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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desarrollo e implementación de un banco de ensayos virtual de aerogeneradores para diferentes regímenes de funcionamiento y condiciones de fallo

Terrón Santiago, Carla 04 July 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Las averías inesperadas en las máquinas eléctricas rotativas pueden provocar tiempos de inactividad no programados, que pueden tener como consecuencia grandes pérdidas económicas. Esto aplica a las máquinas eléctricas rotativas en general y en particular a los aerogeneradores eólicos, cuya instalación y necesidades de mantenimiento han experimentado un gran crecimiento en los últimos años. Su mantenimiento predictivo evitaría las averías inesperadas y el aumento de costes que se pueden derivar de un mantenimiento preventivo, mediante la medida continua, on-line, de las variables que indican el estado del aerogenerador. Junto con ello, es necesario el desarrollo de técnicas de diagnóstico fiables que necesitan del testeo en aerogeneradores trabajando bajo diferentes condiciones de fallo. Como los ensayos destructivos para el estudio de defectos o fallos no es económicamente factible, se han desarrollado modelos de máquinas eléctricas rotativas trabajando en condiciones de fallo. Así, estos modelos permiten extraer las características de las corrientes de las máquinas bajo condiciones de fallo reduciendo el número de pruebas destructivas. A partir del compendio de artículos científicos y presentaciones en congreso de esta tesis doctoral se han desarrollado las diferentes etapas de implementación del banco de ensayos. En primer lugar, se exploran las diferentes técnicas de modelado de las máquinas eléctricas rotativas mediante una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura técnica disponible hasta el momento. Por otro lado, se pretenden desarrollar técnicas de modelado para ser implementadas en sistemas de prototipado rápido para realizar el diagnóstico online de la máquina. Sin embargo, los modelos analíticos como el presentado, debido a las simplificaciones que se asumen, no pueden modelar con precisión las no idealidades y las no idealidades propias de las máquinas de inducción defectuosas. Los modelos basados en métodos numéricos son más completos, pero requieren una gran capacidad computacional y largos tiempos de simulación. Además, su implementación en sistemas de prototipado rápido, resulta en una tarea muy compleja hasta el momento. Por esta razón, se opta por desarrollar un método de modelado basado en un enfoque híbrido analítico-numérico, que puede ayudar en el desarrollo de pruebas de técnicas de diagnóstico de fallos para ser implementados en dispositivos embebidos, así como para entrenar a sistemas expertos para evaluar la condición de la máquina. No obstante, este modelo desarrollado todavía requiere de importantes capacidades de memoria y tiempos de cómputo, por lo que se aporta un método para optimizar el cálculo de las inductancias de la máquina eléctrica. El estudio de esta técnica, además de una publicación en revista, ha resultado en dos presentaciones en congreso. Por otro lado, se ha optimizado el modelo analítico, aportando un nuevo método basado en el álgebra tensorial que además permite adaptar el modelo híbrido a diferentes tipos de defectos. Finalmente, como alternativa a las técnicas de diagnóstico tradicionales que se basan en el análisis de corriente a través de la transformada de Fourier (FFT), cuyo uso está limitado al diagnóstico en régimen estacionario, así como a las técnicas tiempo-frecuencia que permiten el diagnóstico de fallos bajo condiciones de régimen transitorio pero a un elevado coste computacional, este trabajo presenta una combinación de técnicas de diagnóstico que proporciona alta resolución espectral en todo el rango de carga de la máquina a bajo coste computacional y requisitos de memoria. Para la validación de las técnicas de modelado y la técnica de diagnóstico presentadas se ha implementado un banco de ensayos versátil con la capacidad de reproducir cualquier condición de funcionamiento. / [CA] Les averies inesperades de les màquines elèctriques rotatives poden provocar temps no programats de inactivitat, que esdevindrien en greus pèrdues econòmiques. Aquest raonament és cert per a màquines elèctriques rotatives en general i per als aerogeneradors en particular, la instal·lació dels quals i necessitats de manteniment han experimentat un gran creixement al llarg dels últims anys. El manteniment predictiu evitaria les averies inesperades i el augment de costos derivats de un manteniment preventiu, mitjançant el anàlisi continu i en línia de les magnituds que indiquen l'estat de l'aerogenerador. A més, seria necessari desenvolupar tècniques de diagnosi fiables a través de proves realitzades en aerogeneradors treballant amb distintes condicions de fallada. La realització d'assajos destructius per a l'estudi de defectes o averies no és econòmicament factible. Per tant, s'han desenvolupat models de màquines elèctriques rotatives treballant en condicions de fallada. D'aquesta manera, aquest model permeten extraure les característiques de les corrents absorbides/generades per les màquines en condicions de fallada i permeten reduir el nombre de proves destructives. A partir d'un compendi d'articles científics i presentacions en congrés d'aquesta tesi doctoral s'han desenvolupat les diferents etapes de implementació del banc de proves. En primer lloc s'exploren les diferents tècniques de modelat de màquines elèctriques rotatives mitjançant una revisió exhaustiva de la literatura tècnica disponible fins a la data. D'altra banda, es pretén desenvolupar tècniques de modelat per se implementades en sistemes de prototipat ràpid per realitzar la diagnosi en línia de la màquina. En aquest cas, la primera tècnica de modelat desenvolupada en la tesis es basa en mètodes analítics, obtinguin-se un model molt ràpid que simplifica el procés de càlcul dels paràmetres del model de la màquina elèctrica i és capaç de representar