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La psychologie descriptive de Franz Brentano face aux débats contemporains sur la conscience / Franz Brentano's descriptive psychology in the contemporary debates on the consciousnessJulien, Maxime 29 March 2013 (has links)
Depuis une décennie, les études sur la pensée de Brentano connaissent un souffle de renouveau. De sa doctrine, on retient le fameux thème de l'intentionnalité qui a soulevé un certain nombre de discussions sur ce que signifie réellement ce concept et ce que Brentano a voulu dire lorsqu'il l'a réintroduit. Dans la philosophie contemporaine, le passage en question qui décrit ce concept l'interprète le plus souvent comme la marque d'une irréductibilité du mental au physique, l'idée qu'il existerait un idiome ou vocable particulier pour décrire les états mentaux et l'esprit en général (intensionnalité). Récemment dans les contributions en philosophie de l'esprit, sa conception de l'esprit a connu un accueil favorable qui se distingue nettement de la première reception de son concept d'intentionnalité dans la philosophie du langage. D'une manière significative, sa théorie de la conscience s'est vu associée à différentes conceptions rivales de l'esprit : théories d'ordre supérieur, autoreprésentationnalisme et différentes autres variétés de représentationnalisme et d'intentionnalisme qui se réclame d'un aspect ou un autre de la conception de l'esprit de Brentano. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'explorer le thème du néo-brentanisme en identifiant dans la littérature contemporaine les théories dîtes "néobrentaniennes". / The famous intentionality quote from Brentano's Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint gave rise to many different glosses on how to understand what is meant by intentionality. Since Chisholm, Quine, and Davidson, the passage has often been referred to as making a claim about the irreducibility of the mental to the physical, turning Brentano's thesis that intentionality is the mark of the mental into a thesis about the peculiar idiom or vocabulary of the mental – a thesis about intensionality. However, in recent contributions to the philosophy of mind, the reception of Brentano's philosophy of mind has departed to a large extent from this first reception of the intentionality thesis. Interestingly, his conception of intentionality and consciousness has been integrated into diverse and sometimes competing accounts of the mind: higher-order theories of consciousness, self-representational accounts and varieties of representationalism and intentionalism often relate to Brentano's conception of the mind. The goal of this thesis is to explore neo-brentanian's subject identifying the neo-brentanian theories of mind and consciousness.
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La psychologie aristotélicienne dans l'Islam classique : traduction et commentaire de l'Épître sur le retour d'Avicenne / Aristotle's psychology in Classical Islam : translation and commentary on Avicenna's Epistle on ReturnLamrani, Lila 24 November 2014 (has links)
La Risala al-adhawiya fi al-ma`ad d’Avicenne, portant sur la question du Retour à la vie une fois la mort survenue, présente un certain nombre de thèses originales par rapport aux autres écrits de ce philosophe. Le Retour ne peut concerner les corps : il est en effet réserver aux âmes dans la mesure où l’essence de l’homme réside dans son âme. Les corps se corrompent définitivement au moment de la mort. Le Coran n’a rien d’un texte démonstratif, il s’agit d’un texte rhétorique visant à susciter chez ses lecteurs le comportement moral approprié. On ne peut donc déduire de l’affirmation coranique répétée selon laquelle les corps reviendront à la vie que les corps seront effectivement ressuscités. Par ailleurs, si dans le monde physique il existe une pluralité d’âmes, c’est uniquement en raison de la multiplicité de la matière corporelle qui les accueille. Si les âmes doivent survivre indépendamment des corps qui assurent leur individuation, comment pourraient-elles exister individuellement ? Il n’y aura pas d’existence individuelle des âmes après la mort, mais un Retour de ces âmes au Principe (l’Intellect Agent, ou, en dernière instance, le Principe Premier, Dieu) dont elles émanent : les âmes se résorbent donc dans leur origine et n’ont plus d’existence séparée. Le Retour est absolu. / Avicenna’s Risala al-adhawiya fi al-ma`ad, dealing with the question of Return to life once death has occurred, comes up with various original theses that do not appear in Avicenna’s other writings. The Return cannot affect the body : it is indeed dedicated to souls inasmuch as the essence of man lies in his soul. Bodies get corrupted once and for all when death occurs. The Quran has nothing to do with a demonstrative text, it is a rhetorical text that aims at provoking in its readers the appropriate moral behaviour. It is therefore impossible to deduce from the repeated coranic assertion saying that bodies will come back to life that bodies will effectively resurrect. If in the physical world there is a plurality of souls, it is only because of the multiplicity of the corporeal matter that receives them. If souls have to survive independently from bodies that allow their individuation, how then could they individually exist ? There will not be any individual existence of souls in the hereafter, but a Return of these souls to the Principle (the Agent Intellect, or, at last, the First Principle, God) from which they emanate : therefore souls resorb in their origin and do not have any separate existence. It is an absolute Return.
