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No description available.
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Ett evighetsarbete - den lärorika resan : en sångerskas kamp med prestationsångestGliesmann, Angelica January 2021 (has links)
Mitt arbete handlar om att bearbeta den prestationsångest som uppstår vid soloframträdanden genom att utforska olika metoder i förberedelse och övning, samt att få en förståelse för vad som ger bäst resultat. Med hjälp av studier av olika metoder, analys och dokumentation av sång och mental träning, vill jag utveckla självsäkerhet och trygghet i mina framföranden. Efter att ha genomfört ett liveframträdande live i ensemble, en audition och en livestreamad solistisk konsert, var min förhoppning att kunna finna verktyg för att ta mig an min examenskonsert och att jag på vägen hade lärt mig knep och mentala hjälpmedel så att jag kunde genomföra konserten med självsäkerhet och glädje i framförandet. Mitt arbete resulterade i mindre stresspåverkan, bättre självförtroende samt bättre sångteknik under mina framträdanden.
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Rejuvenating the Campus Community: Yoga in the Medical LibraryWallace, Richard L., Woodward, Nakia J., Walden, Rachel R. 01 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Yoga inom ämnet Idrott och hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om lärares syn på yoga iundervisningen inom idrott och hälsaSvensson, Dennis, Shamsolketabi, Samman January 2023 (has links)
Purpose & question The purpose of the study is to investigate how the teachers in the subject of sports and healthlook at yoga, as well as whether yoga can be implemented in teaching within the subject ofsports and health in relation to students stress management/reduction. • What is the view of teachers in sports and health on yoga as content in the teaching? • How is yoga used in practice? • Teachers in the subject of sports and health see yoga as an effective method to reducethe student's stress level? Method The study has a qualitative approach and data was collected using five semi-structuredinterviews with physical education teachers at three different high schools in northern Stockholm. The study used a thematic analysis to identify different themes and important aspects from the interviews and the compilation of the results. The analysis was based on fourdifferent aspects such as salutogenic and pathogenic perspectives, Bourdieus concept of habitus and Engströms logics of practice. Results Three out of five participants had a positive attitude towards yoga as lesson content, the othertwo participants were neutral towards it. They saw no purpose in integrating something new into the teaching and making it rigid. Yoga today is used in different ways, ranging from thepurpose of experiencing mindfulness and relaxation to focusing solely on mobility. Three out of five participants were aware of the connection that yoga can work as a method for stressreduction. Conclusion The study shows that yoga is a method that can be used for stress reduction among highschool students, and that the use of yoga in teaching creates a good variety of content andgoes against the normative view of sports. The implementation of yoga in teaching alsoincreases the content of inclusive teaching and reduces the performance requirement withinthe subject and reduces the stress created by performance. / Syfte & frågeställning Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärarna inom ämnet idrott och hälsa ser påyoga, samt om yoga kan implementeras i undervisningen inom ämnet idrott och hälsa irelation till elevernas stresshantering/reducering.• Vilken syn har lärare inom idrott och hälsa på yoga som innehåll i undervisningen?• Hur används yogan i praktiken?• Ser lärare inom ämnet idrott och hälsa på yoga som en effektiv metod att minskaelevens stressnivå? Metod Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och data samlades in med hjälp av fem semi-strukturerade intervjuer med idrottslärare på tre olika gymnasieskolor i norra Stockholm. Studien använde sig av en tematisk-analys för att identifiera olika teman och aspekter från intervjuerna och sammanställandet av resultatet. Analysen grundandes i fyra olika aspekter som salutogent- och patogent perspektiv, Bourdieus begrepp habitus samt Engströms praktiker/logiker. Resultat Tre av fem deltagare hade en positiv inställning gällande yoga som lektionsinnehåll, de övriga två deltagarna var neutrala mot det. De såg inget syfte att integrera något nytt i undervisningen och göra det krystat. Yoga idag används på olika sätt, antigen i syftet att uppleva mindfullness och avkoppling till att enbart fokusera på rörlighet. Tre av fem deltagare anser att yoga kan fungera som metod för stressreducering. Slutsats Studien visar att yoga är en metod som kan användas för stressreducering bland gymnasieelever, samt att användningen av yoga i undervisningen skapar en god variation av innehållet och går emot den normativa synen på idrott. Implementeringen av yoga i undervisningen ökar även innehållet med inkluderande undervisning och minskar prestationskravet inom ämnet och reducerar stressen skapat av prestation.
