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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cristaux moléculaires : des cristaux coeur-coquille aux réseaux de cristaux / Molecular crystals : from core-shell crystals to networks of crystals

Adolf, Cyril 04 October 2017 (has links)
L’agencement relatif de systèmes cristallins moléculaires, par une méthode d’organisation avancée est une stratégie de premier plan. Le développement de tels systèmes permet la conception de dispositifs innovants dans le domaine des matériaux poreux, magnétiques ou optiques.Les travaux menés dans le cadre de cette étude ont pour objectif l’élaboration d’architectures macroscopiques hiérarchisées concernant l’état cristallin, de type « réseaux de cristaux ». Dans un premier temps, le développement et la caractérisation de réseaux iso-structuraux ont été réalisés. Ces séries, formées par liaisons hydrogènes, servent à l’étude de la croissance cristalline épitaxiale, développée par la suite. À partir de ces résultats, la préparation d’architectures monocristallines de type cristal cœur-coquille ainsi que la soudure cristalline sont entreprises.Enfin, la généralisation de cette mise en forme de l’état cristallin à des systèmes formés par liaisons de coordination est présentée. / The relative disposition of applicative molecular systems by an advanced organization method is a well-defined strategy (core-shell type crystals). It is aimed at developing innovative materials.The presented study deals with the elaboration of a new organization method concerning the crystalline matter to obtain “network of crystals”. This strategy of materials processing occurs at a macroscopic scale and in a hierarchical way.Firstly, series of isostructural crystalline molecular networks have been designed with a molecular tectonics approach. These series, formed by hydrogen bonds, are then used for the study of the epitaxial growth of crystal. The preparation of a single crystalline architecture with a defined sequenced area of different compositions is demonstrated: core-shell crystals and welded crystals.Finally, the developed strategy is applied to coordination networks exhibiting luminescent properties in order to generalize the described process.

Découverte et application de nouveaux motifs d'association propres à l'hexaphénylbenzène et à ses dérivés

Gagnon, Eric 11 1900 (has links)
Les propriétés des matériaux moléculaires proviennent à la fois de la structure des composantes individuelles et de la façon dont elles s’associent. Ce dernier aspect reste difficile à contrôler, malgré de grandes avancées en science des matériaux. Pour mieux comprendre la relation structure-propriétés, nous avons entrepris une étude systématique de l'hexaphénylbenzène et de ses dérivés, qui offrent une charpente symétrique et rigide. En premier lieu, nous avons attaché six groupements diaminotriazinyles sur l’hexaphénylbenzène afin de produire des réseaux tridimensionnels hautement poreux maintenus par des ponts hydrogène. En modifiant systématiquement le coeur moléculaire, nous avons excisé près du tiers de la molécule-mère, générant des réseaux supramoléculaires dont la porosité s’est élevée graduellement jusqu’à 75%, équivalant ainsi le record pour ce type de matériaux. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le comportement de l’hexakis(4-nitrophényl)benzène. Dans les structures cristallines obtenues, des interactions non-covalentes entre groupements nitro démontrent leur potentiel en chimie supramoléculaire. Le coeur moléculaire ne joue qu’un rôle secondaire dans l’empilement des molécules : seules quelques interactions C-H•••π impliquant le cycle aromatique central de l’hexaphénylbenzène sont évidentes. Cette dernière observation nous a poussés à étudier le comportement à l’état cristallin de l’hexaphénylbenzène et ses dérivés. En scrutant attentivement neuf structures cristallines de ces composés, nous avons décerné la présence récurrente d’interactions C-H•••π impliquant le cycle aromatique central. Cette association caractéristique a été exploitée pour créer des réseaux supramoléculaires maintenus par des interactions C-H•••π sélectives entre un groupement éthynyle et le cycle aromatique central de l’hexaphénylbenzène. Finalement, nous avons joint le côté sombre de l’ingénierie cristalline en utilisant nos connaissances dans le but d’empêcher la formation d’interactions directionnelles. En protégeant le cycle aromatique central de l’hexaphénylbenzène à l’aide de groupements alkyles, les interactions C-H•••π ont été pratiquement éliminées. Ces résultats offrent la possibilité de créer de nouveaux matériaux amorphes. Dans ces études, focalisées sur le système hexaphénylbenzène, nous avons mis en relief des phénomènes qui sont obscurcis dans d'autres familles de molécules. De plus, ce système a grandement facilité l’utilisation d’une approche méthodique pour explorer la relation structure-propriétés. Nos travaux nous ont amenés à des conclusions de valeur universelle en science des matériaux moléculaires. / The properties of molecular materials depend on the identity of individual components and on their organization. Unfortunately, it remains difficult to control molecular organization, despite advances in materials science. To better understand the relationship between molecular structure and collective properties, we undertook a systematic study of hexaphenylbenzene and its derivatives, which possess a rigid symmetric framework. Our first study focused on using hydrogen bonds to control self-assembly in the solid state. By installing six diaminotriazinyl groups on a hexaphenylbenzene core, we predictably obtained highly porous three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded networks. Through systematic structural modifications of the molecular core, we excised nearly a third of the parent molecule, and the porosity of the networks gradually increased, matching the record of 75% previously obtained for this type of material. We then turned to weaker interactions to control organization, as revealed by the packing of hexakis(4-nitrophenyl)benzene. In the crystal structures analyzed, non-covalent interactions between nitro groups were observed, demonstrating their potential in supramolecular chemistry. Careful examination of the structures showed that the hexaphenylbenzene moieties play only a secondary role in determining the overall packing; however, C-H•••π interactions involving the central aromatic ring of hexaphenylbenzene were also observed. To further document this unexpected behavior, we analyzed nine crystal structures of hexaphenylbenzene and derivatives, which showed that a C-H•••π recognition pattern involving the central aromatic ring occurs consistently throughout the series. This motif was used to prepare supramolecular networks based exclusively on selective and directional C-H•••π interactions involving ethynyl groups and the central aromatic ring of hexaphenylbenzene. Finally, we joined the dark side of crystal engineering by using our knowledge of supramolecular chemistry to prevent the formation of directional interactions. By installing alkyl groups near the central aromatic ring of hexaphenylbenzene, C-H•••π interactions were practically eliminated. These results were then used to devise new amorphous materials. The hexaphenylbenzene system permitted a methodical analysis of structure-property relationships in molecular materials. This particular system exposed phenomena normally obscured in other families of molecules, and our analysis of its behavior has yielded conclusions of universal value in materials science.

