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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da regulação da proteína CDC2-Like Kinase (Clk2) em hipotálamo e fígado de camundongos controles e obesos = CDC2-Like Kinase (Clk2) hypothalamic and hepatic regulation in lean and obese mice / CDC2-Like Kinase (Clk2) hypothalamic and hepatic regulation in lean and obese mice

Quaresma, Paula Gabriele Fernandes, 1987- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Patrícia de Oliveira Prada / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T14:12:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Quaresma_PaulaGabrieleFernandes_M.pdf: 949361 bytes, checksum: 237d0acc0b5bc5358adba045381b4a92 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O hipotálamo é um órgão crucial na regulação do balanço energético por integrar sinais hormonais e nutricionais de órgão periféricos. O hormônio produzido pelo pâncreas - insulina - e o hormônio derivado de células adiposas - leptina- reconhecidamente, agem no SNC controlando a ingestão alimentar e o gasto energético. Recentemente foi demonstrado que a fosforilação em treonina 343 da proteina Cdc2-like kinase 2 (Clk2) é induzida pela sinalização de PI3-q/Akt no fígado. Esta regulação envolve a repressão de genes que controlam a gliconeogênese e produção de glicose hepática, levando a hipoglicemia. Porém, não há informações de que a insulina ou a leptina podem regular a Clk2 no hipotálamo in vivo. Camundongos das linhagens Swiss, db/db e C57/BL6J com oito semanas de idade foram utilizados nos experimentos. Nossos resultados mostraram que a Clk2 é expressa e regulada por insulina e leptina em hipotálamo e também que a inibição da Clk2 causou aumento da adiposidade e ingestão alimentar, diminuição do gasto energético e alterações na expressão de neuropeptídeos e do metabolismo de glicose. Além disso, a fosforilação no sítio treonina 343 da Clk2 está diminuída em animais com obesidade induzida por dieta e geneticamente obesos (db/db). A avaliação da gliconeogênese hepática em animais com a proteína Clk2 inibida via ICV mostrou uma tendência ao aumento da produção hepática de glicose, revelando uma possível participação da proteína Clk2 no controle hipotalâmico da gliconeogênese hepática. Sendo assim, podemos sugerir que a Clk2 hipotalâmica é importante no controle do balanço energético pois sua inibição acarreta obesidade acompanhada por aumento da ingestão alimentar e diminuição do gasto energético, e também podemos sugerir um papel no controle hipotalâmico da produção hepática de glicose / Abstract: The hypothalamus plays an important role in the regulation of whole-body energy balance by integrating nutrients and hormones signals from peripheral inputs. The pancreatic hormone - insulin - and the adipocyte hormone - leptin - are known to act in the CNS controlling food intake and energy expenditure. Leptin and insulin signaling regulate anorexigenic neuropeptide expression. Recently, it was shown that Cdc2-like kinase 2 (Clk2) threonine 343 phosphorylation is induced by PI3K/Akt signaling in the liver. This regulation is involved in the repression of gluconeogenic gene expression and hepatic glucose output leading to hypoglycemia. Thus, it was not shown if insulin or leptin are able to regulate Clk2 threonine 343 phosphorylation in the hypothalamus in vivo. Swiss, db/db and C57/BL6J mice eight-weeks-old were used to proceed the experiments. Our data show that Clk2 is expressed and regulated by insulin and leptin in hypothalamus and hypothalamic Clk2 inhibition increased adiposity and food intake, decreased energy expenditure and disrupted neuropeptides expressions and glucose metabolism. Indeed, Clk2 threonine 343 phosphorylation is impaired in the hypothalamus of DIO and db/db mice. Hepatic gluconeogenesis was evaluated and showed increase in ICV inhibited Clk2 mice, it is plausible that Clk2 participates of hypothalamic control of hepatic gluconeogenesis. We suggest that hypothalamic Clk2 is crucial to control energy balance because its inhibition triggers obesity accompanied by increased food intake, decreased energy expenditure and increased hepatic gluconeogenesis / Mestrado / Clinica Medica / Mestra em Ciências

