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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Inverkan influencer marketing & word-of-mouth har på konsumentens köpbeslut i relation till tillit. : En kvantitativ studie riktad på konsumenters tillit till influencers och sin omgivning.

Lind, Evelina, Fransson, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Title – The influence influencer marketing and word-of-mouth have on the consumer's purchase decision in relation to trust: A quantitative study focused on consumer ́s trust in influencers and their surroundings Level – Candidate thesis, 15 hp Author – Ida Fransson & Evelina Lind Advisor – Afshin Afsharipour Examiner – Svante AnderssonTerm – Spring term 2023 Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine consumers' buying decision based on the extent to which they rely on influencer marketing and the influence word-of-mouth can have in relation to trust.Design/methodology/approach - This study is based on selected articles that are adapted to the chosen topic that this paper addresses. It is based on literature and peer-reviewed articles. It ́s a quantitative study where a survey has been sent out to respondents within the selected target group to get a better understanind of what is most influencing of influences and word-of-mouth their purchasing decisions. Conclusions - The conclusion of the study is that the main factor that affects a consumer's buying decision is word of mouth. The study also shows that influencer marketing has a minor effect on consumers' buying decision, but it is a valuable marketing strategy. Trust is the biggest factor that the consumer has in mind before buying a product or service.Research Limitations - The study is limited to only women between ages 18-30. Originality/ Value -The study can result in further research within the chosen topic. The influence influencer marketing and word-of-mouth have on the consumer's purchase decision in relation to trust. Keywords - Influencer marketing, word-of-mouth, trust, consumer buying behavior, social media

Skapa förståelse för hur du kan utveckla ett personligt varumärke på Linkedin : En kvalitativ studie

Birnbach, Natalie January 2022 (has links)
Är du osäker på hur du ska skapa eller utveckla ett starkt personligt varumärke på den växande plattformen Linkedin. Där det varje minut laddas upp långa och saftiga inlägg om diverse ämnen. Vissa med viktiga budskap, långa inlägg som liknar romaner eller inlägg där det går att läsa om vad någon gjort på sin semester. Vad platsar på plattformen och vad platsar inte. Hur kan du som planerar att ladda upp ett inlägg skapa ett intresse hos andra. Det är endast 10 procent som studerat plattformen Linkedin och nu är det dags att ta reda på vad som är viktigt att tänka på kring Linkedin. Syftet med rapporten är att skapa förståelse för hur Linkedin kan användas i utvecklingen av ett personligt varumärke. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie där sex personer blivit intervjuade. De sex respondenterna vars erfarenhet inom Linkedin är; vardagliga användare, professionella användare samt instrumentella användare. Primära data har samlats in via sökmotorer som One Search på Linnéuniversitetets hemsida samt genom Google Schoolar. Det framkom tydligt att det är ytterst viktigt med att fråga sig själv varför och vad det personliga varumärket ska ge för signal utåt. Även viktigt att arbeta med struktur och planering för att skapa/utveckla sitt personliga varumärke. Rapporten har endast tagit upp den sociala mediekanalen Linkedin så vidare forskning borde göras för att få en bredare översikt över vad en bör göra. Då det finns Instagram och Facebook, även de nyare kanalerna som TikTok och snapchat på marknaden. Och dessa kan ha stor betydelse för det personliga varumärket också.

