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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manpower planning and development in Oman

Ali, Hassan Ali January 1990 (has links)
1. The Sultanate of Oman is the second largest country in the Arabian Peninsula with a total population of approximately two million. Young people below the age of 15 account for a large proportion (46 per cent) of the po pulation. According to studies carried out by various organizations, (i.e. World Bank, ECWA), it has been found that a majority of the population live in rural areas. 2. Before 1970, Oman had a great shortfall in most economic and social aspects. The dawn of development started after 1970, following Sultan Qaboos Bin Said's accession to the leadership and the launching of a broad plan to modernize and develop the country. 3. Oil is the main source of its economy. According to the Development Council statistics, the share of oil revenue in 1988 accounted for 79.6 per cent of the total. The oil net revenue was (993.6) million Rials Omani from a total of (1247.6) million Rials Omani. Actual development investment increased from (3341) million Rials Omani during the First Development Plan (1976-1980) to (7872) million Rials Omani during the Second Development Plan (1981-1985). The planned development investment during the Third Development vii plan (1986-1990) is estimated as (8164) million Rials Omani. One important factor to be noticed is the attempt of the government to diversify its strategy so as in the long run to depend on other sources rather than oil. Manufacturing is one of the main concerns of development for the government. Despite the dominance of the modern sector (in terms of contribution to the gross domestic product), Oman still remains a predominantly rural society. Up to 80% of the Omani population is estimated to live in rural areas. 4. The rural labour force has been steadily declining, emigrating to urban areas at a rate of 5000 people (mostly economically active males) annually. At present, Omanis form 30 percent of the total labour force employed in the modern sector; most of them occupy jobs at an unskilled and semi-skilled level. At present more than 200 thousand expatriates are working in the modern sector in Oman, which represents 70 percent of the total labour force in that sector. 5. The size of population and its rate of growth are obviously very important elements in the manpower assessment in the long term of the next 15 to 20 years. It becomes a more critical issue when the labour market patterns are not clearly known and defined. 6. Oman relies on a large number of non-Omani workers, essentially because human resource development (education and training of the population to produce an effective modern workforce) cannot keep pace with viii economic growth demands in terms of skilled manpower requirements. 7. The basic fact which should be considered is that manpower requirements are related proportionally to economic growth. In Oman, with late development, high priority was given to economic growth to build up the infrastructure and have a modern state. Economic planners, the executers of development projects and the contractors wish to see as high a rate of economic growth as possible. Although economic planners may acknowledge that reliance on non-Omani workers may present problems, they are not thought important enough to warrant any limitation of economic growth. Clearly then, the planning of human resources development in the Omani context lags behind general economic planning. 8. To cope with manpower requirements, due to the needs created by economic development, Education and Training plans were drawn up to form a human resource development plan. 9. No educational system existed before the 1970s. Only 3 primary schools were available with 900 students. No education for girls was provided. The present situation of education is the result of rapid development. An education ladder was formed which was based on a 6-3-3 structure. Technical and vocational education and training systems were established. The establishment operation of the university has added a new ix dimension in completing the educational system. In 1984/85, more than 225 thousand students were enrolled in educational institutions. 10. Despite the development of education in recent years, Oman is still not capable of meeting its manpower requirements internally. A large segment of the population is functionally illitrate, including a sizeable population of young males with a strong desire to share in the counry's new economic prosperity. The quality of education has also suffered considerably due to the rapid expansion in education. 11. Due to the great demand for labour and the shortage of Omani labour supply, manpower development has become an important issue. The Council of Education and Vocational Training under the Chairmanship of HM the Sultan Qaboos with 9 members at minister's level was formed in 1978 to set general policies of education and training in the context of manpower development. 12. The present trends in manpower development, whether from the education or training side, do not match with the long term objectives, set by the government, nor have they realized the potential to cope with future requirements. 13. This present study of manpower planning and development in Oman dicusses manpower development in relation to manpower planning. This research will analyse the past and present trends of manpower development and anticipate its effectiveness in the future. The manpower x development concept is discussed in terms of its objectives, manpower requirements and social demand. The discussion will highlight the main problems in the present system of manpower development: in the context of manpower planning in Oman. The system of manpower development is also analysed in terms of its relevance to, and possible conflict with the purpose of manpower development schemes. The present focus of such schemes is closely examined. 14. The main problems related to manpower development lie in: [1] The role of the technical and vocational education and training system and its performance in operating (a) The Vocational Education system run by the Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY). (b) The Vocational Education System run by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (MOSAL). [2] Social pressures from the student population in terms of their expectations on completing their general education versus the government policies 1 in having a sound output of manpower requirement T to fuf ill the country's needs. This create a conflict in the definition of objectives. [3] Lack of enrolment in vocational and training system due to the lack of vocational guidance, the social attitude towards it, and due to the closed xi pattern existing in technical education and training system, in not providing the student with access to further studies. This also affects manpower development schemes. [4] The unstable educational output in relation to manpower requirements. 15. The arguments are developed so 4ko propose a new model of manpower development for the future. This model aims to achieve a new target in producing an integration of educational and training concepts in manpower development. 16. In discussing the various hypotheses, and analysing the various concepts in comparis on with other countries, a new manpower development model will be proposed to meet the objectives and to overcome the above stated problems. This model aims to integrate manpower demands and educational and training outputs in relation to individual aspirations and manpower targets.

