skole kan voorspel en nie by swak
skole nie. Om al die skole se akademiese prestasie te verbeter,
word dit aanbeveel dat die toetse aan die begin van die jaar
toegepas moet word en dat die nuwe snitpunte (kyk paragraaf 6.7)
by die verwagtingstabel gebruik moet word. Die vroegtydige
beskikbaarheid van die toetsresultate kan help om leerlinge en
die onderwysers te motiveer om beter te presteer. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1989
22 |
Enkele persoonlikheidsaspekte by drie groepe eerstejaarstudente / Heinrich Wilhelm RöthRöth, Heinrich Wilhelm January 1982 (has links)
At present there is a growing need for empirical information in
the study and career counselling process especially with regard
to the statistical comparison of successful students' aptitudes.
interests and personality profiles in various courses. There
also is a growing demand for data regarding the predictive
validity of the psychometric instruments regularly used. In an
attempt to improve the effectiveness of the counselling process.
mean profiles for three groups of first year students on the
grounds of their mean scores on three psychometric, instruments.
were drawn up and were compared with each other on a statistical
basis. Secondly the predictive validity of each instrument as
well as for two instruments combined was investigated.
Firstly the aim of this study was to compare the three experimental
groups' mean interest aptitude and adaptation profiles as
measured by the 19 Field Interest Inventory (19 FII), the Senior
Aptitude Tests (SAT) and the PHSF Relations Questionnaire on a
statistical basis with each other. in order to detect statistical
differences among the profiles of the three groups.
The second aim of this study can be put as follows:
- To determine the predictive value of each variable (psychometric
instrument) with the criterion (average academical achievement);
- To determine the relation between two of the variables, namely
the 19 Field Interest Inventory and the Senior Aptitude Tests.
combined and the criterion by means of the multiple correlation
In the first place, a study of the relevant literature was
undertaken, concerning the concepts of interest, aptitude and
adaptation. Among these attention was especially focused on some
definitions as well as the measurement of each concept.
The psychometric instruments used in this research was discussed
thoroughly regarding their development, contents, reliability and
content and predictive validity.
The sample used in this study consisted of 93 first year students
assigned to the groups in the following way: 33 BA(Communication),
30 BA(Education) and 30 B(Law) students.
Statistical operations were done for the total group by means of a
computer. This included the drawing-up of mean profiles on each
variable for each group as well as the statistical comparison of
these profiles with each other. In the second place multiple
regression was performed.
With regard to the first aim of this study, the following can be
- The experimental groups' mean interest profiles differed
statistically from each other on the following fields of the
19 FII, namely FII 4 (Historical), FII 5 (Service), FII 7
(Sociability), FII 8 (Public Speaking), FII 9 (Law), FII 10
(Creative Thought), FII 13 (Practical Female) and FII 15
- The experimental groups' mean aptitude profiles differed
statistically from each other on one test of the SAT and that
is SAT 1 (Verbal Comprehension).
- The experimental groups' mean adaptation profiles differed
statistically from each other on one component of the PHSF,
namely PHSF 9 (Sociability-S).
With regard to the multiple regression analysis, the following
can be concluded:
- With regard to aptitude, three tests of the SAT with the best
regression weights were selected for the BA(Communication)
group by means of Mallows' CP-regression analysis, namely
Disguised Words, Comparison and Pattern Completion. For the
BA(Education) group four tests of the SAT with the best
regression weights were selected, namely Verbal comprehension,
Calculations, Figure Series and Spatial 3-D. Three tests of
the SAT with the best regression weights were selected for the
B(Law) group, namely Calculations, Pattern Completion and
Memory (Paragraph).
- With regard to interest, four fields of the 19 FII with the
best regression weights were selected for the BA(Communication)
group by means of Mallows' CP-regression method, namely
Public Speaking, Science, Numerical and Travel. For the
BA(Education) group six fields of the 19 FII with the best
regression weights were selected, namely Law, Creative Thought,
Business, Clerical, Nature and Sports. Only one field with the
best regression weight was however selected for the BA(Law)
group, namely Business.
- With regard to adaptation, three components of the PHSF
Relations Questionnaire with the best regression weights were
selected for the BA(Communication) group by mean of the same
method, namely Health, Sociability-S and Formal Relations. For
the BA(Education) group two components were selected, namely
Selfcontrol and Nervousness. Four components of the PHSF with
the best regression weights were selected for the B(Law) group,
namely Health, Personal Freedom, Moral Sense and Desirability
As for the last aim of this study, namely the determination of the
relation between the 19 FII and the SAT combined, and the criterion,
the following can be concluded:
With regard to the BA(Communication) group, four predictors with
the best regression weights were statistically selected, namely
one test of the SAT (Comparison) and three fields of the 19 FII
(Science, Numerical and Travel).
