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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transferring Brand Value : from a traditional channel to a digital platform

Carme, Anna, Benon, Jesper, Pantzar, Marianne January 2008 (has links)
As technology continues to affect the business sector, many companies have been faced with the nesessity of transformation. Adapting to a new, more Internet based society im-plies that companies are venturing into new market channels to get their products or ser-vices out to the consumers. Simultaneously as many companies are digitalizing, they are also launching or planning to launch brand extensions. Combining the two phenomenon’s we get a corporate situation that is vaguely explored, namely how a brand extension be-tween market channels work. Further more, how can value be transferred in this process? The purpose of this thesis is to further investigate the phenomenon described above and to gain more understanding about the new situation. Therefore, the authors have chosen to conduct an empirical investigation exploring how a company can transfer brand value to a new online product or service. This was done in cooperation with the company Eniro that recently have focused their efforts from their traditional printed market channel into a digital brand extension. During the study 15 in-depth interviews with small to medium sized companies were performed, and backed up with complementary communication with managers at Eniro. Four research questions were formulated to serve as a read thread throughout the work. The main aim was to evaluate brand equity of the traditional product to then compare if this brand equity had been transferred to the new online extension. After having performed the in depth interviews with representatives from the various companies, the authors could conclude that the original product of the printed directory with the company/person Gula Sidorna held stronger brand equity than the online exten-sion despite the company’s effort to promote the extension. The authors believe the rea-sons for this could be that during the process of extending the brand, some strategic deci-sions were made that did not enable the parent brand value to be transferred to the new extension. There were however value in the new extension in terms of simplicity and speed. Being able to quickly respond to the new and dynamic market where speed to market can be an important advantage was part of the positive associations for eniro.se. In the discussion regarding the main issue of transferring brand value to a digital platform the authors found that one of the most vital aspects is having clear communication within the organisation, sending out a clear message in marketing activities, not forgetting to emphasize reliability and stability to ensure that people in all ages feel inclined to use the digital product.

Influence of Brand Name on Consumer Decision

Hasan, Tanveer January 2008 (has links)
In the present developing and modern day world, consumerism has dominated all the aspects of life. The life in the society follows the pattern of the capitalist culture where the human values have a different measure, ‘you are known by what you have not by what you are’. This naturally leads to the life in a society where everyone wants to have a unique place in the society, by possessing the things which sets them apart from the rest of people in the society. In present society and living way, the Brands not only represent the symbol of the company or product but to a larger extent define the general life of a person. What the person uses can reflect his taste of life, his status in the society, his economic background and many other things. This makes a deep connection between the company and its brand, with the consumer. In this two way relation both are dependent on each other for various different reasons. In today’s time customers are very deeply connected to the brands. When they purchase any product like a car, mobile, items of daily need, brand name influence the consumer’s choice. Some customers purchase the specific branded things just due to the brand name. Customers believe that brand name is a symbol of quality. I found this interesting and wanted to find out whether brand name influences the consumer choice when they go for purchasing any product. I chose to for the specific product because this is one of the products which got my attention because of many reasons. Initially the car production was dominated by few companies and one or two countries. With the time, the market started to grow and once considered to be luxurious commodity, cars became a need rather than a choice. This increased the demand and with that many more companies entered the arena to have their share of profit and exploit the growing market. This made the companies to put more efforts and money to creating brand awareness of their product. With the Huge sum of money and effort invested by the companies to create the awareness of their brand in the market, many questions arise; does this really affect the purchasing decision of the customer? Does the brand awareness somehow influence the sale of the product? Etc. On the basis of these questions, I formulated my problem as follows: The purpose of this thesis is to create deeper consideration of what influence a brand name can have, when people go for purchasing, choose the products between different brands in automobile industry. Further I want to identify, if there is a connection between brands and the consumer decision making process. I conducted this study based on theories and surveys. I analyzed the result of the survey in order to be able to draw conclusions and find answers to my problem. I came to the conclusion that when consumer purchases a car, brand names influence his choice. Customers choose the well known branded car among other brands which are new or not so known. The study shows that branded cars have a great place in consumer mind, when customers go for purchasing a car, they prefer to purchase a well known branded car. Customers do not want to try new or unknown branded cars because they have no much information about the lesser known brand. Usually, people purchase well known branded cars because they might have heard before about brands or they have some information about them from other sources. This makes customer feel more comfortable during the time of decision making as they are not so confident about the knowledge they have gathered about the other brands. The consumers are very conscious about branded and unbranded cars because they have the view that branded cars are more reliable than unbranded car. This study also explains that customers trust the branded cars’ quality. Before purchasing a car people do not consider the lesser known brand car, as people are very attached to some specific brands. Some people are loyal to specific brands, over time they want to purchase the same branded car because the specific brand has satisfied the customer’s needs and in turn has gained the trust in the brand name. I feel that the purpose of this study has been fulfilled to some extant. The theory describe that brand name has a power, which attracts the customers towards branded products. The reason is that customer gets special connection with specific brands product and become the loyal with brand.