The Participation of Women in the Labor Force of Saudi Arabia

Al-Oteiby, Mohammed K. 08 1900 (has links)
Saudi Arabia is affected by the dominant culture of the Arabic Islamic nations, and Islam exerts a strong influence on all. aspects of Saudi society, including women's participation in the kingdom's labor force. Chapter I of this thesis deals with Arabian women in general, and Chapter II surveys the past and present roles of Saudi women. Chapter III enumerates obstacles hindering women's full participation in the Saudi labor force; Chapter IV presents information on the people of Saudi Arabia, concentrating upon its large population of foreign workers; and Chapter V surveys the women currently employed in the kingdom's public, private, and agricultural sectors. Chapter VI suggests means for increasing the employment of women, in accordance with Islamic tenets and mores.

Buyers and workers / Full Time Work

Taina_Nielsen, Anna January 2015 (has links)
I wrote an essay called "Buyers and Workers" where I questioned topics of the painting as an art object or a commodity, and I discussed the artist's function in society. With my examination show I examined if the artist could be put in a standard working model of commercial market of our contemporary, and what the result and the experience of this structured way of working might be. Questions like "What is the product or commodity in the project?" was raised through the process. / [I examensarbetet ingår utställningen "Full Time Work":] Throughout the 7 days my show was open I painted lines on the walls. I followed a working schedule, I had made beforehand, similar to the opening hours of commercial market, thereby questioning artistic labor and art production within a working structure of what we know from society. The schedule dictated that I worked on the walls 45 minuts per hour, and that I by each hour changed colors. The total amount of sessions I worked per day was 8, thereby also using 8 different colors. Each day I would use the same colors in the same hour, starting with the bright yellow and finishing with the dark blue. I worked in a total of 6 hours per day, having a total of 2 hours spare time per day. When the 7 days were up, I had succeeded in painting nearly one and a half walls, creating a beautiful pattern. Material: Acrylic wallpaint Teknik: Paint on wall / <p>My examination work consits of a painting performance at Galleri Mejan and my Master essay.</p>

A Study of the Influence of Enterprise Pensions System on Work Force Age Structure and Work Force Utilization in China Steel Corporation

Wong, C.T. 15 June 2000 (has links)
A Study of the Influence of Enterprise Pensions System on Work Force Age Structure and Work Force Utilization in China Steel Corporation THESIS ABSTRACT The key factor of whether an enterprise can achieve its operation goal is effective utilization and management of human resources. In order to accomplish the goal of effective recruitment, training, utilization and retaining of human resources, an enterprise should monitor and control the status of the environmental change and enterprise development, and plan, improve and implement its human resource management system constantly. China Steel Corporation (CSC) was officially registered on December 3, 1971. As of the end of January, 2000, CSC has 8,973 employees with an average age of 43.97. Among them, 5,617 or 62% of its total employees are between 40 to 50 years. The aging statistic indicates a relatively narrow age spectrum, which results in the over concentration of education degrees, ages and years in services of its employees, i.e., the homogeneity of its human resources. Once the business expansion of the enterprise becomes slow or even remains stagnant, its human resources can not be effectively dispersed or reallocated, which indicates limited promotion opportunities due to a lower turnover rate. Consequently, the company development is eligible to its canyon period, and growth is ended; then human aging becomes deteriorating. However, the legal labor pensions system is of very limited influence to improve CSC worker turnover rate and age structure. This pension system can not solve the current problem. Thus, we analyze and examine feasible human resource strategies in CSC from the work force utilization aspect. We also recommend a series of strategic thinking, e.g. its internal retirement adjustment, preferential early retirement, CSC Group work force utilization, business outsourcing, inner createpreneur help, etc., to improve the workers' age structure effectively, keep excellent replacement, activate work force, and enhance human resource utilization efficiently. By doing so, CSC will constantly upgrade its competitive advantage, and ensure its continuous operation.

