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Problematiska faktorer för krishantering vid olika ledarskapsnivåer i verkliga krissituationer / Problematic Factors for Crisis Management in Various Leadership Levels in Real Crisis SituationsMarkbåge, Sebastian January 2006 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker ledarskapsfaktorer hos räddningschefer och kommunalråd i svenska kommuner som varit med om betydelsefulla krissituationer. Intervjudata ifrån två tidigare studier användes. Räddningschefer representerade det direkta ledarskapet medan kommunalråden representerade det indirekta ledarskapet. Analysen genomfördes huvudsakligen enligt Grounded Theory. Två dimensioner identifierades. Den kronologiska dimensionen bestod av faktorer före, under och efter själva krishändelsen. Organisations-dimensionen bestod av faktorer inom den intervjuades egen organisation, utanför den egna organisationen och mellan organisationer. Den senare dimensionen kunde förklaras av att båda ledargrupperna klassificerats som exekutivt ledarskap. Överlag ansåg båda yrkesgrupperna att informationsflöde och samverkan var problematiska faktorer. Yrkesgrupperna var inte matchade på viktiga variabler vilket försvårade analys av skillnaden mellan det indirekta och direkta ledarskapet. / This qualitative thesis studies leadership factors in rescue commanders and mayors in Swedish municipalities that have been affected by important crisis situations. Interview data from two earlier studies was used. Rescue commanders represented the direct leadership while the mayors represented the indirect leadership. The analysis was mainly carried out according to Grounded Theory. Two dimensions was identified. The chronological dimension contained factors before, during and after the crisis event. The organisation dimension contained factors within the interviewee’s own organisation, outside the own organisation and between organisations. The later dimension could be explained by attributing the qualities of executive leadership to both of the groups. Both groups did find information flow and cooperation to be problematic factors overall. The groups weren’t matched on important variables which made analysis of differences in the direct and indirect leadership difficult.
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A Study of the Impact of an Introduced Herbivore on Pollinator-mediated Interactions and Female Fitness in 'Lythrum salicaria'Russell-Mercier, Jake L. 09 April 2013 (has links)
Herbivory can have many effects on plant fitness, including altering plant-pollinator interactions and sexual reproduction in angiosperms. Pollinator-mediated interactions may be impacted when herbivores alter plant traits, such as floral display size, that can influence pollinator visitation rates, and, ultimately, the reproductive component of plant fitness. Here I describe an investigation into the indirect effects of feeding by beetles released as a biological control agent, Galerucella calmariensis and G. pusilla, on plant-pollinator interactions and reproductive output in the invasive plant Lythrum salicaria L. (purple loosestrife). During the summer of 2011, three treatments (low, ambient and mechanical herbivory) were applied to 105 plants during the pre-flowering period of growth. At the onset of flowering, a series of pollinator observations were conducted over the course of approximately 1.5 weeks. Several aspects of floral display were affected by the herbivory treatments, including increased inflorescence and flower production in the ambient and mechanical herbivory treatments, relative to the low herbivory treatment. Treatment type did not have a significant effect on the number of pollinator foraging bouts, but had marginally significant effects on the number of flowers probed per pollinator foraging bout and per 30-minutes. Moreover, treatment had a significant effect on the number of switches among the inflorescences on a single plant. I discuss the possibility that the differences in pollinator visitation were mediated by differences in the architecture and the size of floral display. There were no detectable differences in fruit or seed production (i.e., female fitness) among treatments. However, as I discuss, differences in pollinator visitation may affect other unmeasured aspects of fitness, such as the level of inbreeding or the number of seeds sired through male function.
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The Flow of the Water: Contemporary American RealismsHorton, Justin 07 January 2011 (has links)
"Realism" is one of the enduring theoretical problems of the cinema. This study aims to broaden the parameters of the term by focusing on an often overlooked strain of thought that flows throughout the work of a number of prominent and seemingly incongruous thinkers such as Bazin, Kracauer, Benjamin, Barthes, Buñuel, and others. Realism, I contend, is undergirded by something far more elusive and irrational than verisimilitude or social commentary. To demonstrate, I will examine a body of contemporary American films that I will cast—perhaps provocatively—as realist. I rely heavily upon Deleuze to discuss how free indirect discourse and the disjunction of sound and image open realism to an oneiric and/or intersubjective realm.
