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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calibrations et stratégies de commandes tomographique pour les optiques adaptatives grand champ : validations expérimentales sur le banc HOMER

Parisot, Amelie 24 October 2012 (has links)
L'optique adaptative (OA) permet de corriger en temps réel les déformations du front d'onde induites par la turbulence atmosphérique. Cependant, cette technique aujourd'hui mature connaît une limitation fondamentale : l'anisoplanétisme. Pour y pallier, différents concepts d'OA grand champ ont été développés. La turbulence est alors mesurée dans plusieurs directions afin de l'estimer tomographiquement. Ces systèmes soulèvent des problématiques spécifiques, telles que leurs processus d'étalonnage et leur contrôle temps réel au moyen de lois de commande tomographiques. Mes travaux de recherche ont consisté à modifier et optimiser le banc OA grand champ de l'Onera pour ensuite y implanter et comparer différentes loi de commande tomographiques envisagées pour les futurs instruments. Pour cela, une caractérisation et une implantation de nouveaux composants ont été effectuées, et j'ai développé une procédure d'identification de paramètres système dans un objectif double: alignement du banc et optimisation de lois de commande. Quatre lois de commande, explorant la diversité des solutions proposées, sont ensuite étudiées, du simple reconstructeur moindre carré à la commande optimale linéaire quadratique gaussienne, en passant par des approches de type pseudo boucle ouverte ou miroir déformable virtuel. Pour chacune, une optimisation des facteurs de réglage est effectuée, et une performance en fonction du champ est établie, ce pour plusieurs valeurs de rapport signal à bruit. Les résultats expérimentaux sont mis en regard avec les résultats obtenus par simulation, et les lois de commande sont comparées ensuite en terme de performance, robustesse et simplicité de mise en œuvre. / Adaptive Optics (AO) provides a real-time correction of the atmospheric turbulence effects. This technique is now well mastered; nonetheless it is limited by the anisoplanatism effect. Wide Field AO concepts have been developed to overcome this limitation. Turbulence is probed in several directions in order to perform a tomographic reconstruction of the turbulent volume. These complex systems raise critical challenges such as tomographic control and calibrations.My PhD work is focused on implementation and comparison of different tomographic control schemes developed in the perspective of future systems, after an optimisation of the Onera wide field AO bench. Calibration and integration of new components have been performed, and I have developed a method to identify system parameters with a twofold goal: bench alignment and control laws optimisation. Four control schemes have been studied, exploring the proposed solutions, from the simplest least-square to the optimal linear quadratic gaussian solutions including virtual deformable mirror and pseudo open loop approaches. In each case, an optimisation of tuning factors is performed and low and high noise conditions are explored, for several different fields of views. Experimental results are compared to numerical ones and control laws are analyzed in term of performance, robustness and implementation simplicity.

Estudos de sistemas poliméricos naturais e sintéticos utilizando técnicas avançadas de microscopia / Study of natural and synthetic polymer systems by advanced microscopy techniques

