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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Primavera árabe: a força da disseminação da informação pelo meio digital e sua forma de construção de sentido / Arab Spring: the strength of the dissemination of information by digital means and form of construction of meaning

Bazzan, Denise 03 November 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida para examinar a articulação dos recursos de linguagem e seus efeitos de sentido e compreender o seu papel na transformação social que motivou, mobilizou e legitimou a Revolução Egípcia de 2011, um evento social do movimento popular Primavera Árabe, promovido na página do site de rede social Facebook denominado We Are All Khaled Said. Para isto, valemo-nos da abordagem metodológica da Teoria Social do Discurso, uma vertente da Análise de Discurso Crítica, desenvolvida por Norman Fairclough, que possibilitou o mapeamento da organização dos enunciados escolhidos ao corpus desta análise. / This research was conducted to examine the articulation of language features and their effects of meaning and understand their role in social transformation that motivated, mobilized and legitimized the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, a social event of the popular Arab Spring movement, promoted on the page social networking site Facebook called We Are All Khaled Said. For this, we used of the methodological approach of Social Discourse Theory, a branch of Critical Discourse Analysis, developed by Norman Fairclough, which enabled the mapping of the organization of the corpus utterances chosen this analysis.

A referenciação em currículos da educação profissional: os processos de discursivização e a formação em turismo / Referentiation in professional education curricula: the processes of discursivization and the formation in tourism

Guarienti, Marlene das Neves 25 February 2013 (has links)
Esta tese teve por objetivo discutir a discursivização do conceito Turismo em currículos de graduação dessa área e o papel das referências na formação profissional considerando o trato do repertório de elementos e valores culturais no âmbito das práticas discursivas e formativas, inter-relacionando aspectos linguísticos e sociais para observar quais valores estão em jogo, admitindo que referenciação e formação são processos. Nesta tese, selecionamos pressupostos teóricos de Fairclough (2001, 2003), Dubois (1994), Ferreira (2000), Mondada & Dubois (1995), Koch (2001) e Marcuschi (2002, 2003 e 2004), Bakhtin (2002), Beaugrande (2003), Van Dijk (2001), Sacristán (2000), Delphino (2009) e Perrenoud (2003), além um referencial legal constituído por currículos, decretos, pareceres e diretrizes oficiais. Feitas as análises lexicais, concluímos que os discursos que permeiam as referências ao Turismo estão em descompasso em relação tanto à totalidade do fenômeno; a influência do setor produtivo na academia direciona os estudantes a atividades de interesses de grupos particulares e as representações materializadas nas referências atuam para além da formação profissional perpetuando uma assimetria sócio-histórica. A efetiva participação dos estudantes nos rumos da formação exige práticas institucionais compatíveis com a essência das DCN; dessacralizando-se o currículo, possibilita-se o avanço das teorizações acerca do objeto de estudo, o processo de afirmação do estatuto científico do Turismo, a emancipação sócio-discursiva dos estudantes e a reflexão sobre o seu real significado para a sociedade. Assim, lembrando o postulado de correspondência entre ação e gêneros, representação e discursos, identificação e estilos de Fairclough (2003a), concluímos que a busca pelo equilíbrio das assimetrias nas instâncias ideologia, currículo, gênero, discurso e língua pode orquestrar um ciclo virtuoso para atender a expectativas mais amplas dos estudantes e da sociedade, o que reafirma a indissociabilidade e a importância da relação entre língua e sociedade, ensino, pesquisa e extensão. / This research aimed to discuss the discursivization of the concept Tourism in undergraduate curricula in this field and the role of the references in the professional development training considering the way to deal the repertoire of cultural elements and values within of the discursive and formative practices. We interrelate the linguistic and social aspects to observe what values are at stake, considering that referetiation and training are processes. In this research, we selected theoretical assumptions of Fairclough (2001, 2003), Dubois (1994), Ferreira (2000), Mondada & Dubois (1995), Koch (2001) e Marcuschi (2002, 2003 e 2004), Bakhtin (2002), Beaugrande (2003), Van Dijk (2001), Sacristán (2000), Delphino (2009) e Perrenoud (2003), and a legal reference consisted of curricula, decrees, opinions and official guidelines. After doing the lexical analysis, we conclude that the discourses that permeate references to Tourism are out of step with respect to the whole phenomenon, the influence of the productive sector in academy directs the students to activities of interests from particular groups the representations embodied in references that act beyond professional development, perpetuating a social and historical asymmetry. The effective participation of students in the course of training requires institutional practices compatible with the essence of the National Curricular Guidelines (DCN); demystifying the curriculum, it enables the advancement of theories about the object of study; it also enables the process of assertion of the scientific statute of Tourism, the socio-discursive empowerment of students and reflection on its real meaning for society. Thus, recalling the postulated correlation between action and genres, discourses and representation, identification and styles of Fairclough (2003a), we conclude that the search for the balance of asymmetries in the instances ideology, curriculum, gender, speech and language can orchestrate a virtuous cycle for meeting the broader expectations of students and society, which reaffirms the importance and inseparability of the relationship among language and society, teaching, research and extension.