A Demographic Analysis of Female Participation in the Iranian Labor Force, 1956-1966

Saidi, Shahla 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the participation of females in the labor force of Iran between 1956 and 1966. Selected demographic variables are age, educational attainment, employment rates, and marital status. The data are from the national censuses of 1956 and 1966. The traditional female roles are discussed. The findings of the study indicate that female participation rates increased in the educational, economical and political fields. There are indications that sex roles are being modified as related to urbanization and industrialization.

Satisfação profissional: perfil dos cirurgiões-dentistas que exercem suas atividades em empresa do setor privado. São Paulo, 2008 / Job satisfaction: professional activities profile among the dentists who worked in a private enterprise of São Paulo State. São Paulo,

Ponte, Teresa Maria da 10 June 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o perfil das atividades profissionais dos cirurgiõesdentistas que desenvolviam suas atividades em uma empresa de caráter privado do Estado de São Paulo. Tratou-se de estudo transversal, realizado por meio de questionário auto-administrado distribuído aos dentistas que trabalhavam em unidades da empresa localizadas em diversas cidades do Estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo e foi realizada com ciência e autorização da empresa em questão. Os dados foram organizados e analisados no programa STATA 10.0. Resultados: Participaram da pesquisa 194 cirurgiões-dentistas que exerciam suas atividades na empresa no ano de 2008. Em relação às características sociodemográficas, 68,04% eram do gênero feminino e 31,96% do gênero masculino e apresentavam idade entre 25 e 54 anos (média de 35,78 anos). Quanto à formação, 64,43% estudaram em faculdades públicas e 35,57% em faculdades particulares; 116 (59,79%) haviam concluído curso de especialização, 26 (13,40%), mestrado e 10 (5,15%) doutorado. O tempo médio de formado foi de 12,85 anos e a média de horas trabalhadas por semana foi de 41,08 horas. Com relação ao acesso a atualizações e produções científicas, 79,38% relataram ter participado de congresso científico nos últimos dois anos, 87,63% tinham acesso a revistas científicas e 30,41% eram membros de alguma sociedade científica. A grande maioria trabalhava em consultório ou clínica particular (78,35%) sendo que, entre estes, 32,99% atendiam convênios. Com relação a outras atividades profissionais, 30,93% atuavam também no serviço público e 7,22% exerciam atividade docente. Apenas 54 profissionais (27,84%) não apresentaram nenhum problema (dor, desconforto ou dormência) nos braços, mãos, costas ou ombros nos 12 meses anteriores à participação na pesquisa. O nível de satisfação profissional total foi de 3,45 (DP=0,50), considerando-se uma escala de 1 a 5. Os blocos analisados apresentaram os seguintes valores: satisfação geral com o trabalho: média=3,39, DP=0,89; percepção de renda: média=3,21, DP=0,74; tempo pessoal: média=2,60, DP=1,06; tempo profissional: média=3,13, DP=0,71; equipe: média=3,35, DP=0,98; relacionamento com pacientes: média=4,34, DP=0,59 e fornecimento de assistência/atendimento: média=4,16, DP=0,58. Conclui-se que a maioria dos profissionais que participaram desta pesquisa era do gênero feminino, estudou em faculdade pública, fez curso de especialização, participou de congresso nos 2 anos anteriores, teve acesso a revistas científicas e trabalhava em consultório particular. Também a maior parte (72,16%) apresentou alguma dor, desconforto ou dormência nos braços, mãos, costas ou ombros nos 12 meses prévios ao estudo. O nível de satisfação total dos profissionais pôde ser considerado bom, sendo que o bloco que apresentou