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Inkluderande grafisk form : En studie i hur deltagande design kan göra grafisk form inkluderande.Larsson, Jennifer January 2016 (has links)
På grund av krig och förstörelse i olika delar av världen har Sverige under de senaste åren tagit emot ett stort antal människor som tvingats fly från sina hemländer. Sveriges demografiska sammansättning har på kort tid kommit att förändras och samhället behöver anpassas efter den nya situation som råder. För att integrationen av nya invånare ska fungera anser jag att vi behöver arbeta på flera fronter samtidigt. I den här undersökningen vill jag ta reda på om en väg till integration och inkluderande av fler människor skulle kunna vara genom deltagande design. I deltagande design arbetar designer och slutanvändare tillsammans i designprocessen med intentionen att göra designen mer användarvänlig. För att undersöka denna metodologi har jag arbetat med flyktingar i workshops där vi skapat ett informationsmaterial avsett att hjälpa andra flyktingar. Materialet innehåller tips, råd och information som flyktingar kan ha behov av när de kommit till Sverige. Det grafiska materialet, som resulterade i en broschyr, är mitt bidrag till att göra det svenska samhället mer inkluderande och Sverige till ett bättre land att leva i.
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Round Table “UDC Editorial Perspectives”: a reportSlavic, Aida 12 1900 (has links)
The Round Table UDC Editorial Perspectives was a one-day meeting for members of the UDC Editorial Team and the UDC Advisory Board organized in The Hague on 28 October 2009 in conjunction with the UDC Seminar 2009 “Classification at a Crossroads: Multiple Directions to Usability”. The meeting was instigated as part of the UDC Consortium efforts to build closer cooperation with UDC specialists and editors of national editions worldwide and to encourage more active involvement and communication between members of the wider UDC editorial team. This was the first face-to-face meeting of the UDC collaborators to which all members of
the Advisory Board, the Editorial Team and interested observers were invited to participate.
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Project SHAPE (Students Helping Advocate for Patient Education)Calabro, Kristin, Shields, Whitney January 2010 (has links)
Class of 2010 Abstract / OBJECTIVES: The purpose of Project SHAPE was to provide an interdisciplinary workshop for future practitioners from the Colleges of Pharmacy, Medicine and Public Health on health literacy to improve the communication between the patients and their providers.
METHODS: Study participants were recruited via email from the Colleges of Pharmacy, Medicine, and Public Health at The University of Arizona. Participants attended a workshop that included a one-hour presentation by Dr. Barry Weiss followed by the development of educational materials on various health topics. A retrospective analysis of the health professional students’ knowledge of health literacy was performed. Materials were provided to El Rio Community Health Center, Colleges of Pharmacy, Medicine and Public Health to distribute to their patients in the Tucson community.
RESULTS: Students’ overall knowledge on health literacy and communication with patients improved by 88% after the presentation. A total of nine different low literacy educational materials were developed by the students who attended the workshop. Copies of the educational materials were given to participating students from the other colleges to use in their patient outreach programs. The materials were also distributed to patients at a variety of brown bags, community health fairs, screenings, and El Rio Community Health Center.
CONCLUSIONS: Project SHAPE has already affected many future healthcare practitioners through the interdisciplinary workshop. The educational materials will continue to be provided to patients in the Tucson community.
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Häng med på picknick! : En mobilapplikation för personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningarJoakim, Danielsson January 2016 (has links)
Jag har under min tid på Blekinges Tekniska Högskola jobbat som timvikarie på ett LSS-boende för personer med olika funktionsnedsättningar på Olofströms kommun i Blekinge. Där kom min tanke fram att jag ville slå ihop mitt jobb och skolarbete för att skapa något för en väldigt specifik men ändå bred målgrupp. Det har alltid funnits ett intresse hos mig i att skapa applikationer till handhållna enheter såsom surfplattor och smartphones, och att de inte bara används till saker som att ringa och skicka sms utan att de även används som hjälpmedel och läromedel. Jag har använt mig utav metodologin deltagande design, där jag har jobbat tillsammans personer som har kognitiv funktionsnedsättning vilket innebär att man har någon form utav funktionsnedsättning i hjärnan. Under utvecklingen har dessa personer varit med ända från början till idé ända fram till prototyp, då jag behövde ha deras erfarenheter jag själv inte besatt för att veta hur jag skulle forma applikationen runt just deras behov. Med all erfarenhet som dessa personer gett mig i arbetet så har jag skapat en mobilapplikations-prototyp utifrån deras känslor och idéer. Idéer som har kommit upp under våra workshops, där vi diskuterade vilka vardagliga aktiviteter de själva tyckte var roliga att göra utomhus samt inomhus, och hur hade man kunnat göra dessa vardagliga aktiviteter roligare? Två idéer som vi sedan slog ihop till en vilket var promenader och picknick. En applikation där det är tänkt att de ska ha möjligheten att kunna bjuda sina vänner och familj på picknick, genom att göra en slags lista över vad de vill ha med sig på picknicken och göra ett evenemang av det hela / During my time at Blekinge Institute of Technology I’ve worked at a LSS housing facility in Olofström, Blekinge. It was there I got the idea to merge my job and schoolwork to create something for a very specific target group. I have always been interested in creating applications for hand-held devices such as tablets and smartphones that are used as aids and teaching materials. I’m using the methodology participatory design, and along with people that lives with cognitive disabilities, meaning they have some form of disability in their brain, I developed a prototype. I needed their experience and knowledge because I don’t know how I would shape the application to fit their needs otherwise. With all the experience these people gave me, I created a prototype based on their feelings and ideas, ideas that have been brought up in our workshops. In the workshops we discussed the everyday activities they thought were fun, outdoors as well as indoors, and what could make those activities even more enjoyable. The two ideas that we emerged with, and later merged, were walking 4 and picknicking. The idea is for an application where you have the opportunity to invite your friends and family to a picknick. You make a list of what you want to include on the picknick and then create an event.
