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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How black female teachers negotiate their identities as both union members and practicing teachers: a case study

Hlungwane, Andisiwe Nonzame Rosemond January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfilment of a Degree of Master in Education Wits School of Education, Curriculum Studies University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa 2016 / This study considers black female teachers’ conceptions of themselves, their ‘identities’ as teachers and ways in which they negotiate this in relation to their membership in teacher trade unions. Drawing upon Wenger’s model of identity in practice, and recent research into identity construction and teacher activity in trade unions. The study uses a qualitative case study methodology. It uses semi-structured interviews with four Mpumalanga teachers from SADTU and NAPTOSA, within each trade union the study looked at a representative and an ordinary member of the trade union. A major finding of the study was that black female teachers partake in the reconciliation of their various identities, by filtering out what they deemed inappropriate and remaining with those identities which they felt led to less tensions with their teacher identity. It was also found that ordinary members of unions are disengaged with their union identity and therefore do little identity work to reconcile their union and teacher identities. The implications of this for teachers and education in South Africa are discussed. The study calls for further research that explores the process teachers undergo to take ownership of their union identity and therefore develop a sense of agency. / MT2017

Professoras-mulheres e mulheres-professoras: a condição feminina e os processos de subjetivação docente inscritos nas marcas e no funcionamento discursivo / Woman-teacher and teacher-woman: the feminine condition and the teacher´s subjectivation process inscribed in the marks and in the dircursive functioning.

Dornelas, Camila Carrari 06 April 2017 (has links)
É notória a maciça participação da mulher na profissão docente. Inúmeros trabalhos contribuem significativamente no sentido de investigar esse fenômeno, tanto quantitativa quanto qualitativamente. No entanto, a chamada feminização do magistério não se refere exclusivamente à forte presença das mulheres na profissão docente, mas, também, à associação das atividades e significados dessa profissão ao universo feminino, historicamente. Através do discurso, acreditamos ser possível acessar o que há de singular no sujeito, ou seja, o inconsciente, assim como as marcas sociais e históricas que o caracterizam. Dessa forma, apresentamos os resultados de nossa pesquisa de mestrado, fundamentada nas contribuições da Análise do Discurso Francesa (pêcheuxtiana) como instrumento teórico-metodológico da psicanálise freudo-lacaniana e das Ciências da Educação, que buscou investigar de que forma os sujeitos inscritos nesta pesquisa se constituem como professoras e as possíveis relações que se estabelecem com a condição feminina. Para tal intento, ao partimos de um enfoque discursivo, fizemos uso de depoimentos orais de quatro professoras atuantes no Ensino Fundamental, em uma escola na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, interior de São Paulo. Os depoimentos orais, advindos de entrevistas semiestruturadas, foram gravados e transcritos e, posteriormente, selecionamos recortes que constituíram nosso corpus de análise. As análises realizadas trazem marcas e indícios linguístico-discursivos que apontam para o reconhecimento de que: 1) os processos de subjetivação docente, ainda nos dias atuais, são atravessados por componentes ideológicos e inconscientes, que guardam íntima relação com a condição feminina; 2) as professoras são capturadas ideológica e inconscientemente, no que diz respeito às suas escolhas profissionais e práticas docentes; 3) sentidos sócio-historicamente produzidos, legitimados e naturalizados concernentes ao feminino, à profissão docente e à posição professora são observados nas formulações atuais, que atualizam a memória discursiva das mesmas; 4) o reverberar da necessidade de se dizer dos sujeitos ouvidos nesta pesquisa, aponta para a premência de existirem espaços discursivos (ASSOLINI, 2011, 2013) nos cursos de formação docente que possibilitem ao sujeito-professor(a) falar de si e (re)significar seus saberes e fazeres docentes / The massive participation of women in teaching is notorious. Numerous works significantly contribute, in number and quality, to investigate this phenomenon. However, the so-called feminization of teaching not only refers to the strong presence of women in the teaching profession, but also to the association of activities and meanings of this profession with the feminine universe, historically. Through discourse it is possible to access what is unique in the subject, in other words the unconscious and the social and historical marks which characterize it. Therefore, we present the results of our master qualification research, based on the contributions of Discourse Analysis of French matrix - as a theoretical and methodological tool - of the Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis and Science Education, in order to investigate in what way the subjects of this research are constituted as teachers and the possible relations that are established with the feminine condition. To that end, our starting point was a discursive approach using oral statements from four working teachers of Elementary School in a school in the city of Ribeirão Preto in the countryside of São Paulo. The oral statements, from semi-structured interviews, were recorded, transcribed, and subsequently we selected clippings to constitute our analytical corpus. The analyses show linguistic-discursive marks and indications which point out to the recognition that: 1) the teacher´s subjectivation processes are still permeated by ideological and unconscious components, which bear a close relationship with the feminine condition; 2) the teachers are ideologically and unconsciously captured in terms of their professional choices and teaching practices; 3) socially and historically produced meanings, legitimized and naturalized, concerning the feminine, the teaching profession and the position of teacher, are observed in the current formulations, which validate their discursive memory; 4) the resonance of the necessity of consisting, of the subjects heard in this study, points to the urgent need for discursive spaces (ASSOLINI, 2011, 2013) in teacher´s training courses that enable the subject-teacher to \"speak about themselves\" and to (re)signify their knowledge and duties as teachers