- As far as the BA(Education) group is concerned, four predictors
with the best regression weights were statistically selected,
namely two tests of the SAT (Verbal Comprehension and Spatial
3-D) and two fields of the 19 FII (Social Work and Creative
With regard to the B(Law) group, a combination of twelve
predictors with the best regression weights were selected,
namely four tests of the SAT (Calculations, Figure Series,
Spatial 2-D and Memory Symbols ) and eight fields of the 19 FII
(Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Historical, Service, Creative
Thought, Clerical and Travel).
It is recommended that more extensive research be undertaken with
successful students in every course of study regarding their
interests, aptitudes, adaptation and personalities, in order to
detect their similarities and differences. In order to increase
the reliability of such findings, it is also recommended that the
size of the experimental groups be increased.
Research should also be undertaken concerning the selection and
composition of relevant test-batteries in order to achieve optimum
prediction of academic achievement. However, the selection of
psychometric tests as used in this study should be extended with at
least a personality test. / Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO, 1983
23 |
An evaluation of some cognitive, affective, and school variables as predictors of the academic achievement of standard 10 pupils in Kwazulu schools / Daniel Mfana GumedeGumede, Daniel Mfana January 1989 (has links)
1. DIE DOEL VAN DIE NAVORSING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie (dit is persentasie slaag) onder die kognitiewe, affektiewe en skoolveranderlikes vas te stel. Die teikengroep het uit standerd 10 leerlinge in Kwazulu skole
bestaan. 2. DIE BEVINDINGE UIT DIE LITERATUUR: Om die voorgemelde doel te bereik 1s die oorsig van literatuur met verwysing na die vermelde onafhanklike veranderlikes gedoen, en die volgende gevolgtrekkings is bereik.
2.1 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDES VAN DIE KOGNITIEWE VERANDERLIKES: Betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van die kognitiewe veranderlikes, het die literatuur daarop gewys dat die kognitiewe veranderlikes ongeveer 25 persent van die variansie in die akademiese prestasie verklaar. Belangrik in hierdie verband is die bevindinge deur Lavin (1967), Bloom (1979) en talle ander wat die voorspellingswaarde van intelligensie en aanleg ondersoek het. Die ander belangrike bevinding, in verband met intelligensie as voorspeller van akademiese prestasie, is dat die voorspellingswaarde van intelligensie daal as die leerlinge die hoer klasse bereik. Met ander woorde, intelligensie is volgens die literatuur 'n goeie voorspeller van akademiese prestasie in die primêre klasse. Sowel Lavin (1967) as Jensen (1980) het hierdie bewering gemaak. Die voorspellingswaarde van vorige deur die literatuur te bestudeer.
literatuur daarop gewys dat voorspeller van akademiese prestasie is. Wat aanleg as voorspeller van akademiese prestasie betref, wys die literatuur daarop dat variansie wat grater as 25 persent in akademiese prestasie is, verklaar kan word op grond van aanleg. In hierdie verband kan die werke van Von Mollendorf (1978) en Vander Westhuizen (1987) genoem word.
2.2 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDE VAN DIE AFFEKTIEWE VERANDERLIKES: Die affektiewe veranderlikes wat hier betrokke is, is persoonlikheid
en beroepsbelangstelling.
Betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van persoonlikheid is teenstrydige
bevindinge in die literatuur verkry. Enersyds het
ondersoeke wat in Amerika gedoen is, getoon dat die byvoeging
van die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes by die kognitiewe veranderlikes
in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie 'n toename
in die verklaring van variansie meebring. Andersyds het die
navorsing wat in Suid-Afrika gedoen is, nie 'n duidelike beeld
gegee nie. In die algemeen het die Suid-Afrikaanse ondersoeke
daarop gewys dat die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes van min waarde
is in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie.
Uit die studie van die literatuur, betreffende die voorspellingswaarde
van beroepsbelangstelling, het dit geblyk dat beroepsbelangstelling
van minder waarde is in die voorspelling van
akademiese prestasie is as beroepsbelangstelling.
2.3 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDE VAN DIE SKOOLVERANDERLIKES: Die skoolveranderlikes is in twee groepe verdeel: die fisiese wat skoolgrootte, klasgrootte,
skoolligging en skool fasiliteite behels, en die sosiale wat die prinsipaal en die onderwysers behels.