Customer evaluation of managers' responses to online complaints

Olson, Eric 01 January 2014 (has links)
Managers have begun to respond to customers' online reviews of services on online review websites. However, it is not known how viewers evaluate company-initiated service recovery in the form of manager responses to online reviews. This research has three objectives: (1) to explore how managers are currently responding to electronic word of mouth; (2) to investigate whether a manager's response to electronic negative word of mouth (eNWOM) positively influences viewers' behavioral intentions; (3) to examine which elements in a manager's responses increases viewers' evaluations of trust and behavioral intentions towards the company. Three studies were conducted, one for each objective. Study "1 examined 21,211 online reviews and manager responses from Tripadvisor.com from 184 hotels in five cities. Study "2 was a single-factor between-subject experimental design by manipulating a manager's response to eNWOM (response message vs. no response message) through scenarios. Study "3 was a 2 (procedural justice: high vs. low) x 2 (interactional justice: high vs. low) x 2 (social presence: high vs. low) between-subject experimental design that manipulated manager's responses through scenarios. Findings from Study "1 revealed that managers were more likely to respond to eNWOM compared to neutral word of mouth. A content analysis of 432 company responses to eNWOM determined that managers used nine online review management strategies: appreciation, apology, future patronage encouragement, explanation, follow up, flexibility, correction, compensation, and social presence. Results from Study "2 indicated that viewers were more likely to visit a restaurant when a manager responded to eNWOM compared to no response to eNWOM. Results from Study "3 revealed a three-way interaction of procedural justice, interactional justice, and social presence on trust. There were also main effects of procedural justice and interactional justice on trust. Additionally, results provided partial support for the mediating role of trust in the relationship between the three-way interaction and behavioral intentions. This study contributes to the online service recovery literature and online trust formation literature by enhancing the understanding of how viewers evaluate manager responses to eNWOM and how social presence can be used with procedural justice and interactional justice to enhance trust in the online review management context. Service organizations should create a comprehensive online review system to respond to eNWOM and identify ways to enhance procedural justice, interactional justice, and social presence into their responses. Online review websites should encourage companies to provide managerial response to online complaints and allow for social presence and enhanced creative options in manager responses.

Evaluating The Effectiveness Of The Pga's Professional Gold Management (pgm) Program

Smiley, David Lane 01 January 2012 (has links)
This study explored the relationships between knowledge, skills, ability, self-efficacy, and experiential learning and performance expectations and satisfaction. The purpose of this study was threefold. First, the study attempted to understand the motivators for student motivation to recommend the program. Second, the study looked at the contribution of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators for retention and positive word-of-mouth. Further, the research evaluated the relationship of the curriculum in influencing the student’s performance and satisfaction. The study sample consisted of 676 undergraduate students attending one of six PGA Professional Golf management programs in the spring of 2011. The survey instrument was developed specifically for this study after an extensive literature review of higher education analysis, performance, satisfaction and word-of-mouth. The instrument was constructed in eight content areas: knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA); self-efficacy; experiential learning; performance; satisfaction, and word-of-mouth. The findings indicated that experiential learning and to a lesser degree ability made the strongest contribution to the student’s performance and satisfaction. Focus of degree was a predictor of performance while not a predictor of satisfaction. Satisfaction and to a lesser degree performance were strong contributors to the student’s word-of-mouth. Finally, self-efficacy was found to have little relationship to satisfaction or performance contrary to findings in previous research.

Remember the Good Old Days? : Investigating the effect that nostalgic music in advertising has on brand affection, purchase intention, and word of mouth.

Ajander, Ellinor, Hubertsson, Ida, Nilsson, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
Background: Nostalgia in marketing has become increasingly popular but the need for research within the field is prominent with a lack of models, approaches, and mediators of effectively using nostalgia in marketing, especially using nostalgic music in advertisements. The definition of nostalgia is an ambivalent feeling, including both fondness and sadness, when reminiscing about the past. Previous research has shown that nostalgia in marketing is beneficial as it can influence consumer behaviour. Combining nostalgia and music with advertising is an unexplored area of marketing research and is therefore an interesting and important topic to investigate further. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate nostalgic music and its effect on brand affection and consequently consumer behaviour, as well as if using nostalgic music is an effective marketing strategy in advertising.  Method: A quantitative and deductive research approach was chosen for this study with an experimental research design. Two manipulation checks were conducted to define nostalgic music and facilitate the isolation of nostalgia. An experiment with three different groups was conducted where respondents viewed an advertisement with or without the stimulus of nostalgic music.  Findings: The result of the study showed that nostalgic music in advertising does not affect brand affection and therefore has no impact on the key marketing metrics word of mouth and purchase intention. Nostalgic music is therefore not an effective marketing strategy that is aimed towards individuals in their late adolescence

Konsumenters inställning till personlig marknadsföring : En kvantitativ studie av konsumenters syn på personlig marknadsföring och dess konsekvenser för kundlojalitet

