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Using Network Application Behavior to Predict PerformanceMa, Chunling 16 April 2008 (has links)
Today`s continuously growing Internet requires users and network applications to have knowledge of network metrics. This knowledge is critical for decision making during the usage of network applications. This thesis studies application related network metrics. The major approach in this work is to examine the traffic between a simulated user and network applications. We use the historical data collected from previous usage of network applications to make predictions for future usage of those applications. We also use the historical data obtained from a given application to make predictions about another application. Prediction mechanisms require us to make parameter choices so that certain weights can be placed on historical data versus current data. We study these different choices and use the values from our best experimental results. From these studies we conclude that our data prediction is quite accurate and remains stable over a range of parameter choices. The use of shared routing paths between users and network applications are explored in the performance prediction of applications. Only some servers at the same locations show similar prediction results. The network applications studied are also varied, including web, streaming, DNS, etc. We see whether sharing information obtained from different applications can be used to make predictions of application performance. However, we observe limited success in predictions across applications.
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Ekonomie štěstí: Jsou vytíženější zaměstnanci šťastnější? / The Economics of Happiness: Are the busier employees the happier ones?Tesařová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the relationship of the perceived happiness level and the level of work busyness of full time employees. For this purpose, a questionnaire was built which mapped happiness and busyness with considering both subjective and objective variables. 205 employees participated in the questionnaire survey. The sample showed above-average education, a high level of busyness and above-average salary (or wages). It has been shown that the work happiness level depends on the level of workload: the unbusy employees are the least happy ones. Influence of ambitions or influence of the importance of work area to the relationship of happiness level and workload level has not been confirmed.
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Fatores associados à carga de trabalho de enfermagem em unidade de terapia intensiva de adultos no primeiro dia de internação. / Factors related to nursing workload in Adult Intensive Care Units on the first day of admission.Leilane Andrade Gonçalves 28 July 2006 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem quantitativa, de corte transversal e retrospectivo, que teve como objetivo analisar a carga de trabalho de enfermagem e os fatores associados a ela, no primeiro dia de internação de pacientes na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Os dados foram extraídos de um banco de dados que reuniu informações de 5 UTI(s) de dois hospitais privados, de nível terciário, de grande e médio porte, no município de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída por 214 pacientes adultos, admitidos nas instituições nos meses de abril de 2002 e outubro de 2004, respectivamente, e que permaneceram na UTI por um período mínimo de 24 horas. Os dados foram coletados dos prontuários por meio de três instrumentos: ficha de levantamento de dados que incluiu informações demográficas e clínicas; índice NAS (Nursing Activities Score), para medir a carga de trabalho de enfermagem e SAPS II (Simplified Acute Physiology Score II), aplicado para medir a gravidade dos pacientes. Esses dados foram armazenados e analisados utilizando o programa SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) versão 12.0 (SPSS, 2002), estabelecendo-se as análises descritivas e inferenciais pertinentes ao estudo. A média do escore total do NAS foi de 69,9% e mediana de 68,0%. Verificou-se, segundo a mediana, que 109 (50,9%) indivíduos exigiram alta carga de trabalho de enfermagem e 105 (49,1%) baixa carga. Comparando as médias da carga de trabalho de enfermagem segundo as variáveis demográficas e clínicas, observou-se que as únicas estatisticamente significativas foram a condição de saída e o tempo de permanência na UTI. Ao serem comparadas com os grupos alta e baixa carga de trabalho de enfermagem, constatou-se associação apenas entre a variável tempo de permanência. Conclui-se, portanto, que a gravidade, a idade do paciente e o tipo de tratamento não foram fatores associados à demanda de trabalho de enfermagem, nas primeiras 24 horas na UTI. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de investigar outras variáveis, entre elas o grau de dependência de enfermagem do paciente em estado crítico. / This is a qualitative and retrospective study with transversal cut that aimed both to analyse the nursing workload on the first day of admission in the Intensive Care Unite (ICU) and the factors related to it. The data were taken from a database that gathered information from 5 ICUs from two private hospitals, of a terciary level, large and medium-sized in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The sample was constituted of 214 adult patients, admitted from April 2002 to October 2004, in the large and medium-sized hospitals respectively. They remained in the ICU for at least 24 hours. The data were collected from their recordings through three instruments: A data form which brings information such as demographic, clinical and instruments, NAS (Nursing Activities Score) and SAPS II (Simplified Acute Physiology Score II) respectively applied in order to measure the nursing workload and patients severity. The data were stored and analysed through the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program, version 12.0 (SPSS, 2002). It was established descriptive and inferential analysis of the study. NAS total score average was 69.9% and the median was 68.0%. According to the median, it was verified that 109 (50.9%) individuals had high nusing workload and 105 (49.1%) low load.. When the nursing workload averages were compared according to clinical and demographic variables, it was observed that the only statistically significative ones were discharge conditions and time spent in the ICU. When compared to the groups with high and low nursing workload, the relation was only observed between the variable time spent in the ICU. Therefore, it was concluded that severity of illness, patient age and kind of treatment were not factores related to nursing workload in the first 24 hours in the ICU. Based on these results, further investigations on other variables considering dependency level of the critical patient are necessary.
