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Universo encantado do cuidado na autopoiese docente: uma viagem epistemol?gica transdisciplinar

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Previous issue date: 2010-05-22 / The health transition experienced in Brazilian health care model requires a metamorphosis in human and society, placing new demands on health and education. The Faculty of Science,
Culture and Extension of Rio Grande do Norte (Facex), aware of their responsibilities to the Health System, which brings the principle of comprehensiveness as its structural axis, dared
to implement a course of nursing in complex thinking and Experiential Pedagogy Humanescente with curriculum inter / transdisciplinary. For deployment of proprosta was not
enough to reform thinking of educators, there was a need corporalizar new teaching practices that are aimed at the integral formation of human beings. In this context, emerged the
workshop on Human Education autopoietic, self-forming area of the educator, where he developed an Action Research Existential (PA-E) which enabled experience, describe and analyze how the human autopoietic educators could contribute to the practice educational humanescente transdisciplinary curriculum project. Were worked out in meetings, knowledge necessary to practice the transdisciplinary 1st Meeting - learn to create; 2nd Meeting - learn to recognize the laws of nature with emphasis on complexity theory, 3rd Meeting - learn to organize, 4th meeting - namely autoestruturar themselves; 5th Meeting - know how to choose, 6th Meeting - knowing innovate 7th Meeting - namely exchange. Next an autobiographical perspective, we chose the metaphorical possibility to narrate the ways and strategies covered by the author and apprentice in the company of the Little Prince de Saint-Exupery, in search of a sensible pedagogical practice complex, which promotes re-enchant transdisicplinar education. The route involved five methodological connections: a literature review which relate to training for care in undergraduate nursing: the study of learning processes that drive the formation humanopoi?tica, emphasizing the relationship that involves the complexity and embodiment in the educational process transdisciplinary, highlighting the analysis of what is
to learn from the findings of biosciences and recent cognitive theories of Maturana and Varela, the description of the interdisciplinary curriculum of the nursing course of Facex and
Training Workshop, Human autopoietic, with emphasis on Experiential Education Humanescente; the report of seven meetings of the Workshops (cocoon), recording the
experiences and listening to educators (luminescent butterflies), the final reflections with learning opportunized. Experientiality lived through, the expressions and words, educators
say the influence of workshops for their teaching practices, highlighting it as a space for selforganizing, creating, learning and enchantment, and can identify the workshop as a place of
transformation necessary for deployment an interdisciplinary curriculum. The knowledge emerging from the study indicate the need for permanent spaces of self, in which the educator
learns from its body, between cognitive processes and vital, and in the experiences of their formative process the opportunity to act on the dimensions of knowing and being / A transi??o sanit?ria vivenciada no modelo de aten??o brasileiro demanda uma metamorfose no ser humano e na sociedade, colocando novas exig?ncias no ?mbito da sa?de e da educa??o.
A Faculdade de Ci?ncias, Cultura e Extens?o do Rio Grande do Norte (Facex), ciente de suas responsabilidades com o Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS), que traz o princ?pio da integralidade
como seu eixo estruturante, ousou implantar um curso de Enfermagem pautado no pensamento complexo e na Pedagogia Vivencial Humanescente, com proposta curricular inter/transdisciplinar. Para implanta??o da proprosta n?o era suficiente reformar o pensamento dos educadores. Era necess?rio corporalizar novas pr?ticas pedag?gicas que visassem ? forma??o integral do ser humano. Foi neste contexto que surgiu o Ateli? de Forma??o Humana Autopoi?tica, espa?o de autoforma??o do educador, onde se desenvolveu uma
Pesquisa-A??o Existencial (PA-E) que possibilitou vivenciar, descrever e analisar como a forma??o humana autopoi?tica dos educadores poderia contribuir para a pr?tica educativa
humanescente do projeto curricular transdisciplinar. Foram trabalhados, nos encontros, saberes necess?rios ? pr?tica transdisciplinar: 1? Encontro - saber criar; 2? Encontro - saber
reconhecer as leis da natureza com ?nfase na teoria da complexidade; 3? Encontro - saber organizar; 4? Encontro - saber autoestruturar-se; 5? Encontro - saber escolher; 6? Encontro -saber inovar; e 7? Encontro - saber trocar. Pr?xima de uma perspectiva autobiogr?fica, optouse pela possibilidade metaf?rica para narrar as estrat?gias e os caminhos percorridos pela autora e aprendiz, na companhia do Pequeno Pr?ncipe, de Saint-Exup?ry, em busca de uma pr?tica pedag?gica sens?vel, complexa, transdisciplinar, que promova o reencantar da
educa??o. O percurso envolveu cinco conex?es metodol?gicas: a revis?o de literatura, que contextualiza a forma??o para o cuidado na gradua??o em Enfermagem; o estudo das
aprendizagens que impulsionam a forma??o humanopoi?tica, com ?nfase na rela??o que envolve a complexidade e a corporeidade no processo educativo transdisciplinar, destacando a
an?lise do que ? aprender, a partir das descobertas das bioci?ncias e das recentes teorias da cogni??o de Maturana e Varela; a descri??o do curr?culo transdisciplinar do curso de
Enfermagem da Facex e do Ateli? de Forma??o Humana Autopoi?tica, com ?nfase na Pedagogia Vivencial Humanescente; o relato dos sete encontros dos Ateli?s (casulo), com o
registro das viv?ncias e da escuta dos educadores (Borboletas luminescentes); e as reflex?es finais com as aprendizagens oportunizadas. Atrav?s das experiencialidades vividas pelas
express?es e falas, os educadores afirmam a influ?ncia dos Ateli?s para suas pr?ticas educativas, destacando-o como espa?o de auto-organiza??o, cria??o, aprendizagem e
encantamento, sendo poss?vel identificar o Ateli? como lugar de metamorfose necess?rio ? implanta??o de um curr?culo transdisciplinar. Os saberes emergentes do estudo apontam para
a necessidade de espa?os permanentes de autoforma??o, em que o educador aprende com sua corporeidade, entre processos cognitivos e vitais, tendo nas viv?ncias do seu processo
formativo a oportunidade de atuar sobre as dimens?es do saber e do ser
Date22 May 2010
CreatorsSampaio, Ana Tania Lopes
ContributorsCPF:36357065749,, Almeida, Maria da Concei??o Xavier de, CPF:27708802415,, Germano, Raimunda Medeiros, CPF:00446114472,, Passeggi, Maria da Concei??o Ferrer Botelho Sgadari, CPF:04097947320,, Moura, Abigail, CPF:65444493420,, Moraes, Maria C?ndida Borges de, CPF:40151611815,, Cavalcanti, K?tia Brand?o
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, UFRN, BR, Educa??o
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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