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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação morfoquantitativa dos efeitos da subnutrição e da renutrição protéica no processo condilar da mandíbula de ratos wistar: uma correlação com a expressão do receptor de insulina / Morphoquantitative evaluation of the effects of protein deprivation and refeeding in the mandibular condyle of wistar rats: an expression correlation of the insulin receptor

Cavalli, Marcelo Arthur 03 November 2011 (has links)
A cartilagem do processo condilar (PC) da mandíbula de ratos wistar é secundária e atua como sítio do crescimento mandibular. O fenômeno depende da ingestão adequada de proteínas e da ação de hormônios, entre eles a insulina. Objetivou-se correlacionar as alterações morfológicas provenientes da subnutrição protéica pré e pós-natal, da renutrição pós-natal com a detecção imunohistoquímica e a quantificação do receptor de insulina (IR) na cartilagem do PC de ratos wistar. Os grupos experimentais formaram-se animais heterogêneos (n=3) de acordo com a ração oferecida, protéica ou hipoprotéica, e com as respectivas idades, nos grupos N e S (nutridos e subnutridos com 60 dias de vida), R (renutridos do desmame até 60 dias), NN (nutridos até 100 dias) e RR (renutridos do desmame até 100 dias). Após a eutanásia, os espécimes foram processados para análise sob microscopia de luz. Cortes sagitais foram submetidos a colorações que permitiram observar o padrão celular, a matriz cartilagínea e o componente colágeno das camadas da cartilagem do PC. Cortes também foram submetidos à imunomarcação do receptor de insulina. Para se observar alteração na arquitetura tecidual do PC, realizou-se a microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Observou-se que o PC contém praticamente o mesmo número de células em proliferação na fase púbere e no adulto maduro (N=NN; p>0,05). A subnutrição determinou a diminuição significativa do número de células da camada proliferativa do PC (N≠S; p<0,05) e o restabelecimento nutricional mantido até a idade adulta não normaliza este parâmetro, de modo que o número de células permanece menor (NN≠RR; p<0,05). A densidade celular aos 100 dias é maior no grupo RR (NN≠RR; p<0,05). Quanto ao período púbere, a avaliação do colágeno demonstrou que a renutrição é capaz de prover novas áreas de desenvolvimento do componente fibroso do complexo osteocartilagíneo e aumento de espessura da camada condroblástica. Quanto à imunomarcação, todos os grupos apresentaram reatividade bastante heterogênea ao receptor de insulina, com predomínio nas camadas condroblástica e hipertrófica. O número de células imunorreativas foi menor e se equivalem estatisticamente nos grupos S e RR, enquanto que os grupos N, NN e R exibiram maior número, sendo N=R e R=NN; p<0,05. A densidade dessas células foi menor em S, N e R quando comparados ao grupo NN e não houve diferença estatística entre S, N, R e RR. O número de células do PC modifica-se pouco no período púbere, e o seu desenvolvimento normal é sensível à depleção protéica, de modo que o tecido não é capaz de responder ao restabelecimento protéico mesmo quando mantido até a idade adulta, apresentando também drástica diminuição da produção de matriz extracelular. A insulina funciona como hormônio de crescimento no PC, e o quadro apresentado em estados de subnutrição, é muito semelhante àquela condição observada no diabetes do tipo II, na qual as células se tornam resistentes à insulina. / In the mandible of wistar rats the cartilage of the condylar process (CP) is secondary and acts as a site of mandibular growth. The phenomenon depends on adequate protein intake and action of hormones, like insulina. In the present study, the morphological changes from protein malnutrition pre- and post-natal and post-natal re-nourishment were evaluated with immunohistochemical detection and quantification of insulin receptor (IR) in the cartilage of CP rats. The experimental groups were formed by heterogeneous animals (n = 3) according to the diet (protein or low protein) and age (60 or 100 days of life). Thus, the CP from animals of groups N and S (nourished and malnourished - 60 days old), R (renourished from weaning to 60 days), NN (fed up to 100 days) and RR (renourished from weaning until 100 days) were processed under light microscopy techniques. Semi-seriate sagittal sections were stained to observe the standard cellular cartilage matrix and collagen component of CP cartilage layers. Some sections were also immunolabelled with insulin receptor. The three-dimensional architecture of the CP was evaluated under electron microscopy (SEM). The CP exhibits the same number of proliferating cells at puberty (60 days) and mature phase (100 days) (N = NN; > p 0, 05). The undernutrition determine a significant decrease in the number cells present in the proliferative layers of CP (N ≠ S p <0.05). The nutritional recovery until adult phase does not normalize this parameter, with the cell number remaining lower (NN ≠ RR, p <0.05). In the adult phase, the cell density is higher in the RR (NN ≠ RR, p <0.05). When the collagen component was evaluated at puberty it was observed that re-nourishment was able to provide areas of development in the fibrous component present in the osteocartilaginous complex. The re-nourishment also increased the thickness of chondroblastic layer. All groups showed highly heterogeneous reactivity for insulin receptor, predominantly in the chondroblastic and hypertrophic layers. The number of immunoreactive cells is small and statistically equivalent in S and RR groups, while the groups N, R and NN have a great number of these cells (N = NN = R and R). The density of immunoreactive cells was lower in S, N and R than in NN. There were no statistical differences among S, N, R and RR. The number of cells in the CP is slightly altered during puberty and the normal development of CP is sensitive to protein depletion. This condition indicates that the tissues are not able to respond to the restoration of protein retained, even when maintained until the adult phase also showing a drastic decrease in the extracellular matrix production. The insulin acts like a growth hormone in the CP, and the roll of malnutrition states is very similar to that condition observed in type II diabetes, in which cells become resistant to insulin.

