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Design of Photonic Phased Array Switches Using Nano Electromechanical Systems on Silicon-on-insulator Integration PlatformHussein, Ali Abdulsattar 20 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents an introduction to the design and simulation of a novel class of integrated photonic phased array switch elements. The main objective is to use nano-electromechanical (NEMS) based phase shifters of cascaded under-etched slot nanowires that are compact in size and require a small amount of power to operate them. The structure of the switch elements is organized such that it brings the phase shifting elements to the exterior sides of the photonic circuits. The transition slot couplers, used to interconnect the phase shifters, are designed to enable biasing one of the silicon beams of each phase shifter from an electrode located at the side of the phase shifter. The other silicon beam of each phase shifter is biased through the rest of the silicon structure of the switch element, which is taken as a ground. Phased array switch elements ranging from 2×2 up to 8×8 multiple-inputs/multiple-outputs (MIMO) are conveniently designed within reasonable footprints native to the current fabrication technologies.
Chapter one presents the general layout of the various designs of the switch elements and demonstrates their novel features. This demonstration will show how waveguide disturbances in the interconnecting network from conventional switch elements can be avoided by adopting an innovative design. Some possible applications for the designed switch elements of different sizes and topologies are indicated throughout the chapter. Chapter two presents the design of the multimode interference (MMI) couplers used in the switch elements as splitters, combiners and waveguide crossovers. Simulation data and design methodologies for the multimode couplers of interest are detailed in this chapter. Chapter three presents the design and analysis of the NEMS-operated phase shifters. Both simulations and numerical analysis are utilized in the design of a 0º-180º capable NEMS-operated phase shifter. Additionally, the response of some of the designed photonic phased array switch elements is demonstrated in this chapter. An executive summary and conclusions sections are also included in the thesis.
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Optical millimeter-wave signal generation, transmission and processing for symmetric super-broadband optical-wireless access networksJia, Zhensheng 01 July 2008 (has links)
Three 40/60-GHz optical-wireless bidirectional architectures are designed with a centralized light source in the central office based on wavelength reuse. Three super-broadband access networks are proposed and experimentally demonstrated for simultaneously delivering wired and wireless services over an optical fiber and an air link in a single transport platform. The transport feasibility in metro and wide-area access networks with multiple reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs) nodes is explored for 40-GHz and 60-GHz optical millimeter-wave signals. Additionally, the optical-wireless systems using the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation format are analytically and experimentally demonstrated to mitigate the chromatic dispersion in optical fiber. This thesis also successfully implements the testbed trial for the delivery of uncompressed 270-Mb/s standard-definition television (SDTV) and 1.485-Gb/s high-definition television (HDTV) video signals over optical fiber and air links. The demonstration represents the first ever reported real applications over hybrid wired and wireless access networks, showing that our developed up-conversion schemes and designed architectures are highly suitable for super-broadband applications in next-generation optical-wireless access networks.
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Band gaps and waveguiding of surface acoustic waves in pillars-based phononics crystals / Bandes interdites et propagation d'ondes guidées de surface dans un cristal phononique à résonance localeAl lethawe, Mohammed abdulridha 18 December 2015 (has links)
[…] Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à ces bandes interdites et à ces modes de propagations dans le cas d’un cristal photonique constitué d’une matrice de piliers déposés en surface d’un milieu semi-fini. L’étude des interactions entre les piliers résonants localement avec la surface du milieu semi fini nous a permis d’identifier de nouveaux modes de propagation […]Nous avons également montré comment obtenir une réfraction négative omnidirectionnelle[…] La dernière partie de ce travail a été consacré à l’étude des mécanismes permettant la propagation et le confinement d’ondes guidées[…] .Nous avons également explicité les mécanismes qui permettent de crée ce type d’ondes guidées sub-longeur d’onde et le confinement des photons de surface. / [...] We present the features of the interaction between surface acoustic wave and locally resonant pillar on the top of demi infinite medium. We shown that the photonic crystal we proposed possess an acoustic metamaterial feature for surface acoustic waves in the manner that pillars on the top of the surface introduce new guide modes in the non radiative region of the substrate outside sound cone. We also demonstrate the these guided modes are resonant modes that have frequencies greatly lower than those expected from the Bragg mechanism. […]
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[pt] Neste trabalho realizamos uma prova da viabilidade de um sistema de comunicação óptica com capacidade de transmissão de 50 Gbit/s em uma largura de banda de 50 GHz utilizando o legado dos sistemas com taxas de 10 Gbit/s. Uma série de configurações experimentais foi testada em uma ordem de complexidade crescente para verificar separadamente as etapas e as técnicas aplicadas para o aumento da capacidade de transmissão de dados e a eficiência espectral. Em alguns casos, a curva característica resultante da configuração backto- back do analisador de taxa de erro de bit média foi utilizada como referência para comparação das configurações experimentais realizadas durante o trabalho. / [en] In this work we perform a proof of feasibility of 50 Gbit/s transmission within a 50 GHz optical bandwidth exploring the 10 Gbit/s legacy. A series of experimental configurations were tested in an order of increasing complexity to verify separately the steps and applied techniques for increasing data transmission capacity and spectral efficiency. In some cases, the comparison of experimental configuration was made using the back-to-back configuration of the Bit Error Rate Tester.
