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中國大陸財政地方分權對各省市地區房地產價格的影響 / The influence of fiscal decentralization on the real estate price in China林婷婷, Lin, Ting Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文運用1999年至2010年中國大陸31個省市地區商品房平均銷售價格和影響房價的經濟相關變數的追蹤資料,運用雙因子固定效果模型進行實證研究。研究結果發現:中國大陸各地區財政分權程度對各地區房地產價格為非線性的關係,呈現U型的曲線。意即,存在一個財政分權的臨界值可以使房價達到最小的情況。建議中央政府應透過調整各地區的財政分權程度,來避免因財政分權不均而產生財政資源不均問題,造成房地產價格的波動。並加強對地方政府的財政預算與財政收入的監督與管制,以抑止「土地財政」的行為。 / With the economic growth, the real estate market is booming in China recently. But the overheating real estate price and the difference of real estate price between region and region become the important impediment to regional economic development in China. Therefore, the central government how to control the real estate price is an immense problem.
By using the panel data of average selling price of commercialize buildings and the economic variables of 31cities in China between 1999 and 2010, the study uses two-way fixed effects model to investigate the effect of fiscal decentralization on the real estate price in China.
The empirical analysis’ result shows that the fiscal decentralization provides a non-linear effect on the real estate price, it presents the U-shaped curve. In other words, there are a degree of fiscal decentralization can make the real estate price to reach the minimum. According to results, we propose to take some policies. The central government should adjust the degree of fiscal decentralization in each region, in order to avoid the local government financial problem to lead to rise the real estate price.
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Les parcours scolaires des enfants issus de l'immigration maghrébine en France : le cas des quartiers défavorisés de l'Ile de France / The schooling in France of children coming from North Africa : the case of underprivileged area of Région Ile de FranceYacoubi, Abdelilah 25 September 2015 (has links)
Dans l’objectif de rendre intelligible les caractéristiques des parcours scolaires des enfants d’origine maghrébine en France, nous avons mené une étude qualitative et microsociologique dans des milieux défavorisés de l’Île de France. Notre intérêt a porté sur l’appréhension et le démêlage des éléments et des facteurs qui rendent possible ces parcours. Pour ce faire, nous avons opté pour une méthode biographique qui nous a permis de montrer que le profil et le parcours scolaires des jeunes rencontrés résultent d’un processus globale interactif et constructif dont plusieurs éléments, phénomènes et évènements interdépendants s’interfèrent et s’influencent. Ainsi, nos investigations montrent la primordialité de la dimension singulière et individuelle de chaque expérience scolaire. En revanche, la formation et la transformation d’un parcours scolaire ne se limitent ni à cette singularité ni à des conditions générales de vie et de scolarité des enfants d’immigrés maghrébins, mais sont le résultat de l’interaction continue de l’ensemble de ces éléments. Par ailleurs, les configurations et les histoires familiales demeurent un composant substantiel de ces éléments. Enfin, nous avons décelé, chez une importante partie de nos enquêtés et leurs familles, une forte volonté de réussite scolaire, comme seul moyen de leur ascension social. / The purpose of this paper is to give an intelligible account about the schooling characteristics of children living in France and coming from North Africa. We carried out a qualitative and micro-sociological study in underprivileged area of Région Ile de France. We devoted our interest on the apprehension and the disantanglement of the elements and factors making these schoolings possible. In order to achieve this, we opted for a biographical method that permits us to prove that the qualifications and the schoolings of the young people we have met result from a global interactive and constructive process of which several elements, phenomena and interdependent events interfere and influence one another. Thus, our investigations show how essential each school experience is in its uniqueness and its individuality. On the other hand, the formation and transformation of a schooling go beyond this singularity, the general living conditions and schooling of the children born to North African immigrants, but are the result of the continious interaction of all these elements. In addition, the types of families and their histories remain a substantial component of these elements. Finally, we identified among those surveyed and their families a strong will to succeed at school, this being the only way to go up the social ladder.
