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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude des effets des labels du commerce équitable sur le consentement à payer des consommateurs : application au cas du chocolat / The effects of fair trade labels on consumer willingness to pay : application to case of chocolate

Michrafy, Mohammed 11 December 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d’étudier le consentement à payer (CAP) accordé au label ducommerce équitable. Elle se structure en deux volets : le premier vise à identifier le prix maximum quele consommateur est prêt à consentir pour l'achat de produits labellisés « équitable » et à situerl'importance du label « équitable » par rapport à d'autres attributs tels que la qualité intrinsèque et leprix du produit. Le deuxième volet s'attache à déterminer l'influence de quatre catégories de variables(sociodémographiques, de personnalité, de valeurs personnelles et attitudinales) sur le consentement àpayer les produits équitables.Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons mené deux enquêtes sur le chocolat dans le cadre de deuxapproches méthodologiques différentes : l’expérimentation économique et l’analyse conjointe. Lesrésultats montrent que le label « équitable » accroît significativement le CAP moyen desconsommateurs. De même, la qualité intrinsèque du chocolat influe sur le CAP équitable.L’importance du label « équitable » dans la préférence du consommateur moyen est comparable àcelle de la qualité intrinsèque du produit et est inférieure à celle du prix. Enfin, les déterminants duCAP équitable diffèrent selon la qualité intrinsèque du produit. Il s’agit, dans le cas d’un chocolat debonne qualité, de variables sociodémographiques (sexe, CSP et niveau d’études), de personnalité(matérialisme, générosité, convictions de contrôle interne, libéralisme et évaluation morale del'argent), de valeurs personnelles (d'ordre individuel et social) et des variables attitudinales(connaissances des produits équitables, attitudes envers les produits labellisés « commerce équitable »,confiance dans la labellisation « équitable » et implication vis-à-vis des produits labellisés« équitable»). / The objective of this research is to examine the willingness-to-pay (WTP) granted to the fair tradelabel. The study consists of the two parts: the focus of the first one is to identify the maximum pricethe consumer is willing to accept to buy products labeled "fair" and to define the importance of thelabel "fair" compared with other attributes such as the intrinsic quality and price. The second part aimsto determine the influence of the four categories of variables (socio -demographic, personality,personal values and attitudinal) on the consumer willingness-to-pay for fair trade products.To answer these questions, we have conducted two surveys on chocolate products using two differentmethodological approaches: economic experimental study and conjoint analysis. The results show thatthe label "fair" significantly increases the average WTP of consumers. Similarly, the intrinsic qualityof the chocolate affects the equitable consent of the WTP. The importance of "fair" label of theaverage consumer' preference is comparable to the intrinsic quality of the product and is lowercompared to the price. Finally, the determinants of the equitable consent of WTP vary depending onthe intrinsic quality of the product. It relates, in the case of a good quality chocolate, to the sociodemographicvariables (gender, educational level and WTP), variables related to personality(materialism, generosity, internal control beliefs, liberalism and moral evaluation of money), personalvalues (individual and social) and attitudinal variables (knowledge of fair trade products, attitudestoward products labeled "fair trade", confidence in the fair labeling and involvement with respect toproducts labeled "fair").

Chinese Consumer Willingness Towards Eco-Conscious Apparel Purchase : An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior

Jin, Fanlv January 2019 (has links)
Purpose – This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the Chinese customers’ perception and acceptance of eco-conscious apparel (ECA) based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). The thesis further examines whether people would like to pay more for ECA and how the factor of willingness to pay a premium is influenced by TPB variables. Design/methodology/approach – The research design is based on quantitative methodology. The data were collected via a web-based survey, a total of 315 responses from Chinese consumers were analyzed with application of the structural equation modeling. Findings – Both attitude toward ECA and perceived behavioral control over ECA acquisition have positive influence on ECA purchasing intention. Willingness to pay a premium for ECA is only positively affected by subjective norm. There is no correlation between ECA purchasing intention and willingness to pay a premium for ECA. Implications – To raise Chinese customers’ purchasing intention, fashion company should focus their actions on disseminating environmental information and knowledge, and offer affordable ECA options with the properties close to traditional apparel. To evoke the willingness to pay a premium for ECA, fashion company can apply celebrity endorsement to add perceived social value into its ECA series. Such actions will contribute to formation of positive social norm and hence positive perception towards ECA. Meanwhile, the government can put more efforts into educating Chinese people about sustainability issues in fashion industry, formulating and implementing policies in favor of ECA consumption, so that a positive social atmosphere for ECA consumption could be created. Originality/value – This study is novel in applying TPB for examining the consumer purchasing of apparel containing recycled fiber in China. The thesis provides useful information to corporate practitioners on how to formulate ECA marketing strategies in China. Research findings are also of relevance for Chinese government by providing recommendations for formulating relevant policies to favor the ECA consumption.

The ecological and economic analysis of beach management strategies in Scotland

Griffin, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Coastlines are particularly susceptible to the necessary trade-offs which occur between different ecosystem services. Should the areas be managed for biodiversity or for people? Where sandy beaches are found there is usually a management decision to be made between managing for recreation or for biodiversity. Many popular tourist beaches (particularly those with a Beach Award) are often groomed with mechanical equipment to remove any stranded seaweed and associated litter which can get entangled in the wrack. This is likely to be having a negative impact on coastal biodiversity, with wide ranging implications for the entire habitat, including the intertidal zone, sand dunes and shorebirds. Beached wrack should be allowed to naturally decompose providing a habitat for numerous species of macro-invertebrates. These macro-invertebrate communities not only include many endemic species found exclusively along the strandline but they also provide a very rich source of food for shorebirds. The re-mineralised nutrients resulting from the decomposed macrophytes should then become available to provide a rich source of nutrients to dune, strandline and marine ecosystems populations of the strandline. In previous studies grooming has been shown to have a negative impact on the invertebrates of the strandline and this study reveals that tidal range has an effect on the impacts of grooming with a higher tidal range having a more negative impact on the invertebrates. A study to observe the impacts of grooming on both adult plant and seed bank communities of the sand dunes found that grooming is having a negative impact on these populations. Grooming is predominantly driven by beach managers who aspire to gain Beach Awards in order to attract tourists to their beaches. Using non-market valuation in the form of a stated preference choice experiment and a travel cost model, it was observed that Beach Awards are not valued by beach goers but are instead influenced to visit a particular beach by good bathing water quality, high levels of biodiversity and low levels of litter. It was also shown that stranded seaweed on the beach does not deter visitors. Future management suggestions include attempting to reduce the confusion arising from the presence of multiple beach awards by either removing them altogether or by making their criteria more clear and direct with consistency in their design and designation. Bathing water quality should be completely removed from the Beach Award system and real-time information in the form of electronic signage and a publicly available App should replace it.

Ensaios em economia da saúde : o risco e o valor de uma vida estatística no caso dos acidentes de trânsito na cidade de Porto Alegre

