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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paršingų paršavedžių elgsenos tyrimai / Pregnant sows behavior research

Jasiniauskaitė, Lina 13 March 2009 (has links)
Kiaulių elgsena sąlygojama įgimtų instinktų, pasireiškiančių pastoviais steriotipais budėjimo, poilsio miego, maitinimosi, dauginimosi, gimimo ir kitose būsenose. Atskiros elgsenos reakcijos kaip atsakas į vidinius ir išorinius dirgiklius reiškiamos aktyvumu, agresyvumu, hierarchinių pasiskirstymu grupėse, pirmenybe mitybos ir kitiems veiksmams, į kuriuos reikia atsižvelgti organizuojant gyvulių laikymą ir priežiūrą. Skirtingai nuo laukinių gentainių, didžiausiais kiaulių aktyvumas pasireiškia dieną. Dėl to visas technines gyvulių priežiūros operacijas reikia atlikti šviesiu paros metu ir sudaryti būtinas sąlygas jų poilsiui nakties metu. Tenka paminėti, kad fermų sąlygomis kiaulės guli apie 80% paros laiko, 10% laiko sugaišta maitinimuisi, o likusį 10% laiko – kitoms aktyvumo formoms (judėjimui, peštynėms, žaidimams ir kt.). Tarpusavio bendravimo tikslais kiaulės naudoja garsinius signalus bei uoslę, lytėjimą, klausą. Kiaulių uoslė yra daug kartų stipresnė nei žmogaus. Kiaulės dažnai atpažįsta žmones ar gyvūnus pasikliaudamos vien uosle. Jos taip pat gali užuosti baimės kvapą kurį išskiria žmonės. Taip paaiškinama kodėl kiaulės kriuksi pamatę žmogų. Priklausomai nuo kiaulių amžiaus, fiziologinės būklės kinta ir kiaulių elgsena. Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti paršavedžių elgesenos ypatumus paršingumo metu, jas laikant vasaros stovykloje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti paršavedžių įvairių elgsenos formų trukmę šviesiu paros metu; 2. Palyginti jaunų ir senų paršavedžių elgseną... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of work was to assess the behavioral features of sows. Objectives of work were: to determine the sows of different forms of behavior during the duration of daylight hours. Relatively calm and temperamental behavior of sows. Assess the flow behavior of the sows, depending on weather conditions.The study was carried out in vilage of Utenėlė, in pig farm. The study was concluded 15 pregnant Duroc breed sows group. The observation period was 15 days, 70–85 time the day. Fixed behavior of sows during the daylight hours, from 8 am. am to 18 pm. evening. Fixed basic behavior of the form: the activity, rest, aggression. Pregnant sows during the observation was considered as the summer camps, with moveable type of light, which was straw. Sows during the observation time was 1 moved into a new, grass grew enclosure. Data biometrics processed using the Windows operating system Excel spreadsheet Juozaitienė, V. Kerzienė. Calculated the arithmetic average of the error, the reliability (p). Observations were recorded for the three main types (Table 1) behavior, rest, the overall activity and aggression. Rest belonged to the behavior of sleeping, lying, sitting, activity - eating, drinking, walking, aggressive – all the conflict situations encountered among sows, at the time of observation. Sows of 68 percent. Total observation time spent lying and sleep compared the behavior of 1 to 7 were the result of a reliable (p <0,05). In most cases, the sow lying opted hangar, which was... [to full text]

Trakėnų veislės kumeliukų charakterio monitoringas po imprintingo metodikos panaudojimo Vilniaus ir Nemuno žirgynuose / Trakehner breeds foals character after Imprinting monitoring methodology used for stud and Vilnius ir Nemunas

