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Pohyb pracovních sil v zemích EU - sociálněprávní aspekty / Movement of workers in the EU - social and legal aspectsChernyshkova, Evgeniya January 2010 (has links)
Movement of workers in the EU - social and legal aspects
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Vers une généralisation de la protection sociale en république populaire de Chine / Towards the spreading of social protection coverage in People's Republic of ChinaAtindehou-Laporte, Mélanie 07 November 2017 (has links)
La République Populaire de Chine a connu de nombreuses transformations juridiques économiques et sociales au cours des trois dernières décennies. L'économie socialiste de marché a fait coexister trois secteurs d'activité: public, privé et agricole. Les deux derniers ont fait l'objet d'importantes réformes ces dernières années afin d'être réincorporés dans le champ de la couverture du système de sécurité sociale. Le modèle social chinois a été fortement influencé par celui choisi par la République Française, mais doit aujourd'hui faire face à de nombreux enjeux tels que la migration interne de la population, le vieillissement de la population, la pollution, et la santé publique. Si l'accès à la sécurité sociale est considéré comme un droit fondamental par la Constitution, il n'en demeure pas moins que la loi sur la sécurité sociale entrée en vigueur le 1er juillet 2011 conditionne ce droit au développement économique et social de l'échelon local. Ainsi, il s'agit d'un droit socio-économique du citoyen chinois. La première partie de la thèse analyse les évolutions historiques et juridiques de la dualité actuelle de la couverture sociale entre le régime urbain et rural introduite par le système du hukou (livret de famille). L'analyse de la dualité actuelle de la protection sociale permet d'identifier précisément l'impact de la transformation de l'idéologie communiste du travail sur l'assujettissement à la protection sociale. Les travailleurs du secteur public et privé sont assujettis au régime urbain. Le régime des indépendants est limité au geti gongshang hu (travailleur individuel). La dualité du financement de la protection sociale impacte l'assiette des cotisations sociales tant en matière de sécurité sociale que de protection sociale complémentaire, qui conditionne l'accès aux prestations sociales des différents régimes sociaux et l'éventuel complément opéré par la protection sociale complémentaire. La première partie conclue à une situation d'exclusion encore massive de certaines catégories socio-professionnelles et ce principalement dû à la généralisation relative et à la coordination actuelle de la couverture sociale sur l'ensemble du territoire. Cette partie tient également compte de la réforme évolutive de la notion d’État de droit, dont le succès sera déterminant pour la réussite future de la généralisation de la couverture de la protection sociale. La généralisation future de la couverture de la protection sociale tient compte des contraintes géographiques et juridiques internes. La coordination de la protection sociale mise en place par l'Union Européenne et la France et ses territoires d'outre-mer sont pris comme modèle de transplantation pour tous les risques sociaux, tout en prenant en considération les caractéristiques chinoises, et les contraintes économiques et sociales internes. Enfin, la volonté du gouvernement chinois de réformer la couverture sociale implique de « dé »-multiplier les régimes particuliers. Une proposition de refonte du système de protection sociale notamment à travers la suppression de la dualité introduite par le système du hukou et l'assujettissement à la couverture sociale serait déterminé en fonction du travail réalisé par le travailleur (salarié ou indépendant) et de son secteur d'activité (public, privé ou agricole). L'opportunité de créer un régime propre aux travailleurs agricoles et aux indépendants, est également évoquée, ainsi que la nécessité d'aligner le secteur public sur celui du privé. / On the last three decades, the People's Republic of China (P.R.C) has been through legal, economic and social transformations. The economic transformation from the previous centrally planned economy to a social market economy has impacted the employment situation and Chinese legal system. China has been under deep legal reforms in order to maintain a social coverage for employees and workers in urban areas. The Chinese social security system has undergone reforms to universalize the pension insurance coverage of the population. It has to face some challenges such as: internal migration, ageing of the population, pollution and public health. If the access to Social Security is considered as a Human Right by the article 45 of the Constitution of the PRC, the current social insurance law implemented on July 1, 2011 linked the implementation of this right to the local economic and social development. Chinese citizens have a socioeconomic right to access social security. In April 2009, the Central government announced its wills to universalize the health coverage to the whole population for 2020. Giving this information, the thesis answers the following questions: Does the Chinese Social