Possibilidades para um trabalho docente feminista : professoras mulheres da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre, feminismos e a narrativa conservadora da “ideologia de gênero”

Junqueira, Bruna Dalmaso January 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa como professoras mulheres da Rede Municipal de Ensino (RME) de Porto Alegre relacionam seu trabalho docente com os feminismos a partir dadiscussão sobre a narrativa conservadora da ―ideologia de gênero‖ nas escolas. A partir do uso de uma perspectiva sociológica crítica de estudos educacionais, a pesquisa utiliza os conceitos de hegemonia e ideologia para compreender a organização social. Em uma realidade tramada por disputas por hegemonia, em que distintas ideologias se fazem presentes de forma contraditória e pulverizada no senso comum, analisa-se o fenômeno da chamada ―ideologia de gênero‖ – narrativa inventada pelo Vaticano nos anos 1990 como tentativa de interromper os avanços dos Estudos de Gênero e movimentos feministas. Entende-se que, através de uma aliança conservadora entre neoliberais e neoconservadores, esse movimento ―antigênero‖ e ―antifeminista‖ tem-se popularizado no contexto educacional brasileiro. Embora tenha sido constatado debate crescente acerca da temática no campo científico, buscou-se investigar uma perspectiva ainda invisibilizada: a de professoras mulheres. Entende-se que quaisquer mudanças propostas e instauradas na legislação educacional concernem, primordialmente, às mulheres: são elas a maioria absoluta do corpo docente brasileiro da educação básica e, apesar de historicamente organizado e resistente como categoria, o trabalho docente se (con)forma ainda por heranças patriarcais e sexistas Através da condução de dois grupos focais com oito professoras, pretendeu-se observar aproximações e distanciamentos das perspectivas feministas com seus trabalhos docentes, utilizando como disparador dos debates iniciativas ―antigênero‖ e ―antifeministas‖, como as do Movimento Escola Sem Partido. Visibilizando contradições existentes nas dinâmicas sociais, foi possível constatar reverberações tanto dos discursos conservadores quanto dos feministas no senso comum das participantes. Inerentemente contraditório e heterogêneo, o senso comum é permeado também por elementos de ―bom senso‖, que podem causar identificação com discursos baseados no convencimento. Assim, a narrativa da aliança conservadora se dá relativamente bem-sucedida entre as professoras, causando identificação com o uso do gênero como instância biologizante e com elementos de culpabilização acerca de seus trabalhos. Observou-se preocupação de que, uma vez interessadas em desconstruir estereótipos e problematizar desigualdades de gênero/sexualidade, as professoras pudessem estar interferindo negativamente na formação identitária dos alunos Constatou-se também a presença de perspectivas feministas no trabalho docente das professoras que, em suas práticas, procuram acolher e legitimar existências distintas da norma binária e heterossexual e demonstrar olhar atento à (re)produção de desigualdades. Ainda que indiquem uma diferença geracional, cultural e social entre elas e seus alunos – interpretada como efeito da institucionalização de demandas feministas e LGBTT na sociedade e sua popularização no senso comum –, as participantes manifestam empenho em revisar suas noções aprendidas sobre o que é normal para melhor atender seus estudantes. Por fim, observou-se também discurso contraditório entre as professoras sobre a importância de políticas educacionais que proponham o debate de gênero: declaram considerar necessário o debate e, simultaneamente, parecem subestimar a eficácia de políticas. Por outro lado, em função de reconhecerem a existência de um contexto social que tem progressivamente legitimado pautas feministas e LGBTT, consideram inviáveis legislações que proíbam a discussão desse tipo de temática nas escolas. / This thesis analyzes how female teachers in the Public School System (PSS) of the city of Porto Alegre link their teaching practices to feminisms from a discussion about the conservative narrative of ―gender ideology‖ in schools. From a critical sociology of education perspective, the study uses the concepts of hegemony and ideology to understand social organization. In a reality permeated by disputes for hegemony, in which different ideologies are present in a contradictory and pulverized way in the common sense, this thesis analyzes the phenomenon of the so-called ―gender ideology‖ – a narrative invented by the Vatican in the 1990s as an attempt to interrupt the advances of Gender Studies and the feminist movements. Through a conservative alliance between neoliberals and neoconservatives, this ―antigender‖ and ―antifeminist‖ movement has become popular within the Brazilian educational context. Although a growing debate has been present in the scientific field, this study sought a perspective that is still invisible, that of female teachers. Any changes proposed and introduced to educational laws concern women primarily: they are the absolute majority among Brazilian basic education teachers, and, despite being historically organized and resistant as a category, teaching practices are still (con)formed by a patriarchal and sexist heritage. Two focal groups composed of eight teachers examined the approximations and distances from feminist perspectives within their teaching practices. ―Antigender‖ and ―antifeminist‖ initiatives, such as the movement for ―unpolitical schools‖, were used to trigger the debates. Considering the contradictions present in social dynamics, it was possible to verify reverberations of both conservative and feminist discourses in the participants‘ common sense Inherently contradictory and heterogeneous, common sense is also permeated by elements of ―good sense‖, which may make them identify with ―convincing‖ discourses. Thus, the narrative of the conservative alliance is relatively successful among the teachers, making them identify with the use of gender as a ―biologizing‖ instance and with elements of blame within their work practices. Concern was expressed that, because they were interested in deconstructing stereotypes and problematizing gender/sexual inequalities, teachers could be interfering negatively in the students' identity formation. The participants‘ discourses also evidenced the presence of feminist perspectives in the teaching work of teachers who, in their practices, seek to accept and legitimize existences that differ from the binary and heterosexual norm and to be attentive to the (re)production of inequalities. Although they indicate generational, cultural and social differences between them and their students – interpreted as an effect of the institutionalization of feminist and LGBTT demands on society and its popularization in common sense – the participants show commitment to revise their learned notions about what is normal to better serve their students. Finally, there was also a contradictory discourse among the teachers about the importance of educational policies that propose debates about gender: they declare the debate to be necessary, and at the same time seem to underestimate the effectiveness of policies. On the other hand, recognizing the existence of a social context that has progressively legitimized feminist and LGBTT guidelines, they consider that laws prohibiting the discussion of this subject in schools are unfeasible.

