Spelling suggestions: ""cublic managemement"" ""cublic managementment""
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The Research of Vocational Training Benefit and Demand for Indigenous People-The Viewpoint of New Public Management / 原住民職業訓練效益與需求之研究−新公共管理觀點Ming-Chin Hsieh, 謝銘欽 January 2009 (has links)
碩士 / 國立中正大學 / 勞工所 / 97 / In order to improve the employability of indigenous peoples, government spent much budget on conducting vocational training and Vocational Training Living Allowance.
New public management became a new paradigm all around the world since 1980s. With the emphasis on borrowing market mechanism from private sector, new public management made governments work better and cost less. In recent years, the government in Taiwan is reinvented based on NPM approach. Many public services which is provided more efficiently in private sector have released. By using contracting-out and partnership etc., government can control the quality of those public services and show accountability to citizens.
In this study, the author made an attempt by using the new public management theory to scrutinize the public vocational training institutions for the indigenous people and employment counseling training status. To explore the following purposes: First, whether the public vocational training offing satisfy the demand of policy implementation; Second, to explore the indigenous people participating in employment after vocational training motivation, enhance the quality of the labor situation and the employment situation; Third, to review the effectiveness of implementation of public vocational training for indigenous people with NPM approach.
The findings are as follows: with the contracting out training service, the third party government provides better public vocational training for indigenous with lower cost. The performance oriented procurement is used in the mode. It is worth noting that government should redesign the mechanism of Vocational Training Living Allowance, and improving the procuring ability of street-level bureaucrats.
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Impact and adjustment of New Public Management policies:Social worker's point of view / 新公共管理政策的衝擊與調適:社會工作者的觀點Wu-Rou-Huei, 吳柔慧 January 2019 (has links)
碩士 / 東吳大學 / 社會工作學系 / 107 / This study looks at the impact of New Public Management policies on social work institutions and the operation of practical social workers from the perspective of a social worker, and explores the adjustment and response of the two to new public management policies. The researchers judge new public management. The policy is the “Government Procurement Law”. After the implementation of the “Government Procurement Law”, the private sector is regulated as a “manufacturer” and needs to be supervised and managed by the public sector. Under the procurement law, market competition and bidding must be carried out. And be included in the system of performance management and supervision, emphasizing that the public sector can find the lowest price, high quality and effective service output under the market mechanism, and the new public management emphasizes the connotation of economic efficiency and efficiency, so this study uses The Government Procurement Law is a new public management representative policy.
The study revised the interview outline through focus groups, individual interviews, and discussions with the instructor, and then conducted one-on-one interviews with seven social workers at the public and private practice sites. This study finds that under the implementation of the new public management policy, social work organizations face major ecological changes. Because social welfare services do not have a sound market, so that tenders cannot compete in an accurate, open and transparent manner, and the public sector tends to Relationships to find suitable bidders and give relevant rules, leading to the stratification of social welfare industry, and in the contractual cooperation relationship, the public sector and social work institutions become a top-down affiliation, the practical social workers in various management and requirements Under the sensation of unequal treatment, and even the phenomenon of labor alienation, the social work organization is trying to find a third way, towards the development of social enterprises, and also promote the draft amendments to the "Government Procurement Law"; Workers are faced with the chaos of service delivery. They are judged by the service volume and timeliness specified in the entrustment contract as the delivery service, and they are troubled and learned in the face of numerous administrative tasks, quantification and effectiveness. The sense of help, the supervisory management role is gradually adjusted to the administrative responsibility, and the practical social work Also in this process, helping to adjust how they look at the relationship between the main case, as well as through self-reflection to find self-worth and positioning. The researchers also discussed the relevant limitations of this study and suggested that research limitations should suggest possible directions for future research.