menor valor de satisfação foi o tempo pessoal. Houve associação de gênero com as variáveis: horas trabalhadas, dor e relacionamento com pacientes e, com relação às horas trabalhadas, houve associação com as variáveis: consultório particular e serviço público; foi observado, ainda, que quanto maior a quantidade de horas dedicadas, maior foi a satisfação com relação à renda e menor com relação ao tempo pessoal. / The objective of the study was to verify professional activities profile among the dentists who worked in a private enterprise of São Paulo State. A descriptive crosssectional and analytic study was carried out, using a self-administered questionnaire distributed to dentists who worked in the company\'s units located in different cities of São Paulo State. The investigation project was submitted to and approved by the School of Dentistry (FOUSP) Ethical Committee and was done with science and authorization of the participants. Data were organized and analysed at STATA 10.0 statistical package. Participated of the study 194 dentists that were working in the company in year 2008. Regarding sociodemographic characteristics, 68.04% were female and 31.96% were male and aged between 25 and 54 years (mean 35.78 years). About professional formation and performance, 64.43% studied in public schools and 35.57% in private colleges, 116 (59.79%) were specialists, 26 (13.40%) had Masters degree and 10 (5.15%) were PhDs. The mean number of years since dental school graduation was 12.85 years and the mean working hours per week was 41.08 hours. Regarding access to scientific updates, 79.38% reported having participated in scientific congress in the last two years, 87.63% had access to scientific journals and 30.41% were members of a scientific society. Most of them worked also in another private setting (78.35%) and, between them, 32.99% attended dental insurance patients in those places. In relation to other professional activities, 30.93% worked also in the public service and 7.22% were college professors. Only 54 professionals (27.84%) did not show any problems (pain, discomfort or numbness) in their arms, hands, back or shoulders in the 12 months prior to participation in research. The mean score of overall job satisfaction was 3.45 (SD = 0.50), in a 1 to 5 scale. The blocks of factors examined showed the following values: general satisfaction with job/employment: mean = 3.39, SD = 0.89; income perception: mean = 3.21, SD = 0.74; personal time: mean = 2.60, SD = 1.06; professional time: mean = 3.13, SD = 0.71; team: mean = 3.35, SD = 0.98; patients relationship: mean = 4.34, SD = 0, 59 and healthcare delivery: mean = 4.16, SD = 0.58. The majority of professionals who participated in this study were female, studied in public Universities, were specialists, participated in some conference 2 years earlier, had access to scientific journals and worked in another private practice. Also most of them (72.16%) has had some pain, discomfort or numbness in the arms, hands, back or shoulders at the some point over the 12 months prior to the study. Job satisfaction levels among the professionals could be considered good, and the block that had the lowest satisfaction was personal time. There was an association between gender and the variables: working hours, pain and patients relationship and, with respect to working hours, it was associated to concurrent attendance at another private healthcare setting and at public service; it was observed also that the greater the amount of working hours, the greater was the satisfaction with respect to income and less the satisfaction with personal time.

Deslocamentos cotidianos no espaÃo metropolitano: as trajetÃrias MaracanaÃ-Fortaleza / Daily displacements in the metropolitan space: the trajectories MaracanaÃ-Fortaleza

