Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wood insulation"" "subject:"wolf insulation""
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Är KL-trä kombinerat med fårullsisolering ett alternativ för en yttervägg utifrån dagens byggnadsstandard?Raihle, Ann, Lindberget, Christoffer January 2024 (has links)
The background to the study is the construction industry's global environmental impact. In this study, it is investigated whether CLT (cross laminated timber) and sheep wool insulation is a building technology alternative in an exterior wall based on today’s building standards. To find out if CLT and sheep wool insulation are an alternative for an external wall construction, a literature study and hand calculations were carried out. The literature study summarizes regulations from Boverket BFS 2020:4 regarding moisture, fire, energy and sound requirements. In order to assess how an external wall made of CLT and sheep wool insulation works, three different external wall constructions were developed. Hand calculations were used to determine the heat transfer coefficient and relative vapor of the wall proposals. The results from the calculations show that all wall proposals work with regard to moisture and thermal comfort. Both sheep wool and CLT have a high specific heat capacity, but the volumetric heat capacity and the location of the material determines whether it affects the indoor environment. The study shows that the fire properties of sheep wool mean that the placement of the sheep wool insulation is decisive for whether the wall will be fireproof or not. Calculations of penetration depth in case of fire for CLT show that CLT is a suitable material from a fire point of view. The design flexibility of CLT means that the construction can be adapted so that the sound insulation requirements are met for buildings with special requirements. 54% of the sheep wool produced in Sweden is discarded, according to calculations, the discarded sheep wool can insulate external walls for approx. 11% of the detached houses produced annually. A study was conducted on whether wool can cause allergies, the information does not indicate that sheep wool insulation can cause allergies. The study concludes that combining sheep wool insulation with CLT is possible however the use of CLT is more justified in a multi-storey house than a single-family house. / Bakgrunden till studien är byggbranschens globala miljöpåverkan. I den här studien utreds det om KL-trä (korslimmat trä) och fårullsisolering är ett byggnadstekniskt alternativ i en yttervägg utifrån dagens byggnadsstandard. För att ta reda på om KL-trä och fårullsisolering är ett alternativ för en ytterväggskonstruktion genomfördes en litteraturstudie och handberäkningar. Litteraturstudien sammanfattar föreskrifter från Boverkets byggregler BFS 2020:4 gällande fukt-, brand-, energi- och ljudkrav. För att bedöma hur en yttervägg uppbyggd av KL-trä och fårullsisolering fungerar togs tre olika ytterväggskonstruktioner fram. Med handberäkningar bestämdes väggförslagens värmegenomgångskoefficient och relativa ånghalt. Resultatet från beräkningarna visar att samtliga väggförslag fungerar med avseende på fukt och termisk komfort. Både fårull och KL-trä har hög specifik värmekapacitet men materialets volymetriska värmekapacitet och placering avgör om den påverkar inomhusmiljön. Studien visar att fårullens brandegenskaper gör att placeringen av fårullsisoleringen är avgörande för om väggen blir brandsäker eller inte. Beräkningar av inträngningsdjup vid brand för KL-trä visar att KL-trä är ett lämpligt material ur brandsynpunkt. Designflexibliteten hos KL-trä gör att konstruktionen kan anpassas så att ljudisoleringskraven uppnås för byggnader med särskilda krav. 54% av den i Sverige producerade fårullen kasseras, enligt beräkningar kan den kasserade fårullen isolera ytterväggar i ca. 11% av småhusen som produceras årligen. Det gjordes en undersökning om ull kan framkalla allergi, informationen tyder inte på att fårullsisolering kan orsaka allergi. Studien kommer fram till att kombinera fårullsisolering med KL-trä är möjligt och att användande av KL-trä är mer motiverat i ett flervåningshus än ett småhus.
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Speciálně pedagogické centrum / Special education centreGilbert, David January 2022 (has links)
The aim of my master's project is to design a new building of a Special education centre with nearly zero energy consumption. The project consists of three main parts. The building is designed with a green flat roof with a load-bearing part formed by prestressed ceiling panels. The load-bearing wall masonry consists of ceramic blocks with stone wool insulation panels with longitudinal fibres. The building is divided into two main parts connected by a connecting entrance hall. First department is used mainly for therapy rooms and the other department for the offices of special pedagogical staff. The building also contains photovoltaic panels, air-handling units with heat recovery and a rainwater storage reservoir with the possibility of using rainwater for flushing. The next part of the master's project deals with the assessment of the life cycle of the structure (LCA), where the subject of assessment are various types of floor structures.