Palmqvist, Maja, Vallenor, Axel January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka konsumenters inställning till personlig marknadsföring med utgångspunkt i personlig integritet. Vidare är studiens syfte att undersöka om personlig marknadsföring kan leda till kundlojalitet med hjälp av Word of Mouth som proxy. Denna studies metod baseras på ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt och bygger på en deduktiv ansats där datan har samlats in genom en webbaserad enkät. Enkäten publicerades på diverse plattformar där urvalet var alla personer över 18 års ålder. Enkäten gjordes i formulärprogrammet Google forms. Totalt genererade enkäten 115 svar varav 108 av dessa kunde användas i analysen. För att analysera datan har statistikprogrammet Jamovi använts. Resultaten har presenterats och tolkats genom genomförande av deskriptiva analyser, korrelationsanalyser och hypotesprövningar. Resultatet visar en stark positiv korrelation mellan personlig marknadsföring och Word of Mouth, en negativ korrelation mellan personlig marknadsföring och personlig integritet och en svag negativ korrelation mellan personlig integritet och Word of Mouth. Utifrån detta drogs slutsatserna att fördelarna med informationsutlämnande väger tyngre än riskerna med informationsutlämnande och att personlig marknadsföring kan leda till lojala kunder men att det beror på dess initiala inställning. Fortsättningsvis drogs slutsatserna att konsumenter som uppskattar personlig marknadsföring är mer villiga att delta i Word of Mouth aktiviteter medan konsumenter med en hög nivå av personlig integritet, är sannolikt mindre benägna att delta i Word of Mouth aktiviteter. Denna studie bidrar med kunskap och upplysning om hur personlig marknadsföring fungerar. Studiens resultat visar vad konsumenter har för inställning till personlig marknadsföring samt hur de upplever att personlig marknadsföring påverkar deras personliga integritet. Studien visar även hur personlig marknadsföring kan påverka kundlojalitet. Denna studies resultat kan vara till användning i praktiken för företag som vill använda sig av personlig marknadsföring som marknadsföringsstrategi. För att få ett mer representativt resultat, bör denna studie utföras i en större skala med fler respondenter. Det hade även varit intressant att jämföra olika demografiska grupper för att se eventuella likheter och skillnader. Det hade även varit spännande att göra samma studie fast med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där man kan gå djupare in i respondenternas tankar och känslor. Slutligen kan man göra samma studie fast i longitudinell form för att kunna undersöka respondenternas inställning till personlig marknadsföring över tid.


Song, Chanho 20 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Sambandet mellan Electronic word-of- mouth, motivation, kundengagemang, kundnöjdhet och kundlojalitet

