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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gold, Stonework and Feathers: Mexica Material Culture and the Making of Hapsburg Europe

Benjamin, Aliza M. January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation examines the initial contacts and cultural encounters between Europe and the Mexica and investigates the ways in which the Mexica treasures acquired by the conquistadores played a pivotal role in shaping social, cultural, political and religious perceptions and misperceptions about the Mexica, Hapsburgs and their empire, and Europe as a whole in the early sixteenth-century. The initial shipment of art, artifacts, weapons and other goods given to King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Hapsburg by the Mexica ruler Moctezuma (via Hernán Cortés) arrived in Seville on November 5th, 1519, followed by additional deliveries soon thereafter. The objects included in these shipments would play a significant role in shaping and promoting the newly-expanded imperial identity, while simultaneously contributing to the European audience’s construction of an identity for the indigenous peoples of the New World, doing so through a European vision and recontextualization of pre-Columbian and earlypost-Conquest art and artifacts. This project explores these issues by focusing on three specific media: gold, mosaics (or small stonework) and featherwork, the three media most associated with the indigenous peoples and most coveted by European audiences. In doing so, I seek to understand what it was about these media specifically that inspired their new-found audiences to desire these materials so intensely, above all other forms of production to be found in the pre-Columbian Americas; how each art form fit into existing preconceptions and was used to shape new identities and beliefs about both cultures; and what we learn from answering these questions. / Art History

Konce katunových period v mayském kalendáři / End of the Katun Periods in the Maya Calendar

Dimelisová, Eleni January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the question how the Maya from Tikal celebrated ends of the katun cycles of their calendar during the Classic period. To answer this question the tesis brings the analysis of all Tikal's katun period-ending steale and altars. The accent is put on katun period-ending rituals. This thesis is also concerned with twin-pyramid complexes which were developed at Tikal to host katun-ending commemoration. Keywords Pre-Columbian America, Mesoamerica, the Maya, the Maya calendar, katuns, rituals, stelae.

O papel do \"dinheiro primitivo\" na economia Inca. / The role of \"primitive money\" in the Inka economy.

Martins, Cristiana Bertazoni 19 October 2001 (has links)
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e catalogar sistematicamente os objetos que serviram como \'dinheiro primitivo\' na área andina durante o período conhecido como Horizonte Tardio, que vai de 1.476 a 1.534 d.C. Após este primeiro passo, tentamos precisar em quais esferas sociais estes objetos circulavam e que papel desempenhavam em cada uma delas, definindo, assim, o seu funcionamento em um sistema de valor determinado e específico. O tema da pesquisa se justifica basicamente por dois motivos: (a) a forma insatisfatória, e muitas vezes superficial, com que os trabalhos a respeito da economia incaica tratam a questão do dinheiro; (b) o costume - ao nosso ver equivocado - de entender o \'dinheiro primitivo\' por meio de conceitos alheios à realidade do antigo Peru. Para a realização dessa pesquisa foram utilizadas como fontes principais as crônicas espanholas escritas durante os séculos XVI e XVII. Sempre com o cuidado de não cair em anacronismos, fato comum quando se trata de pesquisas a respeito da economia nas sociedades consideradas arcaicas. Esperamos com este trabalho poder contribuir para uma compreensão mais ampla do \'dinheiro primitivo\' e da noção de valor entre os Incas. / The scope of this research is to systematically classify and identify the objects that served as \'primitive money\' in the Andean region during the period know as the Late Horizon, which covers the years 1476 through 1534 A.D. We tried to indicate how these objects circulated within the various social spheres and the role they played in each one of them, in order to determine their function in a system that had definite and specific values. The reason to decide on this theme was basically two: (a) the inadequate and often superficial way which money issue is dealt with in the existing works on Inka economy; (b) the general understanding of \'primitive money\' by means of concepts which are not appropriate to the reality of ancient Peru. This research was based on chronicles written by Spaniards during the XVI and XVII centuries. Throughout this work, we were careful not to fall into anachronism, since that usually happens in researches on economy about the so called archaic societies. We hope that this work may be a contribution to a better understanding of \'primitive money\' and notion of value in the Inka society.

