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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Operational enhancement of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor treating fog-reduced grain distillery wastewater

Van Der Westhuizen, Hendrik Schalk 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFoodSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Waste generated by the distillery industry is a major ecological concern and disposal thereof without a suitable treatment can have damaging effects on the environment. The characteristics of this type of wastewater are highly variable and dependent on the raw material used and production process followed. Grain distillery wastewater (GDWW) is also rich in fats, oils and grease (FOG). Successful treatments of distillery wastewater and GDWW have been reported using an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor technology. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of lab-scale UASB reactor to treat FOG-reduced GDWW and the subsequent enhancement thereof following an unique feeding strategy approach. Firstly, a coagulation/flocculation-centrifugation step was developed to obtain FOG-reduced GDWW. Secondly, the efficiency of a lab-scale UASB reactor was investigated treating FOG-reduced GDWW at pre-determined operational parameters as well as the verification of biomass acclimatisation. Lastly, the effect of a unique feeding strategy of FOG-reduced GDWW to lab-scale UASB reactor granules was investigated in terms of COD, FOG-reduction and biomass acclimatisation. It was found that a coagulation/flocculation-centrifugation treatment removed sufficient amounts of FOG and TSS from GDWW. Different commercially available coagulation/flocculation products were evaluated whilst used in combination with a centrifugation step for improved sedimentation and separation. The FOG removal remained between 90 and 97% for the ferric chloride (FeCl3) and Ferrifloc 1820 treatments, respectively, whereas the TSS removal ranged between 56 and 93%, respectively. The use of a high molecular weight polymer (Ultrafloc 5000) and an aluminium chlorohydrate (Ultrafloc 3800) proved to be less effective in terms of FOG removal efficiency, ranging from 72 to 86%. It was decided to pre-treat GDWW with FeCl3 in combination with centrifugation to obtain FOG-reduced GDWW for subsequent UASB reactor treatment investigations. The FOG-reduced GDWW was fed into a laboratory-scale UASB reactor (2 L) over a period of 331 days. During the operational period different feeding parameters were attained to establish the ability of the UASB reactor to efficiently treat FOG-reduced GDWW. The COD removal increased from 60 to 85% at an organic loading rate (OLR) of ca. 5.5 kgCOD.m-3.d-1 (pH = 7.5) whilst FOG removal remained between 45 and 70%. COD removal increased to 90% with the attainment of an OLR of ca.10 kgCOD.m-3.d-1 (pH = 7.5) whereas FOG removal remained in the region of 55 and 65%. COD and FOG removal remained above 85% and 50%, respectively, when substrate pH was decreased to 6.50 (OLR ca. 10 kgCOD.m-3.d-1). A granule activity test was performed on seed and FOG-reduced GDWW fed granules to determine biomass acclimatisation. FOG-reduced GDWW fed granules showed higher activity in terms of methane production rate and cumulative methane production suggesting biomass acclimatisation. The FOG-reduced GDWW was fed to a laboratory-scale UASB reactor following a unique feeding approach. The feeding approach consisted of several feeding and starvation cycles. Improved average biogas production was observed during the feeding (0.26 to 11.3 L.d-1) and starvation (1.8 to 4.2 L.d-1) cycles as higher loading rates were obtained during each feeding cycle. After the completion of the strategic feeding the UASB reactor was continuously fed at an organic loading rate of ca. 5 kgCOD.m-3.d-1. The COD reduction efficiency improved from 70 to 80%, however, FOG removal remained in the region of 60%. Granule activity tests done on days 0, 215 and 279 showed improved UASB granule activity to FOG-reduced GDWW with operation time in terms of methane production rate and cumulative methane production. This study has proven that a coagulation/flocculation-centrifugation treatment of GDWW can remove sufficient amounts of FOG and TSS before the commencement of a UASB treatment, however, such a technique would require more refinement. It was also found that a UASB reactor can successfully treat FOG-reduced GDWW, however, it must be advised that close monitoring of the UASB reactor is required in order to maintain efficient COD reduction. A strategic feeding approach proved to be successful, but further improvement of the UASB efficiency to treat FOG-reduced GDWW in terms of stable COD and FOG reduction, stable effluent pH, improved biogas production and biomass activity must still be explored. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Afloop water wat gegenereer word deur die distillerings-industrie veroorsaak ‘n ekologiese kommer en wegdoening daarvan sonder geskikte behandeling, kan ernstige gevolge op die omgewing hê. Die eienskappe van hierdie tipe afvalwater kan varieer en is afhanklik van die rou materiale gebruik en die produksie proses wat gevolg is. Graan distillery afloop water (GDAW) deel dieselfde eienskappe met die van distillery afloop water, alhoewel dit ook hoog is in vette, olies en ghries (VOG). Suksesvolle behandeling van distillery afloop water en GDAW met n opvloei-anaërobiese slykkombers (OAS) reaktor is deur verskeie navorsers gerapporteer. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die uitvoerbaarheid van laboratorium skaal OAS reaktor, wat VOG-verminderde GDAW behandel te ondersoek, asook die daaropvolgende verbetering deur n unieke voer strategie te volg. Eerstens, was ‘n koagulasie/flokkulasie-sentrifigasie tegniek ontwikkel om VOG-verminderde GDAW te kry. Tweendens, die effektiwiteit van ‘n lab-skaal OAS reaktor ondersoek, wat gevoer was met VOG-verminderde GDAW, by voorafbepaalde parameters. Laastens, die effek van ‘n unieke voer strategie van VOG-verminderde GDAW op lab-skaal OAS reaktor granules. Dit was vasgestel dat ‘n koagulasie/flokkulasie-sentrifigasie voor behandeling voldoende hoeveelhede VOG en TSS verwyder van GDAW. Verskillende kommersieel beskikbare koagulasie/flokkulasie produkte was in kombinasie met ‘n sentrifugasie stap geëvalueer om sedimentasie en skeiding te verbeter. Dit was nie ‘n plan om die stap te perfek nie, maar dat dit eerder sou dien as ‘n voorbehandeling stap vir opeenvolgende ondersoeke. Die VOG verwydering het tussen 90 en 97% gevariëer vir ferri chloride (FeCl3) en Ferrifloc 1820 (Chlorchem) en TSS verwydering het tussen 56 en 93% gewissel. Die gebruik van ‘n hoë molekulêre gewig polimeer (Ultrafloc 5000) en ‘n aluminium chlorohidraat (Ultrafloc 3800) was minder effektief met n VOG verwydering wat tussen 72 en 86% gewissel het. Die VOG-verminderde GDAW was in ‘n laboratorium-skaal OAS reaktor oor ‘n tydperk van 331 dae behandel. Verskillende voer doelwitte was geëvaluaeer om te bepaal of ‘n OAS reaktor GDAW suksesvol kan behandel. CSB afbraak het van 60 to 85% gestyg teen ‘n organiese lading van 5.5 kgCOD.m-3.d-1 (pH 7.50), met VOG verwydering wat tussen 45 en 70% gewissel het. Die CSB afbraak het na die bereiking van 10 kgCOD.m-3.d-1 (pH 7.50) gestyg na 90% met VOG afbraak tussen 55 en 60% gewissel het. Die CSB en VOG verwydering het bo 85% en 50% onderskeidelik gebly, met die verlaging van substraat pH na 6.50 (CSB ca. 10 kgCOD.m-3.d-1). ‘n Aktiwiteits toets is uitgevoer met saad granules en VOG-verminderde GDAW gevoerde granules. Granules (VOG-verminderde GDAW gevoer) het ‘n hoer aktiwiteit getoon teenoor saad granules in terme van metaan produksie tempo en kumulatiewe metaan produksie. Die VOG-verminderde GDAW was gevoer in ‘n OAS reaktor deur gebruik te maak van ‘n strategiese voertegniek. Die strategie het uit verskeie voer en hongersnood fases bestaan. Verbeterde biogas produksie was tydens voer (0.26 tot 11.3 L.d-1) en hongersnood (1.8 tot 4.2 L.d-1) -fases opgelet soos ‘n hoër lading bereik was. Na die voltooing van die strategiese voer fase was die OAS reaktor op ‘n deurlopende basis teen ‘n lading van 5 kgCOD.m-3.d-1 gevoer. Die CSB verwydering het van 70 na 80% verhoog terwyl VOG afbraak in die omgewing van 60% gewissel het. Biomassa aktiwiteits toetse was uitgevoer is op dag 0, 215 en 279 het verhoogde aktiwiteit vertoon, met ‘n strategiese fase en deurlopende fase teenoor die aanvanklike (ongeaklamatiseerde) granules. Hierdie studie het bewys dat ‘n flokkulasie/koagulasie-sentrifugasie behandeling van GDAW kan dien as ‘n voorbehandelings stap vir opeenvolgende OAS reaktor studies. Dit was gevind dat ‘n OAS reaktor die VOG-verminderde GDAW kan behandel, maar dit word aanbeveel dat die OAS reaktor so sorgvuldig as moontlik gemonitor word om effektiewe CSB verwydering te handhaaf. Ten slotte, ‘n strategiese voer strategie was suksesvol, maar verdere verbetering van die OAS reaktor ten opsigte van die behandeling van VOG-verminderde GDAW moet verder ondersoek word.