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Artistic values after 1900 : a study based on theories of the econo-politics, market, marketing, political ethics and consumer’s psychologyOveissian, Amir masoud 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire est une étude sur les processus de création, de présentation et de représentation des valeurs artistiques et compare leur début de production stratégique, supposément basé sur les changements infrastructurels et les caractéristiques du marché, avec leur stade de consommation tardif, principalement impliqué dans la formation du marché qui ajuste les connaissances, les habitudes et les attitudes de la population. Le corpus de la recherche est divisé en trois parties: 1) contexte théorique. 2) Les archétypes des arts de haut niveau associés aux changements d’infrastructure. 3) Les archétypes des arts de bas niveau associés à l’attitude, aux connaissances et aux habitudes des consommateurs. La première partie examine l'évolution de certaines des théories des quatre domaines, économie politique, marché, marketing et éthique politique, ainsi que leurs effets sur la société occidentale du milieu du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours. La deuxième partie utilise ces théories pour identifier les jalons de l'art et explique différentes stratégies de production dans le monde de l'art occidental. La troisième partie modélise la formation des connaissances et de l’attitude du consommateur sur la base de certaines théories de la psychologie existantes et observe la tendance et le rythme des changements d’attitude du public sur le marché. Nous comparons la troisième partie avec la deuxième pour montrer que les arts de haut niveau et les arts de bas niveau ont un impact mutuel à long terme: les arts de haut niveau activement inspirent les arts de bas niveau; tandis que les arts de bas niveau passivement modifient les connaissances et l’attitude des consommateurs à propos des arts de haut niveau. / This memoire is a study on three processes, creation, presentation and representation of artistic values, and compares their early stage of strategic production, which is supposedly based on artist’s intention, infrastructural changes and type of market, with their late stage of consumption, which is mostly involved with a market training that adjusts population’s knowledge, habits, and attitudes. The corpus of the research is divided into three parts: 1) theoretical background. 2) Archetypes of highbrow arts associated to infrastructural changes. 3) Archetypes of lowbrow arts associated to consumer’s attitude, knowledge, and habits. The first part reviews the historic evolution of some of the fundamental theories of the four fields, econo-politics, market, marketing and political ethics and their hierarchical effects on the western society from the mid-eighteenth century to present. The second part uses those theories to identify milestones in front art and explains different strategic production patterns in the western art world. The third part models the formation of consumer’s knowledge and attitude based on some existing theories of psychology and observes the trend and pace of public’s attitude change in today’s market. We compare the third part with the second to show that highbrow and lowbrow arts have mutual impact over each other: highbrow arts actively inspire lowbrow arts; while, lowbrow arts passively change consumer’s knowledge and attitude about highbrow arts.
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Memory plays an important role in defining how one behaves. The neurobiological mechanisms of memory have been studied extensively in animal models and the NMDA glutamate receptor has been identified to play an important role in the consolidation and reconsolidation of appetitive memories. Certain memories, depending on what was learned, can function differently and can be more difficult to disrupt based on a number of factors. Currently, no study has examined whether or not a reward-predictive stimulus attributed with incentive value is more difficult to disrupt than a stimulus that functions as a general reward-predictor. To determine the role of the NMDA receptor on memory consolidation with different functioning reward-predictive stimuli rats underwent a Pavlovian conditioned approach, where a post-session NMDA receptor antagonist was administered daily. Furthermore, to determine the role of the NMDA receptor on memory reconsolidation, another set of rats were trained on a Pavlovian conditioned approach task, after training was complete rats were presented with a reward-predictive stimuli followed by an administration of a NMDA receptor antagonist and then re-tested.
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Time, Altruism, and Hope: Factors that Increase the Consistency of Pro-environmental BehaviorsAlexander, Lauren Christina 01 January 2013 (has links)
A variety of factors have been shown to be associated with environmental attitudes but few studies demonstrate a link between these factors and pro-environmental behaviors. This study examined how a future temporal perspective, environmental altruism, and hope are related to (1) engaging in pro-environmental behaviors and (2) length of time engaging in pro-environmental behaviors. Participants completed the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999), a measure of pro-environmental behaviors based on altruistic reasoning, the Trait Hope Scale (Snyder et al., 1991), and a self-report measure which requested that participants estimate how long they have engaged in pro-environmental behaviors. Statistical analyses supported the relationship between altruism and pro-environmental behaviors, however, the role of hope and a future orientation were not supported as potential motivators associated with engaging in pro-environmental behaviors. Altruism continues to be associated with engaging in pro-environmental behaviors, however, it is still unclear what moderates this relationship. Moreover, this research highlights the likelihood that engaging in pro-environmental behaviors is influenced by a complex web of motivating factors.
