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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acetilcholino poveikio menturdumblių ląstelių membranų elektriniams parametrams tyrimas fiksuotos įtampos metodu / The investigation of acetylcholine effect on the plant cell membrane electrical parameters applying voltage clamp method

Sevriukova, Olga 25 June 2014 (has links)
VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS GAMTOS MOKSLŲ FAKULTETAS BIOCHEMIJOS IR BIOFIZIKOS KATEDRA Olga Sevriukova Acetilcholino poveikio menturdumblių lastelių membranų elektriniams parametrams tyrimas fiksuotos įtampos metodu. Magistrinis darbas Santrauka Informacijos perdavimas augaluose, kaip ir visuose gyvuose organizmuose, yra vienas iš pagrindinių gyvybiškai svarbių procesų. Informacija apie pasikeitusias aplinkos sąlygas, gresiantį pavojų, pažaidas ir daugelį kitų veiksnių gyvose sistemose perduodama įvairių signalų pavidalu. Acetilcholinas – tai vienas iš neurotransmiterių, dalyvaujančių signalų perdavime tarp gyvūninių nervinių ląstelių. Kadangi ši medžiaga taip pat aptinkama ir augaluose, šio darbo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti, ar acetilcholinas dalyvauja augalinių ląstelių elektrogenezėje. Vienas iš būdų ištirti ląstelės atsaką į kokį nors išorinį dirgiklį, yra registruoti jos elektrinius parametrus prieš ir po siunčiamo signalo ir vertinti jų pokyčius. Fiksuotos įtampos metodu galima tirti įvairiu medžiagų poveikį elektriniams augalinių ląstelių membranų parametrams, tokiems kaip joninių srovių amplitudė, dinamika, sužadinimo slenkstis. Darbo metu šiuo metodu buvo tiriamas acetilcholino poveikis menturdumblio Nitellopsis obtusa internodalinių ląstelių Cl- ir Ca2+ srovių stiprumui, membranos laidumui Cl- jonams, Cl- srovės aktyvacijos ir inaktyvacijos latencijai bei trukmei, sužadinimo slenksčiui ir reversijos potencialui. Pasirinktas tyrimo objektas Nitellopsis obtusa yra labai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / VILNIUS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS DEPARTMENT Olga Sevriukova The investigation of acetylcholine effect on the plant cell membrane electrical parameters applying voltage clamp method Master’s thesis Summary Information transfer in plants, like in all living beings, is one of the main vital processes. Information about the changes of environmental conditions, possible risk, disturbances and many other factors in living systems is transmitted in the form of different signals. Acetylcholine is one of the neurotransmitters, which takes part in transfer of the signals among nerve-cells of animals in the form of action potential. While this material is found also in plants, the aim of this study was to find out, whether it takes part in plants electrogenesis. One of the possible ways to study the cell response to any external stimulus is to register the electrical parameters of cell before and after the signal transmission and evaluate their differences. It is possible to investigate the influence of different materials on plant cell membrane electrical parameters, like ion currents amplitude, dynamics and the current excitation threshold, using voltage-clamp method. This method was used during this study to analyse the influence of acetylcholine on electrical parameters of internodular cells of Nitellopsis obtusa. Such object of investigation as Nitellopsis obtusa is very convenient, because its cells are large enough (up to 10 cm long) and... [to full text]

Pilvo giliųjų ir paviršinių raumenų elektrinis aktyvumas atliekant uždaros ir atviros kinetinės grandinės pratimus / Deep and superficial abdominal muscles electrical activity during open and closed kinetic chain exercises