Evaluation of the incidence of enteric viruses, Vibrio species and Escherichia coli pathotypes in effluents of two wastewater treatment plants located in Keiskammahoek and Stutterheim in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa

Adefisoye, Martins Ajibade January 2016 (has links)
South Africa is currently experiencing water shortage crisis, a challenge that has been attributed not only to the scarcity of freshwater, but also to fast degrading water quality. Factors such as rapid urbanisation, population and economic growth, climate change as well as poor operational and maintenance of many of the exisiting water/wastewater treatment facilities have been acknowledged as important contributors to degrading water quality in the country. Untreated or inadequately treated discharged wastewater effluents constitute point source pollution to many freshwater environments in South Africa. Hence, it becomes imperative to evaluate wastewater discharges in other to protect the scarce freshwater resource, the environment and public health. Over a twelve-month sampling period (September 2012 to August 2013), we assessed the bacteriological, virological and physicochemical qualities of the discharged final effluents of two wastewater treatment facilities in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. For the physicochemical assessment, a total of 144 final effluent samples were collected from both the final effluent tanks (FE) and the discharge points (DP) of the treatment facilities. Physicochemical parameters including pH, temperature, turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), electrical conductivity (EC) and free chlorine concentration were determined on site while biological oxygen demand (BOD), nitrate (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-), phosphate (PO4-) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were determined in the laboratory. The bacteriological analysis of the samples was done using standard membrane filtration (MF) technique. Bacterial group assessed included: faecal indicator bacteria (faecal coliforms and E. coli) and Vibrio species, while the antibiotic susceptibility profiles of selected E. coli and Vibrio species isolates against some selected antibiotics commonly used in human therapy and veterinary medicine were determind using the standard agar-disc diffusion method. The occurrence and concentrations of human enteric viruses including: human adenovirus (HAdV), hepatitis A virus (HAV) and rotavirus (RoV) in the samples were determined by TaqMan-based real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) following concentration by adsorption-elution method. The physicochemical characteristics of the samples ranged as follows: pH (6.5 – 7.6), TDS (95 – 171 mg/L), EC (134 – 267 μS/cm), temperature (12 – 27 °C), turbidity (1.5 – 65.7 mg/L), free chlorine (0.08 – 0.72 mg/L), DO (2.06 – 9.81 mg/L), BOD (0.13 – 9.81 mg/L), NO3- (0 – 21.5 mg/L), NO2- (0 – 0.72 mg/L), PO4- (0 – 18.3 mg/L) and COD (27 – 680 mg/L). Some of the characteristic such as pH, TDS, EC, temperature, nitrite and DO (on most instances) complied with recommended guidelines. Other characteristics, however, including turbidity, BOD, nitrate, phosphate and COD fell short of the recommended guidelines. All the 48 samples analysed for bacteriological qualities tested positive for the presence of the bacterial groups with significant (P≤0.05) seasonal variation in their densities. Faecal coliforms were detected in counts ranging from 1 CFU/100ml to 2.7 × 104 CFU/100ml. Presumptive E. coli counts ranged generally between 1 CFU/100ml – 1.4 × 105 CFU/100ml while counts of presumptive Vibrio species ranged between 4 CFU/100ml – 1.4 × 104 CFU/100ml. Molecular identification of the presumptive isolates by polymerase chain reactions PCR gave positive reaction rates of 76.2 percent (381/500) and 69.8 percent (279/400) for E.coli and Vibrio species respectively. The antibiotic susceptibility profiling of 205 PCR-confirmed Vibiro isolates against 18 commomly used antibiotics showed resistance frequencies ranging from 0.5 percent (imipenem) to 96.1 percent (penicillin G) at recommended breakpoint concentrations. Eighty-one percent (166/205) of the Vibrio isolates showed multidrug resistance (resistance to 3 or more antibiotics) with the most common multiple antibiotic resistance phenotype (MARP) being AP-T-TM-SMX-PG-NI-PB, occurring in 8 isolates.

Investigation of anaerobic up-flow batch reactor for treatment of greywater in un-sewered settlements.

Muanda, Christophe January 2009 (has links)
Masters Thesis / Un-sewered settlements are provided with the basic water and sanitation systems that comprise, in most cases, of dry sanitation and standpipes. Substantial amounts of wastewater (including greywater) generated from households are discarded untreated into streets, open spaces between shacks, streams and rivers due to the lack of adequate disposal or treatment infrastructures. The negative impacts from unsafe disposal of greywater generated in un-sewered settlements affect both human health and the general environment. Several treatment technologies ranging from the simplest to the more sophisticated have been developed and made available for consideration to deal with the adverse impacts caused by the unsafe discharge of greywater. Some of these treatment technologies have been implemented successfully in certain developing countries worldwide. Amongst these is the anaerobic up-flow batch reactor (AnUBR) which was successfully used for the first time to treat greywater from sewered areas in Jordan, Lebanon and Sri Lanka. The AnUBR has emerged as a localised greywater treatment technology alternative to conventional treatment methods in areas not served by sewer networks. This technology holds promise because of its simplicity of design, high pollutant removal efficiency, absence of energy or chemical consumption, ease with which it can be implemented, cost effectiveness, and low operation and maintenance costs. This technology was originally developed for treating sewage and high strength greywater from hotels. Recently it was further pioneered by INWRDAM (Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management) in the treatment of greywater from sewered areas of developing countries. This technology has not been tested in un-sewered settlements of developing countries which are characterised by the lack of disposal infrastructures despite being suitable for tropical countries. This treatment system is able to produce effluent that meets the quality standard for discharge and irrigation. However, new applications of the AnUBR require further investigation in order to ascertain its feasibility and evaluate its performance in the un-sewered settlement context. Given the promising results reported for the AnUBR application for greywater treatment, this study aims to investigate the performance of the AnUBR as an alternative technology for the treatment of greywater generated in un-sewered settlements and its application in developing countries. A laboratory scale plant encompassing the AnUBR was designed, constructed and investigated using influent greywater collected from two selected case study settlements representing sewered and un-sewered areas. The plant was operated for 20 consecutives days using greywater from both selected sites separately. The influent greywater was analysed prior to feeding the plant and fed intermittently by batch as per designed feeding schedule. The performance of the AnUBR was evaluated mainly by analysing the quality of effluent produced, while the typical application was recommended based on the ability of the plant to produce effluent complying with local regulations and ability to treat greywater regardless of its source. The daily characteristics of influent greywater from both sites during the period of investigation were found to be as follows: temperature: 24 – 29ºC, pH: 7.1 – 7.2, TSS: 117.72 – 2,246.6mg/l, TN: 5.66 – 12.29mg/l, TP: 12.27 – 116.46mg/l, COD: 223.17 – 1,135.32mg/l, BOD5: 98.0 – 383.6mg/l, O&G: 52.22 – 475.29mg/l, e-coli: 8.87x104 – 2.17x107cfu/100ml, and Faecal coliform: 1.49x105 – 2.41x107cfu/100ml. The AnUBR managed to treat greywater to a quality that comply with the general standards for discharge into natural water resources. The final effluent showed a significant decrease in the level of pollutants from the initial values presented above to the following: temperature: 27 – 29 ºC, pH: 7.1 – 7.2, TSS: 5.12 – 12.82mg/l, TN 0.91 – 1.09mg/l, TP: 0.93 – 7.47mg/l, COD: 24.67 – 40.45mg/l, BOD5: 8.59 – 16.0mg/l, O&G: 1.15 – 1.72mg/l, e-coli: 213.3 – 1.12x103cfu/100ml, and Faecal coliform: 461.6 – 1.5x103cfu/100ml. Results obtained showed that the quality of influent greywater (from un-sewered settlements) is similar regardless of the water and sanitation technology. Following the operation of the AnUBR, significant removal of pollutants was observed in all processes. The overall removal efficiency averaged 80 to 95% for O&G and TSS respectively and 50 to 85% for TN and TP. The COD and BOD5 removal averaged 70 to 85% while that of micro-organisms averaged 90 to 99%. However, despite the high removal efficiency recorded the AnUBR may still require a post treatment step in order to improve the quality of effluent. It was concluded that the AnUBR is a viable alternative greywater treatment technology for un-sewered settlements, households or businesses such as hotels and restaurants. The AnUBR is able of treating high polluted greywater to effluent of quality that meets the standards for discharge or reuse provided a post treatment to ensure the complete killing of pathogenic organisms. The result of this study confirms the performance of the AnUBR for the treatment of greywater and provides an understanding of its concept as an alternative to conventional treatment and its application in un-sewered settlements based on local practical investigations.