Beeinflussung der Reaktivität elektrophiler Barbiturate durch kooperative Wasserstoffbrücken

Bauer, Mirko 13 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Synthese und Charakterisierung neuartiger elektrophiler Barbiturate. In diesen Zielverbindungen sollte die kovalente Verknüpfung eines elektrophilen bzw. Lewis-aciden Zentrums mit einer Wasserstoffbrückensequenz realisiert sowie deren gegenseitige Beeinflussung untersucht werden. Im Mittelpunkt standen dabei Barbitursäure-funktionalisierte Triarylmethylium-Ionen sowie Merocyanine. Die Charakterisierung der synthetisierten Verbindungen erfolgte mittels NMR-Spektroskopie, Einkristall-Röntgenstrukturanalyse sowie solvatochromen Messungen. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der Wechselwirkung mit verschiedenen Rezeptoren über Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen, wobei sowohl die Anzahl als auch die Stärke der Wasserstoffbrücken variiert wurden. Die Reaktion der elektrophilen Barbiturate mit ausgewählten Nucleophilen wurde NMR- und UV/Vis-spektroskopisch verfolgt. In ternären Systemen bestehend aus Elektrophil, Nucleophil und Rezeptor wurde systematisch der Einfluss der Komplexierung über Wasserstoffbrücken auf die Gleichgewichts- und Geschwindigkeitskonstante der Elektrophil-Nucleophil-Rekombination erfasst. Daneben erfolgte die Bestimmung der Nucleophilie-Parameter substituierter Barbiturat-Anionen unter Berücksichtigung des ambidenten Verhaltens dieser Nucleophile.

Theoretical and Experimental Study of Cooperativity Effects in Noncovalent Interactions