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Dolování dat z příchozích zpráv elektronické pošty / Data mining from incoming e-mail messagesŠebesta, Jan January 2009 (has links)
In the present work we study possibilities of automatic sorting of incoming email communication. Our primary goal is to distinguish information about oncoming workshops and conferences, job off ers and published books. We are trying to develop tool to mine the information from data from professional mailing lists. Off ers in the mailing lists come in html, rtf or plain text format, but the information in it is written in common spoken language. We are developing the system so it will use text mining methods to extract the information and save it structured form. Than we will be able to work with it. We are examining the handling of the mails by user and apply the knowledge in the development. We solve the problems with obtaining of the messages, distinguishing language and encoding and estimating the type of message. After recognition of the bearing information we are able to mine data. In the end we save the mined information to the database, which allows us to display it in well{arranged way, sort and search according to the user needs.
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Dolování dat z příchozích zpráv elektronické pošty / Data mining from incoming e-mail messagesŠebesta, Jan January 2011 (has links)
We study possibilities of automatic sorting of incoming e-mails. Our primary goal is to distinguish information about oncoming workshops and conferences, job offers and published books. We are developing mining tool for extracting the information from data originated in profession-specific mailing lists. Offers in the mailing lists come in html, rtf or plain text format. The messages are written in common spoken language. We have developed the system so it will use text mining methods to extract the information and save it structured form. Then we will be able to work with it. We are examining how user handles the mail and apply the knowledge in the development. We solve the problems with obtaining of the messages, distinguishing language and encoding and estimating the type of message. After recognition of the transported information we are able to mine data. In the end we save the mined information to the database, which allows us to display it in well-arranged way, sort and search according to the user needs.
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Erfarenhetsåterföring : En framtagen metod för att främja samverkan / Experience feedback : A Proven Method to Promote CollaborationViklund, Simon, Grujovic, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
Sverige har sett en stor ökning av nyproducerade bostäder de senaste åren och byggbranschen har haft stor framgång. Med den kraftiga ökningen ställs nya krav på byggbolagen. Byggprocessen förkortas och effektiviseras med metoder som industriellt byggande. Men med en kortare byggtid och ökad effektivitet kan även problem i produktionen uppstå. Syftet med denna rapport är att lokalisera återkommande problem och störningar som idag finns vid arbetsmoment i produktionen. Via workshoppar har vi samlat information från entreprenadbolagets egna hantverkare för att uppnå en klar bild av hur man går tillväga i byggprocessens utförandedelar samt kartlägga problem som uppkommer i produktionen. Entreprenadbolaget är kvalitets-, miljö- och arbetsmiljöcertifierat gentemot kraven i ISO 9001, ISO 1400 och OHSAS 1800. Dessa certifieringar ställer krav på ett strukturerat förbättringsarbete. Direktiv för förbättringsarbeten inom bolaget existerar men det är något som inte når hela vägen. Det saknas ett medel i förbättringsarbetet som verkar för samtliga yrkesroller inom bolaget. Med insamlad information som bakgrund har vi utvecklat ett medel som kan effektivisera delar i produktionen som samtidigt bidrar till en stimulerande arbetsmiljö för hantverkarna. Området som valdes att studera vidare var hantverkarnas förslag om en pärm för speciallösningar vid bristfälliga konstruktioner och störningar i produktionen. Det framtagna hjälpmedlet samt den utförda metoden i arbetet med att motverka återkommande problem och störningar i produktionen ser vi som ett steg i arbetet med att uppfylla ett av entreprenadbolagets årliga delmål, som innebär att främja samverkan mellan medarbetarna. / The construction industry in Sweden has seen a rise in recent years. With the increase of house production, new demands are being made on the construction companies. The construction process is shortened and made more efficient with methods such as using precast elements. But with shorter production times and increased effectivity, problems can arise. The purpose of this report is to localize reoccurring problems in the production process. We have gathered information from the company’s own carpenters through workshops to get a clear picture of the problems in today’s production. The construction company is quality, environment and work environment certified according to the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 1400 and OHSAS 1800. These certifications require structured improvement work. A directive for improvement work within the company exists but is not ensued sufficiently. There are no means in the improvement work that works for all roles within the company. With the gathered information we’ve developed an instrument that can increase effectivity in the production process as well as contribute to a stimulating work environment for the carpenters. The field we chose to study was the carpenter’s suggestion about a binder for special solutions at inadequate constructions and difficult situations. The developed instruments as well as the method used in our report to counteract reoccurring problems and disturbances in the production, contribute to the work in reaching the company’s goal to promote cooperation within the organization.
