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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'universitarisation de la formation infirmière : nouveaux savoirs, nouveaux profils d'étudiants et infirmiers / Nursing training becomes a university degree : new knowledge, new student and nurse profiles

Rigot, Sylvie Dibon 24 September 2018 (has links)
En formation infirmière, la mise en place du référentiel universitaire a entrainé une modification du recrutement des étudiants, de leurs parcours en formation et des professionnels formés. La majorité des étudiants en réussite sont issus de filières générales et en proportion moindre en promotion professionnelle. D’autres étudiants, majoritairement issus de filières technologiques, ont des difficultés pour entrer dans la formation, la suivre, voire ne peuvent être diplômés. Cette recherche a visé à identifier les causes de ces différences. Elle s’est centrée sur les rapports aux savoirs et à l’écriture des étudiants Un corpus de données a été constitué: écrits d’évaluation des étudiants (unité d’intégration, travail de fin d’étude) et entretiens auprès d’étudiants et de professionnels « nouveaux diplômés » et « recruteurs ». La mise en relation des analyses des corpus confirme l’accroissement par l’universitarisation des inégalités scolaires identifiées dans le secondaire du fait des contenus des formations menant aux différents baccalauréats. La construction de la différenciation au sein de la formation actuelle tient dans une large mesure à la confrontation entre les pratiques institutionnelles et les différences de « rapport à » (au savoir, au langage, à l’écrit et à l’écriture, mais aussi au métier) chez les étudiants, différences liées à leurs modes de socialisation scolaires ou non scolaires. Ainsi, le référentiel de formation universitaire n’a que partiellement atteint les effets escomptés par l’acquisition de nouveaux savoirs et une réflexion différente sur la posture professionnelle. En revanche, le rapport à l’écrit est resté une difficulté majeure pour certains étudiants. Elle montre que cette situation n’est pas irréversible. Une meilleure formation des formateurs ainsi qu’une clarification de leurs missions permettraient de prendre en compte dans la formation les obstacles qu’une partie des étudiants rencontrent. Cependant, cette mesure prise isolément semble insuffisante. En effet, il est aussi essentiel d’interroger l’évolution des compétences attendues par la profession, et au-delà la nécessité de former un seul profil de personnel soignant. / The introduction of the university curriculum framework into nursing training has led to a change in the recruitment of students, their training courses and the type of professionals it trains. The majority of successful students come from general high school pathways and a smaller number are retraining. Other students, mostly from technology pathways, have difficulties being accepted onto, following, or finally graduating from the training course. This research has aimed to identify the causes of these differences, and focused on the students’ approach to knowledge. A corpus of data was compiled: written student assessments (integration unit, final year research paper), interviews with students, “newly qualified” nurses and "recruiters". Comparing the analyses of corpus confirms the increase, due to university, in educational inequalities which are identified in secondary school owing to the course content leading up to the different baccalaureates. The existence of this differentiated within the current training programme is largely due to the confrontation between different institution’s teaching practices and the differences in “approach towards” (knowledge, language, writing, but also the profession) that is taken by the students as well as differences linked to their type of social interaction, in or out of school. In this way, the university training syllabus has partially achieved the desired effect through the acquisition of new knowledge and a different way of thinking about the profession. The attitude towards writing remains a major difficulty for some students. It is shown that this situation is not irreversible. Better training of the training staff, as well as clarification of their task, would make it possible to take into consideration the difficulties experienced by some students during their training. However, this measure alone would seem insufficient. Indeed, it is also essential to evoke the evolution of the skills expected by the profession, and subsequently the requirement to train only one kind of health carer profile.