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"Jag lever mycket i nuet tack vare yogan!" : - En intervjustudie om motionärers upplevelser av hur yoga på gym påverkar deras förmåga att hantera stressHansson, Amie, Berggren, Cecilia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stressrelaterad ohälsa betraktas idag som ett av vår tids samhällsproblem. Yoga är en träningsform som visats kunna ha en påverkan på allmän och psykisk hälsa, samt fungera som stresshanteringsmetod. Det gör att en stor mängd människor använder yoga som motionsform. På många gym finns idag möjligheten att ta del av yogaklasser som en del av träningsutbudet. Syftet: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur motionärer på gym upplever att yogaklasser påverkar deras förmåga att hantera stress. Metod: I studien användes en kvalitativ metod där datainsamling genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna utgick från en förbestämd intervjuguide med utrymme för följdfrågor. Intervjuerna transkriberades och kodades för att underlätta identifiering av deltagarnas uttalanden. Totalt medverkade sju deltagare i studien, tre kvinnor och fyra män. Resultatet av studien analyserades sedan med hjälp av en kvalitativ konventionell innehållsanalys. Resultatet: Resultatet ledde till fyra huvudteman: "yogans betydelse”, “yogans påverkan på livsstilen”, “stresshantering med hjälp av yoga” och ”på vilket sätt påverkar yoga på gym motionärers upplevelse av stress”. Yoga visades hjälpa deltagarna att stanna upp för att kunna rikta uppmärksamheten inåt, stilla sinnet, samt vara här och nu. Yoga beskrevs även ha både fysiska och psykiska fördelar samt benämndes det som en livsstil. Flera av deltagarna kunde sammankoppla hanteringen av stress med yoga samt förklarade att de fått en ökad kunskap och förståelse om andningstekniker. Konklusion: Det framkom i studien att yoga på gym har en positiv påverkan på motionärers förmåga att hantera stress. Anledningen är de positiva egenskaper som yoga medför, däribland andningsteknik och mental effekt. Slutsatsen är att yoga på gym fyller sin funktion och är en effektiv metod för stresshantering.
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Cancer-related fatigue intervention / Interventionen gegen krebsbedingte FatigueZetzl, Teresa Margarete January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
The incidence of cancer cases is rising steadily, while improved early detection and new cancer-specific therapies are reducing the mortality rate. In addition to curing cancer or prolonging life, increasing the quality of life is thus an important goal of oncology, which is why the burdens of cancer and treatment are becoming more important. A common side effect of cancer and its therapy is cancer-related fatigue, a tiredness that manifests itself on physical, emotional and cognitive levels and is not in proportion to previous physical efforts. Since the etiology of fatigue has not yet been fully clarified, symptom-oriented therapy is preferable to cause-specific therapy. In addition to activity management, sleep hygiene, and cognitive behavioral therapy, mind-body interventions such as yoga are recommended for reducing fatigue.
Previous studies with small sample sizes were able to examine the efficacy of yoga regarding fatigue predominantly in patients with breast cancer. Long-term effects of yoga have rarely been studied and there have been no attempts to increase long-term effects through interventions such as reminder e-mails. This dissertation takes a closer look at these mentioned aspects of the study sample and long-term effects. An 8-week randomized controlled yoga intervention was conducted, including patients with different cancer types reporting mild to severe fatigue. Following the 8-week yoga therapy, a randomized group of participants received weekly reminder e-mails for 6 months for regular yoga practice, whereas the control group did not receive reminder e-mails.
The first paper is a protocol article, which addresses the design and planned implementation of the research project this dissertation is based upon. This serves to ensure better replicability and comparability with other yoga studies. Due to a very low consent rate of patients in the pilot phase, it was necessary to deviate from the protocol article in the actual implementation and the planned inclusion criterion of fatigue >5 was reduced to fatigue >1.
