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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polifenolių poveikio triušių virškinimo procesams vertinimas / Evaluation of polyphenols impact on rabbits‘ digestive processes

Bingelytė, Karolina 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: ištirti juodųjų serbentų (Ribes nigrum L.) produktų, pasižyminčių antioksidantinėmis savybėmis įtaką triušių virškinimo procesams ir produktyvumui. Darbo tikslas įgyvendintas sprendžiant šiuos uždavinius: 1) aukštos apykaitynės energijos gautos iš padidinto riebalų kiekio racionų sudarymas, žolės miltus pakeičiant juodųjų serbentų išspaudomis; 2) nustatyti triušių kūno svorio, priesvorio, pašarų sąnaudų su juodaisiais serbentais sąveiką; 3) ištirti juodųjų serbentų išspaudų įtaką atskirų virškinimo trakto segmentų turinio pH ir sausųjų medžiagų kiekiui;4) nustatyti juodųjų serbentų išspaudų įtaką klubinės žarnos turinio klampumui, aklosios žarnos turinio amoniako kiekiui; 5) ištirti trumpųjų grandinių riebalų rūgščių (TGRR) koncentraciją ir sudėtį aklojoje žarnoje; 6) nustatyti juodųjų serbentų išspaudų įtaką aklosios ir gaubtinės žarnų turinio baltymų, bakterijų fermentiniams (α- ir β-galaktozidaziniams, gliukozidaziniams, α- ir β-gliukozidaziniams ir β-gliukuronidazidaziniams) aktyvumams ir lakiųjų riebalų rūgščių (LRR) kiekiams; 7) nustatyt ipoveikį triušių antioksidantinio aktyvumo rodikliams; 8) nustatyti poveikį biocheminiams kraujo rodikliams; 9) ištirti triušių aterogeniškumo ir atsparumo insulinui rodiklius. Išvados: 1) Juodųjų serbentų išspaudų naudojimas pakeičiant žolės miltus, patvirtino hipotezę, kad jos gali būti laikomos veiksminga ir prieinama pašarų sudedamąją dalimi triušių racionuose. 2) Raciono papildymas juodųjų serbentų išspaudomis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Researches were conducted in the Animal Husbandry Department of the Veterinary Academy of Lithuanian Health Sciences University, also in the vivarium of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy and in the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. New Zealand rabbits were used for the researches. All rabbits were calved over one cycle of reproduction (50 percent were male and 50 percent were female). All rabbits were assigned to four groups of five individuals each. The rabbits of the control group (K) were fed a standard diet; the group KP was fed a standard diet with increased fat volume. The rabbits of the group E were subjected to a standard diet with the addition of blackcurrant polyphenolic extract (1,5 percent), the animals of the group EP were fed a standard diet with increased fat volume + blackcurrant extract (1,5 percent). Duration of the research was 45 days. Rabbits were stored in the individual flat-bottomed wire cages in closed room. Over the research all rabbits were fed and watered ad libitum. The research included observation of rabbit growth dynamics, level of ammonia in the substance of cecum, activity of microbe ferments, short-chain fatty acids, and research of overall wellness. Thegoalofthepaper: to investigate the effect of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) products distinguishing for antioxidant features on digestive processes and productivity of rabbits. The goal of the paper has been achieved by solving the following... [to full text]

Trakėnų veislės kumelių reprodukcinių savybių analizė UAB „ Vilniaus žirgynas“ / Trakehner breed mares reproduction properties analysis in Vilnius stud Farm

