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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Western Balkans and Austrian position on the EU integration of Western Balkans / Western Balkans and Austrian position on the EU integration of Western Balkans

Holopírková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Rozbor oficiálních stanovisek EU k rozšíření EU o země Západního Balkánu (Chorvatsko, Makedonie, Černá Hora, Albánie, BiH, Srbsko, nově Kosovo) ukazuje na zdrženlivost EU k vlastnímu aktu přijetí. Přes všechna prohlášení o vůli přijmout tyto země, tato vyjádření zůstávají spíše proklamací, bez vyhlášení konkrétních dat přijetí těchto zemí do společenství. Na rozdíl od Rakouska, která jako jediná země EU deklaruje co nejrychlejší rozšíření EU o země Západního Balkánu přímo ve vládním programu jako prioritu své zahraniční politiky. Motivace Rakouska je založena na důkladné ekonomické analýze situace, kdy Rakouské investice do těchto zemí jsou nejvyšší ze všech zemí EU. Mezi Rakouskem a zeměmi Západního Balkánu a Rakouskem probíhá čilý obchod i pohyb osob, na který ostatní země EU nejsou ještě připraveny. Překážkou rychlého přijetí se tedy jeví důvody povahy nikoliv ekonomické, ale politické. Evropská unie se shoduje na roku 2008 jako na roku klíčovém v přístupových jednáních. V době publikace této práce ovšem EU nebyla s to jako celek schválit nezávislost Kosova. Minimálně tento bod zůstává otevřen k dořešení v roce 2008 spolu s dalšími body týkajícími se příštího rozšíření. EU má v této chvíli (duben 2008) jasno, že favorizovanými kandidáty pro přístup jsou Chorvatsko, Makedonie a Albánie, zatím bez konkrétního data přístupu.

Företagsbloggen som det upprätthållande kommunikationsverktyget : En kvalitativ studie om företagsbloggar som kommunikationsverktyg

Zahirovic, Emir, Imamovic, Ines January 2017 (has links)
Trovärdigheten för traditionella medier har minskat vilket har lett till att det blivit svårare att kommunicera med kunder och lett till en ökad konkurrens bland företag. I takt med utvecklingen av internet och Web 2.0 blev digitala dagböcker populära som kommunikationsverktyg för företag. Digitala dagböcker har, utifrån problemdiskussionen, identifierats som företagsbloggar bland företag och har inom ramen för Public relations ansetts en lösning på problemet med att kommunicera med kunder. Detta då företagsbloggar präglas av faktorer i form av bland annat förmågan att föra god kommunikation med publiken, skapa relationer, bygga varumärket, differentiera företag från konkurrenter samt som ett bra verktyg för sökmotoroptimering. Vad som dock inte framgår är vilka faktorer som är viktiga för företag att upprätthålla en skapad företagsblogg. Syftet med denna studie är att ur ett företagsperspektiv undersöka och få förståelse för vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att företag ska upprätthålla sin företagsblogg som ett kommunikationsverktyg och syftet leder till frågeställningen: “Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att företag ska upprätthålla sin företagsblogg som ett kommunikationsverktyg?” Studiens urval grundar sig på företag som driver en företagsblogg och är verksamma inom tjänstebranschen och där inom marknadsstrategin business-to-business. Studien består av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod som har genomförts via semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem företag inom ramen för urvalet. Intervjufrågorna formades efter studiens teoretiska ramverk som stod som grund för forskningen och hade huvudspår inom företagsblogg som kommunikationsverktyg, Public relations, relationsmarknadsföring och varumärkesbyggande. Slutligen analyserades empirin och kopplingar gjordes med relevanta teorier. Resultatet visar att kommunicera ut kunskap och information samt att skapa relationer är viktiga faktorer för att företag ska upprätthålla sin företagsblogg som ett kommunikationsverktyg. Resterande faktorer kan variera och beror på företagets storlek och affärsinriktning. / The credibility of traditional media has diminished over the years which has made it harder for companies to communicate with customers as well as it has increased the competition among companies. In line with the development of the internet and Web 2.0, digital diaries became popular as a communication tool for companies to use. Digital diaries have been identified as corporate blogs among companies and has been identified, within the frame of Public relations, as a solution to the communication problem with consumers that companies can deal with. Corporate blogs are characterized by factors such as the ability to communicate with the audience, create relationships, branding, differentiation as well as a good search engine optimization tool. What is not evident, however, is which are the factors that are important to maintain a corporate blog.  The purpose of the study is to, from a business perspective, examine and understand which factors that are important for companies to maintain their corporate blog as a communication tool and the purpose leads to the question at issue: “Which factors are important for companies to maintain their corporate blog as a communication tool?" The selection of the study is based on companies that are running an corporate blog and that are active in the service business industry within the business-to-business marketing strategy. The study consists of a qualitative study and the used method is semi-structured interviews with five companies within the selection of the study. The interview questions were formed in accordance with the theoretical framework of the study, which formed the basis for the research and had headlines in corporate blog as a communication tool, Public relations, relationship marketing and brand building. Finally, the results were analyzed and connections were made with relevant theories of the study. The results show that to communicate knowledge and information, as well as building relationships, are important factors for companies to maintain their corporate blog as a communication tool. The remaining factors may vary and depend on the size of the company and what business orientation the company has.

