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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Friskvårdsersättning och vårdpersonalens hälsa samt arbetsförmåga

Gran, Jennie January 2013 (has links)
Background: Public health is a concern of many important areas of society and it`s important that Sweden works with the health of the individual through the eleven public health areas. Health isn`t longer only a objective but even a resource. That`s why the society works with the health of the individual through a salutogenic perspective, about what can preserve or enhance the health of the individual. Aim: The aim of this study is to find out what the staff at a nursing home has views of what health can bring, and also study how health affects their ability to work. Also to study the employee`s apprehension of the wellness reimbursement that employer offers them. Material and Method: A qualitative method was used to obtain results from eight interviews with health care workers in Skåne. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. Results: For the interview person’s health means to feel good and be healthy. The health of the individual affects the ability to work and personal life. The wellness reimbursement is a good benefit from the employee and there is something for the interest of interview persons. Conclusion: The wellness reimbursement that the workplace offers to the employees today is at an individual level, it is up to the person himself to engage and find interest to training and well- being. That there is something for anybody who has interest for wellness reimbursement is in my opinion a good way to a healthier workplace. The individual wants to be self-determinant and can therefore not be forced to something they have no interest in. / Bakgrund: Folkhälsa berör många samhällsområden och därför är det av vikt att Sverige arbetar med individens hälsa genom de elva folkhälsoområden. Hälsa ses inte längre bara som ett mål utan även som en resurs. Därför arbetar samhället med individens hälsa ur ett salutogent perspektiv, vad kan bevara eller förbättra individers hälsa. Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vad personalen på ett äldreboende har för uppfattningar om hälsa, och även studera hur hälsan sägs påverka deras arbetsförmåga. Dessutom studeras personalens uppfattningar av den friskvårdsersättning arbetsgivaren erbjuder dem Material och Metod: En kvalitativ metod användes för att kunna få fram resultat från åtta stycken intervjuer med anställda inom vården i Skåne. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Intervjupersonerna uttrycker att för dem är hälsa att få må bra och vara frisk. Intervjupersonernas hälsa påverkar arbetsförmågan och privatlivet. Friskvårdsersättningen är en bra förmån från arbetsgivaren och det finns något för alla intervjupersoners intresse. Konklusion: Friskvårdsersättning som arbetsplatser erbjuder anställda idag är på individ nivå, det är individen själv som får engagera sig i att finna sitt intresse i träning och välbefinnande. Att det kan finnas något som alla har intresse för inom friskvårdsersättningen anser jag är en god väg till en friskare arbetsplats. Individer vill vara självbestämmande och då kan det inte tvingas på något som det inte finns intresse för.

Development of the Williams Work Estimator (W2E): A Tool for Determining the Most Effective Match between Worker Capabilities and Job Task Requirements

Williams, Sabrina Natasha 12 May 2001 (has links)
Demographics indicate that the United States and many other industrialized nations are currently experiencing what is called the ¡°graying¡± of the workforce (Hayslip & Panek, 1993). Today the majority of the workers in many companies are in the age groups of 40-44 and 45-49 years. However, by the year 2010, the largest proportion of workers will probably be in the age groups of 55-59 and 60-64 years (Ilmarinen, 1995). Thus, a growing concern of employers in the near future will be the assignment of older workers to specific job tasks and responsibilities (Williams & Crumpton, 1996) as well as other issues pertinent to the employment of older workers. As workers age they typically experience physiological and psychological changes which must be estimated to minimize the mismatch between their capabilities and job demands as well as to prevent work related injuries such as over exertion injuries. Early identification of declines in work ability and implementation of ergonomic interventions are key to sustaining older and more experienced workers in the workplace (Williams et al., 1996). If preventive measures are not taken, older employees are likely to experience a decline in work capacities (Ilmarinen, 1994). Therefore, reliable and valid measures of one¡¯s ability to perform physical work activities are essential for preventing work-related injuries. Hence, the focus of this research project is to develop a diagnostic tool that can be used by employers to estimate their workers¡¯ ability to perform daily work activities. Specifically, the Williams Work Estimator (W2E) is designed to provide information concerning workers¡¯ ability to perform physical work activities such as lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, etc. A field research study involving 32 employees at a beer distribution warehousing facility was conducted to evaluate the following attributes of the W2E: (a) test-retest reliability, (b) concurrent criterion validity, and (c) predictive validity. Test-retest reliability of the W2E was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients. The overall correlation coefficients obtained on both the task evaluation (.64) and the self-evaluation (.58) were near minimal acceptable levels (.60 or greater) for each job task evaluated. In addition, the W2E ranged from 50 to 100% accurate when identifying persons who had experienced a work-related injury within the past year. Findings of this research study suggest the W2E represents a promising new tool for assessing work capability and deserves further study to improve reliability and validity.