Greblikas, Rokas 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Ištirti Trakėnų veislės kumelių reprodukcines savybes Vilniaus žirgyne. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti Trakėnų veislės kumelių reprodukcijos rodiklius - vislumą, abortavimų skaičių, embrioninį laikotarpį Vilniaus žirgyne. 2. Ištirti įvairių veiksnių įtaką kumelių reprodukcinėms savybėms. Buvo taikyti tyrimų metodai: 1) zootechninis- dokumentinis, 2) analitinis, 3) statistinis. Tyrimui buvo pasirinktas UAB „Lietuvos žirgynas“ . Tirtos Vilniaus žirgyno padalinyje auginamos ir veisiamos kumelės, jų reprodukcinės savybės. Imti duomenys skirtingų metų nuo 2005 iki 2013. Buvo nustatyta: 1) veislinių kumelių kitimo dinamika, 2) kergtų ir sėklintų kumelių skaičius kitimo dinamika, 3) abortavimų skaičius ir priežastys, 4) kumeliukų išeiga. Tiriamuoju laikotarpiu per 7 metus 2,2 kartais sumažėjo gautų kumeliukų išeiga nuo kergtų/sėklintų kumelių skaičiaus. Nustatytos labai nepalankios mažėjimo tendencijos (y = -6,3358x + 77,782; R2 = 0,5856), rodančios reprodukcijos vadybos problemas. Trakėnų veislės kumelių embrioninis laikotarpis svyravo nuo 324 iki 358 dienų, jo vidurkis buvo 339,33 ±2,99 dienos. Iš tyrimo metu iškeltų hipotezių nustatėme, kad embrioniniam laikotarpiui statistiškai reikšmingos įtakos turėjo kumelės amžius (p=0,039) ir kergimo /sėklinimo mėnuo (p=0,0001). Analizė parodė, kad Trakėnų veislės kumelių apsivaisinimui statistiškai patikimai įtakos turėjo jų kergimo /sėklinimo mėnuo (p= 0,031). Reprodukcijos technologija – kergimas ar... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of Master’s thesis: To analyse Trakehner breed mares reproduction properties. Tasks of Master’s thesis: To examine the indicators of the Trakehner breed mares reproduction - fertility, a number of abortion, embryonic period in Vilnius stud. 1. To examine the impact of various factors on mares reproduction properties. Methods used to conduct a research: 1) Zootechnical - documentary analysis, 2) Analytical analysis, 3) Statistical analysis. The research relies on data from UAB ,,Lietuvos zirgynas”. It examines the reproduction properties, growing and breeding of mares, in Vilnius subdivision. The data covers the period of 2005-2013. Results: 1) The dynamics of the change of pedigree mares. 2) The dynamics of the change in the number of mated and inseminated mares. 3) A number of abortions and it’s main reasons. 4) Foals output. During the seven years of examination, a number of new-born foals from the mated/inseminated mares decreased by 2.2 times. Thus it shows unfavourable, decreasing trends of birth rates (y = -6,3358x + 77,782; R2 = 0.5856), implying the existing problems in reproduction management. Embryonic period of Trakehner breed mares varies between 324 to 358 days, its average is 339,33±2,99 days. Hypotheses raised in this research leads to a conclusion that the age of mares (p=0.039) and a month of mating/insemination (p=0.0001) have a statistically significant influence on the embryonic period. Also, the analysis shows that a month of... [to full text]

Mėsos fizinių savybių priklausomybė nuo kiaulių veislės / Die Abhängigkeit der Fleischeigenschaften von Schweinerasse

Ačaitė, Sigutė 13 April 2005 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit: die Abhängigkeit der physischen Schweineeigenschaften von der Schweinerasse. Arbeitsmethodik: in dem frischen Fleisch wurde pH-Wert, Farbigkeit, Wassergehalt, Wasserbindigkeit, Kochverluste und Zartheit festgestellt. Für die Ergebnisse wurde das Schlachtfleisch von 20 Litauischen Weißen, 20 Yorkshire, 20 Landrasen und 20 Großen Weißen Schweinen untersucht. Die Untersuchungen wurden nach bestimmten Methoden im Labor für Bewertung der physischen Fleischeigenschaften und –qualität vom Vieh durchgeführt. Die Schweinezucht ist ein der Hauptzweige der Viehzucht. In der Fleischindustrie macht das Schweinefleisch 40% aus. Das ist ein der produktivsten Viehzuchtzweig. In Litauen verbraucht man im einem Jahr ca. 20-23 kg vom Fleisch, darunter 40% ist das Schweinefleisch. Die Farbigkeit ist ein der Kennzeichen, nach dem die Fleischqualität und Verkaufsaussehen eingeschätzt wird. Vor dem Erwerb ist das Fleisch sensorisch zu überprüfen. Das ist eine Voraussetzung für gute Endproduktqualität und Präzision der technologischen Prozesse. Die Farbe vom Schweinefleisch hat Schattierungen von hell- bis dunkelrot. Das Schweinefleisch unterzeichnet sich durch sanfte Konsistenz und weiches muskulöses Gewebe. Sein Bindgewebe ist sanfter als beim Rindfleisch. Die Viehrasse, -typ, -alter, Masttyp, Nachschlachtungfaktoren, technologische Prozesse, Menge von Bindgewebe, Verhältnis zwischen Kollagen und Elastin beeinflussen die Fleischzartheit. Der wichtigste von technologischen... [to full text]

Įvairių pasterizacijos režimų ir sausųjų baltyminių medžiagų įtaka kefyro kokybei / The influence of various pasteurization modes and albuminous milk products on the quality of kefir