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Oficina de TV, uma prática educomunicativa: estudo de caso de uma criança abrigada / Workshop, an educommunication proposal: the case study of an institutionalized childSommerhalder-Miike, Helenita 04 August 2008 (has links)
De um lado está a educomunicação, um campo novo, da interface entre a educação e a comunicação, definido como sendo um campo de intervenção social e de atuação profissional; subdivide-se em áreas específicas de atuação, como a da educação para a mídia, constituída pelas reflexões da relação entre produtores, o processo produtivo, a recepção das mensagens e os programas de formação de receptores autônomos e críticos frente aos meios de comunicação. De outro, estão crianças que vivem em abrigos, entidades vistas comumente como lugares de exclusão para onde são levados crianças e adolescentes à espera de um incerto destino melhor, cuja condição de vida, tanto anterior quanto atual, pode implicar em prejuízos ao desenvolvimento. Neste trabalho, que se caracteriza como uma pesquisa em ação, buscou-se compreender as possibilidades de ganhos que a participação em uma oficina de TV pode trazer para crianças abrigadas através de um estudo de caso de uma menina de onze anos, que vive em um abrigo de uma cidade de porte médio do interior de São Paulo. Procurou-se identificar mudanças na condição de desenvolvimento desta criança, expressas no seu contexto de vida cotidiana, que poderiam ser consideradas possivelmente decorrentes da participação no projeto. Adotamos como referencial teórico-metodológico a Rede de Significações. A oficina foi realizada em 30 encontros, num total de 60 horas e seguiu alguns procedimentos como o aprender fazendo e a apresentação de conceitos teóricos a partir do contato direto dos participantes com os equipamentos e com a linguagem própria da televisão. O educador e o técnico do abrigo responsável pelo caso, professores e a mãe foram ouvidos antes da realização e após a implantação, visando fazer um levantamento da história e uma descrição da criança nos momentos específicos. A descrição inicial foi muito semelhante à existente na literatura sobre crianças abrigadas, especialmente no que se refere à auto-imagem negativa e ao desempenho escolar ruim. Após a participação na oficina, houve mudanças, em sentido positivo, no retrato da menina feito por essas pessoas. Compreendemos que essas diferenças possivelmente foram motivadas pela combinação da maneira com que dialogicamente se estabeleceram as interações dela com as pessoas com quem conviveu no período do projeto (incluindo-se a educomunicadora), aos papéis atribuídos a ela e à forma como ela os assumiu. Consideramos ainda que, o desenvolvimento do projeto permitiu visualizar o uso da câmera de vídeo para a educação para a mídia como um dispositivo de educação/desenvolvimento humano capaz de potencializar a experiência de vida das crianças ao quebrar a relação mítica com o objeto TV e auxiliar a percepção de recursos próprios, especialmente para crianças que ainda não dominam a leitura e a escrita. / On the one hand, there is educommunication, a new field in the interface between education and communication, defined as a field of social intervention and professional action. It is subdivided into specific action areas, such as education for the media, which is composed of reflections on the relationship among producers, productive process, reception of messages, and programs for educating autonomous and critical recipients for the media. On the other hand, there are children living in institutions, frequently seen as places of exclusion where children and adolescents are taken to wait for an uncertain better future. These institutionalized children\'s previous and current living conditions can affect their development. In this study, characterized as research in action, we have sought to understand the possible gains that participation in a TV workshop could bring to institutionalized children. By means of the case study of an 11-year-old girl who lives in an institution in a medium-sized town in the inland region of the State of São Paulo, we tried to identify changes in her development condition, expressed in her daily life, which could be considered as derived from participation in the project. We adopted the \"Network of Meanings\" as a theoretical-methodological framework. The workshop was conducted in 30 meetings, totaling 60 hours, and followed some procedures, such as learning-by-doing and presentation of theoretical concepts to participants in direct contact with equipment and the language of television. The educator and the institution technician in charge of the case, teachers, and the girl\'s mother were heard before and after the workshop, aiming at collecting information on the girl\'s history and describing her in specific moments. The initial description of this child was very similar to that existing in the literature on institutionalized children, especially concerning negative self-image and bad school performance. After the workshop, there were positive changes in the description these people made of the girl. We understand such changes as possibly motivated by a combination of the way how interactions were dialogically established between the girl and the people with whom she interacted during the project (including the educommunicator), the roles attributed to her, and how she managed them. We also believe that the project development allowed us to see the use of the video camera in education for the media as an education/human development device to improve children\'s experience of life by breaking their mythical relationship with the object TV and helping them to perceive their own resources, especially in the case of children who do not yet master reading and writing.