Estarellas Martín, Carolina 07 September 2012 (has links)
L’any 2002 tres grups de recerca, entre ells el nostre grup, van demostrar teòricament que la interacció entre anions i anells aromàtics electrodeficients, anomenada interacció anió–, era favorable. Des de llavors s’ha dut a terme un intens estudi de la seva naturalesa física fins la total comprensió. Aquesta tesi es basa amb l’estudi de la interacció anió– des de tres punts de vista. Primerament, la investigació es basa en el disseny teòric de motius estructurals per donar lloc a un receptor on la interacció anió– siga molt favorable, per posteriorment avaluar la força de la interacció experimentalment en dissolució. A continuació, es va analitzar la interrelació entre un gran nombre de combinacions d’interaccions no covalents. A partir d’aquest estudi es defineixen nous conceptes i es proposen diferents formules per calcular efectes de cooperativitat. Finalment, hem anat un pas més enllà en l’estudi de la interacció analitzant: 1) l’impacte de la interacció anió– a sistemes biològics; 2) la influència de modificacions a l’anió sobre la naturalesa física de la interacció. / In 2002 three research groups, among them our research group, theoretically demonstrated that the interaction between anions and electron-deficient aromatic rings, named anion– interaction, was favourable. Since then, an intense study of its physical nature has been performed to understand it completely. This thesis is based on the study of the anion– interaction from three points of view. Firstly, theoretical design of binding units to build a receptor and to obtain the most favourable binding based on anion– interactions. The binding properties of these receptors have been experimentally assessed in solution. Secondly, we have studied the interplay between a great combination of noncovalent interactions. From this study, new concepts and formula to calculate cooperativity effects have been described. Finally, we have study one step further the anion– interaction analysing: 1) the impact of anion– interaction in biological systems; 2) how the modifications in the anion influence the physical nature of the interaction.

Tectonique moléculaire : réseaux moléculaires à propriétés optiques assemblées par des liaisons hydrogène chargées / Molecular tectonics : molecular networks presenting optical properties, assembled by charge-assisted hydrogen bonds

Delcey, Nicolas 24 September 2012 (has links)
La conception et la préparation de réseaux moléculaires organiques et hybrides à l’état cristallin ont été envisagées par un processus itératif d’auto-assemblage entre des briques de construction moléculaires préprogrammées et complémentaires appelées tectons. Cette approche est basée sur la reconnaissance moléculaire de modules dicationiques, donneurs de liaisons hydrogène, et d’unités anioniques, accepteurs de liaisons hydrogène. Ainsi, la combinaison des tectons moléculaires de la famille des bis-benzimidazoliums, intrinsèquement luminescents, avec des anions polycyanométallates conduit à la formation de réseaux moléculaires hybrides luminescents à l’état cristallin. Il a été procédé à l'étude des propriétés photophysiques de ces réseaux à l'état solide. De même, l’association de bis-amidiniums,briques dicationiques, à des anions de type azodibenzoates mène à des assemblages cristallins possédant la propriété de photo-commutation, c’est-à-dire conduisant à une isomérisation sous stimulus lumineux. / The design and synthesis of organic and hybrid molecular networks in the crystalline state has been investigated using iterative self-assembly processes involving preprogrammed complementary molecular building blocks called tectons. This approach is based on molecular recognition events between dicationic hydrogen bond donors and anionic hydrogen bond acceptors tectons. Thus, the combination of intrinsically luminescent molecular tectons belonging to the family of cationic bis-benzimidazoliums with polycyanometallates anions leads to the formation of luminescent hybrid molecular networks in the crystalline state. Their optical properties have been studied in the solid state. Similarly, the association of bis-amidiniums, dicationic bricks, to azodibenzoates type anions leads to crystalline assemblies presenting photo-switching property, i.e. the ability to isomerise under light stimulus.