Sutura química por polietilenoglicol na regeneração do nervo facial em ratos após neurotmese / Polyethylene glycol-fusion in facial nerve regeneration in rats after neurotmesis

Nascimento, Sílvia Bona do 07 November 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O nervo facial (NF) desempenha um papel importante em diversas funções fisiológicas do organismo e controla a musculatura da mímica facial, responsável por transmitir sentimentos e emoções. O tratamento padrão-ouro para reconstrução do NF após trauma com secção é a anastomose término-terminal com cola de fibrina, que na maioria dos casos ainda produz resultados subótimos. Por isso, objetivou-se testar o efeito de uma nova técnica de reconstrução usando um protocolo de fusão axonal por polietilenoglicol (PEG), denominada sutura química, utilizando parâmetros eletrofisiológicos e histomorfométricos. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar foram divididos em 4 grupos. Após transecção do ramo mandibular do NF, o grupo controle foi submetido a anastomose dos cotos neurais com microssuturas. O grupo 2 foi tratado com microssuturas mais a sutura química. A sutura química consistiu de lavagem dos cotos neurais com solução de Krebs hipotônica contendo azul de metileno antes das microssuturas. Depois da sutura, seguiu-se a lavagem com solução de PEG e, por último, aplicação de solução de Krebs contendo cálcio. O grupo 3 recebeu microssuturas mais a solução com azul de metileno. E o grupo 4 foi tratado com microssuturas mais a solução de PEG. Os potenciais de ação musculares compostos (PAMCs) foram avaliados no pré-operatório e após 3 e 6 semanas das intervenções. A análise histomorfométrica foi realizada após 6 semanas. RESULTADOS: Os animais submetidos à sutura química apresentaram maior amplitude e menor duração dos PAMCs 3 e 6 semanas após a cirurgia em comparação com todos os demais grupos; na análise histológica, apresentaram maior contagem axonal e maior diâmetro axonal. CONCLUSÕES: A sutura química produziu recuperação mais intensa do NF após secção e sutura quando comparada à sutura isoladamente, pela avaliação eletrofisiológica e histomorfométrica, e pode ser útil em situações clinicas nas quais haja secção seguida de reparo neural imediato / BACKROUND: The gold standard treatment for traumatic transection of the FN continues to be end-to-end anastomosis using fibrin glue, which often yields unsatisfying results. OBJECTIVE: To test the outcome of a novel method of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-fusion on FN transection using electrophysiological and histophormometric parameters. METHODS: Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups. After FN transection, the control group was submitted to end-to-end anastomosis with microsutures. Group 2 was submitted to microsutures plus the PEG-fusion protocol. This protocol consisted in bathing nerve stumps with a calcium-free Krebs solution containing methylene blue (MB) before suturing. After suturing, the repaired nerve received a PEG solution followed by a calcium-containing Krebs solution. Group 3 received microsutures plus the MB solution and group 4 received microsutures plus the PEG solution. Compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) were recorded before the intervention and 3 and 6 weeks afterwards. Histomorphometric analysis was done at 6 weeks time. RESULTS: The PEG-fusion protocol yielded larger CMAP amplitude, smaller CMAP duration at 3 and 6 weeks and a larger axon count and axon diameter. Between the other groups, no significant difference was seen. CONCLUSION: PEG-fusion produces better FN recovery after transection, when considering electrophysiological and histomorphometric analysis and may be of use in clinical scenarios of FN cut-severance followed by immediate repair

O efeito do cimento composto de sulfato de cálcio e beta fosfato tricálcico com controle de potencial zeta sobre o reparo de defeitos ósseos críticos em calvária de ratos / The effect of calcium sulfate and beta-tricalcium phosphate composite with zeta potential control on the healing process of bone critical defects in rats

