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Análise do comportamento iônico em sistemas constituídos por micelas aniônicas, zwitteriônicas ou vesículas catiônicas: uma abordagem teórica por aproximação de campo médio / The analysis of ionic properties in anionic and zwitterionic micelles or cationic vesicles systems: a mean field theoretical approachTereza Pereira de Souza 12 June 2006 (has links)
Membranas e organelas constituem estruturas presentes nas células dos organismos. Estas estruturas representam interfaces entre eletrólitos. Uma tentativa de descrever, interpretar e compreender a distribuição iônica nas vizinhanças destas estruturas é feita neste trabalho com a análise de resultados de experimentos obtidos na investigação de alguns sistemas: 1) Sistemas constituídos por micelas de SDS. Medidas do pH nas vizinhanças de superfícies das micelas por sondas derivadas do ácido salicílico mostra variações do pH em termos da concentração de SDS e da concentração de sal adicionado. O objetivo dos experimentos é inferir o comportamento do pH nas vizinhanças de membranas biológicas que, por dissociação de alguns fosfolipídios, podem apresentar segmentos da membrana com carga na superfície. 2) A natureza \"zwitteriônica\" das membranas biológicas motivou o estudo da \"ligação iônica\" em micelas \"zwitteriônicas\", imersas em soluções com eletrólito, em concentrações variadas de sais de Cl- e Br- com os cátions monovalentes, Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ e tetrametil amônio (TMA+) e bivalentes Mg2+ e Ca2+. Os experimentos consistiram em determinar a concentração de haletos próximos a micela. A técnica de captura química mostra que há um grau de seletividade que não é determinado apenas pela carga iônica. 3) Resultados preliminares do grau de dissociação no interior de vesiculas de, cloreto de dimetildioctadecil amônio, DODAC, indicam que 8% dos monômeros estão dissociados em vesículas com o diâmetro médio em torno de 150 e 300 nm. As leis fundamentais usadas para compreender os resultados estão aliadas a hipótese de que os sistemas estudados estão em equilibrio termodinâmico, que a interação eletrostática é predominante e ao potencial eletrostático é conferido o papel do potencial da força média que atua nos íons. A simplificação adicional consistindo em admitir que os íons se comportam como cargas puntiformes no que se refere à interação eletrostática conduz o modelo teórico à equação de Poisson-Boltzmann que, linearizada, resulta na equação de Debye-Hückel. Hipóteses adicionais se fazem necessárias para formular o modelo como um problema matemático com condições de contorno. Para cada situação as hipóteses adicionais são discutidas. Sistemas hipotéticos são analizados com o intuito de comparar os resultados provenientes da equação de Poisson-Boltzmann e da equação de Debye-Hückel. A análise teórica dos sistemas conduz a resultados em acordo com os valores medidos. Entre as conclusões obtidas, neste trabalho, são mencionados: 1- As sondas derivadas do ácido salicílico mantêm os grupos dissociáveis próximos a superfície, a distância é da ordem de 0,1 nm, mesmo para sondas que apresentam cadeia longa entre o grupo nitrogênio e o grupo dissociável. 2- A especificidade iônica é bem descrita utilizando, além da carga elétrica, a massa do íon. Os íons na superfície de uma micela zwitteriônica têm liberdade translacional e portanto superfícies zwitteriônicas em solução de eletrólito apresentam condutividade elétrica na superfície. 3- As concentrações iônicas no interior de vesículas são uniformes em praticamente toda a região interna, apresentando variações apenas nas vizinhanças da superfície interna carregada eletricamente. / Membranes and organelles are structures present in biological systems. Such structures are interfaces between electrolytes. Addressing to the description, interpretation and comprehension of the ionic distribution around the structures an attempt is done is this work analyzing experimental results from the investigation of the following systems: 1) SDS micelles. \"pH\" measurements in the micellar surface neighborhood using salicylic acid probes show the pH values dependence with the SDS and added salt concentrations. The experiments aimed to infer the pH behavior in biological membranes where same phospholipids may dissociate and portions of the surface can acquire electrical charges. 2) The zwitterionic nature of biological membranes leads to the investigation of ion binding in zwitterionic micelles in electrolyte solutions with varied concentrations of Cl- or Br<SUP- salts with the cations Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ e tetramethylammonium (TMA+) and the bivalent cations Mg2+ e Ca2+. Halide concentration in the micellar vicinity was measured. Chemical trapping method shows there is a selectivity degree that does not depend only on the ionic charge. 