Premium Retail Brands in the Food Retail Industry : A Customer Based Study of ICA Selection

Husberg, Susanne, Ljung, Jessica January 2009 (has links)
This study concerns retail brands in the food retail industry and focuses on premium products. The research is investigating how ICA can best use premium products to increase their profitability. The study is thus based on their brand ICA Selection and investigates three sub purposes concerning the customers’ perception of the products, their purchase behavior and their willingness to pay a price premium.   To investigate, theory concerning brand resources was utilized, involving both brand equity and brand management. To measure brand equity, the authors adapted a customer mind set and utilized Aaker’s framework and the specific industry developments made by Anselmsson, Johansson and Persson. Accordingly, this theory is based on five brand equity attributes: perceived quality, brand associations, loyalty, awareness and uniqueness. These attributes were thereafter developed to explain food premium products. The brand management theory used was Kapferer’s brand management strategies, in order to assess ICA’s strategic advantages and disadvantages.   The research was quantitative and the authors utilized a visit self completion questionnaire, in order to describe and investigate the purpose. The questionnaire was handed out according to a systematic sampling method, to customers at the 4 different concept ICA stores in Umeå.   Based on the findings, the authors concluded that in order to increase the profitability of ICAs food premium products, the following strategies should be considered. First, the customer awareness of ICA Selection must be increased and the customers must be educated about the benefits of the product. Moreover, the premium brand should aim to provide value for money, high intrinsic product quality (i.e. taste, ingredients etc) and an improved store image. These factors will help defend the price premium.  Furthermore, to attract buyers, the brand has to have a high enough brand status and a sufficiently attractive and functional packaging. This research has therefore concluded how to efficiently allocate the resources and obtain an increased customer satisfaction. This may in turn increase the profitability of ICA Selection. However, it is of course important to also take into account the external environment, such as the recession and competition, when deciding on the brand strategy.

Politiker som varumärke : En studie om Personal Branding bland svenska Riksdagens partiledare

Beciragic, Mirza, Severinsson, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Politiska partiers ideologier börjar allt mer likna varandra och placerar sig i mitten av höger- vänsterskalan i kamp om väljarna. Under valperioden läggs mer fokus på partiledarens Personal Branding. Partiledaren behöver sälja sin ogripbara och komplexa produkt för att skapa positiva uppfattningar hos väljarna. Frågeställningar: Hur uppfattar riksdagspartierna den egna partiledares Personal Branding? Hur uppfattar väljarna riksdagspartiernas Personal Branding hos partiledarna?, Vilka likheter och skillnader finns mellan riksdagspartiernas uppfattning jämfört med väljarnas uppfattning på Personal Branding? Syfte: Syfte med studien är att analysera Svenska Riksdagens partiledares Personal Branding. Analysen kommer dels bestå av Riksdagspartiernas uppfattning om den egna partiledaren och väljarnas uppfattning om partiledarnas Personal Branding. Studien kommer även klarlägga skillnader och likheter dem emellan. Metod: Studien utför en metodtriangulering dvs., använder kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. Intervjuer har genomförts med de svenska riksdagspartierna och två enkätundersökningar har genomförts, då författarna gjorde både ett slumpmässigt urval och ett bekvämlighetsurval. Teoriområden: Varumärkesvärde, varumärkesidentitet och Personal Branding Resultat: Studien påvisar att riksdagspartierna vill lyfta fram deras partiledares starkaste egenskaper för att särskilja partiledarna från deras konkurrenter. Studien påvisar tydligt vem av partiledarnas Personal Branding uppfattas positivt eller negativt. Skillnader samt likheter kan tydas mellan riksdagspartiernas uppfattning om partiledarnas Personal Branding kontra väljarnas uppfattningar. Slutsats: Studien ger en nyanserad bild av den problematik som partiet kontra väljarna står för idag. Resultat visar att Personal Branding är ett betydelsefullt verktyg inom politiken både för Riksdagspartierna själva och väljarna. Riksdagspartierna är beroende av partiledarens Personal Branding, då partiledaren måste förvalta rollen på ett positivt sätt, annars skadar det partiets anseende och partiledarens Personal Branding i form av väljarnas negativa uppfattningar och uteblivna röster.

