Spelling suggestions: "phytotherapy*" "phytotherapic*"
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Fitoterapia popular: uma abordagem sobre a etnotoxicologia das práticas fitoterápicas no distrito de Marudá – Marapanim/ParáOLIVEIRA, Nayana Véras Jardim de 25 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Cássio da Cruz Nogueira (cassionogueirakk@gmail.com) on 2017-02-08T13:54:43Z
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Dissertacao_FitoterapiaPopulaArbodagem.pdf: 4129105 bytes, checksum: fa9dbb2cddc2948b40cc6aecf9294d6a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2017-02-10T18:45:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao_FitoterapiaPopulaArbodagem.pdf: 4129105 bytes, checksum: fa9dbb2cddc2948b40cc6aecf9294d6a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-10T18:45:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao_FitoterapiaPopulaArbodagem.pdf: 4129105 bytes, checksum: fa9dbb2cddc2948b40cc6aecf9294d6a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-11-25 / Esta dissertação discute, especificamente, a proposta de uma nova abordagem, a Etnotoxicologia, para a captação e avaliação de dados relacionados aos efeitos indesejados atribuídos a utilização dos fitoterápicos e se propõe a ampliar o arcabouço teórico existente acerca de plantas medicinais, contribuir para a consolidação de uma práxis segura e embasar ações, no âmbito das políticas públicas de atenção à saúde, no que se refere a utilização de plantas como recurso terapêutico no contexto regional amazônico, promovendo assim o desenvolvimento da fitoterapia segura não apenas na área de estudo, Marudá (Marapanim – Pará), mas também para outras comunidades que desenvolvem atividades semelhantes. Neste trabalho a proposta norteadora aponta uma análise real, por uma vertente relativamente nova, que pauta a coleta de dados na percepção dos praticantes da fitoterapia, levando em consideração a realidade na qual o indivíduo está inserido. Os objetivos específicos foram: levantar dados etnotoxicológicos relacionados a pratica da fitoterapia, sistematizar as informações relacionadas as plantas medicinais mencionadas pelos grupos de entrevistados, traçar o perfil de segurança para a fitoterapia praticada em Marudá a partir da Etnotoxicologia e elaborar um VadeMecum das referidas plantas medicinais, em articulação, produções acadêmicas anteriores. As informações foram coletadas a partir de entrevistas de campo realizadas com um grupo de dez pessoas distribuídas em três grupos: enfermeiros com atuação local, erveiras do Grupo Erva Vida e usuários locais e turistas. A dissertação desponta a percepção do grupo de entrevistados sobre os riscos associados a pratica indiscriminada da fitoterapia, e de acordo com os depoimentos é possível afirmar dentre as três categorias de fitoterápicos elencadas: remédios comercializados em farmácias tradicionais, remédios comercializados no Espaço Erva Vida e plantas in natura, que apenas as plantas, e preparados associados a elas, apresentaram relatos de efeitos indesejados. / The dissertation propose the expansion of the existent theoretical outline about the medicinal plants amid the Amazon regional context, from the social actors’ perception related to the phytotherapy practice in the studied area, Marudá’s District (Marapanim – Pará). Specifically, it discusses the proposal of a new approach, the ethnotoxicology, for the capture and evaluation of data related to the undesired effects attributed to the use of the phytotherapic. The specific goals were: to raise ethnotoxicological data related to phytoterapy’s practice, to systematize the information related to medicinal plants, which were mentioned by the interviewed groups, to describe the security profile for the phytotherapy that is practiced in Marudá from the Ethnotoxicology and to elaborate a VadeMecum to the referred medicinal plants, in conjunction with previous academic productions. The information was collected from field interviews made with a group of 10 people shared three groups: local nurses, herb women from the group Life’s Herb and local users and tourists. In this work, the guiding proposal points a real analysis, by a relatively new side, which interlines the data collect in the phytotherapy practitioner’s perception, taking in consideration the reality in which each individual is inserted. The dissertation emerges the interviewed group perception about the associated risks to the indiscriminated phytotherapy practice, in order to contribute to the expansion of the theoretical outline related to the theme, consolidation of a safe praxis and action’s effectuation, within the public politics of health attention, with respect to the use of plants as a therapeutic resource; therefore promoting the safe phytotherapy development not only in Marudá’s area, but also in other communities that develop similar activities.