Prática desnoticiosa e veridicção : um estudo sobre o site Sensacionalista e o blog The Piauí Herald /

Campos, Karina Rocha. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Jean Cristtus Portela / Banca: Alexandre Marcelo Bueno / Banca: Matheus Nogueira Schwartzmann / Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os elementos discursivos utilizados por um site e um blog humorísticos cujo foco é a simulação da realidade na veiculação de notícias falsas, o Sensacionalista e o The Piauí Herald. Tendo como base a teoria semiótica clássica desenvolvida por Algirdas J. Greimas (1966, 1979, 1993, 2014) e colaboradores, difundida em território nacional a partir dos estudos de José Luiz Fiorin (1996, 2005), Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros (2002, 2005) e outros, investigou-se como se dão os novos contratos veridictórios estabelecidos entre enunciador e enunciatário nos textos chamados desnoticiosos, bem como os mecanismos enunciativos que instauram neles os distintos estatutos veridictórios de verdade, falsidade, segredo e mentira. A partir dos novos desdobramentos da teoria presentes nos estudos de Jacques Fontanille (1987, 1999, 2008, 2015), delineou-se uma definição de gênero desnoticioso, levando em conta a emulação de elementos do gênero jornalístico, esmiuçados por Nilton Hernandes (2006). Foram demonstrados também os modos de incorporação do já-dito nas desnotícias a partir dos procedimentos de intertextualidade e interdiscursividade, essenciais à leitura dos textos escolhidos para estudo. Por fim, o presente trabalho procurou estabilizar as formas mais recorrentes na composição das desnotícias a partir das operações da práxis enunciativa, presentes ainda nos estudos de Jacques Fontanille. Dessa forma, pode-se apreender as semelhanças e diferenç... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present work analyzes the discursive elements employed by Sensacionalista and The Piauí Herald, two comedic websites whose focus is to parody reality through the publication of fictitious news. Based on classical semiotic theory developed by Algirdas J. Greimas (1966, 1979, 1993, 2014) and collaborators, diffused in national territory through the studies of José Luiz Fiorin (1996, 2005), Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros (2002), 2005) and others, it is investigated how the new veridiction contracts are established between enunciator and enunciatee in the texts so called desnoticiosos, as well as how the enunciative mechanisms establish in them the distinct veridiction statutes of truth, falsehood, secrecy and lie. The new developments of the theory presented by Jacques Fontanille's (1987, 1999, 2008, 2015) work also outlines a definition of gender, accounting the emulation of elements of the journalistic genre as described by Nilton Hernandes (2006). It also demonstrates how intertextuality and interdiscursivity are key elements in the formation of these texts, being essential to their reading and understanding. Finally, the present work seeks to stabilize the most recurrent forms in the composition of the desnotícias through the operations of enunciative praxis, which is also featured in Fontanille's work. In this way, it is possible to apprehend the organization similarities and differences of both vehicles, including the style of enunciative intelligences responsible for eac... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

A critical discourse analysis of news reports on the event of the umbrella revolution in China Daily and South China Morning Post

Shi, Lan Rui, Phyllis January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of English

Tony Blair, l’Europe et les relations anglo-américaines à travers The Economist (mai 1997-mai 2005) / Blair, Europe and the Anglo-american relations in The Economist (may1997-may 2005)

