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Efficient and Effective Model Enumeration in SAT and SMT: Investigating Novel Procedures and ApplicationsSpallitta, Giuseppe 28 January 2025 (has links)
Propositional satisfiability (SAT) has long been a cornerstone of computer science, especially in areas like hardware verification and AI. Whereas solving SAT problems has received significant attention, the task of enumerating all satisfying solutions—known as the All-Solution Satisfiability Problem (AllSAT)—remains comparatively underexplored. This thesis addresses the gap in research on AllSAT and its extension to All-Satisfiability Modulo Theories (AllSMT), where both Boolean and first-order logic atoms come into play. We started by introducing a novel algorithm for enumerating disjoint partial models without introducing blocking clauses, by integrating Conflict-Driven Clause Learning, Chronological Backtracking, and implicant shrinking techniques. We further extend this algorithm to handle projected enumeration and AllSMT, incorporating theory reasoning to address the complexities of richer logical frameworks. Dealing with the enumeration of non-Conjunctive Normal Form (non-CNF) formulas poses significant challenges. Traditional transformations such as Tseitin and Plaisted-Greenbaum hinder the production of small partial satisfying assignments, affecting the effectiveness of enumeration. In this thesis, we discuss a novel approach that combines Plaisted-Greenbaum transformation with Negative Normal Form (NNF) preprocessing, dramatically reducing the overall size of partial assignments and thus improving both efficiency and effectiveness of enumeration.
Beyond the novel procedures mentioned above, we demonstrate the practical applications of AllSAT and AllSMT in several novel domains. These include (i) Weighted Model Integration (WMI), where AllSMT is used to efficiently reduce the number of integrals required by WMI algorithms based on predicate abstraction; (ii) knowledge compilation (KC), where theory lemmas generated from AllSMT prune inconsistent paths to create canonical decision diagrams; and (iii) quantum computing, where SMT and OMT are used to encode prime factorization problems of biprime numbers into D-Wave quantum annealers.
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Confirmatory factor analysis with ordinal data : effects of model misspecification and indicator nonnormality on two weighted least squares estimatorsVaughan, Phillip Wingate 22 October 2009 (has links)
Full weighted least squares (full WLS) and robust weighted least squares (robust
WLS) are currently the two primary estimation methods designed for structural equation
modeling with ordinal observed variables. These methods assume that continuous latent
variables were coarsely categorized by the measurement process to yield the observed
ordinal variables, and that the model proposed by the researcher pertains to these latent
variables rather than to their ordinal manifestations.
Previous research has strongly suggested that robust WLS is superior to full WLS
when models are correctly specified. Given the realities of applied research, it was
critical to examine these methods with misspecified models. This Monte Carlo simulation
study examined the performance of full and robust WLS for two-factor, eight-indicator confirmatory factor analytic models that were either correctly specified, overspecified, or
misspecified in one of two ways. Seven conditions of five-category indicator distribution
shape at four sample sizes were simulated. These design factors were completely crossed
for a total of 224 cells.
Previously findings of the relative superiority of robust WLS with correctly
specified models were replicated, and robust WLS was also found to perform better than
full WLS given overspecification or misspecification. Robust WLS parameter estimates
were usually more accurate for correct and overspecified models, especially at the
smaller sample sizes. In the face of misspecification, full WLS better approximated the
correct loading values whereas robust estimates better approximated the correct factor
correlation. Robust WLS chi-square values discriminated between correct and
misspecified models much better than full WLS values at the two smaller sample sizes.
For all four model specifications, robust parameter estimates usually showed lower
variability and robust standard errors usually showed lower bias.
These findings suggest that robust WLS should likely remain the estimator of
choice for applied researchers. Additionally, highly leptokurtic distributions should be
avoided when possible. It should also be noted that robust WLS performance was
arguably adequate at the sample size of 100 when the indicators were not highly
leptokurtic. / text
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Surface related multiple prediction from incomplete dataHerrmann, Felix J. January 2007 (has links)
Incomplete data, unknown source-receiver signatures and free-surface reflectivity represent
challenges for a successful prediction and subsequent removal of multiples. In
this paper, a new method will be represented that tackles these challenges by combining
what we know about wavefield (de-)focussing, by weighted convolutions/correlations,
and recently developed curvelet-based recovery by sparsity-promoting inversion (CRSI).
With this combination, we are able to leverage recent insights from wave physics towards
a nonlinear formulation for the multiple-prediction problem that works for incomplete
data and without detailed knowledge on the surface effects.