Die oorsig van die literatuur het daarop gewys dat die
fisiese fasiliteite belangrik is vir opvoeding, maar hulle
uitwerking op die kwaliteit van onderrig afhanklik is van hulle
benutting deur die onderwysers. Byvoorbeeld, kleiner klasse het
nie beduidend bygedra tot beter prestasie as die grater klasse
nie. Die gevolgtrekking wat deur Bloom (1976) onder andere,
bereik is, is dat die hele skoolomgewing belangrik is vir
onderrig en n1e net die fisiese fasiliteite nie. Ongeveer 5
persent van die variansie in akademiese prestasie is volgens
Bloom (1979) deur die skool verklaar. Dit was om hierdie rede
dat die hele skool in hierdie ondersoek bestudeer is.
Literatuur het ook deurgaans daarop gewys dat die verskille
tussen die skole in akademiese prestasie verdwyn as
intelligensie en die sosio-ekonomiese status gekontroleer is.
2.4 DIE INVLOED VAN GESLAG OP AKADEMIESE VOORSPELLING: Die literatuur het daarop gewys dat die twee geslagte se
akademiese prestasie verskil. Die dogters, byvoorbeeld,
presteer beter as seuns in toetse wat verbale aanleg verg,
terwyl die seuns beter as dogters in wiskunde presteer: Die
twee geslagte het geen verskille in intelligensie getoon nie.
3.1 DIE FORMULERING VAN HIPOTESES: 3. 1. 1 Hoof hipotese
HOOF HIPOTESE 1 - Die aanleg veranderlikes is die beste voorspellers van standerd
10 akademiese prestasie in vergelyking met die affektiewe en die
HOOF HIPOTESE 2 - Die affektiewe veranderlikes bring 'n toename mee in die
variansie wat verklaarbaar is in akademiese prestasie as dit by
die kognitiewe veranderlikes bygevoeg word.
HOOF HIPOTESE 3 - Die skoolveranderlikes bring 'n toename mee in die variansie wat
verklaarbaar is in akademiese prestasie as dit by die kognitiewe
veranderlikes bygevoeg word.
3.1.2 Onderhipotese
ONDERHIPOTESE 1 - Die gehalte van die skool het beduidende invloed op die
voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10.
ONDERHIPOTESE 3 - Die ligging van die skool het 'n beduidende invloed op die
voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10.
ONDERHIPOTESE 4 - Skoolsoort het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van
akademiese prestasie in standerd 10.
ONDERHIPOTESE 5 - Geslag het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van
akademiese prestasie in standerd 10.
ONDERHIPOTESE 6 - Daar bestaan steeds 'n verskil tussen koshuis en dagskole in
akademiese prestasie selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is.
ONDERHIPOTESE 7 - Daar bestaan steeds 'n verskil tussen stedelike en plattelandse
skole in akademiese prestasie selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is.
3.2 DIE EMPIRIESE ONDERSOEK: Die empiriese ondersoek is ingestel om die geformuleerde
hipoteses te toets.
3.2.1 Die teikengroep en die steekproef
Die KwaZulu 1983 standerd 10 leerlinge is die teikengroep. Om
die invloed van die ~kool op voorspelling vas te stel is 'n 10
persent ewekansige steekproef uit 170 sekondêre skole geneem
(dit is 17 skole). As gevolg van die ewekansige steekproef is
'n monster van 1912 leerlinge gevorm. Die vermindering van die
steekproef tot 1615 leerlinge in sommige analises, is 'n gevolg
van onvolledige data van sekere leerlinge.
3.2.2 Die veranderlikes wat gebruik is Die onafhanklike veranderlikes wat in hierdie ondersoek
gebruik is, is die volgende:
a. Aanlegtoetsresultate (AAT)
b. Persoonlikheidsresultate (HSPQ)
c. Belangstellingsresultate (VIQ)
d. Skoolveranderlikheidstotaal (SVTOT) Die afhanklike wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, is
die volgende:
e. Standerd 10 geslaag persentasie. Die modererende veranderlikes wat in hierdie studie bestudeer is, is
die volgende:
f. Die skoolgehalte;
g. Die vakgroepe wat die leerlinge leer;
h. Die ligging van die skool (stedelik of plattelands);
i. Skooltipe (koshuis of dag); en
j. Geslag.