Chimenez, Tiago Andrade 13 May 2016 (has links)
O bagaço de cana-de-açúcar é um abundante coproduto obtido a partir da produção convencional de etanol. No entanto, o bagaço vem se mostrando como uma importante fonte para a produção de etanol de segunda geração. No primeiro capítulo da tese é apresentado um estudo referente à distribuição espacial dos compostos na matriz de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar. A investigação foi realizada utilizando microscopia de fluorescência confocal e espectroscopia por excitação com um e dois fótons. Imagens de autofluorescência em combinação com as medidas de fluorescência e tempos de vida forneceram uma gama de informações necessárias para a caracterização de amostras de bagaço. Além disso, a técnica permite o acompanhamento de processos relacionados com a remoção de lignina. A nanocelulose cristalina (NCC) é um material promissor devido as suas propriedades intrínsecas, tais como seu formato alongado, medindo de 1 a 100 nm de diâmetro e seu comprimento variando de algumas dezenas a centenas de nanômetros. No capítulo 2, a nanocelulose cristalina foi obtida através da hidrólise da celulose cristalina (de Avicel®) com ácido sulfúrico. Em seguida, o material foi caracterizado por técnicas de microscopia SEM e TEM, confirmando a morfologia em forma de haste e a estrutura de tamanho nanométrico. A microscopia de campo largo convencional foi utilizada como ferramenta na caracterização da NCC dispersa em soluções poliméricas de PVA e PVP. A última parte do capítulo 2 descreve a caracterização de estruturas de NCC usando a microscopia de super-resolução de fluorescência STED (depleção de emissão estimulada). As imagens mostraram uma resolução de até 50 nm, permitindo a comparação com resultados de TEM e AFM. No capítulo 3, a nanocelulose cristalina foi covalentemente marcada com o corante ATTO-532, através da chamada reação \"click\". As propriedades relacionadas com o coeficiente de difusão da NCC foram determinadas por espectroscopia de correlação de fluorescência (FCS). Em uma etapa posterior, a NCC foi colocada em diferentes soluções do polímero PEG, contendo quantidades diferentes. As propriedades dinâmicas foram analisadas por métodos de FCS e WFM. O uso de técnicas de espectroscopia e microscopia revelou detalhes relacionados à heterogeneidade das dispersões de NCC, as quais estão relacionadas com as propriedades hidrofílicas e hidrofóbicas das soluções poliméricas. / The sugarcane bagasse is an abundant co-product obtained from the conventional production of ethanol. However, sugarcane bagasse has been proving to be an important source to the production of second-generation ethanol. In the first chapter, the spatial distribution of compounds in the sugarcane bagasse matrix was investigated by confocal fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy with one and two-photon excitation. Autofluorescence images in combination to spectral emission and lifetime measurements provided a tool for the characterization of natural bagasse samples. Moreover, the technique allows the following of processes related to the lignin removal. Nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) is a promisor material because of its properties, such as rod-shape with 1-100 nm in diameter, and tens to hundreds of nanometres in length. In the Chapter 2, NCC was obtained via sulphuric acid hydrolysis from Avicel®. Afterwards, the material was characterized by classic electronic microscopy SEM and TEM, confirming the rod-shaped morphology and the nano-sized structure. Conventional wide field microscopy was used as fluorescence microscopy tool in the characterization of NCC, when dispersed in polymeric solutions of PVA and PVP. The last part of the chapter 2 describes the characterization of NCC structures by using the super-resolution fluorescence microscopy STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion). The STED images showed a resolution down to 50 nm, allowing the comparison with TEM and AFM microscopy results. In the Chapter 3, the NCC was covalently labelled, by a click-chemistry reaction, with the ATTO-532 dye. Properties related to diffusion coefficient of NCC were determined by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) method. Afterwards, NCC was placed into a solution of PEG, containing different amounts polymer. The dynamic properties were evaluated by FCS and WFM methods. The use of spectroscopy and microscopy imaging techniques revealed heterogeneity details of NCC dispersions, which are related to the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of the polymer solution. A better understanding of polymer systems is achieved by investigation of diffusion properties, that allows the comprehension of rheological parameters, and, consequently, in polymer processing and assembly of plastics, films, and fibres. In the Chapter 4 is presented a study where fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and wide-field fluorescence microscopy (WFM) were used to follow changes in the diffusion coefficients of growing polymer chains, during the controlled radical polymerization process. Linear and star-shaped polystyrene were grown via nitroxide-mediated polymerization (NMP) from alkoxyamine-based initiators containing a highly fluorescent perylene diimide moiety. This study demonstrates that direct investigation of heterogeneity emerging during a controlled radical polymerization process by means of fluorescence of single-molecule chain initiator allows unravelling information related to the diffusion processes of the growing polymer chain.