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[pt] A conversão de comprimento de onda de sinais por meio de
técnicas totalmente
ópticas é um assunto inovador e de extrema necessidade
para as redes com
roteamento de comprimento de onda; a técnica de conversão
de comprimentos
de onda por modulação de ganho cruzado é uma das mais
simples, em princípio,
que atinge este objetivo. Duas modalidades são
apresentadas neste trabalho:
a clássica, também conhecida por pump & probe, e uma nova,
a de modulação
de ganho cruzado do espectro da ASE em um SOA. A técnica
pump e
probe é apresentada, assim como um experimento baseado
nesta. A técnica de
modulação de ganho cruzado da ASE é explorada como
alternativa à técnicas
de conversão de comprimento de onda que necessitam de
outra fonte de luz,
para a qual o sinal deve ser convertido. Na modulação de
ganho cruzado da
ASE, o sinal é convertido de luz coerente para incoerente;
e, uma vez modulado
o espectro da ASE do SOA, este é filtrado no comprimento
de onda que se
deseja obter a conversão. Assim, este conversor pode ser
sintonizável, já que
não é um parâmetro de entrada que define o comprimento de
onda convertido,
e sim um filtro passa-faixa ao fim do dispositivo. Para se
avaliar os tempos
de resposta da técnica, a conversão é feita utilizando-se
pulsos elétricos ultracurtos
(50 ps), o que não havia sido feito até então. / [en] Wavelength conversion of optical signals by all-optical
techniques is an innovative
and necessary technology for wavelength routed networks in
the near
future; the cross-gain modulation method is one of the
simplest, in form, to attain
this goal. Two categories of the main technique are
presented: the classic,
also known as pump and probe, and a novel one, named cross-
gain modulation
of the ASE spectrum of a SOA. The cross-gain modulation of
the ASE
spectrum is explored here as an alternative to previous
all-optical wavelength
conversion techniques that require another light source,
to which the incoming
signal is to be converted; the signal is converted from
coherent to incoherent
light; and, once modulated throughout the SOA`s ASE
spectrum, the signal
is then filtered at the central wavelength it is desired
to be converted. Thus,
this particular wavelength converter can be tunable, in
the sense that it is
reconfigurable, since a band pass filter located at the
end of the device selects
what wavelength the signal will be converted to. In order
to assess the response
times of the technique, the conversion is made for ultra
short electrical pulses
(50 ps), a feature unknown until now.
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Conception, fabrication et caractérisation de lentilles planaires nano-structurées dédiées aux capteurs d’images CMOS dans le proche-infrarouge / Design, fabrication and characterization of nanostructured planar lenses dedicated to near infrared detection for CMOS image sensorsLopez, Thomas 21 September 2016 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la conception, la fabrication et la caractérisation de lentilles planaires nano-structurées dédiées aux capteurs d’images CMOS dans le proche-infrarouge. L’étude des applications et des systèmes d’imagerie optronique mis en jeu ont mis en évidence l’intérêt de l’utilisation des capteurs d’images CMOS dans la bande 800-1100 nm. Les inconvénients liés au silicium et à la structure du pixel justifient l’intégration de lentilles planaires nano-structurées compatibles avec le procédé de fabrication CMOS : une lentille plasmonique, une lentille diffractive métallique dite de Huygens, une lentille diélectrique dite de phase de Fresnel et une lentille à gradient d’indice effectif. Les simulationsélectromagnétiques 2D d’un pixel CMOS complet avec chaque lentille planaire ont démontré l’intérêt de la lentille métallique dans un pixel à faible facteur de remplissage et de la lentille de phase de Fresnel pour un pixel standard. Les simulations électromagnétiques 3D ont permis la conception de ces deux dernières lentilles pour leur fabrication tandis que la lentille à gradient d’indice effectif, susceptible d’approcher le profil de phase idéal, a montré