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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komparace vyučování českého jazyka na tradiční a alternativní střední škole / Comparison of teaching Czech language at a traditional and an alternative upper-secondary school

Zajícová, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
The thesis compares methods and forms of Czech language teaching at secondary grammar school and Waldorf lycée. The first part deals with the theoretical basis of traditional and alternative education, whereas the second part focuses on their practical implementation as methods and forms of work. The observed lessons are analysed and the results of traditional and alternative approach are contrasted by a test. The aim is to ascertain whether the alternative school implements its principles into methods and forms of language teaching and whether they are more effective than the traditional ones. The thesis concludes that the alternative school implements only a few aspects of alternative education resulting in more active and engaged pupils. The results of the test imply that both schools are comparable in terms of language knowledge. KEYWORDS teaching Czech language, syntax, upper-secondary school, grammar school, waldorf lycée

Från Sisab till Monument Valley

Linnér, Astrid January 2016 (has links)
En förskola på Textilvägen i Södra Hammarbyhamnen som också inrymmer studentboende, kolonilotter på Fryshusets tak, teater- och danslokaler och en festvåning till uthyrning. Detta ger en möjlighet att ta outnyttjade ytor i anspråk och ge något tillbaka till de boende i området. Man bjuder in olika aktörer och knyter på så sätt ihop förskolan med omgivningen. Byggnadens olika funktioner är uppelade i hexagonala torn i varierande höjd. Utrymmet som bildas mellan tornen bildar en ljusgård som knyter samman förskolans olika delar. Delar av taket kan utnyttjas av barnen som utomhusgårdar. Genom platsbesök och intervjuer med förskolepersonal, förskolechefer, pedagoger, stadsdelar, byggföretag, exploateringskontor och arkitekter har jag tagit mig en bit på vägen i att förstå hur processen ser ut och varför förskolorna ser ut som dom gör. Jag har velat skapa en arkitektur som tar avstamp i denna “verklighet”, med en reel plats och faktiska förutsättningar, men som också tillåter sig att tänja gränser och möta barnen i deras gränslöshet. / A kindergarten on Textilvägen in Södra Hammarbyhamnen which also houses student housing, allotments on the ceiling of Fryshuset, blackbox space for theatre and dance and then also a party room for hire. This provides an opportunity to claim unused areas and give something back to the residents in the area. It invites different actors and in this way connects the preschool to the surrounding environment. The building's various functions are put up in the hexagonal towers of varying height. The space formed between the towers creates an atrium that connects the preschool parts. Parts of the roof can also be used by the children as outdoor space. Through site visits and interviews with preschool staff, pre-school managers, teachers, districts, construction companies, development offices and architects, I have partly come to understand how the process looks like and why preschools look like they do. I've been wanting to create an architecture that takes of in this "reality", with a reel seat and the actual conditions, but also allows itself to push the boundaries and meet the children in their boundlessness.

Pedagogía Waldorf y su influencia en el desarrollo socioemocional en jardín de infancia

Nuñez Vargas, Melanie 09 April 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación de carácter documental pretende dar a conocer como la pedagogía Waldorf influye en el desarrollo socioemocional en niños y niñas de edades preescolares, aspecto importante en esta etapa, pues implica la consolidación de bases estructurales necesarias para el desarrollo del niño como, la autoestima, autorregulación, entre otros. En este sentido, la pregunta de investigación se expresa en ¿Cómo la pedagogía Waldorf favorece el desarrollo socioemocional en niños y niñas del jardín de infancia? Asimismo, el objetivo general se centra en analizar cómo se desarrolla la dimensión socioemocional en niños y niñas de 3 a 6 años del jardín de infancia según la pedagogía Waldorf. Del cual se definieron dos objetivos específicos: 1) Identificar los elementos principales de la pedagogía Waldorf enfocados en el jardín de infancia. Este primer objetivo es desarrollado a lo largo del capítulo 1, en el cual se contextualiza el tema, y se abordan los elementos principales que definen a esta pedagogía, todo ello centrado en una mirada desde el jardín de infancia. Del mismo modo, el segundo objetivo específico: 2) Describir los recursos pedagógicos Waldorf que se emplean en el jardín de infancia para desarrollar la dimensión socioemocional en niños y niñas de 3 a 6 años. El cual es abordado en el capítulo 2, presentando información sobre las actividades que se realizan en este nivel educativo y cuál es su impacto en el aspecto socioemocional de los niños, cuál es el rol que cumple la maestra en este espacio y como toda la metodología trabaja esta dimensión a través de toda la dinámica escolar. Como conclusión principal se afirma que la pedagogía Waldorf logra articular el desarrollo socioemocional a través de toda interacción y actividad realizada con los niños y niñas del jardín de infancia, dentro o fuera del salón