Etude de l'interface sang-noyau arqué hypothalamique au cours d'un déséquilibre énergétique : plasticité de l'éminence médiane et impact sur la régulation de la prise alimentaire / Study on blood/metabolic hypothalamus interfaces during an energy imbalanc : median eminence plasticity and impact on the regulation of food intake

Langlet, Fanny 20 September 2013 (has links)
L’hypothalamus médiobasal contient de nombreux noyaux régulant l’homéostasie énergétique en réponse aux variations des signaux métaboliques périphériques, telles que les nutriments et les hormones, l’informant de l’état énergétique de l’individu. Parmi ces noyaux, le noyau arqué hypothalamique (NA) est considéré comme le noyau clé de la régulation de la prise alimentaire. En effet, il est capable de recevoir et d’intégrer les informations métaboliques périphériques, pour ensuite les relayer vers les autres noyaux hypothalamiques régulant la prise alimentaire. Dans ce contexte, l’accès des molécules périphériques au NA est une étape importante dans la régulation de la prise alimentaire. L’organisation des interfaces sang/cerveau à ce niveau est d’ailleurs très particulière, suggérant une régulation spécifique de l’accès des molécules périphériques vers le NA. En effet, deux types de vaisseaux sont retrouvés dans cette région cérébrale : 1- les vaisseaux de la barrière hématoencéphalique (BHE) dans le NA et 2- les vaisseaux fenêtrés dans l’éminence médiane (EM), un organe circumventriculaire (OCV) adjacent au NA. Alors que les vaisseaux de la BHE présentent des propriétés de barrière et régulent les échanges sang/NA, les vaisseaux de l’EM possèdent de nombreuses fenestrations facilitant les échanges sang/EM. Ces deux types de vaisseaux ont la particularité d’être contactés par des cellules épendymaires hautement spécialisées formant le bas du 3ème ventricule. Ces cellules, appelées « tanycytes », expriment des protéines de jonctions serrées suggérant leur participation à la régulation des échanges sang/cerveau dans cette région cérébrale. En effet, des études menées au sein du laboratoire ont montré que les tanycytes de l’EM, contactant les vaisseaux fenêtrés, expriment des protéines de jonctions serrées (JS) organisées en ceinture continue autour de leur pôle apical. Ces JS créent ainsi un épendyme étanche qui limite les échanges EM/LCR. A l’inverse, les tanycytes du NA, contactant les vaisseaux de la BHE, expriment des protéines de JS non organisées en leur pôle apical. L’épendyme du NA est ainsi perméable et favorise les échanges LCR/NA. Le but de mon travail de thèse a donc été de comprendre, en prenant en compte tous ces éléments -c’est-à-dire la présence de vaisseaux fenêtrés, de vaisseaux de la BHE et des tanycytes -, comment est organisé l’accès des signaux métaboliques périphériques vers le NA et si cet accès pouvait être modulé afin de contrôler l’homéostasie énergétique. Nos expériences ont montré que, chez la souris mâle adulte, une glucopénie induite par le jeûne ou par le 2-desoxyglucose induisait une réorganisation structurale des vaisseaux et de l’épendyme au niveau de l’EM et du NA, modifiant ainsi les échanges sang/cerveau. En effet, chez ces souris, nous avons observé une augmentation du nombre de vaisseaux fenêtrés au niveau de l’EM et du NA, ainsi qu’une réorganisation fonctionnelle des protéines de JS au niveau du ventricule : les tanycytes du NA, contactant des vaisseaux fenêtrés à présent, réorganisent leurs protéines de jonctions serrées (JS) afin d’assurer l’homéostasie cérébrale. Ces réorganisations induisent alors un meilleur accès des molécules périphériques vers le NA. De plus, nos résultats ont montré que cette plasticité est induite par le VEGF-A, produit localement par les tanycytes. En effet, la neutralisation du VEGF-A bloque la plasticité de l’EM/NA induite par l’hypoglycémie et perturbent la réponse physiologique hyperphagique lors de la réalimentation. Enfin, nos