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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bildöverföring via Bluetooth till ett GPRS nätverk / Image Transport to a GPRS Network using Bluetooth

Hellberg, Carl, Fransson, Daniel January 2002 (has links)
På Ericsson AB i Katrineholm finns ett tekniklaboratorium (Techlab), där den senaste tekniken för GPRS-system finns samlad. Till Ericssons tekniklaboratorium skulle en demo-applikation konstrueras. Applikationen ska illustrera hur en mobiltelefon av typen Ericsson T68 kan skicka en bild via Bluetooth till en LAN nod (BlipC11). Den är kopplad till ett GPRS-nätverk och ska i sin tur skicka vidare bilden till en mottagare på andra sidan nätet. Rapporten ger en teoretisk bakgrund om Bluetooth och GPRS. Vidare i rapporten presenteras lösningsförslag och resultatet av examensarbetet. Projektet har varit problemfyllt. De resultat och slutsatser som erhållits är att utrustningen som varit tillgänglig inte klarar av att handskas med bildobjekt. Det betyder att kravspecifikationen ej kunde fullföljas. Alternativa användningsområden för noden har undersökts, som WAP- eller webserver. En webserver samt olika applikationsexempel till noden är resultatet av detta examensarbete. / At Ericsson AB in Katrineholm is a technical lab (Techlab) located, where the latest technique for GPRS-systems is gathered. A demo-application where supposed to be build for Techlab. The demo-application shall demonstrate the capabilities of Bluetooth and GPRS. An Ericsson T68 mobile will wirelessly send an image across a Bluetooth link to a LAN access point (BlipC11). The access point will then transport the image further on to the GPRS-net to a receiver, at the other end of the net. The report gives a theoretical background about Bluetooth andGPRS. In the report, methods and results of the final year project are presented. During the project a several problems occurred. The results and the conclusions show that an image can’t be sent with the equipment that was handed out. This means that the assignment specification could not be fulfilled. Other scenarios with the LAN access point have been investigated. It could be used as a WAP- or webserver for example. A webserver and some application examples for the access point, is the result of this project.


Nilsson, Ola, Stjärnborg, Tedh January 2002 (has links)
As today (July 2002) there is no doubt that a wireless revolution has arrived. As internet communication is growing stronger, more suitable and advanced techniques are used to integrate offices and home based networks to this new standard. A still somewhat sleeping and awaiting market actor to this new technology is the industrial one. The Blueboat application is meant to replace cables in a military marine system, showing that the wireless solution is as least as good and more flexible as the traditional based on cables. Our task was to send system information such as course, speed and depth from an internal rack to a client computer via Bluetooth. The system information is to be received, interpreted and logged on some kind of software (Bluboat) at the client computer. To do this we are using a microcontroller that is listening on a serial port to receive the information that is to be transmitted. In the microcontroller the data packets are reformatted to Bluetooth packets which are sent to a Bluetooth device connected to the microcontroller On the client side the Bluetooth packets are received and formatted so that it is possible to read real-time data on e.g. a laptop anywhere in the near facility. / Idag (juli 2002) är det ingen tvekan om att en trådlös revulotion är här. I takt med att Internetkommunikation växer sig starkare utvecklas mer anpassade tekniker för att integrera kontors och hemmanätverk med den nya standarden. En fortfarande något återhållsam och vaksam aktör på den trådlösa marknaden är industrin. Vår applikation är tänkt att ersätta kablar i ett militärt marint system och samtidigt visa att den trådlösa tekniken är minst så god och mer flexibel än den traditionella lösningen som är baserad på kablar. Vår uppgift bestod i att skicka systemdata såsom t.ex. kurs, hastighet och djup från en intern-rack till en klient dator via Bluetooth. Informationen ska tas emot, tolkas, visas och loggas i en mjukvara (Blueboat) på klientmaskinen. För att klara av detta använde vi oss av en mikrodator som lyssnar på en seriell port för att ta emot information som sedan ska skickas vidare. I mikrodatorn tas datapaketen emot och formateras om till Bluetooth-paket som sedan skickas till en Bluetooth enhet som är kopplad till mikrodatorn. På klientsidan tas Bluetooth-paketen emot och tolkas så att det är möjligt att läsa av realtidsdata på t.ex. en bärbar dator någonstans i närheten.

WLAN Security : IEEE 802.11b or Bluetooth - which standard provides best security methods for companies?

Abrahamsson, Charlotte, Wessman, Mattias January 2004 (has links)
Which security holes and security methods do IEEE 802.11b and Bluetooth offer? Which standard provides best security methods for companies? These are two interesting questions that this thesis will be about. The purpose is to give companies more information of the security aspects that come with using WLANs. An introduction to the subject of WLAN is presented in order to give an overview before the description of the two WLAN standards; IEEE 802.11b and Bluetooth. The thesis will give an overview of how IEEE 802.11b and Bluetooth works, a in depth description about the security issues of the two standards will be presented, security methods available for companies, the security flaws and what can be done in order to create a secure WLAN are all important aspects to this thesis. In order to give a guidance of which WLAN standard to choose, a comparison of the two standards with the security issues in mind, from a company's point of view is described. We will present our conclusion which entails a recommendation to companies to use Bluetooth over IEEE 802.11b, since it offers better security methods.