Morphometric measurements of the retinal vasculature in ultra-wide scanning laser ophthalmoscopy as biomarkers for cardiovascular disease

Pellegrini, Enrico January 2016 (has links)
Retinal imaging enables the visualization of a portion of the human microvasculature in-vivo and non-invasively. The scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO), provides images characterized by an ultra-wide field of view (UWFoV) covering approximately 180-200º in a single scan, minimizing the discomfort for the subject. The microvasculature visible in retinal images and its changes have been vastly investigated as candidate biomarkers for different types of systemic conditions like cardiovascular disease (CVD), which currently remains the main cause of death in Europe. For the CARMEN study, UWFoV SLO images were acquired from more than 1,000 people who were recruited from two studies, TASCFORCE and SCOT-HEART, focused on CVD. This thesis presents an automated system for SLO image processing and computation of candidate biomarkers to be associated with cardiovascular risk and MRI imaging data. A vessel segmentation technique was developed by making use of a bank of multi-scale matched filters and a neural network classifier. The technique was devised to minimize errors in vessel width estimation, in order to ensure the reliability of width measures obtained from the vessel maps. After a step of refinement of the centrelines, a multi-level classification technique was deployed to label all vessel segments as arterioles or venules. The method exploited a set of pixel-level features for local classification and a novel formulation for a graph cut approach to partition consistently the retinal vasculature that was modelled as an undirected graph. Once all the vessels were labelled, a tree representation was adopted for each vessel and its branches to fully automate the process of biomarker extraction. Finally, a set of 75 retinal parameters, including information provided by the periphery of the retina, was created for each image and used for the biomarker investigation.

Photoluminescence Intermittency of Semiconductor Quantum Dots in Dielectric Environments

Issac, Abey 14 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The experimental studies presented in this thesis deal with the photoluminescence intermittency of semiconductor quantum dots in different dielectric environments. Detailed analysis of intermittency statistics from single capped CdSe/ZnS, uncapped CdSe and water dispersed CdSe/ZnS QDs in different matrices provide experimental evidence for the model of photoionization with a charge ejected into the surrounding matrix as the source of PL intermittency phenomenon. The distribution of the dark state lifetimes can be described by a power law over a wide range while that of bright state can be described by a power law at shorter times followed by an exponential decay. The lifetimes of the bright and dark states are influenced by the dielectric properties of the surrounding environment. Our experimental results show that the lifetime of the dark state increases with the dielectric constant of the matrix. This is very clear from the linear correlation between αoff and f (ε). We propose a self-trapping model to explain the increase of dark state lifetimes with the dielectric constant of the matrix. A charge will be more stabilized in a medium with high dielectric constant. An energetically more favourable state for an electron in a high dielectric medium decreases the return probability which eventually increases the duration of the off-time. Moreover, the self-trapping model establishes a general model for distribution of states in a matrix. We like to mention, that in the case of bright states, a qualitative observation is the cross over of the on-time power law behavior to an exponential one. The power law part of the decay is nearly matrix independent while the exponential decay, which limits the maximum on-time, strongly depends on dielectric properties of the environment. The exponential part of the on-time probability decays much faster in a high dielectric medium and there exists a linear relation between the time constant of the exponential decay and f (ε). Theoretical background has been provided for the observed results using the recently published DCET model which correlates PL intermittency of QDs with properties of the environment. This supports our previous conjecture of a general model for matrix controlled blinking process. The disagreement between experimentally observed dependence of αoff and f (ε) for different matrices with that of the static tunnelling model proposed by Verberk is due to the fact that the tunneling model considers only an electron transfer between a QD and spatially distributed trap states in vacuum. These states are already stabilized states. It does not assume any medium in between. Therefore, matrix dependent blinking kinetics can not be explained quantitatively by tunneling model even though tunneling between a QD and spatially distributed trap states gives a power law distribution for the blinking kinetics. DCET is a more general (dynamic) model. The bright and dark state parabolas contain QD, charge and the matrix. Therefore, this model could in principle explain matrix dependent blinking kinetics in a better way, for example, the energy difference between the minima of the bright and dark state parabolas (-ΔG0) is defined by the stabilization energy of the system provided by the matrix. However, due to lack of the relevant intrinsic parameters we did not compare this relationship and dependence qualitatively. / Betrachtet man die Fluoreszenz einzelner Farbstoffmoleküle oder Halbleiternanokristalle bei kontinuierlicher Anregung, so stellt man fest, dass die im Zeitverlauf beobachtete Intensität einer stochastischen Variation unterliegt, d. h. dass das Chromophor zwischen emittierenden und nicht emittierenden Zuständen, auch Hell- und Dunkelzuständen genannt, hin- und herschaltet. Dieses als Blinken bekannte Phänomen ist physikalisch wie auch technologisch herausfordernd, lässt es doch einerseits die Realisierbarkeit einer Reihe von quantenoptischen Anwendungen, so z. B. auf dem Gebiet der Quantenkryptographie, dem Quantum Computing oder der optischen Schaltungstechnik auf Basis einzelner Quantenobjekte, in naher Zukunft möglich erscheinen. Andererseits setzt es gewissen Anwendungen, die auf die permanente Sichtbarkeit des Chromophors aufbauen, Grenzen, so zum Beispiel der Verwendung als Lumineszenzmarker in der medizinischen Diagnostik. Weiterhin ist festzustellen, dass das Blinken kritisch von den äußeren Bedingungen und von den Umgebungsparametern abhängt. Aus diesen und anderen Gründen ist ein fundamentales Verständnis der physikalischen Ursachen und der Wechselwirkungsprozesse unerlässlich. Die Forschung dazu steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen. Basierend auf umfangreiche Messungen der Fluoreszenzzeitreihen einzelner Nanokristalle aus CdSe und CdSe/ZnS in verschiedenen Umgebungen, zeigt diese Dissertation exemplarisch den Einfluss der Dielektrizitätsparameter auf das Blinken. Zur Erklärung des Sachverhalts wird ein so genanntes Self-Trapping-Modell zu Rate gezogen. Demnach kommt es zu einer Ionisation des Quantenobjekts und anschließender Ladungstrennung, woraufhin die abgetrennte Ladung für eine gewisse Zeit in der Umgebung lokalisiert bleibt. Die Dauer der Lokalisierung und damit der emittierenden und nicht emittierenden Perioden hängt von der dielektrischen Funktion des umgebenden Materials ab. Dies ist als direkter Nachweis für den photoinduzierten Ladungstransfer als Ursache des Fluoreszenzblinkens zu deuten. Die Arbeit demonstriert, dass die experimentellen Zeitreihen die charakteristischen Merkmale eines diffusionsgesteuerten Ladungstransferprozesses besitzen und nimmt dabei den gegenwärtigen wissenschaftlichen Diskurs über geeignete theoretische Modelle des Fluoreszenzblinkens auf.