Effects of Obesity On United States Farmers: A Pilot Study

Hunsucker, Sharon C. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Previous research described the value farmers place on their ability to work. The impact of obesity on workers is an increasing concern in occupational health research; yet, knowledge regarding the impact of obesity on the performance of farm work is limited. Identifying the impact of obesity on farmer’s work ability can guide healthcare workers in promoting and motivating farmers to implement lifestyle changes to improve health and sustain longevity in their ability to work. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the impact of obesity on the work ability of U.S. farmers. Specific aims were to 1) examine the current state of the science regarding obesity in farmers; 2) to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Work Ability Index; 3) identify the relationship between obesity and work ability; and 4) compare central versus general obesity as predictors of decreased work ability in U.S. farmers. Key findings of this research support obesity as an increasing concern among U.S. farmers which can result in a decline in work ability. Psychometric evaluation of the Work Ability Index also supports the use of this tool for research and clinical assessment in this population. Implications for clinical practice and nursing research are also discussed.

Zavedení koncepce age managementu ve vybrané organizaci / The introduction of Age management concept in selected companies

Pagáčová, Ilona January 2014 (has links)
Age management is closely related to professional abilities and their maintaining trough advanced age. Thesis examines topic from point of view of corporations and its goal is to analyze and amend existing recommendations for implementation of the concept in Czech Republic. In order to achieve this goal, companies that engage in Age management implementation were addressed. Interviews were conducted in HR departments of three major corporations. This revealed that the concept is not widely used in Czech Republic at this time. There are no complex strategies and age management is being applied sporadically. There is a great effort to maintain good health of employees but it was also found out that awareness rising is insufficient. Testing using a method of Work Ability Index is being implemented and strategic application of the concept is being prepared.

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenhet av bedömningsinstrumentet Assessment of Work Performance – Försäkringskassan (AWP-FK) - En e-Delphistudie / Occupational Therapists’ experience of Assessment of Work Performance – Social Insurance Agency (AWP-FK) - An e-Delphi Study

Eriksson, Linda, Bergman, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
Försäkringskassan (FK) har i uppdrag av Sveriges regering att ge ekonomisk ersättning vid funktionsnedsättning och att utreda medicinska förutsättningar för arbete med tillförlitliga bedömningsverktyg. Vid kompletterande bedömning av medicinska förutsättningar för arbete har Försäkringskassan valt det arbetsterapeutiska bedömningsinstrumentet Assessment of Work Performance som en del av aktivitetsförmågeutredningen. En specifik tillämpning med namnet Assessment of Work Performance – Försäkringskassan (AWP-FK) har utvecklats. I tillämpningen ingår tre arbetsuppgifter; namnskyltsbeställning, sortering av post samt montering av hyllor. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma arbetsterapeuter uppfattar och använder bedömningsinstrumentet AWP-FK. Metoden som valdes var en e-Delphistudie. Urvalet bestod av 11 yrkesverksamma arbetsterapeuter i Sverige som har arbetat med AWP-FK. Resultatet visar att arbetsterapeuterna tyckte att manualen var tydlig. Färdighetsområdet kommunikations- och interaktionsfärdigheter ansåg arbetsterapeuterna var svårt att bedöma med dagens arbetsuppgifter. Slutsatsen blev att det finns utvecklingsmöjligheter för AWP-FK vad gäller manualen, kommunikations- och interaktionsfärdigheter samt utveckling av nya arbetsuppgifter. I diskussionen diskuteras metodens tillförlitlighet och dess begränsningar. Metoden var fördelaktig eftersom svaren från runda ett gick att följa upp genom en konsensusberäkning. Slutsatsen blir att det är svårt att bedöma kommunikations- och interaktionsfärdigheter. Vidare diskuteras att det behövs fler arbetsuppgifter som bedömer kommunikations- och interaktionsfärdigheter samt att detta färdighetsområde bör utvecklas.