Bouachour, Adnan 23 November 2012 (has links)
Depuis des décennies. The Economist est considéré comme une référence incontournable pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent à l'actualité politique et économique internationale. The Economist apparaît comme un journal d'opinion qui vise à renforcer l'influence d'une élite possédant un pouvoir économique et culturel dans le monde. L'hebdomadaire vante souvent son objectivité, son indépendance ainsi que sa vocation internationale ; cependant, le lecteur averti perçoit The Economist comme un magazine qui n'est pas si différent des autres dans la mesure où il cherche à défendre sa cause, sa doctrine et à faire valoir sa propagande. Cette thèse tente d'analyser l'image d'une personnalité politique, le Premier ministre britannique, Tony Blair, et de mettre en relief sa politique européenne et sa relation anglo-américaine à travers unelecture critique de The Economist de mai 1997 à mai 2005. Cette étude, qui se base sur l'approche de l'analyse critique du discours, envisage de souligner l'absence de partialité de The Economist, qui défend des valeurs néolibérales et tente ainsi de répondre aux attentes des lecteurs et de défendre sa vision du monde / For decades. The Economist has been considered as an indispensable reference for those who are interested in international, political and economic news. The Economist has established itself as a journal which aims to reinforce the elite's influence on decision-making in economics, politics and culture in the world. The weekly magazine frequently proclaims its objectivity and its independence as well as its international appeal; nevertheless, the alert reader perceives The Economist as a magazine which is not so different from the others in that it defends its own cause, advocates its own doctrine and promotes its chosen propaganda.This thesis tries to analyze the image of a political figure, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and to focus on his European policies and Anglo-American relations through the study of The Economist between May 1997 and May 2005. The methodology of critical discourse analysis will help to demonstrate the partiality of The Economist, which vehicles neoliberal ideas, thus fulfilling readers' expectations while defending its own vision of the world

Estudo da polifonia nas notícias da Folha de S. Paulo relativas à educação / Polyphony in news stories on education from Folha de S. Paulo.

Aragute, Tania Aiko 23 March 2011 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, temos por objetivo estudar a polifonia em notícias relacionadas à Educação, publicadas no jornal Folha de S. Paulo, nas décadas de 1930, 1940, 1970 do século XX e na primeira década do século XXI, sob a perspectiva teórica da Análise Crítica do Discurso. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 30 notícias com o objetivo de investigar a construção argumentativa do texto, a partir da inserção de outras vozes presentes, bem como os atores sociais responsáveis por tais declarações. Considerando que a polifonia é uma categoria que vai além da simples introdução de uma voz ou de um efeito de autoridade no texto, analisaremos o uso dos discursos direto e indireto. No discurso direto, marcado pelas aspas, o enunciador se apropria da fala do outro e a transcreve para talvez se ter um maior distanciamento do que é dito. Já o discurso indireto é entremeado pela fala do ator social, sem o uso das aspas, no qual o enunciador disserta, com suas próprias palavras, sobre o que foi dito pelo outro. Nesse jogo de vozes e atores os discursos inseridos nas notícias formam um processo argumentativo, pois o simples fato de o enunciador escolher uma declaração e não outra implica uma estratégia argumentativa. / This research aims to study polyphony in news stories related to education, as published in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, in the 1930s, 1940s, 1970s, and in the first decade of the 20th century, under the theoretical framework of the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). We have selected 30 news stories to investigate the construction of arguments from the different voices in the text, in addition to social actors uttering such statements. Based on the idea that polyphony is a linguistic construction that goes beyond the mere introduction of different points of view in the utterance, or authority effects of the text self, we analyze the use of quoted and reported speeches. In quoted speech, which appears within quotation marks, we say exactly what someone has said word by word to attain a detachment effect from what is said. On its turn, reported speech does not use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it does not have to be word by word, and when reporting someone else\'s speech we are usually talking about a time in the past. In this game of voices and actors, the discourse inserted into news articles make up an argumentative process because by simply uttering one thing and not another Implies an argumentative strategy.