qualsevols tipus i nombre de fallades de simetria del rotor. No obstant això, els models analítics, como el presentat, no poden modelar amb precisió les no idealitats i no linealitats pròpies de les màquines de inducció amb fallada. El models basats en mètodes numèrics son més complets però requereixen una gran capacitat computacional i llargs temps de simulació. A més, la seua implantació en sistemes de prototipat ràpid resulta una tasca complexa i en molts casos inassolible. Per aquesta raó s'ha optat per desenvolupar un mètode de modelat basat en un plantejament híbrid analític-numèric, que pot ajudar al desenvolupament de sistemes per provar tècniques de diagnosi de fallades per se implantats en dispositius embeguts així com per entrenar a sistemes experts per avaluar la condició de la màquina. No obstant això, aquest model encara requereix de importants capacitats de memòria i temps de computació, per tant, en aquesta tesis, s'aporta un mètode per optimitzar el càlcul de les inductàncies de la màquina elèctrica. L'estudi d'aquesta tècnica, a més d'una publicació en revista, ha resultat en dos presentacions en congres. En altra publicació s'ha optimitzat el model analític mitjançant un mètode basat en l'àlgebra tensorial que permet adaptar el model híbrid a altres tipus de fallada. Finalment, com alternativa a les tècniques de diagnòstic tradicionals basades en el anàlisi de la corrent amb la transformada ràpida de Fourier (FFT) limitades al diagnòstic en règim estacionari, així como a les tècniques basades en l'anàlisi temps-freqüència que permeten la diagnosis en règim transitori per a un elevat cost computacional, aquest treball presenta una combinació de tècniques de diagnosi que proporciona alta resolució espectral en totes les zones de treball de la màquina amb un baix cost computacional i de memòria. Per a la validació d'aquestes tècniques de modelat i la tècnica de diagnosi presentada s'ha implementat un banc d'assajos versàtil i amb la capacitat de reproduir qualsevols condició de funcionament. / [EN] Unexpected breakdowns in rotating electrical machines components can lead to unscheduled downtimes and consequently to large economic losses. This relates to electrical machines in general and particularly to wind turbines, whose installation and maintenance needs have raised significantly in recent years. Predictive maintenance would avoid unexpected breakdowns and the associated increased costs from preventive maintenance, by online condition monitoring of the machine. In addition, the development of reliable diagnostic techniques is needed, which requires the testing of wind turbines working under various fault conditions. As destructive testing for fault research purposes is not economically feasible, several rotating electrical machines models running under fault conditions have been developed to investigate the characteristics of faulty machines and have allowed reducing the number of destructive tests. The different stages of the implementation of the test bench have been developed from the compendium of scientific papers and conference presentations of this doctoral thesis. Firstly, the different modeling techniques for rotating electrical machines are explored through an exhaustive review of the technical literature available so far. Moreover, it is aimed at developing modeling techniques valid to be implemented in rapid prototyping systems to perform online diagnosis of the machine. The first modeling technique developed in this thesis is based on analytical methods, obtaining a very fast model which greatly simplifies the process of calculating the parameters of the electrical induction machine model. This model can reproduce any kind and number of rotor asymmetry faults. However, analytical models as the presented one, due to the simplifications assumed, cannot accurately model the inherent non-idealities and non-idealities within faulty induction machines. Models based on numerical methods are more complete but require high computational effort and long simulation times. Moreover, their implementation in rapid prototyping systems is challenging so far. For this reason, a modeling method based on a hybrid analytical- numerical approach is developed, which can contribute to the development of testing fault diagnosis techniques to be implemented in embedded devices, as well as to train expert systems to evaluate the state of the machine. However, this model still requires a significant memory capacity and computation time, so it is provided a method to optimize the computation of the coupling para- meters of the machine. The study of this technique has resulted in a journal publication and two conference presentations. Particularly, it is studied the correct implementation of the modelling technique to obtain a reliable fault diagnosis and it is compared with another method of parameter reduction pro- posed in the technical literature. Besides that, the analytical model has been optimized, providing a new method based on tensor algebra, which also allows the hybrid model to be adapted to different types of defects. Finally, this work shows a combination of diagnostic techniques providing high spectral resolution over the entire machine load range at low computational cost and with negligible memory requirements. This provides an alternative to the traditional diagnostic techniques based on current analysis using Fourier transform (FFT), whose implementation is limited to the diagnosis in the steady state, as well as time-frequency techniques, which allow fault diagnosis under transient regime conditions at high computational cost. For the validation of the presented modeling techniques and diagnostic technique, a versatile test bench has been implemented. This test bench allows to reproduce any operating condition of the machine. / Terrón Santiago, C. (2022). Desarrollo e implementación de un banco de ensayos virtual de aerogeneradores para diferentes regímenes de funcionamiento y condiciones de fallo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183782 / TESIS / Compendio