The impact of chemotherapy for breast cancer on managing daily tasks : a longitudinal study of cognitive, psychosocial and safety outcomes in the home and workplace

Lawrence, Catherine L. January 2012 (has links)
BACKGROUND. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women in the UK and is often treated with chemotherapy. Psychosocial side effects (anxiety, depression and fatigue) and cognitive side effects (memory and concentration difficulties) are frequently reported by breast cancer patients. Following recent advances in screening and treatment technology for the disease, survivorship rates have increased. Therefore, women are able to continue or resume their daily tasks during and following treatment. The impact of chemotherapy-related psychological side effects on quality of life and work ability are documented, however the impact on safety outcomes has currently been overlooked in this patient population. Evidence from other research fields suggests that anxiety, depression, fatigue and cognitive difficulties are associated with increased risk of accidents and injuries. OBJECTIVES. This research provides longitudinal self-report data on psychosocial well-being, cognitive function, quality of life, work ability and accident frequency outcomes. METHOD. A mixed-methods, prospective, longitudinal approach was employed. Breast cancer patients about to undergo chemotherapy treatment (n = 60) completed questionnaires at pre-treatment baseline, and again four months (follow-up time 1), eight months (follow-up time 2), and twelve months (follow-up time 3) later. A treatment control group of breast cancer patients receiving radiotherapy (n = 56), and an age-matched healthy control group (n = 58) were assessed at comparable intervals. In addition, a subsample of participants from the chemotherapy group (n = 11), radiotherapy group (n = 6), and healthy control group (n = 15) kept personal solicited diaries for a four-month period to capture the lived experience of managing daily tasks. The diary data were examined using thematic analysis. The combination of the quantitative and qualitative approaches added breadth and depth to the study with the aim of obtaining a realistic and comprehensive understanding of the impact of chemotherapy for breast cancer on patients daily lives. RESULTS. Chemotherapy patients reported a subtle decline in psychosocial well-being, cognitive function and quality of life, and encountered more accidents, particularly at mid-chemotherapy. CONCLUSION. It is important that healthcare professionals, breast cancer patients, relatives and employers are aware of the temporal fluctuations associated with chemotherapy-related side effects, particularly potential safety outcomes. Interventions could be developed to help patients manage their daily tasks in the home and in the workplace safely.