Professoras-mulheres e mulheres-professoras: a condição feminina e os processos de subjetivação docente inscritos nas marcas e no funcionamento discursivo / Woman-teacher and teacher-woman: the feminine condition and the teacher´s subjectivation process inscribed in the marks and in the dircursive functioning.

Camila Carrari Dornelas 06 April 2017 (has links)
É notória a maciça participação da mulher na profissão docente. Inúmeros trabalhos contribuem significativamente no sentido de investigar esse fenômeno, tanto quantitativa quanto qualitativamente. No entanto, a chamada feminização do magistério não se refere exclusivamente à forte presença das mulheres na profissão docente, mas, também, à associação das atividades e significados dessa profissão ao universo feminino, historicamente. Através do discurso, acreditamos ser possível acessar o que há de singular no sujeito, ou seja, o inconsciente, assim como as marcas sociais e históricas que o caracterizam. Dessa forma, apresentamos os resultados de nossa pesquisa de mestrado, fundamentada nas contribuições da Análise do Discurso Francesa (pêcheuxtiana) como instrumento teórico-metodológico da psicanálise freudo-lacaniana e das Ciências da Educação, que buscou investigar de que forma os sujeitos inscritos nesta pesquisa se constituem como professoras e as possíveis relações que se estabelecem com a condição feminina. Para tal intento, ao partimos de um enfoque discursivo, fizemos uso de depoimentos orais de quatro professoras atuantes no Ensino Fundamental, em uma escola na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, interior de São Paulo. Os depoimentos orais, advindos de entrevistas semiestruturadas, foram gravados e transcritos e, posteriormente, selecionamos recortes que constituíram nosso corpus de análise. As análises realizadas trazem marcas e indícios linguístico-discursivos que apontam para o reconhecimento de que: 1) os processos de subjetivação docente, ainda nos dias atuais, são atravessados por componentes ideológicos e inconscientes, que guardam íntima relação com a condição feminina; 2) as professoras são capturadas ideológica e inconscientemente, no que diz respeito às suas escolhas profissionais e práticas docentes; 3) sentidos sócio-historicamente produzidos, legitimados e naturalizados concernentes ao feminino, à profissão docente e à posição professora são observados nas formulações atuais, que atualizam a memória discursiva das mesmas; 4) o reverberar da necessidade de se dizer dos sujeitos ouvidos nesta pesquisa, aponta para a premência de existirem espaços discursivos (ASSOLINI, 2011, 2013) nos cursos de formação docente que possibilitem ao sujeito-professor(a) falar de si e (re)significar seus saberes e fazeres docentes / The massive participation of women in teaching is notorious. Numerous works significantly contribute, in number and quality, to investigate this phenomenon. However, the so-called feminization of teaching not only refers to the strong presence of women in the teaching profession, but also to the association of activities and meanings of this profession with the feminine universe, historically. Through discourse it is possible to access what is unique in the subject, in other words the unconscious and the social and historical marks which characterize it. Therefore, we present the results of our master qualification research, based on the contributions of Discourse Analysis of French matrix - as a theoretical and methodological tool - of the Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis and Science Education, in order to investigate in what way the subjects of this research are constituted as teachers and the possible relations that are established with the feminine condition. To that end, our starting point was a discursive approach using oral statements from four working teachers of Elementary School in a school in the city of Ribeirão Preto in the countryside of São Paulo. The oral statements, from semi-structured interviews, were recorded, transcribed, and subsequently we selected clippings to constitute our analytical corpus. The analyses show linguistic-discursive marks and indications which point out to the recognition that: 1) the teacher´s subjectivation processes are still permeated by ideological and unconscious components, which bear a close relationship with the feminine condition; 2) the teachers are ideologically and unconsciously captured in terms of their professional choices and teaching practices; 3) socially and historically produced meanings, legitimized and naturalized, concerning the feminine, the teaching profession and the position of teacher, are observed in the current formulations, which validate their discursive memory; 4) the resonance of the necessity of consisting, of the subjects heard in this study, points to the urgent need for discursive spaces (ASSOLINI, 2011, 2013) in teacher´s training courses that enable the subject-teacher to \"speak about themselves\" and to (re)signify their knowledge and duties as teachers