3) Preliminary results in the determination of the inner dissociation degree of dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride vesicles, DODAC, show that about 8% of the vesicle constituent monomers are dissociated in vesicles with 150 and 300 nm mean diameter. The theoretical description is based upon the thermodynamics equilibrium hypothesis about the systems and that the electrostatic interaction is the stronger interaction and also it is attributed to the mean electrostatic potential the role of the mean force potential acting on the ionic species. A further simplification in considering the ions as point charges with respect to the electrostatic interactions leads the model to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation and under linearization results in the Debye-Hückel alternative description. Additional hypothesis are necessary in order to have the model as a mathematical problem with boundary conditions and are discussed for each system. Hypothetical systems are analysed aiming the comparison between Poisson-Boltzmann and Debye- Hückel descriptions. Some conclusions derived in the analysis are: 1- The salicylic acid probes have the dissociable groups always near (~0,1nm) the micellar surface, even to the probes that have a long chain between the nitrogen group and the dissociable group. 2- In a zwitterionic micelle the ions on the surface have translational freedom and this is way the zwitterionic membranes in electrolyte solutions are conducting surfaces. 3- The ionic concentrations in the vesicle interior have uniformly value almost everywhere showing variations only in the vicinity of the electrically charged interior surface. The theoretical study of the three systems considered gives results in accord with experimental data.
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[pt] O uso de espumas de CO2 em métodos de recuperação avançada de petróleo tem se mostrado promissor para a exploração dos reservatórios do Pré-sal no Brasil. Porém, o ambiente altamente salino destes reservatórios e as características físico-químicas do CO2 influenciam na estabilidade das espumas, afetando o desempenho das mesmas. Surfactantes zwitteriônicos baseados em óxidos de alquildimetilamina (CXDAO) possuem predomínio de cargas positivas em pH ácido, tornando atrativa sua utilização devido à esperada baixa adsorção em rochas carbonáticas. Este trabalho avaliou a formação e a estabilidade de espumas de CO2 formuladas com o óxido de dodecildimetilamina (C12DAO) em água deionizada e em salmoura, usando como referência um surfactante catiônico de igual cauda hidrofóbica. Os resultados mostraram que a presença de sais não afeta a espumabilidade, porém diminui a estabilidade da espuma, sendo o efeito menor para a espuma de C12DAO do que com o surfactante catiônico. Essa resistência à salinidade foi atribuída à maior compactação dos surfactantes no filme interfacial, como resultado da formação de ligações de hidrogênio entre as espécies neutra e catiônica do óxido de amina em pH ácido. Um efeito adicional na estabilidade das espumas foi verificado quando a cadeia alquílica do surfactante foi aumentada para 14 átomos de carbono (C14DAO). Em concentrações superiores a 0,5 por cento m/m em salmoura, o C14DAO gerou soluções altamente viscosas, possivelmente devido à formação de micelas alongadas. Em consequência, as espumas de C14DAO com CO2 apresentaram uma redução drástica tanto na taxa de drenagem quanto de crescimento das bolhas, retardando a coalescência e levando a um aumento significativo da estabilidade da espuma no meio salino. / [en] The use of CO2 foams in advanced oil recovery methods has been promising for the exploration of Brazilian Pre-salt reservoirs. However, the highly saline environment of these reservoirs and the physico-chemical characteristics of CO2 influence the stability of the foams, affecting their performance. Zwitterionic surfactants based on alkyldimethylamine oxides (CXDAO) have a predominance of positive charges in acidic pH, making their use attractive due to the expected low adsorption on carbonate rocks. This work studied the formation and stability of CO2 foams formulated with dodecyldimethylamine oxide (C12DAO) in deionized water and in brine, using as a reference a cationic surfactant with the same hydrophobic tail. The results showed that the presence of salts did not affect the foamability, however it decreased the foam stability, with a lesser effect for C12DAO foam than with the cationic surfactant. This resistance to salinity was attributed to the greater compaction of surfactants in the interfacial film, due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between the neutral and the cationic species of amine oxide at acid pH. An additional effect on foam stability was seen when the surfactant alkyl chain was increased to 14 carbon atoms (C14DAO). At concentrations above 0.5 wt percent in brine, C14DAO generated highly viscous solutions, possibly due to the formation of elongated micelles. As a result, CO2 foams formed with C14DAO showed a drastic reduction in both the drainage and the bubble growth rates, delaying coalescence and leading to a significant increase in foam stability in the saline medium.