Bioflocculant dissolved air flotation system for the reduction of suspended solids-lipids-Proteinaceous matter from poultry slaughterhouse wastewater

Dlangamandla, Cynthia January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Chemical Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2016. / Poultry slaughterhouse wastewater (PSW) contains organic matter that can be degraded by microorganisms. Such matter can further be used by the microbial community as a nutrient source for growth. Moreover, this type of wastewater also contains a high quantity of particulate matter, lipids and proteins, including antimicrobial compounds such as triclosan (TCS) and trichlorocarbanilide (TCC) used during cleaning and sanitising of processing facilities. Lipids and particulate matter lead to clogging of pipes and fouling of diffusers in the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). To overcome this problem, a pre-treatment system such as a dissolved air flotation system (DAFs) in which synthetic flocculants are used, is commonly used prior to the biological treatment of the wastewater. Synthetic flocculants add to the environmental burden associated with the use of synthetic compounds, particularly when these compounds are used in WWTPs. This study focused on the reduction of suspended solids, lipids and proteinaceous matter using a bioflocculant- supported DAF for the treatment of PSW.

Associação de sistema biológico do tipo lodo ativado com reatores air lift e fotocatálise heterogênea com TiO2 para a remediação de efluente oriundo da produção industrial de TNT / Association of organic system sludge type with reactors air lift and photocatalysis heterogeneous with TiO2 for remedy of waste arising out of industrial production TNT