Sousa, Tanara Rosângela Vieira January 2010 (has links)
Nesta tese são desenvolvidos três estudos sobre o risco associado aos acidentes de trânsito, com o objetivo de avaliar como a população o percebe, e o valor que estaria disposta a pagar para reduzi-lo. As análises foram feitas com duas diferentes metodologias econométricas e dois diferentes conjuntos de dados da população de Porto Alegre. O primeiro estudo procurou avaliar que fatores de risco contribuem para aumentar a gravidade dos acidentes de trânsito, utilizando dados de acidentes de trânsito ocorridos na cidade de Porto Alegre no período 2000-2008, através de modelos logit ordenados generalizados. Os resultados indicam que a maioria das vítimas feridas em acidentes de trânsito são condutores jovens, do sexo masculino e que estavam em motocicletas ou cujo acidente foi um choque contra obstáculos. Contudo, as vítimas fatais têm maior probabilidade de morte são os pedestres, com mais de 60 anos de idade. Os acidentes com maior gravidade ocorrem em maior proporção a noite ou finais de semana, em locais mais afastados do centro da cidade, o que sugere comportamento associado à alta velocidade e uso de substâncias psicoativas como álcool. Para os demais estudos utilizaram-se dados de um survey feito com a população de Porto Alegre em 2009. O segundo estudo avalia como as características sócio-demográficas, a experiência no trânsito e a informação recebida, afetam a percepção do risco e o comportamento no trânsito. Os resultados indicam que os indivíduos que tem risco maior de morte no trânsito subestimam seu próprio risco e vice-versa; e que os mais jovens têm maior percepção deste risco, assim como os que tiveram experiência de acidente de trânsito ou passam mais tempo expostos a ele. O risco do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas associado ao trânsito, no entanto é percebido maior pelos idosos, mulheres, não bebedores ou quem não tem comportamento de risco, assim como pelos que têm mais informação do risco. Da mesma maneira, o comportamento de risco no trânsito associado ao consumo de álcool está negativamente relacionado a percepção deste risco e a idade. O terceiro estudo estimou a disposição a pagar ( ) dos entrevistados pela redução no seu próprio risco de sofrer lesões em um acidente de trânsito e o valor de uma vida estatística ( ), utilizando modelos lineares e não-lineares ajustados através de uma transformação Box-Cox. Os resultados indicam que a esta relacionada de forma decrescente com a idade e com a não utilização de dispositivos de segurança, mas aumenta com a renda, o tempo de exposição ao trânsito, a experiência com acidentes, para as mulheres e para os que têm dependentes. O valor médio eliciado da para reduzir a zero o risco das lesões mais graves, que resultam em morte, implicou em de cerca de R$ 13,4 milhões (US$7,3 milhões) - valor menor, porém comparável ao encontrado para países desenvolvidos e em estudo para o Brasil. / This thesis develops three studies on the risk associated with traffic accidents, in order to assess how people perceive it and the value they would be willing to pay to reduce it. The analysis was made with two different econometric methods and two different sets of data from Porto Alegre's population. The first study to assess at risk factors that contribute to increased severity of accidents, using data obtained from traffic accidents in the city of Porto Alegre between the years 2000 and 2008, and applying the generalized ordered logit. The results indicate that most of the victims injured in accidents are young drivers, males, motorcyclists and whose crash was a “collision with obstacles”. However, fatal victims have a different profile: they are pedestrians, over 60 years old. The most serious accidents occur in greater proportions at nights or weekends, at locations further away from the city center, which suggests behavior associated with high speed driving and the use of psychoactive substances, such as alcohol. The other two studies used data from a survey done with the population of Porto Alegre in 2009. The second study evaluates how socio-demographic characteristics, traffic experience and the information received about the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol, affect risk perception and behavior in the traffic. The results indicate that individuals who have greater risk of dying in traffic, underestimate their own risk and vice versa; and that young people as well as those who have been in an accident or those who spend a lot of time in traffic, have a greater perception of their risk. On the other hand, the risk of alcohol consumption associated with traffic, is perceived better by older people, women, non-drinkers, people without risky behavior, and those who are more aware of the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol. Similarly, risky behavior in traffic, related to alcohol consumption, is inversely proportional to perception of risk and to age. The third study estimated the respondents' willingness to pay ( ) for the reduction in their risk of suffering injuries in a traffic accident, as well as the value of a statistical life ( ), using linear and nonlinear models adjusted by the Box-Cox transformation. The results indicate that the decreases with age and with not using safety devices, but increases with income, exposure to traffic, and the accidents experience, for women and for those who have dependents. The average value elicited by to reduce to zero the risk of severe injuries that result in death, implied a of about R$13.4 million (US$ 7.3 million) - lower, but still a comparable value to that found in developed countries, and studied in Brazil.