A Study of Supramolecular Gels and Self Assembly of Novel Bile Acid Conjugates

Ramesh, K January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Chapter 1: Functional and Responsive Supramolecular Gels In this chapter ‘supramolecular gels’ derived from small organic molecules with molecular mass of typically less than 2000 daltons are discussed. Representative examples of various low molecular weight gelators based on their natural availability and also divergent functionalities are mentioned (Scheme 1). Scheme 1 Advances in the recent years have been very rapid in the field of supramolecular chemistry of gels giving rise to ‘Tunable responsive gels’. Control of the gel property in a reversible fashion has been the highlight of responsive gels. A few of the gels which are responsive towards various stimuli such as pH, photoirradiation, cations, anions, neutral species have been discussed. Advances and scope of supramolecular gels in various applications have also been mentioned in detail with respective examples. Utilities of supramolecular gels in synthesis of nanostructures, in biology and medicine, enzyme recognition, catalysis etc are discussed. (Scheme 2). Chapter 2: Charge transfer triggered organogels of bis(bile acid)anthracene conjugates and 2,4.7-trinitrofluorenone. In this chapter the study involves the synthesis of a special class of anthracene based steroidal derivatives. The appending of two amphiphilic bile acid units imparts a unique hydrophobic/ hydrophilic balance on the chromophore. The 2,3-didecyloxyanthracene (DDOA) was reported to be a gelator of various organic solvents but none of the three bile acid derivatives of anthracene synthesized was a gelator on its own. It was also observed that dialkoxy (propyl, heptyl, decyl) derivatives of anthracene formed strong charge-transfer gels in the presence of 2,4,7-trinitrofluorenone (TNF). The addition of electron deficient TNF to the steroidal derivatives of anthracene resulted in the gelation of some specific organic solvents. The driving force behind the gel formation resulted from the charge-transfer (CT) interaction between the electron rich anthracene and electron deficient fluorenone. Figure 1. Chemical structures of 2,3-bis(bile acid)anthracenes and TNF (centre), a scanning electronic microscopy image of xerogels prepared from bis(deoxycholyl)anthracene and TNF (left) and a photograph of the gel of bis(deoxycholyl)anthracene and TNF in n-octanol. Thermochromic property (during sol to gel phase transition), absorption and variable temperature fluorescence measurements supported CT interaction. Thermal stability studies and dynamic rheology experiments confirmed that CT gels were thermally most stable and mechanically stronger with equi-molar amounts of the two components. Stiffness values obtained from rheological experiments also suggested that the gels were viscoelastic solids. Chapter 3(A): Tb(III) sensitization in an organogel matrix: Selective luminescence quenching by an aromatic nitro derivative In this chapter the discovery of metallo organogel formation by mixing methanolic solutions of Tb(OAc)3 and sodium deoxycholate (NaDCh) has been explored. Sensitization of Tb3+ was observed by doping micromolar quantities of 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN). Mechanical properties of Tb3+-DCh gels were investigated by rheology at three different ratios of Tb3+ and DCh. It was observed that increasing in the Tb3+ to DCh ratio increased the mechanical property of the gels. Time delayed emission spectra were recorded with increasing concentration of DHN and luminescence increase was noticed in a linear fashion. Importance of gel matrix was demonstrated by measuring the Tb3+ luminescence at fixed concentration (5 mM) with/without DHN in the solution and gel media. Figure 2:: Schematic representation of Tb3+ sensitization by DHN. Photograph (right)) of the Tb3++-DCh (5/15 mM) gels with (a) 50 µM DHHN (b) No DHHN under UVV (365 nm). Sensitization by an electron rich chromophore created interest in us to dope relatively electron deficient compounds into the gel matrix for possible quenching off Tb3+-luminescence. Among the electron deficient analytes screened included 1,5-difluro-2,4-diinitrobenzenne (DFDNB)), 2,4 dinitrophenol (DNPPh), p-nitrobenzaldehydde (p-NB), 2,4,6-trinitrootoluene (TTNT) and 22,4,7¬trinitrofluuorenone (TTNF). Microscopy studies such as AFM, TEMM and SEMM revealed highly entangled fibrous network in the morphology of Tb3+--DCh xerogel. Solid state luminescence experiments suggested that sensiitization was observed in the xerogels and extent of sensitization was comparable to that of the gel state. Xerogel soaking studies inferred the strong adherence of the DHNN to the gel fibres. Chapter 3(B): Anion dependent structural, morphological and mechanical features of Ln(III)-Cholate gels In this chapter the counter anion influence on various aspects of hydrogels has been discussed. It has been reported from our laboratory that mixing of aqueous solutions of sodium cholate (15 mM) and various lanthanide acetates (5 mM) followed by sonication resulted in either transparent or transluscent gels. Unsurprisingly we found that aqueous solutions of lanthanide nitrates and lanthanide chlorides also formed hydrogels upon mixing with sodium cholate (Figure 33). Dried films of Tb3++-cholate and Eu3+-cholate gels prepared from their respective nitrate salts displayed birefringent structures under polarizing optical microscopy (POM). But no significant textures of any type were observed in the case of gels prepared from either chloride or acetate salts. Figure 3:: Photographs of the hydrogels prepared by mixing of aqueous solutions of various salts Tb33+ and Eu3+ with sodium cholate solutions. Scanning electron microscopic images exhibited fibrous structures for all the xerogels in the morphology. Atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy measurements revealed helical morphology for xerogels prepared from nitrate salts where as flat tape-like cross linkage was observed for chloride or acetate based xerogels. Anion effect on mechanical properties was significant in the sense that gels prepared from acetate salts displayed highest mechanical strength followed by nitrate based gels which were stronger than that of chloride based gels. Titration of sodium cholate solution with various lanthanide salt solutions gave the direct evidence of thee pH variation as a function of the anions. Figure 4: TEM images of xerogels prepared from gels of nitrate salts of Tb3+ (left) and Eu3+ (right) Chapter 4: Design, synthesis a nd study of bile acid ‘click’ conjugates of perylene bisimides (PBIs) and naphthalene bisimides (NBIs) In this chapter the synthesis of novel bile acid derivatives of perylene and naphthalene bisimides is discussed. The ‘click’ chemistry procedure was used to link bile acid groups on to the chromophores. Azide derivatives of PBIs and NBIs were prepared inn 3 step methods which were coupled to propargyl esters of bile acids by following standard ‘click chemistry’ protocols to achieve the target molecules (Scheme 3). Scheme 3 The studies conducted mainly focused on Cholic acid (CA) conjugates of PBIs and NBIs. Steady state absorption and emission studies of CA conjugates were performed in 10% MeOH/DCM system. POM and fluorescence images showed red emissive aggregates in case of PBI films. TEM measurements revealed uniform aggregate sizes for both the films of PBI(CA)2 and NBI(CA)2. SEM and AFM (Fig 5) studies exhibited spherical aggregates of diameter around 100-200 nm for PBI(CA)2 films where as aggregates of diameter around 500-700 nm were observed for NBI(CA)2 films. Figure 5: AFM images and their corresponding height profiles of PBI films (left) and NBI films (right)

