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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of Reservoir Evaporation and Evaporation Suppression on Water Supply Capabilities

Ayala, Rolando A 03 October 2013 (has links)
Reservoir storage is essential for developing dependable water supplies and is a major component of the river system water budget. The storage contents of reservoirs fluctuate greatly with variations in water use and climatic conditions that range from severe multiple-year droughts to floods. Water surface evaporation typically represents a major component of the reservoir water budget. This thesis investigates the effects of evaporation and potential reductions in this evaporation on the water supply capabilities of reservoirs in Texas. As part of this research, a literature review based assessment of capabilities for reducing reservoir evaporation using monolayer films and other methods was performed. The literature review assessment provides an overview of past evaporation suppression studies performed using monolayer films and other evaporation suppression technologies including water shades and covers. The overview provides a summary on monolayer film application techniques, environmental impacts, operational and material costs, evaluation methods, and achievable evaporation reduction rates. This research project quantifies the impact of reservoir evaporation on water supply availability/reliability by using the Texas Water Availability Modeling (WAM) System which consists of the Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) and 21 sets of WRAP input files covering the 23 river basins of the state, a geographic information system (GIS), and contains over 8,000 water rights permits, which include 3,435 reservoirs. The impact of evaporation on water supply availability/reliability was evaluated by performing several analyses in which evaporation rates are reduced by specified percentages starting when storage levels drop below certain trigger percentages of reservoir storage capacity.

Packing: An Architect's Guide

Lacalamita, Andrea 15 July 2011 (has links)
A study of packing constructs a critique of the everyday: a dialogue between chaos and order, surface and area, interior and exterior, gravity and lightness. In search of tangible expression of the spatial processes I am responsible for, I have become both master architect and expert packer. I have composed this thesis the same way I pack: I have assembled piles of fragments, regrouped them, reconsidered, edited, alloted them more or less space. Things have become more and less valuable. Quotes and images are precious, like artifacts, tucked delicately between text-filled pages. Each word I write, each line I draw, creates a boundary, a parcel, a unit of space set apart from the white of the page. This book is my suitcase.

Управление рисками участников гражданского оборота при оказании интернет-услуг : магистерская диссертация / Risk management of civil traffic participants when providing internet services

Машковцев, Д. С., Mashkovtsev, D. S. January 2019 (has links)
Master's work consists of 100 pages, 97 bibliographic lists are used. The relevance of the research topic is revealed in three interrelated aspects: doctrinal, economic and rule-making. The doctrinal aspect is manifested in the fact that today in the Russian Federation there are no special normative acts that would have a regulatory effect on public relations taking shape between entities on the Internet. The rule-making aspect is expressed in the fact that the tasks set by the leadership of the Russian Federation on the accelerated development of the economy and social sphere give particular relevance to this work. The most significant legislative adjustment will be required in connection with the development of the digital environment. Finally, the economic aspect is due to the need to strengthen government regulation in the field of digital technologies. All this together determines the relevance of the research topic and determines its choice. The aim of the study is a comprehensive, comprehensive study and study of the legal nature and legal characteristics of obligations arising on the Internet when providing Internet services with the aim of generating theoretical and practical conclusions that can be taken into account when reforming the law and improving judicial and law enforcement practice in the analyzed public relations. In pursuance of the research goal, the following specific tasks are set in the work: to consider the legal regulation of Internet services in the Russian Federation; define the concepts of “Internet service” and “legal risk”, substantiate the legally relevant criteria for their classification in order to increase the efficiency of their management; conduct a comprehensive analysis of legal risks associated with the protection of intellectual property; to offer a range of measures to improve legislation in the field of Internet services management. Research methods include general scientific and private scientific methods, in particular the formal legal, comparative legal, logical, statistical method, as well as other methods of economic analysis of private law. / Магистерская работа состоит из 100 страниц, использовано 97 библиографических списков. Актуальность темы исследования раскрывается в трех взаимосвязанных аспектах: доктринальном, экономической и нормотворческом. Доктринальный аспект проявляется в том, что на сегодняшний день в Российской Федерации отсутствуют специальные нормативные акты, которые бы осуществляли регулирующее воздействие на общественные отношения, складывающиеся между субъектами в сети «Интернет». Нормотворческий аспект выражается в том, что особую актуальность настоящей работе придают поставленные руководством Российской Федерации задачи по ускоренному развитию экономики и социальной сферы. Наиболее значимая перестройка законодательства потребуется в связи с развитием цифровой среды. Наконец, экономический аспект обусловлен потребностью усиления государственного регулирования в сфере цифровых технологий. Все это в совокупности обуславливает актуальность темы исследования и определяет ее выбор. Целью исследования является всестороннее, комплексное изучение и исследование правовой природы и юридической характеристики обязательств, возникающих в сети «Интернет» при оказании Интернет-услуг с целью формирования теоретических и практических выводов, которые могут быть учтены при реформировании законодательства и совершенствовании судебной и правоприменительной практики в анализируемой сфере общественных отношений. Во исполнение поставленной цели исследования в работе ставятся следующие конкретные задачи: рассмотреть правовое регулирование интернет-услуг в Российской Федерации; определить понятия «интернет-услуга» и «правовой риск», обосновать юридически значимые критерии их классификации для цели повышения эффективности управления ими; провести комплексный анализ правовых рисков, связанных с защитой интеллектуальной собственности; предложить комплекс мероприятий по совершенствованию законодательства в области управления интернет-услугами. Методы исследования включают в себя общенаучные и частные научные методы, в частности формально-юридический, сравнительно-правовой, логический, статистический метод, а также иные методы экономического анализа частного права.