Souza, Daniel Falbo Martins de 02 July 2015 (has links)
Nos defeitos bucomaxilofaciais, a intervenção cirúrgica utilizando enxertos ou substi-tutos ósseos é indicada para reestabelecer a forma e a função perdidas. Nesse con-texto, enxertos auto?genos e alo?genos te?m sido substituídos por biomateriais osteo-condutores e reabsorvíveis. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar por meio de micro-tomografia e dos aspectos histológicos do reparo ósseo, se um novo cimento bifási-co composto por sulfato de cálcio e beta fosfato tricálcico com controle de potencial zeta, poderia induzir ou conduzir a neoformação óssea em defeitos críticos, produzi-dos em calvárias de ratos. Foi realizado um defeito crítico de 8mm de diâmetro na calvária de 40 ratos Wistar machos. No grupo teste (n=20) os defeitos foram preen-chidos pelo cimento. No grupo controle (n=20) os defeitos não foram preenchidos e permaneceram apenas com o coágulo. Os animais sofreram eutanásia em 7, 14, 21 e 42 dias do pós operatório. Espécimes da região da ferida foram microtomografa-dos e posteriormente as amostras foram preparadas para análise histológica. A aná-lise histomorfológica incluiu a avaliação morfológica da histopatologia do reparo, a avaliação morfométrica da área de formação das trabéculas ósseas comparativa-mente entre os grupos. Realizamos ainda a coloração com fosfatase tartrato-resistente (TRAP) para identificação de osteoclastos. Os resultados mostraram que os defeitos preenchidos pelo cimento não apresentaram diminuição significativa da área de acordo com a progressão dos períodos pós-operatórios, pelo contrário, em alguns animais, o defeito aparentemente aumentou. A histomorfologia do reparo mostrou agrupamentos mais expressivos de células gigantes no grupo teste suge-rindo resposta a corpo estranho e osso neoformado mais maduro no grupo controle No grupo teste houve permanência do material e resposta corpo estranho até os úl-timos períodos de observação. Na histomorfometria, a área total de neoformação óssea na região da ferida foi significativamente maior e crescente com o passar do tempo experimental no grupo controle do que no grupo teste. As células gigantes apresentaram expressão histoquímica positiva para TRAP e não foram identificados osteoclastos. Concluímos que neste modelo de estudo, o cimento cerâmico não in-duziu ou conduziu a neoformação óssea de defeitos ósseos críticos criados em cal-vária de ratos sob o ponto de vista microtomográfico e histológico. / Surgical intervention employing grafts and bone substitutes is the best choice in oral and maxillofacial bone defects reconstruction for structural and functional lost. Re-garding this, autogenous and alogenous grafts have been used as osteocondutive and resorbable biomaterials. The aim of this study was to evaluate if a new bone bi-phasic composite of calcium sulfate and beta tricalcium phosphate with zeta potential control could induce or conduct bone formation in rats\' calvarias critical defects mod-el. Forty male Wistar rats underwent 8mm diameter calvaria perforation under gen-eral anesthesia. Animals were randomly allocated to group test (n=20), when the de-fects were filled with the biphasic phosphate and group control (n=20) when the wound was left just with blood clot. Animals underwent euthanasia 7, 14, 21 and 42 days after surgery. Bone calvaria specimens underwent microtomography and histo-logical processing for analysis. Histomorphological and histomorphometry were per-formed regarding aspects of bone healing evolution and new bone total area within the defect. Additionally, histological samples were tartrate-resistant phosphatase (TRAP) stained for osteoclasts identification. The results showed that defects filled by the composite did not present significant bone formation considering postoperative evolution, on the contrary it seemed that the defect area increased in some animals. The bone repair histomorphology in test-group showed expressive giant cells nests involving the ceramic material suggesting foreign body reaction. A mature bone tis-sue neoformation was significantly more intense in the control-group. In the test-group the permanence of the exogenous material caused the sustained foreign body reaction until the last observational periods. Histomorphometric analysis showed that in control-group the total area of bone formation was significantly greater and pro-gressive along the experiment than the test-group. Osteoclasts were not identified but the giant cells presented positive reaction to TRAP. It was possible to conclude that the biphasic ceramic with zeta potential control was not capable to induce or conduct bone neoformation in critical defects created in rats\' calvaria.

Avaliação dos valores séricos e urinários de CA 19-9 e TGFbeta1 na obstrução parcial e completa de ureteres em ratos / Seric and urinary evaluation of CA 19-9 and TGF beta1 in a rat model of partial or complete ureteral obstruction