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The Effects of Social Capital and Open Innovation on R&D Outcomes and Job Satisfaction : A Study of The Indian Deference SectorPatel, Mitra Kumar January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Social Capital and Open Innovation are important for organisational growth, as both of them influence Innovation, Learning and Job Satisfaction. The literature indicates that informal network measured as social capital and formal network measured as open innovation influences positively to organizational innovation performance, learning and job satisfaction. Most of the studies in this area have been carried out using univariate approaches, and only few dimensions of both Social Capital and Open Innovation have been considered. Current literature outlines the positive influence of Social Capital and Open Innovation on Learning, Innovation and Job Satisfaction. In this study, an attempt has been made to develop a multi-dimensional framework for Social Capital and Open Innovation, in order to better understand the nuances of Learning, Innovation and Job Satisfaction in an R&D setting. Another important factor influencing the R&D outcomes is Absorptive Capacity; it is the capacity of the organisation to identify and use external knowledge. The direct and moderating role of Absorptive Capacity has been examined. Both theoretical and conceptual models have been proposed, and a measurement scale in form of a questionnaire has been developed.
Data was collected from 35 organisations across India operating in the field of defence R&D. The sample included Government-run R&D organisations, Public Sector Units (PSUs) and private firms, and total of 331 engineers/scientists responded to the survey. Data was analysed using statistical methods such as Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Common Method Variance (CMV), and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Reliability and validity of the proposed scales for the constructs have been verified using appropriate techniques, and further inferences have been drawn by using regression techniques and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to assess the proposed relationships.
It has been found that both Social Capital and Open Innovation have positive influence on Learning, Innovation and Job Satisfaction. Further, it was found that Absorptive Capacity had a positive association with both Innovation and Learning. However, Absorptive Capacity did not moderate the relationship of Social Capital with both Innovation and Learning, but was found to moderate the relationship between Open Innovation and Innovation, for both outbound and inbound approaches of Open Innovation. Bonding Social Capital had a relatively stronger positive association with Learning, while Bridging Social Capital was found to have a stronger relationship with Innovation.
In summary, networking factors Social Capital and Open Innovation have strong positive association with R&D outcomes measured as innovation performance, learning and job satisfaction.
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Gestion d'énergie d’un véhicule hybride électrique-essence équipé d'un catalyseur par minimisation conjointe consommation-pollution : étude et validation expérimentale / Energy management of gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle equipped with catalytic converter by joint fuel consumption- pollution minimization : study and experimental validationMichel, Pierre 21 April 2015 (has links)
Dans les véhicules hybrides électrique-essence, les stratégies de gestion de l’énergie déterminent la répartition des flux d'énergies des moteurs thermique et électrique avec pour objectif classique la réduction de la consommation. Par ailleurs, pour respecter les seuils réglementaires d’émissions polluantes, les motorisations essence sont équipées d’un catalyseur 3-voies chauffé par les gaz d’échappement. Une fois amorcé, ce catalyseur convertit presque entièrement les émissions polluantes du moteur. C’est donc au démarrage que la plupart de la pollution est émise, lorsque le catalyseur est froid et que la pollution du moteur n’est pas convertie. La chauffe du catalyseur est donc l’étape clé de la dépollution. Ce mémoire propose une démarche de prise en compte des émissions polluantes par la gestion d’énergie. Le véhicule hybride est assimilé à un système dynamique à deux états, l’état de charge batterie et la température du catalyseur. Un problème d’optimisation dynamique est défini, qui minimise un critère original pondérant judicieusement la consommation et les émissions polluantes. La théorie de la commande optimale, avec les Principes du Minimum de Pontryaguine et de Bellman, permet de résoudre ce problème d’optimisation. Des stratégies optimales sont déduites et simulées avec un modèle de véhicule intégrant