A sociocriosfera nos Andes Centrais: percepções, adaptações e impactos dos desastres glaciais no Callejón de Huaylas, Peru / Sociocryosphere in the central Andes: perceptions, adaptations and impacts of glacial disasters in the Callejón de Huaylas, Peru

Figueiredo, Anderson Ribeiro de January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a sociocriosfera nos Andes Centrais e examinou as percepções, adaptações e os impactos dos desastres glaciais nos povoados do Callejón de Huaylas, Peru. Trata-se de um estudo de caso que se utiliza de conceitos de cultura, adaptação, risco, perigo e desastre para compreender de forma integrada os efeitos advindos de mudanças climáticas regionais e as relações existentes entre os povoados do Callejón de Huaylas com as geleiras adjacentes. O trabalho teve como base os aportes teórico-metodológicos da Geografia Física e da abordagem cultural na Geografia para entender os problemas físicos e humanos advindos da ocupação de uma região inóspita. A investigação foi estruturada em três momentos: primeiramente, foi realizada a construção dos cenários físicos dos desastres glaciais, por meio de uma série de instrumentos – como mapas geológico, geomorfológico, de declividade, de uso e ocupação do solo e dos principais riscos glaciais do flanco ocidental do Nevado Huascarán (Cordilheira Branca). Posteriormente, foi investigado o processo civilizatório andino no Callejón de Huaylas – com base, principalmente, em evidências arqueológicas, foi gerado o mapa de localização dos assentamentos pré-colombianos, de acordo com os estágios de desenvolvimento cultural. O terceiro momento refere-se à identificação dos efeitos pós-coloniais e de ocupação humana em zonas de alto perigo na região periglacial, aumentando o risco dessas comunidades. Assim, no campo dos cenários físicos, a integração dos registros geológicos e geomorfológicos mostrou o dinamismo das regiões periglaciais andinas, ou seja, desde longa data a paisagem vem sendo definida pela dinâmica glacial Os principais vetores da dinâmica do fluxo de massas, desencadeada por ação glacial direta e indireta, permitiu a delimitação das principais regiões de perigo. Nessas regiões, situa-se grande parte da infraestrutura agrícola atual, e no caso da cidade de Huaraz (9°31'42"S e 77°31'37"O), grande parte das áreas urbanas, mostrando o grande risco ao qual está submetida. Por outro lado, sítios arqueológicos como Keushu (9°5'24"S e 77°41'59"O), não se encontram em zonas de grande perigo de fluxos decorrentes da dinâmica glacial. No cenário do processo civilizatório, os assentamentos das culturas pré-colombianas localizavam-se, predominantemente, em zonas elevadas, distantes dos trajetos de aluviões. Portanto, consideramos que as culturas pré-colombianas adaptaram-se aos perigos dos desastres glaciais. Nesse sentido, é pertinente reconhecer que essas populações gestaram um essencial etnoconhecimento andino. As cidades modernas mais populosas, como Huaraz, que estão em áreas de alto risco de desastres glaciais, tem origem na época colonial. Assim, o período colonial resultou não apenas na espoliação das riquezas dos Andes, mas, sobretudo, na desestruturação de um sistema cognitivo milenar. O processo de desterritorialização produzido pelos desastres glaciais provocou, para além de perdas econômicas, perdas de relações, que afetam a existência da pessoa produzindo, portanto, perdas irreparáveis. A reterritorialização dos locais suscetíveis aos desastres glaciais se dá pela necessidade de se ter um lugar (para plantar, para viver), mas também devido aos sentimentos topofílicos que se referem ao elo afetivo existente entre a pessoa e o lugar. Em suma, este trabalho mostra que o modelo de sociedade pós-colonial tende a inviabilizar possíveis estratégias de adaptação às mudanças climáticas no Callejón de Huaylas. / This work investigated the sociocryosphere of the central Andes, examining perceptions, adaptations and impacts of glacial disasters on the towns of the Callejón de Huaylas, Peru. It is a case study that uses concepts of culture, adaptation, risk, hazard and disaster to comprehend in an integrated way the effects of regional climate changes and the existing relations between the villages of the Callejón de Huaylas and adjacent glaciers. The work is based on the Physical Geography theoretical-methodological contributions and the cultural approach in Geography to understand the physical and human problems arising from the occupation of an inhospitable region. The research was structured in three moments. Firstly, the physical scenarios of glacial disasters were constructed through a series of instruments - such as geological, geomorphological, slope, land use and occupation maps and the main glacial hazards of the western flank of the Nevado Huascarán (Cordillera Blanca). Subsequently, the Andean civilization process was investigated in the Callejón de Huaylas - based, mainly, on archaeological evidence, the map of the pre-Columbian settlements location was generated, according to the cultural development stages. The third point concerns the identification of post-colonial effects and human occupation in the periglacial region high-danger zones, increasing the risk of these communities. Thus, in the field of physical scenarios, the integration of geological and geomorphological records showed the dynamism of Andean periglacial regions, that is, the landscape has long been defined by glacial dynamics. The main mass flow dynamics vectors, triggered by direct and indirect glacial action, allowed the delimitation of the main danger regions A large part of the present agricultural infrastructure is located in these regions, and in the case of the city of Huaraz (9°31'42"S e 77°31'37"O), a great part of the urban areas, showing the great risk to which it is submitted. On the other hand, archaeological sites like Keushu (9°5'24"S e 77°41'59"O) are not in zones of great danger of flows from glacial dynamics. In the civilization process scenario, the pre-Columbian cultures settlements were located, mainly, in elevated zones, far from the alluvial paths. Therefore, we consider that pre-Columbian cultures have adapted to the hazards of glacial disasters. In this sense, it is pertinent to recognize that these populations have generated an essential Andean ethno-cognition. The most populous modern cities, such as Huaraz, in areas of high risk of glacial disasters, originated in the colonial time. Thus the colonial period resulted not only in the spoliation of the riches of the Andes, but above all, in the deconstruction of a millenarian cognitive system. The process of deterritorialization produced by glacial disasters has caused, in addition to economic losses, loss of relationships, which affect the person's existence, thus producing irreparable losses. The reterritorialization of sites susceptible to glacial disasters is due to the need to have a place (to plant, to live), but also due to the topophilic feelings that refer to the affective link between the person and the place. In short, this work shows that the postcolonial society model tends to make impossible strategies to adapt to climate change in the Callejón de Huaylas.