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Investeringskalkyl på självtvätthall för Vetlanda Vägkrog AB / Investment calculation of a self-service car wash facilityÖksuz, Baris, Elvung, John, Tadaris, Sergon January 2014 (has links)
Background and problem: Since the new law took place in 1999, it has been illegal towash a car with substances that can damage the environment on a paved street or on a driveway through a garage. This has conveyed to a new industry where more and more self-service car wash facility have opened around the country. Vetlanda Vägkrog AB has since 2012 been planning to install manual self-service car wash facility at the back of their restaurant business. The authors mission was to make an analysis in order to examine whether an investment of carwashes are lucrative enough for Vetlanda Vägkrog AB. Aim: The study's main objective was to analyze the profitability of an investment in a self-service car wash facility at Vetlanda Vägkrog AB, based on given data. The authors sub-aim was to clarify which factors in general that had played the greatest part in the establishment of a self-service car wash facility. Method: The authors have used an abductive approach in order to fulfill the aim of the study. Furthermore, have the authors used semi-structured interviews in order to gather all empirical data. The interviews were performed on the suppliers, municipal employees and the two owners of Vetlanda Vägkrog AB. The collected data is then explained using theory and henceforth meet the purpose. Conclusion: The results of this study shows that the investment of a self-service car wash facility based on Vetlanda Vägkrog AB conditions is economically efficient and profitable. Net present value method, Pay back and internal rate of return (IRR) is the following methods that the authors consistently have used in order to solve this task. An analysis of three different outcomes were made on the variables that might influence the results, for instance volume and periodic payments has been done in order to get an idea of how sensitive the estimate was. / Bakgrund och problem: Efter den nya lagen som trädde fram 1999 förbjuds tvätt avbilen med ämnen som skadar miljön på en asfalterad gata eller garageuppfart. Detta har medfört till en ny bransch då allt flera självtvätthallar har öppnats runt om i landet. Vetlanda Vägkrog AB har sedan 2012 haft planer på att installera manuella tvätthallar på baksidan av restaurangverksamheten. Vårt uppdrag var att göra en analys där vi granskade om en investering av biltvättar var lukrativt för Vetlanda Vägkrog AB. Syfte: Studiens huvudsyfte var att analysera lönsamheten för en investering i en biltvätthall åt Vetlanda Vägkrog AB, utifrån given data. Delsyftet blev att belysa vilka generella faktorer som hade spelat störst roll vid ett upprättande av en självtvätthall. Metod: För att uppfylla syftet med studien har vi utgått från en abduktiv metod. Vihar genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samlat empiri från leverantörer, kommunalanställda och två av delägarna för Vetlanda Vägkrog AB. Det materialet förklaras sedan med hjälp av teori för att slutligen uppfylla syftet. Slutsats: Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att investering av en självtvätthallutifrån Vetlanda Vägkrog AB förutsättningar är ekonomiskt effektiv och lönsamt. För att lösa uppgiften användes följande metoder payback-metoden, nuvärdemetoden och internräntemetoden.En analys med tre olika utfall gjordes på de variabler som kunde tänkas påverka resultatet, exempelvis volym och särutbetalningar har gjorts för att få en uppfattning påhur känslig kalkylen var. Samtliga utfall påvisade positivt resultat.
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Weighted Automata and Logics on Hierarchical Structures and GraphsDück, Stefan 04 January 2018 (has links)
Formal language theory, originally developed to model and study our natural spoken languages, is nowadays also put to use in many other fields. These include, but are not limited to, the definition and visualization of programming languages and the examination and verification of algorithms and systems. Formal languages are instrumental in proving the correct behavior of automated systems, e.g., to avoid that a flight guidance system navigates two airplanes too close to each other.
This vast field of applications is built upon a very well investigated and coherent theoretical basis. It is the goal of this dissertation to add to this theoretical foundation and to explore ways to make formal languages and their models more expressive. More specifically, we are interested in models that are able to model quantitative features of the behavior of systems. To this end, we define and characterize weighted automata over structures with hierarchical information and over graphs.
In particular, we study infinite nested words, operator precedence languages, and finite and infinite graphs. We show Büchi-like results connecting weighted automata and weighted monadic second order (MSO) logic for the respective classes of weighted languages over these structures. As special cases, we obtain Büchi-type equivalence results known from the recent literature for weighted automata and weighted logics on words, trees, pictures, and nested words. Establishing such a general result for graphs has been an open problem for weighted logics for some time. We conjecture that our techniques can be applied to derive similar equivalence results in other contexts like traces, texts, and distributed systems.
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Weighted Logics and Weighted Simple Automata for Context-Free Languages of Infinite WordsDziadek, Sven 26 March 2021 (has links)
Büchi, Elgot and Trakhtenbrot provided a seminal connection between monadic second-order logic and finite automata for both finite and infinite words. This BET- Theorem has been extended by Lautemann, Schwentick and Thérien to context-free languages by introducing a monadic second-order logic with an additional existentially quantified second-order variable. This new variable models the stack of pushdown au- tomata. A fundamental study by Cohen and Gold extended the context-free languages to infinite words. Our first main result is a second-order logic in the sense of Lautemann, Schwentick and Thérien with the same expressive power as ω-context-free languages. For our argument, we investigate Greibach normal forms of ω-context-free grammars as well as a new type of Büchi pushdown automata, the simple pushdown automata. Simple pushdown automata do not use e-transitions and can change the stack only by at most one symbol. We show that simple pushdown automata of infinite words suffice to accept all ω-context-free languages. This enables us to use Büchi-type results recently developed for infinite nested words.