Avaliação das preferencias dos pacientes por atributos de risco/benefício do tratamento insulínico no diabetes: um modelo de escolha discreta / Patients preferences for risk/benefit attributes of insulin therapy in diabetes: a discrete choice experiment.

Guimarães, Camila 22 May 2009 (has links)
Utilizou-se um modelo de escolha discreta (MED) para avaliar as preferências e disposição-a-pagar (DAP) dos pacientes por diferentes atributos de risco-benefício do tratamento insulínico, entre eles a via de administração da insulina. Através de uma revisão da literatura, consulta com especialistas, e do desenvolvimento de um estudo qualitativo utilizando as técnicas de entrevistas individuais e grupos focais, os atributos (e níveis) mais importantes do tratamento insulínico foram identificados, sob o ponto de vista dos pacientes. Os atributos incluídos no MED foram: controle da glicemia de jejum, número de episódios de hipoglicemia, ganho de peso, via de administração para as insulinas de ação longa e rápida, e custo do tratamento. Pares de opções de tratamentos insulínicos hipotéticos contendo diferentes níveis dos atributos foram apresentados aos pacientes com DM1 ou DM2, e lhes foi solicitado que, para cada cenário, eles escolhessem a alternativa de sua preferência. Dados demográficos, nível sócio-econômico (NSE) e informações relacionadas ao diabetes também foram coletados. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se um modelo logit condicional de regressão e modelos segmentados foram posteriormente utilizados para a análise das sub-populações. Um total de 274 questionários foram incluídos na análise final dos dados. A idade média (± DP) dos participantes foi de 56.7 ± 12.98 anos, e 53% eram homens. Quarenta e nove por cento dos participantes eram usuários de insulina e 47 eram portadores de DM1. O tratamento insulínico ideal, sob o ponto de vista dos pacientes, resultaria em um melhor controle glicêmico, menos reações adversas, menor custo, e seria administrado por via oral. Houve uma forte preferência e uma DAP mais elevada por um melhor controle glicêmico, seguido pelos atributos de risco ganho de peso e episódios de hipoglicemia. Surpreendentemente, a via de administração da insulina foi o atributo menos valorizado. A estratificação social revelou que pacientes com alta renda anual familiar apresentaram uma DAP mais elevada por um melhor controle glicêmico e por menos reações adversas em relação aos grupos com rendas inferiores. Ainda, quanto mais alto o nível de renda, maior o desejo por uma insulina oral, enquanto a via inalada torna-se menos importante para os pacientes. A estratificação da amostra pelo uso de insulina e tipo de diabetes revelaram uma forte aversão pela via subcutânea pelos não-usuários de insulina e pacientes com DM2. Tais resultados sugerem a existência de uma importante barreira psicológica em se iniciar uso da insulina; no entanto, os resultados também revelam que os pacientes tendem a se acomodar com a via subcutânea uma vez iniciado o tratamento insulínico. Este estudo demonstra a importância que os pacientes com DM atribuem ao atributo controle glicêmico, e como suas preferências e DAP pelo tratamento insulínico variam entre as sub-populações. Especificamente, esforços devem ser realizados no sentido de vencer a barreira psicológica em se iniciar o uso da insulina, o que contribuirá para que se alcance um melhor controle glicêmico, através da melhor aderência do paciente ao tratamento, resultando em uma redução dos custos do DM e melhora na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. / We used a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to evaluate patients preferences for various attributes of insulin treatment, including route of insulin delivery. Through a review of the literature, expert consultation, and a qualitative descriptive study using individual interviews and focus group techniques, the attributes (and levels) of diabetes treatment most important to patients were identified. The attributes included in the DCE were: glucose control, frequency of hypoglycaemic events, weight gain, route of administration for the long-acting and the short-acting insulin, and out-of-pocket cost. Patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes were presented with pairs of hypothetical insulin therapy profiles (i.e. choice sets) with different levels of the attributes and were asked to choose the treatment option they preferred. Sociodemographic data and diabetes medication were also collected. Data were analysed using conditional logit regression and segmented models were also developed for the analysis of subgroups. A Two hundred and seventy four questionnaires were completed. The mean age (±SD) of participants was 56.7 ± 12.98 years, and 53% were men. Forty-nine percent of participants were insulin users, and 47 had type 1 diabetes. Overall, patients ideal insulin treatment would provide better glucose control, result in fewer adverse reactions, have the lowest cost, and be administered orally. There was a strong preference and highest mean WTP for glucose control followed by the risk attributes weight gain and hypoglycaemic events. Surprisingly, route of insulin administration was the least valued attribute. Stratification of the sample revealed that patients with higher incomes had a significant higher WTP for better glucose control and less adverse reactions compared to lower income groups. Moreover, the highest the income, the stronger the preference for an oral insulin, while inhaled insulin becomes less important for patients. Segmented models by insulin use and type of diabetes indicated that insulin naïve and type 2 diabetics had a greater aversion to the subcutaneous route. These findings suggest that there may be an important mental barrier to initiating insulin therapy; however, patients tend to accommodate to subcutaneous administration once they initiate therapy. This study illustrates the importance that patients with diabetes place on glucose control and how preferences for insulin therapy vary between subgroups. Specifically, efforts need to be made to overcome the mental barrier to initiating insulin therapy, which may lead to improved control, through improved compliance and ultimately reduce the financial burden of the disease and improve patients quality of life.