Lopes, Roberto Iglesias 28 March 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A alteração dos níveis normais de marcadores séricos e urinários ocorre na presença de dano renal associado à uropatia obstrutiva. Valores séricos e e urinários de TGF beta1 e CA 19-9 ainda não foram avaliados em modelo experimental de uropatia obstrutiva. Material e Métodos: Ratos foram divididos em sete grupos: referência, sham operation, nefrectomia unilateral, ligadura completa de ureter unilateral, obstrução parcial de ureter unilateral, obstrução parcial de ambos ureteres, nefrectomia unilateral associada à obstrução parcial do ureter contralateral. Morfometria renal e ureteral, concentrações séricas e urinárias de TGF beta1 e CA 19-9 e expressão tecidual renal de CA 19-9 foram analisadas. A correlação destes marcadores com os grupos submetidos a obstrução completa, obstrução parcial ou sem obstrução foi realizada. Resultados: Achados anatomopatológicos correlacionaram-se positivamente à intensidade da obstrução ureteral e negativamente aos níveis urinários de CA 19-9. Subexpressão acentuada do CA 19-9 foi observada em unidades renais com obstrução completa. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas para os marcadores TGF beta1 urinário, TGF beta1 sérico e para o CA 19-9 sérico Conclusões: O CA 19-9 urinário correlacionou-se negativamente com o grau de obstrução ureteral. A análise imuno-histoquímica demonstrou a expressão do CA 19-9 no citoplasma das células epiteliais tubulares, sugerindo produção renal do marcador. O TGF beta1 sérico e urinário não apresentaram modificações de acordo com o grau de severidade e tempo de obstrução, o que pode estar relacionado a remodelamento renal menos intenso em resposta à uropatia obstrutiva nestes ratos / Introduction: Abnormal levels of serum and urinary markers occur in the presence of renal damage associated to obstructive uropathy. Urinary and serum TGFbeta1 and CA 19- 9 have not yet been evaluated in an experimental model of obstructive uropathy. Material and Methods: Rats were divided into seven groups: reference, sham operation, unilateral nephrectomy, complete unilateral ureteral obstruction, partial unilateral ureteral obstruction, partial bilateral ureteral obstruction, and unilateral nephrectomy with contralateral partial ureteral obstruction. Kidney and ureter morphometry, TGFbeta1 and CA 19-9 serum and urinary concentrations and CA 19-9 renal tissue expression were analysed. Correlation of these markers to complete, partial obstruction or unobstructed groups was performed. Results: Pathological findings correlated positively with the degree of ureteral obstruction, but negatively with urinary CA 19-9 levels. Marked underexpression of CA 19-9 was observed in kidneys with complete ureteral obstruction. No statistically significant differences were found for urinary and serum TGFbeta1 and also for serum CA 19-9. Conclusions: Urinary CA 19-9 correlated negatively with ureteral obstruction grade. Immunohistochemistry depicted CA 19-9 expression on epithelial tubular cells cytoplasm, suggesting renal origin. Serum and urinary TGFbeta1 did not show alterations in response to severity and length of urinary obstruction, which might be associated with less intense renal remodeling

Análise do transcriptoma (RNAseq) das células foliculares tireoidianas revela uma diversidade de ações autócrinas do T3. / ranscriptoma analysis of thyroid follicular cells reveals a diversity of autocrine actions of T3.

Dias, Rafael Benjamin Araújo 06 December 2018 (has links)
Os hormônios tireoidianos (HTs) desempenham um papel importante em diversos processos, tais como o crescimento, desenvolvimento e metabolismo dos tecidos em geral. Embora estudos tenham demonstrado que os HTs agem diretamente nas células foliculares da tireoide reduzindo sua resposta ao TSH, pouco se sabe, a nível molecular, sobre essa e outras ações dos HTs na própria glândula tireoide. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar alterações no perfil de expressão gênica nas células foliculares tireoidianas (células PCCl3) em reposta ao tratamento com triiodotironina (T3). Após atingir confluência desejada, as células PCCl3 foram mantidas em meio depletado de HTs (grupo Hipo) por 24h. Após esse período, parte das células foi tratada com 10-7M de T3 (grupo T3) por 24 h. As células foram, então, lisadas para extração de RNA total para análise do transcriptoma, por RNAseq. Foi obtido como resultado, uma lista de genes diferencialmente expressos da qual foram selecionados cinco genes para validação in vitro (novo lote de células PCCl3 submetidas às mesmas condições descritas acima) e in vivo [ratos Wistar (250g), tratados por 4 semanas com T3 (1,5 μg/100g de peso corporeo; grupo hipertireoideo) ou PTU (10 μg/100g de peso corporeo; grupo hipotireoideo): o Slc16a1, que codifica o MCT8, responsável pelo transporte de T3 através da membrana, o Snrpd1, 9-March, Pfdn1 e Fam103a1, que codificam proteínas envolvidas no controle pós-transcricional e pós-traducional da expressão gênica. O tratamento com T3 estimulou a expressão dos genes Snrpd1, Pfdn1 e Fam103a1, enquanto reduziu a expressão de 9-March e Slc16a1. Juntos esses resultados demonstram a existência de um efeito autócrino exercido pelo T3 sobre o controle do seu próprio turnover proteico. / Thyroid hormones (HTs) play an important role in many processes, such as growth, development and metabolism of tissues in general. Although studies have shown that HTs act directly on follicular thyroid cells reducing their response to TSH, little is known, at the molecular level, about this and other actions of HTs in the thyroid gland itself. In this sense, the aim of the present study was to evaluate changes in the gene expression profile in the thyroid follicular cells (PCCl3 cells) in response to triiodothyronine (T3) treatment. After reaching 60% confluence, PCCl3 cells were maintained in HT depleted medium (Hypo group) for 24h. After this time, part of the cells was treated with 10-7M T3 (T3 group) for 24 h. Cells were then lysed for total RNA extraction for transcriptome analysis by RNAseq. As a result, a list of differentially expressed genes from which five genes for in vitro validation (PCCl3 cells under the same conditions described above) and in vivo [Wistar rats (250g), treated for 4 weeks with T3 (1.5 &um;g / 100 g body weight, hyperthyroid group) or PTU (10 &um;g / 100 g body weight; hypothyroid group): Slc16a1, which encodes MCT8, responsible for the transport of T3 through the membrane, Snrpd1, 9-March, Pfdn1 and Fam103a1, which encode proteins involved in post-transcriptional and post-translational control of gene expression. T3 treatment stimulated the expression of the Snrpd1, Pfdn1 and Fam103a1 genes, while reducing the expression of 9-March and Slc16a1. Together these results demonstrate the existence of an autocrine effect exerted by T3 on the control of its own protein turnover.