Zinkutė, Vaida 15 April 2005 (has links)
The aim of this work is to research various pasteurization regimes and albuminous milk products influence on the quality of kefir. The research was made in the Food Institute of Kaunas Technology University, 8 aliquots of kefir were made and evaluated in laboratory conditions. These raw milk pasteurization regimes were applied- instantaneous pasteurization (in 87-90°C temperature), pasteurization maintaining to 30 min. (in 87-90°C temperature), pasteurization maintaining to 60 min. (in 87-90°C temperature). The raw milk of these aliquots was enriched with 1%, 2%, 3% fat-free milk powder and with 1%, 2%, 3% whey powder ripening the mixture to 60 min. in 87- 90°C pasteurization temperature. Physical and chemical, microbiological indicators and sensual qualities were determinated by standard methods. It is determinated that the long-lasting milk pasteurization (maintaining to 30-60 min. in 87- 90° C pasteurization temperature), compared with the instantaneous pasteurization, increases viscosity of the product and enriches sensual qualities. Enriching of milk with whey powder in production of kefir stimulates the activity of milk acid bacteria. In comparison, aliquots enriched with 1%, 2%, 3% whey powder, it is determinated that the best is aliquot of kefir among which production it is interspersed 3% whey powder; physical-chemical and sensual qualities of the product signally better then. In comparison all the data of the experiment, the kefir characterized with the best... [to full text]

Įvairių medžiagų, naudojamų karvių speniams paruošti prieš melžimą, poveikio mikroorganizmams tyrimai / Researches of influence on microorganisms of various materials used for cows teats preparation before milking

Miseikienė, Ramutė 22 September 2005 (has links)
Integrated evaluation of materials used for cow teats preparation before milking was carried out. To investigate the efficiency of materials (“Trionet”, “Soap”, “Vissi-Tissi”, “Dermisan”, “ProfilacIopre”, “ProfilacHexopre”, chlorine tablets, wood wool, disposable udder and teats wipes) used for cow teats preparation before milking in our republic and their influence on main indicators of quality of milk (total bacterial contamination, somatic cells count, inhibitory substances in milk). Materials recommended for use as remedies for cow teats preparation before milking imported into Lithuania (such as “Trionet”, “Soap”, “Vissi-Tissi”, “Dermisan”, “ProfilacIopre”, “ProfilacHexopre”, chlorine tablets, wood wool, wet udder wipes “Sowotaan wet”) were investigated and efficiency of their usage was determined. Expediency usage of proposed materials for that purpose in Lithuanian market was evaluated.

Kiaulių reprodukcinių savybių genetinė analizė ir ryšys su produktyvumo požymiais / Genetic analysis of reproductive performance of pigs and its correlations with productivity traits

Kerzienė, Sigita 23 November 2005 (has links)
Objective of the research - to evaluate, using up-to-date statistical–genetic methods, the reproductive characteristics of pig breeds bred in Lithuania, to determine correlation of the characteristics with productivity traits, and to develop an optimised system of pigs genetic evaluation by BLUP method. Tasks of the research was: to determine influence of genetic and non-genetic factors in pigs reproductive characteristics, to evaluate the additive-genetic heritability parameters, and co-response of reproduction traits; to evaluate influence of reproductive characteristics on productivity traits, phenotype and genetic co-response; to develop an optimised pigs genetic evaluation system employing BLUP method, estimating pigs reproductive and productive characteristics, using the integrated multivariate model; to evaluate tendencies of pigs genetic improvement. Novelty of the research: using the method of unifactor and multifactor dispersion analysis, leverage of genetic and non-genetic factors on reproductive characteristics of pigs, breed in Lithuania, was determined; heritability parameters of reproductive characteristics were determined, using modern software; genetic and phenotype co-response of the reproductive characteristics was estimated; genetic correlation between reproductive characteristics and productivity traits was evaluated, using statistical-genetic methods, for the first time in Lithuania; optimised multivariate model for determination of reproductive and... [to full text]

Vitamino D, kalcitonino ir parathormono kiekių kaita karvių kraujo serume bei reikšmė mineralinių medžiagų apykaitos procesams / Variation of blood serum vitamin D, calcitonin, parathyroid hormone levels in cows and their importance for processes of mineral metabolism

Bandzaitė, Virginija 30 December 2005 (has links)
Change particularities of the blood serum levels of vitamin D, calcitonin and parathyroid hormone were analysed in healthy cows of different feeding, age and productivity and in sick cows with metabolic diseases. It was investigated how biochemical indicators vary in cows with metabolic diseases (parturient paresis, osteomalacia and mastitis) and the most informative indicators for diagnostics of these diseases (for levels of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium) were determined. Obtained findings were processed statistically. The method of electrochemiluminescence analysis used for analysis of the blood serum levels of PTH in humans was applied. Compared with radioimmunic method, this method is not expensive and quite fast; in addition, this method is sensitive and reliable, because it permits to detect low levels of PTH in the blood serum (up to 0.127 pmol/l). The method of chemiluminescence immunometric analysis used to find the level of CT in humans was tested. Also the method of immunoferment analysis (ELISA) was tested to measure the blood serum level of 25-OH vitamin D in cattle using human antibodies.

