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Examining the Factors Influencing Organizational Creativity in Professional Sport OrganizationsSmith, Natalie L., Green, B. Christine 01 November 2020 (has links)
Increasingly, globalization and the adoption of a market economy have made innovation fundamental for the success of professional sport organizations. Yet oligarchical league structures, isomorphic and hyper-traditional cultures, and hierarchical organizational structures can enhance or hinder organizational creativity, the beginning stage of the innovation process. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the antecedents of organizational creativity in professional sport organizations. Perception of organizational creativity is theorized to be influenced by employee creativity, work environment, and the social interactions of employees. The results, based on a survey of three professional sport organizations’ front offices, indicated perceptions of a work environment with a clear vision and better work processes were associated with greater perceptions of organizational creativity. The lack of relationships between many of the factors theorized to influence organizational creativity, such as an employee's advice network, could indicate the sport industry is unique in creativity management. This study is the beginning in understanding the first step of innovation, and the processes that influence employees’ perceptions regarding the ways in which their work environment relate to organizational creativity.
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Conflict management styles : a predictor of likability and perceived effectiveness among subordinatesCopley, Rachel D. 13 August 2008 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / As greater numbers of women throughout the past few decades have assumed managerial roles in organizations, the question of whether gender differences exist in the ability to manage effectively has become an important concern. According to Korabik, Baril, and Watson (1993), conflict management skills are a fundamental aspect of leadership effectiveness and “perceptions of how females handle crisis and conflict often are cited as blocks to the female manager’s ascent to the executive suite” (Shockley-Zalabak, 1981, p. 289). Additionally, the importance of likability of supervisors by their subordinates has become of greater importance in the past few years as researchers have discovered that more people leave their job because they do not like their supervisor than for any other reason (Agrusa, Spears, Agrusa, & Tanner, 2006; Joyce, 2006). The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in supervisor’s conflict management styles and to determine how they relate to both effectiveness and likability among their subordinates. Specifically, research was conducted to reveal a) what differences exist between conflict management styles chosen by women and men leaders, b) if a relationship exists between conflict management styles and likeability among subordinates, c) what influence conflict management styles have upon perceived effectiveness among subordinates, and d) what correlation exists between likability and perceived effectiveness.
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Stress inom byggbranschen : En undersökning om hur företag inom byggbranschen arbetar för att förebygga arbetsrelaterad stressEmilsson, Håkan January 2022 (has links)
Stress är idag ett vanligt inslag i många delar av samhället och byggbranschen är inget undantag. Men givet byggbranschens karaktär med förekommande riskfyllda arbetsmoment kan stressen få större och allvarligare konsekvenser då den riskerar att resultera i olyckor och dödsfall. Då prognoserna för framtiden pekar på att den arbetsrelaterade stressen kommer att öka finns anledning att undersöka hur byggbranschen arbetar idag för att förebygga stress. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur byggbranschen arbetade idag för att förebygga stress och om detta arbete gick i linje med de av forskning föreslagna åtgärder. Metoden som användes var semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan tolkades i en övergripande matris. Resultatet visade att den förebyggande åtgärd mot stress som lyfts av flest respondenter var arbetet med ett positivt arbetsklimat och den minst förekommande var uppföljning av psykologisk hälsa. Slutsatserna från undersökningen var att olika åtgärder mot stress bedrivs inom byggbranschen idag i olika omfattning. Ytterligare slutsatser är att en betydande del av åtgärderna mot stress var ett resultat av ett väl genomfört arbetsmiljöarbete och att byggbranschen bör fokusera på specifik utbildning inom stress samt att företag bör arbeta mer med uppföljning av den psykologiska hälsan. / Stress is a common element in many parts of society and the construction industry is no exception. However, given the typical characteristics of the construction industry with occurring risky situations, stress may inflict greater consequences such as severe accidents and even death. As future predictions points towards an increase in work-related stress, there is reason to study how companies active in the construction industry are working to prevent stress today. The purpose of this study is to examine which measures companies in the construction industry are taking to prevent stress today and to study whether these measures align with the measures suggested from previous studies. The method used was a semi structured interview method. The answers were compiled and compared with the suggested measures in a spreadsheet matrix which later were used for analysing the results. The results show that different measures against stress were taken by the companies and that the most common measures were the work of a positive work environment. The conclusions are that different measures are taken against stress today in various extent and that the industry should focus on education and on follow-up of the co-worker’s psychological well-being. / <p>2022-06-23</p>
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Work-life balane and well-being at work : An interview study based on individual and focus group interviews with production employeesEngman, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how production employees at an industrial company in Sweden experience their work-life balance and to investigate work-related factors that may affect their work-life balance in the workplace. A qualitative method was used with semi-structured interviews to find out how production employees experience work-life balance. A total of 13 people participated in the interviews and a manifest content analysis was used for data analysis. In conclusion, production employees experience poorer work-life balance when production increases its rates as they often have to work overtime on weekends and receive information late about overtime work. The results indicate that participants experience a decrease in work-life balance when they do not have material to work with and hence are forced to become stagnant in production and experience uncertainty as to whether they will need to work overtime. When material enters employees feel that they need to work to catch up with what could not be produced, and become more stressed, which affects their well-being in the workplace.