Žilys, Vaidotas 28 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti pilvo giliųjų ir paviršinių raumenų elektrinį aktyvumą atliekant uždaros ir atviros kinetinės grandinės pratimus. Uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti pilvo giliųjų ir paviršinių raumenų elektrinį aktyvumą atliekant pratimus ant stabilios atramos. 2. Įvertinti pilvo giliųjų ir paviršinių raumenų elektrinį aktyvumą atliekant pratimus ant nestabilios atramos. 3. Įvertinti pilvo giliųjų ir paviršinių raumenų elektrinį aktyvumą atliekant atviros kinetinės grandinės pratimus. 4. Įvertinti pilvo giliųjų ir paviršinių raumenų elektrinį aktyvumą atliekant uždaros kinetinės grandinės pratimus. 5. Įvertinti skirtingų, pilvo raumenims lavinti skirtų pratimų atlikimo metu gautą pilvo giliųjų ir paviršinių raumenų elektrinį aktyvumą. Tyrimo metodai: Tyrime dalyvavo 20 darbingo amžiaus vyrų, per tris mėnesius neturėjusių nusiskundimų dėl apatinės nugaros dalies skausmo. Tyrimo pradžioje tiriamajam buvo duodama 15 minučių apšilimo programa, po kurios sekė 8 testuojant naudotų pratimų atlikimas. Ant tiriamojo priklijuotais paviršiniais elektrodais, elektromiografu Myotrace 400 buvo registruojamas ir užrašomas raumenų elektrinis aktyvumas. Išvados: 1. Didžiausias raumenų elektrinis aktyvumas buvo atliekant liemens lenkimą kulnais spaudžiant dėžutę sėdmenų link ant stabilios atramos (p<0,05). Didžiausias santykinis giliųjų-paviršinių pilvo raumenų aktyvumas buvo atliekant liemens lenkimo atremtyje ant delnų ir kelių pratimą. 2. Atliekant pratimus ant nestabilios atramos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim: to assess deep and superficial abdominal muscles electrical activity during open and closed kinetic chain exercises. Objectives: 1. To evaluate the surface and deep abdominal muscle electrical activity during exercise on a stable support. 2. To evaluate the surface and deep abdominal muscle electrical activity during the exercises on unstable supports. 3. To evaluate the surface and deep abdominal muscle electrical activity during a open kinetic chain exercises. 4. To evaluate the surface and deep abdominal muscle electrical activity during closed kinetic chain exercises. 5. To evaluate the surface and deep abdominal muscle electrical activity in variation of the abdominal exercises. Research metods: A total of 20 working-age men during the three months had no complaints of lower back pain. In the beginning of study the research was given 15 minutes to warm-up program, which was followed by eight testing exercises performance. Electromyograph Myotrace 400 has been registered and recorded muscles electrical activity by glued onto the skin surface electrodes. Conclusions: 1. The maximum muscle electrical activity was during trunk flexion with pressing the box by the heels toward the buttocks on the stable surface (p<0,05). The highest ratio of surface-deep abdominal muscle activity was during trunk flexion facing on the palms and knees. 2. During the exercises on unstable surface the highest muscle electrical activity was in trunk flexion exercise with pressing the... [to full text]

Efeito da adicao de oxido de cobalto na sinterizacao e na condutividade eletrica da zirconia estabilizada com itria / Effect of cobalt oxide on sintering and electrical conductivity of yttria stabilized zirconia

SILVA, GRAZIELA C.T. da 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:55:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:05:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Vliv rTMS cerebella na mozkovou elektrickou aktivitu detekovaný pomocí qEEG (LORETA) / Effect of cerebellal rTMS on electrical brain activity detected by qEEG (LORETA)

Audrlický, Jan January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Sistem upravljanja realizacijom investicionih projekata u funkciji upravljanja promenama u elektroprivredi. / Management system by realizing the investment projects in the function of changes management in electrical industry

Vasić Živorad 28 February 2006 (has links)
<p>Upravljanje promenama u projektu je nova i specijalizovana menadžment disciplina koja je malo izučavana u svetu a posebno u na&scaron;oj zemlji. Predmet izučavanja ove discipline jeste upravljanje složenim naučnim, tehničkim, građevinskim, energetskim, finansijskim i organizacionim projektima koji se realizuju u okolini podložnoj uticaju velikih i brzih promena. Teži&scaron;te rada je usmereno na definisanje koncepta upravljanja promenama, koje mogu biti rezultat uticaja iz okruženja ili promena na samom projektu tokom njegove realizacije. Osnovni cilj upravljanja projektom jeste efikasna realizacija projekta u planiranom vremenu i sa planiranim tro&scaron;kovima u uslovima značajnih eksternih i internih promena. Upravljanje promenama na projektu podrazumeva definisanje takve organizacuione forme koja će omogućiti blagovremeno uočavanje i klasifikaciju relevantnih promena koje mogu nastati u projektu, primenom raspoloživih metoda i resursa u ostvarivanju osnovnih ciljeva projekta. Uzroci promena u projektu proizilaze iz neravnoteže između projekta i okoline ili neravnoteže unutar samog projekta. Upravljanje promenama u projektu odvija se kroz pocese planiranja, uvodjenja i kontrole. U radu je prikazan jedinstven model za upravljanje promenama u projektu koji se uz manje korekcije može primeniti u realizaciji ma kog projekta. Posebnost rada ogleda se u prikazu promena koje su u toku ili koje mogu nastati tokom restruktuiranja elektroprivrednog sistema Srbije.</p> / <p>Change management in project is a new and specialized management discipline that have been studied a little in the world, particularly in our country. The subject of research of this discipline is managing of a complex scientific, technical, civil engineering, energy, financial and organizational projects that are realized in the surrounding liable to the influence of a big and fast changes. The centre of work is directed towards the defining of concept of change management, that can be the result of the surrounding influence or the changes of the project during its realization. The basic aim of project management is an effective project realization in the planned time and expences in the conditions of important external and internal changes. Change management on the project means defining of such organizational form that provides timely observation and classification of relevat change that can appear in the project, applying the avaible methods and resource in the realization of the basic project aims. The causes of project changes appears from the disbalance between the project and surrounding or disbalance in the project itself. Change project management have been done through the processes of planning, introducting and control. The unique model for change management in project is presented in the paper that can be applied with a little changes in realization of any other project. The individuality office work is prezented in the description of changes that are under way or that can appear during the reconstruction of the power plant system in Serbia.</p>