un modèle thermique multi-zones de catalyseur, validé expérimentalement, qui simule précisément la chauffe. Le compromis entre la consommation et la pollution est exploré. Une stratégie de chauffe du catalyseur, plus méthodique, analytique et efficace que les stratégies empiriques actuelles, est alors proposée. Cette stratégie est validée expérimentalement dans un environnement HyHIL (Hybrid Hardware In the loop). Une importante réduction de la pollution est obtenue, confortant l’approche d’optimisation dynamique pour la mise au point des stratégies de gestion d’énergie du véhicule hybride. / In hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles, the energy management strategies determine the distribution of engine and motor energy flows with fuel consumption reduction as classical objective. Furthermore, to comply with pollutant emissions standards, SI engines are equipped with 3-Way Catalytic Converters (3WCC) heated by exhaust gases. When 3WCC temperature is over the light-off temperature, engine pollutant emissions are almost totally converted. Most of the pollution is produced at the vehicle start, when the 3WCC is cold and the engine pollution is not converted. The 3WCC heating is thus the key aspect of the pollutant emissions. This dissertation proposes an approach to take into account pollutant emissions in energy management. The hybrid electric vehicle is considered as a dynamic system with two states, the battery state of charge and 3WCC temperature. A dynamic optimization problem is defined, minimizing an original criterion weighting judiciously fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. Optimal control theory, with the Pontryaguine Minimum and Bellman principles, allows solving this optimization problem. Optimal strategies are derived and simulated with a vehicle model including a multi-zones 3WCC thermal model, experimentally validated, which simulates precisely the 3WCC heating. The compromise between fuel consumption and pollutant emissions is explored. Then, an innovative 3WCC heating strategy is proposed and validated experimentally in a HyHIL (Hybrid Hardware In the loop) environment. A significant reduction of the pollutant emissions is obtained, strengthening the dynamic optimal approach to set up the energy management strategies for hybrid vehicles.
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Um estudo empírico sobre o uso do boca a boca gerado na internet como comunicação com o clienteSandes, Fábio Shimabukuro 22 February 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-02-22T00:00:00Z / O impacto do boca a boca na Imagem da Marca e no julgamento de produtos (bens e serviços) tem sido estudado há tempos na disciplina de comportamento do consumidor. Com o crescimento da internet como mídia social e meio de comunicação entre consumidores e empresas, o boca a boca ganhou força junto a profissionais e pesquisadores de Marketing. Uma revisão da literatura permitiu traçar um paralelo entre o boca a boca tradicional e o eletrônico. É preciso compreender cientificamente a influência do boca a boca eletrônico no comportamento do consumidor. Para isto, foram realizados dois estudos nesta dissertação, sendo o primeiro um estudo exploratório a partir da realização de entrevistas e aplicação de questionários a consumidores, profissionais de Marketing e especialistas do assunto com o intuito de levantar percepções gerais sobre o tema. Para avaliar estatisticamente as hipóteses propostas nesta dissertação, o segundo estudo foi a realização de um experimento com 168 estudantes, contando com cinco cenários e três tipos de produtos (Vestuário, Cosméticos e Lojas Online). A variável independente foi o Comentário Postado pelo consumidor. Duas foram as variáveis dependentes: Imagem da Marca e Intenção de Compra dela. Para a mensuração da Imagem da Marca se utilizou a escala de Personalidade de Marca de Aaker (1997). No tocante à Intenção de Compra, um concurso foi elaborado para os sujeitos. No início e no final da coleta de dados, os participantes escolhiam as empresas das quais ganhariam um prêmio (vale compra), caso fossem os vencedores. Mediu-se a Intenção de Compra em função da escolha dos consumidores antes e depois do estímulo, sendo comparados, ainda, os resultados dos diferentes cenários. Constatou-se que os comentários negativos e positivos que os consumidores postam na internet têm um impacto significante na Imagem da Marca para outros consumidores nos produtos Vestuário e Loja Online. Mas não foram percebidos impactos destes comentários na Imagem da Marca no produto Cosmético e na Intenção de Compra dos outros consumidores nos três tipos de produtos testados. O Gerenciamento dos Comentários negativos (resposta da empresa a comentário postado pelo consumidor) apresentou uma redução no impacto do comentário na Imagem da Marca para os outros consumidores no produto