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A gestão pública das políticas educacionais para a efetivação democrática do direito à educação no Brasil: da democracia cognitiva à democracia participativa / The public management of education policies for democratic realization of the right to education in Brazil: cognitive democracy to participatory democracy.Ciena, Fabiana Polican 11 May 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a gestão pública das políticas educacionais no Brasil para efetivação democrática do direito à educação. Demonstra sua influência para a efetivação do direito humano à democracia cognitiva e, por consequência, para a efetivação do direito humano à democracia participativa. Verifica tecnologias jurídicas necessárias para institucionalizar a participação e a articulação entre instâncias decisórias locais e internacionais a partir do cotidiano escolar. Contribui com um índice de gestão democrática que possa avaliar e efetivar os condicionantes estruturais internos e externos da intencionalidade democrática do ambiente escolar, incluindo um condicionante de solidariedade. Os resultados foram obtidos considerando-se o campo de pesquisa da ciência jurídica em diálogo com as ciências da educação e da gestão pública. Foram selecionados métodos de procedimento monográfico por revisão bibliográfica, interpretação de normas administrativas e jurídicas, além de pesquisa empírica por entrevistas em escolas públicas da mesorregião do Norte Pioneiro do Paraná, realizadas durante o ano de 2015. Tomou-se como parâmetro normativo para as entrevistas o Plano Nacional de Educação, que propõe, dentre outras metas, a de efetivar até 2016 a gestão democrática da educação, comparando-a com condicionantes internos e externos necessários à gestão democrática do ambiente escolar, já expostos pelas obras de Vitor Paro, pretendendo avançar num condicionante de solidariedade. A análise é guiada pela concepção de que a gestão pública requer horizontalização das relações de poder pela participação dos atores em articulação da rede local e global por uma governança pública. Para isso, desde a primeira infância até o mais alto grau de amadurecimento do ser humano, deve ser efetivado o direito público subjetivo à educação política, numa democracia cognitiva do conhecimento englobante necessário para a democracia participativa, efetivando o direito público subjetivo à gestão democrática da política educacional. / This research aims at analyzing the public management of educational policies in Brazil for democratic effectuation of the right to education. It demonstrates its influence to the effectuation of the human right to democracy cognitive and, therefore, to the effectuation of the human right to participatory democracy. It checks legal technologies needed to institutionalize the participation and the articulation between local and international decision-making instances from the school everyday life. It contributes with a democratic management index that can evaluate and to carry out internal and external structural conditions of the democratic intent of the school environment, including a conditioning of solidarity. The results were obtained when considering the search field of legal science in dialogue with the sciences of education and public management. Methods of monographic procedure were selected by bibliographic review, interpretation of administrative and legal rules, besides of empirical research on interviews in public schools from Mesoregion of Pioneer North of Paraná, during the year of the 2015. It became as normative parameter for the interviews the National Education Plan, which proposes, among other goals, to effect by 2016 the democratic management of education, comparing with to internal and external necessary conditions for the democratic management of the school environment, as exposed by the works of Vitor Paro, intending to move forward in a solidarity conditioning. The analysis is guided by the conception that public management requires horizontalization of the power relationships by the participation of the actors in articulation of the local and global network, for a public governance. For this, from the early childhood to the highest degree of maturity of the human being must be effected the subjective public right to political education, in a cognitive democracy of the encompassing knowledge necessary for the participatory democracy, effecting the subjective public right of democratic management of the policy educational.
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PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO / COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DO PESSOAL DE ENSINO SUPERIOR / PROGRAMA DE SUPORTE À PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO DE INSTS. DE ENSINO / PROGRAMA DE SUPORTE À PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO DE INSTITUIÇÕES COMUNITÁRIAS DE ENSINO PARTICULARES / As ferrovias, como meio de transporte de passageiros tão popular e acessível em diversas partes do mundo, já foram muito exploradas no Brasil, nos séculos XIX e XX, mas, hoje em dia, praticamente se extinguiram no país, onde impera a vasta indústria automobilística. Com uma população de 208 milhões de brasileiros, a baixa incidência do transporte ferroviário compromete a eficiência e a competitividade das atividades econômicas, gerando a denominada