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Livscykelanalys och livscykelkostnad för byggnad isolerad med hampfiber jämfört med alternativ isolering / Life cycle analysis and life cycle cost of building insulated with hemp fiber compared to alternative insulationEriksson, Ylva, Mathilda, Hult, Karlsmo, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Det finns en oro kring konsekvenserna av ökade växthusgasutsläpp. Därför har bland annat EU:s medlemsländer tecknat avtal om att minska utsläppen. I Sverige har det lett till krav att från och med 2022 redovisa byggmaterials miljöpåverkan genom klimatdeklarationer. Byggsektorn har potential att minska klimatpåverkan. Byggnadsmaterial ger olika utsläpp av växthusgaser och valet av material är viktigt. Isoleringsmaterial med naturlig härkomst anses orsaka mindre utsläpp än konventionell isolering. Hampa är ett exempel på ett naturligt material som kan användas i småhusbebyggelse. Hampan kan bli en kolsänka då biomaterial binder kol. Tyvärr finns det idag mycket begränsad forskning på just hampfiberisolering i svenskt klimat. Syftet med studien är att bidra med ökad kunskap inför valet av isoleringsmaterial i ett småhus, av modellen Eneryda av Rörvikshus, placerat i Växjö. I arbetet jämförs klimatpåverkan och kostnader för isoleringsmaterialen hamp-, cellulosa- och glasullsisolering genom en livscykelanalys (LCA) och en livscykelkostnad (LCC) i en vald husmodell. I studien undersöks skedena A-D, d.v.s. från vagga till grav. Resultatet visar att byggnaden isolerad med hampfiber orsakar det lägsta nettoutsläppet på 124 följt av cellulosa 132 och glasull 139 CO₂e/m². Kostnaden för byggnaden med isolering av hampfiber är 5467, cellulosa 4830 och glasull 4861 SEK/m²BOA. Genom att välja hampfiberisolering istället för glasull kan utsläppen för husmodellen Eneryda minskas med 12 % samtidigt som kostnaden ökar med 20 %. Att välja cellulosaisolering i stället för glasullsisolering ger en minskning av nettoutsläppen med 5 % och kostnaderna förblir detsamma. Studiens känslighetsanalyser visar effekten av indata. Om råvaran till cellulosa byts ut från oanvänt papper till återvunnen råvara orsakar det att nettoutsläppen för byggnaden Eneryda minskar med 13 %. Det innebär att småhuset Eneryda isolerad med cellulosa från återvunnen produkt orsakar 15 % lägre utsläpp än glasullshuset - utan att påverka priset. Största påverkan på nettoutsläppen hade Enerydas värmesystem. Att använda bergvärme istället för Veab:s fjärrvärme ökade nettoutsläppen med 56 – 63 %. Slutligen ledde resultatet av studien till en diskussion om avsaknaden av en entydig definition och metod för användandet av biogent kol i klimatdeklarationer. Att exkludera biogent kol leder till att hampfiberisoleringen bidrar med högst utsläpp tätt följt av cellulosan och sist glasullsisoleringen som släpper ut minst. Studiens resultat påvisar vikten av vaksamhet och att Boverket borde blir tydligare kring det biogena kolet i klimatberäkningar. Enheten bör utvecklas mer av institut för standarder. Av resultaten framgår också vikten av att ta tidsaspekten av biomaterialets förnyelsetid i beaktande vid beräkningarna för att material som hampfiber binder kol snabbare än exempelvis trä. / The concern of climate change has influenced the building sector in Sweden to become more climate neutral. The choice of building materials affect the emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents [CO₂e]. The purpose of the study is to provide more basis for the choice of insulation material looking into the climate- and cost implication of hemp fibre, cellulose and stone wool insulation. The study includes an accounting-LCA from cradle to grave (A – D) and an LCC. The study looks at the climate shell of a one-story single-family house, model Eneryda from Rörvikshus, in Växjö over the lifetime 50 years. The result shows that Eneryda net emissions for hemp fiber insulation is 124 CO₂e/m²BOA and the cost is 5467 SEK/m2 BOA. The result of emissions for the hempfiber-model is 12% less and the cost is 20% higher than the glass wool-model. Cellulose insulation results in net emissions of 132 CO₂e/m² and a cost of 4830 SEK/m2 BOA. Cellulose results in 5% less emissions and nearly the same cost as the glass wool building.
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Stavebně technologický projekt polyfunkčního domu v Olomouci / Construction-Technological Project of the Mixed-Use Building in OlomoucTříska, Libor January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with construction-technological project of mixed-use building in Olomouc. The thesis contains a technical report, the coordination situation of the construction, the time and financial plan, the study of the main technological stages, the project of site equipment, the design of the main building machines and mechanisms, the time schedule, the budget, the technology prescription for the contact thermal insulation systém, the quality control and test plan, the plan of safety and the comparison of ETICS with polystyrene and mineral wool.
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Sportovní centrum / Sports centerRohlena, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The objective of the present thesis is to design a sports center and provide the relevant design documentation for it. The designed building is situated on a flat plot in Hradec Králové which is intended as a building plot or a sports/relax area. The designed sports center is a two-level building without cellar with a flat roof. The building foundations are designed as foundation strips, mainly from plain concrete. The external, loadbearing, and partition walls are designed with clay blocks POROTHERM. The floor structure is designed with prestressed concrete floor slabs SPIROLL. The thermal insulation is resolved with ventilated facade with facade panels. CEMBRIT SOLID. The building is divided into three individual functional units with one shared entrance. It consists of two sports halls with facilities designed for sportsmen and staff, and a gym together with the facilities for costumers. A restaurant and a kitchen are situated in the second floor.