Francisco Oliveira de Sousa Neto 26 August 2010 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Na atualidade, ao mesmo tempo em que se aprofunda a divisÃo social e territorial do trabalho, as dinÃmicas urbanas cada vez mais se integram, aumentam as velocidades dos fluxos de matÃria (mercadorias, pessoas) e energia (informaÃÃo) que permeiam os territÃrios metropolitanos. MÃltiplos sÃo os sujeitos sociais e agentes (Estado, Capital) envolvidos nestes processos. Assim, a mobilidade à uma condiÃÃo necessÃria à vida nas cidades. Com efeito, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar em que contexto acontecem os deslocamentos pendulares ocorrentes na RegiÃo Metropolitana de Fortaleza, com origem na integraÃÃo dos municÃpios de MaracanaÃ-Fortaleza. à por meio dos deslocamentos cotidianos que se evidenciam a condiÃÃo social do morador, as relaÃÃes de poder e os conflitos, que permeiam a produÃÃo do espaÃo urbano metropolitano. Em sÃntese, buscou-se compreender os limites e possibilidades estratÃgicas que a mobilidade traz ao morador no seu direito à cidade, a uma vida, a uma sociabilidade, transpondo a produÃÃo e o consumo. Motivado pela busca por trabalho ou outra necessidade cotidiana, esse fenÃmeno se materializa como uma condiÃÃo de classe, onde estes sujeitos redefinem no cotidiano sua concepÃÃo de espaÃo, tempo e direitos sociais. / At present, at the same time where if it deepen the social and territorial division of the work, the urban dynamics each time more combine, increase the speeds of the flows of matter (merchandises, people) and energy (information) that pervade the territories metropolitans. Multiples are the social subjects and agents (State, Capital) involved in these processes. Thus, mobility is a necessary condition the life in the cities. Indeed, this study aims to examine the context in which context happens the daily displacements, that occur in the Region Metropolitan of Fortaleza, from the integration of the cities of MaracanaÃ-Fortaleza. It is means of the daily displacements that highlight the social status of the resident, power relations and conflicts, that pervade the production of the metropolitan urban space. In synthesis, sought understand the limits and the strategical possibilities that mobility brings to the inhabitant in its right to the city, a life, a sociability, in order to beyond the production and of the consumption. Motivated by the search for work or other daily needs, this phenomenon if materializes as a class condition, where these subject redefine everyday life your conception of space, time and social rights.

Darbo rinkoje diskriminuojamų asmenų nedarbo Vilniaus mieste analizė / The analysis of discriminated work force unemployment in Vilnius city

Mureikaitė, Neringa 05 April 2006 (has links)
The main goal of this Masters thesis is to analyse the unemployment problem of the discriminated work force groups in Vilnius city and to propose the possible ways for increasing the unemployment. In theoritical part of the unemployment in Lithuania is being compared with the EU-15 countries. The situation of discriminated work force groups in Vilnius labor market is rewiewed. The author also analyses the grounds for unemployment occurence and the outcomes it may couse.

Satisfação profissional: perfil dos cirurgiões-dentistas que exercem suas atividades em empresa do setor privado. São Paulo, 2008 / Job satisfaction: professional activities profile among the dentists who worked in a private enterprise of São Paulo State. São Paulo,