son potentiel pour les pixels CMOS. La caractérisation électro-optique a mis en évidence la performance expérimentale de la lentille de phase de Fresnel fabriquée en "post-process" au LPN-CNRS et de la lentille de Huygens fabriquée "in-process" en fonderie CMOS. Les nombreuses perspectives de ce travail liés à la fabrication et à la marge de progression des lentilles ont été explorées. / This work deals with the design, fabrication and characterization of nanostructuredplanar lenses dedicated to near infrared detection for CMOS image sensors.Applications and optronic systems involved in near infrared imaging have been investigatedin order to highlight the strong interest of CMOS images sensors for the 800-1100 nmspectral band. Limitations of silicon and pixel structure explain the integration of nanostructuredplanar lenses compatible with CMOS fabrication process : a plasmonic lens, a dielectricphase-Fresnel lens, a metallic Huygens lens and a gradient-index lens. 2D electromagneticsimulations of a CMOS pixel with each planar lens have demonstrated the good performanceof the Huygens lens for low fill factor pixels and the phase-Fresnel lens for standard pixels.3D simulations of these lenses have been performed for their integration and fabrication inCMOS image sensors. The 3D design by numerical simulations of a gradient-index lens hasshown its potential interest for CMOS pixels. The experimental performance of a dielectriclens "post-process" integrated/fabricated at LPN-CNRS and a metallic lens "in-process" by aCMOS foundy have been evaluated by electro-optical characterization. Several perspectivesof this work about lens fabrication and potential for improvement have been explored.
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Etude théorique et expérimentale du fonctionnement bifréquence de microlasers continus et impulsionnels pour la génération d'ondes RF et THz / Theoretical and experimental study of dual-wavelength microlasers in continuouswave and pulsed regimes for the generation of RF and THz waves.Pallas, Florent 01 October 2012 (has links)
Parmi les approches possibles pour réaliser des sources térahertz dans la gamme0,2 - 2 THz, nous nous sommes intéressés à la voie optoélectronique qui consiste à générerl’onde térahertz par le photomélange de deux ondes lasers à des fréquences optiques. Letravail présenté dans cette thèse concerne l’étude de lasers bi-fréquence capables d’émettreles deux ondes requises simultanément. Nous commençons par développer un modèlethéorique décrivant la compétition de gain entre les modes laser grâce au calcul de différentscoefficients de couplage. Sur le plan expérimental, nous montrons tout d’abord qu’endésalignant légèrement un des miroirs de la cavité laser, il est possible d’obtenir un régimestable d’émission sur deux fréquences pourtant en compétition dans le milieu à gain, ici uncristal dopé néodyme. Nous nous intéressons ensuite au régime impulsionnel et montronsque les impulsions peuvent être synchronisées grâce à l’action d’un laser externe. Enfin, leprocessus de photomélange a été réalisé et des ondes électromagnétiques ont été généréesdans le domaine des radio-fréquences autour de 20 GHz. / Among the possible solutions to build terahertz sources in the 0,2 - 2 THz range,we studied the optoelectronic way consisting in the generation of a terahertz wave by photomixingtwo laser waves at optical frequencies. The work presented in this PhD concernsthe study of dual-frequency lasers able to emit the two required waves simultaneously.We begin by developing a theoretical model describing the gain competition between thelaser modes by calculating different coupling coefficients. Experimentally, we first showthat a slight misalignment of the output mirror of the laser cavity allows to obtain a stableemission at two frequencies competing in the gain medium, which is a neodymium-dopedcrystal. Then, we focus on the pulsed regime and we show that the pulses can be synchronizedby the action of an external laser. Finally, the photomixing process has been achievedand electromagnetic waves have been generated in the radio frequencies range around 20GHz.