produção sacrificada e aumentando o custo Brasil, incluindo os acidentes de trânsito, com consequências onerosas para a máquina pública. Desde 1988, com a nova Constituição, observa-se o fenômeno do vácuo geopolítico de poder público, propiciando vasta margem de atuação à iniciativa privada, no controle e gestão territorial, gerando efeitos opostos e contraditórios, caracterizando-se o chamado paradoxo organizacional. Assim, a pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar os principais entraves da gestão e os motivos de conflitos de interesse para a ativação do sistema de transporte ferroviário de passageiros no trecho Macaé-Campos, à luz do Projeto da EF-118 e de outros fatores agravantes. Analisou-se a mobilidade regional ferroviária não apenas como alternativa possível de transporte de massa, mas como um vetor de desenvolvimento, capaz de impulsionar novos processos de ordenamento territorial e de desenvolvimento tecnológico e econômico, ampliando-se as visões e os desafios de médio e longo prazo, principalmente do ponto de vista da gestão pública regional para o estado do Rio de Janeiro. / Railways, as a means of passenger transportation that is so popular and accessible in various parts of the world, were already widely explored in Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuries, but nowadays they have practically extinguished in the country, where the automotive industry vastly prevails. With a population of 208 million Brazilians, the low incidence of rail transport compromises the efficiency and competitiveness of economic activities, generating the so-called sacrificed production and increasing the Brazil cost, including traffic accidents, with costly consequences for the public finance. Since 1988, with the new Constitution, the phenomenon of the geopolitical vacuum of public power has been observed, providing a wide scope for private initiative in territorial control and management, generating opposing and contradictory effects, characterizing the so-called organizational paradox. Thus, the research had as objective to verify the main obstacles of the management and the reasons of conflicts of interest for the activation of the railway system of passangers in the section Macaé-Campos, in light of the Project of EF-118 and other aggravating factors. Regional rail mobility was analyzed, not only as a possible alternative of mass transport, but as a vector of development, capable of boosting new processes of territorial organization and of technological and economic development, enlarging the visions and challenges of medium and long-term, mainly from the point of view of regional public management for the state of Rio de Janeiro.
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AvaliaÃÃo do Programa de FormaÃÃo da Escola de GestÃo PÃblica do Estado do Cearà (EGPCE): em MÃltiplos Olhares / Evaluation of the Training Program of the School of Public Management of the State of Cearà (EGPCE): in Multiple Looks.Palmina Alda Ferreira de Sousa 27 February 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / Esta dissertaÃÃo trata da avaliaÃÃo do Programa de FormaÃÃo da Escola de GestÃo PÃblica do Estado do Cearà (EGPCE), sob a Ãtica dos diversos sujeitos que vivenciaram e vivenciam a dinÃmica dos cursos de formaÃÃo por ela oferecidos. A pesquisa foi realizada com os sujeitos formuladores/implementadores do programa e gestores, instrutores e cursistas do curso de FormaÃÃo de Gestores de Tecnologia da InformaÃÃo e ComunicaÃÃo, fundamentada em uma integraÃÃo dos dados realizada por meio da triangulaÃÃo. A ideia foi alcanÃar vÃrios sujeitos em diferentes nÃveis, com eles foram aplicadas entrevistas e questionÃrios. A experiÃncia dos sujeitos selecionados foi o fio condutor nesta pesquisa. Para isto, selecionamos as falas de 53 sujeitos, a fim de compreender a visÃo que eles tÃm acerca do programa de formaÃÃo da EGPCE. A pesquisa foi constituÃda de duas fases: a primeira, com a aplicaÃÃo de entrevistas semiestruturadas e abertas, direcionadas aos formuladores/implementadores, representantes sindicais, gestores, instrutores; a segunda, com o preenchimento de questionÃrios pelo Grupo TÃcnico de Desenvolvimento de Pessoas (GTDEP) e pelos cursistas egressos do referido curso. No total, foram aplicados 44 questionÃrios com questÃes fechadas e abertas e entrevistadas 9 pessoas, o que resultou na participaÃÃo de 53 sujeitos. Os questionÃrios e as entrevistas, constituÃram os diferentes olhares dos sujeitos, sobre o programa e os documentos para identificar o contexto histÃrico polÃtico que envolveu a criaÃÃo da EGPCE. Por meio deles, pudemos compreender como a EGPCE executa o programa de formaÃÃo para o servidor/empregados pÃblico, alÃm de interpretar a proposta de formaÃÃo da EGPCE, comparando-a com diferentes paradigmas dos modelos de AvaliaÃÃo de PolÃticas PÃblicas. Por fim, com base nos depoimentos dos diferentes sujeitos que vivenciaram/vivenciam o programa de formaÃÃo, à inegÃvel a contribuiÃÃo que a EGPCE vem desenvolvendo como propulsora e disseminadora do conhecimento em gestÃo pÃblica na AdministraÃÃo PÃblica do Estado. Os resultados da avaliaÃÃo apontam a necessidade de diversificaÃÃo do pÃblico-alvo e o acompanhamento qualitativo dos processos de afastamento e financiamento em cursos de pÃs-graduaÃÃo para os servidores pÃblicos, conforme sugestÃo do sindicato dos servidores pÃblicos do estado