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Impact of Psychotropic Medication Use among Individuals Deferred into Felony Mental Health CourtBaca, Jeannine K. 01 January 2011 (has links)
In light of the increasing number of mentally ill inmates in the criminal justice system, felony mental health courts aim to de-criminalize these individuals and link them to appropriate types of treatment within the community. Few studies have investigated the successful linkage of community-based treatment among felony mental health court participants. More specifically, there is an absence of research on the efficacy of pharmacotherapy on recidivism status among felony mental health court defendants. This retrospective study used archival data to determine if receiving pharmacotherapy will increase duration of time between arrests and keep felony mental health court participants out of the criminal justice system longer. The study also aimed to investigate if psychotropic medication use helped to reduce the risk of violent arrests among those participating in the felony mental health program. Lastly, it evaluated whether drugs from specific classes had more of an effect on recidivism status than others. Cox regression analyses, with propensity score adjustments, were used to determine if psychotropic medication keeps felony mental health court participants out of the criminal justice system longer. Cox regression analysis was also used to determine if specific drugs from different classes had more of an effect on time to re-arrest than others. Lastly, a binary logistic regression, with propensity score adjustments, was used to determine if psychotropic medication helped to reduce the risk of future violent offenses after entry into the FMHC program. All analyses included covariates to control for any potentially confounding factors to the outcome. The study yielded non-significant results when testing whether or not the use of psychotropic medication had an impact on the time to re-arrest, and on risks of future violent offenses.
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An Investigation into the Interaction of Psychopathology, Personality, and Sleep Disturbances in Clients from a Community Mental Health CenterBates, Allison Lynn 01 January 2010 (has links)
Studies have found a relationship between psychopathology and sleep disturbances, as well as between psychopathology and personality traits. What has not received attention to date, however, is the interplay amongst all three factors: psychopathology, sleep disturbances, and personality characteristics. This study explores the interaction amongst the three areas, as well as examines specific relationships between psychopathology and sleep disturbances and personality and sleep disturbances.
Forty clients were recruited from a community mental health center. Participants were receiving outpatient psychological services, were over 18, and did not have a diagnosis of active psychosis or mental retardation. Participants completed 9 questionnaires covering items about demographic information, psychological concerns, sleep, personality style, and social desirability. They received a $10 gift card upon completion of the study.
Participants had a mean age of 47.6 (70% female, 77% Caucasian). Results indicated that individuals with more severe psychopathology had poorer sleep quality and greater insomnia severity; however, participants with longer histories of psychopathology did not have more dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep. Participants with more extraverted personality styles did not sleep less than individuals who were less extraverted, and those who were more neurotic did not exhibit poorer sleep quality or greater insomnia severity. Lastly, when examining the relationship amongst all three factors, it was found that psychopathology may be a better predictor of sleep disturbances than personality is (depending on how sleep was assessed), and personality and sleep disturbances are both significant predictors of psychopathology.
The results reinforce the interplay amongst psychopathology, personality, and sleep disturbances. Mental health professionals may want to place greater importance on the role of sleep in the treatment of psychological and personality disorders. Future research could replicate the study with a larger sample, utilize a different personality measure, or follow participants longitudinally from the start of their mental health treatment.
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Analyzing the Relationship between Non-clinical Narcissism and Creativity, and the Development of Two Creativity MeasuresBazel, Blake 01 January 2009 (has links)
The goals of the dissertation studies were to allow for psychologists and educators to better understand the relationship between non-clinical narcissism and creativity, and to develop two promising creativity measures. The results confirmed the hypothesis that there would be a positive, moderate correlation between non-clinical narcissism and creativity. Consequently, this could allow for researchers to more fully understand the components of creativity, and support the need for creativity measures to better account for non-clinical narcissism. Two measures were introduced to consider creativity in terms of feelings and thoughts, and non-clinical narcissism attributes of past creative individuals. The Creativity Attributes List (CAL) and the Creative Individual Assessment (CIA) differ from previously established creativity measurements, which use the current impressions of the achievements of contemporary people as their criterion. There were 147 participants in a study that examined the two measures and the relationship between non-clinical narcissism and creativity. Additionally, the experimenter attempted to increase short-term creativity by exposing participants to photographs of paintings with unconventional shape designs that depict both the mindsets and art of creative persons; albeit, the results did not indicate a significant difference in the movement of creativity scores for either the experimental or control group. The double-blind experiment with 80 participants was conducted independently from the aforementioned studies. The Appendices include three papers that were based on the data collected from the psychometric studies and experiment. They were submitted to refereed psychology journals. The first paper pertains to emotional arousal and creativity, the second paper pertains to sleep deprivation in graduate school students, and the third paper explores variables that have a significant relationship with creativity in graduate students. There are graphs and tables in the Appendices that explain the MANOVA and correlation results of the CIA attributes that had a significant relationship to either the Khatena Torrance - Creative Perception Inventory Something About Myself measurement (KTCPI-SAM) and/or the Khatena - Morse Multitalent Perception Inventory Creative Imagination scale (KMMPI - CI). Additionally, tables in the Appendices present the results of multiple regression analyses performed on selected attributes from the CAL assessment and factor analyses of the measurements introduced in the studies.