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Polymerization of Zwitterionic Sulphobetaine Methacrylate and Modification of Contact Lens Substrate / Polymerisation av sulfobetainmetakrylat och modifiering av linsmaterialIngverud, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
In this study, the zwitterionic monomer [2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl] dimethyl-(3-sulfopropyl) ammonium hydroxide (SBMA) was polymerized in a controlled manner by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. The SBMA was also polymerized by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) but in a less controlled manner why ATRP was discarded for further use in the study. The RAFT polymerized p(SBMA) was end-group modified through aminolysis forming a thiol end-group. The zwitterionic polymers have considerable anti-fouling properties and could be of use in contact lenses to prolong the wear-time. Model contact lens hydrogel substrates were synthesized, through free radical polymerization, consisting of 1/3 of silicone monomer, 2/3 of dimethyl acrylamide (DMA) and small percentages of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) cross-linker. These had poor mechanical strength and could only be used to explore the effect of surface chemical modification. The p(SBMA)-thiol was ‘graftedto’, by applying thiol-epoxide ring-opening, at a free radical polymerized co-polymer consisting of DMA and GMA indicating that this could work for the model hydrogel surfaces. / I denna studie polymeriserades den zwitterjoniska monomeren [2- (metakryloyloxi) etyl] dimetyl (3-sulfopropyl) ammoniumhydroxid (SBMA) på ett kontrollerat sätt genom ”reversible additionfragmentation chain transfer” (RAFT) polymerisation. SBMA polymeriserades också genom “atom transfer radical polymerization" (ATRP) men på ett mindre kontrollerat sätt varför ATRP då förkastades för vidare användning i arbetet. p(SBMA) blev ändgruppsmodifierad genom aminolys som då bildade en tiol ändgrupp. Zwitterjoniska polymerer kan vara bra för att förhindra tillväxt av biofilmer/beläggningar och kan därför bidra till att användningstiden för kontaktlinser kan förlängas. Modellytor baserade på hydrogel framställdes genom friradikalpolymerisation, med syfte att efterlikna en kontaktlins. Modellmaterialet består av 1/3 av silikoninnehållande monomer, 2/3 av dimetylakrylamid (DMA) och små mängder glycidylmetakrylat (GMA) samt etylenglykoldimetakrylat (EGDMA) som tvärbindare. Dessa modellytor hade dålig mekanisk hållfasthet och kunde endast användas för att utvärdera effekterna av ytmodifiering. Genom att använda tiol-epoxi ring-öppning utav p(SBMA)-tiol på en sam-polymer bestående av (DMA) och (GMA) indikerade detta att "ympning-till" skulle kunna fungera för hydrogels modellytorna.