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Nursing Activities Score (NAS): estudo comparativo dos resultados da aplicação retrospectiva e prospectiva em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva / Nursing Activities Score (NAS): comparative study of the results in retrospective and prospective´s application in Intensive Care UnitAdriana Janzantte Ducci 28 August 2007 (has links)
A aplicação de instrumentos que mensuram carga de trabalho de enfermagem prospectivamente é de fundamental interesse, pois a pontuação obtida de forma retrospectiva não reflete em tempo real a carga de trabalho de enfermagem necessária para atender as demandas de cuidados dos pacientes nas horas subseqüentes. Este estudo teve como objetivos analisar o desempenho do NAS para a medida prospectiva da carga de trabalho de enfermagem em UTI e comparar as medidas entre o NAS de aplicação prospectiva e retrospectiva. Trata-se de um estudo metodológico desenvolvido em uma UTI geral pertencente a um hospital privado do município de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída por 104 pacientes com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos, admitidos na UTI e que permaneceram, no mínimo, 24 horas no primeiro dia de internação, no período de setembro a novembro de 2006. Foram coletados dados demográficos e de internação, SAPS II, LODS e o NAS de aplicação prospectiva e retrospectiva. Para comparar as médias do NAS e verificar a correlação e homogeneidade entre o NAS prospectivo e retrospectivo utilizou-se o teste t-student e os Coeficientes de Pearson e de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC). Para avaliar a concordância entre cada item do NAS nas duas formas de aplicação utilizou-se o índice Kappa. Prevaleceram pacientes do sexo masculino (55,8%), provenientes do pronto-socorro (35,6%) e que internaram por razões clínicas (76,0%). A pontuação média SAPS II e LODS foram de 31,8 e 2,9 pontos, respectivamente, com mortalidade encontrada de 17,3%. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p< 0,001) entre as médias do NAS prospectivo e retrospectivo e correlação moderada (Pearson 0,65; ICC 0,623) entre as duas medidas. Observou-se que do total de 32 itens do instrumento, em 11 não foi possível aplicar o índice Kappa devido à elevada porcentagem de concordância em uma única categoria de respostas e que, dos 21 em que a análise foi possível, 10 itens (47,6%) apresentaram concordância igual ou maior do que moderada, sendo apenas um item nessa última classificação (1a). Quanto a concordância por itens, verificou-se que aqueles com concordância muito forte (itens 5, 10, 12, 14 e 20) e forte (9, 17, 18 e 21), referiam-se a dados mais objetivos, de fácil avaliação e monitoramento pelos profissionais de enfermagem e que geralmente não apresentam discordâncias quanto ao tipo de cuidado que deve ser prestado. Os itens com divisão em sub-itens (a, b e c) apresentaram as concordâncias mais fracas, quer devido às avaliações subjetivas das coletadoras e enfermeiros, quer pela ausência de registros com informações fidedignas. Conclui-se que o NAS prospectivo pode ser usado quando se deseja projetar os cuidados de enfermagem a serem prestados, sobretudo, quando se tem a intenção de distribuir os profissionais de enfermagem necessários para prestar assistência de qualidade no decorrer de um período de trabalho. No entanto, existe a necessidade de uma efetiva uniformização entre os enfermeiros da UTI para que esta projeção seja fidedigna / The using of measuring instruments of nursing workload prospectively is the fundamental interest, therefore the obtained pointing in retrospective way don´t show in real time nursing workload necessary to attend the requirements of patients care on the subsequent hours. The aims of this study were analysis NAS performing for prospective measuring of nursing workload in ICU and comparing them among NAS of prospective and retrospective application. It is methodological study developed in ICU of a private hospital of São Paulo city. The sample was constituted by 104 patients with ages equal or superior 18 years old, admitted in ICU that stayed there at least 24 hours in the first day of internation, during the period of September until November 2006. It has been collected demographic and internation data, SAP II, LODS and NAS of prospective and retrospective application. To compare the average of NAS and check the correlation and homogeneity between NAS retrospective and prospective had been used t-student test, Pearson Coefficients and Intraclass Correlation (ICC). To valuate the concordance among each item of NAS on the two ways of application had been used Kappa index. Patients of masculine sex were superior (55,8%), coming from first-aid clinic (35,6%) and they were admitted for clinical reasons (76,0%). The average pointing SAPSII and LODS were 31,8 and 2,9 points, respectively, with mortality of 17,3%. There was significative statistical difference (p< 0,001) between NAS average prospective and retrospective and moderate