données supplémentaires indiquent que cette plasticité de l’EM/NA est conservée dans différents modèles alimentaires et se produit également au cours de la journée, suggérant son implication dans le contrôle circadien du comportement alimentaire. / The mediobasal hypothalamus contains numerous nuclei regulating energy homeostasis in response to peripheral metabolic signals. Among these nuclei, the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH) is considered to be a critical component of the neural circuits regulating energy balance. Indeed, the ARH is able to integrate the metabolic information carried by nutrients and peripheral hormones, and to transmit their message to secondary nuclei regulating food intake. Therefore, the delivery of peripheral molecules conveying metabolic information to the ARH is a critical step in the regulation of food intake. At the level of the ARH, the organization of blood-brain interface is indeed peculiar. Both the vessels of the blood brain barrier (BBB) and the fenestrated vessels of the median eminence (ME), a circumventricular organ adjacent to the ARH, represent two pathways by which peripheral molecules may reach the ARH. While BBB vessels possess barrier properties restricting the access of peripheral molecules to the ARH, the vessels in the ME possess numerous fenestrations facilitating blood-brain exchanges. These two types of vessels are contacted by specialized ependymal cells lining the floor of the 3rd ventricle called tanycytes. Tanycytes express tight junction (TJ) proteins providing a putative role in the regulation of blood/brain exchanges. While ME tanycytes contact the fenestrated vessels which lie in the ME, they express TJ proteins organized as a continuous belt around their apical pole, creating a tight ependyma limiting ME/cerebrospinal fluid exchanges. In contrast, ARH tanycytes contact BBB vessels and express TJ proteins in a disorganized pattern thus creating a permeable ependyma allowing CSF/ARH exchanges. In the following studies we wished to examine how peripheral signals may reach the ARH through this peculiar blood-brain interface. Moreover, we wished to determine whether the blood-brain interface undergoes dynamic remodeling according to the energetic status of individual. To these aims the plasticity of the BBB vessels, fenestrated vessels of the ME, and tanycytes were analyzed under various metabolic challenges. Our studies show that both fasting- or 2-deoxyglucose-induced glucopenia induce vascular and ependymal reorganization in the ME and the ARH. This reorganization is characterized by an increase in the number of fenestrated vessels in the ME and in the ARH, and a reorganization of TJ proteins in ARH tanycytes, and led to improved access of peripheral molecules to the ARH. Furthermore, our results reveal that VEGF-A expression in tanycytes modulates the plasticity at the blood/brain interface. Indeed, the neutralization of VEGF signaling blocks fasting-induced barrier remodeling and significantly impairs the physiological response to refeeding. Finally, our supplementary results show that the ME-ARH reorganization is also observed in mice under different diet, as well as implicated in the circadian regulation of food intake. Strikingly, the ME-ARH organization is disturbed in diet-induced obese mice, which could be the origin of hormonal resistances observed in these mice. Altogether, our results suggest a new concept in the regulation of the food intake: peripheral glucose modulates blood/brain interface in the ME through a VEGF-dependent mechanism to improve the access of the metabolic signals towards the ARH. As other circumventricular organs possess a similar organization, characterized by fenestrated vessels and a tanycyte barrier, these exciting results pave the way to for future studies examining the remodeling of the blood-brain interface and its role in other neuroendocrine processes.