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Rational design of multifunctional polymeric hydrogelsZhang, Dong 09 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Syntheses and Immunological Evaluation of Zwitterionic Polysaccharide (PS A1) Based VaccinesNishat, Sharmeen January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Design and Syntheses of Potential Drugs Based on GABA(A) Receptor PharmacophoresClement, Ella Chow 11 August 2005 (has links)
Numerous previous studies of GABAAR ligands have suggested that GABAAR agonists must be zwitterionic and feature an intercharge separation similar to that of GABA (approx. 4.7-6.0 Ã ). We have demonstrated that monomeric, homodimeric and heterodimeric non-zwitterionic GABA amides are partial, full, or superagonists at the murine GABAA receptor (GABAAR). The agonism of these GABA amides is comparable to that of THIP, as shown by in vitro assay results. The assay data indicate that the agonism of GABA amides is tether length-dependent. Optimum agonism is achieved with a tether length of four methylenes in GABA amide dimers and in GABA amides bearing pendant amide or amino groups. We have further investigated the structure-activity relationship for GABA amides on the GABAAR by performing structural modifications to both the superagonist 2c and the agonist 6c. Synergism and [3H]muscimol binding experiments show that 2c binds to the same sites as GABA. Structural modification of 2c demonstrated that partial rigidification of the tether eliminated agonism and caused ligands to behave as weak competitive antagonists. We have also investigated the agonism of four ZAPA derivatives in 36Cl- uptake functional assay. Two of them are found to be as potent as GABA. In our studies of 1,4-benzodiazepines, our goal was to synthesize three different subtypes of quaternary 1,4-benzodiazepines by use of the memory of chirality (MOC) strategy. Disappointingly, most of the deprotonation/alkylations failed, due to various reasons. The failure of the reactions of (S)-alanine-derived tetrahydro-1,4-benzodiazepin-3-ones was probably due to either the unexpected side reactions or the steric hindrance of enolate alkylation. In the case of tetrahydro-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-ones, computational studies suggested that steric hindrance by both the benzo ring and N4-allyl group might retard deprotonation at C3 by bulky bases like KHMDS or LDA. Finally, (S)-serine-derived 1,4-benzodiazepin-2-ones and their elimination products (ï ¡-methylene benzodiazepines) were prepared. These proved unreactive towards deprotonation/alkylations and conjugate additions, respectively. The low reactivity of the ï ¡-methylene benzodiazepines towards nucleophiles was attributed to highly delocalized LUMOs that failed to direct nucleophiles to the ï ¢-carbons. / Ph. D.
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Neuartige Photoschalter auf der Basis von SpiroacridanenRaskosova, Alina 28 August 2014 (has links)
Zum ersten Mal wurden neuartige photoaktive heterocyclische Spiroacridane synthetisiert und deren photochemische Ringöffnungsreaktion, die zur Bildung bipolarer Acridiniumverbindungen führt, untersucht. Die Zwitterione reagierten ihrerseits thermisch zu den ursprünglichen Spiroacridanen zurück. Die Reproduzierbarkeit des Schalvorgangs wurde jedoch durch eine Nebenreaktion zum 9-H-9-aryl-acridan mit einer Aldehydfunktion im Seitenarm begrenzt. Diese unerwünschte Reaktion konnte durch die Substitution der Protonen der Methylengruppe am Sauerstoff durch Methylgruppen unterbunden werden. Jetzt funktioniert das reversible photochrome System. Je nach der Zusammensetzung des Lösungsmittels und der Größe des Ringes, liegen die Lebensdauer der Zwitterionen im Millisekunden- bis Sekundenbereich. Der Schaltvorgang konnte auch chemisch durch die abwechselnde Zugabe einer Säure und einer Base realisiert werden. Des Weiteren wurde die Spiroacridan-Einheit zu den molekularen Achsen ausgebaut, um ein Rotaxan mit dem Makrocyclus Cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylen) herzustellen. Der Makrocyclus pendelt zwischen der Alkoxy-phenyl-Ausweichstation und der Spiroacridan-Station, hält sich aber wegen der sterischen Hinderung durch die im Pyranring des Spiroacridans anwesenden Methylgruppen hauptsächlich auf der ersten Station auf. Das Spiroacridan innerhalb des Rotaxans wurde photochemisch unter Bildung der bipolaren Acridiniumstation geöffnet. Gemäß MM2-Berechnungen befindet sich der Makrocyclus bevorzugt auf dem gebildeten Zwitterion wegen der Anziehung zwischen dem negativ geladenen Alkoxid-Seitenarm der 9-Aryl-acridinium-Einheit und dem tetrakationischen Ring. Die