Rétines courbes : une approche bio-inspirée de simplification et miniaturisation des systèmes infrarouge / Curved retina : a bio-inspired approach to simplify and miniaturize infrared systems

Dumas, Delphine 08 December 2011 (has links)
Si dans les caméras actuelles, les matrices de photodétection sont planes, dans la nature, aucune surface focale n'est plane : la rétine est soit concave (œil humain), soit convexe (œil d'insecte). Ces architectures offrent deux solutions de miniaturisation et de simplification des systèmes de détection, qui ont fait l'objet des travaux de cette thèse. La courbure concave du détecteur permet de supprimer l'aberration de courbure de champ qui est particulièrement présente dans les instruments grand champ. L'étude théorique de cette solution, étayée par des applications concrètes, a permis de démontrer la simplification des architectures accessibles par cette approche, ainsi que les améliorations en termes de performances optiques. La courbure convexe permet quant à elle de miniaturiser les systèmes grand champ, en s'inspirant de l'œil composé des petits invertébrés. Cette architecture, constituée de groupes de pixels reliés par une métallisation souple, a été réalisée sur une matrice de détecteurs infrarouge en CdHgTe. Les composants obtenus sont fonctionnels et comparables en termes de performances aux valeurs standard. Ils ouvrent à la voie à des architectures grand champ extrêmement compactes. L'originalité du travail a porté sur la mise en forme sphérique de composants monolithiques, dont la couche active n'est pas modifiée, permettant ainsi de produire des systèmes avec un taux de remplissage de 100%. Après une étude de la souplesse d'échantillons de silicium aminci, le procédé de courbure a été transféré sur des composants fonctionnels: circuit de lecture Si-CMOS et matrice de micro-bolomètres infrarouge. La courbure concave des matrices de détection infrarouge de type micro-bolomètres, a mené à la réalisation de deux caméras. La première, constituée de deux lentilles du commerce, a permis de comparer les systèmes composés des détecteurs plan et courbe. Le gain lié à la courbure sphérique de la rétine sur l'uniformité de la réponse impulsionnelle a été prouvé grâce aux mesures de la fonction de transfert de contrastes (FTC). Enfin, à l'image d'un œil humain, un œil infrarouge composé d'une seule lentille et d'une matrice de micro-bolomètres courbée en concave a été réalisée. La qualité des images obtenues, ainsi que la FTC mesurée, ont mis en évidence le potentiel des plans focaux courbés pour des systèmes ultra-compacts, inenvisageables jusqu'à ce jour. / In natural world, plane retina, on which are based our cameras does not exist. The focal plane is either concave for human beings or convex in insects' eyes. Both curvatures offer novel solution to miniaturize and simplify the optical design, and both of them have been studied in this work.The concave curving of the focal plane suppresses one aberration, the field curvature, on which depends the image quality of large field of view instruments. Advantages in image quality and optical design have been studied by theoretical analysis and by real cases of instruments. The convex curvature results in a miniaturization achieved by reproducing the compound eye of small invertebrates. This design, which is composed of several groups of pixels interconnected by metallic lines, has been realized with cooled infrared detecting device. The performed detectors are still electrically functional with a comparable behaviour than conventional sensors. The originality of this work is the spherical curvature of monocrystalline and monolithic components; the active layer is not modified for this purpose. The process of curvature has been developed on thinned square silicon bare dies and then transferred to thinned functional devices: Si-CMOS and micro-bolometers. The concave curvature of bolometers leads to the realization of two cameras. The first one, composed of two commercial lenses, was dedicated to the comparison between a planar traditional camera and a curved detector system. Optical advantages, and especially the response uniformity, have been proved thanks to measures of the contrast modulation function (CMF). Finally, I have realized an infrared eye composed of a unique lens and a curved concave bolometer. Both the image quality obtained and CMF experiments proved the interest of the curved focal plane in miniaturized optical systems.

Estudos de sistemas poliméricos naturais e sintéticos utilizando técnicas avançadas de microscopia / Study of natural and synthetic polymer systems by advanced microscopy techniques