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Efeitos anti-inflamatórios e neuroprotetores do extrato de gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.) em um modelo experimental de lesão aguda da medula espinhal de ratos / Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of gergelim (Sesamum indicum L) extract in an experimental model of acute spinal cord injury in ratsPENHA, Nelson Elias Abrahão da 10 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cássio da Cruz Nogueira (cassionogueirakk@gmail.com) on 2017-03-22T12:40:44Z
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Tese_EfeitosAntiInflamatorios.pdf: 3276887 bytes, checksum: c31dfde2051eb70ff42d388148ea2939 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2017-03-24T17:05:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Tese_EfeitosAntiInflamatorios.pdf: 3276887 bytes, checksum: c31dfde2051eb70ff42d388148ea2939 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-24T17:05:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Tese_EfeitosAntiInflamatorios.pdf: 3276887 bytes, checksum: c31dfde2051eb70ff42d388148ea2939 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-06-10 / A medula espinhal é o componente do sistema nervoso central (SNC) com funções cruciais para o estabelecimento da locomoção, habilidades motoras, somestesia e controle autonômico. Lesões medulares estão entre as condições patológicas mais graves e mais debilitantes à saúde humana, com grande incidência em todas as regiões do mundo. A reprodução dos diferentes tipos de lesão da medula espinhal (ME) em animais de experimentação e o entendimento de sua fisiopatologia, bem como a busca de tratamentos que minimizem os danos neurológicos e estimulem a recuperação morfofuncional do indivíduo afetado são temas de grande relevância científica e clínica. Neste estudo, investigamos os possíveis efeitos neuroprotetores e/ou anti-inflamatórios do extrato supercrítico de gergelim (Sesamun indicum L.) em tempos agudos após lesão experimental da medula espinhal (ME) de ratos adultos. Ratos machos adultos foram submetidos à hemissecção da ME em uma mesa estabilizadora em nível de T8. Os grupos controle e sham (falso operado) foram tratados com tween a 5% (veículo) e o grupo tratado recebeu injeções intraperitoneais de extrato de gergelim (150 mg/kg divido em duas doses diárias) em tempos agudos e sub-agudos de sobrevida após a lesão (1, 3 e 7 dias). Foram obtidas secções de 20 μm da ME com auxílio do um criostato. Estas seções foram coradas com azul de metileno, hematoxilina-eosina (HE), tricrômico de gomori, violeta de cresila e imunomarcadas por anticorpos específicos para a identificação de neutrófilos (anti-MBS-1) e micróglia (anti-ED1). Avaliou-se a força muscular por registro eletromiográfico realizados nos animais controle e tratados com gergelim, 1 e 7 dias após o trauma da ME. Os animais controle apresentaram cavitação progressiva da ME concomitante com recrutamento de neutrófilos e ativação microglial/macrofágica. O tratamento com extrato de gergelim induziu preservação tecidual e diminuição considerável do recrutamento de neutrófilos nos tempos de 1 e 3 dias após a indução da lesão experimental, o que foi confirmado por análise quantitativa (p<0.05). O tratamento com gergelim também diminuiu a ativação microglial/macrofágica no tempo de 7 dias após a lesão (P<0.05). Os registros eletromiográficos revelaram que o tratamento com gergelim induziu cerca de 50% de recuperação da força muscular em relação aos animais controle. Os resultados sugerem que o extrato de sementes de gergelim preto é anti-inflamatório, neuroprotetor e induz recuperação da força muscular em ratos adultos submetidos à trauma experimental da medula espinhal. Estudos futuros devem confirmar que fitoterápicos à base de gergelim podem ser usados como possíveis agentes neuroprotetores para tratamento da lesão da medula espinhal humana. / The spinal cord is a component of central nervous system (CNS) with crucial functions for locomotion, motor skills, somatosensory and authonomic control. Spinal injuries are among the more serious and debilitating pathological conditions to human health with large worldwide. The use of experimental models of spinal cord injury (SCI) is pivotal to understandthe SCI pathophysiology as well as search for treatments to minimize the neurological deficits and improve functional recovery. In this work, we aimed to investigate the neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of supercritical gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.) extract in the acute phase of SCI in adult rats. Male Adult rats were submitted to spinal cord (SC) hemissection at T8. The sham (non lesioned) and control animals were treated with 5% tween(veicle), while treated animals received intraperitoneal (i.p) injections of Gergelim extract (150 mg/kg divided in two doses per day). Animals were allowed to recovery and were perfused at 1, 3 and 7 days post-lesion. 20 μm sections were obtained using a cryostat and stained with methylen blue, hematoxylin-eosin (HE), trichromic of Gomori and cresyl violet for gross histopathology. In addition, sections were immunolabeled with specific antibodies against neutrophils (anti-MBS-1) and activated microglia/macrophages (anti-ED1). The muscle force was assessed through electromiographic records performed in both control and treated animals at 1 and 7 days postlesion. The control animals presented progressive SC cavitation concomitant with neutrophil recruitment and microglia/macrophage activation. The treatment with gergelim extract induced tissue preservation and considerable decrease of neutrophil recruitment at 1 and 3 days, which was confirmed by quantitative analysis (ANOVA-Tukey, p<0.05). The gergelim treatment also decreased the microglia/macrophage activation at 7 days (ANOVA-Tukey, p<0.05). The electromiographic records revealed that the gergelim treatment improved the muscular force in about 50% compared to control animals. The results suggest that black gergelim seed extract is anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and induces muscle force recovery in adults rats submitted to acute SCI. Future studies should confirm that a phytotherapic obtained from black sesame extract can be used as possible neuroprotective agent for human SCI.