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Vem ska ta hand om oss? : En kvantitativ studie om hållbar psykosocial arbetsmiljö inom äldreomsorg / Who will take care of us? : A quantitative study on a sustainable psychosocial work environment in elderly careTorba, Cecylia, Dikkaya, Sibel January 2022 (has links)
Undersköterskor och vårdbiträde inom äldreomsorgen arbetar med att skapa trygga och meningsfulla förhållande för äldre människor som är i behov av omsorg. Framtida utmaningar kommer att ställa höga krav på omsorgspersonal, därför är syftet med detta arbete att undersöka omsorgspersonalens upplevelser om sin egen psykosocial arbetsmiljö för att kunna öka kunskapen om vad som kan bidra till att den blir hållbar över tid. Detta är en kvantitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats. Data samlades med hjälp av enkätundersökningar från fem enheter som bedriver äldreomsorg inom 2 olika kommuner. Datainsamlingen resulterade i 155 enkäter och en svarsfrekvens på 77,5%. Resultatet visade att de anställda upplever en dålig psykosocial arbetsmiljö som beror på riskfaktorer som höga krav, låg kontroll och bristande socialt stöd som i sin tur leder till sjukfrånvaro. En dålig psykosocial arbetsmiljö kan ha negativa konsekvenser på individ och samhällsnivå, därför kvävs det vidare forskning om hur man kan bidra till ett mer hållbart arbetsliv för medarbetare inom äldreomsorg. / Assistant nurses and care assistants in elderly care work to create a safe and meaningful life for elderly people who are in need of care. Future challenges will place high demands on care staff, therefore the purpose of this work is to examine the care staff's perceptions of their own psychosocial work environment in order to increase knowledge about what can contribute to its sustainability over time. This is a quantitative study with a deductive approach. Data were collected with the help of surveys from five units that provide elderly care in 2 different municipalities. The data collection resulted in 155 surveys and a response rate of 77,5%. The results showed that the employees experience a poor psychosocial work environment that is due to risk factors such as high demands, low control and lack of social support, which in turn leads to sick leave. A poor psychosocial work environment can have negative consequences for the individual and at societal level, therefore further research on how to contribute to a more sustainable working life for employees in elderly care is stifled.
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The Perspectives on Digitalisation in Work Environments : A Systematic Literature Review and Thematic Synthesis in the Field of Business AdministrationStark, Max, Morina, Butrint January 2022 (has links)
Background: While the positive sides of digitalisation in work environments have been highlighted in academic research in the field of business administration, there seems to be a lack of representation regarding the negative sides. By systematically identifying, evaluating, and summarising peer-reviewed articles in the field of digitalisation in work environments, this systematic literature review and thematic synthesis, aims to provide a nuanced and applicable overview of the scope in which the potential effects of digitalisation within work-related office contexts are researched in the field of business administration. Methods: Ontology - Relativism; Epistemology - constructionism, inductive approach; Methodology - Qualitative research design, systematic literature review; Data collection - systematic 12-step guideline; Data analysis - thematic synthesis Findings: The findings uncover several patterns in the relevant literature through a summary of the content of the analysed batch in descriptive themes and synthesising patterns through the creation of analytical themes, in which perspectives of organisational as well as employed actors were analysed. The results illustrate the motivations for digital transformations for organisational actors and employees as well as their respective drawbacks. Discussion: The study suggests that digitalisation in work environments is typically portrayed positively in research within the field of business administration. There is an implicit unanimous perception among academics in business administration that depict digitalisation in work environments as desirable and portray a view where digitalisation is not questioned. As a consequence, the papers show an absence in terms of alternatives beyond the digitalisation scope through the retrieved literature batch. Conclusion: As there are clear patterns of the favourable depiction of digital technologies visible in this study, implications of a one-sided representation of digital technology are valid in the context of the analysed data. Other: The papers were subject to no external funding, meaning that the two authors covered all costs derived throughout the writing process.