Validade e obrigatoriedade dos contratos de adesão eletrônicos (shrink-wrap e click-wrap) e dos termos e condições de uso (browse-wrap): um estudo comparado entre Brasil e Canadá / Validity and enforceability of shrink-wrap, click-wrap and browse-wrap: a comparative study of Brazil and Canada

Lima, Cíntia Rosa Pereira de 29 April 2009 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objeto a investigação dos aspectos legais decorrentes do comércio eletrônico, com ênfase na validade e obrigatoriedade dos contratos de adesão eletrônicos e os denominados termos e condições de uso. Estes negócios jurídicos eletrônicos podem ser divididos em três espécies: a) licenças do tipo shrink-wrap, terminologia reservada às compras de software no estabelecimento físico do fornecedor, cujos termos contratuais que vincularão as partes não podem ser visualizados antes da compra do produto, mas tão somente no decorrer da instalação do software, garantindo-se ao adquirente a possibilidade efetiva de devolução do produto se não concordar com os termos da licença; b) contratos do tipo click-wrap, contratos celebrados inteiramente em meio eletrônico, em que o consumidor tem a oportunidade de ler as cláusulas contratuais antes de manifestar, expressamente, sua anuência ou não, clicando em uma caixa de diálogo indicativa de expressões como eu aceito, ou outra semelhante; e, c) os termos e condições de uso, denominados pela doutrina estrangeira como browse-wrap, disponibilizados no canto inferior de uma página da internet em um hiperlink, vinculando toda e qualquer pessoa, que tão-somente acesse o respectivo site, sem ao menos chamar a atenção do usuário para a existência destes termos ou nem exigindo a manifestação da anuência a tais termos. Os tribunais estrangeiros têm enfrentado a problemática em torno da validade e obrigatoriedade destas práticas comerciais, em especial os browse-wrap, cujo formato em que são utilizados descaracteriza-nos com contratos ou condições gerais de contratação, pois o usuário nem ao menos tem consciência da existência de tais termos. Portanto, parte da doutrina e da jurisprudência entende que o browse-wrap não se encaixa na definição de contrato, mas são termos unilateralmente propostos por uma das partes sem que a outra possa ter efetivo conhecimento a respeito. Se, por um lado, há necessidade de reconhecer os efeitos obrigatórios dos contratos de adesão eletrônicos, fortalecendo o comércio eletrônico; por outro lado, a sociedade global exige a efetiva proteção dos consumidores e usuários contra abusos praticados por multinacionais, que operam sem fronteiras geográficas. Assim, juristas e doutrinadores enfrentam um enorme desafio: desenvolver um comércio eletrônico sustentável, equilibrando os interesses comerciais e os direitos dos consumidores. Este trabalho pretende determinar os requisitos jurídicos para a validade dos contratos eletrônicos de maneira científica, analisando o processo de formação contratual em meio eletrônico. Por fim, investiga-se a dúvida acerca da lei aplicável e da jurisdição na era digital, enfatizando a cláusula de eleição de foro, de escolha da lei aplicável e compromissória, bem como seu impacto no acesso à justiça do consumidor. Em suma, esta tese destaca a necessidade de uma legislação uniforme sobre comércio eletrônico e a proteção do consumidor, tendo