Pranskutė, Rita 26 April 2013 (has links)
Įvairaus amžiaus kumeliukų ir jaunų žirgų jaukinimas ir treniravimas turi įtakos įvairiems žirgininkystės ir žirginio sporto bei pajėgumo išbandymų aspektams. Jaunų žirgų treniravimo ir jaukinimo metodikų efektyvumas turi ženklią įtaką darbe su žirgais įvykstančius nelaimingus atsitikimus. Taip net 85 procentai nuo bendrai visose gyvulininkystės šakose gaunamų traumų yra būtent žirgininkystės industrijoje gaunamos žmonių traumos ir jų žūtys. (J. Landercasper). Nuo žirgų paklusnumo lygio ar jų neigiamų charakterio bruožų priklauso daugelio žmonių, susijusių su jaunais ir suaugusiais žirgais, sveikata ar net gyvybė. Su žirgais kasdien dirba ir yra jų įtakos sferoje kalviai, kaustantys žirgus, veterinarijos gydytojai, atliekantys pačias įvairiausias neretai skausmingas žirgams procedūras, žirgų treneriai, bei sportininkai ir laisvalaikį praleidžiantys žirgų mėgėjai. Reikia pažymėti, kad su žirgais dirba, sportuoja, juos prižiūri įvairiausio amžiaus žmonės. Pradedant penkiamečiais vaikais ir baigiant senjorais. Tai kelia papildomus reikalavimus jaunų ir suaugusių pačių įvairiausių arklių veislių bei panaudojimo krypčių žirgų pratinimui ir ugdymui. Darbo tikslas yra nustatyti imprintingo įtaką Trakėnų veislės kumeliukų charakteriui ir tolimesniam jo ugdymui. Šiam tikslui buvo iškeltos atitinkamos darbo užduotys: išanalizuoti kumelių laikymo, šėrimo ir kergimo sąlygas Vilniaus ir Nemuno žirgynuose; įvertinti kumelių ir kumeliukų elgesį po kumeliavimosi; išanalizuoti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Of all ages in foals and young horses training has an impact on different horse and equestrian trials and capacity aspects. Young horse training techniques have a significant impact on the efficiency of the work of riding accidents that occur. As many as 85 percent of the total in all livestock sectors received injuries are exactly the equestrian industry people received injuries and deaths. (J. Landercasper). From horse obedience class or negative character of many people associated with the young and adult horses, health and even life. With riding daily work and their sphere of influence, blacksmiths, perishing horses, veterinarians perform a whole range of often painful procedures for horses, horse trainers, and athletes and spend their leisure horse lovers. It should be noted that the horses work, sports, supervised by people of all ages. Starting with five year children and ending with seniors. This puts additional requirements of young and adult a wide variety of horse breeds and horse use directions habituating and education. The aim of this set Imprinting effect Trakehner breed foals character and its further development. Work to achieve the following tasks are: analyze mares storage, feeding and mating conditions for Vilnius and Nemuno for stud; evaluate the mares and foals behavior after foal; to analyze the influence of foal imprinting method for shaping behavior. It was found that in order to achieve good sports results, it is appropriate to apply foals Imprinting... [to full text]

Veiksniai, įtakojantys somatinių ląstelių kiekį kontroliuojamų karvių piene / Factors that influence upon the quantity of the somatic cells in cow's milk

Tamošaitis, Manigirdas 13 April 2005 (has links)
Goal of work: evaluate and analyze the factors that have an impact on the quantity of the somatic cells in cow‘s milk. Objectives of work: 1. To select and collect the data of the milk tests of the cows under observance when the lactation was over, taken in 2003-2004. 2. To describe the collected data by setting the diversity of age and breeds of cows under observance and evaluating the greatness of farms. 3. To estimate statistically and describe the impact of such factors as breed, age, season, greatness of farm, type of sample collection and the person taking it, impact on the quantity of the somatic cells in the milk of the observed cows. Conclusion: Statistically, the breed and age of an animal influence upon the quantity of the somatic cells in milk. The least number of the somatic cells can be detected in the milk of the cows that are young or used to the local keeping and feeding conditions. 1. The greatest quality of milk from the perspective of the somatic cells is achieved in grand farms that keep over milking cows. 2. The influence of the person taking a sample on the quantity of the somatic cells in milk is confidential statistically. The right order of taking a sample has a crucial meaning to the further investigations on the productivity of cows. It is recommended to organize a periodical training of the control assistants and the owners of the observed cows, putting emphasis on the importance of the right way of taking a sample.

Mėsos pH kitimo tyrimas technologinio proceso metu / The research of meat pH change during a technological process

Virvilaitė, Ilona 20 April 2007 (has links)
The research of pH chantes in ripe smoke-dried sausvages during the whole technological process of production. The research is made at ŽŪB „Nematekas“ (agricultural company). The smoke-dried sausages were chosen as subject of research. One group of products was ripened for 7 days, the other one – for 13 days. The raw materials used for the production of all sausages were the same as follows: beef ham (I sort), beef (II sort), pork, pork or beef lard. The dynamics of pH and weight changes was researched. Following results were fixed: The biggest waste of weight – 25 % in 12 days were achieved by “Nerija”, “Karkle”, “Husarai” and “Airiska” sausages. The weight most dropped of in smoke-dried sausage “Nerija”, even 193 g and least in sausage “Kaimiska”, only 131 g. Remained part of smoke-dried products weight were various in scale from 190 to 155 g. The biggest alterations of smoke-dried sausages have happened in period of 2 days ripening. During that period most of production pH has reduced up to demanded 5,3 pH level. The biggest pH reduction were noticed in smoke-dried sausage “Airiska” – from 5,97 to 5,22, the smallest pH reduction were noticed in “Zemaitiskas Skilandis” – from 5,78 to 5,34. Remained specimens pH variations were from 5,42 to 5,29. Most significant pH alterations, noticed during first 2 days, were result of time, required for adaptation, for new microorganisms adaptation in new environment. In period of 5 -8 days because of reduced humidity microorganisms... [to full text]