Exploring a sustainability imagination : a perspective on the integrating and visioning role of stories and symbolism in sustainability through an alternative education case study

Beyers, Christelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sustainable Development Planning and Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / In a modern world of fragmentation and embedded dualisms, access to the imagination and creativity seems minimal, especially in science. Human beings and nature, science and the imagination (art), and spirit and matter (body) – these dualisms permeate our sciences and other disciplines, as well as the way we envision the future and educate children about the environment. Sustainability positions a key debate for the future and mediates intergenerational equity (it thus in a way captures the future). Sustainability further proposes an ecological approach wherein systems thinking, holism and the exploration of new (extended) forms of knowledge are subtly starting to reshape the future outlook of the planet. A personal reflection on my own alternative learning process with the Sustainability Institute (SI) resulted in a deep concern and intrigue about the symbolic base of sustainability learning. Imagination, art (stories) and symbols played an intrinsic role in how I integrated many of the empirical and non-empirical, as well as scientific and meta-physical, aspects of the learning. These intrigues led me to explore the nurturing education opportunities that might exist for children to engage with the imagination, art and alternative aspects of education as integrative aspects in learning. Waldorf education claims to use stories in this regard. Waldorf education – together with a review of the role of environmental education – is the case study of this research. This is an inherently transdisciplinary study and, although literature in the separate fields abounds, a comprehensive literature review conducted for this study revealed a gap in research related to the interface between areas of symbolism, sustainability and education (“symbolism-in-sustainability-in-education”). The study is underpinned by the following fields: • Sustainability (with a strong focus on environmental ethics) • Literature (traditional stories) • Psychology (psychoanalytical and environmental psychology) • Education (environmental, Waldorf and finally sustainability or ecological education) This study thus explores the role of the imagination and symbolism, both being ontologically recognised, as well as stories to integrate some of the dualisms prevalent in our modern world, dualisms that are contributing to the reigning ecological crisis. In addition, it focuses on the role of these functionalities to access and open up other forms of knowing in science (with particular application to the built environment/ and planning), which supports the claims of sustainability and sustainability science. I conclude by briefly highlighting a pattern that proposes a way of connecting the ideas in this study in support of ecological education (the future) – and thus sustainability – in an enduring and deep-seated way that is intrinsically human[nature].

Facilitating human rights values across outcomes-based education and Waldorf education curricula