Guz, Ricardo 28 March 2016 (has links)
Na etapa de purificação do trinitrotolueno (TNT) produzido nas indústrias, são realizadas duas lavagens ao final do processo. A primeira lavagem é realizada com água vaporizada, na qual origina-se o primeiro efluente, denominado água amarela, em seguida, é realizada uma segunda lavagem com a utilização de sulfito de sódio (Na2SO3), gerando o segundo efluente água vermelha. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos individuais, bem como, a associação da fotocatálise heterogênea utilizando TiO2 e tratamento biológico em reator air lift utilizando lodo ativado (biomassa bacteriana), para a remediação de águas residuais contaminadas com compostos nitroaromáticos, a fim de reduzir a toxicidade e ajustar os parâmetros legais de acordo com órgãos regulamentadores para despejo em vias aquáticas. O tratamento fotocatalítico foi conduzido por meio de desenho fatorial obtendo as melhores condições reacionais (pH 6,5 e concentração de TiO2 0,1 gL-1), sendo os melhores resultados obtidos em 360 minutos de reação, reduzindo 97,00% da absorbância em 275 nm, 94,20% da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), 67,70% de fenóis totais, bem como uma redução total dos picos constatados e atribuídos a compostos nitroaromáticos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. No tratamento biológico, observou-se redução de 53,40% da absorbância em 275 nm, 10,00% de DQO e 36,00% de fenóis totais em períodos curtos (3 dias), já para períodos longos (48 dias), houve uma influência antagônica nos resultados de forma que ocorreu a elevação destes parâmetros (DQO e fenóis totais) ao invés de sua redução. A análise cromatográfica confirmou a eficiência da degradação biológica por meio da redução de picos correspondentes a compostos como DNT e TNT. A associação dos tratamentos fotocatalítico e biológico apresentou resultados de redução da ordem de 91,10% de absorbância, 70,26% de fenóis totais e 88,87% de DQO. Enquanto que, a associação dos tratamentos biológico e fotocatalítico gerou eficiências relativamente inferiores, apresentando redução de absorbância de 77,30%, 62,10% de redução dos fenóis totais e uma diminuição de 87,00% da DQO. De maneira geral, ao compararmos os processos químico e biológico de forma isolada, o tratamento fotocatalítico apresentou os melhores resultados. Porém, comparando os resultados de forma isolada e as associações estabelecidas, a associação biológico x fotocatalise apresentou resultados mais promissores para o tratamento do efluente água vermelha. / Trinitrotoluene in the purification step (TNT) produced in industries, are carried out two washes at the end of the process. The first wash is done with vaporized water, which originates from the first effluent called yellow water, then the second washing with the use of sodium sulfite is performed (Na2SO3), generating a second effluent red water. This study aimed to study the individual effects, as well as the association of heterogeneous photocatalysis using TiO2 and biological treatment in air lift reactor using activated sludge (bacterial biomass) for the remediation of wastewater contaminated with nitroaromatic compounds in order to reduce toxicity and adjust the legal parameters according to regulatory agencies for disposal in waterways. The photocatalytic treatment was conducted by factorial design obtaining the best reaction conditions (pH 6.5 and concentration of TiO2 0.1 gL-1), with best results obtained at 360 minutes of reaction, reducing the absorbance 97.00%, 94.20% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD), 67.70% of total phenols, as well as a total reduction of observed peaks and assigned to nitroaromatic compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography. In the biological treatment, there was a 53.40% reduction in absorbance at 275 nm 10.00% 36.00% COD and total phenols in a short time (3 days), while for extended periods (48 days) there was an antagonistic influence on the results so that was the elevation of these parameters (COD and total phenols) instead of reducing. Chromatographic analysis confirmed the effectiveness of the biological degradation by reducing the peaks corresponding to compounds DNT and TNT. The Association of photocatalytic and biological treatments decreased results in the order of 91.10% absorbance, 70.26% of total phenols and 88.87% of COD. While the combination of biological and photocatalytic treatments generated relatively lower efficiencies, with 77.30% of absorbance reduction, 62.10% reduction of total phenols and a decrease of 87.00% of COD. In general, when comparing the chemical and biological processes in isolation, the photocatalytic treatment showed the best results. However, comparing the results of isolation and established associations, the association biological x photocatalysis showed more promising results in the treatment of red water effluent.

Associação de sistema biológico do tipo lodo ativado com reatores air lift e fotocatálise heterogênea com TiO2 para a remediação de efluente oriundo da produção industrial de TNT / Association of organic system sludge type with reactors air lift and photocatalysis heterogeneous with TiO2 for remedy of waste arising out of industrial production TNT

Guz, Ricardo 28 March 2016 (has links)
Na etapa de purificação do trinitrotolueno (TNT) produzido nas indústrias, são realizadas duas lavagens ao final do processo. A primeira lavagem é realizada com água vaporizada, na qual origina-se o primeiro efluente, denominado água amarela, em seguida, é realizada uma segunda lavagem com a utilização de sulfito de sódio (Na2SO3), gerando o segundo efluente água vermelha. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos individuais, bem como, a associação da fotocatálise heterogênea utilizando TiO2 e tratamento biológico em reator air lift utilizando lodo ativado (biomassa bacteriana), para a remediação de águas residuais contaminadas com compostos nitroaromáticos, a fim de reduzir a toxicidade e ajustar os parâmetros legais de acordo com órgãos regulamentadores para despejo em vias aquáticas. O tratamento fotocatalítico foi conduzido por meio de desenho fatorial obtendo as melhores condições reacionais (pH 6,5 e concentração de TiO2 0,1 gL-1), sendo os melhores resultados obtidos em 360 minutos de reação, reduzindo 97,00% da absorbância em 275 nm, 94,20% da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), 67,70% de fenóis totais, bem como uma redução total dos picos constatados e atribuídos a compostos nitroaromáticos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. No tratamento biológico, observou-se redução de 53,40% da absorbância em 275 nm, 10,00% de DQO e 36,00% de fenóis totais em períodos curtos (3 dias), já para períodos longos (48 dias), houve uma influência antagônica nos resultados de forma que ocorreu a elevação destes parâmetros (DQO e fenóis totais) ao invés de sua redução. A análise cromatográfica confirmou a eficiência da degradação biológica por meio da redução de picos correspondentes a compostos como DNT e TNT. A associação dos tratamentos fotocatalítico e biológico apresentou resultados de redução da ordem de 91,10% de absorbância, 70,26% de fenóis totais e 88,87% de DQO. Enquanto que, a associação dos tratamentos biológico e fotocatalítico gerou eficiências relativamente inferiores, apresentando redução de absorbância de 77,30%, 62,10% de redução dos fenóis totais e uma diminuição de 87,00% da DQO. De maneira geral, ao compararmos os processos químico e biológico de forma isolada, o tratamento fotocatalítico apresentou os melhores resultados. Porém, comparando os resultados de forma isolada e as associações estabelecidas, a associação biológico x fotocatalise apresentou resultados mais promissores para o tratamento do efluente água vermelha. / Trinitrotoluene in the purification step (TNT) produced in industries, are carried out two washes at the end of the process. The first wash is done with vaporized water, which originates from the first effluent called yellow water, then the second washing with the use of sodium sulfite is performed (Na2SO3), generating a second effluent red water. This study aimed to study the individual effects, as well as the association of heterogeneous photocatalysis using TiO2 and biological treatment in air lift reactor using activated sludge (bacterial biomass) for the remediation of wastewater contaminated with nitroaromatic compounds in order to reduce toxicity and adjust the legal parameters according to regulatory agencies for disposal in waterways. The photocatalytic treatment was conducted by factorial design obtaining the best reaction conditions (pH 6.5 and concentration of TiO2 0.1 gL-1), with best results obtained at 360 minutes of reaction, reducing the absorbance 97.00%, 94.20% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD), 67.70% of total phenols, as well as a total reduction of observed peaks and assigned to nitroaromatic compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography. In the biological treatment, there was a 53.40% reduction in absorbance at 275 nm 10.00% 36.00% COD and total phenols in a short time (3 days), while for extended periods (48 days) there was an antagonistic influence on the results so that was the elevation of these parameters (COD and total phenols) instead of reducing. Chromatographic analysis confirmed the effectiveness of the biological degradation by reducing the peaks corresponding to compounds DNT and TNT. The Association of photocatalytic and biological treatments decreased results in the order of 91.10% absorbance, 70.26% of total phenols and 88.87% of COD. While the combination of biological and photocatalytic treatments generated relatively lower efficiencies, with 77.30% of absorbance reduction, 62.10% reduction of total phenols and a decrease of 87.00% of COD. In general, when comparing the chemical and biological processes in isolation, the photocatalytic treatment showed the best results. However, comparing the results of isolation and established associations, the association biological x photocatalysis showed more promising results in the treatment of red water effluent.