Tiago Andrade Chimenez 13 May 2016 (has links)
O bagaço de cana-de-açúcar é um abundante coproduto obtido a partir da produção convencional de etanol. No entanto, o bagaço vem se mostrando como uma importante fonte para a produção de etanol de segunda geração. No primeiro capítulo da tese é apresentado um estudo referente à distribuição espacial dos compostos na matriz de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar. A investigação foi realizada utilizando microscopia de fluorescência confocal e espectroscopia por excitação com um e dois fótons. Imagens de autofluorescência em combinação com as medidas de fluorescência e tempos de vida forneceram uma gama de informações necessárias para a caracterização de amostras de bagaço. Além disso, a técnica permite o acompanhamento de processos relacionados com a remoção de lignina. A nanocelulose cristalina (NCC) é um material promissor devido as suas propriedades intrínsecas, tais como seu formato alongado, medindo de 1 a 100 nm de diâmetro e seu comprimento variando de algumas dezenas a centenas de nanômetros. No capítulo 2, a nanocelulose cristalina foi obtida através da hidrólise da celulose cristalina (de Avicel®) com ácido sulfúrico. Em seguida, o material foi caracterizado por técnicas de microscopia SEM e TEM, confirmando a morfologia em forma de haste e a estrutura de tamanho nanométrico. A microscopia de campo largo convencional foi utilizada como ferramenta na caracterização da NCC dispersa em soluções poliméricas de PVA e PVP. A última parte do capítulo 2 descreve a caracterização de estruturas de NCC usando a microscopia de super-resolução de fluorescência STED (depleção de emissão estimulada). As imagens mostraram uma resolução de até 50 nm, permitindo a comparação com resultados de TEM e AFM. No capítulo 3, a nanocelulose cristalina foi covalentemente marcada com o corante ATTO-532, através da chamada reação \"click\". As propriedades relacionadas com o coeficiente de difusão da NCC foram determinadas por espectroscopia de correlação de fluorescência (FCS). Em uma etapa posterior, a NCC foi colocada em diferentes soluções do polímero PEG, contendo quantidades diferentes. As propriedades dinâmicas foram analisadas por métodos de FCS e WFM. O uso de técnicas de espectroscopia e microscopia revelou detalhes relacionados à heterogeneidade das dispersões de NCC, as quais estão relacionadas com as propriedades hidrofílicas e hidrofóbicas das soluções poliméricas. / The sugarcane bagasse is an abundant co-product obtained from the conventional production of ethanol. However, sugarcane bagasse has been proving to be an important source to the production of second-generation ethanol. In the first chapter, the spatial distribution of compounds in the sugarcane bagasse matrix was investigated by confocal fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy with one and two-photon excitation. Autofluorescence images in combination to spectral emission and lifetime measurements provided a tool for the characterization of natural bagasse samples. Moreover, the technique allows the following of processes related to the lignin removal. Nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) is a promisor material because of its properties, such as rod-shape with 1-100 nm in diameter, and tens to hundreds of nanometres in length. In the Chapter 2, NCC was obtained via sulphuric acid hydrolysis from Avicel®. Afterwards, the material was characterized by classic electronic microscopy SEM and TEM, confirming the rod-shaped morphology and the nano-sized structure. Conventional wide field microscopy was used as fluorescence microscopy tool in the characterization of NCC, when dispersed in polymeric solutions of PVA and PVP. The last part of the chapter 2 describes the characterization of NCC structures by using the super-resolution fluorescence microscopy STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion). The STED images showed a resolution down to 50 nm, allowing the comparison with TEM and AFM microscopy results. In the Chapter 3, the NCC was covalently labelled, by a click-chemistry reaction, with the ATTO-532 dye. Properties related to diffusion coefficient of NCC were determined by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) method. Afterwards, NCC was placed into a solution of PEG, containing different amounts polymer. The dynamic properties were evaluated by FCS and WFM methods. The use of spectroscopy and microscopy imaging techniques revealed