Trådlös styrning av larmsystem : Kandidatuppsats

Green, Jonas, Delén, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Lansen Technology develops and sells alarm systems. The communication between the system devices are wireless. The radio protocol used by the system is developed by Lansen with the purpose to be energy efficient. The alarm systems target groups are individuals, businesses and government agencies. The current system is installed, configured and controlled from a control panel for all audiences. Some operations are also available using a mobile phone via a GSM network. Lansen Technology has a request to move more of the functionality to a mobile device and avoid the cost of using the GSM network used today. The target group for the application is primarily users that want instant access to information within the network. The project has mainly consisted of two parts. The first part of the project was to investigate two different wireless technologies that were relevant to the project. The investigation showed that Bluetooth was the best choice based on the requirements of the alarm system. Bluetooth was then integrated to the existing alarm system. The second part consisted of developing software to operate the alarm system from a PDA running Windows Mobile. An application was developed successfully and it can perform the majority of the functions specified by Lansen. The idea of remote controlling an alarm system from a mobile device has resulted in a successful project. Lansen Technology develops and sells alarm systems. The communication between the system devices are wireless. The radio protocol used by the system is developed by Lansen with the purpose to be energy efficient. The alarm systems target groups are individuals, businesses and government agencies. The current system is installed, configured and controlled from a control panel for all audiences. Some operations are also available using a mobile phone via a GSM network. Lansen Technology has a request to move more of the functionality to a mobile device and avoid the cost of using the GSM network used today. The target group for the application is primarily users that want instant access to information within the network. The project has mainly consisted of two parts. The first part of the project was to investigate two different wireless technologies that were relevant to the project. The investigation showed that Bluetooth was the best choice based on the requirements of the alarm system. Bluetooth was then integrated to the existing alarm system. The second part consisted of developing software to operate the alarm system from a PDA running Windows Mobile. An application was developed successfully and it can perform the majority of the functions specified by Lansen. The idea of remote controlling an alarm system from a mobile device has resulted in a successful project. / Lansen Technology utvecklar och säljer larmsystem. Kommunikationen mellan systemets enheter sker trådlöst. Det trådlösa radioprotokoll som används är utvecklat av Lansen med målet att vara energisnål. Larmsystemets målgrupp är privatpersoner, företag och myndigheter. Nuvarande system installeras, konfigureras och styrs från en manöverpanel. Viss manövrering kan också ske med hjälp av mobiltelefon via GSM-nätet. Önskemål från Lansen Technology finns att flytta funktionalitet till en mobil enhet och att komma ifrån trafikkostnaden på GSM-nätet. Målgruppen för applikationen är i första hand användare som omgående kräver tillgång till information från larmsystemet. Projektet har i huvudsak bestått av två delar. Första delen av projektet bestod av att utreda de två olika trådlösa tekniker som var aktuella för projektet. Utvärderingen visade att Bluetooth var det bästa valet med de krav larmsystemet ställde på uppkopplingen. Bluetooth integrerades därefter i nuvarande larmsystem. Den andra delen bestod av att utveckla en mjukvara  för att kunna manövrera larmsystemet från en handdator med Windows Mobile. Applikationen utvecklades framgångsrikt och kan utföra majoriteten av de funktioner som specificerats inför projektet. Idén med att fjärrstyra larmsystemet från en mobil enhet har resulterat i ett lyckosamt projekt. Lansen Technology utvecklar och säljer larmsystem. Kommunikationen mellan systemets enheter sker trådlöst. Det trådlösa radioprotokoll som används är utvecklat av Lansen med målet att vara energisnål. Larmsystemets målgrupp är privatpersoner, företag och myndigheter. Nuvarande system installeras, konfigureras och styrs från en manöverpanel. Viss manövrering kan också ske med hjälp av mobiltelefon via GSM-nätet. Önskemål från Lansen Technology finns att flytta funktionalitet till en mobil enhet och att komma ifrån trafikkostnaden på GSM-nätet. Målgruppen för applikationen är i första hand användare som omgående kräver tillgång till information från larmsystemet. Projektet har i huvudsak bestått av två delar. Första delen av projektet bestod av att utreda de två olika trådlösa tekniker som var aktuella för projektet. Utvärderingen visade att Bluetooth var det bästa valet med de krav larmsystemet ställde på uppkopplingen. Bluetooth integrerades därefter i nuvarande larmsystem. Den andra delen bestod av att utveckla en mjukvara  för att kunna manövrera larmsystemet från en handdator med Windows Mobile. Applikationen utvecklades framgångsrikt och kan utföra majoriteten av de funktioner som specificerats inför projektet. Idén med att fjärrstyra larmsystemet från en mobil enhet har resulterat i ett lyckosamt projekt.

Hur kan virus, maskar och trojaner i mobila enheter påverka informationssäkerheten i datorbaserade system genom Bluetooth som kommunikationsväg?