em vista o alto nível de globalização, para que se possam tutelar os direitos dos consumidores aliados aos interesses econômicos do mercado. / This thesis intends to investigate some of the legal issues raised by e-commerce, specifically the validity and enforceability of the electronic adhesion contracts and the terms and conditions of use. Such electronic juridic acts can be grouped into three subspecies: a) the shrink-wrap licences, reserved for purchase in the store, but yet the consumer can not view the terms and conditions that she or he will be bound by, once the product (often a software) is installed; the consumer is granted with a period of time within she or he can return the product to the store if she or he does not agree with the terms and conditions; b) the click-wrap agreements are contracts presented to the consumer, when dealing on-line, stating the terms and conditions of the purchase, and then, once its read, she or he may point and click in a dialog box indicating her or his consent (such as I agree or some other synonymous expression); and c) the browse-wrap, composed by terms and conditions listed in a hyperlink on the bottom of a web page, which obliges the consumer only because she or he surfs on the Web, nevertheless it is not require that the consumer shows any kind of consent to the terms and conditions. Even though some courts have ruled in favor of the validity and enforceability of browse-wrap, it is very questionable to accept the fact of being bound by something that one never knew that it even existed. Thus, some other courts are of the view that browse-wrap is not technically a contract according to the legal doctrine. Instead it is a sort of private regulation of the disposal of products and services written by the supplier. On one hand, there is a need to enforce electronic commerce in order to stimulate and consolidate it by making electronic contracts binding on consumers. On the other hand, there is a need to protect consumers from the abuse of unequal bargaining power in such contractual relation, which may pit them against a multinational corporation, which operates throughout the world. Thus, jurists and academics must combine efforts to find a sustainable balance between these two sides. Besides there is a need for a uniform and scientific solution, given that a prerequisite to valid contract formation is the unequivocal meeting of the minds which may not happen in this means of contract formation, especially if the supplier does not require any clear and effective sign of assent from the consumer. The touchstone of e-commerce is the law and jurisdiction conflicts since such contracts often include a forum selection clause or a mandatory arbitration clause, which can deprive the consumers of their day in court. In short, it highlights the need for a uniform legislation and a strong consumer protection system to ensure the growth of ecommerce. This would foster a reliable electronic environment meeting the consumers expectations and the market standards.

Validade e obrigatoriedade dos contratos de adesão eletrônicos (shrink-wrap e click-wrap) e dos termos e condições de uso (browse-wrap): um estudo comparado entre Brasil e Canadá / Validity and enforceability of shrink-wrap, click-wrap and browse-wrap: a comparative study of Brazil and Canada