Mounted on a Pedestal: Bertha Honoré Palmer

Black, Hope L 08 November 2007 (has links)
The thesis Mounted on a Pedestal, chronicles the life of Bertha Honoré Palmer. The focus of her story are the years after 1910, when she traveled to Sarasota, Florida and heralded the flight to the southernmost state, leading the pack in the purchase and development of land in the Sarasota/ Tampa Bay area. The totality of her years prior to that time serve as a prelude to her accomplishments and the vicissitudes of her life in the sleepy little fishing village she found. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1849, she was provided with a privileged, comfortable childhood and a sheltered academic education at the most prestigious schools for young ladies of the day. She excelled academically and won high praise for her exemplary demeanor. She was beautiful, intelligent, musically gifted, a competent linguist and writer, an astute businesswoman, a paragon of graciousness, and politically savvy. She married business mogul, Potter Palmer, when she was twenty-one and he forty-four. Bertha Palmer was a pacesetter of haute couture; the society pages of the newspapers were filled with detailed descriptions of her gowns, her jewels and her lavish parties. Her Chicago homes were architectural masterpieces and she furnished them with treasures from renowned artisans. In 1900, she was appointed by President William McKinley as the only woman on the national commission to represent the United States at the Paris Exposition. Mrs. Palmer's most prominent position was as president of the Board of Lady Managers at the Chicago World's Fair of 1893. She had close personal relations with the elite of American Society and European royalty. Following the death of her husband Potter, in 1902, Mrs. Palmer combined her life of splendor, advocacy, and mobility while pursuing every opportunity to increase the value of her holdings, principally with real estate investments. She had been bequeathed an estate worth eight million dollars. Before her death, she would more than double her net worth. She would invest in thousands of acres of land, build more homes and amass a fortune in possessions.