Assessing demand for organic lamb using choice modelling

Rutledge, M. P. January 2009 (has links)
The worldwide market for organic foods is growing fast, but New Zealand meat producers have been slow to respond. Specifically, New Zealand producers have little or no organic lamb products for export or domestic sale. Part of the reason for this hesitancy to meet demand with supply is that the nature of the demand and consumer willingness to pay for the product is not well understood. The purpose of this study is to investigate New Zealand organic food consumers’ attitudes towards organic food and production methods and to evaluate consumer willingness to pay for an organic lamb product. Data for this study was collected using computer aided personal interviewing (CAPI) in supermarkets and speciality stores in Christchurch and Wellington. The study questioned consumers about their consumption habits, attitudes towards organic food and production methods and presented choice modelling scenarios to test willingness to pay for different attributes of lamb. Factor analysis is used to group the 12 attitudinal questions into three factors which were then placed into a two step cluster analysis to create consumer segments. Choice modelling was then used to measure consumer preferences for the tested attributes of lamb. From the factor and cluster analysis three distinct consumer segments were found and labelled as Committed Organic Seekers, Convenience Organic Consumers and Incidental Organic Consumers. These labels reflect each group’s organic consumption habits and attitudes towards organic food. The choice modelling results show that there is a willingness to pay for organic lamb. The three identified consumer groups state they would pay a premium of 61%, 44% and 26% respectively for organic lamb over standard pasture raised lamb. This paper gives an insight into consumer attitudes and preferences towards a product that could provide a way for New Zealand farmers to increase their returns. It contributes to the body of knowledge about the likely consumer profiles of regular consumers of organic food. There are only a few other studies that have attempted to measure consumer attitudes and willingness to pay for organic meat, however, the author is not aware of any published example of a study that has specifically investigated demand for organic lamb anywhere in the world. The study provides information about stated willingness to pay for five different attributes of lamb; this information should be of value in assisting the industry by showing which product offerings are likely to generate the highest sale price.