Cíntia Rosa Pereira de Lima 29 April 2009 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objeto a investigação dos aspectos legais decorrentes do comércio eletrônico, com ênfase na validade e obrigatoriedade dos contratos de adesão eletrônicos e os denominados termos e condições de uso. Estes negócios jurídicos eletrônicos podem ser divididos em três espécies: a) licenças do tipo shrink-wrap, terminologia reservada às compras de software no estabelecimento físico do fornecedor, cujos termos contratuais que vincularão as partes não podem ser visualizados antes da compra do produto, mas tão somente no decorrer da instalação do software, garantindo-se ao adquirente a possibilidade efetiva de devolução do produto se não concordar com os termos da licença; b) contratos do tipo click-wrap, contratos celebrados inteiramente em meio eletrônico, em que o consumidor tem a oportunidade de ler as cláusulas contratuais antes de manifestar, expressamente, sua anuência ou não, clicando em uma caixa de diálogo indicativa de expressões como eu aceito, ou outra semelhante; e, c) os termos e condições de uso, denominados pela doutrina estrangeira como browse-wrap, disponibilizados no canto inferior de uma página da internet em um hiperlink, vinculando toda e qualquer pessoa, que tão-somente acesse o respectivo site, sem ao menos chamar a atenção do usuário para a existência destes termos ou nem exigindo a manifestação da anuência a tais termos. Os tribunais estrangeiros têm enfrentado a problemática em torno da validade e obrigatoriedade destas práticas comerciais, em especial os browse-wrap, cujo formato em que são utilizados descaracteriza-nos com contratos ou condições gerais de contratação, pois o usuário nem ao menos tem consciência da existência de tais termos. Portanto, parte da doutrina e da jurisprudência entende que o browse-wrap não se encaixa na definição de contrato, mas são termos unilateralmente propostos por uma das partes sem que a outra possa ter efetivo conhecimento a respeito. Se, por um lado, há necessidade de reconhecer os efeitos obrigatórios dos contratos de adesão eletrônicos, fortalecendo o comércio eletrônico; por outro lado, a sociedade global exige a efetiva proteção dos consumidores e usuários contra abusos praticados por multinacionais, que operam sem fronteiras geográficas. Assim, juristas e doutrinadores enfrentam um enorme desafio: desenvolver um comércio eletrônico sustentável, equilibrando os interesses comerciais e os direitos dos consumidores. Este trabalho pretende determinar os requisitos jurídicos para a validade dos contratos eletrônicos de maneira científica, analisando o processo de formação contratual em meio eletrônico. Por fim, investiga-se a dúvida acerca da lei aplicável e da jurisdição na era digital, enfatizando a cláusula de eleição de foro, de escolha da lei aplicável e compromissória, bem como seu impacto no acesso à justiça do consumidor. Em suma, esta tese destaca a necessidade de uma legislação uniforme sobre comércio eletrônico e a proteção do consumidor, tendo em vista o alto nível de globalização, para que se possam tutelar os direitos dos consumidores aliados aos interesses econômicos do mercado. / This thesis intends to investigate some of the legal issues raised by e-commerce, specifically the validity and enforceability of the electronic adhesion contracts and the terms and conditions of use. Such electronic juridic acts can be grouped into three subspecies: a) the shrink-wrap licences, reserved for purchase in the store, but yet the consumer can not view the terms and conditions that she or he will be bound by, once the product (often a software) is installed; the consumer is granted with a period of time within she or he can return the product to the store if she or he does not agree with the terms and conditions; b) the click-wrap agreements are contracts presented to the consumer, when dealing on-line, stating the terms and conditions of the purchase, and then, once its read, she or he may point and click in a dialog box indicating her or his consent (such as I agree or some other synonymous expression); and c) the browse-wrap, composed by terms and conditions listed in a hyperlink on the bottom of a web page, which obliges the consumer only because she or he surfs on the Web, nevertheless it is not require that the consumer shows any kind of consent to the terms and conditions. Even though some courts have ruled in favor of the validity and enforceability of browse-wrap, it is very questionable to accept the fact of being bound by something that one never knew that it even existed. Thus, some other courts are of the view that browse-wrap is not technically a contract according to the legal doctrine. Instead it is a sort of private regulation of the disposal of products and services written by the supplier. On one hand, there is a need to enforce electronic commerce in order to stimulate and consolidate it by making electronic contracts binding on consumers. On the other hand, there is a need to protect consumers from the abuse of unequal bargaining power in such contractual relation, which may pit them against a multinational corporation, which operates throughout the world. Thus, jurists and academics must combine efforts to find a sustainable balance between these two sides. Besides there is a need for a uniform and scientific solution, given that a prerequisite to valid contract formation is the unequivocal meeting of the minds which may not happen in this means of contract formation, especially if the supplier does not require any clear and effective sign of assent from the consumer. The touchstone of e-commerce is the law and jurisdiction conflicts since such contracts often include a forum selection clause or a mandatory arbitration clause, which can deprive the consumers of their day in court. In short, it highlights the need for a uniform legislation and a strong consumer protection system to ensure the growth of ecommerce. This would foster a reliable electronic environment meeting the consumers expectations and the market standards.

