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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivation and Attitudes Toward Learning French in the University's Foreign Language Classroom

Johnson, Brianna 01 August 2012 (has links)
In second language research and pedagogy, motivation has been labeled as a key factor for success (Clément, 1980; Dörnyei, 1998; Tremblay & Gardner, 1995; Deci & Ryan, 1985); namely, language learners with high levels of motivation will be more successful than those who exhibit more negative attitudes towards learning the TL. Through classroom observations, student survey responses and personal interviews conducted in a beginner-level university French class, this study attempted to determine broad motivational patterns using Gardner's (1982) binary integrative and instrumental model, and then determine specific origins for these motivations. Four interviewees were selected: two with high instrumental and integrative orientation, and two with low integrative and instrumental orientation. Research questions aimed to determine initial motivational tendencies of the students and how these changed or remained consistent throughout the semester; additionally, a comparison between what interviewees indicated about their own motivational tendencies and their class performance were analyzed. The findings of this study indicated that integrative motivational tendencies shifted positively over the course of the semester, whereas instrumental motivational tendencies remained consistent. The change in integrative motivation was mainly due to cultural francophone insights brought to the classroom through the instructor and textbook materials. The malleable nature of integrative motivation presupposes that students' investment (Norton-Pierce, 1995) in, or motivation, to learn the TL language culture must grow in order for integrative motivation to do so as well. Implications include how larger university environments can more successfully hone in on individual achievement through teacher awareness of student motivational behaviors in the classroom. Additionally, pedagogical implications will aid educators in better understanding their pupils' motivation for learning foreign languages and recognizing how student behavior can be helpful indicators of waning or waxing motivation in class. Results suggest that teaching culture in the FL classroom can help augment integrative motivation.

Prestasiemotiveringshulp aan kinders met leerprobleme

Alberts, Andrew Moody 04 February 2014 (has links)
D.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Particular prominence has been given worldwide since the 1920's to educational assistance for handicapped pupils. From the 1930's in South Africa attention has been given to the visually, hearing and ,intellectually handicapped by means of specialized teaching, but after the appearance of the Murray Report (1969) specific aid has been given to learning disabled pupils to a greater degree. This assistance has been aimed almost only at the primary school pupil and a good many pupils enter the secondary school with unsolved specific learning problems. Such pupils generally exhibit specific characteristics such as amongst others, a poor self-image, poor interpersonal relations, failure orientation, a high anxiety level and general lack of motivation.. They generally maintain unsound relationships with their parents because such parents often do not understand their child's problems and consequently become disappointed in their apparently normal child's inability to progress scholastically according to his ability. To assist the learning disabled pupil to realise his potential to the best of his ability, a motivation programme has been compiled and used to raise his learning and achievement motivation. This programme is devised with a clear image of the learning disabled pupil in mind and also by applying the essentials of motivation. The motivation programme is devised around the theme: "I am a winner" whereby an attempt is made to raise the self concept to the central variable. are applicable: Additional to this, strategies like the following Realistic setting of goals; A positive attitude to life; The experience and acceptance of success and failure; Correct study methods…

The relationship between self-efficacy, goal-setting and achievement motivation among final year students at a selected university in the Western Cape Province

Davids, Samantha January 2015 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom(IPS) / The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy, goal-setting and achievement motivation among students in their final year at a selected university in the Western Cape Province. The sample consisted of 128 final year students who were asked to complete a questionnaire. The questionnaires comprise a section on the biographical information of the participants as well as sections containing the, Academic Self-Efficacy Scale, Achievement Motivation Scale and a Goal Setting Questionnaire. Informed consent was obtained from the various participants and anonymity of participation and confidentiality were ensured. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. The Statistical analyses techniques employed included Item Analysis, Pearson’s Correlation test, Factor Analysis and a Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of the study indicate there is a statistically significant relationship between selfefficacy and goal-setting (Hypothesis 1), self-efficacy and achievement motivation (Hypothesis 2), achievement motivation and goal-setting among students in their final year of study (Hypothesis 3). Furthermore the results indicated that self-efficacy and goal-setting are significant predictors of achievement motivation (Hypothesis 4). These findings indicate that the stronger an individual’s belief in their perceived self-efficacy, the more likely they are to set challenging goals for themselves which may in turn result in a stronger commitment to attaining those goals. In addition, students who are assured in their ability to achieve success in their studies are most likely to possess the need to achieve excellence. Furthermore, results suggest that students who possess the need to achieve excellence or demonstrate higher levels of achievement motivation have the tendency to set more challenging goals than those with lower levels of achievement motivation. / National Research Foundation