Primärvårdens arbete med sjukskrivna – patientmötet, bedömningar och samverkan

Sturesson, Marine January 2015 (has links)
The ability to work can be reduced if a person has health problems which may lead to periods of sick leave. In Sweden sickness certification is issued by physicians. Many general practitioners (GPs) find sickness certification to be problematic. Some studies indicate that collaboration with other health care professions could be beneficial. The aim of the thesis was to provide knowledge on how the work with the sick leave process in primary health care can be improved and how occupational therapists’ (OT) assessment could be used prior to the decision on sick leave and rehabilitation. Initially seven focus groups were held, four with OTs and three with physicians. The discussions in the focus gropes were analysed by qualitative content analysis. An intervention project was initiated, where four health care centres in northern Sweden tested a working approach where sick listed patients were offered a supplementary assessment of activity and work-related problems by an OT. Data on sick leave, sickness certificates and patient questionnaires were collected from intervention health care centres (IHCC) and other health care centres (OHCC). Interviews were conducted with patients, GPs and OTs. The quality of the information in the collected sickness certificates was evaluated. Average values of sick leave were compared between the IHCCs and the OHCCs in the county. The interviews with sick listed patients were analysed by qualitative content analysis. In order to analyse the implementation of the intervention the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research, CFIR, was used. An overall theme and four categories emerged from the focus groups. The theme expressed work ability as an obscure, complex and unique concept. The four categories illustrate the affecting factors and confirmed the complex structure of work ability: the person, the context of life, the work, and the society. No significant differences between IHCCs and OHCCs in data on sick leave or the mandatory information in the certificates were found. Thirty-four percent of the collected sickness certificates did not contain all requested information. More certificates issued for women than certificates issued for men lacked the required information. Full-time sick leave was significantly more often prescribed for male patients than for female. Two themes revealed that highlight important areas for persons on sick leave in their healthcare encounters. The theme ‘Trust in the relationship’ contains categories describing the patients’ feelings of participation, being believed, confirmed, and listened to. The second theme ‘Structure and balance’ contains the participants’ views on important factors that could facilitate the return-to-work process such as a structured plan and support to balance activity. The analysis with CFIR clarified that coaching and education for all the users are crucial to get fidelity when new interventions are tested as well as involvement by the clinical department manager. The work with sick leave issues in primary health care can be improved by developing cooperation with several different professionals. To achieve an increased cooperation new working approaches are required. These working approaches must be anchored in management and requires an applied implementation strategy. More focus on the quality of encounters with healthcare professionals can also improve the sick leave process in primary health care centres. The healthcare encounters must build on a mutual trust and sick-listed persons’ return to work can be facilitated by providing a clear structure in the process and support in occupational balance. For issuing sickness certification further education about the descriptions of functioning and the tasks included in the patient’s work is needed. A better gender awareness in the health care encounters is also necessary.

The impact of colorectal cancer, self-efficacy and social support on work ability and employment status : a longitudinal study

Bains, Manpreet January 2009 (has links)
Each year approximately 90,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in people of working age in the United Kingdom (UK) (Morrell & Pryce, 2005). The potential impact of cancer and its treatment on working life is substantial, with approximately 40% of all cancer patients taking time off work during treatment and recovery (Short, Vasey & Tunceli, 2005). However, little information is available on employment outcomes for those managing colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is a commonly diagnosed cancer with approximately 36,000 people diagnosed each year in the UK. Although research demonstrates promising return to work outcomes for this group, not enough is known about the factors (variables) impacting their return to work intentions, work ability and employment outcomes. The aims of this research were to: examine