do CearÃ. Por sua vez, os formuladores/implementadores propÃem que os cursos contemplem mais a temÃtica do desenvolvimento de pessoas. Jà o GTDEP e os Gestores sugerem que a EGPCE crie uma rotina de visitas aos ÃrgÃos, para que assim possa conhecer as reais necessidades da instituiÃÃo. Por fim, os instrutores e cursistas recomendam que a EGPCE diversifique a oferta de cursos e, quem sabe, vislumbre a ser uma universidade corporativa. / This dissertation deals with the evaluation of the School Training Program of the State of Cearà Public Management (EGPCE), from the perspective of various subjects who experienced and experience the dynamics of the training courses offered by the Company. The survey was conducted with the subjects makers / program implementers and managers, trainers and course participants of the course Training Information and Communication Technology Managers, based on an integration of data carried out by means of triangulation. The idea was to achieve several subjects at different levels with them interviews and questionnaires were applied. The experience of the selected subjects was the common thread in this research. For this, we selected the 53 subject lines in order to understand the vision they have about the EGPCE training program. The research consisted of two phases: the first, with the application of semi-structured and open interviews, directed the makers / implementers, union representatives, managers, trainers; the second, with the completion of questionnaires by the Group Personnel Development Technician (GTDEP) and by the course participants that course graduates. In total, 44 questionnaires were applied with closed and open questions and interviewed nine people, which resulted in the participation of 53 subjects. Questionnaires and interviews, were the different looks of the subjects on the program and documents to identify the political historical context which involved the creation of EGPCE. Through them, we understand how EGPCE runs the training program for public servants, as well as interpret the proposed formation of EGPCE, comparing it to different paradigms of models Assessment of Public Policies. Finally, based on the testimonies of different subjects who experienced / experiencing the training program, it is undeniable the contribution that EGPCE has been developing as a driver and disseminator of knowledge in public administration at the State Public Administration. The evaluation results indicate the need for diversification of the target audience and the qualitative monitoring of clearance processes and funding for public employees, as union suggestion of the government of the state of Cearà servers. In turn, the makers / implementers propose that more courses contemplate the theme of development of people. Already GTDEP and managers suggest that EGPCE create a routine visit to the organs, so that it can meet the real needs of the institution. Finally, instructors and course participants recommend that EGPCE diversify course offerings and perhaps glimpse to be a corporate university.
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A Comparison of Contracted and Public Management Performance of Public Hospitals – Case Study of Kaohsiung Municipal Hospitals / 醫院委託經營與非委託經營管理績效之探討-以高雄市立醫院為例Hui-Shu Hsu, 許惠淑 January 2012 (has links)
碩士 / 高雄醫學大學 / 醫務管理學研究所碩士在職專班 / 100 / Research purposes
This study compares the performance of eight Kaohsiung municipal hospitals in the period 2008-2010. The indicators are identified to study the difference in performance and current operation status between contracted and public management of public hospitals. The effectiveness of management and the sustainability of operation are also discussed.
Research Methods
The study conducted a retrospective analysis of secondary data from eight Kaohsiung municipal hospitals, excluding the one established in 2010. The data included organizational scale, management type (contracted or public), personnel structure and performance indicators, such as service volume, finance (revenue, expenditure, surplus/deficit), and major equipment investment. All statistical tests were conducted using SPSS version 19.0 software, JMP 9.0, descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, Chi-square test, and Mann-Whitney U test.
Conclusions and recommendations
The study included eight Kaohsiung municipal hospitals. The results showed the service volume (329,754±163,905 vs. 140,999±61,693) and fiscal surplus (-114,601,501.10 TWD±90,986,949 vs. 26,415.67 TWD± 36,819.29) of regional hospitals are statistically significantly higher than local hospitals. Among regional hospitals, the performance of private management is better than those of public management. The service volume (406,618±101,742 vs. 130,540±55,918) and major equipment investment (19,656 TWD±17,037.90 vs. 2,173.80 TWD±3,690.20) of general hospitals are statistically significantly higher than none-general hospitals. Among general hospitals, the performance of private management is better than those of public management. The personnel costs of public hospitals under private management are lower than those of public management. The study found that to hire on more nurse increases 875.75 visits and 346.05 TWD in revenue; to hire one more administration staff will increase 1552.37 visits and 585.38 TWD in revenue. These results are statistically significant.