In hierdie ondersoek is gebruik gemaak van gestandardiseerde
meetinstrumente om kognitiewe, en affektiewe veranderlikes te
meet. Om die "skool" te meet is verskeie skoolveranderlikes
eers geoperasionaliseer en daarna punte volgens rangorde deur
die inspekteurs toegeken.
Geslag is in hierdie ondersoek as modererende veranderlike
gebruik om die invloed daarvan op voorspelling te bestudeer. Om
die invloed van die skool as 'n modererende veranderlike te
bestudeer is die steekproef verder verdeel volgens skoolgehalte,
skoolligging en skooltipe. Die leerlinge was ook gegroepeer
volgens die vakgroepe wat hulle geneem het (dit is algemeen,
natuurwetenskap en handel).
toegepas is die meervoudige regressie-analise (BMDPIR program)
om die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie te
identifiseer. Die resultate van die analise het daarop gedui
i. die kognitiewe veranderlikes die beste voorspellers van
akademiese prestasie is, in vergelyking met die affektiewe
en die skoolveranderlikes;
ii. die affektiewe veranderlikes van min voorspellingswaarde
is; en
iii. die skoolveranderlike 'n beduidende effek op voorspellings
As gevolg van meervoudige regressie-analise is die kognitiewe en
skoolveranderlikes gebruik as kontrole veranderlikes in die
moderatorveranderlike studie. Die affektiewe veranderlikes is
weggelaat weens hulle geringe bydrae tot R2 .
4.2 VARIANSIE ANALISE: Die meervoudige regressie-analise (BMDPIR) is ook gebruik by die
moderatorondersoek. Die resultate van die ondersoek het daarop
gedui dat:
i. die skoolgehalte 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling
van akademiese prestasie het;
ii. die vakgroepe wat leerlinge leer 'n beduidende invloed op
akademiese voorspelling het;
iii. die skoolligging 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voor
spelling het;
iv. die skooltipe 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voorspelling
v. geslag geen beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van algehele
akademiese prestasie het nie;
vi. die verskil in akademiese prestasie tussen die koshuisskole
en dagskole bly steeds dieselfde selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is; en
vii. die verskil in die akademiese prestasie van stedelike en
plattelandse leerlinge steeds dieselfde bly selfs as aanleg
gekontroleer is.
5. IMPLIKASIES VIR VERDERE ONDHRSOEK: In hierdie studie is gevind dat aanleg 'n goeie voorspeller van
akademiese prestasie in goeie skole is, maar nie in swak skole
nie. 'n Geldigheidsstudie is nodig om swak voorspelbaarheid in
swak skole vas te stel. Sulke geldigheidstudies moet die
sistematiese veranderlikes ook bestudeer sodat hulle invloed op
R2 verklaar kan word.
In hierdie studie is ook gevind dat die plattelandse skole
akademies beter as stedelike skole presteer.
Die bevinding is teenstrydig met die bevindinge van die vorige
navorsers. 'n Verdere studie is dus ook nodig om die bevindinge
van hierdie studie te bevestig of te verwerp. Die moontlikheid
bestaan dat hierdie bevinding die invloed van die onrus wat
gedurende daardie jare plaasgevind het, weerspieël.
Verdere navorsing is ook nodig om die invloed van die groepvakke
op akademiese prestasie te bevestig en o.a. die geldigheid van die
resultate van hierdie navorsing te toets.
Verdere navorsing is nodig om die waarde van die insluiting van
'n toets in moedertaal in die AAT battery vir voorspellings van
akademiese prestasie vas te stel. Die resultate van hierdie
studie (kyk tabel 6 • 2 ) het getoon dat die AAT die swakste met
Zulutaal korreleer. 'n Toets in moedertaal blyk dus nodig te
6. OPVOEDKUNDIGE IMPLIKASIE: Die kruisvalidasie van die beste stelveranderlikes het daarop
gewys dat dit goed by goeie skole kan voorspel en nie by swak
skole nie. Om al die skole se akademiese prestasie te verbeter,
word dit aanbeveel dat die toetse aan die begin van die jaar
toegepas moet word en dat die nuwe snitpunte (kyk paragraaf 6.7)
by die verwagtingstabel gebruik moet word. Die vroegtydige
beskikbaarheid van die toetsresultate kan help om leerlinge en
die onderwysers te motiveer om beter te presteer. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1989
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Enkele persoonlikheidsaspekte by drie groepe eerstejaarstudente / Heinrich Wilhelm RöthRöth, Heinrich Wilhelm January 1982 (has links)
At present there is a growing need for empirical information in
the study and career counselling process especially with regard
to the statistical comparison of successful students' aptitudes.
interests and personality profiles in various courses. There
also is a growing demand for data regarding the predictive
validity of the psychometric instruments regularly used. In an
attempt to improve the effectiveness of the counselling process.
mean profiles for three groups of first year students on the
grounds of their mean scores on three psychometric, instruments.
were drawn up and were compared with each other on a statistical
basis. Secondly the predictive validity of each instrument as
well as for two instruments combined was investigated.