the return to work intentions, work ability and employment outcomes of colorectal cancer patients over six months; explore the role of self-efficacy and psychosocial well-being, and explore the role of health professionals in providing work-related support and information to patients. Findings from these studies may help to better inform future interventions to support this cancer group. Fifty participants newly diagnosed with colorectal cancer were recruited from three Acute NHS Trusts (n = 27) across the Midlands and a support group (n = 23) affiliated to a National Cancer Charity. Participants completed questionnaires at three time points: baseline (post surgery or pre-treatment); follow-up time 1 (3 months), and follow-up time 2 (6 months). As well as illness and demographic characteristics, the questionnaires measured job self-efficacy, work ability, cancer self-efficacy, quality of life, fatigue and depression. A sub-sample of participants (n = 10) completed a monthly diary over six months. This captured temporal fluctuations and patterns in cancer management, return to work intentions and work ability and the factors impacting upon these (self-efficacy and social support). Finally, 18 health professionals participated in semi-structured interviews that explored the nature and type of work-related advice currently provided to colorectal cancer patients. Data were analysed using both quantitative (ANOVAs and regression) and qualitative techniques (thematic analysis). The questionnaire study identified varying levels in self-assessed work ability and psychosocial well-being. Most importantly, positive changes in perceptions of cancer self-efficacy F (1.02, 61.12) = 14.70, p = 0.0005, and job self-efficacy F (2, 94) = 10.85, p = 0.0005 were detected over time; however, interactions between treatment type and time did not emerge (p > 0.05). Factors related to perceived work ability outcomes cross-sectionally included type of occupation (β = 0.31, t = 2.65, p = 0.0005) and quality of life (β = 0.42, t = 2.57, p = 0.01) at baseline, treatment type (β = -0.19, t = -1.94, p = 0.05) at follow-up time 1 and job self-efficacy at follow-up time 1 (β = 0.57, t = 4.40, p = 0.0005) and time 2 (β = 0.50, t = 2.92, p = 0.006). In contrast, factors related to employment status (i.e. working, not working) were job self-efficacy (OR = 2.20, 95% CI: 1.17 4.13) at baseline and occupation (OR = 0.03, 95% CI: 0.00 0.86), and perceived work ability (OR = 3.05, 95% CI: 1.00 12.80) at follow-up time 2. Along with self-assessed work ability at baseline (β = 0.67, t = 3.99, p = 0.0005), receiving chemotherapy alone or a combination of treatments (i.e. other than surgery alone) (β = -0.24, t = -1.99, p = 0.05) were the strongest predictors of follow-up work ability (independent of age and occupation). Finally, treatment type (OR = 9.91, 95% CI: 1.57 62.50) was also identified as the strongest predictor of employment status approximately six months after diagnosis. Findings from the diary study suggest that self-efficacy beliefs were important in understanding employment outcomes and return to work intentions. The role of such beliefs was multi-faceted and results infer that several factors seemed to impact return to work intentions and self-efficacy temporally. Treatment, symptoms and decrements in perceived work ability were identified as the most prominent factors that served as barriers preventing resumption of work. Moreover, there was a degree of disparity between return to work intent and work ability. Additionally, the diary study identified variation in work-related advice and guidance provided to colorectal patients. Subsequently, some participants may have been under the impression that they were unable to work, especially during treatment. Results from the interview study found that health professionals attempted to provide guidance to working-aged patients. However, the nature of such guidance varied due to experience, knowledge and time constraints. Furthermore, participants highlighted a lack of knowledge and an insufficient evidence base were barriers to providing more appropriate guidance. The majority of participants stated that this was an aspect of patient care that falls short and to address the issue a concerted multi-disciplinary effort was required. In short, the findings indicate that the factors related to work ability, return to work intentions and employment outcomes of colorectal cancer patients varied over time, whereby certain variables took precedence over others at particular time points. Furthermore, the results suggest that self-efficacy beliefs are important; however, it is crucial to point out that self-efficacy is unlikely to operate as a stand-alone factor. Indeed, it is argued that it may be a construct that is considered in future research endeavours alongside pre-existing findings, which would inevitably help towards gaining a more comprehensive account of the factors related to the work outcomes of individuals affected by cancer.