Koliforminių bakterijų ir bendro mikroorganizmų skaičiaus įvertinimas jautienos ir kiaulienos gaminiuose / Evaluation of indicator organisms (coliforms and aerobic plate count) in beef and pork products

Medvedeva, Oksana 16 March 2006 (has links)
In the last 100 years, the exponential development of microbiological knowledge has been used in food industry providing the market with different food products. Thermal processing, refreezing, filtration, radiation and chemical preservation have remarkably reduced the number of traditional diseases transmitted with food. The aim of the actual work is to evaluate the microbiological rates of the meat that has been processed using different production technologies. The evaluation of microbiological rates in raw pork and beef determined that the average APC in raw pork was marginally higher than in beef (4,62 KFU/g and 4,53 KFU/g respectively). The rate of koliformian bacteria in raw pork meat was 1,5 times lower than in raw beef (1,69 KFU/g and 2,6 KFU/g. respectively). It was also determined that the amount of microorganisms in the production under examination did not exceed HN 26: 1998- the highest allowed level of microbiological food contamination. The results of tests of different parts of raw pork carcass (ham, tenderloin and neck) indicate that APC in the pork neck was relatively bigger than in ham and tenderloin. The results of comparison of coliformian bacteria contamination in hot-smoked sausages show that the average of coliformian bacteria range marginally (from 0,28 KFU/g to 0,33 KFU/g). However, the amount of nitrate in the production of hot-smoked sausages in plant “E” was twice bigger than in production of the other plants. Whereas the average level of... [to full text]

Pašarų kokybės įtaka sportinių žirgų meistriškumui ir sveikatingumui / Fodder quality influence on thorough-bred horses’ health and sport skills

Babrauskas, Giedrius 27 March 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was: - To investigate jumping sport horses health conditions influence on sport skills; - To investigate blood parameters in Lithuanian jumping sport horses before and after an active training period. Eight healthy horses ranging in age from 6 to 8 with a mean body weight o 607 +/- 86,9 kg were used in experiment. Blood samples were collected from well trained Lithuanian sport horses and tested before and after an intensive period of competition of 2006. Biochemical and morphological blood results were performed to determinate the glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, red blood cells, haemoglobin, white blood cells, total protein, albumin value, total oxygen consumption and specific oxygen consumption before and after active summer training season. Furthermore, was analyzed mineral substances content of: calcium, potassium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium and iron in blood serum of jumping sport horses. Physical readiness of horses according changes of haematological parameters before and after active summer competition season were in range of physiological norm. Conclusion: 1. AB ŽŽ/VšĮ “Suvalkijos žirgai” stud farm horses (weight average 544 kg) reached best sport skills in 2006 jumping contest. 2. Fodder supplements during contest season increased sport skills 37, 5%. 3. Red blood cells, haemoglobin, blood oxygen content ware considerable higher in jumping horse’s blood after intensive sport contest season in comparison with pre-contest season. 4... [to full text]

Prebiotikų ir probiotikų panaudojimas Lietuvoje gaminamuose pieno produktuose / Prebiotics and probiotics using in producible dairy products in Lithuania

Katiliūtė, Lina 17 April 2007 (has links)
The aim of this work is to collect, analyze and summarize information about prebiotics and probiotics using in producible dairy products in Lithuania, about features and quality of their consumption, production and labeling marking. Prebiotics and probiotics are mostly inserting into dairy products because it results their vitality. In process of this work was done written consumers quiz, sensual analysis of dairy products with prebiotics and probiotics, analysis of requests of labeling marking of those products according valid legislation. On purpose to find out if consumers have enough information about prebiotics and probiotics was preparing the questionnaire. During the poll it was aimed if consumers use products with prebiotics and probiotics. 50 Lithuanian residents were investigated. The data of the poll showed that consumers know about prebiotics and probiotics but not large amount of residents use those products. It is the reason of the deficit of information.-According valid legislation was done sensual analysis of yogurts: were evaluated sensual characteristics of yogurts and sensual descriptive- profiled analysis. Was formed the group of 5 estimators to valuate following characteristics: design, consistency, savour and smell. And was found out the average. During the sensual descriptive- profiled analysis consumers excluded 7 characteristics: sweetness, acidity, consistency, homogeneity, intensity of smell, intensity of savour, residual taste. The average of... [to full text]

Pieno produktų juslinė analizė: jos taikymas Lietuvoje / Sensory analysis of dairy products: practice in Lithuania