CASAS DE PAJA: Maya House Architectures, Traditions and Transformations

James Davidson Unknown Date (has links)
In 1938, the Carnegie Institution of Washington published the results of ethnoarchaeological research conducted in Guatemala and southern Mexico by North American archaeologist Robert Wauchope. This seminal work, titled Modern Maya Houses: A Study of Their Archaeological Significance, aimed to understand the significance of traditional Maya houses (known in the study region as casas de paja) for the identification and interpretation of ancient dwelling remains in archaeological excavations. At the time, Wauchope documented only ten distinct house types among six of the 28 Maya language (cultural) groups. Due to its narrow scope, Wauchope’s investigation focused more on the physical properties of house construction and less on the social behaviours and beliefs generating the architectural forms. In recognition of Wauchope’s survey remaining incomplete, the primary aim of this dissertation has been to ethnographically record and comparatively analyse the remaining casas de paja in contributing to a greater cross-cultural understanding and theory of the entire repertoire of Maya house architectures. In combining both architectural and anthropological method, the author was able to make a number of important research findings; most notably that a pan-Maya, and pre-Columbian, semantic relationship existed between individual house types, indexing a shared cultural history and proto-Maya house architecture that possibly originated as early as 4,000 years prior to present times. In addition to the architectural documentation of house traditions, the author also investigated the processes of house transformation and change in the 70 years since Wauchope’s original survey. The rapid rate of built environment transformation in both Guatemala and Mexico over those intervening years underscores the importance of recording these cultural traditions before they pass. In contemporary times the few remaining chozas or casas de paja stand as historical reminders to a time past but not forgotten and embody traditional knowledge related to cultural beliefs and behaviours, which are intimately linked to the land, materials and climate of the region. Chapter 1 of the dissertation introduces the study region and establishes the primary aims and objectives of the research. Chapters 2 and 3 present the theoretical background and methodological approach governing the research project while Chapter 4 gives an historical overview of Maya house traditions. Chapters 5 and 6 are devoted to the ethnographic findings of the regional survey and Chapter 7 discusses Maya house change in the years since Wauchope’s 1930s investigation. Chapter 8 details the contribution which the ethnographic investigation makes to Euromerican architectural theory in relation to non-Euromerican material and cultural histories in contributing to a world cross-cultural architectural canon and scholarship. In coming to a greater understanding of a past (pre-Columbian) and present (Maya casas de paja) subject, the thesis calls for an understanding, appreciation and acceptance of non-Euromerican architectural forms by Euromerican academics and practitioners in moving toward a greater acceptance of a diversity of human needs in the creation of social, cultural and built environments. The overall significance of this thesis lies in the position that the sustainability of lifestyle practices, and allocation of wisdom, skills, and the fulfilment of human needs, as embodied in building ‘traditions’, are of major relevance to current and future generations.

Présence et usages des arts précolombiens dans les arts décoratifs en France de 1875 à 1945 / Presence and uses of pre-Columbian arts in decorative arts in France, from 1875 to 1945