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Constructing Asian/American Women on ScreenWilcox, Charleen M 07 January 2011 (has links)
Asian/American women occupy a highly circumscribed subject position in popular Western culture that entails a unique reading of our bodies. My discussion of this group will gain greater depth and scope by using Black body theory as a theoretical framework to better understand how Asian/American bodies become a site to enact a multitude of fantasies, fears, and anxieties. I will examine three case studies: the construction of the interracial “romance” featuring Asian/American women produced in classical Hollywood cinema, interracial pornography featuring Asian/American female performers, and the independent works of Asian/American feminist filmmakers. Topics interrogated include the over-determination of non-White bodies and possibilities for destabilizing bodies and crafting their new legibility.
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Simulation of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the WRF Model at the Southern Great Plains SiteVogel, Jonathan 1988- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The aerosol direct and indirect effects were investigated for three specific cases during the March 2000 Cloud IOP at the SGP site by using a modified WRF model. The WRF model was previously altered to include a two-moment bulk microphysical scheme for the aerosol indirect effect and a modified Goddard shortwave radiation scheme for the aerosol direct effect. The three cases studied include a developing low pressure system, a low precipitation event of mainly cirrus clouds, and a cold frontal passage. Three different aerosol profiles were used with surface concentrations ranging from 210 cm-3 to 12,000 cm-3. In addition, each case and each aerosol profile was run both with and without the aerosol direct effect.
Regardless of the case, increasing the aerosol concentration generally increased cloud water and droplet values while decreasing rain water and droplet values. Increased aerosols also decreased the surface shortwave radiative flux for every case; which was greatest when the aerosol direct effect was included. For convective periods during polluted model runs, the aerosol direct effect lowered the surface temperature and reduced convection leading to a lower cloud fraction. During most convective periods, the changes to cloud, rain, and ice water mixing ratios and number concentrations produced a nonlinear precipitation trend. A balance between these values was achieved for moderate aerosol profiles, which produced the highest convective precipitation rates. In non-convective cases, due to the presence of ice particles, aerosol concentration and precipitation amounts were positively correlated. The aerosol threshold between precipitation enhancement and suppression should be further studied for specific cloud types as well as for specific synoptic weather patterns to determine its precise values.
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Exploring the mechanisms of sex and grade differences in relational/indirect/social aggressionMazur, Jennifer Leah 15 August 2008
The purpose of the project was to explore sex and grade differences observed in RISA (a term
used to refer collectively to relational, indirect, and social aggression). Three theories used to explain sex and grade differences, namely, gender socialization theory (Bjorkqvist, 1994;Lagerspetz & Bjorkqvist, 1994; Lagerspetz, Bjorkqvist, & Peltonen, 1988), target-value theory(Bjorkqvist, Lagerspetz, & Kaukiainen, 1992; Lagerspetz et al, 1988; Crick & Grotpeter, 1995),and symbolic capital theory (Campbell, 1993; Cashdan, 1997; Eckert, 1990; Horney 1934a,
1934b, 1934c) were reviewed, expanded upon, and tested. Theories were tested using
questionnaires; however, a small subset of participants also completed individual interviews to add greater depth to information provided by the quantitative data. A second purpose of the project was to use a measure that represents the diversity of RISA items found in other measures currently used by researchers since research has suggested inconsistencies in findings may be related to item composition. Participants were 521 (301 girls and 220 boys) in grades six (n = 224), seven (n = 224) and eight (n = 73) from various Canadian schools (average age of 12.2 years) who completed the questionnaires. From this sample, 28 students completed individual interviews. Results indicated that boys and girls did not differ in regard to self-reported use of RISA; however, interviews and peer nominations indicated that girls have the reputation for engaging in RISA more frequently than boys. Post-hoc analyses indicated that the appearance of sex differences in RISA may be influenced by item choice as some items on the self-report measure were more highly reported by boys, while others were more likely to be reported by girls. There was not a great deal of support for any of the theories tested. Results indicated that the pattern of connections for predictors of RISA frequently did not differ by sex. Factors like perceived risk of or discomfort with using aggression, affective reactions to relationship threats, and care about ones own or a peers performance in a number of life domains were connected to RISA for both sexes.
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Water Reuse as Part of San Diego's Water PortfolioShipps, Hillary P 18 May 2013 (has links)
San Diego imports 80 to 90 percent of its water supply, depending on conditions during any particular year. This high level of imports and low diversity of water supply have combined with climate change to generate an urgent need for increased conservation and diversification of San Diego's water supply. Water reuse is one option to mitigate this problem. An attempt was made in the early 1990s to recycle wastewater but the public reacted badly due to a combination of bad public relations, perceived environmental justice issues, and a psychological phenomenon called the yuck factor. With improved public relations and education, the project might go through this year.