Firstly the aim of this study was to compare the three experimental
groups' mean interest aptitude and adaptation profiles as
measured by the 19 Field Interest Inventory (19 FII), the Senior
Aptitude Tests (SAT) and the PHSF Relations Questionnaire on a
statistical basis with each other. in order to detect statistical
differences among the profiles of the three groups.
The second aim of this study can be put as follows:
- To determine the predictive value of each variable (psychometric
instrument) with the criterion (average academical achievement);
- To determine the relation between two of the variables, namely
the 19 Field Interest Inventory and the Senior Aptitude Tests.
combined and the criterion by means of the multiple correlation
In the first place, a study of the relevant literature was
undertaken, concerning the concepts of interest, aptitude and
adaptation. Among these attention was especially focused on some
definitions as well as the measurement of each concept.
The psychometric instruments used in this research was discussed
thoroughly regarding their development, contents, reliability and
content and predictive validity.
The sample used in this study consisted of 93 first year students
assigned to the groups in the following way: 33 BA(Communication),
30 BA(Education) and 30 B(Law) students.
Statistical operations were done for the total group by means of a
computer. This included the drawing-up of mean profiles on each
variable for each group as well as the statistical comparison of
these profiles with each other. In the second place multiple
regression was performed.
With regard to the first aim of this study, the following can be
- The experimental groups' mean interest profiles differed
statistically from each other on the following fields of the
19 FII, namely FII 4 (Historical), FII 5 (Service), FII 7
(Sociability), FII 8 (Public Speaking), FII 9 (Law), FII 10
(Creative Thought), FII 13 (Practical Female) and FII 15
- The experimental groups' mean aptitude profiles differed
statistically from each other on one test of the SAT and that
is SAT 1 (Verbal Comprehension).
- The experimental groups' mean adaptation profiles differed
statistically from each other on one component of the PHSF,
namely PHSF 9 (Sociability-S).
With regard to the multiple regression analysis, the following
can be concluded:
- With regard to aptitude, three tests of the SAT with the best
regression weights were selected for the BA(Communication)
group by means of Mallows' CP-regression analysis, namely
Disguised Words, Comparison and Pattern Completion. For the
BA(Education) group four tests of the SAT with the best
regression weights were selected, namely Verbal comprehension,
Calculations, Figure Series and Spatial 3-D. Three tests of
the SAT with the best regression weights were selected for the
B(Law) group, namely Calculations, Pattern Completion and
Memory (Paragraph).
- With regard to interest, four fields of the 19 FII with the
best regression weights were selected for the BA(Communication)
group by means of Mallows' CP-regression method, namely
Public Speaking, Science, Numerical and Travel. For the
BA(Education) group six fields of the 19 FII with the best
regression weights were selected, namely Law, Creative Thought,
Business, Clerical, Nature and Sports. Only one field with the
best regression weight was however selected for the BA(Law)
group, namely Business.
- With regard to adaptation, three components of the PHSF
Relations Questionnaire with the best regression weights were
selected for the BA(Communication) group by mean of the same
method, namely Health, Sociability-S and Formal Relations. For
the BA(Education) group two components were selected, namely
Selfcontrol and Nervousness. Four components of the PHSF with
the best regression weights were selected for the B(Law) group,
namely Health, Personal Freedom, Moral Sense and Desirability
As for the last aim of this study, namely the determination of the
relation between the 19 FII and the SAT combined, and the criterion,
the following can be concluded:
With regard to the BA(Communication) group, four predictors with
the best regression weights were statistically selected, namely
one test of the SAT (Comparison) and three fields of the 19 FII
(Science, Numerical and Travel).
- As far as the BA(Education) group is concerned, four predictors
with the best regression weights were statistically selected,
namely two tests of the SAT (Verbal Comprehension and Spatial
3-D) and two fields of the 19 FII (Social Work and Creative
With regard to the B(Law) group, a combination of twelve
predictors with the best regression weights were selected,
namely four tests of the SAT (Calculations, Figure Series,
Spatial 2-D and Memory Symbols ) and eight fields of the 19 FII
(Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Historical, Service, Creative
Thought, Clerical and Travel).