Adaptação transcultural do Work Disability Diagnosis Interview (WoDDI) para o contexto brasileiro / Cross-cultural adaptation of the Work Disability Diagnosis Interview (WoDDI) for the Brazilian context

Mininel, Vivian Aline 25 November 2010 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou a adaptação transcultural do Work Disability Diagnosis Interview (WoDDI) para o contexto brasileiro. Este guia de entrevista estruturada foi desenvolvido pela Universidade de Sherbrooke (Canadá) para ajudar os profissionais de saúde a detectarem os fatores preditivos de maior importância para incapacidades relacionadas ao trabalho e a identificarem uma ou mais causas de absenteísmo prolongado do trabalho. Foi realizado obedecendo-se às recomendações internacionais e princípios éticos para pesquisas com seres humanos. Foram observadas as seguintes fases: tradução inicial, síntese das traduções, retrotradução, avaliação por Comitê de Especialistas e teste da versão pré-final. Após as fases de tradução inicial e retrotradução, o WoDDI foi submetido ao Comitê de Especialistas para validação das equivalências conceitual, semântica, idiomática, experencial e operacional, além da Validação de Conteúdo. Esta análise desencadeou em adaptações dos termos que apresentaram percentual de Validade de Conteúdo inferior a 90% entre os especialistas. A amostra da população-alvo para aplicação em pré-teste contou com a participação de 30 trabalhadores do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, afastados devido a problemas de saúde relacionados ao trabalho. A coleta de dados foi realizada por um médico ortopedista e pela pesquisadora, que aplicaram o guia de entrevista em duas partes, sequencialmente. Os resultados foram obtidos por meio da análise da compreensibilidade dos itens pelos entrevistadores e pela população de estudo. Para os entrevistadores, que avaliaram as seções referentes ao exame físico, o WoDDI foi considerado bastante completo e fácil de aplicar. Pequenas alterações operacionais foram propostas, com o intuito de facilitar o entendimento dos entrevistadores. A explicação detalhada dos testes, manobras e demais exames foi construída com este mesmo objetivo. Os termos que apresentaram dificuldade de compreensão em, pelo menos, 15% da população do pré-teste, foram passíveis de alteração. Para facilitar o uso do WoDDI, foi elaborado um manual de orientações para sua aplicação, contemplando a explicação de todas as seções, itens, questões e indicadores presentes no guia de entrevista. Estas orientações auxiliam os entrevistadores na interpretação dos itens, nas formas de questionamento e no modo de realização dos testes, manobras e demais exames. Por tratar-se de um guia de entrevista qualitativo, que confere certa flexibilidade àqueles que o utilizam, além de facilitar o entendimento, tais orientações também ratificam os conceitos abordados e a forma correta para condução da entrevista, conferindo maior credibilidade durante o processo. A conclusão deste estudo demonstra que o WoDDI está adaptado para a realidade brasileira, podendo ser utilizado por profissionais e serviços interessados nos assuntos de incapacidade relacionada ao trabalho. / This study aimed the cross-cultural adaptation process of the Work Disability Diagnosis Interview (WoDDI) for the Brazilian context. This structured interview guide was developed by University of Sherbrooke (Canada) to help clinicians to detect the most important disability predictors work-related and to identify one or more causes of prolonged absenteeism from work. It was performed following international standards and ethical principles for human research. It was observed the following steps: initial translation, synthesis of the translations, back translation, review by the Expert Committee and testing of the pre-final version. After the initial translation and back translation steps, the WoDDI was submitted to the Expert Committee to validation of the conceptual, semantic, idiomatic, experiential and operational equivalences, as the Content Validity. This analysis triggered in adjustments of the terms that presented Contend Validity percentage below 90% among experts. The sample of target-population for pre-test was composed by 30 workers of the University Hospital of University of Sao Paulo, absent of work due workrelated health problems. The data collect was performed by an orthopedic physician and a researcher, which apply the interview guide in two parts, sequentially. The results were obtained through comprehensibility analysis of the items by interviewers and by research subjects. For the interviewers, who assessed the sections of the physical exams, the WoDDI was considered complete and easy to apply. Some operational changes were done to facilitate understanding of the interviewers. The explanation detailed of the tests, maneuvers and other exams was constructed with the same goal. The terms that presented comprehensibility difficulties in, at least, 15% of pre-test population, were changed. In order to facilitate the WoDDI administration, it was elaborated a guidance handbook with explanation of all sections, items, questions and indicators of the interview guide. These guidelines help the interviewers in the items interpretation, questioning ways and how to conduct the tests, maneuvers and other exams. Being a qualitative interview guide, which gives some flexibility to the interviewers, these guidelines also reinforce the concepts discussed and the correct way to conduct the interview, giving greater credibility of the process. The conclusion of this study shows that the WoDDI is adapted to Brazilian context and it can be used by professionals and services interesting in work disability prevention issues.

A capacidade para o trabalho e a fadiga entre trabalhadores de enfermagem / Work ability and fatigue among nursing workers