Beeinflussung der Reaktivität elektrophiler Barbiturate durch kooperative Wasserstoffbrücken: Beeinflussung der Reaktivität elektrophiler Barbiturate durch kooperativeWasserstoffbrücken

Bauer, Mirko 15 August 2011 (has links)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Synthese und Charakterisierung neuartiger elektrophiler Barbiturate. In diesen Zielverbindungen sollte die kovalente Verknüpfung eines elektrophilen bzw. Lewis-aciden Zentrums mit einer Wasserstoffbrückensequenz realisiert sowie deren gegenseitige Beeinflussung untersucht werden. Im Mittelpunkt standen dabei Barbitursäure-funktionalisierte Triarylmethylium-Ionen sowie Merocyanine. Die Charakterisierung der synthetisierten Verbindungen erfolgte mittels NMR-Spektroskopie, Einkristall-Röntgenstrukturanalyse sowie solvatochromen Messungen. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der Wechselwirkung mit verschiedenen Rezeptoren über Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen, wobei sowohl die Anzahl als auch die Stärke der Wasserstoffbrücken variiert wurden. Die Reaktion der elektrophilen Barbiturate mit ausgewählten Nucleophilen wurde NMR- und UV/Vis-spektroskopisch verfolgt. In ternären Systemen bestehend aus Elektrophil, Nucleophil und Rezeptor wurde systematisch der Einfluss der Komplexierung über Wasserstoffbrücken auf die Gleichgewichts- und Geschwindigkeitskonstante der Elektrophil-Nucleophil-Rekombination erfasst. Daneben erfolgte die Bestimmung der Nucleophilie-Parameter substituierter Barbiturat-Anionen unter Berücksichtigung des ambidenten Verhaltens dieser Nucleophile.

Physikochemische Untersuchung der Analyt – HKUST-1 Wechselwirkung unter Verwendung der inversen Gaschromatographie

Münch, Alexander 05 November 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit hat neben der Untersuchung der Synthese über den Controlled SBU-Approach von HKUST-1, ein poröses Kupfertrimesat, die Abscheidung dieses Metal-Organic Frameworks in dünnen Quarzglaskapillaren mit einer Länge von 10 bis 30 m und Innendurchmessern zwischen 0,53 und 0,25 mm zum Thema. Diese Säulen werden zur gaschromatographischen Trennung wie auch zur Bestimmung physikochemischer Kenngrößen, die den Adsorptionsvorgang verschiedener Analyten auf der HKUST-1 Oberfläche beschreiben, verwendet. Zu den untersuchten Stoffen gehören neben unpolaren n-Alkanen, unterschiedlich substituierte Phenylaromaten und starke Lewisbasen, wie Alkoxyalkane. Bei diesen kann der Einfluss der Gestalt und Länge der an den Sauerstoffatomen befindlichen Alkylgruppen auf die Adsorption an HKUST-1 in Form von spezifischen und unspezifischen Wechselwirkungsenthalpien, bestimmt aus gaschromatographischen Messungen, und infrarotspektroskopischen Auswertungen untersucht werden. Abschließend wird eine quantitative Aussage über das Verhältnis von Acidität und Basizität der HKUST-1 Oberfläche getroffen.