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Arquitetura de nós e engenharia de tráfego em redes ópticas / Nodes architecture and traffic engineering in optical networksHelvécio Moreira de Almeida Neto 25 September 2009 (has links)
A interligação de várias redes de telecomunicação ampliou a cobertura, mas tornou a operabilidade entre elas complexa, principalmente por causa da arquitetura resultante, formada por várias camadas. Estas camadas lidam com protocolos e taxas de transmissão diferentes e com sinais elétricos e ópticos. Diante desse cenário, a alternativa usual de expandir os recursos proporcionalmente ao crescimento da demanda é inviável devido ao elevado custo. Assim, soluções eficientes que agregam os benefícios das tecnologias ópticas e eletrônicas na arquitetura de nós e no gerenciamento de tráfego tornaram-se uma necessidade importante no projeto, expansão e gerenciamento de redes de telecomunicação. Os nós que permitem a comutação de tráfego na camada óptica e eletrônica e a agregação de tráfego em várias granularidades têm sido empregados para fazer o melhor uso possível dos recursos disponíveis nas redes. Esses nós são conhecidos na literatura como MG-OXCs. Nessa pesquisa, foi proposta uma abordagem dos nós MG-OXCs de uma e três camadas com a inclusão de recursos como conversão de comprimento de onda e agregação de tráfego. Também foi proposto um método de cálculo do custo desses nós baseado no volume de utilização das portas. Posteriormente foram inseridos fatores de degradação do sinal óptico para a análise da camada física de redes com os nós MGOXCs. Adicionalmente, para o gerenciamento de tráfego, foi proposto um esquema de escolha de comprimentos de onda chamado de canal específico e um esquema de monitoramento baseado na intensidade de tráfego. A meta principal é a redução da probabilidade de bloqueio de solicitação de conexão. Em redes ópticas, os modelos de nós propostos conseguem diminuir o número de portas dos nós comutadores tradicionais além de realizar a comutação de tráfego de conexões de diferentes valores de largura de banda. O esquema do canal específico consegue melhorar a utilização da largura de banda dos comprimentos de onda e diminui a probabilidade de bloqueio e o esquema do monitoramento diminui o número de conexões bloqueadas devido ao aumento dos recursos. Resultados numéricos apresentados demonstram a potencialidade dos algoritmos propostos para gerenciar recursos e rotear o tráfego das redes de telecomunicação. / Integrating telecommunication networks has enlarged the coverage, but has made operations more complex, mainly because of the architecture, formed by various layers. These layers deal with different protocols and transmission rates, as well as electrical and optical signals. The usual alternative of expanding the resources proportionally to the demand is impractical due to the high cost. Therefore, efficient solutions which add to the benefits of optical and electronic technology in node architecture and traffic management are essential in the design, expansion and management of telecommunications networks. The nodes that enable traffic switching in the optical and electronic layer and traffic grooming have been used to make the best use of the available resources in the networks. These nodes are known as MG-OXCs. In this research, an approach based on MG-OXCs was proposed with one and three layers, which include the wavelength conversion and traffic grooming. Additionally, a method to calculate the node costs based on their use of ports was proposed. The work also considered optical signal impairments in order to analyze the network physical layer with MG-OXCs nodes. For the purpose of traffic management, a scheme which sets specific wavelengths for different bandwidths and a scheme which monitors the flow of traffic were proposed. The main aim is to reduce the blocking probability of connection requests. In optical networks, the node models proposed are able to reduce the number of ports used in usual optical cross connects and switch the traffic connections using different bandwidths. The scheme of setting specific wavelengths for different bandwidths improves the bandwidth use and the blocking probability. The scheme which monitors the flow of traffic achieves blocking probability reduction due to the increase in resources. The numerical results presented show the feasibility of the proposed algorithms to manage resources and switch traffic in telecommunication networks.
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Proposta e análise de redes WDM-PON empregando auto-alimentação e dupla cavidade óptica / Proposal and analysis of WDM-PON employing self-seeding and double optical cavityDaniel Ricardo Celino 24 July 2017 (has links)
Nas topologias de redes WDM-PON (Wavelength Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network) baseadas em transmissores colorless, isto é, transmissores que possam operar em uma grande gama de comprimentos de onda, que empreguem técnica de auto-alimentação e reuso de comprimento de onda, tem despertado grande interesse devido a sua comprovada eficiência, granularidade e custo reduzido em relação às alternativas. Entretanto, o alcance destas redes é limitado pelo emprego de remodulação, devido a dependência existente com a qualidade dos sinais a serem remodulados. Neste cenário, mantendo-se uma melhor relação custo-benefício, taxas de operação típicas são da ordem de 1,25, e 2,5 Gb/s (20 quilômetros). Neste trabalho é investigada uma nova topologia que combina as técnicas de auto-alimentação e reuso de comprimento de onda, bem como, utiliza um circuito de dupla cavidade óptica, possibilitando um reforço no apagamento óptico e manutenção do estado da polarização no percurso de recirculação da cavidade externa, objetivando uma melhora na qualidade dos sinais a serem remodulados, possibilitando