heterogeneity details of NCC dispersions, which are related to the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of the polymer solution. A better understanding of polymer systems is achieved by investigation of diffusion properties, that allows the comprehension of rheological parameters, and, consequently, in polymer processing and assembly of plastics, films, and fibres. In the Chapter 4 is presented a study where fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and wide-field fluorescence microscopy (WFM) were used to follow changes in the diffusion coefficients of growing polymer chains, during the controlled radical polymerization process. Linear and star-shaped polystyrene were grown via nitroxide-mediated polymerization (NMP) from alkoxyamine-based initiators containing a highly fluorescent perylene diimide moiety. This study demonstrates that direct investigation of heterogeneity emerging during a controlled radical polymerization process by means of fluorescence of single-molecule chain initiator allows unravelling information related to the diffusion processes of the growing polymer chain.

Enhancing the Visualization of the Peripheral Retina with Wide Field-of-View Optical Coherence Tomography

Polans, James Matthew January 2016 (has links)
<p>The goal of my Ph.D. thesis is to enhance the visualization of the peripheral retina using wide-field optical coherence tomography (OCT) in a clinical setting.</p><p>OCT has gain widespread adoption in clinical ophthalmology due to its ability to visualize the diseases of the macula and central retina in three-dimensions, however, clinical OCT has a limited field-of-view of 300. There has been increasing interest to obtain high-resolution images outside of this narrow field-of-view, because three-dimensional imaging of the peripheral retina may prove to be important in the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and dementia, and the monitoring of known ocular diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusions, and choroid masses.</p><p>Before attempting to build a wide-field OCT system, we need to better understand the peripheral optics of the human eye. Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors are commonly used tools for measuring the optical imperfections of the eye, but their acquisition speed is limited by their underlying camera hardware. The first aim of my thesis research is to create a fast method of ocular wavefront sensing such that we can measure the wavefront aberrations at numerous points across a wide visual field. In order to address aim one, we will develop a sparse Zernike reconstruction technique (SPARZER) that will enable Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors to use as little as 1/10th of the data that would normally be required for an accurate wavefront reading. If less data needs to be acquired, then we can increase the speed at which wavefronts can be recorded.</p><p>For my second aim, we will create a sophisticated optical model that reproduces the measured aberrations of the human eye. If we know how the average eye's optics distort light, then we can engineer ophthalmic imaging systems that preemptively cancel inherent ocular aberrations. This invention will help the retinal imaging community to design systems that are capable of acquiring high resolution images across a wide visual field. The proposed model eye is also of interest to the field of vision science as it aids in the study of how anatomy affects visual performance in the peripheral retina.</p><p>Using the optical model from aim two, we will design and reduce to practice a clinical OCT system that is capable of imaging a large (800) field-of-view with enhanced visualization of the peripheral retina. A key aspect of this third and final aim is to make the imaging system compatible with standard clinical practices. To this end, we will incorporate sensorless adaptive optics in order to correct the inter- and intra- patient variability in ophthalmic aberrations. Sensorless adaptive optics will improve both the brightness (signal) and clarity (resolution) of features in the peripheral retina without affecting the size of the imaging system.</p><p>The proposed work should not only be a noteworthy contribution to the ophthalmic and engineering communities, but it should strengthen our existing collaborations with the Duke Eye Center by advancing their capability to diagnose pathologies of the peripheral retinal.</p> / Dissertation