Loja Online. Contudo, os tons alinhados com Foco Regulatório do consumidor nas respostas das empresas não provocaram diferenças significativas, contra indicando essa concepção teórica como meio de aprimorar os resultados do Gerenciamento dos Comentários. Várias implicações científicas e profissionais interessantes decorrem da pesquisa. Para o praticante, se viu que a internet 2.0 é uma mídia a ser considerada no esforço de comunicação da empresa e que ela deve ser considerada como um canal de comunicação bidirecional. / The impact of Word of Mouth Communication on Brand Image and the evaluation of products (goods and services) has been studied for some time in the discipline of consumer behavior. With the growth of the Internet as a social media and as a means of communication between consumers and enterprises, Word of Mouth has gained strength with Marketing professionals and researchers. A review of the literature draws a parallel between traditional Word of Mouth and its electronic version. It is essential to understand scientifically the influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on consumer behavior. In order to do this, two main studies were made: the first one was an exploratory stage conducted with interviews and questionnaires applied to consumers, marketers, and experts on the subject in order to raise general perceptions on the issue. The second study aims to evaluate statistically the hypotheses proposed in this work and involves an experiment applied to 168 students, considering five scenarios and three types of products (clothing, cosmetics and Online Stores). The independent variable was the Comment Posted by the consumer on the internet. Two were the dependent variables: Brand Image and Purchase Intention. To measure Brand Image, the scale "The Brand Personality" by Aaker (1997) was used. To measure Purchase Intention subjects participated in a contest where they chose, at the beginning and end of data collection, the companies from which they would gain a gift certificate, if they won the contest. Purchase Intention was measured depending on the choice of consumers before and after the stimulus, and compared also the results of different scenarios. It was found that the positive and negative comments that consumers posted on the internet have a significant impact on Brand Image for other consumers of products in Clothing and Online stores. However, there was no perceived impact based on these comments regarding Cosmetic products. No impact was found on other consumers' Purchase Intention. Management of Negative Comments (company's response to comments posted by the consumer on the internet) decreased the negative impact of comments on other consumer's Brand Image on product Online Store and the use of Regulatory Focus Theory on companies' responses did not cause significant differences, counter indicating this theoretical concept as a mean to improve the results of managing the comments posted by the consumer on the internet. Several implications of scientific and professional interest arise from this research. For a Marketing professional, it is evident that internet 2.0 should be considered in the media plan of a company and that it should be treated as a two-way communication channel with consumers.
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Herevaluering van polisiebevoegdhede tot visentering en beslaglegging vervat in die Strafproseswet 51 van 1977Meyer, Pieter William 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / "Free people expect much from their police. In such societies
the police stand at the point of balance on the one hand securing
human rights on the other exercising their lawful powers given
to them by Governments in the name of the people, to protect
people and their institutions" (J Alderson Human Rights and
Police Rights. Publication of the Council of Europe.)
This is no small expectation. It means that the police are
expected to maintain and secure the principles of democracy and
human rights, the principles upon which our Constitution is
based. At the same time it is the duty of a police service to
maintain law and order which sometimes require the exercise of
power and the use of force which on the face of it may appear to
violate human dignity and certain rights and freedoms which a
police force is expected to maintain in a democratic society.
The manner of exercising that power has an impact on the
credibility and effectiveness of the police. Human rights law
internationally accepts that a police service needs to be given
the power to, at times restrict certain individual freedoms in
the interests of the security of the community at large. These
restrictions may take place only in a constitutional way. If it
takes place in an unconstitutional way the courts must have the
right to exclude evidence which is unconstitutionally obtained.