Translation des Makrocyclus kann auch durch die Zugabe von Säure oder Base kontrolliert werden. / For the first time we synthesized novel photoactive heterocyclic spiro-acridanes and studied their photochemical ring opening that leads to bipolar acridinium compounds; these, in turn, could thermally react to return to the spiro-acridane moiety. However, a side reaction via the photoexcited state resulted in 9-H-9-aryl-acridanes with an aldehyde side arm. This undesired reaction could be avoided by substituting the hydrogen atoms neighbouring the oxygen atom by methyl groups. With this enhancement a reversible photochromic system works. Depending on the solvent and the ring size, the lifetime of the zwitterions is in the range of milliseconds to seconds. The switching cycle could also be realized by the alternating addition of acid and base. The spiro-acridane unit was introduced into a molecular axle in order to construct a rotaxane using the wheel of cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene). The wheel shuttles between an alkoxy-phenyl-unit as evasive recognition station and the spiro-acridane station; but resides mainly on the first station because of the steric interference with the methyl groups present in the pyrane ring of the spiro-acridane. The spiro-acridane within the rotaxane was photochemically opened to give a rotaxane with a bipolar acridinium station. Calculations (MM2-level) suggest that the ring resides on the zwitterions due to the attraction between the negatively charged side-arm of the 9-aryl-acridinium unit and the positive charges of the wheel. The movement of the ring component can also be controlled by acid and base addition.
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Studies On Conducting Polymer Microstructures : Electrochemical Supercapacitors, Sensors And ActuatorsPavan Kumar, K 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
With the discovery of conductivity in doped polyacetylene (PA), a new era in synthetic metals has emerged by breaking the traditionally accepted view that polymers were always insulating. Conducting polymers are essentially characterized by the presence of conjugated bonding on the polymeric back bone, which facilitates the formation of polarons and bipolarons as charge carriers. Among the numerous conducting polymers synthesized to date, polypyrrole (PPy) is by far the most extensively studied because of prodigious number of applications owing to its facile polymerizability, environmental stability, high electrical conductivity, biocompatibility, and redox state dependent physico-chemical properties. Electrochemically prepared PPy is more interesting than the chemically prepared polymer because it adheres to the electrode surface and can be directly used for applications such as supercapacitors, electrochemical sensors, electromechanical actuators and drug delivery systems.
In quest for improvement in quality of the device performances in the mentioned applications, micro and nano structured polymeric materials which bring in large surface area are studied. Finding a simple and efficient method of synthesis is very important for producing devices of PPy microstructures. Till date, Hard and soft template methods are the most employed methods for synthesis of these structures. Soft template based electrochemical methods are better than hard template methods to grow clean PPy microstructures on electrode substrates as procedures for removal of hard templates after the growth of microstructures are very complex. As per the literature, there is no unique method available to grow PPy microstructures which can demonstrate several applications. Although gas bubble based soft template methods are exploited to grow conducting polymer microstructures of sizes in few hundreds of micrometers, studies on applications of the same are limited. Hence it is planned to develop procedures to grow microstructures that can be used in several applications. In the current work, PPy microstructures with high coverage densities are synthesized on various electrode substrates by soft template based electrochemical techniques.
Hollow, hemispherical and spherical PPy microstructures are developed by a two step method using electro generated hydrogen bubble templates on SS 304 electrodes. In the first step, Hydrogen bubbles are electro generated and stabilized on the electrode in the presence of β- naphthalene sulfonic acid (β-NSA). In the second step, Pyrrole is oxidised over the bubble template to form PPy microstructures. Microstructures (open and closed cups) of average size 15 μm are uniformly spread on the surface with a coverage density of 2.5×105 units /cm2.