Uppföljning av reningsfunktionen i Steningedalens våtmark / Follow-Up of the Water Purification Function at Wetland of Steningedalen

Girleviciute, Aiste January 2018 (has links)
Dagvattnet från Märsta är belastat med bland annat tungmetaller och näringsämnen. Vattnet hamnar i Märstaån och transporteras vidare ut till Mälaren. Steningedalens våtmark är ett dammsystem som renar och fördröjer en del av Märstaåns flöde före transport ut mot Mälaren.   Syftet med detta självständiga arbete på kandidatnivå har varit att undersöka anläggningens reningsfunktion med hjälp av sedimentprovtagning. Sedimentprover har tagits vid in- och utloppet och en kemisk analys av dessa har utförts i ett ackrediterat laboratorium. Resultaten från in- och utloppet har jämförts för att se om det sker en minskning av föroreningar genom systemet. Fem sedimentfällor har placerats ut i delar av dammsystemet för att undersöka sedimentfördelningen och muddringsbehovet i anläggningen. Resultatet av studien visade att dammsystemet har en god vattenreningsfunktion med avseende på tungmetallerna bly, nickel, kadmium, krom, koppar och zink samt näringsämnet fosfor. Anläggningen har bedömts att vara i behov av muddring. / In Märsta, the storm water is contaminated with heavy metals and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) among other pollutants. The water emits to the river Märstaån and further to the lake Mälaren. The wetland of Steningedalen is a pond system that delays part of the stream in Märstaån and purifies the water on its way through the system. This independent project is based on investigation of the purification functioning at Steningedalen wetland. The investigation has been done by sediment sampling and analysis. The samples were taken from the inlet and the outlet of the pond system. Chemical analysis has been made on these samples in an accredited laboratory. The results were compared in order to see if there is a trend through the system. Five sediment traps were placed in parts of the system to study the distribution of the sediment and the need of dredging. The results of the study have concluded that the stormwater pond system has a good water purification function with regard to heavy metals lead, nickel, cadmium, chromium, copper and and zinc aswell as the nutrient phosphorous. The study has also shown that the system is in need of dredging.

Identificação dos produtos de degradação química/eletroquímica do herbicida ametrina / Identification of degration products of chemical/electrochemical herbicide ametrine