Jasiukaitytė, Vaida 17 April 2007 (has links)
Aim of study: to analyse the sensory analyses using to dairy products rating in Lithuania (law acts, assessors training, practical using in Lithuania). Tasks of study: to select and instruct assessors group to work by LST ISO 8586 – 1:1997. Sensory analysis. General guidance of the selection, training and monitoring of assessors. Part 1 : Selected assessors. To do descriptive analysis of dairy product (cheese) by LST ISO 4121:2004. Sensory analysis. Methodology. Evaluation of food products by method using scales. To make sensory profile of dairy product (cheese). Material and methods: the study’s was done at Food Safety and Animal Hygiene department in LVA and at Sensory Analysis Laboratory in KTU Food Institute. There were analysed 4 cheeses sensory analyses, done each of cheese comparable analysis and made profile. The assessors group were made from 7 students of LVA. This group selected in 2004 at KTU Food Institute and trained, but they didn’t have sensory analysis skills. At assessors screening was using these methods: ageusia, matching and ranking tests. At first assessors group was rating general cheeses appearance, odour and taste, consistency in 5 scoring. Then assessors group analysed the cheeses by earlier chosen and discussed attributes, used scales those attributes intensity to rate. From receive information were made sensory profile. To know consumers’ opinion about cheeses was used acceptability test. Results: the sensory analyses methods review showed, that... [to full text]

Salmoneliozės rizikos analizė Klaipėdos apskrities paukštynuose / Analyses of Salmonellosis hazard in poultry farms in Klaipeda County

Straukienė, Renata 19 April 2007 (has links)
The research of the Master thesis was carried out in 2005/2006 years in the Laboratory of the State Food and Veterinary Service of Klaipeda County, state and private poultry farms in Klaipeda County and in the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. The data was analysed applying the descriptive statistical analysis method. The Master thesis consists of 48 written pages, 7 tables, 10 figures and 56 references. The study aimed at analysing the Salmonellosis hazard in the poultry farms in Klaipeda County and preparing the plans for Salmonellosis prevention. The goals: to collect the data for epidemiological analysis; to analyse the hazards of Salmonellosis in poultry farms in Klaipeda County; to prepare the plans for Salmonellosis prevention. Bacteriological analyses were carried out according to Food and Feed Microbiology LST EN ISO 6579 standards; the horizontal method for the detection of Salmonella spp. (ISO 6579:2002) was applied. The commercial kits were used to identify Salmonella spp. In a year 2005, 15660 poultry keepers were registrated in Klaipeda County, with the total of 817960 birds, 797974 of which were hens. In 2005 there were analysed 1524 samples for Salmonellosis. About 40.4 % of the analysed samples were pooled samples of chicks 1 to 4 d old, in which the majority of pooled samples constituted the samples from boxes, bedding, faeces (282 samples). The pooled samples in the layer hens group amounted to 24.6 % of the total... [to full text]

Fermentinio preparato RovabioTM Excel AP ir organinių rūgščių mišinio Euro Guard SVB bei prebiotiko preparato Agrimoss® įtaka viščiukų broilerių produktyvumui bei virškinimo procesams / The influence of ferment preparation RovabioTM Excel AP and compound bioacids Euro Guard SVB or prebiotic preparation Agrimoss® in production and stomachic process of broiler

Pilkis, Ovidijus 19 April 2007 (has links)
Over recent years in many countries the research on how to use various additives to foodstuff in feeds of birds has intensified (ferment preparations, organic acids, prebiotics), due to which biological value as well as birds’ productivity and immunity to a contraction of diseases would increase. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of enzymes Rovabio™ Excel AP, organic acids Euro Guard SVB and prebiotics Agrimoss® on productivity and digestive processes of broiler chickens. To reach this, the dynamics of mass growth of chicken broilers, feed input, and birds’ preservation. The influence of preparations Rovabio™ Excel AP, Euro Guard SVB and Agrimoss® on biochemical and microbiological processes in the contents of separate intestinal segments of chicken broilers, as well as the influence of said preparations on blood parameters of broilers in blood serum was determined. The work was completed on April-September of 2006 in „AB Vilniaus paukštynas“, in the laboratory of birds’ feed and aviculture products at LVA (Lithuanian Veterinary Ascademy) and in the company „Adisseo“. The feeding trial was conducted on 800 Roos 308 broiler chickens allocated to four groups of 200 chickens each. Group I were control, groups II, III, IV were experimental. During all trial Rovabio™ Excel AP alone and in combination with Euro Guard SVB improved body weight 2% and Rovabio™ Excel AP + Agrimoss® improved broiler chickens body weight 4%, feed conversion ratio decreased 6%... [to full text]

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