The second paper examines the efficacy of the eight-week yoga intervention. Patients in the intervention group who participated in the yoga classes seven times or more showed a significantly greater reduction in general and physical fatigue than those who participated less often. The efficacy of yoga was related to the number of attended yoga sessions. Women with breast cancer who participated in yoga reported greater reductions in fatigue than women with other cancer types. There was also an improvement for depression and quality of life after eight weeks of yoga therapy compared to no yoga therapy. These results imply that yoga is helpful in reducing depression and cancer-related fatigue, especially in terms of physical aspects and improving quality of life.
The third paper focuses on the efficacy of reminder e-mails in terms of fatigue and practice frequency. Patients who received reminder e-mails reported greater reductions in general and emotional fatigue, as well as significant increases in practice frequency, compared to patients who did not receive reminder e-mails. Compared to fatigue scores before yoga, significantly lower fatigue and depression scores and higher quality of life were reported after yoga therapy and at follow-up six months later. Weekly e-mail reminders after yoga therapy may have positive effects on general and emotional fatigue and help cancer patients with fatigue establish a regular yoga practice at home. However, higher practice frequency did not lead to higher improvement in physical fatigue as found in Paper 2. This may indicate other factors that influence the efficacy of yoga practice on physical fatigue, such as mindfulness or side effects of therapy.
This research project provides insight into the efficacy of yoga therapy for oncology patients with fatigue. It is important that such interventions be offered early, while fatigue symptoms are not too severe. Regular guided yoga practice can reduce physical fatigue, but subsequent yoga practice at home does not further reduce physical fatigue. Reminder emails after completed yoga therapy could only reduce patients' emotional fatigue. It may be that physical fatigue was reduced as much as possible by the previous yoga therapy and that there was a floor effect, or it may be that reminder emails are not suitable as an intervention to reduce physical fatigue at all. Further research is needed to examine the mechanisms of the different interventions in more detail and to find appropriate interventions that reduce all levels of fatigue equally. / Die Anzahl der Krebs-Neuerkrankungen steigt stetig, während durch verbesserte Früherkennung und neue krebsspezifische Therapien die Sterberate sinkt. Neben der Heilung von Krebs oder Verlängerung der Lebenszeit ist somit eine Erhöhung der Lebensqualität wichtige Aufgabe der Onkologie, weshalb Nebenwirkungen der Krebsbehandlung näher betrachtet werden müssen. Eine häufige Folge von Krebserkrankungen und deren Therapie ist die krebsbedingte Fatigue, eine Müdigkeit, die sich auf physischer, emotionaler und kognitiver Ebene zeigt und nicht im Verhältnis zu vorhergehenden Anstrengungen steht. Da die Ätiologie der Fatigue bisher nicht vollständig geklärt ist, ist eine symptomorientierte Therapie der ursachenspezifischen Therapie vorzuziehen. Neben Aktivitätsmanagement, Schlafhygiene und kognitiver Umstrukturierung werden Mind-Body-Interventionen wie Yoga zur Reduktion von krebsbedingter Fatigue empfohlen.
Bisherige Studien mit geringer Stichprobengröße konnten die Wirksamkeit von Yoga hinsichtlich Fatigue überwiegend bei Brustkrebspatientinnen überprüfen. Langfristige Effekte von Yoga wurden nur selten überprüft. Es gibt bisher keine Interventionen, wie beispielsweise Erinnerungs-E-Mails, die darauf zielen, derartige langfristige Effekte zu erhöhen. In dieser Dissertation werden auf die Aspekte Stichprobe und langfristige Effekte, näher eingegangen. Es wurde eine achtwöchige randomisierte, kontrollierte Yoga-Intervention durchgeführt, die in die Stichprobe alle PatientInnen mit onkologischen Erkrankungen einschloss, die leichte bis schwere Fatigue berichteten. Im Anschluss an die achtwöchige Yogatherapie erhielt eine randomisierte Gruppe der Teilnehmenden für sechs Monate wöchentliche Erinnerungs-E-Mails für die regelmäßige Yogapraxis, die die Kontrollgruppe nicht erhielt.