Silva, Fabio José da 25 May 2011 (has links)
A saúde dos trabalhadores é imprescindível e a perda desta pode comprometer a qualidade de vida e a produtividade, levando à aposentadoria precoce. As atividades realizadas pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem os expõem às cargas de trabalho geradoras de processos de desgastes físicos e mentais. Este estudo, tipo epidemiológico de recorte transversal, tem o objetivo caracterizar os trabalhadores de enfermagem, das unidades de clínica médica e cirúrgica do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, quanto aos dados sóciodemográficos e profissionais e verificar a associação entre a fadiga e a sua capacidade para o trabalho. A população foi constituída de 117 trabalhadores de enfermagem. Foram usados três instrumentos de coleta de dados: Questionário de Características demográficas e profissionais, Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho (ICT) e Escala de Fadiga de Chalder. A consistência interna do ICT e do escore de fadiga foi avaliada pelo Alpha de Cronbach. Para verificar o ajustamento à distribuição normal das variáveis do estudo foram aplicados o teste de KolmogovovSmirnov, o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, o teste de MannWhitney e o de KrushalWallis. Foi realizada a regressão linear múltipla, sendo o ICT a variável dependente e as demais independentes: fadiga, sexo, estado conjugal, idade, escolaridade, renda familiar, função, turno, número de vínculos, o tempo de locomoção e tempo de trabalho na instituição e na profissão. Em todas as análises, considerouse estatisticamente significativo quando p<0,05. Os resultados mostram que os sujeitos têm em média 39,4 anos, 88% são do sexo feminino; 55% são casados e 75% possuem renda familiar entre R$ 1500,00 e R$ 4500,00. Quanto às características profissionais, 24% são enfermeiros, 47% técnicos e 29% auxiliares de enfermagem; 79% têm um vínculo empregatício; 54% trabalham na instituição há mais de 10 anos; e 23% despendem entre duas e seis horas de tempo de locomoção para o trabalho. A restrição de atividades funcionais foi constatada em 19% dos trabalhadores, sendo que 16 apresentam restrição em relação ao encaminhamento e transferências de pacientes, em maca e/ou cadeira de rodas. As morbidades autoreferidas prevalentes, com diagnóstico médico são: as doenças musculoesqueléticas, os transtornos mentais e a obesidade. O ICT médio encontrado é de 39,4 pontos, considerado como boa capacidade para o trabalho e o inadequado (moderado e baixo) de 35%. A fadiga foi detectada em 52% dos sujeitos. Os dados também mostram que as variáveis independentes de fadiga, tempo de trabalho na instituição e função de técnico de enfermagem, comparada a de enfermeiro, apresentam diferença significativa (p<0,05) com o ICT. O investimento tanto em melhorias no estilo de vida do trabalhador, como no ambiente de trabalho são condutas imprescindíveis na redução dos níveis de fadiga e na manutenção, melhora e recuperação da capacidade para o trabalho. / The workers´ health is capital and its loss may jeopardize their quality of life and productivity, and lead to their early retirement. The activities performed by the nursing workers expose them to workloads which may result in a mental and physical strain processes. This epidemiological transversal study aims to characterize the nursing workers in the medical and surgical units in University Hospital of University of São Paulo regarding sociodemographic and professional data, and to verify the association between fatigue and their work ability. The target population was composed of 117 nursing workers. Data were collected using the following three instruments: Questionnaire of demographic and professional characteristics, Work Ability Index (WAI) and Chalder Fatigue Scale. The WAI and the fatigue score internal consistency was evaluated by the Cronbach Alpha.The KolmogonovSmirnov test, the Spearman correlation coefficient and the MannWhitney and KrushalWallis tests were applied to verify the study variables adjustment to normal distribution. A multiple linear regression equation was achieved, in which the WAI was the dependent variable and all the further ones were independent: fatigue, gender, marital status, age, educational level, family income, occupation, shift, number of different workplaces, time spent on transport, working time at the current workplace and as a professional. It was considered statistically expressive when p<0.05 in all the analyses. The results show that the individuals´ average age is 39.4 years old, 88% of them are women, 55% are married and 75% have a monthly family income that ranges from R$ 1,500.00 to R$ 4,500.00. As for the professional characteristics, 24% are nurses, 47% are nursing technicians and 29% are auxiliary nurses: 79% work exclusively at a single place, 54% have been working for more than 10 years at the same workplace; and 23% spend from two to six hours a day on transport to the workplace and back. Functional limitations have been found among 19% of the workers, 16 of whom demonstrate limitations regarding the use of stretchers and/or wheelchairs for patients´ referral or transfer. Among the medical diagnosed selfreported morbidities, the most prevalent ones are: musculoskeletal diseases, mental disorders and obesity. The average WAI scored 39.4, considered as a good workability and the inappropriate one (moderate and low) reached 35% of the sample. Fatigue was detected among 52% of the individuals. Data also show that the following independent variables: fatigue, working time at the same workplace, and nursing technician occupation if compared to the nurse one, have an expressive influence (p<0.05) on the WAI. Investing in improvements in both the worker´s lifestyle and his working environment, is absolutely crucial in order to reduce fatigue levels as well as to maintain, improve and regain his work ability.

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