At this stage the courts have to formulate such a qualified
exclusionary rule, but the ultimate goal must be to include such
an exclusionary rule in a future Constitution. / Department of Criminal and Procedural Law / LL.M.
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CRISTIANISMO ETÍOPE A PARTIR DA EXPERIÊNCIA ÉTNICA NARRADA EM ATOS 8, 26-40 / Ethiopian Christianity in the perspective of the account of Acts 8,26-40.Izidoro, José Luiz 08 March 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-03-08 / In recent times, it has become very important to explicitate the Christian experiences that existed in and co-existed with, or even were immersed in the extrapalestinian cultures, and which were protagonists in the project of the proclamation of the Christian kerygma. Those experiences were lived and realized in the period of Early Christianity and, without a doubt, contributed significantly to its expansion process.
We present the passage of Acts 8,26-40, the episode of Philip and the Ethiopia n. What happens here is a dislocation of the missionary-geographical axis from Samaria to the way that
goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza , and reaching back to Caesarea. The text opens up the horizon of Christian experiences to other peoples and nations represented in the figure of the Ethiopian eunuch.
Taking Acts 8,26-40 in its Lucan redaction as a starting point, using exegetical methods and historical-literary resources, based on the theoretical reference to the concepts of ethnicity and ethnic boundaries, we intend to investigate the possibility of a Christian experience lived in Ethiopia, which constructed itself ethnically from the identities that interacted in the text, and which points out to the imaginary of Ethiopia s symbolic universe. Doing so, we reclaim, within
Biblical Exegesis, hermeutical issues for our own theological, biblical, and pastoral practice, on the horizon of the identities and ethnic boundaries of the Africanamerican and Caribian universe. / Torna-se muito importante demonstrar as experiências cristãs que existiram e coexistiram juntas ou/e imersas nas culturas extrapalestinenses e que exerceram protagonismo no anúncio do querigma. São experiências cristãs vividas e realizadas no
período do cristianismo primitivo, e que, sem dúvida, contribuíram significativamente para o seu processo de expansão. Apresentamos a perícope Atos 8,26-40. Trata-se do episódio de Filipe e o Etíope. Acontece um deslocamento do eixo geográfico-missionário de Samaria ao caminho
que desce de Jerusalém a Gaza , retornando a Cesaréia. O texto abre o horizonte das experiências cristãs a outros povos e nações, representadas nesta perícope pela figura do
Etíope eunuco. Partindo de Atos 8,26-40, na perspectiva da redação lucana como ponto de partida, por meio dos procedimentos exegéticos e dos recursos histórico- literários, apoiado no referencial teórico dos conceitos de etnicidade e fronteiras étnicas, nós pretendemos investigar a possibilidade de uma experiência cristã vivenciada na Etiópia, que se constrói etnicamente desde as identidades que interagem na perícope e que apontam ao imaginário do universo simbólico do Etíope. Assim, resgataremos na exegese bíblica pautas
hermenêuticas para a nossa prática teológico-bíblica-pastoral no horizonte das identidades e fronteiras étnicas do universo afro americano e caribenho.