Investigation into the relationship between intrinsic motivation, intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards and work engagement among teachers in South Africa

Wait, Sasha Ann January 2017 (has links)
The primary objective of this mini-dissertation was to investigate whether a relationship exists between rewards, intrinsic motivation, work engagement among school teachers in South Africa. A further aim was to determine if work engagement has a moderating effect on the relationship between rewards and intrinsic motivation. The researcher further investigated whether demographic differences occurred across the three constructs studied. The study made use of quantitative research to achieve the above-mentioned objectives. The researcher made use of Ulrechs Work Engagement Scales (UWES), Intrinsic Work Motivation Scale (IWMS) and the Organisational Rewards Scale (ORS) to measure the mentioned relationships. The ORS was qualitatively piloted on a sample of primary school teachers in a Non-governmental institution. After refinement, a composite questionnaire was electronically completed by 207 teachers within South Africa. Data analysis was conducted in the form of descriptive and inferential statistics, including Cronbach’s alpha testing, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlations, t-tests, analysis of variance and structural equation modelling. The quantitative findings suggested that rewards lead to higher levels of Work Engagement, which in turn causes higher levels of Intrinsic Motivation. Thus, there was full mediation of rewards onto intrinsic rewards through work engagement From a demographics perspective, practically significant differences were discovered between NGO’s and Government High Schools for Rewards. In addition to these results, age differences were discovered across Work Engagement and job level differences were discovered for Intrinsic Motivation, together with significant correlations between the three constructs. These results theoretically contribute to the validation of the newly developed Intrinsic Work Motivation Scale. Furthermore, the results make a valuable contribution to the field of rewards management for teachers in South Africa.

Motivation i läraryrket : En studie i vad som motiverar lågstadielärare och hur nya skolreformer påverkar deras motivation.

Alam, Afsana, Juth, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund - Enligt Statistiska centralbyrån kommer det saknas så mycket som 40 000 lärare inom de närmsta åren och det är endast fem procent av lärarna som anser att yrket är uppskattat av samhället. Med en utgångspunkt i svenska elevers försämrade resultat i internationella kunskapsmätningar och att detta i sin tur ses som ett resultat av den svenska skolans kunskaps- och disciplinproblem. Har man för att lösa dessa problem genomfört ett stort antal skolreformer och man har gjort en stor satsning på lärares professionella utveckling. Om dessa reformer påverkar lärares motivation är dock ett högst relevant men outforskat ämne. Syfte - Syftet med den här studien är att få djupare förståelse i vilka faktorer som motiverar lågstadielärare i sitt dagliga arbete och om dessa faktorer skiljer sig beroende på om de börjat arbeta innan eller efter implementeringen av de nya skolreformerna, samt studera hur skolreformerna, införandet av lärarlegitimation och den nya professionen förstelärare, som trätt i kraft de senaste fem åren har påverkat dem. Metod - Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsansats för att skapa en djupare förståelse över ett redan existerande fenomen. Som forskningsdesign används en komparativ studie tillsammans med semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats - Studien har visat på att det både finns skillnader och likheter mellan vad som motiverar lågstadielärare som har arbetat olika länge inom yrket. Alla som medverkade i den här studien ansåg först och främst att det var eleverna och att se dem lyckas som främst motiverade dem i deras yrke. Det som skilde grupperna åt var att de nya lärarna motiverades mer utav de yttre faktorerna, så som lön, vilket inte var lika viktigt för de gamla lärarnas motivation. Studien har även visat på att de nya skolreformerna inte påverkat lågstadielärare särskilt märkbart. Det råder dock delade meningar huruvida skolreformerna är av positiv eller negativ karaktär för lärarna.

The role of employee motivation and reward structures as drivers of organisational commitment

Kwatsha, Ntombizanele Nangamso January 2021 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom(IPS) / Robbins and Judge (2013, p. 13) define an organisation as a “consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.” Since an organisation’s effectiveness is the result of the level of individual and collective employee performance (i.e. teams and organisational units) and their success in attaining these shared goals, organisations have realised the potential of people as a source of competitive advantage (Pfeffer, 1994). The financial services industry has become fiercely competitive and is largely dependent on the collection of individuals working together to create the services that clients demand and are willing to pay for. South Africa has one of the best-developed financial sectors in the world and competition between the four major banks and insurance providers is fierce (Bhorat, Hirsch, Kanbur & Ncube, 2014). Since companies in the financial sector provide more or less the same services, they depend on their workers to transform scarce resources into valued services that clients demand.