Models of superconductors with correlated defects / Modellering av supraledare med korrelerade defekter

Bolin, Jakob January 2022 (has links)
The quantum phase transition between groundstates of a system with correlated disorder near absolute zero is studied. The computations are based on Monte Carlo methods and the worm algorithm which is an effective method to simulate basic models like the Ising and XY model by making use of global Monte Carlo moves given by modified random walks. Random quenched disorder modeled as a correlated distribution of two values of the coupling constant gives rise to an additional phase transition with a not before seen intermediate phase. / Kvantfasövergången mellan grundtillstånd av ett system med korrelerad oordning nära nolltemperaturen studeras. Beräkningarna är baserade på Monte Carlo metoder och worm algoritmen som är en effektiv metod för att simulera grundläggande modeller som Ising och XY modellen genom att använda sig av globala Monte Carlo steg som ges av modifierade slumpmässiga vandringar. Slumpmässig infrusen oordning modellerad som en korrelerad fördelning av två värden på kopplingsstyrkan ger upphov till en ny mellanliggande fas.

Feasibility Study on Additive Manufacturing of Copper Windings using Electron Beam Melting

Wiele, Marilena, Abulawi, Murad January 2023 (has links)
Within the framework of this thesis, the electron beam melting of pure copper for the purpose of producing electrical windings was examined. The conventional manufacturing process of copper windings was investigated, and the potential advantages offered by the design freedom inherent in the electron beam melting process were explored. A comprehensive parameter study was conducted to optimize the existing production parameters for the electron beam melting of pure copper, with a specific focus on achieving the desired material properties suitable for electric motor windings. Moreover, according to additive manufacturing possibilities, conceptual winding models were developed and subsequently were fabricated in a laboratory setting using electron beam melting. The investigation revealed a notable correlation between the achievable wall thickness and the focus offset. A focused electron beam, which was achieved with a focus offset of 17 mA, allowed for the production of thinner walls with reduced surface roughness. Additionally, the study highlighted that the density of the manufactured parts decreased as the hatch offset increased, particularly posing a more critical impact on smaller cross-sectional areas than larger ones. Furthermore, implementing a double-scanned contour for the hatch contributed to diminishing roughness while simultaneously increasing the maximum density to 99.6 %. Influencing the electrical conductivity of printed copper samples through heat treatment was successfully demonstrated, resulting in a conductivity of 91.7% ± 1.8% IACS post-heat treatment. / Inom ramen för denna avhandling undersöktes elektronstrålesmältningen av ren koppar i syfte att producera elektriska lindningar. Den konventionella tillverkningsprocessen av kopparlindningar undersöktes, och de potentiella fördelarna som erbjuds av designfriheten som är inneboende i elektronstrålesmältningsprocessen undersöktes. En omfattande parameterstudie genomfördes för att optimera befintliga produktionsparametrar för elektronstrålesmältning av ren koppar, med särskilt fokus på att uppnå önskade materialegenskaper lämpliga för elmotorlindningar. Dessutom, i enlighet med additiva tillverkningsmöjligheter, utvecklades konceptuella lindningsmodeller och tillverkades därefter i laboratoriemiljö med användning av elektronstrålesmältning. Undersökningen avslöjade en anmärkningsvärd korrelation mellan den möjliga väggtjockleken och fokusförskjutningen. En fokuserad elektronstråle, som uppnåddes med en fokusförskjutning på 17 mA, möjliggjorde produktion av tunnare väggar med minskad ytjämnhet. Dessutom visade studien att densiteten hos de tillverkade delarna minskade när avståndet mellan smältlinjerna ökade, vilket i synnerhet innebar en mer kritisk påverkan på mindre tvärsnittsareor än större. Dessutom bidrog implementeringen av en dubbelskannad kontur för luckan till att minska grovheten samtidigt som den maximala densiteten ökade till 99,6 %. Att påverka den elektriska ledningsförmågan hos tryckta kopparprover genom värmebehandling demonstrerades framgångsrikt, vilket resulterade i en ledningsförmåga på 91,7 % ± 1,8 % IACS efter värmebehandling.

Разработка и изучение нового способа накопления деформации применительно к технически чистому серебру : магистерская диссертация / Development and study of a new method of deformation accumulation applied to technical pure silver

Хаматов, Д. Д., Khamatov, D. D. January 2020 (has links)
Объектами исследования являются проволочная заготовка из пластичного металла, а также способ накопления пластической деформации в операции навивания. Цель работы - разработка и изучения нового способа накопления пластической деформации методом спирального изгиба проволочной заготовки из технически чистого серебра. Приведено теоретическое описание процесса спирального изгиба. Проведена работа по определению механических свойств обрабатываемого материала (в данном случае серебро марки Ср 99,99). Описаны результаты физического моделирования процесса накопления деформации новым способом. Приведена краткая характеристика комплекса математического моделирования процессов обработки металлов давлением QForm VX. В пакете моделирования QForm VX была решена задача накопления пластической деформации с помощью спирального изгиба проволочной заготовки с последующим распрямлением спирали, приведены и проанализированы результаты расчетов. / The objects of research are a wire billet made of ductile metal, as well as a method of accumulating plastic deformation in the winding operation. The purpose of this work is to develop and study a new method of accumulating plastic deformation by spiral bending of a wire blank made of commercially pure silver. A theoretical description of the spiral bending process is given. Work has been carried out to determine the mechanical properties of the processed material (in this case, silver of the Sr 99.99 brand). The results of physical modeling of the deformation accumulation process by a new method are described. A brief description of the QForm VX complex for mathematical modeling of metal forming processes is given. In the QForm VX modeling package, the problem of plastic deformation accumulation by spiral bending of a wire blank with subsequent straightening of the spiral was solved, and the calculation results are presented and analyzed.