Receptive field organization of motion computation in the fly: a study of cell types and their variability

Ramos Traslosheros Lopez, Luis Giordano 03 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Photoluminescence Intermittency of Semiconductor Quantum Dots in Dielectric Environments

Issac, Abey 11 August 2006 (has links)
The experimental studies presented in this thesis deal with the photoluminescence intermittency of semiconductor quantum dots in different dielectric environments. Detailed analysis of intermittency statistics from single capped CdSe/ZnS, uncapped CdSe and water dispersed CdSe/ZnS QDs in different matrices provide experimental evidence for the model of photoionization with a charge ejected into the surrounding matrix as the source of PL intermittency phenomenon. The distribution of the dark state lifetimes can be described by a power law over a wide range while that of bright state can be described by a power law at shorter times followed by an exponential decay. The lifetimes of the bright and dark states are influenced by the dielectric properties of the surrounding environment. Our experimental results show that the lifetime of the dark state increases with the dielectric constant of the matrix. This is very clear from the linear correlation between αoff and f (ε). We propose a self-trapping model to explain the increase of dark state lifetimes with the dielectric constant of the matrix. A charge will be more stabilized in a medium with high dielectric constant. An energetically more favourable state for an electron in a high dielectric medium decreases the return probability which eventually increases the duration of the off-time. Moreover, the self-trapping model establishes a general model for distribution of states in a matrix. We like to mention, that in the case of bright states, a qualitative observation is the cross over of the on-time power law behavior to an exponential one. The power law part of the decay is nearly matrix independent while the exponential decay, which limits the maximum on-time, strongly depends on dielectric properties of the environment. The exponential part of the on-time probability decays much faster in a high dielectric medium and there exists a linear relation between the time constant of the exponential decay and f (ε). Theoretical background has been provided for the observed results using the recently published DCET model which correlates PL intermittency of QDs with properties of the environment. This supports our previous conjecture of a general model for matrix controlled blinking process. The disagreement between experimentally observed dependence of αoff and f (ε) for different matrices with that of the static tunnelling model proposed by Verberk is due to the fact that the tunneling model considers only an electron transfer between a QD and spatially distributed trap states in vacuum. These states are already stabilized states. It does not assume any medium in between. Therefore, matrix dependent blinking kinetics can not be explained quantitatively by tunneling model even though tunneling between a QD and spatially distributed trap states gives a power law distribution for the blinking kinetics. DCET is a more general (dynamic) model. The bright and dark state parabolas contain QD, charge and the matrix. Therefore, this model could in principle explain matrix dependent blinking kinetics in a better way, for example, the energy difference between the minima of the bright and dark state parabolas (-ΔG0) is defined by the stabilization energy of the system provided by the matrix. However, due to lack of the relevant intrinsic parameters we did not compare this relationship and dependence qualitatively. / Betrachtet man die Fluoreszenz einzelner Farbstoffmoleküle oder Halbleiternanokristalle bei kontinuierlicher Anregung, so stellt man fest, dass die im Zeitverlauf beobachtete Intensität einer stochastischen Variation unterliegt, d. h. dass das Chromophor zwischen emittierenden und nicht emittierenden Zuständen, auch Hell- und Dunkelzuständen genannt, hin- und herschaltet. Dieses als Blinken bekannte Phänomen ist physikalisch wie auch technologisch herausfordernd, lässt es doch einerseits die Realisierbarkeit einer Reihe von quantenoptischen Anwendungen, so z. B. auf dem Gebiet der Quantenkryptographie, dem Quantum Computing oder der optischen Schaltungstechnik auf Basis einzelner Quantenobjekte, in naher Zukunft möglich erscheinen. Andererseits setzt es gewissen Anwendungen, die auf die permanente Sichtbarkeit des Chromophors aufbauen, Grenzen, so zum Beispiel der Verwendung als Lumineszenzmarker in der medizinischen Diagnostik. Weiterhin ist festzustellen, dass das Blinken kritisch von den äußeren Bedingungen und von den Umgebungsparametern abhängt. Aus diesen und anderen Gründen ist ein fundamentales Verständnis der physikalischen Ursachen und der Wechselwirkungsprozesse unerlässlich. Die Forschung dazu steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen. Basierend auf umfangreiche Messungen der Fluoreszenzzeitreihen einzelner Nanokristalle aus CdSe und CdSe/ZnS in verschiedenen Umgebungen, zeigt diese Dissertation exemplarisch den Einfluss der Dielektrizitätsparameter auf das Blinken. Zur Erklärung des Sachverhalts wird ein so genanntes Self-Trapping-Modell zu Rate gezogen. Demnach kommt es zu einer Ionisation des Quantenobjekts und anschließender Ladungstrennung, woraufhin die abgetrennte Ladung für eine gewisse Zeit in der Umgebung lokalisiert bleibt. Die Dauer der Lokalisierung und damit der emittierenden und nicht emittierenden Perioden hängt von der dielektrischen Funktion des umgebenden Materials ab. Dies ist als direkter Nachweis für den photoinduzierten Ladungstransfer als Ursache des Fluoreszenzblinkens zu deuten. Die Arbeit demonstriert, dass die experimentellen Zeitreihen die charakteristischen Merkmale eines diffusionsgesteuerten Ladungstransferprozesses besitzen und nimmt dabei den gegenwärtigen wissenschaftlichen Diskurs über geeignete theoretische Modelle des Fluoreszenzblinkens auf.