Etude du rôle de l’expression du récepteur Neuropiline-1 et de l’exocytose Calcium-dépendante dans le neurone à GnRH sur le développement et la maturation du système à GnRH et la physiologie de la reproduction / Study of the role of Neuropilin-1 receptor expression and calcium-dependent exocytosis in GnRH neuron on GnRH system development and puberty onset

Vanacker, Charlotte 28 September 2015 (has links)
L’acquisition de la fertilité chez les mammifères est le résultat d’un long processus de développement et de maturation de l’axe gonadotrope. Cette fonction cruciale à la survie des espèces est orchestrée par une poignée de cellules localisées au niveau de l’aire préoptique hypothalamique chez le rongeur, sécrétant la gonadotropin-releasing hormon (GnRH). La GnRH stimule la sécrétion de LH et de FSH par l’adénohypophyse, qui stimulent à leur tour les gonades. Les cellules à GnRH naissent dans l’épithélium voméronasal pendant le développement embryonnaire et migrent le long des axones voméronasaux pour atteindre l’hypothalamus. A la naissance le système est entièrement en place, toutefois il subira une phase de maturation avant d’atteindre la puberté, signant le début de la fertilité. Chez l’homme, un défaut de sécrétion de GnRH peut conduire à un hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope idiopathique (IHH) caractérisé par une subfertilité et une puberté retardée voire absente, ou même à un syndrome de Kallmann. Dans une grande partie des cas ce défaut de sécrétion est lié à un défaut de développement prénatal et à une diminution du nombre de neurones à GnRH dans dans l’hypothalamus. Depuis peu, la grande famille des semaphorines, déjà connues pour leurs effets chimiotactiques dans certains types cellulaires, et en particulier la semaphorine3A (Sema3A) via son récepteur la Neuropilin-1 (Nrp1), a été décrite comme un facteur indispensable au développement du système à GnRH et décrit comme un « gène Kallmann ». Toutefois son rôle spécifique dans les cellules à GnRH reste à élucider. Le premier objectif de ma thèse a donc été de déterminer le rôle de l’expression du récepteur Nrp1 dans les neurones à GnRH. Le suivi de la maturation sexuelle des animaux Gnrh::cre, Nrp1loxp/loxp (qui n’expriment pas la Nrp1 exclusivement dans les neurones à GnRH) a révélé l’apparition d’une puberté précoce et d’un phénotype de surpoids en comparaison aux animaux contrôles, corrélé à une accumulation des cellules à GnRH dans l’aire préoptique. L’étude de l’embryogenèse du système à GnRH chez ces animaux a démontré une augmentation du nombre de cellules à GnRH pendant leur migration. Nos résultats obtenus in vivo et in vitro suggèrent que la signalisation Nrp1 a un impact sur la survie des neurones à GnRH, et qu’elle module la motilité des cellules en migration et influe leur positionnement dans le cerveau. Le deuxième objectif de ma thèse a été d’étudier le rôle de l’exocytose dépendante du calcium et donc de la neurosécrétion dans les neurones à GnRH sur leur développement. Le suivi de la physiologie d’animaux Gnrh::cre; iBot, dont l’exocytose dépendante du calcium est abolit par clivage de protéine VAMP2/synaptobrevin 2 dans le neurone à GnRH, a révélé l’apparition de deux phénotypes distincts selon la pénétrance du transgène : un groupe ayant une puberté normale et un poids comparable aux animaux contrôles, et un groupe ayant une puberté retardée voire inexistante associé à un surpoids. Ces derniers présentent un IHH, une augmentation du tissu adipeux périgonadique et une hyperleptinémie, alors que la distribution des neurones à GnRH dans le cerveau n’est pas altérée. Ces données mettent en évidence le fait que l’activité de neurosécrétion dans les neurones à GnRH ne serait pas nécessaire pour leur développement embryonnaire, mais qu’elle pourrait jouer un rôle dans le maintien de l’homéostasie