Magi, mystik och hälsoriter i teken : Mediarepresentationer av alevism i Bulgarien

Koleva, Zhivka January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Konstruktionen av kvinnor och män i ett modemagasin : En kvalitativ studie ur ett genusperspektiv / The construction of women and men in a fashion magazine : A qualitative study from a gender perspective

Möllervärn, Elin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how men and women were portrayed in a fashion magazine through time. Magazines convey pictures of gender through both text and image, which subconsciously affects us in the daily life. The study examines a total of 17 reportages from the year 2008 and 2018. A critical discourse analysis constitutes the study’s methodological framework, combined with a semiotic analysis. After I separately examined men and women in the fashion magazine Damernas värld, I compared them to get a result of how the magazine portrayed the genders in different ways. The differences were relatively big in how the magazine portrayed women in 2008 and 2018. There were also a noticeable difference in how the magazine portrayed men in the different periods. The results show that the way women were portrayed in 2008, were similar to how the magazine portrayed men in 2018. There were also similarities in the portrayal of men in 2008 to women in 2018.  The result indicates that the magazine followed existing cultural gender norms in 2008, but has taken a different path in 2018.

O íntimo e o coletivo em dois mundos diversos: análise comparativa dos discursos utilizados em peças publicitárias alemãs e brasileiras / A comparative analysis between advertisements for Brazilian and German companies

Barqueta, Clelia 03 August 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma análise comparativa entre os anúncios de publicidade das empresas BASF e PFIZER, veiculados nas revistas semanais VEJA (brasileira) e DER SPIEGEL (alemã) durante o ano de 2005, a fim de detectar diferenças e semelhanças entre os trabalhos elaborados para esses dois países. A peça publicitária será encarada como uma construção multimodal, cuja existência advém da interação dos vários elementos que a compõem. Espera-se, com esse estudo comparativo entre os mecanismos argumentativos, acionados pelas publicidades brasileira e alemã, desvendar um pouco mais os sentidos próprios dessas criações em cada um desses países. Será pesquisado: de que forma esses percursos argumentativos - visuais e lingüísticos - vão sendo montados nas peças publicitárias e quais sentidos buscam criar; com qual inventário perceptual os produtos ou serviços vão sendo ligados; quais elementos mitológicos são acionados, recriados, cultivados, estimulados em ambos os países, com o intuito de ancorar a marca na mente dos leitores. Será examinado, ainda, de que forma a transmissão de informações acerca do produto ou da marca reflete possíveis valores dos consumidores e da cultura na qual estão imersas. Em relação aos pressupostos teóricos, nos apoiaremos, principalmente, na Análise Crítica do Discurso, na teoria da Argumentação/Retórica de Aristóteles, Perelman e Spang, assim como em Kress; van Leeuwen e Dondis, para as análises visuais e em Jung, Campbell e Randazzo para as categorias mitológicas. / This piece of research aims at making a comparative analysis between advertisements for the companies BASK and PFIZER found in the weekly magazines VEJA (Brazilian) and DER SPIEGEL (German) during the year 2005 in order to detect differences and similarities between the work produced for these two countries. The publicity piece will be considered to be a multimodal construction whose existence derives from the interaction of different elements. By comparing the argumentative mechanisms triggered by both Brazilian and German advertisements, we expect to reveal, a bit further, the meanings of these creations in each of these countries. The research will cover: how the argumentative paths - both visual and linguistic - are built in advertising and which meanings they seek to create; which perceptual inventory the products or services are being linked to; which mythological elements are triggered, rebuilt, cultivated, motivated with the intention of anchoring the brand on the readers\' minds. It will also be examined how the transmission of information about the product or the brand reflect customers\' possible values and the culture in which they are immersed. In relation to the theoretical framework, the research will rely heavily on the Critical Discourse Analysis, the Theory of Argumentation/Aristotles\' rhetoric, Perelman, Spang, as well as on Kress, van Leeuwen and Dondis, for the visual categories and on Campbell and Randazzo for the mythological categories.

Deconstructing otherness: social studies teachers' classroom discursive representations of African and Middle Eastern populations

Osborn, Daniel Joseph 13 September 2018 (has links)
This Critical Discourse Analysis examined the classroom discourse of six secondary social studies teachers during lessons dedicated to the study of Africa and the Middle East. The study focused on the phenomenon of otherness and the ways in which teachers contribute to or challenge the depiction of various African and Middle Eastern populations as the other. The study found that no normative discourse existed within or across classrooms whereby teachers consistently portrayed African or Middle Eastern populations as the other. Teacher employed multiple contending discourses that both promoted perceptions of otherness while also explicitly challenging and deconstructing such notions. The study found that teachers tend to frame the study of Africa and the Middle East around narratives of conflict. These narratives restrict the classifications available for understanding certain communities and reinforce associations of violence, radicalism, and terrorism with Africa and the Middle East.

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