Although current public and private healthcare organizations in Taiwan are for non-profit, the operation sustainability is critical. Certain percentage of hospitals encounters operational difficulties, especially for public hospitals.
To truly reveal the performance, the municipal hospitals should exclude government grant while evaluating financial indicators. The future goal is to continually establish database of municipal hospitals for further comparison in performance with private hospitals in Kaohsiung city.
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Analysing project management culture and practice of public managers in Papua New Guinea: a case study of the National AIDS Council Secretariat : a thesis presented in the fulfilment of Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandKaule, Ralph Dungit January 2008 (has links)
This thesis analyses and explores the Culture and Practices of Public Managers involved in implementing projects in Papua New Guinea. Project Implementation is an integral part of the overall project management cycle that has received a great deal of attention as a major development problem. In order for us to gain an insight of the theme of the thesis, the National AIDS Council Secretariat (NACS) was selected as the site for this case study. To investigate'how things were done in NACS', a variety of approaches were used to gauge the views, perceptions and experiences of programme and project managers in NACS, to help us understand the factors that affect staff practices. Poor management practice and the lack of a sound management culture and work ethic in PNG, is often blamed for the break down in the state?s capacity to deliver public goods and services to its citizens. Performance culture and good practice by public managers employed in State Institutions to handle projects have regressed in the last three decades, and as a result, projects are seen as failing to meet the goals and objectives of the state. The research question which the case study had to answer was: What is the nature of project management culture and practice among public sector managers in the National AIDS Council Secretariat? The study sought to investigate the extent to which the areas of command and control, project training, project knowledge and staff motivation were important integral managerial qualities in the attitudes and practice of public managers. The study showed that, of the four elements of managerial practices investigated, the inability of public managers to assume leadership, command and control and motivate their staff, were the most important elements missing among managers in NACS. Based on the findings and the evidence collected during the research, this thesis argues for substantial capacity building programmes to be designed and conducted around 'programme and project management' roles in state institutions and agencies in PNG, as the way to improve staff capabilities so as to enable project managers and their staff to efficiently implement projects.
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A gestão pública das políticas educacionais para a efetivação democrática do direito à educação no Brasil: da democracia cognitiva à democracia participativa / The public management of education policies for democratic realization of the right to education in Brazil: cognitive democracy to participatory democracy.Fabiana Polican Ciena 11 May 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a gestão pública das políticas educacionais no Brasil para efetivação democrática do direito à educação. Demonstra sua influência para a efetivação do direito humano à democracia cognitiva e, por consequência, para a efetivação do direito humano à democracia participativa. Verifica tecnologias jurídicas necessárias para institucionalizar a participação e a articulação entre instâncias decisórias locais e internacionais a partir do cotidiano escolar. Contribui com um índice de gestão democrática que possa avaliar e efetivar os condicionantes estruturais internos e externos da intencionalidade democrática do ambiente escolar, incluindo um condicionante de solidariedade. Os resultados foram obtidos considerando-se o campo de pesquisa da ciência jurídica em diálogo com as ciências da educação e da gestão pública. Foram selecionados métodos de procedimento monográfico por revisão bibliográfica, interpretação de normas administrativas e jurídicas, além de pesquisa empírica por entrevistas em escolas públicas da mesorregião do Norte Pioneiro do Paraná, realizadas durante o ano de 2015. Tomou-se como parâmetro normativo para as entrevistas o Plano Nacional de Educação, que propõe, dentre outras metas, a de efetivar até 2016 a gestão democrática da educação, comparando-a com condicionantes internos e externos necessários à gestão democrática do ambiente escolar, já expostos pelas obras de Vitor Paro, pretendendo avançar num condicionante de solidariedade. A análise é guiada pela concepção de que a gestão pública requer horizontalização das relações de poder pela participação dos atores em articulação da rede local e global por uma governança pública. Para isso, desde a primeira infância até o mais alto grau de amadurecimento do ser humano, deve ser efetivado o direito público subjetivo à educação política, numa democracia cognitiva do conhecimento englobante necessário para a democracia participativa, efetivando o direito público subjetivo à gestão democrática da política educacional. / This research aims at analyzing the public management of educational policies in Brazil for democratic effectuation of the right to education. It demonstrates