Du Preez, Petro 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The facilitation of human rights values might be considered a means to rethink and redefine values education in South Africa. This study aimed at determining how human rights values were addressed in the context of independent Waldorf Education and government initiated outcomes-based education in South Africa, and how educators facilitated these values in various circumstances. In exploring the philosophies, theories and practices of these education models against the background of paradigmatic and post-paradigmatic philosophies in support of the socially constructive curriculum theory, important notions were highlighted that have preceded, and might follow, the facilitation of human rights values. The epistemologies, ontologies and methodologies of the emancipatory paradigm and postparadigmatic framework appeared to provide appropriate philosophical departure points regarding the facilitation of human rights values. This study anticipated the theoretical clarification of the concept human rights values and included a discussion on the importance of these values in various school contexts. Values identified from the Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy (2001), that were also present in the Curriculum: Waldorf Schools in South Africa (1995), were discussed as possible human rights values. Empirical research was conducted to explore how human rights values were attended to in good practice scenarios in order to provide insight into the questions posed regarding the facilitation of human rights values. Through systematic ethnographic observations and semi-structured interviews it appeared that in both school contexts human rights values were more frequently addressed in incidental situations than in formal curriculum contents. This is interesting seeing that the outcomes-based education model has a number of documents to guide the facilitation of human rights values within formal curriculum contents, whereas the Waldorf approach has no such supportive documents. One might question the value and influence of numerous documents if basic knowledge that is required for the meaningful interpretation of such documents is not communicated from the outset. Moreover, it became evident that since Waldorf educators are adequately trained in Anthroposophy, the philosophy to which Waldorf schools adhere, they deal with curriculum matters such as socially constructing a curriculum more effectively. The training of outcomes-based education educators can be questioned regarding the philosophy, theory and methodology of outcomes-based education in view of the hasty implementation of this new model for government schools. As a result of this hurried process, educators of outcomes-based education are experiencing numerous uncertainties when they have to manage curriculum matters such as socially constructing a curriculum. Recommendations and related examples were provided after the completion of the study. This included, among others, the notions of dialogically facilitating human rights values to promote learners' understanding of their rights, and the rights of others; to transform incidental facilitation of human rights values into worthwhile teaching-learning experiences; to use human resources - including learners - to convey human rights values; and to focus educators' training (both in-service and pre-service) toward the inclusion of human rights values and promoting an understanding of socially constructing a curriculum. The study was concluded with the remark that human rights values might be an appropriate means to redefine values education, provided that the facilitation of human rights values are based on suitable theoretical and philosophical premises; and that those held responsible to facilitate such values are assisted in this task. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes kan beskou word as 'n wyse om waarde-opvoeding in Suid-Afrika opnuut te deurdink en te herdefinieer. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om vas te stel hoe menseregte-waardes in onafhanklike Waldorf Onderwys en staatsgeïnisieerde uitkomsgebaseerde onderwyskontekste in Suid-Afrika aangespreek word, en ook hoe dit in die praktyk gefasiliteer word. Die verkenning van teorieë, filosofieë en praktyke aangaande die twee opvoedingsrnodelle teen die agtergrond van paradigmatiese en post-paradigmatiese filosofieë, ter ondersteuning van kurrikulumteorie, het kardinale aspekte wat die fasilitering voorafgegaan het, en moontlik tot gevolg kan hê, uitgelig. die sosiaal-konstruktiewe van menseregte-waardes Dit kom voor asof die epistemologieë, ontologieë en metodologieë onderliggend aan die emansipatoriese paradigma en die post-paradigmatiese raamwerk 'n genoegsame filosofiese aanvangspunt bied met betrekking tot die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes. In die studie is die konsep menseregte-waardes konseptueel-teoreties verklaar. Dit het ook 'n bespreking oor die belangrikheid van hierdie waardes in verskeie skoolkontekste ingesluit. Waardes geïdentifiseer uit die Onderwysrnanifes oor Waardes en Demokrasie in die Onderwys (Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy, 2001) wat ook sigbaar was in die Waldorf-kurrikulumdokument (Curriculum: Waldorf Schools in South Africa, 1995), is bespreek as moontlike menseregte-waardes. Empiriese navorsing is onderneem om die wyse waarop menseregte-waardes in goeie praktyk-scenarios aangespreek word te verken ten einde nuwe insig te verkry rakende die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes. Deur die sistematies-etnografiese waarnemings en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude het dit voorgekom dat menseregte-waardes in beide skoolkontekste meestal in toevallige situasies aangespreek word, eerder as deel van formele kurrikuluminhoude. Dit is interessant, gegewe die feit dat die uitkomsgebaseerde opvoedingsmodel heelwat dokumente beskikbaar gestel het om die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes te rig, terwyl die Waldorf-benadering geen ondersteunende dokumentasie in dié verband bied nie. Mens kan tereg vra wat die waarde en invloed van sulke dokumente is as basiese kennis, wat nodig is om hierdie dokumente betekenisvol te interpreteer, nie eerste oorgedra word nie. Dit het ook gelyk asof Waldorf-onderwysers beter met kurrikulumverwante sake, soos die sosiale konstruering van 'n kurrikulum, omgaan weens hul goeie opleiding betreffende Antroposofie, die filosofie wat Waldorf-onderwys onderlê. Opvoeders in uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys se opleiding in die teorie, filosofie en metodologie van die onderwysmodel, wat beïnvloed is deur die haastige implementering van die nuwe model in staatskole, kan bevraagteken word. Laasgenoemde aspek blyk onsekerhede te veroorsaak wanneer hierdie onderwysers kurrikulumverwante sake, soos die sosiale konstruering van 'n kurrikulum, moet hanteer. Ná afloop van die studie is sekere aanbevelings en verwante voorbeelde gegee. Dit het onder meer die volgende ingesluit: dat dialoog na 'n wenslike fasiliteringstrategie lyk in die bevordering van leerders se begrip van hul regte, asook dié van andere; dat situasies waartydens menseregte-waardes toevallig aangespreek word omskep kan word in waardevolle onderrig-Ieerervaringe; dat menslike hulpbronne - insluitende leerders - gebruik kan word om menseregte-waardes oor te dra; en dat onderwysersopleiding (beide indiens en voordiens ) op die insluiting van menseregte-waardes en die bevordering van begrip vir die sosiale konstruering van 'n kurrikulum moet fokus. Die studie is afgesluit met die opmerking dat menseregte-waardes tot die herdefiniëring van waarde-opvoeding mag bydra, gegewe dat dit op gepaste teoretiese en filosofiese begrondinge gebaseer is, en dat diegene wat verantwoordelik gehou word vir die fasilitering van sulke waardes, die nodige ondersteuning in dié verband sal kry.