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Estudo farmacognóstico comparativo de espécies medicinais de Passiflora L.: P.alata Curtis; P.caerulea L.; P.edulis Sims. forma flavicarpa Degener; P.incarnata L. e P.quadrangularis L. / Comparative pharmacognostic study of medicinal species of Passiflora L.: P.alata Curtis; P.caerulea L.; P.edulis Sims. flavicarpa Degener form; P.incarnata L. and P.quadrangularis L.Mezo, Vilma Marlene Maciel 01 August 2005 (has links)
O elevado índice de pessoas afetadas pela ansiedade tem levado os pesquisadores a buscarem novas alternativas de tratamento. A fitoterapia tem empregado medicamentos contendo algumas espécies de Passiflora, conhecidas popularmente como \"maracujá\". As folhas de P.alata oficializadas na Farmacopéia Brasileira e os órgãos aéreos de P.incarnata, inscrita em farmacopeias estrangeiras, são matéria-prima para a elaboração de diversos medicamentos fitoterápicos. No entanto, as semelhanças morfológicas entre plantas medicinais deste gênero geram erros e falsificações. Considerando este fato, constitui objetivo desta dissertação, o estudo farmacognóstico comparativo de folhas de cinco espécies medicinais: P.alata, P.caerulea, P.edulis, P.incarnata e P.quadrangularis. Embora a forma das folhas de P.alata e de P.quadrangularis seja similar, observam-se caracteres diferenciais como o número de nervuras laterais e glândulas peciolares. P.alata apresenta dois pares de glândulas e P.quadrangularis possui três pares. P.edulis e P.incarnata, espécies semelhantes morfologicamente, diferenciam-se na análise microscópica pelo tipo e frequência de tricomas; localização de estômatos. P.edulis caracteriza-se pela presença de tricomas tectores simples, pouco freqüentes e estômatos na face abaxial. P.incarnata exibe tricomas pluricelulares freqüentes e estômatos em ambas as faces. P.caerulea diferencia-se facilmente das anteriores pela folha provida geralmente de 5 lobos longos e estreitos; acresce-se o parênquima paliçádico que alcança até mais da metade da largura do mesofilo. Fotografias acompanham as descrições bem como as análises cromatográficas comparativas em camada delgada (CCD) e camada delgada de alta eficiência (HPTLC). O controle de qualidade das drogas vegetais é complementado com a quantificação da fração flavonoídica através de método espectrofotométrico e por HPTLC. / The high number of people suffering from anxiety has led reseachers to seek alternative kinds of treatment. Phytotherapy has used medicines containing a few species of Passiflora, popularly known in Portuguese as \"maracujá\". P alata leaves officially included in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia and the aerial parts of P. incarnate, listed in foreign pharmacopoeia, are the raw materials to prepare several phytomedicines. However, the morphological similarities of medicinal plants of this kind may lead to errors and fraud. Bearing in mind this possibility, the purpose of this dissertation, is the comparative pharmacognostic study of leaves from five medicinal species - P.alata, P.caerulea, P.edulis, P.incarnata and P. quadrangularis. Although the shape of P.alata and P.quadrangularis leaves is similar, there are different characteristics such as number of side veins and petiolar glands. P.alata has two pairs of glands and P.quadrangularis has three pairs of glands. P.edulis and P.incarnata, which are species with similar structure, appear different in a microscopic analysis due to the types and frequency of their covering trichomes and stomata location: P.edulis typically has infrequent unicellular covering trichomes and stomata on its lower surface. P.incarnata has frequent pluricellular trichomes and stomata on both sides. P.caerulea can be easily distinguished from the aforementioned by its leaves, which are palmately divided in more than half their depth into five lobes; in addition to their palisade parenchyma, which extends to more than half their mesophyll width. Photomicrographs are enclosed with the descriptions, as well as thin layer chromatography and comparative high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC). Quality control of crude drugs is further completed with the amount of flavonoid fraction through spectrophotometry and HPTLC.
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Estudo da ação de microrganismos probióticos sobre patógenos causadores de mastite em bovinos de leite / Assessment of probiotics activity on pathogenic agents of mastitis in dairy bovineSantos, Claudio Donato de Oliveira 16 November 2015 (has links)
A mastite é o processo inflamatório da glândula mamária que constitui uma doença comum no setor pecuário leiteiro, evidenciado principalmente durante o período de lactação de vacas leiteiras e, cujos principais agentes etiológicos são o Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sp. e espécies de coliformes. Os protocolos de combate à mastite preconizam o uso de antibióticos, o que pode trazer riscos à saúde dos animais e humana. Dependendo do agente patogênico, esta estratégia é considerada frequentemente ineficiente e de alto custo, o que leva pesquisadores a buscarem alternativas à antibioticoterapia, testando princípios ativos homeopáticos, fitoterápicos e micro-organismos probióticos, que apresentam potencial como alternativa promissora para a terapia quimioterápica. As formulações contendo bactérias probióticas podem representar uma alternativa de baixo custo para o combate à mastite, com a vantagem de não estimular a resistência entre os patógenos. Desta forma, este estudo baseou-se na avaliação in vitro do potencial antimicrobiano de cepas de Lactobacillus frente a agentes patógenos causadores de mastite, bem como na avaliação in vivo da inocuidade de formulações contendo probióticos em vacas em lactação. Para tanto, 6 cepas de Lactobacillus, na forma isolada e na forma de pool foram avaliadas quanto à capacidade inibitória sobre Streptococcus agalactiae (cepas 1 e 2) por diferentes técnicas de difusão em ágar e co-cultura em meio líquido. A inibição pela técnica de co-cultura foi avaliada mediante determinação de células viáveis das cepas patogênicas por reação em cadeia da polimerase quantitativa em tempo real (RT-qPCR). De acordo com os resultados observados no estudo de inibição in vitro, foram preparadas formulações probióticas utilizando dois veículos diferentes, sendo uma emulsão (Formulação A) e outra utilizando um veículo de um medicamento comercial (Formulação B) adicionadas de células de Lactobacillus na forma isolada e na forma de pool. Estas formulações foram avaliadas quanto à inocuidade em 17 vacas separadas em grupos sob regime de 1 ordenha/dia (A e B1) e 2 ordenhas/dia (B2), mediante a aplicação das formulações A e B contendo 109 ou 106 células/dose. Ao longo do cada tratamento, foram avaliados parâmetros fisiológicos como temperatura do úbere, presença de hiperemia, inchaço e manifestação de dor, contagem de células somáticas (CCS), California Mastitis Test (CMT), bem como