L'autre, l'autrefois et l'ailleurs : poétique de la rupture dans l'oeuvre littéraire de Colum McCann / Other, erstwhile and elsewhere : the poetics of rupture in Colum McCann's literary work

Maudet, Cécile 04 December 2015 (has links)
Colum McCann a débuté sa carrière d’écrivain dans les années 1990, alors que la société et l’économie irlandaises étaient en pleine mutation. Bien qu’il soit parti vivre aux États-Unis dès la fin des années 1980, il ne s’est pas pour autant désintéressé des questions sociales de son pays natal, comme en témoignent ses textes littéraires et ses nombreuses colonnes dans la presse irlandaise. Il semble que son immersion dans un autre contexte lui a permis d’ouvrir les frontières géographiques et culturelles de ses textes. L’auteur varie en effet l’espace de ses intrigues et leur période historique, et sa prose échappe à toute tentative de catégorisation générique. Mû par sa curiosité, il développe toujours plus avant son intérêt pour l’altérité. Dans cette thèse nous mettons au jour les modalités de la rupture dans l’oeuvre de McCann, et ce qu’elles produisent. Paradoxalement, le traitement de la rupture permet l’inclusion du lecteur au sein même du texte, et inscrit l’oeuvre sur les scènes littéraires et politiques nationales et transnationales. La production de l’auteur estconstamment redéfinie par son engagement citoyen, qui transparaît notamment dans l’importance accordée aux voix de la marge, habituellement éclipsées par le métarécit historique. / Colum McCann started his career as a writer in the 1990s, a period that was characterized by drastic social and economic changes in Ireland. Although he left Ireland for the United-States by the end of the 1980s, he did not lose touch with the social questions of his native country, which is emphasized in his literary texts and his numerous articles in the Irishpress. It seems that his immersion into another environment enabled him to enlarge the geographical and cultural scopes of his texts. The author’s work is neither rooted in any defined space, nor limited to any historical period, and it is not predefined by sets of literary movements or modes. McCann is guided by his curiosity instead, and always writes to fulfilhis interest in alterity. In this doctoral thesis, we highlight the modalities of rupture in his work, as well as their functions. Paradoxically, the treatment of rupture is precisely what allows the reader into the text, as well as what allows the text onto national and transnational literary and political scenes. The author’s production is constlantly redefined by his engagement as a citizen. This is particularly conveyed by the importance he grants to the marginal voices usually eclipsed by metahistorical texts.

Vers une généralisation de la protection sociale en république populaire de Chine / Towards the spreading of social protection coverage in People's Republic of China