Everyday as problematic in the worklives of women TAFE teachers

Rimmer, Anthea Susan January 2002 (has links)
As knowledge workers in post-compulsory education, contemporary women Technical and Further Education (TAFE) teachers help train Australia's skilled workforce. Their work is instrumental in government strategies to enhance national competitiveness in global markets. Yet their contributions to Australian education have been neglected, their work/lives have remained unremarked, and their voices unheard. My research focus, therefore, was to examine how these teachers fared in recent, dramatic restructurings of the TAFE sector, part of the national Vocational Education and Training (VET) system, and to look particularly at how they responded to TAFE and other work/life changes / thesis (PhD)--University of South Australia, 2002.

Understanding Brigham Young University's technology teacher education program's sucess in attracting and retaining female students /

Cox, Katrina M., January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Brigham Young University. Dept. of Technology, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-79).

Effective Caucasian female teachers of African American students

Walker-Bowen, Wanda. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Instructional Systems, Leadership, and Workforce Development. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

The status of the married woman in the teaching profession

Meyer, Margaret McRoberts January 1923 (has links)
No description available.

Stress and distress in teaching : one teacher's story

Jensen, Patricia Barbara, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education January 1989 (has links)
An integrated model of teacher burnout is presented as the backdrop to a personal history of one distressed teacher. Using a series of collaborative interviews, Sarah's experiences as a classroom teacher are explored as part of a search for the contributors to her feelings of distress and disatisfaction with teaching. A number of themes are identified which relate to Sarah's life in the classroom, her search for autonomy and proximity, and the diversity of her roles within the bureaucracy of the school and the network of her family. Sarah has developed an inventory of coping resources compatible with her values, goals, commitments and personal style. She includes problem-focused, emotion-focused, and preventive strategies. As the study progressed, we came to believe that the fundamental stressors in Sarah's life have arisen out of the fact that she is a woman, doing a woman's work of teaching and nurturing a family, and experiencing all of the expected and unique stressors that are a part of that experience. The complex role of women in teaching is discussed, and the suggestion is made that the nature of schooling would change if women had greater access to decision-making levels within their profession. Suggestions are also made regarding inservice and preservice training for teachers in order to increase their coping resources. / xi, 164 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm.

Entering the teaching profession as a woman : some student perceptions.

Shepherd, Maryna Bell. January 1992 (has links)
The overall aim of this research is to probe, and attempt an understanding of, women student teachers' choice of teaching as a career. Because of various limitations, this research is no more than an exploratory study, which, hopefully may contribute to a deeper appreciation of teaching as a worthy career. This researcher's own feminist perspective has determined the questions asked in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative research was undertaken, in order to answer the central question of this research: How do some women students at Edgewood College of Education perceive the teaching profession and their role in it? It became obvious that teaching is perceived by too many as a short term job, rather than as a long-term career; but when circumstances governing teachers' employment, coupled with the influences of a patriarchal society are considered, this perception is perhaps not unexpected. Some tentative recommendations are offered to counter this negative perception of teaching as a convenient, but temporary job for women. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1992.

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