Βιοχημικοί και ιστοπαθολογικοί δείκτες εκτίμησης αποτελεσματικότητας σύγχρονων θεραπευτικών προσεγγίσεων οστεοπόρωσης

Χριστοπούλου, Γεωργία Ε. 28 August 2008 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή, μελετήθηκε η επίδραση της ατορβαστατίνης στην εξέλιξη της οστεοπόρωσης. Ως πειραματικό μοντέλο επιλέχθηκε ο επίμυς, που, κατόπιν, απώλειας των οιστρογόνων λόγω ωοθηκεκτομής, αναπτύσσει οστεοπόρωση. Η επαγωγή της οστεοπόρωσης επιβεβαιώθηκε με πληθώρα μεθόδων. Αρχικά, (ημέρα 0) στο πειραματικό δείγμα (n=25) πραγματοποιήθηκαν μετρήσεις, στο αίμα, των βιοχημικών δεικτών του μεταβολισμού του οστού, (Αμινοτελικό πεπτίδιο του κολλαγόνου Τύπου Ι – NTx και οστεοκαλσίνη) με τη μέθοδο ELISA, μέτρηση της οστικής πυκνότητας με τη μέθοδο pQCT και αξιολόγηση της δομικής ακεραιότητας – ποιότητας του οστού με τη μέθοδο MDF. Ακολούθησε η αφαίρεση των ωοθηκών άμφω και, μετά από 60 ημέρες, επαναλήφθηκαν οι παραπάνω μετρήσεις. Όλες οι παραπάνω μέθοδοι, επιβεβαίωσαν την επαγωγή της οστεοπόρωσης μετά την ωοθηκεκτομή, και, άρα, την επιτυχία του πειραματικού μοντέλου. Αφού εξασφαλίσθηκε το οστεοπορωτικό μοντέλο, ο πειραματικός πληθυσμός χωρίστηκε τυχαία σε τρεις υπο-πληθυσμούς. Στον ένα υπο-πληθυσμό (n=10) χορηγήθηκε ατορβαστατίνη (4mg/kg/ημέρα), στον δεύτερο υπο-πληθυσμό (n=10) χορηγήθηκε αλενδρονάτη (4mg/kg/ημέρα), ενώ ο τρίτος υπο-πληθυσμός (n=5) χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως αρνητικός μάρτυρας και δεν έλαβε καμία θεραπεία (no-therapy control). Η χορήγηση των φαρμακευτικών αγωγών ήταν δια στόματος μέσω στοματογαστρικού καθετήρα και διήρκεσε από την ημέρα 60 έως την ημέρα 145. Μετά το πέρας χορήγησης των φαρμακευτικών αγωγών, επαναλήφθηκαν οι προαναφερθείσες μετρήσεις, τα πειραματόζωα θυσιάστηκαν και απομονώθηκαν οστά κνήμης για ιστολογική μελέτη, καθώς και μελέτη πρωτεϊνικών μορίων που εμπλέκονται στην κυτταρική βιολογία των κυττάρων του οστίτη ιστού. Συγκεκριμένα, η ιστολογική μελέτη συμπεριελάμβανε εκτίμηση των οστών με χρώση αιματοξυλίνης – ηωσίνης σε τομές παραφίνης, ιστομορφομετρία, ανοσοϊστοχημική χρώση των μορίων Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2) και Fas (παράγοντας οστεοκλαστικής απόπτωσης) σε τομές σε πλαστικό, καθώς και ανοσοαποτύπωση κατά Western των αυτών πρωτεϊνών. Γενικά, όλες οι μέθοδοι που εφαρμόστηκαν, έδειξαν να ακολουθούν όλες τις μεταβολές στην δομική – ποιοτική κατάσταση των οστών, καθ’όλη την πειραματική πορεία. Ιδιάιτερη ευαισθησία στην ανίχνευση των μεταβολών αυτών, φάνηκε να παρουσιάζουν οι βιοχημικοί δείκτες του οστικού μεταβολισμού, αλλά και η νέα μέθοδος μέτρησης του Συντελεστή Εσωτερικής Απόσβεσης (MDF). Όσον αφορά στις φαρμακευτικές αγωγές, και η ατορβαστατίνη και η αλενδρονάτη παρουσίασαν θετική επίδραση στην εξέλιξη της οστεοπόρωσης, επιβραδύνοντάς την. Ειδικότερα, η ομάδα που έλαβε ατορβαστατίνη επέδειξε μια ισχυρότερη απόκριση στη χορήγηση της ουσίας, συγκριτικά με την ομάδα που έλαβε αλενδρονάτη. Προς την ίδια κατεύθυνση, φάνηκε να τείνουν και τα ευρήματα σχετικά με την έκφραση της BMP-2 και του Fas, αφού η ατορβαστατίνη ήταν η ουσία εκείνη που αύξησε την έκφραση και των δυο αυτών μορίων και, συνεπώς, την παραγωγή οστού από τους οστεοβλάστες και την απόπτωση των οστεοκλαστών. Στο σημείο αυτό θα ήταν σκόπιμο να σημειωθεί πως τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης αυτής είναι ενδεικτικά και θα μπορούσαν να ισχυροποιηθούν με εφαρμογή των πειραματικών μεθόδων σε μεγαλύτερο πειραματικό δείγμα, μεγαλύτερη διάρκεια χορήγησης των φαρμάκων και δοκιμές διαφορετικών δόσεων αυτών. / The effects of the administration of atorvastatin