Atindehou-Laporte, Mélanie 07 November 2017 (has links)
La République Populaire de Chine a connu de nombreuses transformations juridiques économiques et sociales au cours des trois dernières décennies. L'économie socialiste de marché a fait coexister trois secteurs d'activité: public, privé et agricole. Les deux derniers ont fait l'objet d'importantes réformes ces dernières années afin d'être réincorporés dans le champ de la couverture du système de sécurité sociale. Le modèle social chinois a été fortement influencé par celui choisi par la République Française, mais doit aujourd'hui faire face à de nombreux enjeux tels que la migration interne de la population, le vieillissement de la population, la pollution, et la santé publique. Si l'accès à la sécurité sociale est considéré comme un droit fondamental par la Constitution, il n'en demeure pas moins que la loi sur la sécurité sociale entrée en vigueur le 1er juillet 2011 conditionne ce droit au développement économique et social de l'échelon local. Ainsi, il s'agit d'un droit socio-économique du citoyen chinois. La première partie de la thèse analyse les évolutions historiques et juridiques de la dualité actuelle de la couverture sociale entre le régime urbain et rural introduite par le système du hukou (livret de famille). L'analyse de la dualité actuelle de la protection sociale permet d'identifier précisément l'impact de la transformation de l'idéologie communiste du travail sur l'assujettissement à la protection sociale. Les travailleurs du secteur public et privé sont assujettis au régime urbain. Le régime des indépendants est limité au geti gongshang hu (travailleur individuel). La dualité du financement de la protection sociale impacte l'assiette des cotisations sociales tant en matière de sécurité sociale que de protection sociale complémentaire, qui conditionne l'accès aux prestations sociales des différents régimes sociaux et l'éventuel complément opéré par la protection sociale complémentaire. La première partie conclue à une situation d'exclusion encore massive de certaines catégories socio-professionnelles et ce principalement dû à la généralisation relative et à la coordination actuelle de la couverture sociale sur l'ensemble du territoire. Cette partie tient également compte de la réforme évolutive de la notion d’État de droit, dont le succès sera déterminant pour la réussite future de la généralisation de la couverture de la protection sociale. La généralisation future de la couverture de la protection sociale tient compte des contraintes géographiques et juridiques internes. La coordination de la protection sociale mise en place par l'Union Européenne et la France et ses territoires d'outre-mer sont pris comme modèle de transplantation pour tous les risques sociaux, tout en prenant en considération les caractéristiques chinoises, et les contraintes économiques et sociales internes. Enfin, la volonté du gouvernement chinois de réformer la couverture sociale implique de « dé »-multiplier les régimes particuliers. Une proposition de refonte du système de protection sociale notamment à travers la suppression de la dualité introduite par le système du hukou et l'assujettissement à la couverture sociale serait déterminé en fonction du travail réalisé par le travailleur (salarié ou indépendant) et de son secteur d'activité (public, privé ou agricole). L'opportunité de créer un régime propre aux travailleurs agricoles et aux indépendants, est également évoquée, ainsi que la nécessité d'aligner le secteur public sur celui du privé. / On the last three decades, the People's Republic of China (P.R.C) has been through legal, economic and social transformations. The economic transformation from the previous centrally planned economy to a social market economy has impacted the employment situation and Chinese legal system. China has been under deep legal reforms in order to maintain a social coverage for employees and workers in urban areas. The Chinese social security system has undergone reforms to universalize the pension insurance coverage of the population. It has to face some challenges such as: internal migration, ageing of the population, pollution and public health. If the access to Social Security is considered as a Human Right by the article 45 of the Constitution of the PRC, the current social insurance law implemented on July 1, 2011 linked the implementation of this right to the local economic and social development. Chinese citizens have a socioeconomic right to access social security. In April 2009, the Central government announced its wills to universalize the health coverage to the whole population for 2020. Giving this information, the thesis answers the following questions: Does the Chinese Social Security extend its social coverage as defined in the Convention n°102 of the International Labor Organization in 1952? How the current first pillar of social protection influences the development of the second pillar of Social protection in the P.R.C? The first part of the thesis analyses the historical and legal evolution of the social coverage introduced by the hukou system. The hukou system is the population household which divided between those belonging to the rural area and those residences in the urban area. The social coverage of urban workers has been impacted by the transformation of communist ideology of work from Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping. The urban resident can be divided into three categories of schemes such as: and workers' schemes for the public sector and the private sector. The independent worker scheme is only covering the geti gongshang hu on a voluntary basis. The social assistance for urban residents is following the same evolution of the asocial assistance for rural residents. The analysis of the funding is an important element to understand the good governance of Chinese social protection and how the government decided to distribute the social benefits to the population. The author finds that a part of the population is still excluded from the social coverage due to the lack of spreading of the social coverage, and its implementation to the lower local level. The current legal reform of the Rule of Law, will have an important impact on the extension of the social coverage for both pillars. The second part of the thesis moves on the legal reform needed to extend the social coverage as defined in the Convention n°102 of the International Labor Organization in 1952. In order to achieve this goal, the Chinese government needs to take into account four characteristics, such as the geographic and the legal system. The social protection coordination implemented in the Republic of France and European Union is taken as a transplantation example into the Chinese legal system. The economic and social development of China are two other characteristics which need to be considered before reforming the extension of social coverage. The author follows the current wills of the State Council and scholars on repealing the hukou system for accessing social security. The social coverage will be then determined by the worker status. In fact, this reform proposal involves the creation of a social rural scheme dedicated to workers, who are currently limited to social assistance scheme for rural residents. The opportunities to conform the public sector scheme with the private sector scheme, to extend employees social coverage to self-employed scheme are also discussed.