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Partnerings projektpåverkan : En studie om hur partnering påverkar underentreprenörernaBöhme, Linnéa, Tynhage, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
“Partner project impact” with a focus on the form of collaboration's impact on subcontractors is the starting point of the work. Partnering is an area of knowledge that is unfortunately still placed in the background. From the labor market to teaching, the ignorance of partnering is noticeable. Whether it depends on the generation working in the industry or the lack of interest, is difficult to answer. This ignorance of the form of cooperation and its significance aroused interest in this report and the hope of creating a greater interest in partnering. With Byggdialog AB as a helping company and their extensive knowledge in the field of partnering, research has been done on how the work environment and finances affect the subcontractors in a partneringproject compared to other projects with, for example, a fixed-price contract. Partnering is a way of working where you work together from an early stage towards a common goal and with open finances. The contractor must be involved at an early stage together with the customer to arrive at how to create the best product, where they include the subcontractors already in phase 1 to jointly develop the best way of working. The economic factor of upcoming and ongoing projects is of great importance to companies and their choices for upcoming projects. Relationships and collaborations between all parties in the project, from client to main contractor and subcontractors will be a new factor that has to be considered before the next choice of project. The purpose of this report is to investigate whether partnering has any impact on a project and the subcontractors in the project. The work compares projects with and without partnering to see if the open economy has any impact and if it affects the work environment and the work on site. The goal is to create an overall picture from client to craftsman and see if the form of cooperation has any significance. The work will be based on these issues. • How do the subcontractors' craftsmen experience that partnering affects the work on site? o How does job satisfaction differ between projects with and without partnering? o How does the subcontractor experience that workinghours are affected by partnering? • For what financial reasons does a subcontractor take a job on a partnering project? The method for examining the issues were carried out through interviews and questionnaires to examine the soft parameters that partnering is about, humans, relationships and cooperation. The interviewees will be all parties in the project to get the overall picture. In addition to these interviews, literature studies as scientific reports are used to increase the credibility of the results, but also to create a better whole of the study. The results and conclusions were based on the methods and are reported according to the points below. • Partnering has a positive impact on the workplace. The relationship between all subcontractors is experienced as more open and better when the financial self-interest disappears and the communication between all parties is clearer. • The work environment is perceived to be less stressful and thus increases well-being in the workplace. Through a good work attitude between each other and for the common goal, the risk of extra work on evenings and weekends is minimized. • Partnering creates security in a troubled market where you deal with the problems together and work together for a better project. A market with high competition makes it difficult to consider the options of choice for the next project. But good relations and cooperation are in many cases more profitable for the work environment and the economy, and are factors that affect the next choice of project.