Web based system for radio planning in WRAP

Shakya, Nabin Raj January 2009 (has links)
<p>Radio planning is designing of network structure and elements under various design requirements. With the increasing shortage of frequencies, radio planning has become more and more complex. Hence, to maintain accuracy and optimization computerized planning tools are needed.</p><p>This thesis focuses on developing a simplified and economical solution on web for radio planning tool using WRAP- the software for spectrum management and radio planning developed by WRAP International AB, Linköping, Sweden. In order to make WRAP calculations available for remote users it had developed APIs. The web-based WRAP needs to communicate with WRAP API server, for exchanging API messages in order to perform calculation. To make the system user friendly and interactive, latest web technologies are implemented.</p><p>In this thesis, we started development process right from requirements gathering to find out required components that need to be analyzed to find suitable web-based conversion. Further, we designed and implemented a software solution. The final part is evaluation to discover if requirements are fully implemented or not as well as to gather the performance result of the new system. It is found, the performance of web based WRAP is equally fast as desktop version for smaller coverage areas whereas, for larger coverage areas, web-based WRAP is slower than desktop version</p>

Strengthening of Wooden Cross arms in 230 kV Transmission Structures Using Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Wrap

Shahi, Arash 20 August 2008 (has links)
There are approximately 6000 Gulfport-type wood structures used to support 1600 km of 230 kV electrical transmission lines in Ontario. An unexpected structural failure caused by wood deterioration has been recognized as a major risk to the safety of these transmission lines. Since the reliability of the electricity transmission and distribution lines is extremely important to the electrical industry and other users of electricity, failure of these structures can result in devastating incidents. Due to the remote location of the transmission network and the requirement to keep the power lines in continuous service, replacement of the Gulfport structures has proved to be very difficult and expensive. This research program investigated the use of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) wrap as a light weight and durable strengthening system that can be applied to the existing structures without any interruptions in the functionality of the transmission lines. A total of three control specimens and three strengthened samples were tested in Phase I of the experimental program, which was designed as a feasibility study. It was concluded that the average strength of strengthened samples was 42% higher than the average strength of the control samples, and was greater than the end of life (EOL) threshold of 30 MPa for the cross arms. Therefore, the proposed strengthening system was concluded to be an effective solution for strengthening the deteriorated cross arms of the Gulfport structures. Taguchi methods and Analysis of Variation (ANOVA) were employed in Phase II to optimize the proposed strengthening system. The optimal configuration was determined to be the application of the filler material, non-sanded surface, and the shorter width of wrap (width of 0.6 m). The mean strength of the optimal configuration was estimated to be 52 MPa with a 95% confidence interval of: 38.7 MPa < True Mean < 65.3 MPa. Phase III confirmed the estimated mean and the confidence interval for the optimal configuration in Phase II. The strengthening system changed the failure mode from combined shear-flexure failure to pure flexure and resulted in more consistent strength and stiffness values. The strain values of the GFRP wrap showed that a single layer of wrap was sufficient for the confinement purposes.

Web based system for radio planning in WRAP

Shakya, Nabin Raj January 2009 (has links)
Radio planning is designing of network structure and elements under various design requirements. With the increasing shortage of frequencies, radio planning has become more and more complex. Hence, to maintain accuracy and optimization computerized planning tools are needed. This thesis focuses on developing a simplified and economical solution on web for radio planning tool using WRAP- the software for spectrum management and radio planning developed by WRAP International AB, Linköping, Sweden. In order to make WRAP calculations available for remote users it had developed APIs. The web-based WRAP needs to communicate with WRAP API server, for exchanging API messages in order to perform calculation. To make the system user friendly and interactive, latest web technologies are implemented. In this thesis, we started development process right from requirements gathering to find out required components that need to be analyzed to find suitable web-based conversion. Further, we designed and implemented a software solution. The final part is evaluation to discover if requirements are fully implemented or not as well as to gather the performance result of the new system. It is found, the performance of web based WRAP is equally fast as desktop version for smaller coverage areas whereas, for larger coverage areas, web-based WRAP is slower than desktop version