Protection Motivation Theory and Consumer Willingness-to-Pay, in the Case of Post-Harvest Processed Gulf Oysters

Blunt, Emily Ann 2012 August 1900 (has links)
Gulf oysters are harvested and consumed year-round, with more than 90% consumed in a raw, unprocessed state. A chief concern of policymakers in recent years is the incidence of Vibrio vulnificus infection following raw seafood consumption. V.vulnificus refers to a halophilic bacterium naturally occurring in brackish coastal waters, which concentrates in filter-feeding oysters. Proposed FDA legislation requiring processing of all raw Gulf oysters sold during warmer summer months threatens the Gulf oyster industry, as little to no research regarding demand for post-harvest processing (PHP) has preceded the potential mandate. This research endeavors to examine the relationship between oyster consumers' fears of V.vulnificus infection and their willingness-to-pay (WTP) for processing of an oyster meal. The psychological model of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) is employed alongside the economic framework of contingent valuation (CV) to result in an analysis of oyster processing demand with respect to threats and efficacy. A survey administered to 2,172 oyster consumers in six oyster producing states elicits projected consumption and PMT data. Principal Component Analysis is used to reduce the number of PMT variables to a smaller size, resulting in five individual principal components representing the PMT elements of source information, threat appraisal, coping appraisal, maladaptive coping, and protection motivation. Using survey data, the marginal willingness-to-pay (MWTP) for PHP per oyster meal is also calculated, and the five created PMT variables are regressed on this calculation using four separate OLS models. Results indicate significant correlation for four of the five created PMT variables. In addition, a mean MWTP for PHP of $0.31 per oyster meal is determined, contributing to the demand analysis for processing of Gulf oysters. The findings suggest a strong relationship between the fear elements and the demand for processing, and support arguments in favor of further research on specific PHP treatments and the necessity for a valid PMT survey instrument.

Essays in regulatory focus and price acceptance

Patil, Ashutosh R. 06 July 2009 (has links)
Part one of the thesis studies differential diagnosticity towards substantive extrinsic information available in the environment. This research tests the interaction between regulatory focus and availability of extrinsic-substantive information such as consensus information, on the range of acceptable price. Prior research on regulatory focus led us to two divergent predictions. Our findings lend support to the asymmetric-elaboration account. Under this account, only prevention-oriented consumers are likely to change their acceptable price range if combinations of favorable-and-unfavorable consensus information are available in the environment, while promotion-oriented consumers disregard such information. We find that this difference is due to the differences in the level of difficulty experienced in specifying acceptable price range across the two regulatory foci. Further, we also undertake random-parameters regression models that provide unique general findings. For example, we find that for promotion-oriented consumers it is their high-level product construal, while for prevention-oriented consumers it is their low-level product construal that influences their respective acceptable price ranges, irrespective of level of external information available. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.


賴蔚容 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來在運用雙界二分選擇法(double-bounded dichotomous choice elicitation method)來估計受訪者願付價格(willingness to pay)的研究中,不再僅局限於單一非市場財貨的探討。這類型的模型中雖然納入了相關性的考量,但並未考慮財貨的願付價格間可能存在明確的大小關係。再者,針對抗議性樣本,以往的作法多半是丟棄不用,然而這顯然不是理想的作法。本文中,我們將建構一個模型來同時探討這兩項議題。此外我們也利用「竹東及朴子地區心臟血管疾病長期追蹤研究」第五循環中「肥胖之願付價格」的資料來進行實證分析。結果顯示,居住於竹東、有工作、曾以特定活動控制體重的受訪者願意支付較高的金額來參加減肥療程。 / Recent studies on estimating WTP prices in terms of the double-bounded dichotomous choice elicitation method are no longer restricted to the situations that discuss only one non-market good. Although a couple of models have been proposed to take the correlations into consideration when multiple scenarios are presented to the respondents, none of them pay attention to the possibilities that the prices themselves might be inherently ordered. This is one of the issues that need to be addressed. Another is about the protest samples. A common but apparently problematic approach is simply ignoring them completely. In this study, we propose a model that is able to take care of both issues simultaneously. In addition, the model is used to estimate WTP values for data collected in CVDFACTS about two weight loss treatments. The results indicate that respondents residing in Chu-Dong County, employed, and ever tried any weight controlled programs are willing to pay a higher price for the new treatments.

Essyas on public macroeconomic policy /

Prado, José Maurício. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Stockholm, 2006. / Enth. 3 Beitr.

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