énergétique.Ces deux études mettent en avant un lien étroit entre axe gonadotrope et métabolisme énergétique chez les mammifères et ont dévoilés de nouveaux mécanismes qui pourraient être impliqués dans la physiopathologie de la reproduction chez l’homme. / Fertility in mammals is the result of a long development and maturation process of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. The reproductive function is orchestrated by a small population of neurons, located in preoptic area of hypothalamus in rodents, and releasing in a pulsatile manner Gonadotropin-releasing hormon (GnRH) in the portal blood vessels, where it is transported to the anterior pituitary gland. GnRH neuropeptide triggers synthesis and release of the gonadotropins LH and FSH, which in turn stimulates development and function of the gonads. GnRH neurons differenciate extracerebraly in the nasal placode and migrate from the vomeronasal organ to the forebrain along olfactory/vomeronasal nerves. At birth, the system is ready, however it will undergo a maturation phase before reaching puberty, signing the beginning of fertility. Deficiency in GnRH release can lead to idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH), characterized by a defect in sexual maturation and delayed or no puberty, or even to Kallmann syndrome when the IHH is associated with a deficit in the sens of smell. These phenotypes could be linked to a defect during GnRH neuron migration period and a decrease of GnRH cells located in hypothalamus after birth. Numerous studies have described the influence of different molecules on the migration of GnRH neurons. Recently, the semaphorin family, well known for its chemotactic effects in some cell types, and particularly the semaphorin3A (Sema3A), has been described by our laboratory as an essential factor for the guidance of GnRH neurons during embryogenesis, and characterized as a « Kallmann gene ». However, the role of Sema3A, and its specific receptor Neuropilin-1 (Nrp1) in GnRH neurons remains to be elucidated. The first objective of my thesis was to determine the role of the expression of Nrp1 in GnRH neurons. The analysis of sexual maturation in mice in which Nrp1 expression was selectively knocked out in GnRH neurons revealed a precocious onset of puberty and overweight compared to control littermates, correlated with an accumulation of GnRH neurons in preoptic area. The study of the development of the GnRH system during embryogenesis has shown an increased number of cells during migration. In vivo and in vitro data suggested the involvement of Nrp1 signaling pathway in the survival of GnRH neurons, the control of their motility during migration, and their final positioning in the brain.The second objective of my thesis was to study the role of Calcium-dependent exocytosis, and thus neurosecretion, in GnRH neurons on their development. The monitoring of Gnrh::cre; iBot animals, in which calcium-dependent exocytosis is abolished by cleavage of VAMP2/synaptobrevin2 protein in GnRH neurons, showed the distinction of two different phenotypes. A subpopulation of mice underwent normal puberty onset, with a similar bodyweight than control littermates, and the other one never reached puberty and developed overweight. The later animals exihibited IHH, increase of the volume of perigonadic fat tissue, and hyperleptinemia, with no alteration of GnRH neuron number and distribution. This data established that neurosecretion in GnRH neurons is not a prerequisite for their migration during embryonic development but revealed that it could play an important role in metabolic homeostasis.Together these two studies highlight an intriguing direct connection between GnRH neurons and energy metabolism in mammals as well as new mechanisms that could be implicated in reproductive physiopathology in human.