Beati, André Augusto Gutierrez Fernandes 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Marcos Roberto de Vasconcelos Lanza, Rodnei Bertazzoli / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T20:01:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Beati_AndreAugustoGutierrezFernandes_D.pdf: 4569837 bytes, checksum: 6c1637bdb8e9ad2c61b0b69c8e02f7a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Neste trabalho foram estudados a identificação de produtos de degradação da ametrina (AME), agrotóxico utilizado em larga escala na agroindústria canavieira. A melhora no tratamento das condições ambientais é de suma importância para as regiões agrícolas, já que a contaminação do solo e das águas subterrâneas é quase inevitável. Em relação às indústrias que produzem/formulam os agrotóxicos, um tratamento alternativo é interessante, pois os Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POAs), e dentre esses, o emprego da Tecnologia Eletroquímica. Uma vez os parâmetros definidos podem gerar a combustão total da carga orgânica, ou geral produtos de degradação, que podem ser identificados, e assim, entender melhor o processo de degradação da AME. Desta maneira foram realizadas reações de oxidação parcial do herbicida utilizando a adição de H2O2 em uma solução contendo 100 mg L-1 de AME e catalisadas com Fe2+ em diferentes pH e temperatura. Os produtos foram identificados por um espectrômetro de massa, Ion-Trap com ionização por electrospray (ESI). O produto 4-amino-6-(metilamina)-1,3,5-triazin-2-ol (m/z 141) fora identificado, praticamente em todos os ensaios realizados. A melhor condição experimental para oxidar quimicamente a AME, ocorreu na proporção de 20 % (v/v) de H2O2, pH 7 e temperatura de 65 °C. Outra maneira de estudar a degradação da AME foi controlar a geração do H2O2 eletrogerado, desta maneira as degradações eletroquímicas do herbicida foram realizadas utilizando 200 mg L-1 do principio ativo a partir de uma solução comercial (Herbipak®). Eletrólises a potencial constante foram realizadas de -0,7 V ? E ? -1,2 V vs Ag/AgCl para geração de H2O2, alcançando o máximo da concentração de 508 mg L-1 para o potencial de -0,9 V vs. Ag/AgCl. O monitoramento da AME analisadas por CLAE, apresentou uma taxa de decaimento da concentração de 55% via geração de H2O2, com redução de 45% do COT quando utilizado a eletrossíntese H2O2/Fe2+. Estes ensaios de degradação também monitoraram a degradação da AME via CI, identificando a formação de íons NO3- e NO2-. A identificação da formação dos produtos de degradação da AME foi realizada por CG-EM/EM. / Abstract: In this study the identification of degradation products ametrina (AME), pesticides used on a large scale in the sugar industry. The improvement in the treatment of environmental conditions is of paramount importance to the agricultural regions, since the contamination of soil and groundwater contamination is almost inevitable. In relation to industries producing/formulate pesticides, an alternative treatment is interesting because the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), and among these, the use of Electrochemical Technology. Once the parameters set can generate combustion total organic content, or general degradation products, which can be identified, and thus better understand the degradation process of AME. Thus were partial oxidation reactions of the herbicide using the addition of H2O2 in a solution containing 100 mg L-1 of AME and catalyzed with Fe2+ at different pH and temperature. The products were identified by mass spectrometry, Ion-Trap electrospray ionization (ESI.) The product 4-amino-6-(methylamine)-1,3,5-triazine-2-ol (m/z 141) was identified, almost all trials. The best experimental condition to oxidize chemically AME, occurred at a rate of 20% (v/v) H2O2, pH 7 and temperature of 65°C. Another way to study the degradation of AME was controlling the generation of electrogenerated H2O2, thus the electrochemical degradation of the herbicide were performed using 200 mg L-1 of the active principle from a commercial solution (Herbipak®). Constant potential electrolyses were performed from -0.7 V ? E ? -1.2 V vs. Ag / AgCl for generation of H2O2, reaching the maximum concentration of 508 mg L-1 for the potential of -0.9 V vs Ag/AgCl. The monitoring of AME analyzed by HPLC, showed a rate of decay of the concentration of 55% via H2O2 generation, with 45% reduction of TOC when used at eletrossíntese H2O2/Fe2+. These tests also monitored the degradation via AME IC, identifying the formation of NO3- and NO2-. The identification of the formation of degradation products was performed by AME CG-MS/MS. / Doutorado / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica

Avaliação do impacto ambiental da utilização de residuos de estações de tratamento de agua em industrias de ceramica vermelha : estudo de caso / Evaluation of the environmental impacts caused by the use of water treatment sludges in the brick industry: case study