Vaudry, Élodie 09 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la présence et des usages des arts précolombiens dans les arts décoratifs en France. Le point de départ de la recherche se situe en 1875, avec le premier Congrès des américanistes ; elle s’achève en 1945, avec la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la mort d’un des principaux artistes du corpus, Jean Puiforcat. Globalement, il s’agit de contribuer à l’histoire des transferts culturels entre le Mexique, le Pérou et la France, en mettant d’abord l’accent sur les liens entre les intérêts diplomatiques et le développement culturel de l’américanisme. À partir de là, le regard se concentre sur l’évolution de la perception française des arts précolombiens au travers de l’analyse des expositions temporaires, du marché de l’art et des revues d’art en France. Cela permet de comprendre comment la réévaluation de ces civilisations a favorisé l’appropriation de motifs précolombiens dans la création décorative en France : de nombreux décorateurs se sont intéressés aux possibilités formelles de ces productions et en ont fait usage selon des modalités hétérogènes mais concomitantes. Ces phénomènes sont multilatéraux : l’analyse des recueils d’ornements précolombiens et de leur théâtralisation par les gouvernements a permis de mettre en lumière des collaborations internationales, notamment celle de la liménienne Elena Izcue avec la styliste Elsa Schiaparelli. Dans l’ensemble, cette thèse se présente comme une étude d’histoire des représentations, centrée sur la diffusion et l’instrumentalisation des arts précolombiens, au Mexique, au Pérou et en France, afin de comprendre leur productivité visuelle et culturelle dans le champ des arts décoratifs en France. / This doctoral dissertation deals with the presence and uses of pre-Columbian arts in decorative arts in France. The research starts in 1875 with the first Congress of Americanists; it ends in 1945, and it ends in 1945 with the conclusion of the Second World War and the death of one of the principal artists of the corpus, Jean Puiforcat. Overall, it seeks to contribute to the history of cultural transfers between Mexico, Peru and France. It begins by focussing on the links between the diplomatic forces at play and the cultural development of Americanism. From there, it concentrates on the evolution of the French perception of pre-Columbian arts through an analysis of temporary exhibitions, the art market and art reviews in France. This analysis makes it possible to understand how the reevaluation of these American civilisations supported the appropriation of pre-Columbian motives in decorative creation in France: many decorators were interested in the formal possibilities of these productions and used them according to heterogeneous but concomitant methods. Such phenomena are multilateral: the analysis of the collections of pre-Columbian ornaments and their dramatizing by governments made it possible to clarify international collaborations, in particular that of the Peruvian artist Elena Izcue with the designer Elsa Schiaparelli. This thesis is presented as a study of history of representations centred on the diffusion and the instrumentalization of pre-Columbian arts in Mexico, Peru and France, in order to understand their visual and cultural productivity in the field of decorative arts in France.

A sociocriosfera nos Andes Centrais: percepções, adaptações e impactos dos desastres glaciais no Callejón de Huaylas, Peru / Sociocryosphere in the central Andes: perceptions, adaptations and impacts of glacial disasters in the Callejón de Huaylas, Peru