Impact of curing methods on the strength of copper slag concrete

Kyalika, Cynthia Mumeka 10 1900 (has links)
The eco-friendly alternatives use is increasing momentum in a conscious effort towards sustainability. In this regards, the relevance and the economic value of using copper slag as a concrete aggregate are explored in this study in order to contribute towards metallurgical waste recycling. Emphasis is placed on the evaluation of the concretes strengthening prepared with copper slag contents and produced under four curing methods: water immersion, water spraying, plastic sheet covering and air-drying. In each curing case excluding for water immersion, was duplicated in indoors (i.e. in the laboratory) and outdoor exposure (so was prone to varying environmental conditions). This was specifically aimed at capturing the effects of tropical weather conditions typical of the Lualaba province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The control mix was designed to reach 25 MPa of compressive strength. Copper slag was successively incorporated as sand replacement at the following mass fractions: 20 %, 40 % and 60 %. Freshly mixed concrete samples were evaluated for workability. Cube specimens were cast accordingly, cured for 28 days and then tested for density and compressive strength. Results indicated an increase in strength up to 20 % of replacement rate for all the curing methods. Further additions resulted in reduction in the strength, but the rate of reduction depended on curing conditions. The increase in strength was mainly credited to the physical properties of copper slag that could have contributed to the cohesion of the concrete matrix. It has been found that appropriate ways of curing can still achieve greater results than that of the control mix since 80 % of humidity is ensure. The two-way ANOVA test performed on the 28-days compressive strength values confirmed the significant influence of the curing methods, of copper slag content and the interaction between them. It has been found that considerable influence is attributed to copper slag content and that warm environmental conditions further extend the concrete strengthening. / College of Engineering, Science and Technology / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Assessment of the health needs of the communities served by Kaiser Permanente of Riverside

Van Arsdall, Jennifer 01 January 1996 (has links)
The purpose of this community needs assessment was to explore the unmet health needs in some of the communities of Riverside County, to discover which populations are most adversely affected by these unmet needs, and to determine what barriers hinder individuals from getting their needs met. United Way of the Inland Valleys, in cooperation with Kaiser Permanente of Riverside conducted this study as part of their community based needs assessment.

Propuesta de diseño de pavimentos rígidos para subrasantes arenas limosas susceptibles a erosión en el proyecto Vía de Evitamiento del bajo Piura