Obrazovanje hloridnih i bromidnih kompleksa kobalta(II) u električki nesimetričnim vodenim rastopima soli / Cobalt(II) chloride and bromide complex formation in electrical unsymmetric aqueous molten salts

Vraneš Milan 23 February 2009 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji proučavano je građenje kompleksa&nbsp;kobalta(II) sa hloridnim i &nbsp;bromidnim jonima u vodenim&nbsp;rastopima tipa&nbsp;xCa(NO3)2&middot;zH<sub>2</sub>O&nbsp;&ndash; (1-x)NH<sub>4</sub>NO<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>pri različitom sastavu soli (x= 0,3 &ndash; 0,9), različitom sadržaju vode (z= 2,67 &ndash; 6,67) i na različitim temperaturama (45, 55 i 65<sup>o</sup>C).</p><p>Istraživanja su imala za cilj proučavanje reakcije građenja&nbsp;kompleksa kobalta(II) sa hloridnim i bromidnim jonima u&nbsp;vodenim rastopima xCa(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>&middot;zH<sub>2</sub>O &ndash; (1&ndash;x)NH<sub>4</sub>NO<sub>3</sub>, &nbsp;uticaja&nbsp;temperature, sastava elektrolita i sadržaja vode na proces&nbsp;kompleksiranja, kao i određivanje termodinamičkih parametara&nbsp;koji karakteri&scaron;u reakcije asocijacije u ovim sistemima. Ovakvi&nbsp;rastopi soli su posebno interesantni zbog svoje niske tačke&nbsp;topljenja i visoke latentne toplote topljenja pa se mogu koristiti&nbsp;kao fazno-promenljivi materijali za skladi&scaron;tenje toplotne&nbsp;energije.</p> / <p>In this thesis absorption spectra of cobalt(II) chloride and&nbsp;bromide in calcium nitrate &ndash; ammonium nitrate &ndash; water&nbsp;system of the composition&nbsp; xCa(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>&middot;zH<sub>2</sub>O &ndash; (1&ndash;x)NH<sub>4</sub>NO<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>(x= 0.30 - 0.90 and z= 2.67 &ndash; 6.67) have been&nbsp;investigated in the wavelength range 400-800 nm at three&nbsp;different temperatures: 45, 55 and 65<sup>o</sup>C.</p><p>Temparature, composition of the melt and water&nbsp;content influence on complex formation reactions between&nbsp;cobalt(II) and halide ions in aqueous xCa(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>&middot;zH<sub>2</sub>O &ndash;<br />(1&ndash;x)NH<sub>4</sub>NO<sub>3</sub> melts have been studied. Thermodynamic&nbsp;parameters for cobalt(II) &ndash; halide association process in&nbsp;different solvents also were determined.</p><p>Investigated systems are interesting because of&nbsp;their high values of latent heat of fusion and low melting&nbsp;points. Due to these reasons, some melts are proposed for&nbsp;<br />heat energy storage materials, usually known as phase&nbsp;change materials (PCM).</p>

Analyse des phénomènes de vieillissement des matériaux d’isolation électrique de machines de traction électrique / Analysis of ageing phenomena of electrical insulation materials used in electrical motors for the automotive