Figueiredo, Anderson Ribeiro de January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a sociocriosfera nos Andes Centrais e examinou as percepções, adaptações e os impactos dos desastres glaciais nos povoados do Callejón de Huaylas, Peru. Trata-se de um estudo de caso que se utiliza de conceitos de cultura, adaptação, risco, perigo e desastre para compreender de forma integrada os efeitos advindos de mudanças climáticas regionais e as relações existentes entre os povoados do Callejón de Huaylas com as geleiras adjacentes. O trabalho teve como base os aportes teórico-metodológicos da Geografia Física e da abordagem cultural na Geografia para entender os problemas físicos e humanos advindos da ocupação de uma região inóspita. A investigação foi estruturada em três momentos: primeiramente, foi realizada a construção dos cenários físicos dos desastres glaciais, por meio de uma série de instrumentos – como mapas geológico, geomorfológico, de declividade, de uso e ocupação do solo e dos principais riscos glaciais do flanco ocidental do Nevado Huascarán (Cordilheira Branca). Posteriormente, foi investigado o processo civilizatório andino no Callejón de Huaylas – com base, principalmente, em evidências arqueológicas, foi gerado o mapa de localização dos assentamentos pré-colombianos, de acordo com os estágios de desenvolvimento cultural. O terceiro momento refere-se à identificação dos efeitos pós-coloniais e de ocupação humana em zonas de alto perigo na região periglacial, aumentando o risco dessas comunidades. Assim, no campo dos cenários físicos, a integração dos registros geológicos e geomorfológicos mostrou o dinamismo das regiões periglaciais andinas, ou seja, desde longa data a paisagem vem sendo definida pela dinâmica glacial Os principais vetores da dinâmica do fluxo de massas, desencadeada por ação glacial direta e indireta, permitiu a delimitação das principais regiões de perigo. Nessas regiões, situa-se grande parte da infraestrutura agrícola atual, e no caso da cidade de Huaraz (9°31'42"S e 77°31'37"O), grande parte das áreas urbanas, mostrando o grande risco ao qual está submetida. Por outro lado, sítios arqueológicos como Keushu (9°5'24"S e 77°41'59"O), não se encontram em zonas de grande perigo de fluxos decorrentes da dinâmica glacial. No cenário do processo civilizatório, os assentamentos das culturas pré-colombianas localizavam-se, predominantemente, em zonas elevadas, distantes dos trajetos de aluviões. Portanto, consideramos que as culturas pré-colombianas adaptaram-se aos perigos dos desastres glaciais. Nesse sentido, é pertinente reconhecer que essas populações gestaram um essencial etnoconhecimento andino. As cidades modernas mais populosas, como Huaraz, que estão em áreas de alto risco de desastres glaciais, tem origem na época colonial. Assim, o período colonial resultou não apenas na espoliação das riquezas dos Andes, mas, sobretudo, na desestruturação de um sistema cognitivo milenar. O processo de desterritorialização produzido pelos desastres glaciais provocou, para além de perdas econômicas, perdas de relações, que afetam a existência da pessoa produzindo, portanto, perdas irreparáveis. A reterritorialização dos locais suscetíveis aos desastres glaciais se dá pela necessidade de se ter um lugar (para plantar, para viver), mas também devido aos sentimentos topofílicos que se referem ao elo afetivo existente entre a pessoa e o lugar. Em suma, este trabalho mostra que o modelo de sociedade pós-colonial tende a inviabilizar possíveis estratégias de adaptação às mudanças climáticas no Callejón de Huaylas. / This work investigated the sociocryosphere of the central Andes, examining perceptions, adaptations and impacts of glacial disasters on the towns of the Callejón de Huaylas, Peru. It is a case study that uses concepts of culture, adaptation, risk, hazard and disaster to comprehend in an integrated way the effects of regional climate changes and the existing relations between the villages of the Callejón de Huaylas and adjacent glaciers. The work is based on the Physical Geography theoretical-methodological contributions and the cultural approach in Geography to understand the physical and human problems arising from the occupation of an inhospitable region. The research was structured in three moments. Firstly, the physical scenarios of glacial disasters were constructed through a series of instruments - such as geological, geomorphological, slope, land use and occupation maps and the main glacial hazards of the western flank of the Nevado Huascarán (Cordillera Blanca). Subsequently, the Andean civilization process was investigated in the Callejón de Huaylas - based, mainly, on archaeological evidence, the map of the pre-Columbian settlements location was generated, according to the cultural development stages. The third point concerns the identification of post-colonial effects and human occupation in the periglacial region high-danger zones, increasing the risk of these communities. Thus, in the field of physical scenarios, the integration of geological and geomorphological records showed the dynamism of Andean periglacial regions, that is, the landscape has long been defined by glacial dynamics. The main mass flow dynamics vectors, triggered by direct and indirect glacial action, allowed the delimitation of the main danger regions A large part of the present agricultural infrastructure is located in these regions, and in the case of the city of Huaraz (9°31'42"S e 77°31'37"O), a great part of the urban areas, showing the great risk to which it is submitted. On the other hand, archaeological sites like Keushu (9°5'24"S e 77°41'59"O) are not in zones of great danger of flows from glacial dynamics. In the civilization process scenario, the pre-Columbian cultures settlements were located, mainly, in elevated zones, far from the alluvial paths. Therefore, we consider that pre-Columbian cultures have adapted to the hazards of glacial disasters. In this sense, it is pertinent to recognize that these populations have generated an essential Andean ethno-cognition. The most populous modern cities, such as Huaraz, in areas of high risk of glacial disasters, originated in the colonial time. Thus the colonial period resulted not only in the spoliation of the riches of the Andes, but above all, in the deconstruction of a millenarian cognitive system. The process of deterritorialization produced by glacial disasters has caused, in addition to economic losses, loss of relationships, which affect the person's existence, thus producing irreparable losses. The reterritorialization of sites susceptible to glacial disasters is due to the need to have a place (to plant, to live), but also due to the topophilic feelings that refer to the affective link between the person and the place. In short, this work shows that the postcolonial society model tends to make impossible strategies to adapt to climate change in the Callejón de Huaylas.