Lojalitetskapande genom distribution : Att skapa lojala kundrelationer på en överetablerad konfektionsmarknad

Sjöstedt, Joel, Agardtson, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
This essay reviews the situation for small actors in the Swedish clothing industry. In this essay we assume that loyalty is a requirement for survival on the competitive clothing market. Four small actors have been analyzed up on theories on loyalty, brand equity, relationship marketing, service marketing, quality, interactive marketing, distribution and value creating activities. The chosen actors are Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair, Boutique Sportif, Jenny Hellström and Ida Sjöstedt. The conclusion of the essay is that it is possible for small actors on the Swedish clothing market to build loyal relationships with their customers. This can be achieved if the right strategic decisions are made. It has been noticed that the Internet seems to make a big difference in the process of communication between companies and their customers. / Denna uppsats har kommit fram till att små företag på den svenska konfektionsmarknaden har goda möjligheter att skapa lojala kundrelationer. Det krävs strategiska beslut för att lyckas. De faktorer som har behandlats är distributionssätt, värdeskapande, kvalitet och varumärkets värde. Analysen konstaterar att de olika undersökningsobjekten värdeskapar på olika sätt. De använder sig av olika distributionsstrategier för att nå ut till sina kunder. Undersökningen visar att ju närmare kunden man värdeskapar och ju mer selektiv man är i sitt val av återförsäljare desto mer lojala kunder vinner man. Undersökningen har visat att hög varumärkeskännedom inte alltid betyder att man har lojala kunder. Den har också visat att egen butik inte är nödvändigt för att skapa trogna och lojala kundrelationer. Den svenska konfektionsmarknaden har hög tillväxt och en kollaps förutspås. Nya företag verkar under svåra förhållanden och måste skapa lojala kundrelationer för att överleva. Stigande priser på importerade kläder gör att endast de stora kedjorna kan hålla låga priser ut till slutkund. Detta påverkar de mindre aktörerna då de inte har samma stordriftsfördelar. Ökade krav från kunderna gör att företagen verkar under hård press och de måste bemöta kundernas allt högre förväntningar. Undersökningen har genomförts med en deduktiv ansats. Studierna är utförda med kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder i form av enkätfrågor och intervjuer. Dessa har genomförts med företagens kunder respektive ledning. Kundundersökning har genomförts med ett sannolikhetsurval. Fyra mindre aktörer som verkar på den svenska konfektionsmarknaden har valts ut och undersökts. Företagen är Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair, Boutique Sportif, Jenny Hellström och Ida Sjöstedt. De teorier som uppsatsen behandlar är; · Mogen marknad · Lojalitet · Värdeskapande · Distribution · Tjänstemarknadsföring · Interaktiv Marknadsföring · Kvalitet · Hävstångeffekten Det perspektiv som uppsatsen har tagit är; · Systemtänkande och Relationsmarknadsföring För att mäta teorier har vi använt oss av; · Brand Equity Undersökning har observerat att Internet är en betydande faktor lojalitetsskapande. Det finns en tydlig koppling mellan de som besökt varumärkenas hemsidor och de som handlat av respektive varumärke.