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格子等価連続体化法による鉄筋コンクリート部材の有限要素解析伊藤, 睦, ITOH, Atsushi, PHAMAVANH, Kongkeo, 中村, 光, NAKAMURA, Hikaru, 田辺, 忠顕, TANABE, Tada-aki 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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L'alternance locative en Bangla: étude du comportement des équivalents banglas de verbes anglais appartenant à une classe de verbes locatifs définie par Pinker (1989) comme "orientés vers le contenu"Sen, Mary 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Dans ce mémoire, nous nous intéressons aux verbes locatifs du bangla. Notre objectif est de faire l'analyse du comportement des verbes locatifs banglas au niveau de l'alternance par rapport à leurs équivalents anglais. Pour ce faire, comme base de données, nous avons choisi les verbes anglais que Pinker (1989) désigne comme orientés vers le contenu; nous avons analysé les verbes banglas appartenant à 8 sous-classes identifiées par Pinker.
Selon ce mémoire, dans la plupart des cas, les verbes banglas analysés ne se comportent pas comme leur équivalent anglais: ils n'alternent pas quand le verbe anglais donne lieu à l'alternance, et, fait intéressant, dans la plupart des cas aussi, le verbe bangla permet l'alternance quand le verbe anglais ne le permet pas. Les résultats de nos analyses montrent que la possibilité d'alternance pour les verbes du bangla ne dépend pas toujours de la sous-classe sémantique de mode d'action du verbe, mais de plusieurs autres facteurs linguistiques. Notre analyse des phrases banglas met en évidence que l'alternance locative est liée à l'un ou plusieurs des éléments suivants: (i) la natures des verbes; (ii) leur formation; (iii) le type de COD ou (iv) la préposition impliquée.
Dans ce mémoire, nous ne proposons pas de nouvelles analyses relatives aux conditions permettent l'alternance, mais nous espérons que les résultats des analyses présentés dans ce mémoire apporteront de nouveaux points de vue pouvant guider les futures recherches.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : verbes locatifs, objet direct, objet oblique, But-Objet, Thème-Objet, argument, noyau thématique, verbes orientés vers le contenu, verbes orientés vers le contenant, bangla.
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Exploring causative and modifying factors of metal mine effluent toxicity using short-term multi-trophic artificial stream systems2013 July 1900 (has links)
Metal mines release treated effluents that contain a variety of metals, metalloids, and organics into the aquatic environment. A number of metal mine effluents (MMEs) have been found to contribute to adverse effects in fish and benthic invertebrates, such as decreased diversity and density, however the specific causal factors of toxic responses during chronic exposures to the MMEs are often unknown. Therefore, the overall objective of this dissertation was to explore causative and modifying factors of MME toxicity to a resident fish species, the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), during chronic, multi-trophic exposures. The representative MME used in this study was the process water effluent (PWE) of a Canadian metal mine, which is released into Junction Creek in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Chronic exposure to the MME has been a source of decreased reproductive output in fathead minnows in several previous studies, however, these same studies were not able to determine the potential causal factors of the reproductive impairment. In order to address the overall objective, several laboratory mesocosm studies were conducted, which consisted of three separate components. The first component included exploring several metals (Cu, Ni, and Se; alone and in mixture) that are consistently present in the MME and are known to cause toxicity at fairly low concentrations as potential causes for decreased egg production in fathead minnows. The second component included evaluating the role of decreased food availability (a possible indirect effect of MME in the receiving environment) as a potential cause of decreased egg production in fathead minnows. The third and final component included examining the role of water chemistry [(increased alkalinity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)] as potential modifying factors of chronic MME toxicity to fathead minnows.
In general, my results suggest that the metals present in the MME likely do not contribute directly to decreased reproductive performance in fathead minnows during chronic exposures, under the conditions examined. Instead, the MME appears to decrease food availability, therefore indirectly influence fathead minnow egg production. Furthermore, water chemistry modifications tested in this thesis were not able to entirely mitigate the reproductive effects in fish induced by the MME, although they did improve egg production relative to unmodified MME. Metal concentrations in fish tissues were not influenced by increases to alkalinity or DOC level in the exposure water, suggesting that bioavailability of metals during chronic exposure to metal-mixtures cannot be fully explained based on our understanding of metal complexation with abiotic ligands (inorganic and organic) during single metal or acute exposures. From a regulatory perspective, water chemistry modifications may somewhat improve fathead minnow reproductive performance during chronic exposure to the MME, however the MME would still not be entirely free of effects relative to the uncontaminated water. Future studies should focus on understanding the factors responsible for decreased food availability in MME-impacted aquatic ecosystems, and further explore potential approaches for ameliorating effluent quality.
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