A sociocriosfera nos Andes Centrais: percepções, adaptações e impactos dos desastres glaciais no Callejón de Huaylas, Peru / Sociocryosphere in the central Andes: perceptions, adaptations and impacts of glacial disasters in the Callejón de Huaylas, Peru

Figueiredo, Anderson Ribeiro de January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a sociocriosfera nos Andes Centrais e examinou as percepções, adaptações e os impactos dos desastres glaciais nos povoados do Callejón de Huaylas, Peru. Trata-se de um estudo de caso que se utiliza de conceitos de cultura, adaptação, risco, perigo e desastre para compreender de forma integrada os efeitos advindos de mudanças climáticas regionais e as relações existentes entre os povoados do Callejón de Huaylas com as geleiras adjacentes. O trabalho teve como base os aportes teórico-metodológicos da Geografia Física e da abordagem cultural na Geografia para entender os problemas físicos e humanos advindos da ocupação de uma região inóspita. A investigação foi estruturada em três momentos: primeiramente, foi realizada a construção dos cenários físicos dos desastres glaciais, por meio de uma série de instrumentos – como mapas geológico, geomorfológico, de declividade, de uso e ocupação do solo e dos principais riscos glaciais do flanco ocidental do Nevado Huascarán (Cordilheira Branca). Posteriormente, foi investigado o processo civilizatório andino no Callejón de Huaylas – com base, principalmente, em evidências arqueológicas, foi gerado o mapa de localização dos assentamentos pré-colombianos, de acordo com os estágios de desenvolvimento cultural. O terceiro momento refere-se à identificação dos efeitos pós-coloniais e de ocupação humana em zonas de alto perigo na região periglacial, aumentando o risco dessas comunidades. Assim, no campo dos cenários físicos, a integração dos registros geológicos e geomorfológicos mostrou o dinamismo das regiões periglaciais andinas, ou seja, desde longa data a paisagem vem sendo definida pela dinâmica glacial Os principais vetores da dinâmica do fluxo de massas, desencadeada por ação glacial direta e indireta, permitiu a delimitação das principais regiões de perigo. Nessas regiões, situa-se grande parte da infraestrutura agrícola atual, e no caso da cidade de Huaraz (9°31'42"S e 77°31'37"O), grande parte das áreas urbanas, mostrando o grande risco ao qual está submetida. Por outro lado, sítios arqueológicos como Keushu (9°5'24"S e 77°41'59"O), não se encontram em zonas de grande perigo de fluxos decorrentes da dinâmica glacial. No cenário do processo civilizatório, os assentamentos das culturas pré-colombianas localizavam-se, predominantemente, em zonas elevadas, distantes dos trajetos de aluviões. Portanto, consideramos que as culturas pré-colombianas adaptaram-se aos perigos dos desastres glaciais. Nesse sentido, é pertinente reconhecer que essas populações gestaram um essencial etnoconhecimento andino. As cidades modernas mais populosas, como Huaraz, que estão em áreas de alto risco de desastres glaciais, tem origem na época colonial. Assim, o período colonial resultou não apenas na espoliação das riquezas dos Andes, mas, sobretudo, na desestruturação de um sistema cognitivo milenar. O processo de desterritorialização produzido pelos desastres glaciais provocou, para além de perdas econômicas, perdas de relações, que afetam a existência da pessoa produzindo, portanto, perdas irreparáveis. A reterritorialização dos locais suscetíveis aos desastres glaciais se dá pela necessidade de se ter um lugar (para plantar, para viver), mas também devido aos sentimentos topofílicos que se referem ao elo afetivo existente entre a pessoa e o lugar. Em suma, este trabalho mostra que o modelo de sociedade pós-colonial tende a inviabilizar possíveis estratégias de adaptação às mudanças climáticas no Callejón de Huaylas. / This work investigated the sociocryosphere of the central Andes, examining perceptions, adaptations and impacts of glacial disasters on the towns of the Callejón de Huaylas, Peru. It is a case study that uses concepts of culture, adaptation, risk, hazard and disaster to comprehend in an integrated way the effects of regional climate changes and the existing relations between the villages of the Callejón de Huaylas and adjacent glaciers. The work is based on the Physical Geography theoretical-methodological contributions and the cultural approach in Geography to understand the physical and human problems arising from the occupation of an inhospitable region. The research was structured in three moments. Firstly, the physical scenarios of glacial disasters were constructed through a series of instruments - such as geological, geomorphological, slope, land use and occupation maps and the main glacial hazards of the western flank of the Nevado Huascarán (Cordillera Blanca). Subsequently, the Andean civilization process was investigated in the Callejón de Huaylas - based, mainly, on archaeological evidence, the map of the pre-Columbian settlements location was generated, according to the cultural development stages. The third point concerns the identification of post-colonial effects and human occupation in the periglacial region high-danger zones, increasing the risk of these communities. Thus, in the field of physical scenarios, the integration of geological and geomorphological records showed the dynamism of Andean periglacial regions, that is, the landscape has long been defined by glacial dynamics. The main mass flow dynamics vectors, triggered by direct and indirect glacial action, allowed the delimitation of the main danger regions A large part of the present agricultural infrastructure is located in these regions, and in the case of the city of Huaraz (9°31'42"S e 77°31'37"O), a great part of the urban areas, showing the great risk to which it is submitted. On the other hand, archaeological sites like Keushu (9°5'24"S e 77°41'59"O) are not in zones of great danger of flows from glacial dynamics. In the civilization process scenario, the pre-Columbian cultures settlements were located, mainly, in elevated zones, far from the alluvial paths. Therefore, we consider that pre-Columbian cultures have adapted to the hazards of glacial disasters. In this sense, it is pertinent to recognize that these populations have generated an essential Andean ethno-cognition. The most populous modern cities, such as Huaraz, in areas of high risk of glacial disasters, originated in the colonial time. Thus the colonial period resulted not only in the spoliation of the riches of the Andes, but above all, in the deconstruction of a millenarian cognitive system. The process of deterritorialization produced by glacial disasters has caused, in addition to economic losses, loss of relationships, which affect the person's existence, thus producing irreparable losses. The reterritorialization of sites susceptible to glacial disasters is due to the need to have a place (to plant, to live), but also due to the topophilic feelings that refer to the affective link between the person and the place. In short, this work shows that the postcolonial society model tends to make impossible strategies to adapt to climate change in the Callejón de Huaylas.