Loubeau, Florian 20 December 2016 (has links)
La conception et la validation d’un nouveau moteur électrique nécessitent d’examiner les comportements dans le temps des différents matériaux d’isolation électrique face aux multiples contraintes qu’ils subissent. Les caractérisations au cours des vieillissements thermiques, hygrothermiques, thermomécaniques et électriques, ont porté sur les matériaux seuls , avec un focus particulier sur les résines d’imprégnation : une à base de polyesterimide et une à base d’époxy chargé, mais également sur les systèmes d’isolation électrique complets. Les autres matériaux sont l’émail des fils de cuivre, constitué de polyesterimide et de polyamide-imide, et deux papiers d’isolation tri-couches à base de Nomex® et de Kapton® pour l’un, et de Nomex® et de PET pour l’autre. Des caractérisations physico-chimiques (suivi de masse, spectroscopies IR et diélectrique, microscopie optique) et mécanique (flexion 3 points) ont permis de mettre en évidence des mécanismes de dégradations des matériaux lors des vieillissements thermiques et hygrothermiques tels que la perte d’adhérence de l’émail ou bien la délamination de la résine époxy. La caractérisation électrique des motorettes par des mesures de décharges partielles, a permis une évaluation des impacts des différents vieillissements et également de les corréler avec certains comportements des matériaux. L’influence de la forme d’onde sur la TADP a été étudiée. Il n’apparait aucune différence significative dans nos conditions entre des mesures sous signaux sinusoïdaux et sous signaux carrés. Les simulations de champs électriques sur les motorettes sont en accord avec les tensions d’apparition de décharges partielles (TADP) mesurées et avec l’influence de la température sur ces TADP. / Design and validation of a new electric motor require an examination of the behavior of the electrical insulating materials under different stresses. Characterizations were performed during aging, thermal, hydrothermal, thermomechanical and electrical, both on the materials, with a special focus on the impregnating resins: a polyesterimide and a filled epoxy, and on models of the electrical system. Other materials have also been characterized such as the enamel covering the copper, with a formulation based on polyesterimide and polyamide-imide, and two 3-layer insulating papers based on Nomex® and Kapton® for the first and on Nomex® and PET for the second. Physicochemical analyses (mass loss, IR and dielectric spectroscopies, optical microscopy) and mechanical characterizations (3-points bending) allowed the identification of the degradation mechanisms during thermal and hydrothermal aging. The effects of the applied stresses on the motorettes were evidenced by measurements of partial discharges. Correlations with the observed behaviors of the materials were underlined, such as the loss of enamel adhesion or the delamination of the epoxy resin. The influence of the waveform on the PDIV has also been studied and it revealed no significant difference between sinus wave and square wave. Simulations of electric fields on the motorettes are in agreement with the measurements of partial discharge inception voltages (PDIV) and with the influence of temperature on these PDIV.

Étude des arcs et leurs conséquences sur les matériaux de contact électrique de puissance pour des applications DC / Study of electrical arcs and their impact on electrical contact materials for power DC applications