Thermal Modelling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Windings in Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles

Dahl, Ken January 2023 (has links)
A significant challenge with permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) is thermal management. Thermal stress can lead to irreversible damage to components, and to enable efficient cooling, a thermal model is needed. In this thesis paper, methods for estimating the hot spot temperature of the windings in PMSMs used in heavy-duty EVs are investigated. The methods include black-box models and lumped parameter thermal network-based models. The results reveal that the implemented models are not sufficient for achieving the desired accuracy, and indicate that more parts of the windings need to be considered.

Étude des pertes atypiques dans les machines synchrones à aimants à hautes performances pour applications aéronautiques / Study of atypical losses in high performance permanent-magnet synchronous machines for aircraft applications

Boubaker, Nadhem 21 July 2016 (has links)
La thèse porte sur la caractérisation expérimentale des pertes singulières dans les matériaux magnétiques au sein d’actionneurs électromécaniques conçus pour le développement du programme « avion plus électrique », où la maîtrise des pertes d’énergie est un enjeu absolument majeur. Ce programme, de portée mondiale, vise, entre autre, à remplacer, dans l’avion, les actionneurs hydrauliques par des actionneurs électromécaniques, quand c’est possible.Par pertes singulières on entend toutes les pertes liées aux contraintes magnéto-mécano-thermiques liées d’une part à la mise en œuvre (découpe, assemblage contraint, isolation, traitement thermique...) des matériaux et d’autre part aux conditions réelles de fonctionnement (champ tournant, haute fréquence, saturations locales...) au sein des machines électriques (HV/HF), et qui sont très difficiles à estimer précisément de façon analytique ou via les dispositifs conventionnels de tests. Ces sollicitations influencent les caractéristiques de tôles qui peuvent s’éloigner significativement des données du fabricant (donc fausser le calcul des performances).Au début de cette thèse on s’est focalisé sur le montage d’un banc d’essai évolutif équipé de moyens de mesure directe du couple et d’une machine d’entraînement (8 ktr/min ; 42 kW) tarée par nos soins. Sur cette dernière une longue campagne d’essais a été menée pour isoler les différentes composantes de pertes, dont, par exemple, les pertes mécaniques (par frottement dans les roulements + aérodynamiques) qui ont été quantifiées via un rotor neutre. Les pertes dans les aimants sont indissociables des pertes fer, donc, elles ont été estimées par le biais d’une modélisation par éléments finis tridimensionnelle. Les pertes dans la frette de maintien sont nulles du fait qu’elle est isolante (thermo-rétractable). Le bobinage utilisé dans ce moteur est très particulier, à barres massives (remplissage de cuivre dans l’encoche jusqu’à 90%), développé dans notre laboratoire IES. Les pertes atypiques au sein de ce bobinage spécial ont été profondément abordées dans ces travaux (effet de refoulement de courants, pertes aux extrémités de la machine...).Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous avons exploré le fonctionnement des machines synchrones à aimants à haute fréquence afin d’accroître la densité de puissance de nos moteurs (pour franchir la barre de 2.5 kW/kg). Pour ce faire, après une étude détaillée, nous avons proposé en premier lieu un prototype avec des matériaux standard (stator FeCo Vacodur49 0.2mm, rotor FeSi, aimants NdFeB nuance N35EH, bobinage à barres cuivre) fonctionnant à 1666 Hz, tournant à 5000 tr/min, avec une densité de puissance de 4.5 kW/kg et un rendement de 94%. En second lieu, nous avons proposé un deuxième prototype de rendement plus faible (93%) mais qui a une densité de puissance proche de 6 kW/kg avec un rotor sans fer et un bobinage en Aluminium.Avant le montage final de ce prototype modulaire, nous avons effectué des mesures de pertes magnétiques, en conditions réelles de fonctionnement d’un moteur électrique, sur une multitude de tôles FeSi et FeCo (Vacodur49, NO20, M270-35A) avec la variation de différents procédés de fabrication: isolation (vernis thermo-collant « back-lack », vernis C5), découpe (laser, électroérosion) et traitement thermique. Pareillement, toutes les pertes mises en jeu ont été séparées (mécaniques, par courants induits dans les viroles...) pour pouvoir remonter aux pertes magnétiques et, donc, enfin, quantifier empiriquement le coefficient de majoration de pertes fer. / The main aim of this thesis was to study and experimentally assess the additional iron losses in the stator (electrical lamination steel) of high performance permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) designed for aircraft applications, in relation with the “more-electric-aircraft” project. This international program consists of gradually introducing electrical systems to replace onboard hydraulic and pneumatic systems, for example to power the landing gear wheels (Electric Green Taxiing System)…The extra iron losses are caused by manufacturing processes (cutting, sticking, insulation, stacking, pressing, shrink-fitting, thermal treatment …) and the real conditions of use of electrical motor (namely: rotational flux, saturation, high frequency…). Indeed, the mechanical and thermal stresses during the manufacturing steps can deteriorate the magnetic properties of the material and significantly increase the iron losses. These aspects are difficult to accurately evaluate by analytical models or standard measurements (Epstein frame…) and require experimental assessment to precisely calculate the motor efficiency.First of all, we started by developing a test bench equipped with drive motor: PMSM 8000 RPM ; 42 kW. For accurate assessment, the losses in this machine are separated on the test bench, for example, the mechanical losses (bearings loss & windage loss) have been measured at different speed with a non-magnetic rotor. Rotor magnets eddy-current losses cannot be isolated from iron losses, for this reason they have been calculated using a 3D finite element model. To limit rotor loss we then used a non-conductive retaining sleeve (heat shrink sleeve). In the winding, we used bar-wound conductors, which is an original winding technology developed in our laboratory, and whose advantage among others is the unusual copper fill factor that reaches almost 90%.Subsequently, we explored the high frequency machines (>1 kHz) in order to increase the power-to-weight ratio (cross the threshold of 2.5 kW/kg). We proposed, the following to the analytical and finite element study, a first conventional prototype with a power-to-weight ratio equal to 4.5 kW/kg with: FeCo stator (Vacodur49 0.2 mm), FeSi rotor and NdFeB magnets (N35EH), operated at 1666 Hz, 5000 RPM and 94% efficiency at full load. A second motor had been also proposed with both rotor and winding in aluminum, in this case the power-to-weight ratio reaches around 6 kW with, however, less efficiency (93%).Finally, this HF motor was tested, at no load, on the aforementioned test bench. The experiments were carried out on a multitude of FeCo and FeSi stator core samples coming from different manufacturing processes (insulation: bonding varnish and C-5 varnish; cutting: laser and EDM “Electrical Discharge Machining”; thermal treatment) in real operating conditions of a high frequency PM machine in order to experimentally obtain the famous “additional coefficient” of iron losses (Kadd).