correlation (Pearson 0,65; ICC 0,623) between the measures. It had been observed that of the total 32 items of the instrument, at 11 werent possible to apply Kappa index due high percentage of concordance on a unique category of answers and that among 21 the analysis was possible, 10 items (47,6%) showed concordance equal or bigger than moderated, it was being only one item on the last classification (1a). In relation to the concordance for items, it was checked that some with high concordance (items 5, 10, 12, 14, and 20) and strong (9, 17, 18 and 21) they were referring to more objective data, with easy valuation and checking of nursery professionals and that generally don´t shown discordances as the type of caring that should be done. The items with sub-items (a, b and c) shown very weak concordance, or because of the subjective evaluation of searchers and nurses. Concluding that prospective NAS can be used when we wish to plan nursing care to will be afford, mainly, when we have the intention of distributing necessary nursing professional to afford assistance of quality during work schedule. However, there is the necessity of an effective uniformation among the ICU nursery for this projection become reliable
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Förbättrad lager- och produktionsstyrning : vid tillverkning mot kundorder på Rimaster AB / Improved management of inventory and manufacturing : in a make-to-order environment at Rimaster ABHägglund, Andreas, Johansson, Anders January 2006 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete har utförts på Rimaster AB i Rimforsa, vars huvudsakliga verksamhet är legotillverkning inom elektronik och mekatronik. Rimaster AB har cirka 140 anställda och omsätter cirka 116 MSEK. Den största delen av tillverkningen är manuell och all produktion sker mot kundorder. Företaget upplever att produktionsflödet är ojämnt och därmed även kapacitetsutnyttjandet. Dessutom är kapitalbindningen hög, både i råvarulager och i färdigvarulager. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att genom en förbättrad styrning av lager och produktion minska kapitalbindningen samt uppnå ett jämnare kapacitetsutnyttjande.</p><p>Kostnaden för kapitalbindningen bestäms genom att en lagerränta för respektive lagerställe tas fram. För råvarulagret beräknas lagerräntan till 15,8 procent och för färdigvarulagret 16,9 procent. Totalt ger detta en årlig kostnad för kapitalbindning på 2,4 MSEK. Utöver detta ska lagerräntan användas till att fatta korrekta beslut vid lagerstyrning, till exempel vid beräknande av inköpskvantiteter.</p><p>Vid en analys av råvarulagret identifieras ett antal artikeltyper som i sin tur ligger till grund för en klassificering av de lagerförda artiklarna. En artikelklass som stora delar av kapitalbindningsproblematiken kan hänföras till är artiklar med låg behovsfrekvens i kombination med leverantörernas minimala orderkvantiteter. För att minska detta problem rekommenderas ett fördjupat leverantörssamarbete i syfte att göra orderkvantiteterna mindre. För övriga artikelklasser föreslås en differentierad lagerstyrning som ett verktyg för att få kontroll över lagret. Kapitalbindningen i färdigvarulagret beror främst på att kunden, genom avtal, bestämmer hur deras ledtidskrav ska uppfyllas. Detta beslut bör istället fattas av Rimaster AB och baseras på kundorderpunktens placering.</p><p>Det ojämna kapacitetsutnyttjandet beror bland annat på att produktionen är uppdelad i flera mindre grupper med kundfokus. Dessutom stämmer inte produktionsgrupperna överens med de grupper som använts planeringsmässigt. Av denna anledning föreslås ett nytt produktionsflöde där fyra produktorienterade slutmonteringsgrupper skapas, dessa bildar dessutom planeringsgrupper. Genom denna aggregering av resurser skapas förutsättningar för ett jämnare produktionsflöde och därmed även ett jämnare kapacitetsutnyttjande. Samtidigt föreslås ett nytt detaljplaneringssystem med funktionalitet enligt Workload Control-konceptet för att möjliggöra korta och säkra ledtider och en begränsad mängd produkter i arbete.</p><p>En ytterligare bidragande orsak till det ojämna produktionsflödet är att produktionsbatcherna är stora, trots att ställtidsandelen normalt sett är låg. Detta beror på att batchstorleken normalt likställs med storleken på en kundorder. Följaktligen föreslås en minskning av batchstorlekarna vilket förutom att bidra till ett jämnare flöde även medför kortare produktionsledtider.</p> / <p>This Master Thesis has been carried out at Rimaster AB in Rimforsa, a sub-contractor in electronics and mechatronics. Rimaster AB has 140 employees and an approximate annual turnover of 116 MSEK. The main part of the production consists of manual work and is carried out on receipt of customer orders. The company perceives a fluctuating flow in the production and consequently fluctuations in the capacity utilization. Furthermore there is a considerable capital tye-up in the inventory of raw materials as well as in the inventory of finished goods. Therefore the purpose of this Master Thesis is to achieve levelled capacity utilization and less capital tied-up through an improved management of inventory and manufacturing.