L'Organisation des Nations Unies et la protection de l'environnement / The United Nations and the protection of the environment

Kaygusuz, Mehtap 25 March 2016 (has links)
La mondialisation de la dégradation de l’environnement a conduit, dès la fin des années 1960, à l’intervention de l’Organisation des Nations Unies dans ce domaine, en dépit de l’absence de référence explicite dans la Charte des Nations Unies à l’environnement. Cette absence n’a pas empêché l’ONU de devenir le principal acteur de l’universalisation de la protection de l’environnement. Cette universalisation marquée par le caractère universel de l’Organisation et des enjeux environnementaux se trouve dès lors au cœur des rapports entre l’ONU et la protection de l’environnement. La présente étude analyse d’une part le cadre de l’universalisation de la protection de l’environnement et d’autre part la portée juridique de cette dernière qui se façonne dans une relation dynamique et complexe, influençant à la fois l’Organisation et l’objet de la protection. / The globalisation of environmental degradation has led in the late 1960s to the intervention of the United Nations in this area, despite the lack of any explicit reference to the environment in the United Nations Charter. This absence has not prevented the UN to become the main actor in the universalisation of the protection of the environment. This universalisation, marked by the universal character of the Organisation and environmental issues, is therefore at the heart of the relationship between UN and the protection of the environment. This study analyses on the one hand the framework of universalisation of the protection of the environment and, on the other, its legal scope which is shaped in a dynamic and complex relationship, influencing both the Organisation and the object of its protection.

Perspectivas e limites da Lei de Diretrizes Nacionais de Saneamento Básico: um estudo sobre a aplicação dos principais instrumentos e determinações da lei nº 11.445/07, nos municípios da região metropolitana de Belém-Pará / Perspectives and limitations of the Law of National Directives for Basic Sanitation: a study of the application of the principle instruments and determinations of law nº 11.445/07, in the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Belém-Pará.

Farias, Rosa Sulaine Silva 03 June 2011 (has links)
Após mais de 20 anos de tentativas para definir um marco regulatório para o setor de saneamento no Brasil, foi finalmente editada a Lei nº 11.445, no dia 05 de janeiro de 2007, que estabeleceu diretrizes nacionais para o saneamento básico. Essa lei definiu instrumentos e regras para o planejamento, a fiscalização, a prestação e a regulação dos serviços de saneamento no país. Entretanto, os desafios para implementação desse novo ordenamento jurídico do setor são grandes, considerando que, no Brasil, ainda persistem problemas como: falta de consenso quanto à titularidade dos serviços; grande déficit de atendimento de água e esgoto nos municípios pequenos e nas periferias dos grandes centros; enormes desigualdades regionais no acesso aos serviços de água e esgoto; falta de sustentabilidade econômica da maioria dos prestadores públicos dos serviços por meio das tarifas cobradas e investimentos públicos limitados na expansão e manutenção dos sistemas de água e esgoto, diante da falta de capacidade de pagamento da população pobre. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a aplicação dos principais instrumentos e regras da Lei nº 11.445/2007 nos municípios da Região Metropolitana de Belém à luz das realidades locais dos serviços de água e esgoto, visando a contribuir para o avanço dos processos de universalização, gestão, planejamento e regulação dos serviços de saneamento nos municípios brasileiros, trazidos pelo novo ordenamento jurídico do setor. Há a hipótese de que os principais instrumentos e regras da Lei nº 11.445/2007 não são compatíveis, nem coerentes, com as múltiplas realidades dos serviços de água e esgoto no Brasil, sendo, por isso, de difícil aplicação para alguns municípios brasileiros. Foi utilizada a triangulação de métodos para comprovar a hipótese desta tese, ou seja, o uso de métodos mistos para aferir o mesmo objeto e, dessa forma, aumentar a validade dos resultados relativos a esse objeto. O estudo apontou que a regulação local, por meio de Agências Reguladoras; a universalização dos serviços de água e esgoto a curto e médio prazo; a elaboração de Planos Municipais de Saneamento Básico, dentro do novo prazo estipulado pelo governo federal; e a garantia da qualidade na prestação dos serviços, expressos na lei, são difíceis de serem realizados nos municípios da Região Metropolitana de Belém, devido, principalmente, à precariedade latente em que se encontram os serviços de água e esgoto nesses municípios. / After more than 20 years of attempts to define a regulatory guide for the sanitation sector in Brazil, law no. 11.445 was finally created on the 5th of january, 2007, establishing national guidelines for basic sanitation. This law defined intruments and rules for the planning, surveillance, rendering and and regulation of sanitation services in the country. However, grand challenges exist in the implementation of this new judicial order, due to the persistance, in Brazil, of problems such as the following; lack of consensus regarding the ownership of services; a great deficit in water and sewage services in small municipalities and in the margins of the big centres; enormous regional inequalities in access to water and sewage services; lack of economic sustainability of the majority of public service providers through tariffs charged; and limited public investments in the expansion and maintenance of water and sewage systems, faced with the lack of the poor population\'s capacity to pay. This work intended to analyse the application of the principle determinations of law no. 11.445/2007 in the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Belém in light of the local realities of the water and sewage services, with a view to contribute to the advancement of the processes of management, planning and regulation of sanitation services in the Brazilian municipalities brought by the new judicial order of the sector. This work departs from the hypothesis that the principal instruments and rules of law no. 11.445/2007 are not compatible, neither are they coherent, with the multiple realities of the water and sewage services in Brazil, and are, due to this, inviable for application in some Brazilian municipalities. A triangulation of methods was used to prove the hypothesis of this thesis, or rather, a mixture of methods were used to assess the same object of study and, in this way, increase the validity of the outcomes relative to this object. The study indicated that: local regulation, by means of Regulatory Agencias; the universalisation of water and sewage services in the short and medium-term; the elaboration of Municipal Plans of Basic Sanitation, within the new deadline stipulated by federal govenment; and the guarantee of quality in service provision, expressed in the law, are difficult to implement in the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Belém, due, principally, to the latent instability in which the water and sewage services in the municipalities find themselves.