Varumärkesprofilering : En fallstudie gjord på varumärket Westra Wermlands Sparbank

Andersson, Sofia, Gustavsson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
Westra Wermlands Sparbank är en fristående Sparbank som är verksam i västra Värmland med huvudkontor i Arvika. Bankens affärsidé bygger på att vara lokala, finnas nära till hands för sina kunder och verka för bygden. För att kunna bedriva denna typ av enskild bankverksamhet behövs ändå en omfattande infrastruktur och produktsortiment. Att utveckla egna IT-system och exempelvis fonder är inte tänkbart då detta skulle bli alldeles för dyrt. Genom ett samarbete med storbanken Swedbank löses tidigare nämnda problem, men samarbetet genererar i ett annat problem, nämligen att Swedbank inverkar på Westra Wermlands Sparbanks varumärke och identitet. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att få en djupare förståelse för varumärkeshanteringen hos Westra Wermlands Sparbank och att undersöka de effekter som uppkommer internt och externt vid ett företagssamarbete, som exempelvis det med Swedbank.   För att få förståelse och kunskap inom ämnet har vi fördjupat oss i teorier kring varumärkets funktioner, brand equity, brand identity – brand image samt kommunikation. Denna teori användes växelvis med metoden då ett abduktivt angreppssätt valdes. Studien är uppbyggd på kvalitativ data utifrån en personlig intervju och tre stycken fokusgrupper. Kontentan i uppsatsen är att Westra Wermlands Sparbank huvudsakligen jobbar teoretiskt rätt internt med uppgiften att hantera sitt varumärke. Vi ifrågasätter dock den något knapphändiga hanteringen av feedback från kampanjer och kundrespons. Den uppfattning som konsumenterna har av varumärket skiljer sig markant från person till person, samtidigt finns det en synbar okunskap hos merparten av respondenterna om banken och dess verksamhet. Externa faktorer såsom samarbetet med Swedbank, referensgrupper m.m. har en betydande roll för den generella uppfattningen, men vi kan likväl inte utesluta att banken själv alltid agerar helt korrekt utåt i sin marknadsföring.

Attributen som differentierar varumärken : Ett verktygsskapande

Medelberg, Louise, Lindbom, Cecilia January 2008 (has links)
Konkurrensen blir allt hårdare på den globaliserande marknaden. Fler företag inser därav vikten av att ha ett starkt varumärke. Ett sätt att uppnå detta är att skapa starka associationer kopplade till varumärket. Associationerna kan förmedlas och uppfattas via olika attribut som kan länkas med ett varumärke. Attribut kan exempelvis bestå av egenskaper, attityder och fördelar. Denna uppsats syftar till att utforma ett verktyg för att undersöka och synliggöra vilka positiva attribut som associeras med ett varumärke och därmed bidrar till dess differentiering gentemot andra företag. Detta sker genom att granska tidigare forskning inom området, vilken ger en teoretisk referensram som kompletteras med intryck av den svenska marknaden. De attribut som detta resulterar i reduceras samt bearbetas för att därefter ligga till grund för en enkätundersökning. Undersökningen bidrar till att synliggöra de attribut som anses vara mest önskvärda för ett varumärke att associeras med. De mest önskvärda attributen visade sig vara förknippade med ansvar samt moral och används i det slutgiltiga verktyget som uppsatsen har i syfte att skapa.

“Brand Management in conjunction with Merger and Acquisition in Theory and Practice – Volvo Car Corporation”