its influence to the effectuation of the human right to democracy cognitive and, therefore, to the effectuation of the human right to participatory democracy. It checks legal technologies needed to institutionalize the participation and the articulation between local and international decision-making instances from the school everyday life. It contributes with a democratic management index that can evaluate and to carry out internal and external structural conditions of the democratic intent of the school environment, including a conditioning of solidarity. The results were obtained when considering the search field of legal science in dialogue with the sciences of education and public management. Methods of monographic procedure were selected by bibliographic review, interpretation of administrative and legal rules, besides of empirical research on interviews in public schools from Mesoregion of Pioneer North of Paraná, during the year of the 2015. It became as normative parameter for the interviews the National Education Plan, which proposes, among other goals, to effect by 2016 the democratic management of education, comparing with to internal and external necessary conditions for the democratic management of the school environment, as exposed by the works of Vitor Paro, intending to move forward in a solidarity conditioning. The analysis is guided by the conception that public management requires horizontalization of the power relationships by the participation of the actors in articulation of the local and global network, for a public governance. For this, from the early childhood to the highest degree of maturity of the human being must be effected the subjective public right to political education, in a cognitive democracy of the encompassing knowledge necessary for the participatory democracy, effecting the subjective public right of democratic management of the policy educational.
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AvaliaÃÃo do impacto da formaÃÃo continuada do servidor pÃblico: um estudo na escola de gestÃo pÃblica do estado do cearà / Assessing the impact of continuing training of civil servants: a study on public management school in the state of CearÃMarcos AntÃnio Seixas de Melo 29 August 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / O presente estudo investiga a avaliaÃÃo de impacto das aÃÃes de capacitaÃÃo do Programa de Ouvidores do Estado do CearÃ, e como à influenciado pelas caracterÃsticas do suporte organizacional, transferÃncia de treinamento e suporte da aprendizagem contÃnua, segundo os modelos MAIS e IMPACT. Portanto, tem-se a seguinte questÃo de pesquisa: Quais os impactos do Programa de FormaÃÃo de Ouvidores para a melhoria da qualidade dos serviÃos de GestÃo PÃblica do Estado do CearÃ? Sendo assim, o objetivo geral do estudo à avaliar os impactos do curso de FormaÃÃo de Ouvidores Egressos realizados na EGP-CE no perÃodo de 2011 a 2013. O desenvolvimento desse estudo foi exposto à luz da proposiÃÃo de Bruyne et. al. (1977), cuja proposiÃÃo epistÃmica Quadripolar (epistemolÃgico, teÃrico, morfolÃgico e tÃcnico) estabelece uma via metodolÃgica proposto por Popper (2007). Os dados quantitativos foram colhidos atravÃs de questionÃrios, desde as aÃÃes instrucionais ocorridas entre os anos de 2011 e 2013 colhidos de 72 ouvidores participantes da administraÃÃo direta do Estado do CearÃ. Os dados qualitativos foram aplicados a 9 instrutores e 11 gestores por entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados foram tratados atravÃs da anÃlise fatorial e equaÃÃes estruturais que apresentaram bons Ãndices de confiabilidade. Os resultados evidenciaram que Suporte Organizacional e à TransferÃncia sÃo importantes preditores de impacto, evidenciados por variÃveis relacionadas ao apoio gerencial, melhoria na rotina de trabalho, autonomia e melhoria de indicadores, gerando impactos para a satisfaÃÃo do usuÃrio. / The present study looks into the evaluation impact of training in the Programme of Ombudsman of State of Cearà and how is influenced by organizational support, transfer of training and support of continuous learning according to MAIS (Modelo de AvaliaÃÃo Integrado e Somativo) and IMPACT (Modelo Integrado de AvaliaÃÃo do Impacto do Treinamento no Trabalho) models. The research was therefore designed by the following question: What is the impact of Training of Ombudsman Programme improving the best quality standards on the public service in the State of CearÃ. For that reason, the overall purpose of the study was to evaluate the impacts on the Programme of Ombudsman be trained recently took place in the Escola de GestÃo PÃblica in the State of Cearà during 2011, 2012 and 2013. The development of this study was done with the proposal of Bruyne et. al. (1977), whose epistemic proposition based on four poles (epistemological, theorical, technical and morphological) provides an appropriate way proposed by Popper(2007). Quantitative data was collected through questionnaires according to instructional action takes place with 72 ombudsman belonged to Cearà State Government. Qualitative data was applied to nine(9) instructors and eleven (11) public managers by semi-structured interview. Data was statiscally analyzed using: Factor analyses and Structural Equation Modeling as result highest level of stability. The result showed the organizational and Transfer Support as important predictors of impact, that were confirmed by dependent variables as management support, improvement to the present work practices, autonomy and indicator improvement for optimum results and satisfaction of the users of public service.