Andrade, Patricia de Souza 16 May 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Dione Mari Morita / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T06:49:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrade_PatriciadeSouza_M.pdf: 12634128 bytes, checksum: ef95c0220ac5866367967c94cd48ab45 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: No Brasil, a maior parte dos resíduos gerados no tratamento de águas não tem destinação apropriada, sendo a mais comum o lançamento direto nos corpos d'água, que causa impacto em sua qualidade e na biota aquática. No presente estudo, o resíduo proveniente da estação de tratamento da água de Cubatão (São Paulo) foi incorporado à argila utilizada na produção de blocos em uma indústria de Tatuí (SP). A mistura foi realizada na proporção mássica lodo:argila de 7%. O resíduo foi caracterizado segundo parâmetros pertinentes, considerando sua procedência e uso final. Foi aplicado, então, o Método"Ad-Hoc" para avaliar os impactos ambientais potenciais decorrentes do uso do lodo no processo industrial. Da análise das entrevistas com especialistas e da revisão da literatura, concluiu-se que estes impactos eram: contaminação do solo e da água subterrânea devido ao annazenamento do lodo no pátio e disposição inadequada dos blocos pósconsumo; contaminação dos funcionários da indústria ocasionada pelo manuseio do lodo; contaminação do ar em decorrência da volatilização dos componentes do lodo no pátio e no processo industrial e devido às emissões nos fornos; contaminação da população que mora ou trabalha nos locais de disposição do bloco pós-consumo e no seu entorno. Os impactos foram quantificados por meio de análises e testes com e sem a incorporação do resíduo. Análises de risco e modelos matemáticos foram aplicados, resultados obtidos nos testes com e sem lodo foram comparados e foi avaliado o atendimento às nonnas nacionais e internacionais. Concluiu-se que o lodo da estação de tratamento de água de Cubatão podia ser aplicado na indústria cerâmica de Tatuí, sem trazer alterações significativas no processo industrial, na qualidade dos blocos e nos impactos ambientais produzidos no processo cerâmico. Além disto, foi possível desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliar a possibilidade de reúso de resíduos de estações de tratamento de água na indústria cerâmica / Abstract: In Brazil, one of the problems which may have a direct effect on the environment is the sludg resulting from sedimentation and filtration at water treatment facilities, as this by-product is ofte discharged directly into the nearest available rivers and streams. When this happens, impacts o the water quality and detrimental effects to the aquatic biota may resulto In this study, residual ITom Cubatão Water Treatment Plant (WTP), in the State of São Paulo, were used to produc bricks in an industry localized in Tatuí (SP). For this purpose, 7 % (dry weight basis) of cIay ma be substituted by sludge. This residual was characterized considering its origin and final use. Afie that, the "Ad-Hoc" Method was applied to evaluate the potential environmental impacts caused b the addition of the sludge into the industrial processo Gathering the interviews with specialists an the literature review, it carne to the concIusion that the environmental impacts were: soil an underground water contamination due to the disposal of sludge in the industrial area before i1 incorporation in the process and because of the inappropriate discharge of the bricks after its us~ contarnination of the industry employees by handling the residual; air contamination as a result c volatile organic compounds present in the sludge and also because of the emissions that OCCUI during the firing process; contamination of people who lives nearby or work at the places wher the bricks are disposed after its use. The impacts were quantified with analysis and tests with an without the use ofthe residual. Risk assessment and mathematical models were applied, the resul1 obtained in both tests (with and without sludge) were compared and the compliance to natiom and international regulations were verified. The conclusions of this study were that the sludg ITom the Cubatão WTP could be incorporated in the ceramic industry ITom Tatuí withOl significant changes in the industrial process, in the brick' s quality or on the environmental impac1 caused by the ceramic processo Beyond that, it was possible to develop a methodology to evaluat the potential use ofthe waterworks sludge in the ceramic industry / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Avaliação de um sistema de ozonização baseado em coluna de borbulhamento / Evaluation of an ozonation system based on bubble column

Pacheco, José Ricardo 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marco Aurélio Cremasco / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T13:54:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pacheco_JoseRicardo_M.pdf: 2421854 bytes, checksum: 0892102a47f0322520b05c0bad2a79d9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: A gestão dos recursos hídricos, englobando uso de água para fins potáveis e processos industriais, tornou-se de vital importância e ganhou visibilidade na última década do século vinte. Dentre as tecnologias e processos de tratamento de água potável e residuária destaca-se a ozonização. Diante deste contexto a presente dissertação de mestrado visou construir e avaliar um sistema de ozonização baseado em coluna de borbulhamento. Foi construída uma célula de geração de ozônio para se estudar a eficiência de geração, com três gases de alimentação: ar úmido; ar seco e oxigênio. O ar úmido foi captado diretamente da atmosfera, o ar seco e oxigênio foram fornecidos através de um secador de ar e um concentrador de oxigênio respectivamente. O processo de fornecimento de ar seco e oxigênio foi o de "PSA" (pressure swing adsorption) no qual o ar atmosférico passou por uma coluna recheada com zeólita capaz de reter a umidade e moléculas de nitrogênio. A célula geradora de ozônio teve então as condições de descarga elétrica fixas e os três gases de alimentação foram passados pela mesma. A eficiência de geração de ozônio foi então comparada entre os três gases de alimentação. Os valores obtidos apresentaram consistência em relação aos valores de outros autores. Para avaliação da ozonização em fase líquida foi construída uma coluna de borbulhamento onde o ozônio foi borbulhado na parte inferior da coluna usando-se água destilada. Foram realizados experimentos: a) com recirculação da água da parte inferior da coluna até o topo; b) sentido contra-corrente água/gás; c) sentido co-corrente água/gás...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital / Abstract: The management of water resources embracing the use of water for potable and industrial processes, has become of vital importance and has gained visibility in the last decade of the twentieth century. Among the technologies and processes for treatment of drinking water and wastewater, ozonation plays an important role. Considering this context the dissertation work aimed to construct and evaluate a system based on bubble column ozonation. An ozone generation cell was built to study the generation yield with three feed gases: humid air; dry air and oxygen. The humid air was captured directly from the atmosphere, dry air and oxygen were supplied by an air dryer and one oxygen concentrator respectively. The feed gas preparation process to supply dry air and oxygen is called "pressure swing adsorption", which the atmospheric air is passed through a column filled with a zeolite compound which retains moisture and nitrogen molecules. Ozone generation cell discharge electrical conditions were fixed, after the three feed gases were passed through the cell. Then ozone generation efficiency was measured and compared between the three feed gases. The values obtained were consistent with those obtained by other authors. To evaluate ozonation in the liquid phase a bubble column was constructed, where gaseous ozone was bubbled into the column bottom. Distilled water was chosen as the liquid medium. Experiments were carried out in the following conditions: a) recirculating water from the bottom to the top of the column; b) countercurrent flow directions between gas/liquid; c) concurrent flow directions between gas/liquid...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic document / Mestrado / Engenharia de Processos / Mestre em Engenharia Química

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