</p><p>An inventory holding cost is calculated for the inventories respectively to determine the cost of capital tied-up. For the inventory of raw materials the cost is 15.8 percent of the annual average inventory value, and for the inventory of finished goods the cost is 16.9 percent. This yields an annual cost of 2.4 MSEK. Furthermore the inventory holding cost should be used in decisions regarding inventory management, e.g. when calculating order quantities.</p><p>When analyzing the inventory of raw materials a number of types of stock items are identified. These types form the foundation of a classification of the stock items. A significant part of the capital tied-up relates to stock items with low demand combined with minimum order quantities from the suppliers. An improved co-operation with the suppliers in order to reduce these quantities is therefore recommended. For the remaining classes of stock items a differentiated inventory control system is proposed. In the inventory of finished goods the capital tied-up is mainly a consequence of customers requiring, by contract, how their demanded lead time shall be fulfilled. Instead this should be decided by Rimaster AB based on the position of the order penetration point.</p><p>One reason to the fluctuating capacity utilization is that the production is divided into several sub-groups with customer focus. Furthermore these groups do not correspond to the groups used for production planning. A new production flow is therefore proposed with four product-oriented final assembly groups. These new groups should also be used for production planning. Through this aggregation of production resources it is possible to achieve a levelled production flow and hence a levelled capacity utilization. In combination with the measures mentioned above, a new production activity control system, in accordance to the Workload Control concept, is proposed. This control system enables short and safe lead times and a limited amount of work in progress.</p><p>Another reason to the fluctuating capacity utilization, caused by a fluctuating production flow, is the use of large batches despite short set-up times. The size of a batch is normally equal to the size of a customer order. Consequently a reduction of the batch sizes is proposed in order to achieve a levelled production flow and shortened production lead times.</p>
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Frequency allocation, transmit power control, and load balancing with site specific knowledge for optimizing wireless network performance28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available
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Mental Workload Measurement Using the Intersaccadic IntervalPierce, Eldon Todd 22 September 2009 (has links)
Mental workload is commonly defined as the proportion of a person's total mental capacity in use at a given moment. A measure of mental workload would have utility in a number of rehabilitation medicine applications, but no method has been adequately examined for these purposes. A candidate measure is the intersaccadic interval (ISI), which is the duration between two successive saccades. Previous studies indicate that ISI length may be linked to mental workload, but this link is poorly understood for tasks that are not primarily visual. Therefore, the current study was an investigation of ISI and workload intensity in three non-visual tasks: mental arithmetic, verbal fluency, and audio perception. Workload was manipulated through changes in task difficulty as well as study participant motivation level. An analysis of eye movements and other experimental workload measures indicated a significant association between audio perceptual workload and ISI length.
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Mental Workload Measurement Using the Intersaccadic IntervalPierce, Eldon Todd 22 September 2009 (has links)
Mental workload is commonly defined as the proportion of a person's total mental capacity in use at a given moment. A measure of mental workload would have utility in a number of rehabilitation medicine applications, but no method has been adequately examined for these purposes. A candidate measure is the intersaccadic interval (ISI), which is the duration between two successive saccades. Previous studies indicate that ISI length may be linked to mental workload, but this link is poorly understood for tasks that are not primarily visual. Therefore, the current study was an investigation of ISI and workload intensity in three non-visual tasks: mental arithmetic, verbal fluency, and audio perception. Workload was manipulated through changes in task difficulty as well as study participant motivation level. An analysis of eye movements and other experimental workload measures indicated a significant association between audio perceptual workload and ISI length.