Perspectivas e limites da Lei de Diretrizes Nacionais de Saneamento Básico: um estudo sobre a aplicação dos principais instrumentos e determinações da lei nº 11.445/07, nos municípios da região metropolitana de Belém-Pará / Perspectives and limitations of the Law of National Directives for Basic Sanitation: a study of the application of the principle instruments and determinations of law nº 11.445/07, in the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Belém-Pará.

Rosa Sulaine Silva Farias 03 June 2011 (has links)
Após mais de 20 anos de tentativas para definir um marco regulatório para o setor de saneamento no Brasil, foi finalmente editada a Lei nº 11.445, no dia 05 de janeiro de 2007, que estabeleceu diretrizes nacionais para o saneamento básico. Essa lei definiu instrumentos e regras para o planejamento, a fiscalização, a prestação e a regulação dos serviços de saneamento no país. Entretanto, os desafios para implementação desse novo ordenamento jurídico do setor são grandes, considerando que, no Brasil, ainda persistem problemas como: falta de consenso quanto à titularidade dos serviços; grande déficit de atendimento de água e esgoto nos municípios pequenos e nas periferias dos grandes centros; enormes desigualdades regionais no acesso aos serviços de água e esgoto; falta de sustentabilidade econômica da maioria dos prestadores públicos dos serviços por meio das tarifas cobradas e investimentos públicos limitados na expansão e manutenção dos sistemas de água e esgoto, diante da falta de capacidade de pagamento da população pobre. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a aplicação dos principais instrumentos e regras da Lei nº 11.445/2007 nos municípios da Região Metropolitana de Belém à luz das realidades locais dos serviços de água e esgoto, visando a contribuir para o avanço dos processos de universalização, gestão, planejamento e regulação dos serviços de saneamento nos municípios brasileiros, trazidos pelo novo ordenamento jurídico do setor. Há a hipótese de que os principais instrumentos e regras da Lei nº 11.445/2007 não são compatíveis, nem coerentes, com as múltiplas realidades dos serviços de água e esgoto no Brasil, sendo, por isso, de difícil aplicação para alguns municípios brasileiros. Foi utilizada a triangulação de métodos para comprovar a hipótese desta tese, ou seja, o uso de métodos mistos para aferir o mesmo objeto e, dessa forma, aumentar a validade dos resultados relativos a esse objeto. O estudo apontou que a regulação local, por meio de Agências Reguladoras; a universalização dos serviços de água e esgoto a curto e médio prazo; a elaboração de Planos Municipais de Saneamento Básico, dentro do novo prazo estipulado pelo governo federal; e a garantia da qualidade na prestação dos serviços, expressos na lei, são difíceis de serem realizados nos municípios da Região Metropolitana de Belém, devido, principalmente, à precariedade latente em que se encontram os serviços de água e esgoto nesses municípios. / After more than 20 years of attempts to define a regulatory guide for the sanitation sector in Brazil, law no. 11.445 was finally created on the 5th of january, 2007, establishing national guidelines for basic sanitation. This law defined intruments and rules for the planning, surveillance, rendering and and regulation of sanitation services in the country. However, grand challenges exist in the implementation of this new judicial order, due to the persistance, in Brazil, of problems such as the following; lack of consensus regarding the ownership of services; a great deficit in water and sewage services in small municipalities and in the margins of the big centres; enormous regional inequalities in access to water and sewage services; lack of economic sustainability of the majority of public service providers through tariffs charged; and limited public investments in the expansion and maintenance of water and sewage systems, faced with the lack of the poor population\'s capacity to pay. This work intended to analyse the application of the principle determinations of law no. 11.445/2007 in the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Belém in light of the local realities of the water and sewage services, with a view to contribute to the advancement of the processes of management, planning and regulation of sanitation services in the Brazilian municipalities brought by the new judicial order of the sector. This work departs from the hypothesis that the principal instruments and rules of law no. 11.445/2007 are not compatible, neither are they coherent, with the multiple realities of the water and sewage services in Brazil, and are, due to this, inviable for application in some Brazilian municipalities. A triangulation of methods was used to prove the hypothesis of this thesis, or rather, a mixture of methods were used to assess the same object of study and, in this way, increase the validity of the outcomes relative to this object. The study indicated that: local regulation, by means of Regulatory Agencias; the universalisation of water and sewage services in the short and medium-term; the elaboration of Municipal Plans of Basic Sanitation, within the new deadline stipulated by federal govenment; and the guarantee of quality in service provision, expressed in the law, are difficult to implement in the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Belém, due, principally, to the latent instability in which the water and sewage services in the municipalities find themselves.