Das erste Paper befasst sich als Protokollartikel genauer mit dem Aufbau und der geplanten Durchführung des gesamten Forschungsprojekts. Dies dient der Sicherung einer besseren Replizierbarkeit und Vergleichbarkeit mit anderen Yogastudien. Aufgrund einer sehr geringen Zustimmungsrate der PatientInnen in der Pilotphase musste vom Protokollartikel abgewichen werden und das geplante Einschlusskriterium der Fatigue >5 auf Fatigue >1 gesetzt werden.
Das zweite Paper beschäftigt sich mit der Wirksamkeit der achtwöchigen Yoga-Intervention. PatientInnen in der Interventionsgruppe, die sieben Mal oder häufiger an der Yogaintervention teilgenommen haben, zeigten eine signifikant stärkere Reduktion der allgemeinen und physischen Fatigue als die PatientInnen der Kontrollgruppe. Die Wirksamkeit der Yoga-Intervention stand im Zusammenhang mit der Anzahl der teilgenommenen Yogastunden. Frauen mit Brustkrebs, die am Yoga teilnahmen, berichteten eine stärkere Reduktion der Fatigue als Frauen mit anderen Krebsarten. Auch für Depression und Lebensqualität konnte durch die achtwöchige Yogatherapie eine Verbesserung erzielt werden. Diese Ergebnisse implizieren, dass Yoga hilfreich ist, krebsbedingte Fatigue zu reduzieren, vor allem hinsichtlich physischer Aspekte.
Das dritte Paper beschäftigt sich mit der Wirksamkeit von Erinnerungs-E-Mails hinsichtlich der Fatigue und Übungshäufigkeit. PatientInnen, die Erinnerungs-E-Mails erhielten, berichteten von einer stärkeren Reduktion der allgemeinen und emotionalen Fatigue, sowie einer signifikanten Erhöhung der Übungshäufigkeit. Im Vergleich zu den Werten vor der Yogatherapie wurden nach Yogatherapie und im Follow-Up sechs Monate später signifikant geringere Fatigue und Depressionswerte sowie eine höhere Lebensqualität berichtet. Wöchentliche Erinnerungs-E-Mails nach einer Yogatherapie können positive Effekte auf die allgemeine und emotionale Fatigue haben und KrebspatientInnen mit Fatigue helfen, eine regelmäßige Yogapraxis zu Hause zu etablieren. Eine höhere Übungshäufigkeit führte jedoch nicht zu einer höheren Verbesserung der physischen Fatigue, wie es in Paper 2 zu finden war. Dies kann auf andere Faktoren hindeuten, die die Wirksamkeit der Yogapraxis auf die physische Fatigue beeinflussen, wie Achtsamkeit oder Nebenwirkungen der Therapie.
Dieses Forschungsprojekt gibt Aufschluss über die Wirksamkeit der Yogatherapie bei onkologischen PatientInnen mit Fatigue. Wichtig ist, dass derartige Interventionen früh angeboten werden, solange die Fatigue-Symptomatik nicht stark ausgeprägt ist. Regelmäßige geleitete Yogapraxis kann die physische Fatigue verringern, anschließend mehr Yogapraxis zu Hause reduzierte jedoch die physische Fatigue in diesem Forschungsprojekt nicht mehr weiter. Erinnerungs-E-Mails nach abgeschlossener Yogatherapie wirkten sich nur positiv auf die emotionale Fatigue der PatientInnen aus. Dies kann daran liegen, dass physische Fatigue durch die vorhergehende Yogatherapie bereits so stark wie möglich reduziert wurde und ein Boden-Effekt vorlag oder auch daran, dass die Erinnerungs-E-Mails als Intervention zur Reduktion von physischer Fatigue nicht ausreichend geeignet sind. Weitere Forschung ist notwendig, um die Mechanismen der verschiedenen Interventionen genauer zu überprüfen und geeignete Interventionen zu entwickeln, die alle Ebenen der Müdigkeit gleichermaßen reduzieren.