Contribution à la conception silencieuse par démarches directe et inverse de machines synchrones à aimants permanents et bobinage dentaire / Contribution to permanent magnet synchronous machines quiet design with concentrated winding using inverses approaches

La Delfa, Patricio 15 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la conception silencieuse par démarches inverses de machines synchrones à aimants permanents dotées de bobinages dentaires. Notre travail se focalise sur l’analyse des raies de forces radiales à l’origine du bruit magnétique. En premier lieu, un modèle direct électromagnétique, nous a permis de déterminer le spectre spatio-temporel de la force radiale dans l’entrefer. Ce dernier nous offre la possibilité d’obtenir pas à pas et de manière analytique l’induction radiale dans l’entrefer, résultat du produit de la force magnétomotrice totale et de la perméance d’entrefer globale. Plusieurs machines dotées d’un bobinage dentaire et distribué ont été évaluées, comparées à des simulations par éléments finis et corroborés par une analyse modale opérationnelle sur un prototype existant au laboratoire. Puis la démarche inverse de conception est abordée par le biais de deux outils « analytiques prédictifs » donnant les origines des ordres faibles spatio-temporels de la force radiale dans l’entrefer. Enfin, la résolution du problème inverse est conduite au moyen d’une boucle itérative d’optimisation donnant parmi un échantillon de solutions, une fonction de bobinage, visant à atténuer ou supprimer une raie potentiellement risquée en termes de nuisances acoustiques / This thesis deals the quiet design by inverses approaches of synchronous machines with permanent magnets concentrated windings. Our work focuses on the analysis of magnetic noise origin of air gap radial force orders. Firstly a direct electromagnetic model allowed us to determine the spatio-temporal spectrum of air gap radial pressure. The latter offers us the possibility of obtaining step by step and in an analytical way the radial induction in the gap, result of the product of the total magnetomotive force and global air gap permeance. Several machines equipped with a concentrated winding and distributed were evaluated, compared to simulations by finite elements and corroborated by an operational deflection shape on an existing prototype in the laboratory. In the second time two inverse approaches named predictive methodology identified the radial pressure low order origin. Finally, the resolution of the inverse problem is carried out by means of an iterative optimization loop giving among a sample of solutions, a winding function, aimed at attenuating or eliminating a potential risky line in terms of acoustic nuisances.

Conception de Transformateurs Moyennes Fréquences : application aux convertisseurs DC-DC haute tension et forte puissance / Design methodology of a medium frequency transformer for high voltage and high power DC-DC converters