Prss56Cre, un nouvel outil pour l'étude de la neurogenèse adulte chez la souris / Prss56Cre, a novel tool for the study of adult neurogenesis in the mouse

Jourdon, Alexandre 15 April 2015 (has links)
Le gène Prss56 code pour une sérine protéase impliquée dans le développement de l'oeil humain et certaines de ses pathologies. Le patron d'expression et la fonction de Prss56 dans le reste du système nerveux central sont cependant inconnus. Dans cette étude, j'utilise l'allèle murin Prss56Cre, comportant l'insertion de la recombinase Cre au sein du locus, pour établir le patron d'expression de ce gène et tracer le devenir des cellules exprimant Prss56. Je montre que Prss56 est spécifiquement exprimé dans trois niches neurogéniques : le gyrus dentelé (GD), la zone sous-ventriculaire (SVZ) et la zone ventriculaire de l'hypothalamus (ZVH). Dans le GD embryonnaire, Prss56 est exprimé par une sous-population de glie radiaire. La migration et la différenciation des cellules tracées récapitulent les étapes successives de la neurogenèse du GD et l'établissement d'une sous-population de cellules souches neurales adultes (CSNa). Dans la SVZ, Prss56 est exprimé après la naissance dans une sous-population de CSNa principalement localisée dans la partie médio-ventrale du mur latéral. Cette sous-population génère préférentiellement des cellules granulaires profondes et des cellules périglomérulaires Calbindin-positives du bulbe olfactif. Enfin, Prss56 est exprimé par une sous-population de tanycytes alpha-2, les potentielles cellules souches de la ZVH adulte. Je montre que certains tanycytes tracés déplacent leur soma vers le parenchyme et pourraient être à l'origine d'un nouveau type cellulaire de ce territoire. A travers ces diverses observations, ce travail établit que la lignée Prss56Cre constitue un outil idéal pour l'étude de nombreux aspects de la neurogenèse adulte. / The Prss56 gene encodes a serine protease involved in eye pathologies and development in humans. Prss56 expression pattern and function in the rest of the central nervous system were however unknown. Here, I used a knock-in allele in the mouse, Prss56Cre, carrying a Cre recombinase insertion in the locus, to establish the pattern of expression of the gene and to trace the derivatives of Prss56-expressing cells. I found that, in the adult mouse, Prss56 is specifically expressed in three neurogenic niches: the dentate gyrus (DG), the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the hypothalamus ventricular zone (HVZ). In the prospective DG, Prss56 is expressed during embryogenesis in a subpopulation of radial glia. Consistently, the pattern of migration and differentiation of traced cells during development recapitulates the successive steps of DG neurogenesis, including the formation of a subpopulation of adult neural stem cells (aNSC). In the SVZ, Prss56 is expressed after birth in a subpopulation of aNSC mainly localized in the medial-ventral region of the lateral wall. This subpopulation preferentially gives rise to deep granule and calbindin-positive periglomerular cells in the olfactory bulb. Finally, Prss56 is also expressed in a subpopulation of alpha2-tanycytes, potential aNSC of the adult HVZ. My observations reveal that some traced tanycytes translocate their soma into the parenchyma and might give rise to a novel cell type in this territory. In conclusion, this study establishes the Prss56Cre line as a novel and efficient tool to study various aspects of adult neurogenesis in the mouse.

Efeito do citrato sobre a AMPK hipotalamica e o controle da fome e a homeostase da glicose / Effect of citrate on the hypothalamic AMPK, food intake and glucose homeostase