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The Relationships of Locus of Control, Service Connection, and Time Since Injury with Depression and Quality of Life for Veterans with Spinal Cord InjuryBermudez, Silvia Patricia 01 January 2008 (has links)
Within recent literature, internal locus of control (LOC) has been correlated with self-efficacy and improved coping after injury. Service connection (SC) has been linked to well-being after trauma. Level of injury has been associated with physical ability and limitations. This study examines how depression and QOL are associated with LOC and SC for veterans diagnosed with spinal cord injury (SCI). It was hypothesized that internal LOC and SC would correlate with higher QOL and decreased depression. Participants included 58 veterans, 30 diagnosed with paraplegia and 28 with quadriplegia. Measures included a demographics questionnaire, the Rotter's Internal-External Scale of LOC, the Diener's Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression Scale. Medical records were reviewed for SC. Generalized linear model regressions were run using LOC, SC and level of injury to estimate QOL and depression.
Locus of control was a significant predictor of QOL, F=2.961, p=.045, while SC approached significance at F=2.082, p=.077. Locus of control approached significance as a predictor for depression, F=1.977, p=.083 level. Level of injury was not a significant factor for either outcome variable. Follow-up analyses including time since injury (TSI) indicated that the interaction of LOC and TSI was a significant predictor for QOL, F=5.320, p=0.013, and the interaction of SC and TSI was a significant predictor for depression, F=9.800, p=0.002. A significant correlation was found between depression and QOL, r=-.472, p=.000. A significant correlation was found between LOC and TSI, r=-.277, p=.018. Results indicate that internal LOC, SC, and increased TSI are positively associated with improved QOL and lower depression. The negative correlation between LOC and TSI indicates that LOC may be a mutable personality factor that adjusts from being external to internal to improve coping after disability, or those with an internal LOC are more consistent with treatment over time. The negative correlation between depression and QOL indicates that participants endorsing depression perceive having a lower QOL. These findings have important implications for health psychology, as they indicate that increasing internal LOC and access to health care over time can promote lower depression and higher QOL for SCI patients.
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Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder (ASAD): Developmental Implications and Clinical CorrelatesBoddy, Christopher Ryan 01 January 2013 (has links)
Separation anxiety (SA) is often thought to occur exclusively during childhood; however, recent research has identified a putative diagnosis of Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder (ASAD), which mirrors separation anxiety often exhibited during juvenile years. Several studies have suggested that exposure to certain parental features during childhood may lead to the development of ASAD, including parental depression, parental anxiety, and parental overprotection. This study aimed to address these hypotheses by examining retrospective report of exposure to specific parental features among a population of adults diagnosed with ASAD and to elucidate important clinical correlates related to ASAD, such as impairment in daily functioning.
The present study used a survey design which was nationally representative and based on the National Comorbidity Survey-Replication and which consisted of a population of 436 participants with a lifetime diagnosis of ASAD and 2,438 participants with no history of a DSM-IV diagnosis. Participants were asked to respond retrospectively about their exposure to the above-mentioned parental features during childhood. Chi square tests revealed that participants with a diagnosis of Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder endorsed exposure to significantly more parental anxiety and parental depression. Additionally, chi square tests indicated that these individuals reported more features related to preoccupied attachment. Using survey participants with a diagnosis of ASAD or subclinical levels of ASAD, the effects of treatment on daily functioning, as well as the level of functional impairment associated with ASAD was measured. Individuals with a history of treatment for ASAD reported significantly more functional impairment in the area of work than those without treatment. An independent-samples t-test revealed that respondents with a diagnosis of ASAD endorsed significantly more parental overprotection than did respondents with no diagnosis. Last, the continuity hypothesis, which states that juvenile symptoms of separation anxiety continue into adulthood, was explored. A chi square goodness-of-fit test was used to determine whether these data fit the continuity hypothesis model. Results did not support the continuity hypothesis, as the number of participants who endorsed childhood separation anxiety was significantly lower than the expected count.
Future research should aim to identify efficacious treatments for ASAD, as few studies to date have demonstrated effective means of treating patients with this disorder.
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