PhD Dissertation-Chemistry-Aayush-2023

Aayush Aayush (15354604) 26 April 2023 (has links)
<p> </p> <p>Learning about ‘behavior’ has always been at the heart of my research endeavors. While my undergraduate work in evolution and ecology exposed me to the science behind why a behavior exists, in my graduate work, I intended to explore how to use something’s behavior to widen its applicability. In this thesis, <em>I will present three works that utilize some of the fundamental</em></p> <p><em>behaviors (i.e., properties) of elastin-like polypeptides (ELP) to improve existing protein purification methods or explore their applicability in bladder cancer imaging and immunotherapy. </em></p> <p>Bladder cancer has high recurrence rates (60-70 % annually) that necessitate multiple follow-up therapies making it one of the costliest cancers per patient. In this work, we have attempted to address two leading causes of the recurrence. First is a low sensitivity (62-84 %) and variable specificity (43-95 %) of white light cystoscopy used to diagnose and remove tumors. We aimed to address the heart of this problem, i.e., the non-specific mode of detection using white light. Only the trained eyes can discern abnormal from normal-appearing tissues even then, leaving up to 45% of tumors unresected to colonize and spread. <em>We developed and characterized near infrared dye-peptide-ligand conjugates (NIR-ELP-ligand) that undergo receptor-mediated binding and internalization to human bladder cancer cells in vitro and tissues ex vivo.</em> By using a molecular target-based probe in combination with NIR imaging, we can aid in improving the detection limit via selective binding to the tumor and reduction in background autofluorescence.</p> <p>Bacillus-Calmette Guérin (BCG) instillation in the bladder is the gold-standard</p> <p>immunotherapy used after surgical removal of bladder tumors. This was approved as a response to the inefficiency of surgery alone in improving cancer status. It has succeeded by reducing the recurrence rate to 30-50 %. But it comes with the complications of putting a live mycobacterium</p> <p>in the human body and giving a patient a urinary tract infection right after surgical tumor resection. <em>Thus, we aimed to deliver nucleic acid as immunotherapeutic cargo in a selective manner to elicit robust anti-tumor immune responses while minimizing the side effects due to its carrier.</em> Towards</p> <p>this goal, we have developed a highly modular and adaptable ELP-ligand fusion protein-based nucleic acid delivery carrier targeted toward bladder cancer. Before developing targeted peptide-based cancer imaging and nucleic acid delivery modalities, we addressed the Achilles heel of peptide-based approaches. The peptide and protein industry suffers</p> <p>through complex, time-consuming, inconsistent, and low-yielding purification methods. <em>We have developed a scalable, facile, and reproducible protein purification method that delivers ELP and ELP fusion proteins free of host cell proteins and nucleic acids and has low lipopolysaccharide</em></p> <p><em>content in just 3 h starting from a bacterial pellet. </em>Thus, for a coherent narrative, the thesis is structured as follows:</p> <p>1. Introduction</p> <p>2. ELP as a protein purification tag: Development of a rapid purification method for ELPs and ELP fusion proteins.</p> <p>3. ELP as a cancer imaging agent: Development of NIR-ELP-Ligand imaging probe targeting bladder cancer.</p> <p>4. ELP as a drug delivery agent: Utilizing ELP-ligand fusion protein in the formulation of targeted nucleic acid delivery carrier to bladder cancer.</p>

New approaches for the development of chromo-fluorogenic sensors for chemical species of biological, industrial and environmental interest

Santos Figueroa, Luis Enrique 23 March 2015 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / El presente proyecto de investigación está enfocado al desarrollo de sensores químicos fluoro-cromogénicos, para la detección y determinación de especies químicas de interés biológico, industrial y medioambiental de forma selectiva y con alta sensibilidad. En forma general, se busca el diseñar nuevos sistemas sensores basados en compuestos (receptores) formados por dos unidades: una unidad coordinante que interacciona con el anión a determinar y una unidad generadora de señal que alerta del reconocimiento molecular efectuado. Durante este estudio se están preparando diversas moléculas receptoras funcionalizandas con grupos modificadores de estructura para evaluar su influencia sobre las capacidades de detección y selectividad como receptores de especies específicas en diferentes condiciones y medios. Las diferentes aproximaciones en prueba implican a su vez el diseño y síntesis molecular, así como el análisis de las diferentes señales ópticas producidas en el reconocimiento, con el fin de diseñar sistemas de alta eficacia y eficiencia, y con posibilidades reales de aplicación. / Santos Figueroa, LE. (2014). New approaches for the development of chromo-fluorogenic sensors for chemical species of biological, industrial and environmental interest [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/43216 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales / Compendio

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