condutividade elétrica e aspecto do leite e avaliação microbiológica. O estudo de inibição em co-cultura mostrou que as cepas de Lactobacillus avaliadas inibiram o crescimento das cepas patogênicas, em níveis superiores a 75% após 72 horas de ensaio. Após 24 horas, os maiores níveis de inibição sobre S. agalactiae cepa 1 foram exercidos pelas cepas L. acidophilus ATCC 4356, L. fermentum ATCC 9338, com índices de inibição de 99,79% e 99,91%, respectivamente. Nas mesmas condições a inibição de S. agalactiae cepa 2 por L. acidophilus ATCC 4356 e L. delbrueckii UFV H2B20 foi de 86,7% e 79,5%, respectivamente. Estes resultados indicam o potencial de inibição das cepas de Lactobacillus estudadas sobre S. agalactiae causadora de mastite. Estudos de inocuidade demonstraram que as formulações probióticas (A e B) induziram reação inflamatória no úbere dos animais, confirmado pelo aumento significativo da condutividade elétrica do leite (CEL), CCS (p < 0,05), bem como do escore de CMT. As formulações testadas no presente estudo não se mostraram adequadas ao emprego terapêutico na cura da mastite, uma vez que no teste de inocuidade provocaram processos inflamatórios nas glândulas mamárias dos animais testados. / Bovine mastitis is a common disease in dairy farms, usually observed during lactation period in dairy cattle, whose main etiological agents are Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sp. and coliform species. Current protocols of mastitis therapy include the use of antibiotics, which may represent serious risks for both animal and human health. Depending on the pathogen specie, this strategy is often considered ineffective and highly expensive, what stimulates scientists to search for alternative treatments, including homeopathic or phytotherapic drugs or probiotic microorganisms, which may be a good alternative to chemotherapeutic drugs. Formulations containing probiotic bacteria may represent a low-cost alternative for mastitis treatment. The present study aimed to assess in vitro ability of Lactobacillus strains to inhibit mastitis pathogens growth, as well as in vivo assessment of the safety of formulations containing probiotics in cows with predisposition or affected by mastitis. Thus, six Lactobacillus strains were evaluated on their inhibitory ability over Streptococcus agalactiae (strains 1 and 2) by techniques of agar diffusion and co-culture in liquid medium. The effectiveness of the co-culture was evaluated by enumerating viable pathogen cells through quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). According to the results of in vitro study, two formulations were prepared based on a probiotic emulsion (formula A) and a commercial matrix (formula B) containing Lactobacillus cells (isolated or pool). Safety tests for the formulations were performed in 17 cows, which were separated into two groups under 1 milking/day (A and B1) and another group submitted to 2 milkings/day (B2), through the application of preparation A or preparation B containing 109 or 106 cells/dose. In each treatment, every cow was assessed on physiological parameters including temperature, presence of hyperemia, swelling and pain, somatic cell count (SCC), electrical conductivity and aspect of milk (color and clots/lumps formation) and microbiological evaluation. The results of the inhibition studies in co-culture showed that all Lactobacillus strains inhibited the growth of pathogenic strains, in at least 75% after 72 h of test. The highest levels of inhibition of S. agalactiae strain 1 were performed by strains L. acidophilus ATCC 4356 and L. fermentum ATCC 9338, at level of 99.79% and 96.70% after 24h, respectively. For the same period, the inhibition of S. agalactiae strain 2 by L. acidophilus ATCC 4356 and L delbrueckii UFV H2B20 was 86.7 % and 79.5%, respectively. These results showed the potential of Lactobacillus strains studied concerning to the inhibition of mastitis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae. Safety studies showed that both formulations evaluated induced inflammatory response in the udder of the animals, what was confirmed by significant raise on electric conductivity and SCC (p < 0,05) and CMT scores on milk. All formulations were considered inappropriate to be used in mastitis therapeutics, once they failed at safety tests, inducing mastitis on tested animals.
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Caracterização eletroforética e espectrométrica de extratos de Cinchona de uso fitoterápico e cosmético / Eletrophoretic and spectrometric characterization of Cinchona extracts of use phytoterapic and cosmeticNascimento, Viviane do 15 January 2010 (has links)
A cada ano a malária mata cerca de um milhão de pessoas. Segundo a OMS, 3,3 bilhões de pessoas, metade da população mundial, estão expostas à doença, principalmente em países subdesenvolvidos. Os fármacos utilizados no tratamento da malária incluem: cloroquina, primaquina, quinina, mefloquina, doxiclina, clindamicina e artemisina. A extensa resistência do parasita Plasmodium falciparum ao medicamento sintético cloroquina re-estabeleceu a quinina, um alcalóide encontrado na planta do gênero Cinchona, como droga antimalarial. A quinidina, o diastereoisômero da quinina, é usada como droga antiarrítmica e no tratamento de fibrilação arterial. Os estereoisômeros, cinchonina e cinchonidina, não são usados como medicamentos, embora mostrem efeitos similares àqueles da quinina e da quinidina. Os efeitos cardíacos da quinidina impossibilita seu uso como antimalarial. Outro alcalóide presente na espécie Cinchona é a hidroquinidina, que assim como a quinidina também apresenta atividade antiarrítmica. Os extratos vegetais são base para a produção de fitoterápicos, porém sem padronização o produto perde qualidade e a indústria não pode garantir a eficácia apregoada já que desconhece a concentração do princípio ativo no produto à venda. A portaria RDC 48/04 de 16.03.04 da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) estabeleceu uma legislação específica, que se baseia na “garantia da qualidade”, exigindo a reprodutibilidade dos fitoterápicos produzidos, que só pode ser garantida com a utilização de extratos padronizados. De acordo com essa tendência, o objetivo do presente trabalho é o desenvolvimento de métodos de análise para os principais alcalóides da Cinchona por eletroforese capilar, podendo ser usada em caracterização de drogas vegetais, no controle de qualidade de extratos, bem como em possíveis adulterações. As determinações dos cinco principais alcalóides da Cinchona foram realizadas por eletroforese capilar de zona (CZE), utilizando como eletrólito TEA (1,1% v/v) com pH ajustado para 2,5 com ácido fosfórico e 20 mmol L-1 de α-ciclodextrina, com tempo total de análise inferior a 12 minutos. A otimização das condições de análise foi realizada através da realização de experimentos de planejamento fatorial 32+1, sendo as variáveis do estudo a concentração de TEA e de α-ciclodextrina. Com o uso de seletores