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Selvagens, barbárie e colonos : coletivos indígenas kaingang e o choque com a civilização no Sul do Brasil Meridional contemporâneoSaldanha, José Rodrigo Pereira January 2015 (has links)
Através da etnografia entre interlocutores da etnia kaingang, a tese trata das “lutas” destes em busca de seus “direitos civis”. Esta problemática kaingang vem sendo percebida a partir de suas relações conflitivas com um denominado “mundo dos brancos”. Este conflito é percebido desde o tempo de fugas ancestrais em êxodo, até a contemporaneidade do atual “tempo das retomadas”. Os “brancos”, “não-índios”, ou os não-kaingang, em “idioma” da etnia, os fog, vem consolidando sua “civilização” sobre território kaingang, através de suas “frentes pioneiras” de “colonização” e “expansão”. Se percebeu estruturalmente uma presente colonialidade do poder nas redes de relações entre os fog e os kaingang, que perspassaram tempo e espaço. Um processo inicial de acumulação primitiva de capital, o denominado “colonialismo”, sobre os povos indígenas e seus territórios, passou a um “capitalismo”, de caráter “ordenador”, “progressivo” e “desenvolvimentista”, a partir de uma metafísica fundada em uma economia da “posse”. Estes processos econômicos fog vem sendo aplicados num processo de conquista dos territórios ancestrais da etnia, o Planalto Meridional Brasileiro. O outrora “mundo indígena kaingang”, o mundo dos “tronco-velhos”, de uma totalidade de densas matas, campos e afluentes de água doce em abundância, de seres e coisas, é progressivamente ocupado pelo “mundo dos brancos”, infra-estrutural antrópico, da ordem cultural da “racionalidade”, refletida na “materializada” instrumentalidade técnica baseada na “funcionalidade” de “materiais” e recursos de uma dita “natureza”. Esta instrumentalidade gera um mundo de destruição ambiental, somado a regimes territoriais de “propriedades” dos fog, que restringem a livre circulação dos grupos comunitários kaingang por sobre suas terras até a busca por um total confino destes últimos em “reduções” territoriais. A etnografia acompanhou a “luta pela Terra” dos grupos cosmopolíticos da etnia, onde agentes kaingang mantém um modo de vida baseado em uma cosmologia de “pertença a Terra”, em choque e conflitos com o “mundo dos brancos” e seus agentes fog, que mantém um modo de vida baseado no individualismo, numa lógica dita “racional”, de “mercado” e de “ciência” e “posse” da Terra. Esta “luta pela Terra kaingang” hoje está colocada em reivindicações territoriais da etnia, através de “Territórios Indígenas” garantidos pela Constituição Federal (CF/88), em um território em sua quase totalidade hoje ocupado pelos “empreendimentos” dos fog, “fazendas”, “granjas”, “lavouras de cultivo”, “moradas dos brancos”, “rodovias”, “cidades”, “indústrias” e ou mesmo “parques” e demais “áreas públicas”. / Through Ethnography between interlocutors kaingang ethnicity, the thesis deals with the "struggles" of those in the quest of their "civil rights". Kaingang this problem has been perceived from their conflictual relations with a so-called "white world". This conflict is perceived since the time of ancient trails in exodus until nowadays the current "time of the land retakes". "Whites", "non-Indians", or non-kaingang in "language" of ethnicity, the fóg, has been consolidating its "civilization" on kaingang territory, through its "pioneer fronts" of "colonization" and "expansion". It's been realized structurally a present coloniality of power in networks of relations between fóg and kaingang that came throught time and space. An initial process of primitive accumulation of capital, the so-called "colonialism" over indigenous peoples and their territories became to a "capitalist" character "originator", "progressive" and "developmental", from a metaphysics founded at a cost of "ownership". These fog economic processes has been applied to a conquest process of the ancestral territories of ethnic, the Brazilian Southern Plateau. The once "kaingang indigenous world", the world of "old trunk", a totality of dense forests, fields, and freshwater tributaries in plenty, of beings and things, are gradually occupied by the "white world", infra-anthropic structural, cultural order of "rationality", reflected in the "embodied" technical instrumentality based on the "functionality" of "material" and features a so-called "nature." This creates a world of environmental destruction, coupled with territorial regimes "properties" of the fóg, which restrict the free movement of kaingang community groups over their lands to search for a total confine of the latter in territorial "reductions". Ethnography accompanied the "struggle for land" of cosmopolitic ethnic groups, where kaingang agents maintains a way of life based on a universe of "belonging to Land" in shock and conflicts with the "white world" and their fóg agents, that maintains a way of life based on individualism, in a logic that dictates it's self as "rational", "market" and "science" and "ownership" of the Earth. This "struggle for kaingang Land" today is placed on territorial claims of ethnicity, through "Indian Territory" guaranteed by the Federal Constitution (FC / 88), in a territory almost entirely occupied today by the "projects" of the fóg, "farms","plantations","growing crops","white homes","highway","cities","industries "and or" parks "and other" public areas".