It is recommended that more extensive research be undertaken with
successful students in every course of study regarding their
interests, aptitudes, adaptation and personalities, in order to
detect their similarities and differences. In order to increase
the reliability of such findings, it is also recommended that the
size of the experimental groups be increased.
Research should also be undertaken concerning the selection and
composition of relevant test-batteries in order to achieve optimum
prediction of academic achievement. However, the selection of
psychometric tests as used in this study should be extended with at
least a personality test. / Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO, 1983
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New concepts for managing diabetes mellitus / Fred KeetKeet, Fred January 2003 (has links)
Preface -
Biotechnology is generally considered to be the wave of the future. To facilitate
accurate and rapid development of medication and treatments, it is critical that we are
able to simulate the human body. One section of this complex model would be the
human energy system.
Pharmaceutical companies are currently pouring vast amounts of capital into research
regarding general simulation of cellular structures, protein structures and bodily
processes. Their aim is to develop treatments and medication for major diseases.
Some of these diseases are epidemics like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stress,
obesity, etc. One of the most important causes of these diseases is poor blood glucose
Current management methods for insulin dependent diabetes are limited to trial and
error systems: clearly ineffective and prone to errors. It is critical that better
management systems be developed, to ease the diabetic epidemic.
The blood glucose control system is one of the major systems in the body, as we are
in constant need of energy to facilitate the optimum functioning of the human body.
This study makes use of a developed simulation model for the human energy system
to ease the management of Diabetes mellitus, which is a malfunction of the human
energy system.
This dissertation is presented in two parts: The first part discusses the human energy
simulation model, and the verification thereof, while the second presents possible
applications of this model to ease the management of Diabetes.
The human energy system simulation model -
This section discusses the development and verification of the model. It also touches
on the causes, and current methods, of managing diabetes, as well as the functioning
of the human energy system.
The human energy model is approached with the conservation of energy in mind. A
top down model is developed, using data from independent studies to verify the
Application of human energy simulation model -
The human energy simulation model is of little use if the intended audience cannot
use it: people suffering from malfunctioning energy systems. These include people
having trouble with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. To facilitate this, we
need to provide a variety of products useable by this group of people.
We propose a variety of ways in which the model can be used: Cellular phone
applications, Personal digital assistants (PDAs) applications, as well as computer
By making use of current technology, we generate a basic proof-of-concept
application to demonstrate the intended functionality. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering) North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004
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New concepts for managing diabetes mellitus / Fred KeetKeet, Fred January 2003 (has links)
Preface -
Biotechnology is generally considered to be the wave of the future. To facilitate
accurate and rapid development of medication and treatments, it is critical that we are
able to simulate the human body. One section of this complex model would be the
human energy system.
Pharmaceutical companies are currently pouring vast amounts of capital into research
regarding general simulation of cellular structures, protein structures and bodily
processes. Their aim is to develop treatments and medication for major diseases.
Some of these diseases are epidemics like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stress,
obesity, etc. One of the most important causes of these diseases is poor blood glucose
Current management methods for insulin dependent diabetes are limited to trial and
error systems: clearly ineffective and prone to errors. It is critical that better
management systems be developed, to ease the diabetic epidemic.
The blood glucose control system is one of the major systems in the body, as we are
in constant need of energy to facilitate the optimum functioning of the human body.
This study makes use of a developed simulation model for the human energy system
to ease the management of Diabetes mellitus, which is a malfunction of the human
energy system.
This dissertation is presented in two parts: The first part discusses the human energy
simulation model, and the verification thereof, while the second presents possible
applications of this model to ease the management of Diabetes.
The human energy system simulation model -
This section discusses the development and verification of the model. It also touches
on the causes, and current methods, of managing diabetes, as well as the functioning
of the human energy system.
The human energy model is approached with the conservation of energy in mind. A
top down model is developed, using data from independent studies to verify the
Application of human energy simulation model -
The human energy simulation model is of little use if the intended audience cannot
use it: people suffering from malfunctioning energy systems. These include people
having trouble with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. To facilitate this, we
need to provide a variety of products useable by this group of people.