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Administration ombord : - En kvalitativ studie om den administrativa situationen ombord på svenska Ro-Pax fartygJohansson, Peter, Abrahamsson, Mattias January 2011 (has links)
Vi har i detta arbete undersökt hur arbetssituation, med hänseende på de administrativa arbetsuppgifterna, ser ut för befälhavare inom den svenska handelsflottan och hur arbetssituationen har förändrats sedan införandet av ISMkoden. Det talas mycket inom sjöfartsbranschen om de ökade administrativa arbetsuppgifterna ombord och hur detta har påverkat arbetssituationen. Detta fick oss att vilja undersöka hur det egentligen ser ut och i vilken utsträckning en eventuell förändring har påverkat arbetssituationen både ombord och iland. Vi har i vår undersökning intervjuat befälhavare och rederirepresentanter på fyra Ro-Pax-rederier som trafikerar svenska hamnar om hur deras arbetssituation har förändrats under de senaste 15 åren med hänseende på den administrativa delen av arbetet. Undersökningen visar att det administrativa arbetet har ökat markant både ombord och iland, framförallt som ett resultat av nya regelverk och förbättrade möjligheter till kommunikation mellan fartygen och landorganisationen. ISM-koden är man överlag väldigt nöjd med men andra regelverk och myndighetskrav är man mer skeptisk till. Vad de ökade kommunikationsmöjligheterna anbelangar poängteras framförallt att det har inneburit en stor ökning av det antal meddelande man tar emot under en arbetsdag och ställer sig frågande till om alla verkligen är nödvändiga eller om det bara är ett sätt att snabbt skjuta över en uppgift till en annan del av organisationen. / We have in this thesis examined the work situation for masters in the Swedish merchant navy focusing on the administrative workload and how said workload have changed since the implementation of the ISM-code. Within the shipping business of today there is a lot of talk about the increasing number of administrative tasks on board and how they have affected the work situation. This made us want to examine if there actually was any such increase and to what extent said increase in that case have affected the work situation both on board and ashore. We have during our survey performed interviews with masters and ship-owner representatives at four companies within the Ro-Pax business who has traffic on Swedish ports asking them about the work situation on board and how it has changed during the last 15 years with respect to the administrative workload. The survey shows a substantial increase in the administrative workload both on board and ashore, mainly as a result of new regulations and vastly improved means of communication between ships and the organization ashore. In general there is a broad acceptance of the benefits of the ISM-code but a widespread skepticism when it comes to other regulations and government requirements. As far as the improved means of communication is concerned the increase in the number of messages received during a regular work day is emphasized and a question is raised whether there are valid reasons for the increase or if it to some extent is a way to clear your own desk by moving a task to another part of the organization.
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Administratör eller sjöbefäl? : En studie om befälens arbetssituation i dag.Rubin, Marcus, Rundqvist, Albin January 2012 (has links)
Arbetet har svarat mot frågan om hur ett befäls arbetssituation ser ut i dag på bryggan och hur den mängd regler och riktlinjer som finns för vaktgående befäl påverkar hans förmåga att framföra fartyget på ett säkert sätt. För att studera detta har en litteraturstudie utförts där vi studerat transportstyrelsens utgivna haverirapporter samt forskning inom områdena om mänskliga faktorn, fartygsorganisation och sjösäkerhet. Det som framkommit under arbetets gång är att manskapet ombord de senaste åren allt mer har fått ge vika till förmån för teknik men då reglerna inte följt med i tempot kan det vara så att fartyg i dag inte uppfyller kraven för minimibesättning. Även om vi kan påvisa att befälen har en hög arbetsbelastning går det inte att se varför de handlat som de gjort vid olyckstillfällena. Vidare har konstaterats att det finns utrymme för framtida forskning i ämnet där man exempelvis kan se över hur haverirapporterna är utformade. / This work answered the question about how the situation is today on the bridge for the nautical officers and how the amount of rules and guidelines that exists affects his ability to manoeuvre the ship in a safe way. To study this we have performed a literature study where we studied the Swedish Transport Agency’s published accident investigation reports as well as research in the fields of human error, shipping organization and safety at sea. Our findings show that the crew on board has been reduced due to technical advancement. However, the rules have not followed the same pace and therefore today’s ships may not fulfil the requirements of minimum manning on board. Although we can tell that the officers have an increased workload we cannot see why they have acted as they did at the time of the accidents. It can also be shown that there is a need for future research where, for example, studies on how the accident investigation reports are designed.
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