quirais também foi desenvolvido um método para análise confirmatória dos alcalóides através do acoplamento de eletroforese capilar à espectrometria de massas, utilizando a estratégia de “partial filling”. Com objetivo de verificar o efeito do solvente na separação dos presentes alcalóides foi realizado um estudo do mecanismo de separação modulada por solvente em meio micelar (MEKC) e em meio não-aquoso (NACE). / Every year, malaria kills about one million people. According to OMS, 3.3 billion people, half of the world population, are exposed to the disease, mostly in underdeveloped countries. The pharmaceuticals used in the treatment of malaria include: chloroquine, primaquine, quinine, mefloquine, doxyclyne, clindamicina and artemisin. The increased resistance of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum to the synthetic pharmaceutical chloroquine reestablished quinine, an alkaloid found in the genus Cinchona, as antimalarial drug. Quinidine, the diasteroisomer of quinine, is used as antiarrhythmic drug in the treatment of arterial fibrillation. The diastereoisomers cinchonine and cinchonidine are not employed as pharmaceuticals although present similar effects to quinine and quinidine. The cardiac effects of quinidine hinders its use as antimalarial. Another alkaloid found in Cinchona is hydroquinidine, which similarly to quinidine also presents antiarrhythmic activity. Herbal extracts are the basis of phytotherapic production, however, with no standardization, the product lacks quality and the industry cannot guarantee its alleged efficacy, since there is no knowledge of the active principle concentration in the product put to sale. The ANVISA protocol (RDC 48/04 published on March16, 2004) established a specific legislation based on the “guarantee of quality”, which demands the reprodutibility of the produced phytotherapic, only achievable with standardized extracts. Following this tendency, the aim of this work was to develop methods of analysis for the main alkaloids of Cinchona using capillary electrophoresis, to apply in the characterization of herbal drugs, in the quality control of extracts as well as in the searching of possible adulterations. The determinations of five main alkaloids of Cinchona were carried out by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) using an electrolyte composed of 1.1% (v,v) TEA adjusted to pH 2.5 with phosphoric acid containing 20 mmol L-1 α-cyclodextrin, providing a less than 12 min total analysis time. The optimization of analytical conditions was conducted experimentally by a 32+1 factorial design where the studied variables were TEA and α-cyclodextrin concentrations. With the use of chiral selectors a confirmatory analytical method for alkaloids was also developed with the coupling of capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry employing a strategy called “partial filling”. With the purpose of verifying solvent effects on the separation of the alkaloids under investigation, studies of the separation mechanism as modulated by solvent in micelar medium (MEKC), and non aqueous medium (NACE) were conducted.
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Stachys officinalis – Eine große Arzneipflanze der traditionellen europäischen Medizin. Ihr historischer Stellenwert und ihre aktuelle Bewertung / Stachys officinalis – An important medicinal plant of the traditional European medicine. Her historical value and actual appraisementVerhoeven, Michael January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Stachys officinalis galt von der Antike bis zur frühen Neuzeit als wichtiges Phy-topharmakon. Zu den bedeutendsten Indikationen zählen die Anwendung bei Er-krankungen der Atemwege, des Gastrointestinaltrakts, der Harnwege und der Ein-satz als Analgetikum bei Schmerzen verschiedenster Art. Über den Zeitraum von fast 1800 Jahren zählte die Pflanze fest zum Arzneischatz. Erst Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts nahm ihre Bedeutung als Arzneimittel ab. Mit dem Beginn des 20. Jahrhundert verschwand sie fast vollständig aus der Phytotherapie. Heute wird sie nur noch selten im Bereich der homöopathischen Medizin oder volksheilkundlich eingesetzt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird Stachys officinalis durch ihre 2000 jährige Ge-schichte als Arzneipflanze begleitet. Dabei werden die Indikationen verschiedener Quellen mit aktuellem pharmazeutischem Wissen verglichen und beurteilt. Durch diese Auswertung wird geklärt, ob die jeweiligen Indikationsnennungen pharma-zeutisch nachvollziehbar sind oder nicht. Als Vergleichsweke dienen Hagers En-zyklopädie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen´ und Dr. Duke´s Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases´. , Die inhaltsstoffbezogenen Angaben dieser Wer-ke werden durch weitere aktuelle pharmazeutische Erkenntnisse über die phar-makologischen Eigenschaften der Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe von Stachys officinalis ergänzt. Auf Grundlage der zugeordneten Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe und ihrer individu-ellen Wirkungen wird die Plausibilität der Indikationsangaben der Quellen unter-sucht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden die Indikationsnennungen von 34 Kräuterbü-chern, Lexika und anderer Quellen betrachtet. Dabei werden die vielfältigen Indi-kationsnennungen zu 142 normierten Indikationen zusammengefasst und ausge-wertet. Unter Berücksichtigung der Angaben beider oben genannter Vergleichs-werke erscheinen 59% der 142 normierten Indikationen für Stachys officinalis plausibel und sind mit der Anwesenheit definierter Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe zu erklä-ren. Es wird deutlich, dass viele Nennungen Erkrankungen des Gastrointestinaltraktes, der Atemwege und der Leber betreffen. Die analgetischen Indikationsangaben sind wenig einheitlich, betreffen aber häufig Schmerzen des Kopfes und des Be-wegungsapparats. Zusammengefasst haben die verschiedenen analgetischen Indikationsangaben allerdings einen bemerkenswert hohen Anteil von 11% an den insgesamt 801 Indikationsnennungen. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt 13 Hauptindikationen für Stachys officinalis an. Diese sind mit Ausnahme der Indikationen Bei Milzerkrankungen´ und Bei Epilepsie´ durch die Wirkungen benannter Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe nachzuvollziehen und phar-mazeutisch plausibel. Es gelingt, aus der Fülle der Indikationsnennungen der his-torischen Quellen die meistgenannten belegbaren Anwendungen hervorzuheben. Die Untersuchung der Überlieferungsgeschichte macht deutlich, dass die antiken Autoren, wie zum Beispiel Dioskurides und Plinius, einen großen Einfluss auf die Indikationsangaben von Stachys officinalis haben. Viele spätere Werke orientieren sich an diesen antiken Quellen und nehmen deren Indikationsangaben auf. Ab dem 18. Jahrhundert nimmt der Umfang der Beschreibungen von Stachys officina-lis und ihre Bedeutung als Phytopharmakon deutlich ab. Auf Grund der hohen Plausibilität der 13 Hauptindikationen sowie der analgeti-schen Anwendungen scheint es nicht gerechtfertigt, dass Stachys officinalis voll-ständig aus dem Arzneischatz verschwunden ist. / Stachys officinalis was from antiquity to the early modern period an important phy-topharmacon. The most important indications for its use are respiratory diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal and the urinary tract and its use as an analgesic for pain of various kinds. Over a period of almost 1800 years the plant belonged to the medicinal treasure trove. At the end of the 18th Century its importance as a drug started to decrease. With the beginning of the 20th Century it disappeared almost completely from the phytotherapie. Today it is only rarely used in the field of homeopathic medicine or as traditional medicin. In the present work Stachys officinalis is accompanied through its 2000 years of history as a medicinal plant. The indications from various sources of ancient litera-ture are compared and evaluated with current pharmaceutical knowledge. Based on this evaluation the relevanz of pharmaceutical indications is analyzed. As benchmark for comparison purposes serve Hagers Enzyklopädie der Drogen und Arzneistoffe´ and Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases´. , The ingredients related informations of these works are further complemented by current pharmaceutical knowledge about the pharmacological properties of the plant or substances from Stachys officinalis. On the basis of the associated plant substances and their individual effects, the plausibility of the indications of the source data is analysed. In this study, the indications of 34 herbal books, encyclopedias and other sources are considered. As a result the diverse information are clustered into 142 indica-tions. The standardized indications are analyzed and evaluated. Considering the informations of the two benchmark woks, 59% of the 142 standardized indications for Stachys officinalis appear plausible and can be explained by the presence of plant compounds. A result is, that many entries concern the gastrointestinal illnesses, the respiratory tract and the liver. The analgesic indications show little uniformity but often apply to the head pain and musculoskeletal disorders. In summary the analgesic indica-tions have a remarkably high percentage of 11% of the total of 801 responses. The present work names 13 main indications for Stachys officinalis. These are, except for spleen diseases´ and Epilepsy´, to a certain extend backed up by the effects of plant compounds and pharmaceutically plausible. It is possible to sepa-rate verifiable results from the plethora of historical sources. The study of the historical tradition makes clear, that the ancient authors, such as Dioscorides and Pliny, have a major influence on the indication information from Stachys officinalis. Many later works are based on these ancient sources referring to indication information. From the 18th Century Stachys officinalis becomes less important as plant and phytopharmacon. Due to the high plausibility of the 13 main indications as well as its use as analge-sic, it does not seem justified that Stachys officinalis has disappeared completely from the pharmacopoeia.
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The effects of Hypericum perforatum with Vitex agnus-catus in the treatment of menopausal symptomsvan Die, Margaret Diana, diana.vandie@rmit.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
Background: Interest in alternatives to hormone therapy (HT) for menopausal symptoms increased following its association with serious health risks. In terms of phytotherapeutic interventions, while traditional use supports a range of herbs for treating menopausal symptoms, evidence from rigorous scientific trials is limited, and has largely focused on the phytoestrogenic plants. Because of some safety concerns over long-term use of isoflavones, the present study focused on two non-estrogenic herbs, Hypericum perforatum and Vitex agnus-castus, also employed in this context in the Anglo-American and European traditions. Both herbs have shown effectiveness for the alleviation of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which is reported to be more severe during the perimenopause, and may account for many of the so-called 'menopausal symptoms' at this time. Research on menopausal vasomotor symptoms is prone to substantial placebo responses. There has been much interest in increasing our understanding of the placebo response with a view to controlling it in clinical research and harnessing it in clinical practice. Methods & Results: A double-blind, randomised controlled trial (RCT), with a 16-week treatment phase, was conducted on 100 late-perimenopause and early postmenopause women. The herbal combination (Hypericum and Vitex) was not found to be superior to placebo for any of the endpoints - daily weighted flushing scores, overall menopausal symptoms (on the Greene Climacteric Scale) and depression (on the Hamilton Depression Inventory). However, significant improvements across the treatment phase were observed in both arms for all of these outcome measures. No significant change was found for either group on the Utian quality of life scale. The effects of the herbal combination were also examined on PMS-like symptoms in the small sub-population of late-perimenopausal women, and found to be superior to placebo for total PMS-like symptoms and the sub-clusters, PMS-D (depression) and PMS-C (cravings). The active treatment group also showed significant improvements on PMS-A (anxiety) and PMS-H (hydration), although these effects were not superior to placebo. Predictors of the placebo response were investigated and found to include study-entry anxiety for the outcome measures of flushing, depression and overall menopausal symptoms, and improvement during non-treatment run-in for depression and overall symptoms. Because no difference had been found between 'active' and placebo groups in the menopause RCT, it was hypothesised that the same predictors would predict the response to the study treatment. However, low anxiety was significantly associated with improvement in this group. None of the other variables that predicted the placebo response was relevant to the study treatment response. This finding is discussed with reference to the possibility that 'drug' effects and placebo effects are not necessarily additive, and that the same magnitude of effect in both arms might not necessarily imply activity via the same pathways. Conclusions: This research contributes to the growing body of scientific knowledge about evidence-based complementary therapies that informs the community, health-care providers and regulatory authorities. The findings may facilitate identification of potential placebo responders in future research. The need for more research in the area of mechanisms of placebo versus active responses is supported.