Study of macroscopic and microscopic homogeneity of DEPFET X-ray detectors / Untersuchung der makroskopischen und mikroskopischen Homogenität von DEPFET-Röntgendetektoren

Bergbauer, Bettina 15 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
For the X-ray astronomy project Advanced Telescope for High ENergy Astrophysics (Athena) wafer-scale DEpleted P-channel Field Effect Transistor (DEPFET) detectors are proposed as Focal Plane Array (FPA) for the Wide Field Imager (WFI). Prototype structures with different pixel layouts, each consisting of 64 x 64 pixels, were fabricated to study four different DEPFET designs. This thesis reports on the results of the electrical and spectroscopic characterization of the different DEPFET designs. With the electrical qualification measurements the transistor properties of the DEPFET structures are investigated in order to determine whether the design intentions are reflected in the transistor characteristics. In addition, yield and homogeneity of the prototypes can be studied on die, wafer and batch level for further improvement of the production technology with regard to wafer-scale devices. These electrical characterization measurements prove to be a reliable tool to preselect the best detector dies for further integration into full detector systems. The spectroscopic measurements test the dynamic behavior of the designs as well as their spectroscopic performance. In addition, it is revealed how the transistor behavior translates into the detector performance. This thesis, as the first systematic study of different DEPFET designs on die and detector level, shows the limitations of the current DEPFET assessment methods. Thus, it suggests a new concise characterization procedure for DEPFET detectors as well as guidelines for expanded testing in order to increase the general knowledge of the DEPFET. With this study of four different DEPFET variants not only designs suitable for Athena mission have been found but also improvement impulses for the starting wafer-scale device production are provided.

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