Cooperação judiciária internacional: homologação de sentença estrangeira

Pinto, Ricardo Henrique Lopes 26 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Henrique Lopes Pinto.pdf: 637415 bytes, checksum: ab1f3d7aa69158df10bcf6b49ce8c99c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-26 / International judicial cooperation is collaboration or mutual assistance provide to each other, with the purpose of predicting, outside the territory of the requesting State, the various steps necessary for the development of a process or research. Is still act of reciprocity which involves a series of enactments, such as communications and activities relating to procedural statement, citation, notification, subpoena, supervision, examination, assessment, surveys, investigations, outlive witnesses, among others. The objective of this study, this concept, determine the most relevant aspects of international judicial cooperation, linked to their pleas relating to issues of State sovereignty, cooperation itself, universalisation of access to justice, respect for public order and reciprocity. These elements are understood as fundamental to the idea of building a genuine international cooperation not only that consolidated in treaties and conventions but, above all, one that consolidates international relations more harmony and balance / A cooperação judiciária internacional é a colaboração ou assistência mútua que os Estados prestam uns aos outros, com a finalidade de poder adiantar, fora do território próprio do Estado solicitante, as diversas diligências necessárias para o desenvolvimento de um processo ou investigação. É, ainda, ato de reciprocidade que envolve a realização de uma série de atos, tais como comunicações e atividades referentes à instrução processual, citação, notificação, intimação, fiscalização, exames, avaliação, inquéritos, averiguações, oitiva de testemunhas, dentre outros. O presente estudo objetiva, à vista desse conceito, determinar os aspectos mais relevantes da cooperação judiciária internacional, vinculados aos seus fundamentos referentes às questões da soberania estatal, da cooperação propriamente dita, da universalização do acesso à justiça, do respeito à ordem pública e da reciprocidade. Estes elementos são compreendidos como fundamentais à idéia de construção de uma verdadeira cooperação internacional, não somente aquela consolidada em tratados e convenções, mas, sobretudo, aquela que consolida relações internacionais mais harmônicas e equilibradas