Pereira, Albert Manuel 16 December 2016 (has links)
Le transport et la distribution de l'énergie électrique sont traditionnellement réalisés en alternatif (50 Hz ou 60 Hz), un des éléments-clés de ces infrastructures est le transformateur de puissance. Ce dernier est utilisé depuis plus d'un siècle et donc sa conception est maîtrisée (avec des rendements très élevés, supérieurs à 99 %). Depuis quelques années, la part des énergies renouvelables est en constante augmentation. Bien souvent, la production des énergies renouvelables est éloignée des centres de consommation. Or, le transport en courant continu sous haute tension (HVDC) sur de grandes distances est plus rentable. Dans ce cas, nous avons besoin de convertisseurs de puissance fonctionnant pour certains avec des Transformateurs Moyennes Fréquences (TMF) entre 1 kHz et quelques dizaines de kilohertz. Dans ces applications, la recherche du rendement maximal est primordiale. L'augmentation de la fréquence de fonctionnement a pour effet bénéfique de diminuer l'encombrement d'un transformateur. Cependant un certain nombre de problèmes vont apparaître avec cette augmentation. Nous pouvons citer : les pertes dans les conducteurs et dans le circuit magnétique sont liées à la fréquence ; le type de bobinages (fil de Litz et feuillard) et les matériaux magnétiques (ferrites et nanocristallins) en moyennes fréquences sont différents de ceux utilisés en 50 Hz ; le refroidissement est plus complexe car la densité de puissance volumique est plus élevée... Ainsi dans cette thèse, nous avons mis en place une méthodologie de conception afin de maîtriser au mieux le dimensionnement d'un TMF avec un compromis précision et coût de calculs. Nous avons identifié les modèles (analytiques et numériques) susceptibles d'être utilisés pour estimer les performances d'un TMF. Deux TMF d'une puissance de 180 kVA et de 1 kVA ont été dimensionnés, fabriqués et testés afin de mettre en évidence le domaine de validité et d'ajuster les différents modèles. Ce travail nous a permis de mettre en place une méthodologie de conception allant des spécifications du convertisseur jusqu'à la simulation de celui-ci avec le modèle du transformateur dimensionné. Nous avons mis en évidence : l'influence de paramètres technologiques sur l'élévation de la résistance pour des bobinages de type feuillard et l'influence de paramètres technologiques sur les propriétés magnétiques des matériaux nanocristallins. Ce travail de thèse a été réalisé avec le groupe « Matériaux du Génie Electrique » du laboratoire Ampère et financé par l'institut pour la transition énergétique SuperGrid Institute / The transmission and distribution of electric power is normally made by ac networks (50 Hz or 60 Hz), where one of the key elements of this infrastructure is the power transformer; used for more than a century, its design is very well understood, with a level of operating efficiency normally greater than 99%. In recent years, the share of renewable energy has been increasing. Often times the energy generated from renewable sources is produced far from consumption centers, and so transportation in the form of high voltage direct current (HVDC) over long distances is more profitable, due to the lower losses seen than with HVAC after a certain length of transmission line. In this case, we need power converters operating with Medium Frequency Transformers (MFT) from 1 kHz to tens of kilohertz. For these applications, the research of their maximum efficiency in operation is paramount. Increasing the transformer operating frequency has the beneficial effect of reducing its size. However, a number of problems will appear with this frequency increase, such as: the increase in the losses in the conductors and the magnetic circuit that are related to the frequency; the less well understood winding type (Litz wire and foil) and magnetic materials (ferrites and nanocrystalline) in the MF that are different from those used at 50 Hz; the cooling is more complex because the power density is higher, etc. In this thesis, a design methodology was developed in order to optimise the design of MFTs with respect to the compromise between accuracy and the length of calculations. In addition, analytical and numerical models were identified that can be used to accurately estimate the performance of an MFT. Furthermore, two MFTs (apparent power: 180 kVA and 1 kVA, respectively) were sized, manufactured and tested in order to demonstrate the domain of validity of the models, and also for optimisation of the different models. This work has enabled the development of a design methodology using the converter specifications and build a simulation with complete model of the transformer, which can then be used to validate an MFT design. We have highlighted: the influence of the technological parameters on the rise of resistance in the foil coils and the influence of the technological parameters on the magnetic properties of nanocrystalline materials. This work was performed with the group "Materials for Electrical Engineering" Ampère laboratory and funded by the Institute for Energy Transition SuperGrid Institute.

Optimal Design of Modular High Performance Brushless Wound Rotor Synchronous Machine for embedded systems / Conception optimale d'un moteur synchrone à rotor bobiné modulaire à hautes performances pour une application embarquée