Security extend its social coverage as defined in the Convention n°102 of the International Labor Organization in 1952? How the current first pillar of social protection influences the development of the second pillar of Social protection in the P.R.C? The first part of the thesis analyses the historical and legal evolution of the social coverage introduced by the hukou system. The hukou system is the population household which divided between those belonging to the rural area and those residences in the urban area. The social coverage of urban workers has been impacted by the transformation of communist ideology of work from Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping. The urban resident can be divided into three categories of schemes such as: and workers' schemes for the public sector and the private sector. The independent worker scheme is only covering the geti gongshang hu on a voluntary basis. The social assistance for urban residents is following the same evolution of the asocial assistance for rural residents. The analysis of the funding is an important element to understand the good governance of Chinese social protection and how the government decided to distribute the social benefits to the population. The author finds that a part of the population is still excluded from the social coverage due to the lack of spreading of the social coverage, and its implementation to the lower local level. The current legal reform of the Rule of Law, will have an important impact on the extension of the social coverage for both pillars. The second part of the thesis moves on the legal reform needed to extend the social coverage as defined in the Convention n°102 of the International Labor Organization in 1952. In order to achieve this goal, the Chinese government needs to take into account four characteristics, such as the geographic and the legal system. The social protection coordination implemented in the Republic of France and European Union is taken as a transplantation example into the Chinese legal system. The economic and social development of China are two other characteristics which need to be considered before reforming the extension of social coverage. The author follows the current wills of the State Council and scholars on repealing the hukou system for accessing social security. The social coverage will be then determined by the worker status. In fact, this reform proposal involves the creation of a social rural scheme dedicated to workers, who are currently limited to social assistance scheme for rural residents. The opportunities to conform the public sector scheme with the private sector scheme, to extend employees social coverage to self-employed scheme are also discussed.
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The Enlightenment of Swedish Child Welfare to China : A Comparative Study of Swedish and Chinese Child WelfareXiao, Li January 2021 (has links)
Social welfare is the product of the development of human society. Western countries began to build their own welfare systems in the late 19th century. Child welfare is also their focus. The child welfare system can affect the development trend of a country, and it is also directly related to the physical and psychological development of children, especially the orphans. After the United Nations promulgated the Convention on the Rights and Interests of the Child in 1989, governments of various countries have also actively improved their country's child welfare system under the framework of the CRC. Especially in Western countries, the government has invested a lot of money to solve child poverty, improve child welfare, and create a good growth environment for children in the country. Sweden has institutions dedicated to child welfare and a relatively complete child welfare system. The government has a high proportion of financial support for the entire welfare system.Swedish child welfare covers all stages of a child from birth to completion of 2university. In China, due to the constraints of the national system and national development, the child welfare system started late. Although the government has gradually begun to pay attention to the growth environment and welfare of children in recent years, the development of China's child welfare system is still in its initial stage, mainly for the assistance of orphans and disabled children, and it is also a supplementary welfare stage. This article analyzes the child welfare systems of the two countries through an in-depth comparison of the historical development, administrative structure, content, and capital investment of the child welfare systems in Sweden and China. On the basis of consulting the laws and government regulations on child welfare in the two countries and the welfare-related data collected by the government, the development and current situation of the child welfare systems in Sweden and China are summarized. Through comparison with Sweden, it pointed out the gap between China's child welfare system and Sweden, and put forward reasonable reform suggestions, such as improving the legal system, increasing the government's financial investment, and reforming the establishment of administrative institutions.