on the development of ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis were evaluated in this study. The ovariectomized rat was employed as the experimental model. The development of osteoporosis, following ovariectomy was confirmed by a plethora of experimental methods and techniques. Initially (day 0), the experimental population (n=25) was submitted to blood measurements of the bone biochemical markers, NTx and osteocalcin (ELISA protocol), bone density measurements by pQCT and assessment of bone structural integrity with MDF methodology. MDF (Modal Damping Factor) is a new analytical and arithmetic method, based on the measurement of the dynamic characteristics of bone (quality factor and modal damping factor) by applying vibration excitation in the range of acoustic frequencies. Ovariectomy was performed to all test animals, and 60 days later, the same biochemical and radiological measurements were repeated. All the above methodologies confirmed the development of osteoporosis renderring, thus, the experimental animal model successful. Since osteoporosis had been confirmed, the experimental population was randomly divided (two cases to one control) into 3 sub-populations. The first sub-population (n=10) was administered atorvastatin (4mg/kg/day), the second sub-population (n=10) was administered alendronate (4mg/kg/day), whereas the third sub-population (n=5) was not administered any drug (no-therapy control). Drug administration was oral by gavage, from day 60 up to day 145. At the end of therapy, the test animals were again tested for levels of bone biochemical markers NTx and osteocalcin, and submitted to pQCT and MDF evaluation. They were, then, euthanized and tibiae were isolated for further histological studies. Specificly, histology studies included the evaluation of bone quality by eosin – hematoxylin staining of paraffin – embedded tibia sections, Histomorphometry, immunohistochemistry of methyl-methacrylate – embedded sections and Western Blotting for Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2) and apoptotic factor Fas. In general, all methods applied followed the changes in bone integrity and quality, throughout the whole experimental course. Higher sensitivity in detecting these changes was exhibited by the bone biochemical markers and the new MDF method. With regard to the therapeutical agents administered, both atorvastatin and alendronate seemed to have a positive impact on the progression of osteoporosis, decelerating it. Especially, the atorvastatin – treated group presented a greated response to the administration of the drug, compared to the alendronate – treated one. The findings concerning the expression of BMP-2 and Fas, seemed to point to the same direction, since atorvastatin administration increased the levels of BMP-2 and Fas expression, increasing, thus, the bone production and osteoclast apoptosis, respectively. At this point, it would be wise to notice that our results are indicative, not conclusive and could be fortified by application of the methods used on a larger experimental sample size, longer administration of the drugs and tests of different drug dosages.

Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1 und Endothelin-B-Rezeptor: Interaktion im Hippokampus / Cannabinoid CB1 and Endothelin-B-Receptor: Interaction in the Hippocampus

Unzicker, Christian 22 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of chronic methamphetamine exposure during early or late phase development in normal and social isolation reared rats / Laetitia Strauss.