Romancing Children into Delight: Promoting Children's Happiness in the Early Primary Grades

Hughes, Scott Frederick 02 August 2013 (has links)
Happiness should be a fundamental aim of education. This philosophical assertion raises the practical question of how teachers generate happiness in their classroom programs while operating under the current paradigm of educational accountability. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the perspectives of early primary teachers, students, and parents on what makes a happy classroom. Data were collected through interviews of 12 teachers from public, independent, Waldorf, Froebel, and Montessori schools; over 72 hours of observation in eight early primary classrooms; interviews with 23 students (ages 3 to 8), drawing and photography with 64 students (ages 3 to 8); 66 parent surveys, and eight teacher exit interviews. Four cycles of analysis, including descriptive and conceptual approaches, resulted in the identification of five core conditions of happy classrooms: (a) relational pedagogy, (b) embodied learning, (c) pedagogical thoughtfulness (d) an ethos of happiness, and (e) an ethos of possibility. These five conditions were supported by 17 facets, which describe practical and conceptual ways to support pedagogical thinking and decision-making about children’s happiness in the complex worlds of busy classrooms. Five of the facets are spotlighted: (a) kids need to play, (b) stepping in stepping out, (c) sounds shape feelings and experience, (d) rhythms and routines, and (e) romancing children into delight. In addition, student and parent participants identified that play, positive friendships, time outdoors, experiences involving the arts, and experiences of positive feelings make children happy at school and when they are learning. The discussion centers on the role of teachers in establishing the tone of happy classrooms, considers the notion of strong pedagogy, discusses the generation of happiness in early primary classrooms in the form of lessons to be learned from different pedagogical traditions, and argues that, above all, children’s interests, needs, and development should be a teacher’s first point of consideration for all decisions about instruction and learning in the classroom. The discussion concludes with implications for teaching professionals and offers suggestions for future research. / Thesis (Ph.D, Education) -- Queen's University, 2013-08-02 11:13:05.998

Vzdělávání a zaměstnanecké perspektivy dospívajících, dospělých osob s mentálním postižením / Education and Perspectives of the Youth and Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Employment

Kuřilová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
This thesis "Educational and occupational perspektive of adolescents and adult people with disabilities" outlines the educational system for the people with disabilites, their employment and work placement options. Characteristics of the Waldorf Elementary and High school points out specialities and attitudes of the Waldofr's pedagogy and anthroposophic view towards the people with disabilities with the aim to present its implication on the posibilities of the people with disabilities on the following education and work placement. The outcome of the questionaire placed in Waldorf elementary and high school reflects the assertion of graduates after leaving the school, interviews with teachers of practical traning and the head of the workshop Jinan. The aim of this thesis is to emphasizes the importance of education and work placement for the people with disabilities, necessary in order to cultivate and enrich their lives.

Jak udržet a rozvíjet vnitřní motivaci dětí na počátku školní docházky / How to keep and develop the children's inner motivation at the beginning of the school attendance

Vaculíková, Vaishali January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on keeping and developing the inner motivation for learning in the first class of the primary waldorf school, where the author works as a class teacher. The theoretical part of the thesis contains the characterization of the term inner motivation, its sorts and describes which methods are helping to its keeping. Further there is a description of specific ways of teaching at waldorf school. For the practical part of the thesis author of this dissertation uses method action teacher's research. She observes four selected pupils from her class. During one school year she determines the most suitable strategies of teaching lessons so the inner motivation for learning is supported. Results of research confirm when pupils are motivated, they are active and they cooperate more.

Chemické vzdělávání na českých waldorfských školách a možnosti využití žákovského portfolia při výuce chemie / Chemistry education at Czech Waldorf Schools and possibilities of student portfolio work in chemistry teaching

Ševčík, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on aspects of education at Waldorf schools. It deals marginally with some general aspects of Waldorf pedagogy, on the other hand, the Waldorf school teaching plan, especially in chemistry teaching context is described and discussed in detail. Educational approaches and procedures at Czech Waldorf schools (especially Prague schools) are described and discussed, based on a personal experience. The second part of the thesis is focused on evaluation of key competences through the Waldorf portfolio work. Many inspirations to chemistry teaching on Waldorf schools (and common schools) are included, which are mostly verified in my praxis. Appendix includes examples of students portfolio works and methodical commentaries to chemistry teaching at Waldorf schools of secondary level.

Výuka angličtiny ve školách waldorfského typu / English language teaching in Waldorf schools

Kellerová, Alena January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the methodology of ELT in Waldorf lower secondary schools. The theoretical part focuses on the historical background and the philosophical premises of Waldorf pedagogy, as well as a general outline of this alternative educational approach. The subsequent chapters are dedicated to the anthroposophical concept of language and the Waldorf methodology of teaching both native and foreign languages. The goal of the practical part is to examine the distinctive features of ELT in this type of schools. The research study is based on the evaluation of the data obtained with the qualitative methods of lesson observation, namely in the 6th and the 8th forms, and interviews with the teachers. The thesis contains a survey of the Waldorf pupils' attitude towards English and the sources of their learning motivation.

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