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Addressing the Impact of Trauma in the Child Welfare System: Perspectives from the Centers of Excellence for Children in State Custody. The Healthiest TN Enduring Accomplishments that Matter four Our FutureMoser, Michelle, Dean, K., Hoffman, M., Ebert, J. 13 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Addressing Child Welfare Challenges in Rural China: An Assessment of the Child Welfare Director System and Possible Lessons from JapanZhang, Rongxin 31 August 2022 (has links)
China’s rapid urbanization and mass migration over the past several decades has resulted in approximately 69 million children being left-behind in the countryside. Many of these children suffer from problems linked to a lack of parental care and emotional support, including physical and psychological abuse, neglect, truancy, and even malnutrition. In 2010, the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs and UNICEF piloted a “child welfare director (CWD)” model in Chinese 120 hinterland villages aimed at empowering community members to fill the gaps in child welfare provision and to improve the well-being of disadvantaged children in rural areas. Since 2019 the Chinese government has strived to implement the CWD system across the country. Informed by a theoretical framework that encompasses the concepts of child development, family support, and child welfare models in China and Japan, this study investigates the implementation and further development of the CWD system. A comparative analysis of the Japanese commissioned welfare volunteer and chief child welfare volunteer system is also utilized to explore possible lessons for the Chinese circumstances. The research findings highlight the crucial coordination function of the CWD system in incorporating families, schools, government bureaus, and various social sectors into a synergetic network to connect fragmented child welfare resources and services to support disadvantaged children and families. Analysis of the Japanese approach sheds light on the further development of the CWD system in terms of consolidating the partnership between CWDs and schools, promoting the cooperation between CWDs and social welfare institutions, as well as strengthening the professionalism of CWDs. This research also examines the involvement of civil society in child welfare provision in contemporary China. For program planners and policymakers, this thesis emphasizes the central role of governments at various levels, along with the important though limited contributions of non-government sectors, in providing more financial, human, and training resources to support the implementation of the CWD system to enhance child welfare provision in rural China. A key recommendation arising from this research is to establish a new specially designated government department with responsibility for all relevant child welfare issues. The thesis also speaks to the wider issue of promoting rural revitalization and rural-urban integration to address the specific challenges of left-behind children in the Chinese countryside. / Graduate
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Texas Child Welfare System needs to protects its workersYoo, Jean Jihyei 11 December 2013 (has links)
Texas Child Protective Services has been struggling with keeping its workers. The turnover rate, which measures the frequency of workers quitting and entering the agency, has been extremely high since the 1980s. In 2012, CPS reported that about one-fourth of its skilled workers are leaving the agency. This puts extra burden on the remaining workers, eventually leading them to resign as well. To fix the turnover issue, the state of Texas initiated a major reform in CPS in 2006. Although the reform succeeded in improving the quality of work environment and other areas, it failed to bring down the turnover rate. To identify why the statewide reform had failed, former caseworkers share their experiences with the agency to reveal what causes the high turnover, the detrimental effects it has on children, and what should be done to reduce the rates. / text
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"Colonization is such a personal process" : colonialism, internalized abuse, and healing in Lee Maracle's Daughters Are ForeverVranckx, Sylvie 11 1900 (has links)
In Canada, almost everybody is familiar with stereotypes about ‘Native social dysfunction’. Canada’s present-day “Imaginary Indian” (Francis) is indeed associated with substance and welfare dependence as well as family violence and neglect. However, the mainstream tends not to wonder about the actual social suffering behind the image and about the causes of these supposed patterns. In Daughters Are Forever, the Sto:lo / Squamish writer and activist Lee Maracle deconstructs these racist clichés by emphasizing the impact of the colonial process on real-life Native populations. Through a Sto:lo social worker’s attempts to understand how colonial policies have affected Aboriginal motherhood, Maracle demonstrates the roots of Indigenous social ills in collective traumas inflicted over several centuries and transmitted intergenerationally. The conclusion of the protagonist, Marilyn, that “[c]olonization is such a personal process” (216) summarizes the ways in which collective trauma and cultural genocide largely condition individual traumas and grief. Her parallel journeys to help an Anishnaabe woman patient, prevent the abductions of Native Canadian children by mainstream welfare services, and mend her own toxic relationship with her daughters further demonstrate the interrelatedness of Indian policy, patriarchal institutions, and personal and familial spiritual illnesses. They also enable Maracle to show the dangerous ethnocentrism of mainstream psychology and the need to create cross-cultural methodologies and therapies appropriate to the diverse Native North American cultures. By depicting the “unresolved human dilemmas” (Preface 11) of Aboriginal characters, she strives to create social change by drawing her readers into her stories to shock them into awareness.
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"Colonization is such a personal process" : colonialism, internalized abuse, and healing in Lee Maracle's Daughters Are ForeverVranckx, Sylvie 11 1900 (has links)
In Canada, almost everybody is familiar with stereotypes about ‘Native social dysfunction’. Canada’s present-day “Imaginary Indian” (Francis) is indeed associated with substance and welfare dependence as well as family violence and neglect. However, the mainstream tends not to wonder about the actual social suffering behind the image and about the causes of these supposed patterns. In Daughters Are Forever, the Sto:lo / Squamish writer and activist Lee Maracle deconstructs these racist clichés by emphasizing the impact of the colonial process on real-life Native populations. Through a Sto:lo social worker’s attempts to understand how colonial policies have affected Aboriginal motherhood, Maracle demonstrates the roots of Indigenous social ills in collective traumas inflicted over several centuries and transmitted intergenerationally. The conclusion of the protagonist, Marilyn, that “[c]olonization is such a personal process” (216) summarizes the ways in which collective trauma and cultural genocide largely condition individual traumas and grief. Her parallel journeys to help an Anishnaabe woman patient, prevent the abductions of Native Canadian children by mainstream welfare services, and mend her own toxic relationship with her daughters further demonstrate the interrelatedness of Indian policy, patriarchal institutions, and personal and familial spiritual illnesses. They also enable Maracle to show the dangerous ethnocentrism of mainstream psychology and the need to create cross-cultural methodologies and therapies appropriate to the diverse Native North American cultures. By depicting the “unresolved human dilemmas” (Preface 11) of Aboriginal characters, she strives to create social change by drawing her readers into her stories to shock them into awareness.