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Efeitos e reflexos da LRF sobre a gestÃo pÃblica e evoluÃÃo econÃmica dos estados brasileiros no perÃodo 2001 a 2010 / Effects and consequences of the LRF on public management and economic evolution of the Brazilian states in the period 2001-2010Adriana Albuquerque Arraes Freire 27 February 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho aborda os efeitos da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal â LRF â e legislaÃÃo diretamente correspondente, produzidos sobre a gestÃo pÃblica dos Estados brasileiros, no perÃodo de 2001 a 2010, bem como, seus reflexos na evoluÃÃo econÃmica desses Estados considerando o mesmo perÃodo. A LRF representou um novo marco histÃrico para as finanÃas pÃblicas desde a concepÃÃo da Lei n 4.320/64 impactando na conduÃÃo das polÃticas pÃblicas principalmente por atuar como mecanismo de controle da gestÃo pÃblica, induzindo uma readequaÃÃo nos aspectos de acompanhamento contÃnuo e padronizado dos indicadores fiscais do setor pÃblico. Presume-se que o surgimento da LRF tenha influenciado positivamente a administraÃÃo pÃblica traduzindo-se em crescimento econÃmico para as unidades da FederaÃÃo. Diante do contexto, os objetivos especÃficos deste estudo sÃo: (1) Verificar se na composiÃÃo das finanÃas pÃblicas dos Estados e a DÃvida Consolidada LÃquida regrediu no perÃodo pÃs-LRF (2001 a 2010); (2) Encontrar relaÃÃo ou comportamento semelhante entre a evoluÃÃo dos indicadores fiscais da LRF com a evoluÃÃo ou retraÃÃo do PIB dos Estados no referido perÃodo de anÃlise. Para tanto, utilizou-se o modelo de dados em painel a fim de verificar a relaÃÃo dos indicadores da LRF com o PIB per capita. Os resultados da anÃlise que engloba os indicadores e seus respectivos limites permitiram concluir que a comparaÃÃo uniforme dos nÃmeros da gestÃo pÃblica, acompanhados anualmente, guarda estreita relaÃÃo com o PIB per capita dos Estados do Brasil, indicando semelhanÃa nos movimentos de retraÃÃo, estabilidade ou crescimento econÃmico de ambos; sendo a dÃvida um destes indicadores, permaneceu alta em alguns Estados, abaixo do limite na maioria e sob controle em outros. / In this work one views the fiscal responsibility law â hereafter FRL, and its effects with special attention to the public administration to fiscal behavior of Brazilian states. These have made great economic improvements over the period from 2001 to 2010. As it well known FRL is kind of landmark (issued from n 4.320/64 law) as well as a hard-budget constraint legislation, which contributes to fiscal governance. More specifically, it illustrates the kind of policy outcome reflecting the role of external control of public administration by imposing procedural rules and homogeneity in the functioning of the public accounts. There is no question about the positive effect of the FRL â among other things it provides some transparency and accountability procedures, enabling environment for accelerating economic growth of Brazilâs states. Given all this, one aims to shed lights on the circumstances and character of the law under consideration that could be of use and, as consequence, refines the consolidated debt post â FRL (from 2001 to 2010); figure out fiscal indicators attached to it and the evolution of GDP from the states after the law. To this end, one made use of panel data to investigate the relationship between FRL indicators and the GDP per capita. The results, which include the indicators and their boundaries, allow us to view that the uniform comparison of the numbers to public management, considered only by year, is closely related to per capita GDP of BrazilÂs states. This indicates similarity in the movements of retraction both stability and economic growth. The public debt is one of these indicators, clearly prominent in some states, below the limit in the majority, under control in others.
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