Vadybinių gebėjimų svarba bendrosios praktikos veterinarijos gydytojų veikloje / Importance of management abilities in private veterinary practice

Jankauskaitė, Genovaitė 16 March 2006 (has links)
Problem. Private veterinary practice differs from other services in its object. The service sector’s client generally is the service user as well. Veterinary’ sector’s service is designed for animals, but the client is the service customer. For education of management abilities in private veterinary practice there is designed too little attention. The subject of research. To identify the importance of management abilities in private veterinary practice. Results. 1. It was established, that on the average to 78.8% veterinaries, to whom this job is their main living source, the topics of the courses were urgent and to 20.6% only partly urgent. Among veterinary surgeons, to whom this job is secondary, the topics were urgent for 69.4% and 30.0% answered that they were urgent only partly. 2. 72.2% veterinary surgeons, who considered the topic of the courses as urgent, answered that the topic of management was very important, for 3.9% it was partly important and only 0.8% answered that it was quite unimportant. Among the veterinary surgeons, for whom the topic of the qualification perfection courses seemed partly urgent the management topic was very important for 41.8. For 12.1% this topic was partly important and for 5.7% it was quite unimportant. 3. Among the veterinary surgeons, to whom this job is their main living source, the management topic was very urgent for 66.6%; it was quite unimportant only for 1.6%. It was established that the management topic was urgent for 61.0%... [to full text]

Triušių auginimas, laikymas, klinikinių tyrimų įvertinimas ir hematologinių tyrimų analizė / Growing and keeping of rabbits, analyses of clinical and hematological investigations

Kusaitė, Birutė 16 March 2006 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to estimate the influence of different breeds on rabbit growing and physiological indicator. The temperature of our investigated rabbits varied from 37.6 ºC to 38.8 ºC when the environmental temperature was 18 ºC. Good dental health and a perfect 'bite' help to assimilate feeds nutrients. The fur of all rabbits was clean, sleek and not matted. The average weight varied from 3.7 kg to 4.05 kg. Referring to various Lithuanian and foreign sources it turns out that there is no fixed hematological standards subjected to different breeds. Usually it is said that the quantity of cholesterol is 0.14-1.86 mmol/l, glucose – 2.78-5.18 mmol/, triglycerides – 1.38 mmol/. The state of health can be evaluated according to rabbits’ behavior. The author (Solar, 2001) makes out the main behaviour observation stages. With reference to these guidelines we have estimated that New Zealand rabbits’ eating and drinking in 1-hour period during the day made 20%, moving – 10%, rest – 70 %, no cecotrophy was observed. If to compare French Giant rabbits the periods were 33%, 37 % and 30 %. Conclusions:1. The rabbit growing has increased 22.8% during the last three years and the number of a herd of breeding rabbit has increased 13.7%. Italy provides about 40.7% and Spain 20.3% of rabbit meat for world market. 2. The White New Zealand and French Giant rabbits that were fed on industrial crops were healthy and blood index was within the mark. 3. The quantity of glucose, cholesterol... [to full text]

Lietuvos juodmargių galvijų genealoginė struktūra ir jos tobulinimas / The genealogical structure of black and white cattle and its development in Lithuania

Šlyžius, Evaldas 16 March 2006 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to add to the genealogical structure of breeding Black and White cattle, to analyse their productivity and other profitable features of farms by methods of genetic statistics. The Results of Survey. The first line of Black and White bulls in Lithuania were Plessas LT 149, Gulbių Riteris LT 277, Olaf LT 276, Hanmaksas LT 1200, Kraft-Stipruolis LT 1201, Garsas LT 200 and etc. In Lithuania a new period of creation and breeding of Black and White genealogical structure started when Black and White cattle from Holland were used en masse in order to improve the cattle breed. The best Black and White bulls from Holland were chosen as initials. Those breeds were: Annas Adema 30587, Wytsturt Annas Adema 36079, Frizo Wouter 33116, Haubois Annas Adema 44162, Diamant 33251, Haskera Governeur 44506, Hiltjes Adema 37910, Rotterda Paul 36498, Jelsumer Rudolf Jan 42884 and Adema 25473. The evaluation of bull’s inheritable features was done with help of features of descendant’s productivity and cattle’s were chosen and bought very purposefully. From 1967 till 1976 the following breeds were created: B. Pieter LJ 305, Sietse LJ 340, Hildoj 363, Katso LJ 483, Vautero LJ 738 and some lines of Klaso LJ 335, Adema LJ 770. Paulio LJ 771, Imperatoriaus LJ 1160, Burto LJ 2085, LangerioLJ 2523 descent. In thirty latter years Black and White cattle’s in Lithuania were being intensively improved by Black and White breed from Holland, Denmark, England and Germany and by Holsteins... [to full text]

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