Yee Kin Choi, Elsa 09 July 2015 (has links)
À ce jour, nous trouvons de nombreux systèmes requérant l'usage du courant continu dans l'industrie automobile, aéronautique, ferroviaire ou encore dans les panneaux solaires. L'ouverture et la fermeture des circuits alimentés (relais, interrupteurs, etc.) engendrent inévitablement un arc électrique (température ~5000 K). Celui-ci provoque des dégradations plus ou moins importantes aux matériaux de contact, telles que l'érosion, la soudure et l'augmentation de la résistance de contact, pouvant engendrer des dysfonctionnements des appareillages et porter atteinte à la sécurité des personnes qui les utilisent. Face à la demande de puissance électrique des appareils actuels, il est nécessaire d'augmenter la tension ou le courant d'alimentation. La tension actuelle à bord d'une voiture est de 14 VDC, il est envisagé d'augmenter cette tension à 42 VDC afin d'augmenter la puissance pour faire face à la croissance des appareils électroniques et électriques embarqués. L'intérêt d'augmenter la tension, notamment pour des applications liées au milieu automobile, permet de maintenir l'intensité du courant donc conserver un faible diamètre de câble pour une puissance plus importante et permet de ne pas rajouter une masse supplémentaire à la voiture. Cependant, le passage d'une tension de 14 VDC à 42 VDC augmente fortement ces dommages causés aux matériaux de contact par les arcs électriques. Il existe différents moyens permettant la diminution de la durée d'arc, par exemple l'optimisation du dispositif mécanique (modification de la vitesse d'ouverture des contacts, double coupure), ou bien l'utilisation d'aimants permanents qui génèrent un champ magnétique et soufflent l'arc hors de la zone de contact ou encore la modification du matériau de contact (composition chimique, forme). Les matériaux caractérisés dans cette étude allient le soufflage magnétique et l'optimisation de la composition chimique de façon à trouver un bon compromis pour limiter les dégâts causés par les arcs d'ouverture et par les arcs de fermeture. En effet, l'action du champ magnétique permet de diminuer la durée de l'arc d'ouverture (diminution d'un facteur 10) mais n'a malheureusement aucun effet sur l'arc de fermeture. D'où la nécessité de modifier la composition chimique du matériau, notamment par ajout d'oxydes métalliques (SnO2) afin de limiter les dommages de l'arc de fermeture. / Nowadays, we find many systems requiring the use of direct current in the automotive, aerospace, rail, or in solar panels. The opening and closing of the powered circuits (as relays, switches, etc.) inevitably generate an electric arc (temperature ~5000 K). This arc causes more or less significant damage to the contact materials, such as erosion, welding and increase the contact resistance, which can lead to malfunction of the equipment and impair the safety of people who use them. Facing the electric power demand of current devices, it is necessary to increase the voltage or the supply current. Currently, the voltage on board a car is 14VDC, it is planned to increase this to 42VDC voltage, to increase the power to deal with the increase of embedded electronics and electrical appliances. The interest to increase the voltage, especially for applications related to the automotive environment, keeps the current intensity therefore maintain a low cable diameter for greater power and allows not to add an additional weight to the car. However, the passage of a voltage of 14VDC to 42VDC greatly increases the damage caused to contact materials by electric arcs. There are different ways to decrease the arc duration, e.g. optimizing the mechanical device (change in opening speed of the contacts, double break), or the use of permanent magnets that generate a magnetic field and blow the arc out of the contact area, or changing the contact material (chemical composition, shape). The materials characterized in this study combine magnetic blowing and optimizing the chemical composition in order to find a good compromise to limit the damage caused by break and make arcs. Indeed, the action of the magnetic field can reduce the duration of the break arc (decrease by a factor 10) but unfortunately has no effect on the make arc. Hence, the need to modify the chemical composition of the material, including adding metal oxide (SnO2) to limit the make arcs damages.

Dimensionnements et comparaisons de convertisseurs électromécaniques à bas coût et à grande disponibilité pour véhicules électriques / Designs and comparisons of different electrical converters without magnets for the application of electrical vehicles

Liu, Chao 06 July 2016 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, l'électrification des véhicules constitue une des solutions mises en œuvre par les constructeurs automobiles dans la lutte contre les émissions de gaz polluants et pour la réduction des consommations. Comme le prix des aimants terres rares a fortement augmenté ces dernières années, les moteurs électriques sans aimants permanents sont attractifs, comme les moteurs asynchrones, synchrones à rotor bobiné, à réluctance variable (double saillance ou synchrone). Dans cette thèse, les machines asynchrones et synchrones à réluctance variable sont étudiées et comparées pour des véhicules électriques. Ces deux machines ont un coût faible et possèdent des structures de puissance et de contrôles similaires.Des modèles analytiques non linéaires de machines asynchrones et synchrones à réluctance variable sont établis et validés. En outre, leurs modèles économiques et mécaniques sont également mis en œuvre. Sur la base des modèles analytiques établis, la géométrie et les paramètres de commande des machines étudiées sont dimensionnés afin de réduire les pertes énergétiques durant des cycles de conduite. Une optimisation bi-objective est proposée afin de minimiser en même temps les pertes énergétiques et le coût du moteur. Enfin, les machines optimisées sont comparées, à l’aide de Fronts de Pareto, pour évaluer leurs performances électriques, énergétiques et économiques. / Today, the concerns of the energy crisis and the reduction of gas emissions stimulate the research in several electric vehicle domains. As the cost of rare earth magnetic materials has increased significantly in recent years, electrical motors without permanent magnets draw more attention, such as induction motors, wound-synchronous motors, switched reluctance motors, and synchronous reluctant motors. In this thesis, induction and synchronous reluctant machines are chosen to be studied for the electric vehicle traction application since they are low costly and fed up with similar power electronics and control strategies.Nonlinear analytical models of induction and synchronous reluctant machines are established and validated. Besides, economical and mechanical models are developed as well. Based on established analytical models, the geometry and the control parameters of these studied machines are calculated to define the total energy losses during the driving cycle. A bi-objective optimization is carried out to minimize total energy losses and motor costs. At last, the optimized machines are compared from their electric, energetic and economic performances, with the help of the Pareto Fronts obtained.

Electrical lab.

Unknown Date (has links)
An 1949 photograph of an electrical lab.

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