Le Luong, Huong Thao 18 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à la conception optimale de la machine synchrone à rotor bobiné modulaire sans balais pour les systèmes embarqués. Cette machine est basée sur une structure POKIPOKITM développée par Mitsubishi Electric Coopération avec les convertisseurs de puissance intégrée pour augmenter la capacité de tolérance aux défauts. L'analyse électromagnétique est utilisée pour étudier les différentes machines synchrones à rotor bobiné et donc, pour sélectionner la structure qui offre la meilleure tolérance aux défauts et les performances les plus élevées. D’abord, le choix des nombres de phases, d’encoches et de pôles est un point critique. Ensuite, quelques machines sont analysées et comparées selon les critères tels que la densité de couple, le rendement, l'ondulation de couple. La machine avec 7 phases, 7 encoches et 6 pôles est alors choisie. Cette machine est ensuite comparée à la machine synchrone à aimant permanent monté en surface. Le résultat démontre que la machine synchrone à rotor bobiné modulaire sans balais possède le potentiel de remplacer la machine synchrone à aimant permanent dans notre application parce qu’elle présente des performances similaires avec une capacité de tolérance aux défauts élevée. Dans un second temps, une fois la structure 7phases/7encoches/6pôles choisie, cette machine est optimisée en utilisant NOMAD (qui est un logiciel d'optimisation de boîte noire) afin de minimiser le volume externe sous les contraintes électromagnétiques, thermiques et mécaniques. Comme ce problème d'optimisation est extrêmement difficile à résoudre, quelques relaxations ont été effectuées pour tester les différents algorithmes d'optimisation : fmincon (de Matlab) et NOMAD. Nous remarquons que NOMAD est plus efficace que fmincon pour trouver des solutions à ce problème de conception où certaines contraintes sont calculées par des simulations numériques (ANSYS Maxwell ; code éléments finis). En utilisant la méthode NOMAD basée sur l’algorithme Mesh Adaptive Direct Search, nous obtenons des résultats optimaux qui satisfont toutes les contraintes proposées. Il est nécessaire de valider ce design optimisé en vérifiant toutes les contraintes par des simulations électromagnétiques et thermiques en 3D. Les résultats montrent que le couple moyen obtenu par la simulation en 3D est inférieur à la valeur souhaitée. Par conséquent, en augmentant la longueur de la machine, une nouvelle machine corrigée est ainsi obtenue. Nous observons que les pertes de fer obtenues en 3D sont plus élevées qu'en 2D en raison du flux de fuite dans la tête de bobinage. En prenant les valeurs des pertes analysées par la simulation en 3D, la température de surface de la nouvelle machine analysée par la méthode Computational Fluid Dynamics est plus élevée que celle calculée dans l’optimisation. Enfin, un prototype de machine est construit et quelques tests expérimentaux est réalisés. Le résultat montre que la force électromotrice à vide a une forme d'onde similaire par rapport à la prédiction numérique en 3D et la différence de couple statique maximum entre les tests expérimentaux et les simulations par éléments finis en 3D est faible. / This thesis is dedicated to the design and the optimization of modular brushless wound rotor synchronous machine for embedded systems. This machine is constructed based on POKIPOKITM structure with integrated drive electronics. Finite element analysis based optimization becomes more popular in the field of electrical machine design because analytical equations are not easily formalized for the machines which have complicate structures. Using electromagnetic analysis to comparatively study different modular brushless wound rotor synchronous machines and therefore, to select the structure which offers the best fault tolerant capability and the highest output performances. Firstly, the fundamental winding factor calculated by using the method based on voltage phasors is considered as a significant criterion in order to select the numbers of phases, stator slots and poles. After that, 2D finite element numerical simulations are carried out for a set of 15 machines to analyze their performances. The simulation results are then compared to find an appropriate machine according to torque density, torque ripple and machine efficiency. The 7phase/7-slot/6-pole machine is chosen and compared with a reference design surfacemounted permanent magnet synchronous machine in order to evaluate the interesting performance features of the wound rotor synchronous machine. In the second design stage, this machine is optimized by using derivative-free optimization. The objective is to minimize external volume under electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical constraints. Given that an accurate finite element analysis for machine performance takes a long time. Moreover, considering that the average torque can be obtained by simulating the model with only four rotor positions instead of one electric period, optimization strategy is proposed to reduce computational time and therefore, obtain a fast convergence ability by defining relaxed problems which enable minimizing the external volume of the machine under only several constraints such as average torque, torque ripple and copper losses. By testing relaxed problems, two different optimization methods (NOMAD and fmincon) are compared in order to select an appropriate method for our optimization problem. Using NOMAD method based on Mesh Adaptive Direct Search, we achieve optimal results which satisfy all of the constraints proposed. In the third design stage, all constraints are validated by 3D electromagnetic and thermal simulations using finite element and computational fluid dynamics methods. The 3D results show that the average torque obtained is lower than the desired value. By increasing the length of the machine, a new corrected machine is thus obtained. It can be observed that the iron losses obtained in 3D are higher than that in 2D due to the leakage flux in the end-winding. Then, the machine temperature is analyzed by using ANSYS Fluent. Note that the surface temperature is higher than that calculated in the optimization and the coil temperature is 8.48°C higher than the desired value (105°C). However, some dissipation by the shaft and the bearings of the machine are expected to reduce the machine temperature. Finally, a machine prototype is built and some experimental tests are carried out. The results show that the electromotive force has a similar waveform compared to 3D prediction and the difference of the measured and predicted maximum static torques is small.

Reduced Switch Count Multi-Level Inverter Structures With Common Mode Voltage Elimination And DC-Link Capacitor Voltage Balancing For IM Drives