In weighted automata theory, many classical results on formal languages have been extended into a quantitative setting. Weighted context-free languages of finite words trace back already to Chomsky and Schützenberger. Their work has been extended to infinite words by Ésik and Kuich. As in the theory of formal grammars, these weighted ω-context-free languages, or ω-algebraic series, can be represented as solutions of mixed ω-algebraic systems of equations and by weighted ω-pushdown automata.
In our second main result, we show that (mixed) ω-algebraic systems can be trans- formed into Greibach normal form.
We then investigate simple pushdown automata in the weighted setting. Here, we give our third main result. We prove that weighted simple pushdown automata of finite words recognize all weighted context-free languages, i.e., generate all algebraic series. Then, we show that weighted simple ω-pushdown automata generate all ω-algebraic series. This latter result uses the former result together with the Greibach normal form that we developed for ω-algebraic systems.
As a fourth main result, we prove that for weighted simple ω-pushdown automata, Büchi-acceptance and Muller-acceptance are expressively equivalent.
In our fifth main result, we derive a Nivat-like theorem for weighted simple ω- pushdown automata. This theorem states that the behaviors of our automata are precisely the projections of very simple ω-series restricted to ω-context-free languages.
The last result, our sixth main result, is a weighted logic with the same expressive power as weighted simple ω-pushdown automata. To prove the equivalence, we use a similar result for weighted nested ω-word automata and apply our present result of expressive equivalence of Muller and Büchi acceptance.
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Kleene-Schützenberger and Büchi Theorems for Weighted Timed AutomataQuaas, Karin 24 March 2010 (has links)
In 1994, Alur and Dill introduced timed automata as a simple mathematical model for modelling the behaviour of real-time systems.
In this thesis, we extend timed automata with weights. More detailed, we equip both the states and transitions of a timed automaton with weights taken from an appropriate mathematical structure. The weight of a transition determines the weight for taking this transition, and the weight of a state determines the weight for letting time elapse in this state. Since the weight for staying in a state depends on time, this model, called weighted timed automata, has many interesting applications, for instance, in operations research and scheduling. We give characterizations for the behaviours of weighted timed automata in terms of rational expressions and logical formulas. These formalisms are useful for the specification of real-time systems with continuous resource consumption. We further investigate the relation between the behaviours of weighted timed automata and timed automata. Finally, we present important decidability results for weighted timed automata.
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Methods of Determining the Number of Clusters in a Data Set and a New Clustering CriterionYan, Mingjin 29 December 2005 (has links)
In cluster analysis, a fundamental problem is to determine the best estimate of the number of clusters, which has a deterministic effect on the clustering results. However, a limitation in current applications is that no convincingly acceptable solution to the best-number-of-clusters problem is available due to high complexity of real data sets. In this dissertation, we tackle this problem of estimating the number of clusters, which is particularly oriented at processing very complicated data which may contain multiple types of cluster structure. Two new methods of choosing the number of clusters are proposed which have been shown empirically to be highly effective given clear and distinct cluster structure in a data set. In addition, we propose a sequential type of clustering approach, called multi-layer clustering, by combining these two methods. Multi-layer clustering not only functions as an efficient method of estimating the number of clusters, but also, by superimposing a sequential idea, improves the flexibility and effectiveness of any arbitrary existing one-layer clustering method. Empirical studies have shown that multi-layer clustering has higher efficiency than one layer clustering approaches, especially in detecting clusters in complicated data sets. The multi-layer clustering approach has been successfully implemented in clustering the WTCHP microarray data and the results can be interpreted very well based on known biological knowledge.
Choosing an appropriate clustering method is another critical step in clustering. K-means clustering is one of the most popular clustering techniques used in practice. However, the k-means method tends to generate clusters containing a nearly equal number of objects, which is referred to as the ``equal-size'' problem. We propose a clustering method which competes with the k-means method. Our newly defined method is aimed at overcoming the so-called ``equal-size'' problem associated with the k-means method, while maintaining its advantage of computational simplicity. Advantages of the proposed method over k-means clustering have been demonstrated empirically using simulated data with low dimensionality. / Ph. D.
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Image Classification using Federated Learning with Differential Privacy : A Comparison of Different Aggregation AlgorithmsNygård, Moa January 2024 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to investigate how the addition of a privacy-preserving mechanism to a federated learning model was affecting the performance of the model for an image classification task. Further, it was to get knowledge on how the outlook to use federated learning in the biotech industry is and what possible threats and attacks that could obstruct the utilization of federated learning among competitors. In the project four different aggregation algorithms for federated learning were examined. The methods were weighted fedAvg, unweighted FedAvg, weighted FedProx and unweighted FedProx. The experiment was using tensorflow federated to simulate the different methods. They were evaluated using accuracy, loss, recall, precision and F1 score. The result of this study shows that the performance of the deep neural network model is decreasing as differential privacy is introduced to the process. Out of the four aggregation algorithms used, weighted fedProx was the one that performed the best despite the added noise. It was also concluded that federated learning has potential to be used in the biotechnology industry among competitors, but that there are still security threats and attacks to avoid.
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MR-tomographische Darstellung intracerebraler Blutungen mit und ohne Therapie / Different magnetic resonance imaging of experimentally induced intracerebral hemorrhages with and without therapyMeddour, Miriam 02 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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