Strauss, Laetitia January 2012 (has links)
Methamphetamine (MA) abuse is a fast growing drug problem, and is the second most widely abused drug world-wide. MA abuse has been linked to the development of symptoms indistinguishable from schizophrenia, referred to as MA psychosis. MA abusing individuals, who most often comprise adolescents and young adults, are 11 times more likely than the general population to develop psychosis. Of further concern is that in utero exposure to MA is also a growing problem, with more women addicts choosing MA as their primary drug. This has significant implications for the neurodevelopment of the child, with subsequent behavioural deficits later in life. Epidemiological studies suggests that in utero or early life MA exposure places a vulnerable individual at greater risk for developing schizophrenia, although this has never been formerly studied either at clinical or pre-clinical level. Animal models of early life adversity, such as post-weaning social isolation rearing (SIR), can assist in understanding the underlying mechanisms in MA abuse and vulnerability to develop MA psychosis. The aim of the current study was to investigate the long term effects of either prenatal (in utero) or early postnatal administration of MA on the development of schizophrenia-like behavioural and neurochemical abnormalities later in life. In the in utero study, pregnant female Wistar rats received either saline (Sal) or MA 5 mg/kg/day for 16 days by subcutaneous (s.c.) injection , starting on prenatal day 13 (PreND-13) up to postnatal day 2 (PostND02). Male offspring were selected for the study. On PostND 21, the animals were weaned and reared under group or isolation reared conditions for 8 weeks. In the early postnatal study, adult male Wistar rats were divided into group reared and SIR conditions from PostND21. Either group received an escalating dose of MA twice a day (0.2 mg/kg – 6 mg/kg s.c.) or Sal for 16 days, from PostND35 to PostND50. Both in utero and early postnatal groups were then subjected to various behavioural tests on PostND78, including assessment of social interaction (SI) and prepulse inhibition (PPI) of acoustic startle. Following behavioural testing, rats were sacrificed and brains snap frozen for later analysis of cortico-striatal monoamine concentrations, superoxide dismutase activity and lipid peroxidation. In the prenatally exposed group no differences in %PPI was observed, although group reared animals receiving MA and SIR animals receiving Sal or MA showed a decrease in social interactive behaviours, including approaching, time together and anogenital sniffing. SIR animals receiving Sal or MA also showed a decrease in rearing. Regarding self-directed behaviours, group reared animals receiving MA and SIR animals receiving Sal or MA showed an increase in self-grooming. Although some disturbances in regional brain monoamines were observed in the frontal cortex and striatum across the groups, this did not reach significance. A significant increase in malondialdehyde was observed in the striatum in group reared animals receiving MA as well as SIR animals receiving Sal or MA, indicating cell damage, possibly of redox origin. In the early postnatal study, %PPI was significantly reduced in group reared animals receiving MA as well as in SIR animals receiving Sal or MA. Group reared animals receiving MA and SIR animals receiving Sal or MA showed a decrease in social interactive behaviours, including rearing, approaching, time together and anogenital sniffing. Regarding self-directed behaviours and locomotor activity, self-grooming and squares crossed was significantly increased in group reared animals receiving MA and SIR animals receiving Sal or MA. A significant increase in DA was evident in the frontal cortex of SIR and grouped housed animals receiving MA. DA in the MA + SIR combination was elevated but not significantly so. None of the treatments affected striatal monoamine levels. In the group reared animals receiving MA as well as the SIR animals receiving Sal or MA, a significant decrease in SOD activity was observed in the frontal cortex, indicating the presence of oxidative stress in this brain region. None of the parameters indicated an additive effect in MA + SIR treated animals. In conclusion, prenatal exposure to MA led to some evidence of late-life behavioural and neurochemical abnormalities akin to schizophrenia, confirming its penchant for psychotogenic effects. However, chronic postnatal MA exposure was more emphatic, being as effective as SIR, a neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia, in inducing deficits in the above-mentioned behavioural and neurochemical parameters. Thus, early adolescent abuse of MA is a significant risk factor for the later development of schizophrenia or psychosis. However, the risk appeared not to be exacerbated in a population at risk, i.e. in SIR animals. / Thesis (MSc (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Effects of chronic methamphetamine exposure during early or late phase development in normal and social isolation reared rats / Laetitia Strauss.