altas taxas de transmissão e um maior alcance da rede. Nesta topologia, amplificadores ópticos semicondutores refletivos são utilizados como transmissores colorless, por meio da emissão espontânea amplificada, garantido assim uma redução no custo da rede óptica de acesso. Como metodologia adotada, inicialmente foram realizadas caracterizações ópticas no ambiente de simulação, validação da palheta configurada no simulador com resultados experimentais e avaliações da topologia em taxas simétricas de 1,25 Gb/s. Ademais, são conduzidas análises comparativas entre a topologia proposta frente a topologias disponíveis na literatura no estado da arte. Com os resultados obtidos, acredita-se que essa proposta atende aos requisitos de capacidade agregada e custo reduzido, podendo alcançar taxas de transmissão de até 10 Gb/s utilizando transmissores de baixa complexidade, características essenciais para impulsionar a implementação de redes de acesso óptico. / WDM-PON topologies based on colorless transmitters employing self-seeding and wavelength-reuse techniques have attracted a great deal of interest because of its well known efficiency, granularity and reduced cost, when compared to other alternatives in the literature. Nevertheless, the network reach is limited by the use of remodulation scheme. Maintaining an adequate cost-benefit relation requires typical operating rates of the order of 1.25 Gb/s to 2.5 Gb/s over 20 km of SSMF. In the above framework, we investigate a new topology which combines self-seeding and wavelength-reuse techniques, but also employs a scheme to reinforce the data erasure in the optical carrier, simultaneously providing state of polarization (SOP) maintenance in the external cavity recirculation path. The proposed configuration improves the quality of the signals to be remodulated, thus allowing high rate and broader reach. Specifically, in our work, reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers are employed as colorless transmitters, by using their own amplified spontaneous emission as a seed to provide the optical carrier. Optical analysis were performed in a simulation environment, including self-seeding layout validation by comparison to experimental results at the symmetric transmission rate of 1.25 Gb/s. Next, comparative analysis are conducted between the topology proposed in this work and topologies in the state of the art, found in the literature. According to the results, we believed that the proposal meets the requirements of aggregate capacity and reduced cost, being able to reach transmission rates of up to 10 Gb/s by using transmitters of low complexity, essential features to drive optical access networks implementation.
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Laser de fibra dopada com érbio multifuncionalDemori, Cláudia Barros dos Santos 25 August 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-25 / This work shows an Erbium doped-fiber Laser with many frequencies and many
operation regimes based on integration of two paired arrayed waveguide gratings
(AWGs) into a ring cavity. The AWGs are highlighted, since 2000, as key technology
for multifrequencies lasers for optical communications, spectroscopy, image, astronomy
and others applications. Fundamentally, gratings work splitting waveguide signal and
since insertion in the cavity they allow simultaneous operating of tens of wavelength.
We explore each one of these wavelength withing Erbium gain region, doing channels
in different regimes of operation. These regimes may be continuous or pulsed. The
advantage is that each channel may be modulated independently. Simultaneous
operation with high repetition rates at 10 and 40 GHz were demonstrated, as continuous
wave. The laser is stable, versatile and multifunctional. It is possible that more
operating regimes, as passive mode-locking, be explored. We showed by this work
efficient way to passive mode-locking by carbon nanotubes as saturable absorbers.
Soon, the passive mode-locking is a potential regime for the demonstrated laser. As the
new bi-dimensional materials, that look efficient for passive mode-locking and in the
future, hybrid mode-locking, as graphene and black phosphor. / Esta tese trata de demonstrar um Laser de fibra dopada com Érbio com múltiplas
frequências e múltiplos regimes de operação simultâneos baseados na integração de
duas grades de difração pareadas (Arrayed Waveguide Gratings, AWGs) dentro de uma
cavidade de laser de fibra. As AWGs são apontadas, desde o ano 2000, como tecnologia
fundamental em lasers de múltiplas frequencias para as comunicações ópticas, para
espectroscopia, imageamento, astronomia, e outras aplicações. Fundamentalmente, as
grades funcionam como divisores do sinal óptico e quando inseridas dentro da cavidade
de um laser de fibra permitem a operação simultânea de dezenas de comprimentos de
onda. Neste trabalho, exploramos cada comprimento de onda, dentro da região de ganho
do Érbio, com um regime de operação diferente. Esse regime pode ser pulsado ou
contínuo. A vantagem do laser apresentado é que cada comprimento de onda é um canal
que pode ser modulado de forma independente. Pôde-se demonstrar operação
simultânea com regimes a altas taxas de repetição como 10 GHz e 40 GHz, assim como
CW. O laser é estável, versátil e multifuncional. É possível que mais regimes de
operação, como o regime de acoplamento de modos passivo sejam explorados.
Mostramos ao longo deste trabalho maneiras eficientes de acoplar modos passivamente,
utilizando nanotubos de carbono como absorvedores saturáveis, logo a técnica de
acoplamento de modos passivo é um dos regimes em potencial para este laser. Assim
como, o uso de novos materiais bidimensionais, que se mostram eficientes para o
acoplamento de modos passivo e futuramente híbrido, como o grafeno e o fósforo
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