Lilja, Adam January 2005 (has links)
Denna rapport undersöker en frågeställning som kom upp efter virusutvecklingen som skedde 2004 med illasinnad kod som spreds mellan mobila enheter via Bluetooth. Rapporten undersöker vilka hot som finns om Smartphones och handdatorer sprider illasinnad kod via Bluetooth till datorbaserade system. Undersökningen som gjordes var en hermeneutisk explorativ undersökning. Sammanlagt gjordes tre intervjuer med experter inom områdena informationssäkerhet, mobila enheter och Bluetooth. Resultatet visade att illasinnad kod i Smartphones och handdatorer som sprids till datorbaserade system skulle kunna utgöra samma hot mot informationssäkerheten som traditionell illasinnad kod, det vill säga virus, maskar och trojaner som sprids mellan datorer. Därmed bör den illasinnade kod som rapporten behandlar betraktas lika allvarligt som traditionell illasinnad kod.

Felsökning av EtherNet/IP med cross-platform applikation

Bärwald, Anton, Aleksic, Jimmie January 2016 (has links)
In the industry there is a need for a more efficient way to troubleshoot machines that uses the protocol EtherNet/IP. The current methods is time consuming and complex. This project gather data from a simulated network and analyze the data. The result of the analyze is presented on a cellphone application with a description and a possible solution. The application is a cross-platform application developed with Cordova. The simulated network is created on a Raspberry Pi 2. The analyze is done on another Raspberry Pi 2 running the software Node-RED. Communication between the simulated network Raspberry and the cellphone is with Bluetooth Low Energy. Communication between cellphone and the server is with MQTT. There are several areas where this kind of application may suit. This project is in one specific area – troubleshooting EtherNet/IP.

Communication link and code conversion between Vehicle and smartphone for low speed semi-autonomous maneuvering

Rahmatdoustbeilankouh, Bahram January 2015 (has links)
Something that has recently gained popularity in the leading car manufacturing companies is the integration of an auto-reverse assistance system to improve the customer experience. The undeniable spread of smartphones and their significant role in human life in recent years, gave rise to the idea of designing an application to be used for reverse driving. As a result, the car company Volvo proposed an idea for this project: to implement an Android based application to facilitate reverse navigation in their trucks. From a technical point of view, the most crucial obstacle that should be addressed is implementing a secure and reliable communication link between the smartphone and the truck's control centre. Hence, the primary goal of this thesis work is to provide a secure channel to transmit data and computing reliability of the com-munication link. Another objective of this project is to define a solution for auto-converting path plan function, currently developed in Matlab, to run on Android devices. In addition, this solution should enable the developer to modify the path plan function in Matlab without having to consider Android programming. The differential method has been proposed for transferring secure data transfer using Bluetooth technol-ogy. This solution not only increases the security of the communication link but also improves transmission time. Another objective has been reached by developing a middleware function using C programming language and Android Native Development Kite (NDK) between An-droid and Matlab. The result of these solutions provides a reliable communication link and runs the developed path plan function in Android phone.

Bluetooth Low Energy and Smartphones for Proximity-Based Automatic Door Locks

Andersson, Tim January 2014 (has links)
Bluetooth Low Energy is becoming increasingly popular in mobile applications due to the possibility of using it for proximity data. Proximity can be estimated by measuring the strength of the Bluetooth signal, and actions can then be performed based on a user's proximity to a certain location or object. One of the most interesting applications of proximity information is automating common tasks; this paper evaluates Bluetooth Low Energy in the context of using smartphones to automatically unlock a door when a user approaches the door. Measurements were performed to determine signal strength reliability, energy consumption and connection latency. The results show that Bluetooth Low Energy is a suitable technology for proximity-based door locks despite the large variance in signal strength.

Diseño e Implementación de una Librería en Java ME para Apoyar el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones para Dispositivos Móviles.

Rivas Rojas, Joaquín Eduardo January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

A Bluetooth based intra-satellite communication system

Hagen, Christoph January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents a wireless communication system for intra-satellite communication based on Bluetooth Low Energy technology, which can have many benefits regarding the design and operation of satellites. The proposed design based on the nRF53832 chip from Nordic Semiconductor is described, followed by the results of several tests regarding the most important design criteria for its application in small satellites. The tested aspects include the power consumption of the wireless module in different operation modes, which is sufficiently low for the application even in small satellites. Signal strength measurements for various output power settings and obstacles show that reliable communication is possible in a satellite mockup. No packet error was detected, and latencies of less than 30 ms combined with achievable data rates between 200 and 700 kbps should be sufficient for most CubeSat satellites. Additionally, details are given to successfully integrate the chip with existing satellite subsystems. A code library is provided to simplify the communication between the modules, and a concept of a redundant system is established to increase the reliability for critical satellite subsystems. The overall assessment of the technology suggests that the presented system is suitable for in-orbit deployment with the Aalto-3 satellite (currently being developed at Aalto University), which will provide further validation of the technology.

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