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Orsaker till stress hos sjuksköterskor på akutmottagning - en litteraturstudieSjöberg, Veronica January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stress påverkar både personen, patienten och organisationen. En akutmottagning präglas av ett snabbt arbetssätt och många möten med medarbetare, patienter och anhöriga. Stress kan påverka sjuksköterskan både fysikt, psykiskt och socialt. Den kognitiva förmågan försämras av stress vilket i sin tur påverkar patientsäkerheten. Långvarig eller svår stress kan leda till compassion fatigue eller post – traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka det vetenskapliga underlaget gällande orsaker till stress hos akutsjuksköterskor.. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes med systematisk ansats enligt SBU:s sju steg och resulterade i en analys av 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. För granskning av kvantitativa studier användes granskningsprotokoll hämtat från SBU (1999) och för granskning av kvalitativa studier samt för att sammanställa bevisvärden användes protokoll hämtade från Willman m fl (2006). Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fem teman; Akutmottagningens natur, Hot, våld och aggressivitet, Traumatiska händelser, Samarbete/konflikter och Organisatoriska faktorer och ledarskap. Slutsats: Att handla och bli behandlad med respekt är av stor vikt. Det är viktigt att uppleva socialt stöd från kollegor och chefer vid speciella situationer t ex vid traumatiska händelser (speciellt då barn och unga är inblandade) eller vid hot och våldssituationer. Mindre erfarna sjuksköterskor är extra utsatta och kan behöva extra stöttning. Sjuksköterskan måste ha utbildning för de uppgifter som utförs. / Background: Stress has an effect on the person, the patient and on the whole organization. The work in an emergency department is characterized by a fast pace and the nurse meets a lot of co - workers, patients and relatives during one day. Stress effects the nurse physically, psychologically and socially. Stress also has an effect on the cognitive ability which influences the patient safety.Long term or severe stress could lead to compassion fatigue or post – traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the scientific support regarding the causes for stress in emergency care nurses.Method: A literature study with a systematic approach according to the SBU: s seven steps (Willman m fl, 2006) was conducted which resulted in an analyses of 15 research studies. To review the quantitative studies a validation protocol was used according to SBU (1999). To review the qualitative studies and to weigh the evidence, protocols from Willman m fl (2006) was used.Result: The analyses resulted in five themes; The nature of an emergency department, Threats, violence and aggression, Traumatic events, Cooperation/ conflicts and Organizational factors and leadership. Conclusion; To act and to be treated with respect is vital. It is important to experience social support from colleagues and leaders during difficult situations for example traumatic events (especially when children and young people are involved) or during verbal and physical abuse. Less experienced nurses are vulnerable and might need extra support. The nurse must have proper education for the tasks performed.
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Work Environment And The Effect On Occupational Commitment And Intent To Leave: A Study Of Bedside Registered NursesCortelyou-Ward, Kendall Hays 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect work environment has on occupational commitment and intent to leave the profession for bedside registered nurses. Subscales of autonomy, control over the practice setting, nurse-physician relationship, and organizational support were incorporated into the analysis to determine which aspect of work environment most directly effects occupational commitment and intent to leave the profession. The research was undertaken in order to help administrators determine the ways in which work environment can be improved upon in order to retain bedside registered nurses in the profession. An explanatory cross sectional survey was distributed to 259 direct care bedside registered nurses employed at a rural, system affiliated hospital in Central Florida. Human subject protection was assured through the University of Central Florida Institutional Review Board. A 77 item questionnaire containing 9 demographic questions, 57 questions from the Nursing Work Index- Revised (NWI-R), 8 questions from Blau's occupational commitment scale, and 3 questions from Blau's intent to leave scale was distributed to all direct care nurses. Subjects were also given the opportunity to complete 3 short answer questions. A 32.8 percent response rate was achieved for a total of 85 complete and usable surveys. Data analysis showed that the work environment is positively related to occupational commitment and negatively related to intent to leave. In addition each of the four subscales (autonomy, control over the practice setting, relationship with physicians, and organizational support) were also positively related to occupational commitment and negatively related to intent to leave the profession. Implications for organizations, public policy and future research are discussed.
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The Mediating Role Of Motivation And Job Satisfaction In Work Environment-outcome RelationshipsGuzman, Melissa 01 January 2007 (has links)
Research that links various aspects of the work environment to important work outcomes can be traced back almost seventy years. Despite the history and proliferation of these studies, firm conclusions have not been reached regarding the ways through which the work environment impacts these outcomes. For example, mediating variables such as motivation and job satisfaction have been proposed as affective and cognitive states that could impact the environment-outcome relationships but have received little attention. Additionally, organizational and contextual moderators such as group size and demographics that could impact the relationships have been called for but have yet to be studied. Consequently, much remains to be examined in the environment-outcome relationships beyond the basic links. Therefore, the primary objective of the current study was to investigate the effects of motivation and job satisfaction as mediators, and group size, group tenure, and group gender composition as moderators, of work environment-work outcome relationships. Specifically, it was proposed that motivation and job satisfaction mediate the relationships between the feedback environment, learning environment, and reward and recognition environment and job performance and turnover intentions. Finally, it was expected that group size, group tenure, and group gender composition moderate these same environment-outcome relationships. It is suggested that findings gleaned from this study can provide a clearer picture of how certain work environment variables impact specific work outcomes, which can provide researchers and practitioners with information to improve the organizational setting and individual and organizational outcomes of interest. Support was found for several hypotheses and future research directions are noted.
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