We propose a variety of ways in which the model can be used: Cellular phone
applications, Personal digital assistants (PDAs) applications, as well as computer
By making use of current technology, we generate a basic proof-of-concept
application to demonstrate the intended functionality. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering) North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004
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Leerpotensiaal as keuringskriterium vir die opleiding van tellersVan Schalkwyk, Lourens 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Wanneer psigometriese toetsing op groepe uit verskillende sosio-ekonomiese
agtergronde toegepas word, presteer individue uit agtergeblewe omgewings swakker as
bulle ewekniee uit meer ontwikkelde omgewings. Hierdie individue se toegang tot
hoofstroom loopbaangeleenthede word dikwels bemoeilik as gevolg van die beperking.
Die leerpotensiaal benadering word aangebied as belowende alternatief om die
probleem, wat 'n sosio-ekonomiese oorsprong het, te oorbrug. Die resultate van die
studie bewys die stelling gedeeltelik waar, maar met buitengewone inspanning. In die
finale ontleding van die resultate is dit duidelik dat die verbeterde voorspelling eerder
toegeskryf kan word aan die optimale vlak van ontwikkeling wat die individu bereik net voor die toetsing, en nie soseer sy/haar leerpotensiaal nie. / Applying psychometric tests to groups from different socio-economical backgrounds,
inevitably result in the individuals from deprived backgrounds performing noteably
poorer than their counterparts from more developed backgrounds. These individuals
also find enterance to the mainstream careers difficult because of this restriction. The
learning potential approach to assessment is presented as a promising alternative to
overcome the problem that is related to the socio-economic background of the
individual. The results of this study partly confirm the value of the learning potential
approach, but only with extra-ordinary effort. In the final analysis of the results it is clear that the improved predictive accuracy was rather due to the optimal level of
development the individuals reached just before the testing, and not so much their learning potential. / Psychology / M. Sc. (Sielkunde)
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Leerpotensiaal as keuringskriterium vir die opleiding van tellersVan Schalkwyk, Lourens 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Wanneer psigometriese toetsing op groepe uit verskillende sosio-ekonomiese
agtergronde toegepas word, presteer individue uit agtergeblewe omgewings swakker as
bulle ewekniee uit meer ontwikkelde omgewings. Hierdie individue se toegang tot
hoofstroom loopbaangeleenthede word dikwels bemoeilik as gevolg van die beperking.
Die leerpotensiaal benadering word aangebied as belowende alternatief om die
probleem, wat 'n sosio-ekonomiese oorsprong het, te oorbrug. Die resultate van die
studie bewys die stelling gedeeltelik waar, maar met buitengewone inspanning. In die
finale ontleding van die resultate is dit duidelik dat die verbeterde voorspelling eerder
toegeskryf kan word aan die optimale vlak van ontwikkeling wat die individu bereik net voor die toetsing, en nie soseer sy/haar leerpotensiaal nie. / Applying psychometric tests to groups from different socio-economical backgrounds,
inevitably result in the individuals from deprived backgrounds performing noteably
poorer than their counterparts from more developed backgrounds. These individuals
also find enterance to the mainstream careers difficult because of this restriction. The
learning potential approach to assessment is presented as a promising alternative to
overcome the problem that is related to the socio-economic background of the
individual. The results of this study partly confirm the value of the learning potential
approach, but only with extra-ordinary effort. In the final analysis of the results it is clear that the improved predictive accuracy was rather due to the optimal level of
development the individuals reached just before the testing, and not so much their learning potential. / Psychology / M. Sc. (Sielkunde)
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Die wiskundige bevoegdheid en prestasie van eerstejaar-ingenieurstudente / Leonie Ninette LabuschagneLabuschagne, Leonie Ninette January 2013 (has links)
Basic mathematical competency seems to be lacking for engineering students starting their studies in this field. Students generally find the cognitive transition from secondary to tertiary mathematics challenging which in turn negatively influences their academic achievement in mathematics. The cognitive challenge is the transition from the application of mathematics to familiar questions to applying mathematical principles to varying practical application and problem solving.
Mathematics provides the foundation for the cognitive toolset required for the development of skills required for analysing engineering systems and processes. It is therefore important to assess mathematical and cognitive competency and ability at the time of admission to a tertiary institution in order to identify and address gaps. This research demonstrates that first-year engineering students need to have a specific level of mathematical competency and cognitive ability to use mathematics within the context of engineering studies.
This research attempts to connect the mathematic competency of first year engineering students to their academic results for subjects in the first year curriculum that rely heavily on mathematical competency. To satisfy the research question, the study firstly looks at relevant literature to identify the mathematical competency levels as well as the operational specification.