Strengthening of Wooden Cross arms in 230 kV Transmission Structures Using Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Wrap

Shahi, Arash 20 August 2008 (has links)
There are approximately 6000 Gulfport-type wood structures used to support 1600 km of 230 kV electrical transmission lines in Ontario. An unexpected structural failure caused by wood deterioration has been recognized as a major risk to the safety of these transmission lines. Since the reliability of the electricity transmission and distribution lines is extremely important to the electrical industry and other users of electricity, failure of these structures can result in devastating incidents. Due to the remote location of the transmission network and the requirement to keep the power lines in continuous service, replacement of the Gulfport structures has proved to be very difficult and expensive. This research program investigated the use of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) wrap as a light weight and durable strengthening system that can be applied to the existing structures without any interruptions in the functionality of the transmission lines. A total of three control specimens and three strengthened samples were tested in Phase I of the experimental program, which was designed as a feasibility study. It was concluded that the average strength of strengthened samples was 42% higher than the average strength of the control samples, and was greater than the end of life (EOL) threshold of 30 MPa for the cross arms. Therefore, the proposed strengthening system was concluded to be an effective solution for strengthening the deteriorated cross arms of the Gulfport structures. Taguchi methods and Analysis of Variation (ANOVA) were employed in Phase II to optimize the proposed strengthening system. The optimal configuration was determined to be the application of the filler material, non-sanded surface, and the shorter width of wrap (width of 0.6 m). The mean strength of the optimal configuration was estimated to be 52 MPa with a 95% confidence interval of: 38.7 MPa < True Mean < 65.3 MPa. Phase III confirmed the estimated mean and the confidence interval for the optimal configuration in Phase II. The strengthening system changed the failure mode from combined shear-flexure failure to pure flexure and resulted in more consistent strength and stiffness values. The strain values of the GFRP wrap showed that a single layer of wrap was sufficient for the confinement purposes.

Modeling Reallocation of Reservoir Storage Capacity Between Flood Control and Conservation Purposes

Kim, Tae Jin 2009 May 1900 (has links)
Interest in converting portions of the large volumes of flood control storage capacity in federal multiple-purpose reservoirs in Texas and elsewhere to water supply and other conservation purposes has been growing for some time. Evaluation of storage reallocations involving tradeoffs between flood control and conservation purposes in multiple-purpose, multiple-reservoir systems represents a new area for applying the Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) and Texas Water Availability Modeling (WAM) System. A system of 12 multiple-purpose reservoirs operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Brazos River Authority (BRA) was adopted as a case study in this research to develop and test expanded WRAP/WAM-based methods for analyzing modifications in reservoir storage allocations and related system operations. The research consisted of the following tasks: ? The Brazos River Basin WRAP input dataset from the Texas WAM System (Brazos WAM) has a 1940-1997 hydrologic period-of-analysis. The research included developing and applying methods to extend the period-of-analysis to 1900-2007 providing a better representation of river basin hydrology. The methodology developed could potentially be used to update the other river basin datasets in the statewide WAM System. ? The Brazos WAM has 3,830 control points, 670 reservoirs, and hundreds of water rights. The research included developing and applying methods to create a much easier-to-apply condensed dataset focused on the USACE/BRA reservoir system and associated water rights that have only 48 control points and 14 reservoirs. ? The WRAP/WAM System was developed based on a monthly computational time step. The research included applying developmental methodologies for converting a monthly model to a daily time step that includes disaggregation of monthly naturalized flows to daily flows, calibration of flow routing coefficients, and incorporation of forecasting in the simulation. ? The WRAP/WAM System is designed for assessing water supply reliabilities and stream flow and storage frequencies from the perspective of conservative purposes. The research added flood risk indices to the WRAP modeling system in order to address tradeoffs between flood control and conservation purposes. ? The WRAP/WAM-based simulation study performed with the modified WAM dataset developed in this research demonstrates the improvements in water supply capabilities and tradeoffs with flood control associated with various reservoir storage reallocation strategies and other modifications in reservoir system operations.

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