Strauss, Laetitia January 2012 (has links)
Methamphetamine (MA) abuse is a fast growing drug problem, and is the second most widely abused drug world-wide. MA abuse has been linked to the development of symptoms indistinguishable from schizophrenia, referred to as MA psychosis. MA abusing individuals, who most often comprise adolescents and young adults, are 11 times more likely than the general population to develop psychosis. Of further concern is that in utero exposure to MA is also a growing problem, with more women addicts choosing MA as their primary drug. This has significant implications for the neurodevelopment of the child, with subsequent behavioural deficits later in life. Epidemiological studies suggests that in utero or early life MA exposure places a vulnerable individual at greater risk for developing schizophrenia, although this has never been formerly studied either at clinical or pre-clinical level. Animal models of early life adversity, such as post-weaning social isolation rearing (SIR), can assist in understanding the underlying mechanisms in MA abuse and vulnerability to develop MA psychosis. The aim of the current study was to investigate the long term effects of either prenatal (in utero) or early postnatal administration of MA on the development of schizophrenia-like behavioural and neurochemical abnormalities later in life. In the in utero study, pregnant female Wistar rats received either saline (Sal) or MA 5 mg/kg/day for 16 days by subcutaneous (s.c.) injection , starting on prenatal day 13 (PreND-13) up to postnatal day 2 (PostND02). Male offspring were selected for the study. On PostND 21, the animals were weaned and reared under group or isolation reared conditions for 8 weeks. In the early postnatal study, adult male Wistar rats were divided into group reared and SIR conditions from PostND21. Either group received an escalating dose of MA twice a day (0.2 mg/kg – 6 mg/kg s.c.) or Sal for 16 days, from PostND35 to PostND50. Both in utero and early postnatal groups were then subjected to various behavioural tests on PostND78, including assessment of social interaction (SI) and prepulse inhibition (PPI) of acoustic startle. Following behavioural testing, rats were sacrificed and brains snap frozen for later analysis of cortico-striatal monoamine concentrations, superoxide dismutase activity and lipid peroxidation. In the prenatally exposed group no differences in %PPI was observed, although group reared animals receiving MA and SIR animals receiving Sal or MA showed a decrease in social interactive behaviours, including approaching, time together and anogenital sniffing. SIR animals receiving Sal or MA also showed a decrease in rearing. Regarding self-directed behaviours, group reared animals receiving MA and SIR animals receiving Sal or MA showed an increase in self-grooming. Although some disturbances in regional brain monoamines were observed in the frontal cortex and striatum across the groups, this did not reach significance. A significant increase in malondialdehyde was observed in the striatum in group reared animals receiving MA as well as SIR animals receiving Sal or MA, indicating cell damage, possibly of redox origin. In the early postnatal study, %PPI was significantly reduced in group reared animals receiving MA as well as in SIR animals receiving Sal or MA. Group reared animals receiving MA and SIR animals receiving Sal or MA showed a decrease in social interactive behaviours, including rearing, approaching, time together and anogenital sniffing. Regarding self-directed behaviours and locomotor activity, self-grooming and squares crossed was significantly increased in group reared animals receiving MA and SIR animals receiving Sal or MA. A significant increase in DA was evident in the frontal cortex of SIR and grouped housed animals receiving MA. DA in the MA + SIR combination was elevated but not significantly so. None of the treatments affected striatal monoamine levels. In the group reared animals receiving MA as well as the SIR animals receiving Sal or MA, a significant decrease in SOD activity was observed in the frontal cortex, indicating the presence of oxidative stress in this brain region. None of the parameters indicated an additive effect in MA + SIR treated animals. In conclusion, prenatal exposure to MA led to some evidence of late-life behavioural and neurochemical abnormalities akin to schizophrenia, confirming its penchant for psychotogenic effects. However, chronic postnatal MA exposure was more emphatic, being as effective as SIR, a neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia, in inducing deficits in the above-mentioned behavioural and neurochemical parameters. Thus, early adolescent abuse of MA is a significant risk factor for the later development of schizophrenia or psychosis. However, the risk appeared not to be exacerbated in a population at risk, i.e. in SIR animals. / Thesis (MSc (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Etude du stress oxydatif dans l’hypertrophie bénigne de la prostate et mise en évidence de l’effet de la propolis contre le cancer de la prostate in vivo sur un modèle animal de rat Wistar et ex vivo sur les cellules LNCaP du cancer de la prostate hormono-sensibles / Study of the oxidative stress in benign prostatic hyperplasia and the effect of propolis against prostate cancer in vivo on an animal model of Wistar rat and ex vivo on hormone-sensitive (LNCaP) prostate cancer cell lines

Zabaiou, Nada 23 October 2017 (has links)
L’HBP et le cancer de la prostate constituent les deux maladies prostatiques les plus répandues chez l’homme âgé. La compréhension de leur étiologie et de leur pathogenèse est nécessaire afin de permettre la prévention mais aussi la recherche et le développement de nouveaux agents thérapeutiques. Notre but est d’étudier l’implication du stress oxydatif dans l’HBP et d’étudier l’effet de l’extrait de propolis sur le cancer de la prostate in vivo chez le rat Wistar et in vitro sur les cellules LNCaP. Nous avons montré que : 1) Le stress oxydatif joue le rôle de promoteur dans le développement de l’HBP, 2) Le benzo(a)pyrène administré aux rats Wistar induit le développement du cancer de la prostate, 3) La propolis induit la diminution de la prolifération, de l’expression du Ki-67 (-49 %) et de l’expression de AhR chez le rat Wistar, 4) La propolis possède un effet antiprolifératif sur les cellules LNCaP via le blocage de la signalisation de AR. / BPH and prostate cancer are the two most prevalent prostatic diseases in elders. Understanding their etiology and pathogenesis is necessary in order to prevent them and to enhance both research and development of new therapeutic agents. Our goal is to study the implication of oxidative stress in BPH and to study the effect of propolis extract on prostate cancer in vivo in Wistar rats and in vitro on LNCaP cells. We have shown that: 1) Oxidative stress acts as a promoter in the development of BPH, 2) Benzo(a)pyrene administered to Wistar rats induces the development of prostate cancer, 3) Propolis induces a decrease in proliferation, Ki-67 expression (-49%) and AhR expression in the Wistar rat, (4) Propolis has an antiproliferative effect on LNCaP cells via AR signaling blockade.

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