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Uma proposta de imersão no processo da fotografia e na leitura de imagensGiordano, Liliane de Fátima January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação buscou entender como o processo de leitura da linguagem visual pode se expandir, por meio das relações que se estabelecem entre o eu - fotógrafo e o objeto a ser fotografado, através de um curso denominado Oficina de Fotografia. Adotou-se como referencial teórico os estudos de Paulo Freire sobre educação; de Ana Mae Barbosa sobre leitura de imagens; de María Acaso sobre educação visual; e de Joan Fontcuberta sobre a linguagem fotográfica. Para tal, constituiu-se um Grupo Focal com alunos de diferentes idades e profissões que haviam realizado o curso Oficina de Fotografia. Os depoimentos coletados constituem o corpus de análise dessa pesquisa. O método do Grupo Focal diz respeito à abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, que procura conhecer o que os sujeitos envolvidos em uma determinada situação ou evento pensam a respeito de um tema proposto pelo pesquisador. Os resultados obtidos a partir da análise das entrevistas demonstram que os alunos passaram a ter uma leitura mais criteriosa não só das imagens fotográficas como também da linguagem visual em cenas cotidianas, após realizarem a Oficina de Fotografia. / This dissertation aimed to understand how the process of reading visual language can be expand by the relations that are established between the photographer itself and the object to be photographed in a course called Workshop of Photography. As theoretical reference it was used the studies from Paulo Freire about education; from Ana Mae Barbosa about images reading; from María Acaso about visual education; and from Joan Fontcuberta about photographic language. A Focus Group was organized with subjects from different ages and professions that had already attended the Workshop of Photography. The statements collected constitute the corpus of analysis of this research. The Focus Group is applied in a qualitative research methodology that aims to know what the subjects, involved in a particular situation or event, think about an issue suggested by the researcher. The obtained results based on an analysis from the interviews showed that the subjects, after attending the Workshop of Photography, have achieved a more discerning reading not only of the photographic images, but also from the visual language in everyday life scenes.
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Predictors of Employment in a Treatment Sample of Individuals with Substance Use DisordersNgjelina, Enkelejda 01 January 2019 (has links)
Efforts to increase employment rates through vocational skills training and job interview skills development have yielded mixed results. While initial studies of Job Seekers Workshop (JSW) found greater employment success for participants randomized to JSW as compared to a control condition (Hall, Loeb & Norton, 1977), a more recent Clinical Trials Network (CTN) study found no differences in employment outcomes between the JSW and control groups and the rate of employment overall was substantively lower than those reported in the early studies (Svikis et al., 2012). To better understand these discrepant findings, the present study conducted secondary analyses using the 2012 RCT dataset. It examined whether JSW participants engaged in more types and higher frequencies of various job-seeking behaviors than SC controls. The study also examined the relationship between JSW intervention dose and employment outcomes. Finally, the study sought to identify individual and treatment variables associated with getting a job. The results showed comparable rates of job-seeking behavior in JSW and SC controls. However, JSW intervention dose (number of sessions attended) was related to the likelihood of employment at 6-month follow-up. Univariate analysis found a variety of demographic, treatment, and psychosocial variables associated with becoming employed during study follow-up. Multivariate analyses found the most parsimonious model for predicting employment during the 6- month follow up period including being male, attending psychosocial outpatient treatment, attending more JSW sessions, submitting a job application, and living with a sexual partner or children. Future research should look more closely at barriers to employment and how to better measure client motivation to get a job.
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