Teresa Maria da Ponte 10 June 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o perfil das atividades profissionais dos cirurgiõesdentistas que desenvolviam suas atividades em uma empresa de caráter privado do Estado de São Paulo. Tratou-se de estudo transversal, realizado por meio de questionário auto-administrado distribuído aos dentistas que trabalhavam em unidades da empresa localizadas em diversas cidades do Estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo e foi realizada com ciência e autorização da empresa em questão. Os dados foram organizados e analisados no programa STATA 10.0. Resultados: Participaram da pesquisa 194 cirurgiões-dentistas que exerciam suas atividades na empresa no ano de 2008. Em relação às características sociodemográficas, 68,04% eram do gênero feminino e 31,96% do gênero masculino e apresentavam idade entre 25 e 54 anos (média de 35,78 anos). Quanto à formação, 64,43% estudaram em faculdades públicas e 35,57% em faculdades particulares; 116 (59,79%) haviam concluído curso de especialização, 26 (13,40%), mestrado e 10 (5,15%) doutorado. O tempo médio de formado foi de 12,85 anos e a média de horas trabalhadas por semana foi de 41,08 horas. Com relação ao acesso a atualizações e produções científicas, 79,38% relataram ter participado de congresso científico nos últimos dois anos, 87,63% tinham acesso a revistas científicas e 30,41% eram membros de alguma sociedade científica. A grande maioria trabalhava em consultório ou clínica particular (78,35%) sendo que, entre estes, 32,99% atendiam convênios. Com relação a outras atividades profissionais, 30,93% atuavam também no serviço público e 7,22% exerciam atividade docente. Apenas 54 profissionais (27,84%) não apresentaram nenhum problema (dor, desconforto ou dormência) nos braços, mãos, costas ou ombros nos 12 meses anteriores à participação na pesquisa. O nível de satisfação profissional total foi de 3,45 (DP=0,50), considerando-se uma escala de 1 a 5. Os blocos analisados apresentaram os seguintes valores: satisfação geral com o trabalho: média=3,39, DP=0,89; percepção de renda: média=3,21, DP=0,74; tempo pessoal: média=2,60, DP=1,06; tempo profissional: média=3,13, DP=0,71; equipe: média=3,35, DP=0,98; relacionamento com pacientes: média=4,34, DP=0,59 e fornecimento de assistência/atendimento: média=4,16, DP=0,58. Conclui-se que a maioria dos profissionais que participaram desta pesquisa era do gênero feminino, estudou em faculdade pública, fez curso de especialização, participou de congresso nos 2 anos anteriores, teve acesso a revistas científicas e trabalhava em consultório particular. Também a maior parte (72,16%) apresentou alguma dor, desconforto ou dormência nos braços, mãos, costas ou ombros nos 12 meses prévios ao estudo. O nível de satisfação total dos profissionais pôde ser considerado bom, sendo que o bloco que apresentou menor valor de satisfação foi o tempo pessoal. Houve associação de gênero com as variáveis: horas trabalhadas, dor e relacionamento com pacientes e, com relação às horas trabalhadas, houve associação com as variáveis: consultório particular e serviço público; foi observado, ainda, que quanto maior a quantidade de horas dedicadas, maior foi a satisfação com relação à renda e menor com relação ao tempo pessoal. / The objective of the study was to verify professional activities profile among the dentists who worked in a private enterprise of São Paulo State. A descriptive crosssectional and analytic study was carried out, using a self-administered questionnaire distributed to dentists who worked in the company\'s units located in different cities of São Paulo State. The investigation project was submitted to and approved by the School of Dentistry (FOUSP) Ethical Committee and was done with science and authorization of the participants. Data were organized and analysed at STATA 10.0 statistical package. Participated of the study 194 dentists that were working in the company in year 2008. Regarding sociodemographic characteristics, 68.04% were female and 31.96% were male and aged between 25 and 54 years (mean 35.78 years). About professional formation and performance, 64.43% studied in public schools and 35.57% in private colleges, 116 (59.79%) were specialists, 26 (13.40%) had Masters degree and 10 (5.15%) were PhDs. The mean number of years since dental school graduation was 12.85 years and the mean working hours per week was 41.08 hours. Regarding access to scientific updates, 79.38% reported having participated in scientific congress in the last two years, 87.63% had access to scientific journals and 30.41% were members of a scientific society. Most of them worked also in another private setting (78.35%) and, between them, 32.99% attended dental insurance patients in those places. In relation to other professional activities, 30.93% worked also in the public service and 7.22% were college professors. Only 54 professionals (27.84%) did not show any problems (pain, discomfort or numbness) in their arms, hands, back or shoulders in the 12 months prior to participation in research. The mean score of overall job satisfaction was 3.45 (SD = 0.50), in a 1 to 5 scale. The blocks of factors examined showed the following values: general satisfaction with job/employment: mean = 3.39, SD = 0.89; income perception: mean = 3.21, SD = 0.74; personal time: mean = 2.60, SD = 1.06; professional time: mean = 3.13, SD = 0.71; team: mean = 3.35, SD = 0.98; patients relationship: mean = 4.34, SD = 0, 59 and healthcare delivery: mean = 4.16, SD = 0.58. The majority of professionals who participated in this study were female, studied in public Universities, were specialists, participated in some conference 2 years earlier, had access to scientific journals and worked in another private practice. Also most of them (72.16%) has had some pain, discomfort or numbness in the arms, hands, back or shoulders at the some point over the 12 months prior to the study. Job satisfaction levels among the professionals could be considered good, and the block that had the lowest satisfaction was personal time. There was an association between gender and the variables: working hours, pain and patients relationship and, with respect to working hours, it was associated to concurrent attendance at another private healthcare setting and at public service; it was observed also that the greater the amount of working hours, the greater was the satisfaction with respect to income and less the satisfaction with personal time.

A Demographic Analysis of Female Participation in the Thai Labor Force, 1960-1970

Dhamasiri, Malee 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to analyze the participation of females in the labor force in Thailand between 1960 and 1970. The demographic variables tested were age, sex, migration rates, employment, youth dependency ratio, and educational attainment. The findings of the study indicate that demographic trends are affecting economy, culture, and roles of women. Female participation rates in the economic sector increased, particularly in Bangkok. Although many Thai women still occupy traditional female roles, there are indications that sex roles are being modified as related to industrialization and urbanization.

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