Steurenthaler, Jochen January 2009 (has links)
Aim: This study deals with Brand Management after acquisitions. Since this subject is still quite unexplored, a case study backed the theoretical review in order to answer the two research questions. Furthermore, the work educes a model which shows the ascendancies that are involved in the field of Brand Management after acquisitions. It is the aim to reveal the necessity of strong branding for acquired companies and the importance of the continuity of their presenting brand values. I hope this paper adds new knowledge in the Brand Management sector in connection with acquisitions and gives the reader a proper understanding about the issue. Method: The study occupies a theoretical and an empirical study. The theory part presents a selection of theories and models developed by scholars in the field of business administration. While the first research question concerning brand equity after acquisitions is addressed in the theoretical review in chapter 3, the second question regarding brand image is mainly discussed during the empirical part. The data for the latter was primarily obtained by a case study which is a qualitative method and occupies interviews and discussions. Result: Brand Management has become a key issue for companies and is a sensitive subject in the context of Merger and Acquisition. Hence, it is a challenge for the acquirer and the acquired company to manage control and adapt to the new situation. Brand equity as a key asset of Brand Management is the amount of loyalty a customer has towards a brand and it is certainly influenced by such transactions as M&A. In the real-life comparison of the specific case it proved to be successful for the acquirer to maintain the autonomy of the acquired brand and continue the meaning of the brand. In addition, the loyalty of the customers is of great importance to assure a smooth process of the business operations. Suggestions for future research: Due to the current situation and constant changes it would be interesting to repeat the study some time in the future for a final conclusion. Furthermore, since the findings for the empirical part of this study are based on a strong acquired brand, it would be interesting to investigate the case of another company of weaker nature, and maybe of a different branch. The high profile of the target firm and its strong brand values had a remarkable influence on the revelations of this study. Contribution of the thesis: The result of this study helps companies to maintain their brand values during an acquisition. The research adds new knowledge in the brand management sector in connection with acquisitions, and it is useful for companies which are involved in M&A activities.

Final call för SAS : En studie om SAS-krisens påverkan på konsumenters varumärkesuppfattning / SAS checkar in på nytt : En studie om SAS-krisens påverkan på konsumenters varumärkesuppfattning

Wahlgren, Isabel, Evers, Julia January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att fastställa konsumenters uppfattning om SAS varumärkesattribut och utröna vilka av dessa som har påverkats av den ekonomiska kris som företaget genomgick under hösten 2012. Metoden utgjordes av en tvåstegsmodell med fokusgrupp som inledande stadie i studien i syfte att ta reda på vilka attribut konsumenter associerar med SAS, samt en enkätundersökning för att ta reda på huruvida det har skett en förändring i uppfattningen om dessa attribut tillhörande SAS. Teoretisk anknytning har tagit utgångspunkt i Aakers (2002) modell för varumärkeskapital samt teorier om attribut och konsumenters uppfattning. Resultatet visar att ingen stor förändring i uppfattningen har skett kring den övergripande uppfattningen om SAS, dock kunde tendenser till förändring i uppfattning anas om ett antal av SAS varumärkesattribut. I undersökningen framkom att lojala kunder hade en mer positiv uppfattning om SAS efter krisen i jämförelse mot icke-lojala kunder, att SAS EuroBonusklubbmedlemmar hade en mer positiv uppfattning om SAS efter krisen i jämförelse mot icke-medlemmar, samt att yngre respondenter i högre utsträckning upplevde att deras uppfattning om SAS var mer negativ efter SAS senaste kris jämfört mot äldre.

Increasing Brand Equity in Chinese Automobile Market- A case study of Volvo Car Corporation

Cai, Lili, Cao, Yun January 2013 (has links)
The huge market potential of some fast growing markets attract many international organizations’ attention, especially China, as a huge automobile market is one of the most typical examples. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore how Volvo Cars increase brand equity in Chinese automobile market. To answer this question, a literature review about brand equity and marketing strategy is done to create an analytical framework which is the foundation of the empirical observation and research analysis. Furthermore, the study constitutes a valuable source of information of Volvo’s operated marketing strategy, as well as providing practical situation on customer perception on a brand through interviewing Volvo's owners in different countries. The results of analysis and discussion indicated that there are distinctive customer perceptions in China and the appraised the Volvo brand equity is not completely matching the strategic goals. In this case, in order to increase brand equity in China, Volvo should craft and execute the corresponding marketing strategy on brand for the distinctive Chinese customer perceptions. As such, this paper complements previous research through presenting the current situation of Chinese automobile market and comprehending how Volvo as global car brand operating and performing in China from brand equity perspective. In that sense, this paper can contribute and add some useful information in this study field for other further studies.

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