Diaz Asencios, Edgar, Espinoza Martinez, Gustavo Adolfo 09 November 2020 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se expone una propuesta de diseño de pavimentos rígidos para subrasantes limo-arenosas susceptibles a erosión con la finalidad de determinar el espesor óptimo de la losa de concreto hidráulico. Este procedimiento fue desarrollado para actuar en zonas donde se presentan fenómenos periódicos y extremos (fenómeno del niño), que ocasionan que el suelo de subrasante pierda su capacidad de soporte hasta alcanzar valores insuficientes (3%≤CBR<6%) a inadecuadas (CBR<3%). La propuesta metodológica usa la guía de diseño AASHTO 1993, resultados de ensayos de métodos de prueba estándar para la relación de soporte de california de laboratorios de suelos compactados y los resultados de ensayos de campo (densidad del suelo por el cono de arena). El procedimiento se desarrolla determinando las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de suelos de subrasantes en su condición operante o natural y evaluando la influencia de los resultados de C.B.R. medidas a densidad natural y al 95%MDS del ensayo de Proctor Modificado como inputs en el diseño. Estos son analizados y comparados en términos de pérdida de capacidad de soporte experimentada en subrasantes en esa condición extrema o crítica y demostrar si en esta condición tiene impacto significativo en el espesor de la losa de concreto hidráulico en términos técnico-económicos. La propuesta es dada como soporte técnico o recomendación técnica para mejorar la práctica de la ciencia del diseño y construcción de caminos viales en el Perú en condiciones similares de fundación y climáticos. / In the present work of investigation, a proposal of design of rigid pavements is exposed with subbasement sandy silts susceptible to erosion to determine the optimum thickness of the slab of hydraulics concrete. This procedure was developed to act in areas where extreme periodic phenomena occur (child phenomenon) that cause the subgrade soil to lose its support capacity until reaching insufficient values (3% ≤CBR <6%) to inadequate (CBR <3 %). The methodological proposal uses the AASHTO 1993 methodology, the test results of standard test methods for the California support relationship of compacted soil laboratories and the results of field tests (soil density by the sand cone). The procedure is developed by determining the physical and mechanical properties of subgrade soils in their operating or natural condition and evaluating the results as inputs in the design. This is analyzed in terms of loss of support capacity experienced in subgrades in that extreme or critical condition and to demonstrate if the impact is significant on the thickness of the hydraulic concrete slab in economic technical terms. The proposal is given as technical support for the practice in road engineering in Peru before the possible problems that could arise due to ignorance in supervisors and designers in similar conditions of foundation and climate. / Tesis

Vodohospodářské řešení ochranné vodní nádrže v povodí Kobylího potoka / Water Management Solution of Retention Function of the Kobylí potok reservoir

Šourek, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is to design proposal protective water management solution reservoirs in the basin Kobylí potok. This thesis consist of the text, hydraulic calculation and graphic.

Návrh modernizace žst. Slavkov u Brna / Design of Modernization of Slavkov u Brna Railway Station

Řehůřek, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the project of modernization of Slavkov u Brna railway station. The main aim is to draft adjustments of the platforms to fulfil the requirements for the movement of people with reduced mobility. To decide which kind of platform is possible to build. Also to plan the adjustments to track bed and platforms taking into consideration what the customer of railway operation had ordered. To draft reconstruction taking into consideration how old and worn-out permanent way and substructure is, with the posibility to increasing track speed.

Porovnání stavu PPP projektů se zahraničím / Comparison of Situation in the Area of PPP Project with Foreign Countries

Belás, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis „Comparison of situation in the area of PPP project with foreign countries“ is an analysis of the issues connected with realization of projects. Part of diploma thesis is a brief description of problems themselves, their pluses and minuses for which the PPP projects are not widely used and the characteristic of various institutions involved in public private partnership. Part of the work is also a short quetionnaire.

Studie rekonstrukce železniční stanice Zruč nad Sázavou / Upgrading of Zruč nad Sázavou Railway Station

Hřib, Oldřich January 2015 (has links)
Primary objective of diploma thesis is design geometrical parameters of tracks at railway station Zruč nad Sázavou for three new platforms with acces options for paralyzed people and preservetion four railway tracks. Other objective is proposition of track drainage and reconstruction superstructure and substructure

Úprava kolového rypadla pro práci na železničním svršku / Conversion of a wheel excavator to work on the railway superstructure

Dohnal, Roman January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis discusses a design of a rail equipment that provides a rail capapility to a classic excavator. Strenght calculation using FEM method and data evaluation is included in. A concept of structure alterations is provided as a result of calculation. Evaluation of compliance with measures of rail operation is also present.

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