Skansenhäll, Antonie January 2016 (has links)
Ämnet som denna studie handlar om är Electronic word-of-mouth och studiens syfte är att ta reda på vad som motiverar kunder att skriva Electronic word-of-mouth och vilka samband kunderna anser att motivationen har med kundengagemang, kundnöjdhet och kundlojalitet.Den metod som har använts är kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer samt ett system som kallas Dialogue-Hermeneutic Method, DHM, en form av mindmap-system för att strukturera upp respondentens subjektiva teori. Sex intervjuer genomfördes inför studien där ingångspunkten var att respondenterna själva skulle analysera sig själva och sitt användande med Electronic word-of-mouth. Efter intervjun målade respondenterna upp hur de ansåg flödet fungera och detta kallas då DHM. Teorin som har samlats in har varit vetenskapligt granskad men teorin har inte behandlat den exakta vinkeln som studien antagit då denna vinkel är outforskad. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av respondenterna blir mest motiverade till att skriva Electronic word-of-mouth när de är väldigt nöjda eller väldigt missnöjda och motivationerna som är starkast är för att sprida information, självförbättring, moralisk förpliktelse, altruism och förpliktelse till företaget.Kopplingen mellan Electronic word-of-mouth, motivation, kundengagemang, kundnöjdhet och kundlojalitet är tydligare utan lojalitet, då lojalitet till företaget inte är ett måste för att kunden ska engagera sig. Det är större chans att en kund blir motiverad att skriva eWOM då kunden är nöjd med en produkt än då kunden känner lojalitet mot företaget. Grunderna som leder till motivation och engagemang är nöjdhet och lojalitet men nöjdhet är en starkare grund. / The subject of this study is about Electronic word-of-mouth and the purpose is to find out what’s motivating customer to write Electronic word-of-mouth and what connections customers believes the motivation has to customer commitment, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.The method used in this study is qualitative semi-structured interviews and a system called Dialogue- Hermeneutic Method, DHM, which is a kind of mindmap-system used to structure the respondent’s subjective theory. There were six interviews made for this study where the point was for the respondents to analyse themselves and their use of Electronic word-of-mouth. After the interview the respondents painted their subjective theory on a paper and showed how they thought the process to be, this method is called DHM. The material of scientific articles used in this study has been peer- reviewed but the articles those not discuss the exact angle used in this study, because this angle seems to be new on the field. The result showed that the majority of the respondents are mostly motivated to write Electronic word-of-mouth when they are very satisfied or very disgruntled and the motivations who was the most important was to spread information, self-efficacy, moral obligation, altruism and obligation to the company.The connection between Electronic word-of-mouth, motivation, customer commitment, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are more visible without loyalty, because loyalty to the company isn’t necessary for the customer to engage. It is a bigger chance that a customer gets motivated by writing a eWOM when the customer is satisfied with a product rather than the customer gets motivated by being loyal to the company. The foundation that leads to motivation and engagement is satisfaction and loyalty but satisfaction has a stronger foundation.

A meta-analysis of the factors affecting eWOM providing behaviour

Ismagilova, Elvira, Rana, Nripendra P., Slade, E., Dwivedi, Y.K. 10 October 2020 (has links)
Yes / Purpose- Numerous studies have examined factors influencing eWOM providing behaviour. The volume of extant research and inconsistency in some of the findings makes it useful to develop an all-encompassing model synthesising results. Therefore, the aim of this study is to synthesise findings from existing studies on eWOM by employing meta-analysis, which will help to reconcile conflicting findings of factors affecting consumers’ intention to engage in eWOM communications. Design/methodology/approach- The findings from 51 studies were used for meta-analysis, which was undertaken using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software. Findings- Factors affecting eWOM providing behaviour were divided into four groups: personal conditions, social conditions, perceptual conditions, and consumption-based conditions. The results of meta-analysis showed that out of 20 identified relationships, 16 were found to be significant (opinion seeking, information usefulness, trust in web eWOM services, economic incentive, customer satisfaction, loyalty, brand attitude, altruism, affective commitment, normative commitment, opinion leadership, self-enhancement, information influence, tie strength, homophily, and community identity). Originality/value- Applying meta-analysis helped reconciliation of conflicting findings, enabled investigation of the strengths of the relationships between motivations and eWOM providing behaviour, and offered a consolidated view. The results of this study facilitate the advancement of current knowledge of information dissemination on the Internet, which can influence consumer purchase intention and loyalty.

Classifying residents' roles as online place-ambassadors

Uchinaka, S., Yoganathan, Vignesh, Osburg, V-S 2018 October 1915 (has links)
Yes / Residents are pivotal in the competitiveness of tourism destinations. Yet, their role as place-brand ambassadors needs better understanding, particularly in relation to social media, which directly link visitors to residents through user-generated-content (UGC). This paper explores residents’ roles as place-brand ambassadors on Twitter, using the case of Onomichi (Japan), where decreasing population meets economic dependence on tourism. From a content analysis of residents’ tweets, four distinct roles are identified, and corresponding types of content are mapped on a two-dimensional continuum based on direct vs. indirect word-of-mouth and the level of sentiment. Authors discuss implications for Destination Management Organizations (DMOs). Findings highlight the increasingly shifting role of residents towards being primary sources of place-marketing, especially due to social media, and as active proponents (rather than passive targets) of place-branding in the digital age. Such organic place-marketing may be the key to sustaining tourism in the face of rising anti-tourist sentiments worldwide.

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