O papel do \"dinheiro primitivo\" na economia Inca. / The role of \"primitive money\" in the Inka economy.

Cristiana Bertazoni Martins 19 October 2001 (has links)
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e catalogar sistematicamente os objetos que serviram como \'dinheiro primitivo\' na área andina durante o período conhecido como Horizonte Tardio, que vai de 1.476 a 1.534 d.C. Após este primeiro passo, tentamos precisar em quais esferas sociais estes objetos circulavam e que papel desempenhavam em cada uma delas, definindo, assim, o seu funcionamento em um sistema de valor determinado e específico. O tema da pesquisa se justifica basicamente por dois motivos: (a) a forma insatisfatória, e muitas vezes superficial, com que os trabalhos a respeito da economia incaica tratam a questão do dinheiro; (b) o costume - ao nosso ver equivocado - de entender o \'dinheiro primitivo\' por meio de conceitos alheios à realidade do antigo Peru. Para a realização dessa pesquisa foram utilizadas como fontes principais as crônicas espanholas escritas durante os séculos XVI e XVII. Sempre com o cuidado de não cair em anacronismos, fato comum quando se trata de pesquisas a respeito da economia nas sociedades consideradas arcaicas. Esperamos com este trabalho poder contribuir para uma compreensão mais ampla do \'dinheiro primitivo\' e da noção de valor entre os Incas. / The scope of this research is to systematically classify and identify the objects that served as \'primitive money\' in the Andean region during the period know as the Late Horizon, which covers the years 1476 through 1534 A.D. We tried to indicate how these objects circulated within the various social spheres and the role they played in each one of them, in order to determine their function in a system that had definite and specific values. The reason to decide on this theme was basically two: (a) the inadequate and often superficial way which money issue is dealt with in the existing works on Inka economy; (b) the general understanding of \'primitive money\' by means of concepts which are not appropriate to the reality of ancient Peru. This research was based on chronicles written by Spaniards during the XVI and XVII centuries. Throughout this work, we were careful not to fall into anachronism, since that usually happens in researches on economy about the so called archaic societies. We hope that this work may be a contribution to a better understanding of \'primitive money\' and notion of value in the Inka society.

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