Globular PPy microstructures are developed by a single step method using concomitantly electro generated oxygen bubble templates on SS 304 electrodes during electropolymerization. Microstructures of average size 4 μm are uniformly spread on the surface with a coverage density of 7×105 units/cm2.
Surfactant properties of Zwitterionic 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethane sulfonic acid (HEPES) are exploited for the first time to grow conducting polymer microstructures. Ramekin shaped PPy microstructures are developed using HEPES as the surfactant to stabilize hydrogen bubble templates in a two step electrochemical synthesis method. Microramekins of size 100 µm are uniformly spread on the surface with a coverage density of 3000 units/cm2. Micropipettes and microhorns of PPy are synthesised by a single step electrochemical route using HEPES as a surfactant. Hollow micropipettes of length 7 µm with an opening of 200 nm at the top of the structure are observed. Similarly microhorn/celia structures are observed with length 10-15 µm. Microcelia are uniformly distributed over the surface with each structure having a diameter of 2 µm at the base to 150 nm at the tip. Growth mechanism based on contact angle of the reactant solution droplets on the substrate is proposed.
PPy microstructures are characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy and UV-Visible spectroscopy to study morphology, ‘chemical bonding and structure’ , ‘defects and charge carriers’.
Applicability of the electrodes with PPy microstructures in supercapacitors is investigated by cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry and electrical impedance spectroscopy. Electrodes developed by all the above methods demonstrated very good supercapacitance properties. Supercapacitor studies revealed very high specific capacitances (580, 915, 728 and 922 F/g,) and specific powers (20, 25, 13.89 and 15.91 kW/kg) for electrodes with PPy microstructures (H2 bubble based two step method, O2 bubble based single step method, HEPES stabilized H2 bubbble method and HEPES based microhorn/celia structures respectively). Supercapacitive behavior of all the electrodes is retained even after an extended charge-discharge cycling in excess of 1500 cycles.
Horseradish peroxidase entrapped, bowl shaped PPy microstructures are developed for H2O2 biosensing. Amperometric biosensor has a performance comparable to the sensors reported in the literature with high sensitivity value of 12.8 μA/(cm2.mM) in the range 1.0 mM to 10 mM. Glucose oxidase entrapped PPy amperometric biosensor is developed for Glucose sensing. Sensitivity of 1.29 mA/(cm2.mM) is observed for β-D-Glucose sensing in the 0.1 mM to 5.0 mM range while 58 μA/(cm2.mM) is observed in the 5.0 to 40 mM range. Potentiometric urea sensor with urease entrapped PPy microstructures on SS electrode is developed. It is able to sense urea in the micromolar ranges down to 0.1 μM. It represented an excellent performance with sensitivity of 27 mV/decade. Sensitivity in the micromolar range is 4.9 mV/(μM.cm2).
Drug encapsulation and delivery is successfully demonstrated by two actuation means (i) by electrochemical actuation, (ii) by actuation based on pH changes. Concepts are proved by delivering a fluorescent dye into neutral and acidic solutions. Drug delivery is confirmed by UV-Visible spectroscopy and Fluorescence microscopy.
Finally, Micro/nanostructures with Tangerine, Hollow globular (Pani Poori), Chip, Flake, Rose, Worm, Horn and Celia shapes are synthesized electrochemically and scanning electron microscopic studies are presented. Controlled growth of microstructures on lithographically patterned gold interdigital electrodes is demonstrated with a future goal of creating addressable microstructures.
The studies reported in the thesis provide an insight on various applications of PPy microstructures (supercapacitors, sensors and drug delivery systems) developed by a unique methodology based on electrochemically generated gas bubble templates.
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Study of Zwitterionic Functionalized Materials for Drug Delivery and Protein TherapeuticsLei, Xia 08 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Novel P-(SBMA) Grafted Glass Fiber Filters and Glass Slides for Oil-Water Separation and Underwater Self-Cleaning ApplicationsPatel, Ankit Arvind 18 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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