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Respektování zvyklostí a rituálů při ošetřování minorit / Respect for the traditions and rituals of minorities in nursing care.ROLANTOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is culturally diversified nursing care provided to adherents of the selected religious minorities. The theoretical part of the dissertation is concerned with transcultural nursing care and also with the characteristics of the selected religions. The practical part of this dissertation includes processing and evaluation of the data acquired during the conducted research. There were three objectives set at the beginning. The first objective was to explore the particularities of nursing care provided to adherents of the selected religious minorities. In order to achieve the set objective, a method of half-structured interview with representatives of different minorities (Centre of Muslim Communities, Diamond Way Buddhism and Czech Orthodox Church) living in the Czech Republic was utilized. Seven representatives of each minority took part in the interview. The results of the research related to the first objective showed that there is a range of defects when it comes to providing nursing care to adherents of different religion. Hospitalization in particular was one of the main subjects of the whole interview. Most of the respondents had negative experience when it comes to staying in hospital environment. All the negative experience resulted from and was connected to their religion. The interview also disclosed new information needed for providing considerate nursing care. The new information were disclosed as a result of the interview conducted with each minority and relate to catering, hygiene, dying or refusing medical treatment. The second objective was to monitor nurses? experience with multi-cultural nursing care and the last objective was to determine the nurses? awareness of nursing care fields, in which the adherents of the selected religious minorities in the Czech Republic are particular. In order to achieve the objective related to the quantitative part of the research, a method of survey (questionnaire) was utilized. The questionnaire was given to the nurses from all the hospitals in South-Bohemian Region. The results in this part showed experience of nurses with multi-cultural nursing and their knowledge of nursing care fields, in which the adherents of the selected religious minorities are particular. Although the most of the nurses have come across multi-cultural nursing, they still do not know the particularities of the selected religions completely. The analysis of the results shows that providers of nursing care are getting more and more aware of multi-cultural nursing, which will certainly have a positive impact, in the future, on satisfying the needs connected to religion of individual patients. Based on the results of the research, an informational material intended for nurses was prepared, which contains brief descriptions of the selected religious minorities living in the Czech Republic and their particularities in the field of providing culturally considerate nursing care. Furthermore, standards for nursing care were created for each one of the selected religious minorities. Preparation of material for accreditation of educational courses for nurses also took place. The material is focused on multi-cultural nursing and the selected religious minorities. In order to further improve the care provided to the adherents of different religions, a nursing anamnesis draft was created, which also focuses on needs connected to religion.
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Fenomény filosofie výchovy - edukace / Phenomena philosophy of education - educationKOPTYŠOVÁ, Monika January 2018 (has links)
This work concern is about philosophy of upbringing the education. Theoretic part of thesis deals with the education from the perspective of philosophy, education, from the part of the medieval and modern age, to the present day. This work contains the philosophical reflection on philosophic resources of education, which means that education is the basic philosophic step for some alternative way of pedagogic outcomes and for the picture of modern individual and society education and philosophy. The ethic codex and dimensions is also mentioned as a part of educational philosophy. In the second empirical part of this work, we brought an analysis and a deep research by the questionnaire method to answer a question, how high is the awareness of teachers in schools about philosophic education. For the completion of the course and research, we used to study chess. The main goal and aim of this thesis was to achieve and bring to light an answer to question what philosophy, outcomes might be framed for the area of education, upbringing and educate in the present time, what is the basic picture of the individual and the society in the philosophical education and what are the possible ethical dimensions of philosophy education.
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