Oliveira, Maristela Cesquini de 30 August 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Licio Augusto Velloso, Marcio Alberto Torsoni / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T11:00:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Oliveira_MaristelaCesquinide_D.pdf: 2056313 bytes, checksum: fe162225f6402886dd228faa021438b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O aumento da prevalência da obesidade e diabete tipo 2 nas sociedades modernas está fortemente associado às doenças cardiovasculares, hipertensão, infarto e aterosclerose. Estas patologias têm sido relacionadas com ingestão calórica excessiva e diminuição do gasto energético. Muitos fatores regulam a ingestão alimentar, incluindo hormônios como insulina e leptina, alimentos e comportamento. Estes fatores são integrados no hipotálamo que media um sistema de sinalização celular para regular o comportamento alimentar e o balanço energético da célula. A proteína quinase ativada por AMP (AMPK) tem sido proposta como capaz de mediar as adaptações celulares às variações nutricionais ambientais. O resultado da ativação da AMPK é a inibição de vias biossintetizantes que consomem energia, tais como as vias de síntese de ácidos graxos e proteínas, e a ativação de vias catabólicas, como a via de oxidação de ácidos graxos e a glicólise. No hipotálamo, a AMPK desempenha o papel de mediar os efeitos hormonais na ingestão alimentar e no balanço energético. Outras moléculas, como a acetil-CoA carboxilase (ACC) e o seu produto, o malonil-CoA têm sido propostas como possíveis intermediários na sinalização hipotalâmica que monitora o estado energético do corpo. No presente trabalho, nós administramos citrato, um ativador alostérico da ACC, no hipotálamo de ratos a fim de investigarmos o efeito deste composto na atividade hipotalâmica e hepática da AMPK. O resultado desta modulação no metabolismo energético, metabolismo de glicose e comportamento alimentar foi comparado aos ratos tratados com salina. Nós observamos que o tratamento com citrato inibiu a fosforilação da AMPK hipotalâmica seguido de inibição da fosforilação da ACC hipotalâmica, indicando menor atividade da AMPK neste tecido. A inibição da AMPK promoveu diminuição da ingestão alimentar, perda de peso corpóreo e aumento da expressão dos neuropeptídeos anorexigênicos POMC e CRH. No grupo de ratos tratados com citrato, a captação de glicose foi maior do que nos ratos que receberam solução salina, como mostrada pelo teste tolerância à glicose (GTT) e pelo clamp hiperinsulinêmico-euglicêmico. Consistente com estes resultados, no fígado, os ratos tratados com citrato mostraram maior fosforilação das proteínas da cascata de sinalização da insulina, reduzidos níveis de fosforilação da AMPK e ACC e expressão aumentada da PEPCK e G6Pase, se comparado aos animais controle. O efeito central do citrato na melhora da sinalização da insulina nos tecidos periféricos, na ativação da produção de glicose pelo fígado e na inibição da AMPK hepática foi bloqueado por antagonista ?-adrenérgico. De acordo com estes resultados, nós podemos sugerir que a modulação da AMPK por intermediários metabólicos possa ser um mecanismo importante de controle da homeostase energética e consequentemente do diabetes e obesidade / Abstract: The increased prevalence of obesity and type II diabetes in modern societies is largely linked to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke and atherosclerosis. These pathologies have been associated to excessive caloric intake and decreased energy expenditure. Many factors regulate food intake, including hormones such as insulin and leptin, fuels and behavior. These factors are integrated in the hypothalamus that mediates a signaling system to regulate food behavior and cellular energy balance. The AMPactivated protein quinase (AMPK) has been proposed to be capable of mediating the cellular adaptations to nutritional environmental variation. The result of AMPK activation is the inhibition of nergy-consuming biosynthetic pathways, such as fatty acid and protein synthesis, and activation of ATP-catabolic pathways, such as fatty acid oxidation and glycolysis. In the hypothalamus, AMPK mediates hormonal effects on food intake and energy balance. Other molecules, such as acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) and its product malonyl-CoA have been proposed as possible intermediaries in the hypothalamic signaling pathway that monitors energy status. In the present work we administrated citrate, an allosteric activator of ACC, in the hypothalamus to investigate its effect on hypothalamic and hepatic AMPK activity and the result of this modulation in the energetic cellular metabolism, such as glucose metabolism and food behavior. Results were compared to saline-treated rats. Here we show that citrate treatment inhibited hypothalamic AMPK phosphorylation followed by an inhibition of hypothalamic ACC phosphorylation, indicating lower AMPK activity in this tissue. The AMPK inhibition promoted decrease in food intake, loss of body weight and increased expression of anorexigenic neuropeptides (POMC and CRH). In the citrate group, the glucose uptake was higher than in animals receiving saline according to GTT and hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. Consistent with these results, in the liver, citrate-treated rats showed also higher phosphorylation of insulin signaling proteins than control rats, reduced AMPK and ACC phosphorylation and increased PEPCK and G6Pase expression. Supported by these results, we suggest that AMPK modulation by citrate can be an important mechanism to understand deregulated glucose metabolism involved in diabetes and obesity. The central effect of citrate in the improvement of peripheral insulin signaling, in the activation of liver glucose production, and in the inhibition of hepatic AMPK was blocked by the ?-adrenergic antagonist. According to these results, we suggest that AMPK modulation by metabolic intermediaries can be an important mechanism controlling the energetic homeostase, diabetes and obesity / Doutorado / Bioquimica / Doutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecular

Cilia Associated Signaling in Adult Energy Homeostasis

Bansal, Ruchi 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Primary cilia are solitary cellular appendages that function as signaling centers for cells in adult energy homeostasis. Here in chapter 1, I introduce cilia and how dysfunction of these conserved organelles results in ciliopathies, such as Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS), which present with childhood obesity. Furthermore, conditional loss of primary cilia from neurons in the hypothalamus leads to hyperphagia and obesity in mouse models of ciliopathies. Classically, cilia coordinate signaling often through specific G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) as is the case in both vision and olfaction. In addition, neurons throughout the brain including hypothalamic neurons possess primary cilia whose dysfunction contributes to ciliopathy-associated obesity. How neuronal cilia regulate the signaling of GPCRs remains unclear and many fundamental cell biology questions remain about cilia mediated signaling. For example, how cilia coordinate signaling to influence neuronal activity is unknown. To begin to address some of these cell biology questions around neuronal cilia, chapter 2, describes the development and use of a system for primary neuronal cultures from the hypothalamus. Using this system, we found that activation of the cilia regulated hedgehog pathway, which is critical in development, influenced the ability of neurons to respond to GPCR ligands. This result highlights the role of the developmentally critical hedgehog pathway on terminally differentiated hypothalamic neurons. One challenge facing the cilia field is our ability to assess cilia in large numbers without potential bias. This is especially true in tissues like the brain, where cilia appear to have region-specific characteristics. Work included in Chapter 3 describes the use of a computer-assisted artificial intelligence (Ai) approach to analyze cilia composition and morphology in a less biased and high throughput manner. Cilia length and intensities are important parameters for evaluation of cilia signaling. Evidence suggests that activation of some ciliary GPCRs results in shortening of cilia whereas deviations from normal cilia length in mutant phenotypes affects normal physiological processes such as decreased mucociliary clearance. Therefore, to analyze a large number of cilia, we describe the use of the Ai module from in vitro and in vivo samples in a reproducible manner that minimizes user bias. Using this approach, we identified that Mchr1 expression is significantly stronger in the cilia of paraventricular nucleus than that in the arcuate nucleus of adult mice. Work in Chapter 4 continues to explore the integration between hedgehog pathway and ciliary GPCR signaling in the central nervous system, and its relevance with energy homeostasis. We evaluated the hedgehog ligand in the plasma of mice in acute and long-term metabolic changes and identified that the activity of the ligand changed under altered metabolic conditions. We also developed a genetic mouse model where hedgehog signaling was constitutively active in neuronal cilia. These mice become hyperphagic and obese. These results further emphasize the potential role of the hedgehog signaling pathway in regulation of feeding behavior in adult vertebrates. Overall, results from this work will provide a better understanding of the defects not only underlying ciliopathy-associated obesity but may also reveal more common mechanisms of centrally mediated obesity. In addition, the tools I have developed will help in understanding how neuronal cilia are used for intercellular communications and ultimately how they regulate behaviors like feeding.

Hypothalamic brain-derived neurotrophic factor regulates lymphocyte immunity, energy balance, and cancer progression

Bergin, Stephen Michael 26 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Environmental enrichment mitigates hypothalamic inflammation and improves metabolic function across the lifespan of mice

Ali, Seemaab 13 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Microdialysis in the study of GABA and other putative amino acid neurotransmitters in the dorsomedial hypothalamus

Anderson, Jeffrey Joseph January 1990 (has links)
This document only includes an excerpt of the corresponding thesis or dissertation. To request a digital scan of the full text, please contact the Ruth Lilly Medical Library's Interlibrary Loan Department (rlmlill@iu.edu).


VAN HOOREN, DANIELLA CHRISTINE 02 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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