O direito ao desenvolvimento e sua recepção pelo ordenamento jurídico interno como direitos humanos: uma abordagem a partir da teoria econômica humanista e da universalização do direito

Ribeiro, Daniela Menengoti Gonçalves 22 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniela Menengoti Goncalves Ribeiro.pdf: 2224404 bytes, checksum: d8a69eb063204dae5f8882bd610e9cb6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-22 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research investigates the aspects of incorporating treaties within the internal sphere, more specifically international conventional standards that focus on the right to development, taking into consideration that this right has a nature of human rights and that, under such a perspective, it should be approved differently than common international treaties. To this end, the contemporary concept of development is taken as a basis, since it is related to human and social criteria, and not simply to economic criteria. In this way, the standards aimed at improving the welfare of the population and individuals that is, aimed at the achievement of the human being in its fullness are understood from the perspective of the right to development. Considering such aspects, the general characteristics of international treaties will be addressed with focus on the peculiarities of the judicial procedures in the incorporation of international human rights treaties. It is concluded that treaties involving the right to development should be incorporated into domestic law with constitutional and hierarchical status and direct and immediate applicability. This thesis is supported on the basis of the humanistic economic theory and the internationalization of human rights, which recognizes the right to development as a universal right of full satisfaction of man / Esta pesquisa investiga os aspectos da incorporação dos tratados no plano interno, mais especificamente de normas convencionais internacionais que versem sobre o direito ao desenvolvimento, considerando que o mesmo possui natureza de direitos humanos e que, sob tal perspectiva, deve ser recepcionado diferentemente dos tratados internacionais comuns. Para tanto, toma-se como base o conceito contemporâneo de desenvolvimento, que o relaciona a critérios sociais e humanos, e não simplesmente a critérios econômicos. Assim, são compreendidas na perspectiva do direito ao desenvolvimento as normas que visem à melhoria e ao bem-estar da população e dos indivíduos ou seja, que visem à realização do ser humano em sua plenitude. Considerando tais aspectos, serão abordadas as características gerais dos tratados internacionais, tendo como escopo as peculiaridades da processualística de incorporação dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos. Conclui-se que as tratativas que envolvam direito ao desenvolvimento devem ser incorporadas ao direito interno com status hierárquico constitucional e aplicabilidade direta e imediata. Defende-se esta tese com base na teoria econômica humanista e da internacionalização dos direitos humanos, em que se reconhece o direito ao desenvolvimento como direito universalista, de satisfação integral do homem

Projection multilingue d'annotations pour dialogues avancés

Julien, Simon 12 1900 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, les applications intégrant un module de dialogues avancés sont en plein essor. En revanche, le processus d’universalisation de ces systèmes est rapidement décourageant : ceux-ci étant naturellement dépendants de la langue pour laquelle ils ont été conçus, chaque nouveau langage à intégrer requiert son propre temps de développement. Un constat qui ne s’améliore pas en considérant que la qualité est souvent tributaire de la taille de l’ensemble d’entraînement. Ce projet cherche donc à accélérer le processus. Il rend compte de différentes méthodes permettant de générer des versions polyglottes d’un premier système fonctionnel, à l’aide de la traduction statistique. L’information afférente aux données sources est projetée afin de générer des données cibles parentes, qui diminuent d’autant le temps de développement subséquent. En ce sens, plusieurs approches ont été expérimentées et analysées. Notamment, une méthode qui regroupe les données avant de réordonner les différents candidats de traduction permet d’obtenir de bons résultats. / For a few years now, there has been an increasing number of applications allowing advanced dialog interactions with the user. However, the universalization of those systems quickly becomes painful : since they are highly dependent on the original development language, each new language to integrate requires an additionnal and significative time investment. A matter that only gets worse considering quality usually rests on the size of training set. This project tries to speed up the overall process. It presents various methods to generate multilingual versions of a first functionnal system, using statistical machine translation. Information from the source data is projected to another language in order to create similar target data, which then reduces the upcoming development time. Many approaches were tested and analysed. In particular, a method that regroups data in clusters before reordering the associated translation candidates shows promising results.

Projection multilingue d'annotations pour dialogues avancés

Julien, Simon 12 1900 (has links)
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