Secondly, development theories and taxonomies were analysed to gain insight into the development processes associated with learning, cognitive development and the gap between cognitive competencies in transition from secondary to tertiary education. Further, cognitive competencies were identified that are essential for successful completion of first year engineering modules. Through synthesis of the different theories and taxonomies a framework was identified. This framework was used to analyse secondary data in order to measure mathematical and cognitive levels.
Thirdly, the theoretical investigation was followed by a three-phase empirical study. A mixed quantative-qualitative (QUAN-qual) approached was followed. Phase 1 uses the assessment framework to measure first year students‟ mathematical competency at the inception of their studies as well as at the completion of their first semester. The mathematical competency at inception was measured with their Grade 12 mathematics marks and with relevant analysis of their initial bridging assessments, on a question by question basis. In addition, their first semester exams questions were analysed using the same approach as above. Phase 2 comprises the measurement of the relationship between the mathematical competency of first year enigineering students at admission and their achievement levels in selected first year subjects that required mathematical competency. Phase 3 includes the guidelines derived from the gaps and shortcomings identified. These gaps were identified in order to inform appropriate study support to first year students and to assists academic personnel with setting appropriate and dependable admission standards.
The analysis of mathematical competency creates quality data that gives a clearer picture than a simple comparison of admission scores and first semester marks. The empirical study contributes to a better understanding of the problems associated with the transition from secondary to tertiary learning environments. From the study it was derived that study inception information of the students correlated only with their academic results on questions that tested mathematical and programming application. The inception information was not a predictor of mathematical achievement and results for both the lowest and highest mathematical competency levels. Futher study in this field is required to create frameworks for the measurements of both low and high levels of mathematical competency. / MEd (Mathematics Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Die wiskundige bevoegdheid en prestasie van eerstejaar-ingenieurstudente / Leonie Ninette LabuschagneLabuschagne, Leonie Ninette January 2013 (has links)
Basic mathematical competency seems to be lacking for engineering students starting their studies in this field. Students generally find the cognitive transition from secondary to tertiary mathematics challenging which in turn negatively influences their academic achievement in mathematics. The cognitive challenge is the transition from the application of mathematics to familiar questions to applying mathematical principles to varying practical application and problem solving.
Mathematics provides the foundation for the cognitive toolset required for the development of skills required for analysing engineering systems and processes. It is therefore important to assess mathematical and cognitive competency and ability at the time of admission to a tertiary institution in order to identify and address gaps. This research demonstrates that first-year engineering students need to have a specific level of mathematical competency and cognitive ability to use mathematics within the context of engineering studies.
This research attempts to connect the mathematic competency of first year engineering students to their academic results for subjects in the first year curriculum that rely heavily on mathematical competency. To satisfy the research question, the study firstly looks at relevant literature to identify the mathematical competency levels as well as the operational specification.
Secondly, development theories and taxonomies were analysed to gain insight into the development processes associated with learning, cognitive development and the gap between cognitive competencies in transition from secondary to tertiary education. Further, cognitive competencies were identified that are essential for successful completion of first year engineering modules. Through synthesis of the different theories and taxonomies a framework was identified. This framework was used to analyse secondary data in order to measure mathematical and cognitive levels.
Thirdly, the theoretical investigation was followed by a three-phase empirical study. A mixed quantative-qualitative (QUAN-qual) approached was followed. Phase 1 uses the assessment framework to measure first year students‟ mathematical competency at the inception of their studies as well as at the completion of their first semester. The mathematical competency at inception was measured with their Grade 12 mathematics marks and with relevant analysis of their initial bridging assessments, on a question by question basis. In addition, their first semester exams questions were analysed using the same approach as above. Phase 2 comprises the measurement of the relationship between the mathematical competency of first year enigineering students at admission and their achievement levels in selected first year subjects that required mathematical competency. Phase 3 includes the guidelines derived from the gaps and shortcomings identified. These gaps were identified in order to inform appropriate study support to first year students and to assists academic personnel with setting appropriate and dependable admission standards.
The analysis of mathematical competency creates quality data that gives a clearer picture than a simple comparison of admission scores and first semester marks. The empirical study contributes to a better understanding of the problems associated with the transition from secondary to tertiary learning environments. From the study it was derived that study inception information of the students correlated only with their academic results on questions that tested mathematical and programming application. The inception information was not a predictor of mathematical achievement and results for both the lowest and highest mathematical competency levels. Futher study in this field is required to create frameworks for the measurements of both low and high levels of mathematical competency. / MEd (Mathematics Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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