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Rozvod manželství a finanční situace neúplné rodiny jako sociální událost / Divorce and Financal Situation of Single-Parent Families as a Social eventPolková, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis defines problematics of divorce rate and especially the financial situation of an incomplete family. The thesis focuses on a legal aspect of a divorce. It also defines means which are offered by the legislation of Czechia in order to ameliorate financial situation of an incomplete family. Concurrently, the thesis introduces selected approaches which can be used by social workers when working with an individual, a family or a social group. The empirical investigation depicts approaches used by social workers in sample situations. The empirical investigation was used to obtain information on workload of social workers in both state and private sector. Additionally, the data from the sample set includes information on interdisciplinary cooperation when addressing the needs of incomplete families.
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Evaluation en santé mentale chez les adolescents placés : L’épidémiologie à la relance de la pédopsychiatrie dans le champ de l’enfance en danger / Evaluation of mental health among adolescents in "out-of-home care" : Epidemiolgy in the help of child psychiatry in the child welfare systemBronsard, Guillaume 02 October 2012 (has links)
250 000 enfants sont impliqués dans les dispositifs de l'Aide Sociale à l'Enfance ; 135 000 sont placés. Ils devraient présenter des taux élevés de troubles mentaux car la raison principale qui conduit au placement, le dysfonctionnement familial sévère et durable, est aussi un facteur de risque largement reconnu au développement de la plupart des troubles mentaux survenant dans l'enfance. Les rares études d'épidémiologie pédopsychiatrique réalisées auprès de cette population spécifique et repérable dans quelques pays anglo-saxons et germaniques, affirment effectivement des taux dépassant volontiers les 50%. Ces enfants sont paradoxalement peu pris en charge par les dispositifs de pédopsychiatrie, car la place des parents, ici défaillants, y est en général essentielle et l'articulation entre les professionnels des champs socio-éducatif et médico-psychologique est médiocre. Le contact avec les services de pédopsychiatrie se fait volontiers par les urgences en situation de crise comportementale. Après avoir décrit l'histoire de la « protection de l'enfance » et de la pédopsychiatrie, notamment leur construction concomitante et entremêlée à partir du 19ème siècle, nous analysons les points favorisant et défavorisant leur rencontre. Nous envisageons aussi les possibilités et les freins à la recherche scientifique en milieu socio-éducatif. Nous présentons ensuite les résultats de deux études menées auprès d'adolescents placés en foyers du département des Bouches-du-Rhône : une étude de prévalence des troubles mentaux et une étude de leur Qualité de la Vie et des liens de ces valeurs avec les troubles mentaux. / 250 000 children and adolescents are involved in the child welfare system in France. 135 000 are living in « out-of-home care ». These children should have high rates of mental disorders because the severe familial dysfonction which drive them in these social institutions is a wellknown risk factor for the main mental disorders too. Prevalence studies of mental disorders among this very specific population are rares and have been held in anglo-saxon or germanics countries. They show mental disorders rates above 50%. However, their access to regular mental services is weak, because of failing parents and the poverty of the partnerships between social workers and child mental health professionals. These adolescents often meet child psychiatry through emergency during a behavioral crisis. We describe, in a first part, the history of child welfare system and of the child psychiatry, in particular through their co-construction since the 19th century. We analyze the elements influencing their partnerships. We examine too the difficulties to organize scientific research in the field of the child welfare. We presents, then, the results of two studies among adolescents living in residential group homes in the county of Bouches-du-Rhône (France) : a prevalence of mental disorders study and a Quality of Life study including the links between these values and the mental disorders. Results show mental disorders rates five times more frequents than in general population, and much more among girls, with specific psychopathologic profiles and an irregular expression of mental health needs degrading the screening. These data are the first in France.
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