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Activité antihelminthique de la poudre d'écorce de racine de Vitex thomasii De Wild (Verbenaceae) sur Haemonchus contortus chez la chèvreOkombe Embeya, Victor 28 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude (i) identifie les usages thérapeutiques et les techniques traditionnelles de préparation de remèdes antihelminthiques par les utilisateurs de la phytothérapie vétérinaire, (ii) caractérise les groupes chimiques présents dans la poudre d‟écorce de racine de Vitex thomasii De Wild, (iii) évalue in vitro et in vivo leurs effets sur Haemonchus contortus chez la chèvre élevée sur pâturage. Des enquêtes menées auprès de 44 utilisateurs de plantes médicinales chez les chèvres d'élevage, ont montré que 9 plantes locales (dont Vitex thomasii la plus citée) sont utilisées pour combattre les pathologies qu'ils identifient comme parasitoses gastro-intestinales. Les recettes, généralement monospécifiques, sont administrées per os, suivant divers modes de préparation selon divers modes de préparation. Le criblage phytochimique réalisé sur les extraits de la poudre d'écorce de racine de Vitex thomasii De Wild a révélé la présence de terpènes, des flavonoïdes, de tanins, de saponines, de quinones et d'iridoïdes. L'activité antihelminthique des extraits aqueux et éthanoliques de Vitex thomasii a été évaluée in vitro sur les oeufs et les larves L3 d'Haemonchus contortus, en utilisant l'albendazole comme témoin positif (62,5 à 2000 μg/ml d'extraits et d'albendazole), l'eau distillée, le surnageant de la suspension d'oeufs et l'éthanol, respectivement comme placebo, témoin négatif et témoin éthanol. Les extraits éthanoliques et aqueux se sont révélés actifs sur les larves L3 d'Haemonchus contortus (CE50 = 56.44 μg/ml et 106.7 μg/ml respectivement) et ont inhibé l'éclosion des oeufs (CE50 = 53.09 μg/ml et 88.62 μg/ml respectivement). L'efficacité antiparasitaire de la poudre d'écorce de racine de Vitex thomasii a été testée sur les strongles gastro-intestinaux. 32 caprins ont été répartis en quatre lots de 8 animaux : témoin neutre, témoin positif traité avec l'albendazole à la dose 5 mg/kg de poids vif et deux lots ayant reçu 1g/kg et 2g/kg de poids vif de la poudre d'écorce de racine de Vitex thomasii. Le nombre d'oeufs par gramme de fèces et de leucocytes totaux ont baissé significativement dans les lots traités à l'albendazole (- 90 %; p < 0.05) et à la poudre d'écorce de racine de Vitex thomasii (- 85 % pour 1 g/kg et Ŕ 86 % pour 2 g/kg; p < 0.05). La créatinine, les transaminases ainsi que le poids sont restés stables dans les trois lots tandis que les protéines totales, l'albumine et l'hématocrite ont augmenté significativement. Les taux d'efficacité des deux posologies de Vitex thomasii De Wild restent comparables. Ces résultats sont un référentiel de base pour les recherches ultérieures à mener dans le but de contribuer au développement d'une approche thérapeutique chez les animaux d'élevage notamment en identifiant le groupe chimique actif et, plus loin, la molécule active.