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Sportovně relaxační centrum / Sports and wellness centerLibřický, Zdeněk January 2018 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on the design and elaboration of the project documentation of the sports and relaxation center. The proposed building is located in the south-eastern part of the town of Hradec Králové, in a location supposed for buildings and areas of sports and relaxation use. It is a three-storey building with a flat roof and partial basement. The construction system is wall-mounted with a combination of skeleton. The building is based on plain concrete and reinforced concrete foundation footing. The peripheral, supporting and partition walls are designed from ceramic blocks POROTHERM. The inner load-bearing elements consist mainly of reinforced concrete columns. The ceiling structure is designed from reinforced concrete slabs supported locally. The perimeter walls of the first overground floor and part of the perimeter walls of the basement are insulated by an external contact thermal insulation system. The thermal insulation of the perimeter walls of the second floor is designed by means of a ventilated facade with facade tiles except the squash courts and the relaxation area. The building is functionally divided into three main parts, where the central part forms an entrance hall with comunication spaces of all floors. In this part a basement with technical facilities is designed. The right part of the ground floor consists of a restaurant with a bowling alley and a kitchen with storage and hygienic facilities. As part of this section, a gym and exercise rooms for fitness exercises, spinning and TRX are designed on the second floor. The left part consists of two squash courts with the appropriate facilities and massage areas. There is also a relaxing facilities with a north-facing terrace on the second floor. There are also dressing rooms and hygienic facilities. The designed object is accessible for disabled people. There is a parking lot for 40 cars, 3 motorcycles, one bus and three barracks for cars.
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Centrum vodního lyžování Soběslav / Center of water skiing SoběslavVeselý, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused of proposal and procesing of project documentation Center for waterskiing. The proposed object is located in the western part of the town Soběslav, in the locality aimed at sports activities. The building is created of facilities for summer sports, especially water skiing and wakeboarding. Further there will be built a playground for ball sports and track on roller skates. This is a three-storey no with a cellar object with a flat roof. The object is based on the foundation reinforced concrete pads a strips. The first floor is bricked of permanent formwork and partly of cast in place structure. The second and third floors is designed of clay blocks POROTHERM. This masonry is insulated with the aid of external contact thermal insulation. In the western part of the building is designed ventilated facade. The floor structures is designed from prestressed reinforced concrete panel SPIROLL and partly from reinforced concrete slabs. The object is divided into several operating units. They are the gym and its facilities, restaurant with kitchen, facilities for employees and the necessary storerooms, coffeehouse, shop with sporting equipment, rental equipment for water skiing and a dressing room serving the outdoor sports. The essential part of the second floor is comprised outdoor terrace. From this terrace is allowed entry to the coffeehouse, restaurants, shops and on the main staircase.
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Sportovní centrum Polička / Sports centre PoličkaSvoboda, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and elaboration process of a project documentation of a sports centre. The designed sports centre building is situated in the southern part of the town of Polička, in the area determined for sports and free time activities complexes and areas. It is a two-floor, non-cellar, flat-roof building. It is based on plain concrete strip foundations and reinforced concrete foundation footing. The bearing, peripheral and partition walls are designed from POROTHERM hollow clay blocks. Reinforced concrete columns are designated in open disposition areas. The ceiling construction is made from SPIROLL pre-stressed concrete floor slabs and point-supported reinforced concrete slabs. The peripheral walls of the first aboveground floor are insulated with external thermal insulation system with a protective gabion facade. The peripheral wall thermal insulation in a bowling restaurant and gym halls extension is designed from a ventilated facade with CEMBRIT METRO facade cladding panels. The building is functionally divided into two main parts with a shared entrance. The sports centre with gyms and other sports facilities form the first part. Three squash courts, a mini-football piste, a special room for spinning and alpinning, a room for group exercising and cloakrooms with sanitary facilities are designed within one part of the sports centre. A restaurant with a bowling area and a kitchen with storerooms and other facilities for employees form the second part. The designed complex is barrier-free. There is aimed to be a car park for fifty cars, four motorbikes and a bus in front of the building. Three parking places are for disabled people.
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Polyfunkční koncový dům v Karlových Varech / Multifunctional house in Karlovy VaryRůžička, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The project solves a multifunctional Duma building in a vacant lot, contemplated the construction site is located in Carlsbad, in the street Vyhlíce. This is a protected site spa. Part of the project's layout and structural design of the house. It is a six-storey house with an attic and a basement floor. It is designed as a free-standing in the gap as the final house. The layout is divided into two complete units with their own input. There are spaces for business and residential units for permanent housing. Part of the living area are also room house equipment. Inputs to both parts are wheelchair accessible. The house is not wheelchair The house is designed as a brick building of brick masonry Porotherm the module dimensions of 250 (125) mm with reinforced concrete ceilings. Roofed by a hipped roof. The house is located on a private plot of 519 m2 built-up area of 221 m2. The land is gently sloping. The main orientation of the building to the cardinal's east and west. The south wall is adjacent to the neighboring house.
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