Motivation i matematik : En systematisk litteraturstudie om vad som påverkar elevers motivation i matematik

Gottfridsson, Malin, Johnsson, Tea January 2021 (has links)
Denna systematiska litteraturstudie handlar om elevers motivation inom matematik och syftar till att ta reda på vad som motiverar elever samt om det finns undervisningsmetoder som kan skapa mer motivation än andra. Studien ger en inblick i några motivationsfaktorer som finns i aktuell forskning. Motivation är en nyckelfaktor för framgång i matematik och därför viktigt att belysa och vara medveten om. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar har systematiskt valts ut och analyserades induktivt för att få fram olika teman som ger svar på frågeställningarna. Resultatet visar att elevers motivation påverkas av prestation, utmaningar, inre och yttre motivation samt lärarens engagemang. Fem olika undervisningsmetoder kunde urskiljas som extra motiverande för eleverna: att lära tillsammans, digitala verktyg, att använda sig av berättelser, dagliga rutiner samt rörelse kopplat till matematik.

Elevens motivation i modersmålsämnet

Hadi, Nur January 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Josefsson, Kenneth, Karlsson, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Medarbetarnas motivation under distans- och kontorsarbete

Tesfayohannes, Lidia, Touma, Louis January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Effekten av Covid-19 pandemin har mynnat i restriktiva rekommendationer och åtgärder för både samhällen och företag. För många organisationer har det inneburit att snabbt övergå från kontor till distansarbete. Många medarbetare har därmed behövt anpassa sig genom att ställa om till nya arbetssätt och situationer. Medarbetarnas roll har alltid varit av stor betydelse vad gäller organisationers framgång. Det är därför viktigt att en organisation omfattas av motiverade medarbetare, då motivationen påverkar individens prestation. Övergången till distansarbete har däremot varit problematisk för många organisationer eftersom alla inte motiveras av att arbeta på distans. Det har därmed varit viktigt för många organisationer att arbeta intensivt med att motivera sina medarbetare på distans för att fortsätta prestera på en hög nivå.  Syfte: Studien har som syfte att bidra med kunskap och skapa förståelse kring arbetsmotivation på distans- och kontorsarbete.  Metod: I denna studie har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpats för att besvara studiens syfte och forskningsfråga. Vidare har studien använt sig av triangulering för att hämta data utifrån flera olika undersökningsmetoder. Datainsamlingen omfattas därmed av primär och sekundärdata i form av artiklar, diskussioner på sociala medier samt intervjuer med experter inom arbetsmotivation.  Resultat: Studiens övergripande slutsatser har kommit fram till att den inre motivationen är viktigare än den yttre motivationen för att medarbetare ska känna sig motiverade i sitt arbete. Ledarskapet har även visat sig ha en väsentlig roll i syfte att skapa förutsättningar för arbetsmotivation inom distans och kontorsarbete. Vidare har kommunikation bekräftats vara en viktig faktor för att motivera medarbetare. Studien har däremot kommit fram till att medarbetare motiveras olika på grund av externa faktorer som exempelvis personlighetsdrag och generation. Övriga slutsatser som studien kommit fram till är att målsättning och feedback är viktiga verktyg för att öka motivationen bland medarbetare inom distans och kontorsarbete. / Background: The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have resulted in restrictive recommendations and measures for both communities and companies. For many organizations, this has meant a rapid transition from office to teleworking, therefore many employees have had to adapt their way of working to new situations. The role of employees has always been of great importance in terms of the success of organizations. It is thus important to have employees who are motivated, as it has a tendency to affect the individual's performance. Organizations have therefore needed to work intensively to motivate their employees at a distance in order to continue to perform at a high level. The problem with this has been that all employees get motivated in different ways and are driven by different things, also some employees are more capable of working remotely than others. It has therefore been extremely important but challenging for organizations to lead and motivate their staff in the right way to continue to perform at a high level. Aim: The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge and create an understanding of motivation in telework and office work. Method: In this study, a qualitative content analysis has been applied to answer the study's purpose and research question. Furthermore, the study has used triangulation to retrieve data based on several different survey methods. The data collection is thus covered by primary and secondary data in the form of articles, discussions on social media and interviews with experts in work motivation. Results: The study's overall conclusions shows that the internal motivation is more important than the external motivation for employees to feel motivated in their work. Leadership has also been shown to play a significant role in creating the conditions for work motivation in distance and office work. Furthermore, communication has been confirmed to be an important factor in motivating employees. On the other hand, the study has concluded that employees are motivated differently due to external factors such as personality traits and generation. Other conclusions that the study came to are that goals and feedback are important tools for increasing motivation among employees in distance and office work.

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