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Interacciones farmacológicas mediadas por el citocromo P-450 en un grupo de pacientes VIH positivosJuárez Giménez, Juan Carlos 11 March 2010 (has links)
Las combinaciones de fármacos antirretovirales (ARV) pueden provocar interacciones farmacológicas (IF) mediadas por el complejo enzimático del citocromo P450. Algunos ARV actúan como sustratos, inductores e inhibidores de este complejo. Así, se ha establecido que hasta un 96 % de los pacientes tratados con la terapia antirretroviral de gran actividad, presentan como mínimo una situación clínica no deseada o un efecto adverso generado por una interacción farmacológica (IF). El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido detectar y determinar el grado de probabilidad, evidencia y relevancia clínica de las IF mediadas por el citocromo P-450 en una población de pacientes VIH positivos a los que se les ha realizado monitorización terapéutica de las concentraciones plasmáticas de los inhibidores de la proteasa (IP) e inhibidores de la transcriptasa inversa no análogos de nucleósidos (NN) en un Hospital de Nivel III. También se puso a punto una metódica analítica específica y validada para la cuantificación de estos ARV. El estudio ha sido observacional y transversal en el que para cada paciente con sospecha de IF, se han determinado: los parámetros farmacocinéticos de los ARV (Cmin, AUC) mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución- ultravioleta la discusión clínica del caso, el análisis de la evidencia de la IF, la probabilidad, mediante la escala de probabilidad de IF de Horn (EPIF) y la relevancia clínica de la IF detectada. Los resultados mostraron que 6 pacientes presentaron 9 IF bien diferenciadas, que plantearon un cambio en las pautas o esquema farmacoterapéutico de la infección por el VIH o del tratamiento farmacológico de otras patologías concomitantes. Las distintas IF evidenciaron efectos inhibidores e inductores de los isoenzimas del citocromo P450, destacando:1. El caso I evidenció una IF entre atazanavir (ATV), ritonavir (RTV), saquinavir (SQV) y un preparado fitoterapéutico que contiene la especie vegetal Uncaria Tomentosa Wild (FP), que se clasificó como probable y nivel I de relevancia clínica2. El caso II evidenció tres IF : a. SQV, RTV y Carbamazepina (CBZ), clasificada como probable y nivel II de relevancia clínicab. CBZ y SQV, RTV, clasificada como probable y nivel II de relevancia clínicac. Oxcarbazepina y ATV, clasificada como dudosa y de riesgo no determinado3. El caso III evidenció dos IF:a. Voriconazol y efavirenz (EFV), clasificada como probable y nivel II de relevancia clínicab. EFV y Voriconazol, clasificada como probable y nivel II de relevancia clínica4. El caso IV evidenció una IF entre SQV, RTV y tipranavir (TPV) clasificada como probable y nivel II de relevancia clínica.5. El caso V, un paciente pediátrico, que evidenció una IF entre EFV y rifampicina clasificada como probable y nivel II de relevancia clínica.6. El caso VI evidenció una IF entre voriconazol y RTV clasificada como probable y nivel II de relevancia clínica.Así mismo, se estableció una nueva metódica para el análisis simultáneo de 9 ARV por HPLC-UV, de forma selectiva, específica y exacta con una linealidad entre 0,1 μg/mL y 10 μg/mL. Como conclusión destaca:1º Es necesario considerar las terapias alternativas (fitoterapia) como causantes de IF con ARV.2º La administración conjunta de IP, NN y otros fármacos inductores o inhibidores potentes del citocromo P450 (antiepilépticos, antifúngicos, antituberculosos), genera frecuentemente IF complejas, siendo recomendable también la MT, tanto de los ARV como de estos fármacos. 3º Las recomendaciones de ajuste de dosis del EFV en el adulto son difícilmente extrapolables a la población pediátrica.4º La EPIF de horn es una herramienta útil para determinar la probabilidad de las IF, pero son necesarias modificaciones en su contenido para ajustar sus resultados a la práctica clínica. / Introduction: It has been established that up to 96% of patients with HIV/AIDS treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy, have at least an unwanted clinical situation or an adverse effect, generated by a drug interaction. Objective: The aim of this study was to detect and thus determine, the degree of probability, the avalilable evidence and the clinical relevance of drug interactions mediated by cytochrome P-450, in a HIV positive population who have undergone emerging drug monitoring of plasma concentrations of protease inhibitors (PI) and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptor inhibitors (NNTI), in a tertiary Hospital. Moreover, the specific and validated analytical method for the quantification of these drugs was also considered.Methods: It was an observational and cross-sectional study. Patients with extreme IP or/and NNTI plasma concentrations, suspected of developping a drug interaction were identified and followed up. Pharmacokinetic parameters Cmin and AUC were calculated and prospectively followed up. PI and NNTI plasma concentrations were determined by high-perfomance liquid chromatography. Resoults: Six patients were identified, showing nine drug interactions, with different inhibitory or inducer effects on cytochrome P450. One interaction was observed in a patient involving a medicinal herb and PI. Drug Interactions between ritonavir, saquinavir and carbamazepine, voriconazol and tipranavir were detected. Efavirenz showed a drug interaction with rifampycin and voriconazole. Conclusions: It is necessary to consider the suitability of phytotherapy in patients with HIV/AIDS treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy; similarly, the administration of drugs potent inducers or inhibitors of cytochrome P450 (antiepileptics, antifungals, tuberculostatis), together with IP and/or NNTI, often generates complex drug interactions. Thus, accurate drug monitoring should be considered to prevent drug interactions, in these drugs.
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碩士 / 國立嘉義大學 / 生物科技研究所 / 90 / Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has gradually become a critical pathogenic source of nosocomial infections. There is an urgent need to discover new classes of antibiotics from natural products in the stream of developing new medicine. In this study, the antibacterial activities of 20 folk medicine extracts against Staphylococcus aureus were screened by agar diffusion method. Garcinia subellitica (Guttiferae) is the potential plant of those. The methanol extract of Garcinia subellitica was partitioned between H2O and EtOAc. An active compound morelloflavone, a kind of biflavone, was isolated from EtOAc layer by a series of Diaion HP-20 、silica gel 、ODS column chromatography. The structure was identified by UV、 Mass、NMR spectroscopy. Morelloflavone, less than it’s minimal inhibit concentration (256μg/ml) dose-dependently synergies with ampicillin to inhibite the penicillin-resistant S. aureus (ATCC14154), and reduce the dosage and the side-effects. Therefore, an anti-Staphylococcus aureus component from Garcinia subellitica is expected to be a potential phytotherapeutic agent for MRSA infections.
Key word: drug-resistant; Staphylococcus aureus; Garcinia subellitica; morelloflavone; synergy.
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