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The Role of Powers in Pādas III and IV in the Yogasūtra of Patañjali: Realities and ImplicationsPeña, Mathilde 11 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This paper discusses the realities and implications of the framework for siddhis as outlined in pādas III and IV of the Yogasūtra of Patañjali, and the impact of the Western Protestant hermeneutical lens on the dismissal or negative treatment of siddhis within many schools of Modern Yoga. Contending for the possibility of the supernatural or paranormal, this project will explore the transformative potential of yoga using that framework to discuss the need for new metaphors which contain space for the dance between form and formless present within Sāṃkhyan metaphysics. It will discuss the idea of embodied metaphors and how yoga and subtle body practices use embodied metaphors to install new image schemas in the conceptual system. This provides a basis for understanding why powers beyond ordinary awareness, such as the siddhis, may arise from the repetition and practice of embodied metaphors.
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Ground Reaction Forces Generated by Twenty-eight Common Hatha Yoga PosturesWilcox, Sylvia Joan 16 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Yoga adherents claim many benefits of the practice, including promotion of bone health and prevention of osteoporosis. However, few, if any, studies have investigated whether yoga enhances bone mineral density. Furthermore, none have identified force generation in yoga. The purpose of this study is to collect ground reaction force (GRF) data on a variety of common hatha yoga postures that would be practiced in fitness centers or private studios. Twelve female and eight male volunteers performed a sequence of 28 common hatha yoga postures while ground reaction force data were collected with an AMTI strain-gauge force plate. The sequence was repeated six times. Four variables were studied: the maximum vertical GRF, the mean vertical GRF, the maximum resultant GRF, and the mean resultant GRF. Univariate analysis was used to identify mean values and standard deviations for each of the four variables. Multivariate analysis revealed some variation due to gender but none due to age or weight. Means were similar across all poses and subjects, and standard deviations were small. This unique yoga sequence produced low impact forces in both upper and lower extremities. Further research is warranted to determine whether these forces are sufficient to promote osteogenesis or maintain current bone health in yoga practitioners.
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The Use of Yoga for Chronic Pain Management in the Pediatric PopulationHuff, Annabeth 01 May 2015 (has links)
Chronic pain has an adverse impact on the quality of life in children and adolescents. It can impair a child’s physical, psychological, and social functioning, leading to lower satisfaction with life and poor self-image related to health status. Forty-five percent of children experience chronic pain related to either disease processes or idiopathic causes. Not all children who suffer from chronic pain respond to traditional therapies. The purpose of this literature review was evaluation of current research on the use of yoga as an integrative therapy for chronic pain management in the pediatric population. A database search of CINAHL, MEDLINE, and PsycINFO was conducted. Yoga has few side effects, is inexpensive, and can be practiced almost anywhere, regardless of physical ability or age. There is limited research on the use of yoga as an intervention within the pediatric population. Existing research supports the efficacy of yoga for chronic pain management.
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Yoga as a treatment for low back pain a systematic review of randomized controlled trialsDiaz, Alison 01 December 2011 (has links)
Background: Low back pain is very common and has a tremendous economic impact. With the prevalence and incidence of low back pain on the rise, individuals are turning to alternative treatments. Yoga is the most widely used complementary and alternative medicine treatment for low back pain and it is not fully certain how effective this method is for resolving the symptoms. Objectives: The purpose of this manuscript is to systematically review the current literature for randomized controlled trials that assess the outcomes of yoga intervention in individuals with low back pain. Methods: An electronic database search was performed to analyze studies. To be included in the review, the studies were required to be a randomized controlled trial, published in English, present in a peer reviewed journal, identify yoga as the primary treatment focus for low back pain in at least one group, and included participants with at least a 12 week history of low back pain. Results: A search of the databases revealed 177 articles, of which, 8 met the inclusion criteria. Conclusions: Yoga intervention appears to be effective in alleviating symptoms brought on by low back pain. Yoga was either demonstrated to significantly improve quality of life and reduce disability, stress, depression, and medication usage associated with low back pain in 6 of the 8 analyzed trials. More research is necessary to account for the lack of between-group differences in two trials.
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