Mondal, Gopal 07 1900 (has links)
Multilevel inverter technology has emerged recently as a very important alternative in the area of high-power medium-voltage energy control. Voltage operation above semiconductor device limits, lower common mode voltages, near sinusoidal outputs together with small dv/dt’s, are some of the characteristics that have made this power converters popular for industry and modern research. However, the existing solutions suffer from some inherent drawbacks like common mode voltage problem, DC-link capacitor voltage fluctuation etc. Cascaded multi-level inverter with open-end winding induction motor structure promises significant improvements for high power medium-voltage applications. This dissertation investigates such cascaded multi-level inverters for open-end winding induction motor drive with reduced switch count. Similar to the conventional two-level inverters, other multi-level inverters with PWM control generate alternating common mode voltage (CMV). The alternating common mode voltage coupled through the parasitic capacitors in the machine and results in excessive bearing current and shaft voltage. The unwanted shaft voltage may cross the limit of insulation breakdown voltage and cause motor failure. This alternating common mode voltage adds to the total leakage current through ground conductor and acts as a source of conducted EMI which can interfere with other electronic equipments around. As the number of level increase in the inverter, different voltage levels are made available by using DC-link capacitor banks, instead of using different isolated power supplies. The intermediate-circuit capacitor voltages which are not directly supplied by the power sources are inherently unstable and require a suitable control method for converter operation, preferably without influence on the load power factor. Apart from normal operation, the sudden fault conditions may occur in the system and it is necessary to implement the control strategy considering this condition also. A five-level inverter topology with cascaded power circuit structure is proposed in this dissertation with the strategy to eliminate the common mode voltage and also to maintain the balance in the DC-link capacitor voltages. The proposed scheme is based on a dual five-level inverter for open-end winding induction motor. The principle achievement of this work is the reduction of power circuit complexity in the five-level inverter compared to a previously proposed five-level inverter structure for open-end winding IM drive with common mode voltage elimination. The reduction in the number of power switching devices is achieved by sharing the two two-level inverters for both the inverter structures. The resultant inverter structure can produce a nine-level voltage vector structure with the presence of alternating common mode voltage. The inverter structure is formed by cascading conventional two-level inverters together with NPC three-level inverters. Thus it offers modular and simpler power bus structure. As the power circuit is realised by cascading conventional two-level and NPC three-level inverters the number of power diodes requirements also reduced compared to the conventional NPC five-level inverters. The present proposed structure is implemented for the open-end winding induction motor and the power circuit offers more number of switching state redundancies compared to any conventional five-level inverter. The inverter structure required half the DC-link voltage compared to the DC-link voltage required for the conventional five-level inverter structure for induction motor drive and this reduces the voltage stress on the individual power devices. The common mode voltage is eliminated by selecting only the switching states which do not generate any common mode voltage in pole voltages hence there will be no common mode voltage at the motor phase also. The technique of using the switching state selection for the common mode voltage elimination, cancels out the requirement of the filter for the same purpose. As the inverter output is achieved without the presence of common mode voltage, the dual inverter can be fed from the common DC-link sources, without generating any zero sequence current. Hence the proposed dual five-level inverter structure requires only four isolated DC supplies. The multi-level inverters supplied by single power supply, have inherent unbalance in the DC-link capacitor voltages. This unbalance in the DC-link capacitor voltages causes lower order harmonics at the inverter output, resulting in torque pulsation and increased voltage stress on the power switching devices. A five-level inverter with reduced power circuit complexity is proposed to achieve the dual task of eliminating common mode voltage and DC-link capacitor voltage balancing. The method includes the analysis of current through the DC-link capacitors, depending on the switching state selections. The conditions to maintain all the four DC-link capacitor voltages are analysed. In an ideal condition when there is no fault in the power circuit the balance in the capacitor voltages can be maintained by selecting switching states in consecutive intervals, which have opposite effect on the capacitor voltages. This is called the open loop control of DC-link capacitor voltage balancing, since the capacitor voltages are not sensed during the selection of the switching states. The switching states with zero common mode voltages are selected for the purpose of keeping the capacitor voltages in balanced condition during no fault condition. The use of any extra hardware is avoided. The proposed open loop control of DC-link capacitor voltage balancing is capable of keeping the DC-link capacitor voltages equal in the entire modulation region irrespective of the load powerfactor. The problem with the proposed open loop control strategy is that, it can not take any corrective action if there is any initial unbalance in the capacitor voltages or if any unbalance occurs in the capacitor voltages during operation of the circuit,. To get the corrective action in the capacitor voltages due occurrence of any fault in the circuit, the strategy is further improved and a closed loop control strategy for the DC-link capacitor voltages is established. All the possible fault conditions in the four capacitors are identified and the available switching states are effectively used for the corrective action in each fault condition. The strategy is implemented such a way that the voltage balancing can be achieved without affecting the output fundamental voltage. The proposed five-level inverter structure presented in this thesis is based on a previous work, where a five-level inverter structure is proposed for the open-end winding induction motor. In that previous work 48 switches are used for the realization of the power circuit. It is observed that all the available switching states in this previous work are not used for any of the performance requirement of CMV elimination or DC-link voltage balancing. So, in this proposed work, the power circuit is optimized by reducing some of the switches, keeping the performance of the inverter same as the power circuit proposed in the previous work. The five-level inverter proposed in this thesis used 36 switches and the number of switching states is also reduced. But, the available switching states are sufficient for the CMV elimination and DC-link capacitor voltage balancing. The advantage of the modular circuit structure of this proposed five-level inverter is further investigated and the inverter structure is modified to a seven-level inverter structure for the open end winding induction motor. The proposed power circuit of the seven-level inverter uses only 48 switches, which is less compared to any seven-level inverter structure for the open end winding induction motor with common mode voltage elimination. The power circuit is reduced by sharing four two-level inverters to both the individual seven-level inverters in both the sides of the of the open end winding induction motor. The cascaded structure eliminates the necessity of the power diodes as required by the conventional NPC multilevel inverters. The proposed seven-level inverter is capable of producing a thirteen-level voltage vector hexagonal structure with the presence of common mode voltage. The common mode voltage elimination is achieved by selecting only the switching states with zero common mode voltage from both the inverters and the combined inverter structure produce a seven-level voltage vector structure with zero common mode voltage. The switching frequency is also reduced for the seven-level inverter compared to the proposed five-level inverter. The advantage of this kind of power circuit structure is that the number of power diode requirement is same in both five-level and seven-level inverters. Since there is no common mode voltage in the output voltages, the dual seven-level inverter structure can be implemented with the common DC-link voltage sources for both the sides. Six isolated power supplies are sufficient for both the seven-level inverters. The available switching states in this proposed seven-level inverter are further analysed to implement the open loop and closed loop capacitor voltage balancing and this allow the power circuit to run with only three isolated DC supplies. All the proposed work presented in this thesis are initially simulated in SIMULINK toolbox and then implemented in a form of laboratory prototype. A 2.5KW open end winding induction motor is used for the implementation of these proposed works. But all these work general in nature and can be implemented for high power drive applications with proper device ratings.

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